HIE DAILY NEWS Friday April 2? 517 FOR RENT You Windows Saves Eggs roorot, bath, sewer, not, fa. BMaaaaaaaftaSsMaaHSMal nKM TOO cm Ave., W. Dr. Price's Crcnm I rooms, bstti, sewer, jto. I to Em Bnkfnp Powder makes it Ugh Hill. possible to produco oppetlzing nnd Sme people think that who!esorriQ I rvomt, bith, sewer, no, lot Wui- grave Flate. distinctive; and charming effects cakes, muffins, corn hrend, etc., with fewer em I room nit. furnished, sewer, bstb, than are usually required. 1011 ltd Ave. In window drapery is t roomt, bath, range, ITI Summit only to beMtbtalncd In Avenge, by considerable many recipes the number of eggs mny bo re-duced 4 roomt,Ttt Thompson Strict. ak expenditure. and excellent results obtained by RaftaftaVBMaV bbbbbbbbbbb! using I rooms, ito lib Avemfe.'F.etL . BMaVBaSSi 4 rooms, titH 7th Acenoe. at an additional quantity of Dr. Price's Baking 4 rooms, lit till Avenue, Writ. ftis Is A Mistake Powder, about a teaspoon, In place of each MeMordie egc 5 room flats, bath, sewer, Apartments: omitted. The following tested recipe is a prac 4 rooms, ttt tin Arc. El Taste Is not a Matter of tical illustration: 4 'roots; furnished, btth. 1 1 4 ttb PONCE CAKE Avenue, EtlL Expanse I see I rooms, near dry dock. DltBCTIONSi RtlM(.,ii4.tM But lies in avoiding clash M c a wf room, corner Oreen and Ttb Ave. t Cgt SeeUon c. and jar fit contrasts 1 . DeaPrke's Bakleg If rur HMM I vacaat Ust It with FrnttM Wt rolkt tl( 111 hick SsiTlUlU Us We Can rill It fee Tea, I tmp Se Is llm II.nr rnli and; H. Q. HELQEMON, LTD We have simple and pretty I tM.pwat hK ttmulrtawhsaelxg tntnl'Jm" llaitltHMiliiUlilM, Aialtri. curtain goods at H e I4 wie ae Swl. tilt HtMlf mtl 4 I Rararlng kak la nwawata yn eae heat. 26 cants the yard The old method ceiled for sis egg end no baking powder and upward, and you can ttaskb W xl Mh iaml la 19 m4 inf trMa laefeetxH matlae ft. A4a make your windows look fit the t St.LawtatM Butevwe, atesUMi. "Tbe Duly News" Scene from "The Wonderful Adventure" appearing Wcst-holmo FRESH AMD ATTRACTIVE Theatre tonight. CLASSIFIED ADS. at a small expense. Skipper Tom Sylvester, of" the D? PRICES Local News Notes Skeena, is In tho city on his We also have spring visit. Old Tom's many WANTED. NOVELTY CURTAINS friends are pleased to see liftn Major J. II. McMullen left for looking so well. BAKING POWDER LADY WIS TED to do dumber work. Cm ready made. the south last night, ro bom nights ir preferred. St. Elmo . Mr. J. C. K. Bealy, of.Smlthe'rs, Hotel. - 0t. Mr. F. P. Itainey, of Detroit, is has returiienl from the south. Mrs, Made from Cream of Tartar, derirecj from grapes. WAITED OlrL Apply Suits IC Besner a visitor to Prince .Rupert. Sealy did hot return at this time. e Apartments. 07. i rbut will remain In the south visit .Made in Canada No Alum H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. FOUMB Mr. F. Martin, of Any ox, is in ing for several weeks yet. the teity for a day or two. FOC.1D Small bunch of keys. Apply Dally Suspense, action, thrills, a big Hew omce. It. Mr. and Mrs. McCaulay were fight, vivid situations make William passengers for the south yester- Far mi m in "The Wonderful AT ROUTS PLUMBING fOUSD-Udr Vanity Bar. Apply Dally PiWsfX Sheet Metal Work news omce. if. Adventure," a n ever memorable photoplay. Weslholme tonight AND MISCELLANEOUS Mr. J. II. PHUbury left for Victoria only. Admission 10 and 25 cents. SHEET METAL WORKS Having been lu the East, I have last night on a business TALBOT HOUSkV-Oood Roome. Every convenience. That's It! They stake soellaa Taste, sjeJley become acquainted Vrith all mod-ern Hot water bath, tl.10 and ft trip. WESTHOLME THEATRE ripee, Baaels ataeke, Oatasey Teee. metbods of outfitting gasolire per week. toe. and tie. a night. tae all the week that la Meetly deee boAU, as Uaed by Let tern shopa. Mr. Ctiirles A. Smith; of Mas. At the Wcstholme Theatre tonight. ta the OLO FASMIONgO TIN SHOT, RADUATE .1URSE (C.M.B.London) Terms sett, is paying Prince Rupert a WITH ALL TttC LATfST DOWN. moderate, apply P. o. Box t4I, or visit. William Farnunf will be to-oats mt oust erccuuxso, sa Gasoline Tanks, Pipe-fitting Phone 4t. seen in a big photoplay entitled a Mvuetrre. .comniccs, ku. and Plumbing, Beautiful dresses. summer "The Wonderful Adventure." terfthlat at the llae fee Stilt, SXlea FARM LANDS Specially reduced, just received at Feed your poultry crushed bone ae Faeteej. Stevee et eg ead and all lines of Sheet This is a big play In every sense 100. with their ration and get more eeted te heller, geeenea la all Goldblpoms. of the word and several of the :: : Metal Work OREOO.1 AJtD CAUrORXIA RAILWAY CO. eggs. ktoSa of SMteetet, Heeairbsg ef ell CRA2IT LA7IDS. Title to same revested scenes are taken from ral life. tiaee. rsjicee rmht, eenviec Mr. Miles Mclnnes, the pur Trornpt Attention and S lined in United States, fey act of Conrrcss For -variety of and both rinsT-ouua. a SATtenio owe. The Prince Albert leaves tonight action, dated June 0. I0IC. Two million. three chasing agent for the Granby Co., Tonal te our sua. Workmanship hundred thousand acres to be opened is in the city on a visit. at tn o'clock for the Is. general and particular Interest, PHONE S40. ... t. O. BOX 47. for homesteads and sale. Timber and lands. this play will be a hard one to Faateey aad OSlce SIX tad Ateaee H. LET0URNEAU agricultural lands, contalntnr some of LAND REGISTRY ACT excell. William Farnum Is himself sad tad Bteeai, alaee la Oew Bey best land left In United States, now Is The Princess Maqulnna Is due a big actor and he is a greet eeveeaaieal Mraarf 621 SIXTH AVENUE tbe Opportune time. Large map bowing- OR. BEMISJ BUtLCHNO. ITwne Ulack XS l'O. Boi US lands by sections and description of (Sections tC and 1X4.) this afternoon from the south at favorite with the people of Prince soil, climate, railfall. elevation, etc Re Application no. 1144-1. nunc 1110. 5 p. in. Rupert. The photoplay tonight postpaid one dollar. Grant Lands Locating TAKE nOTICE that application has been will certainly enhance his already Co.. Boa CIO, Portland. Ortgon. made to register The CorporaUon of the Mr. W. K. Walker, of the Naa great reputation. City of Prince Rupert In the Provtnceof is spending a few days in Valley addition In fee under In to this attraction, BrlUsh Columbia, as oner II CALL FROM two Tax Sale Deeds from tbe Collector of the city, there is a side-splitting comedy, DENTISTRY j Prnce Rupert Dairy the City f Prince Rupert, bearing date tbe which will coax out the health-giving 7th day er December III, of ALL A.1D Archdeacon Collison left for certain laughter from tbe grump. cavoww aiso SMtioeM wnsta WNOESl B1CW SUAOt"lT Artists' Riftes, London, Eng. 8I.1CLLAR that parcel or tract of line souiri'On tne i-nnce ictirno Und and premises situate, lytnir, and being lest feeling eitlten. A eootAa.TT In tbe Municipality pf Ploce Rupert, more last night. DR. J. S. DROWN PURC HOLSTIEN BILK (Cum Marter Minerva). particularly,known aac described as northwesterly , KEEN A LAND DISTHtCT OltTRtCT Of CREAM Seventy (70), feet of Lota Eleven Mrs. Alder was among the passengers coast, gtAisec s. oumer This notice should" interest any (II), and Twelve (It) Block Elrhtecn for the south on last aeteei eatlh aUeeh. Thare Ataaae BUTTERMILK old member of the "Artists" residing (It). SccUon One (I), Map ttt. night's steamer. , TAKE noTICE thai the British Columbia in B. a Would they kindly You are required Ri conUst the claim Canning Company, Untied, of Victoria, B BtaOAJg 1ST r. O. BOX ISt forward their names to Robert Or the tax' purchaser within thirty-live Mr. Geo. A. McNichol, of the O. C, salmon canntra. Intend to apply fat days from the dale of the service of this prrmistioR to lease the following detcrtb Ail Ore era Preaigaly Attsa4i Tt. Barker, box 127, Daily' News, ooUce (which may be effected by personal T. Pn was a passenger for the ed foreshore land Ccounrnclag at a pom krt K. Maaeoa. tX Prince Rupert, B. C, or Douglas service or as directed), and your attention south yesterday, planted on the north bank of tbe f keens W. A. WUlieeaa. l i. LLS R. McKay, Proprietor. Spencer, 17 Craven Street, Strand, It called to'section It of tbe "Land Ref River, ItO feet south from tbe southeast WILLIAMS A MANSON London; object connected with it try Act" with amendments, and to thg Mr. M. M. Knglish, of Mill Bay, corner of Lot It, R. t, Coatl CJitrkl; following- extract therefrom! thrcce south 000 feel; thence westerly rr I ste re, tolloltore, lie. the recently-formed Artists' Rifles w ho is having a new cannery built and n default of a caveat or certificate and northerly parallel to the shore line.-a Regimental Association, and particulars' if Us pendens belnr Bled before tbe rs-titration there, is In the city. distance of .approximately 4 to feet to OailT TO LOAS) will be forwarded to any as-.owner of the person entitled a point too feel south of tbe sooU Bui lilt Harry A. Harvey members making their address under suet i tax sale, aU persons so served Mr. C, II. Flewin, of Port Simp boundsry of the Grand Trunk Pacific railways Hieer Bhei r" Bagert. B, I with notice, and those claiming son, was among the passengers thence westerly and northerly par .Late Leasee, tug-. CMtaielr known. through or- under them, and alt persons alkl to the said rtghl-orway to point ef sjeelt) clausing any Interest In the land by vir for the south last night. due south of the S, W. corner of Lot ttj The twlly m iri,mi l rvr-iu or lansoowne ootteu tue of any unregistered Instrument, and ihenre norm too feel to the point of intersection all' persona claiming any Interest In tbe Bishop Iu Vernet left for the of tbe south boundsry of sals rarrier. SO rents ir month rHlt Taken for aad land by descent whose tlUe Is not registered 'vouth last .night In attend the rlgbt-or-wayi theace southerly and easterly VHIU!. riASO, VIOUSCILLO .under tbe provisions of this Act, New Westminster. along said right-of-way to a ppim II4AW0.1T. Synod at hall be for ever and debarred HHMMei EXAMI.1ATIO.lt estopped where said boundary Hoe atnkes shora - - (run settjng up any claim to or in respect line; ibenee along high water mark to tbe slla rrsgared fee EiaadeelbM -At of the land so sold for taxes, and thej Itlue and black Billie Burke putnl of commrncenwuL J.L.H1CKEY AteeeleteS Beaed, Vaateatse, Ceatte - i Registrar shall restaur'jibe person en-!T serge dresses All sixes. $10.95. A. W. CARTER, Bagel Qlltgs ef Blseie. Lee .E0- Applications will be received at the titled under suen tatiaau as owner or toe ! Special value. At Goldbloom's Acting as agent for tbe B. C Canning 271 I CONTRACTOR A WILDER PHONE BLUE oBiee of tbe District Engineer of Provincial land so sold for taxes." Co, Limited. TERMS liit.llr Wnrka Prlnm Rnnrl B C tnr A.1D WHEREAS apUcatloD has been February lath. It It. Mr. K. II. Fletcher, the pott,office made for Certificate of Indefeasible Title tbe position of District Hoed Superintend' Oftlce cut. and also for that, of. omce. clerk and to tbe aborementloned lands. In the name Inspector,1 was a passenger LAND ACT ; Stop and Fixtures,, draftsman. Applications should be ad of Tbe CorporaUon of the City of Prince for Vancouver oh last night's : Snthf Door and Moldings. dressed to tbe District'Enrlneer, Provincial Rupert t ejeamer. ;' 3KEE.14 LA.fD DISTRICT DISTRICT OP Oak and Hard vUdV6f all PHONE 03 P, O. BOX 3e AAD WHEREAS on mvestlgsUng the title Public Works. Prince Rupert, B. C II U HASOL Sttr COAST, FIVE. also requested tnat a personal application It appears that prior to tbe fourteenth day kinds. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. be made If possible. of September, It It, (the date on which Mr. L. C. Knauss, of Doreen, Is Take notice thai we, O..M MUlerd Packing (Signed) A. L. CAIIRITTHERS the said .laitde were sold for overdue visitor to the city. Mr. Knauss Company, Limited, er Vancouver, oc-rupatloa Wo Specialise In Mard- t District Engineer. taxes), you were a mortgagee thereof, jias extensive mining interests in rannerymen, Ini-nd to apply for wood Boat Ribs, Sash, FURTHER TAKE HOTICE that at lhe permistloa to lease liw following date Transfer and Storage tame time I imil effect regulation in lhe upper country. rl bed landst Doors, eto. TIMSHER SALE X 13. pursuance of such application and Issue . Commencing at a post planted si the Plate and Sheet Olase and BEST LUMP A NUT COAL a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the Mrs". Gebharl's dressmaking touthesii corner or Lot II 7j thence south Sealed tenders will be received by tbe said lands In the name or tbe above corporation parlors have been moved from the t chains to low water tnarki thence north-westerly Oltulng. Minister or Lands not later into noon on unless you take and prosecute tt chains following low waier Sth Ste. NO LONQ WAITS Corner Praeer and tbe tm day of June, 1017, for tbe purchase the proper proceedings to establish your Clapp Building to Ilelgerson Hlk. mark) thence north t chains to tbe Orand WEIOHTS of Licence XOII. to cut 7,415,00(1 claim, ir any, to tbe said lands, or to Phone Blue 502. 08. Trunk I'aciflc rlgbi-of-wtys in nee south NO SKOliT feet of Hemlock. Cedar and Spruce, and prevent auch proposed action on my part. easterly tt chains following said right- PHONE ONSEN MS When Yoo Order frif" I,too lineal feel of plltnr. on an area ad Dated at ttie Land Registry omce, Prioce Constable F.mmott, of Massett. of-way to the place of beriming and con-laming p. e. BOX 44. Joinlnr Lot 105, Juskatla inlet, Oraham Rupert, B. C. this talk day of December, II acres. Island. Queen Charlotte Island MttrtcL A. D. ItlC. went south on last night's steam. OOtSE MILLERD PACalSa COMPANY eeeeee' Three (t) years will be allowed for re- II. r. MACLEOD, fer. He had In his charge a man LIMITED. i4 Btoval of timber. s : District Registrar or Titles. from the Islands who was men April tnd, HIT, J, Fred Ritchie, agent Further particuiars of tbe Chief forest To Frederic Scbattner, Eaq er, Victoria, 8. C, or District rortster, care C L freeman, C P. U. Bldg. tally unbalanced. Prince Rupert, B. C Edmonton.,Alberta. A HOT BATH THE Tim train frnm thn east did not STEEN& LONG nlgtit, WILL YOU WANT IT arrive last being reported .MINUTE twenty-four hours late. There accustomed to have been slides to the east 8ANITANV AND HEATING Ymi are away instantly. La Casse Domestic Bread getting cold water of Prince George, ENGINEERS Think of the Ml-Ufactloit , of gettlur "f1 Just another smashing big Agents for Do not just order "a loaf to Uio 8'" wft)r la. of bread" Make It a point get William Farnum bit of virile Water In McCLARY PUWNACES oi La Casse Domestic 16 oz. Bread power and dramatic intensity, 351 ahundance,how much lias regardlets been uei "The Wonderful Adventure,' six RLUMBINQ Get the most for your money Get full food value best acts, Westholme tonight only, nd before. LIKE MA0I0 Materia! rl'urtet Ingredients, Bread is tho world's cheap, Admission Id and 25 cents, HOT WATER SHEET METAL cut food Kat plenty of lt- And see that it Is WORKS The rebuilding of old Contra lhone 5, 831 Becond Avenue, Harry Hanson LA CASSE'S BOMESTK) BRCAD, 18 OZ. LOAF Street Is about completed, It is Night phonee 570 Tm ISS Hot Water Service lr',, a straight and narrow way, and and convenient-PHONE Ulue 270 this Set La Casse Bread from your Grocer or Telephone 190. you TMC LAML FROTEGTS YOU a wayfaring man, though fool, The right work, at the right 4SS P.O. BOX 395 need not err therein. A Grand time, and at the right price. weeeeeeeeeeie4 Trunk Pacific Highway, in fact. eee' it it n