TIIH DAILY NF.W8 Saturday ,p V'CSTMCLME THEATRE The Daily News fME UAiIN2 NEWSeWfLK I.N NOUHnRN BRtn.th ftn.UMHlA vi the W. si holme Thmlre U - In time f "f photoplay o pbiuhi DJ m witf miiiit. Ihe tn- need "Her Father's Rm." Guaranteed LargVst Circulation ' l he shawn is The story 1 southern one and livery woman 8nouiu know tlic comfort and CXDCrl. of a very inieresimg nature. : HEAD mku;k is Tin roitlsrurtmn f the piny is Imiij- . Iiiilliimit, MM Ave. I'f ! Itm-rrt. Il.u. Telrphiitie t good. nl Vivian Martin L,.7,,"vssN,anUOT nausea iMXihAj iii'i,..y ..irnri?i.iu.Ati i-.u n:fi. very prove to he an exponent of the such limes. is so safe, so suf?anTsrJSy role, or very man sinuuing, ' Then there 1. (he Lllllptillnns K imrlshlp." in which Mr. Ocncral MA!LY3Kntfi0N ' - Snlufilayr April 2. 1017- 'Tom Thumb and (Jounl Mnrrl nre 'em to great advantage. There t other comedy also, and all DRYDOCK8 ' than I'sqijfmilf,-which is one r.iiuul. the programme for tonight lli ccnlly t li n , Information natural advantage, which would splendid. Durin commend Hseir to the trat-iu P???1.' nmin ' Hornen havs found it,,., cainn In hand Hint the lion mo -itoSstm' n,4 if k.-i... ... naval mind. UllnV Ihi XW'S" suae -,. 1 ivffBnd Hohort HoKcr. Minister of Itrd Dundoiialih t- li al "tie Public Work In the Dominion lime .was military adviser in Houe, liml Inkeil up lln que.. the Dominion, several years (Ion of building Admiralty dry- ago in a do a report ivx.irdi.in m Stindsvs at 7:30 p. in. will not fail you docks al Ksquirnnlt, n wi'll nx Prince Rupert's harbor. as n naval base, and he emiM ftmi at Halifax, The matter bar faille. Ifavo yon regislercl Worth Cntnea a Box i no other placo on this const LW.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED hiiwil eolf We .8.IIUm,UOI..,EaaUU. npporcnlly been taken up by which offered as many ndvan- 1 too. ct k COAL NOTICES M4m him with fSir Kdward Caron, (ages 'for this, purpose. He,1 the First Lord of the Admiral- too, was1 an expert in naval IsiItNA LAND ntCOROINa DISTRICT I ty, and with Mr. Honar Law, matters, while the expertness woiilil hardly have the hardihood STRICT or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS the Chancellor n f the Kx of the Hon. "Hob" lies in another to fare either his constituents or ikr ocrtiee thai WMtlam Puoo, of Vu- chequer. direction altogether. the rgislature. . i. ru. D. .. aerupaiHm acruunlam. ..u.a..- "Canada," Mr. Ilogers is re In fact, the harbor of Prince i apply for permliikMt te prwpect fot ported to have aid, "is entitled Rupert bears n great resemblance The (Icrmans are tenaciously , ai aad petruleata on Ihe el roati Spring Schedule to thl consideration, not to that ct (he latest defending every foit of ground tirabam Itland. In vldnliy of Wttl river against the Itritish i .eMumeinc al poal pianleo w mile I only owing to the part she has naval base al Rosyth on the iiffensive, via ut the soajtbcatl rorser ut i- I 3. 3. PRINCE QEOROE played in the present' vvnr, but Firth of Forth in its physical which was renewed yesterday f:I . thraee Dortn 9 chain. Ibenee eall THURSDAY 12 Midnight f,or Vsncouvtr because of the effort vt the Do features, with the advantages north and south of Ihe Scarpe o rhauii tbenc kotitb 10 chain, thenct Victoria and Sosttla. river. Obviously (he retention of ni so rbain lo poinl of cunmieneemrnL minion Oovernmenl to encour all in favor of Prince Rupert. the WILLIAM OIXOX WEDNESDAY MIDNIQHT FOR ANYOX ng shipbuilding in Canada." Such considerations ns these positjon defending the Marrb SI. 1917. Auttla Brown, a rent 8. 3. PRINCE JOHN The principle of having ad of course, could hardly be ex- French coal field.1 regarded as fee KeUhllae, Wr..ll. Jeeeae Sl.f. Asell tsth, Mr t I9U vital to the whole Herman front LAND d SOtk, fee Vaneeevte Aaell ESed, Mar 7th 1t. ' miralty drydocks built in Can. pi-etwl to be taken into account t((NA RCCORDINa DISTRICT ada is all right, but the application by the present (merriment of in northern France and Belgium. ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS S. 3. PRINCC ALBERT re Qeaee Oeeletl l.taMa Aell llllt and nth, Mai tib That would account for the vlo- ZU4. of that principle at Esquimau the Dominion in their reeom take aw.tie tbat Turner IWUiwell MeUen.1 fee Vaeeee Aeell IOOi end St), M M.f 14U a9 19 Ih. lenco of yesterday counter at would be nil A wrong. mendallons to the British Ad .4 V leluru, tt. c. occopauon Uaercbaat, la PAS8ENOER TRAIN SERVICE tacks. comparison of Ksquimalt and miralty, judging by the man lend apply for pennituua to prwptct I We4a4r ad Salerear at 11iSOa.ni. fee Snrilter. Prla . tt-wteelew, I'rince Hupert and the suitability ner in which the present Prince Par ruai and pelrleam on tbe will cuatt I Sadaleew iM VVMtalaf, Mklef eeaeeellee lkt fee alt ael'U Call the t oraham Itlwul. la vicinity of Wel river Mat aed aeeth. Ml.td trail tef Te4f .1 4 a. m. of each place for the Rupert facilities have been Pony Express for wood UMnmetKiut at a put I planted one nut I All Ocaan Agency Lines. location of an Admiralty Na ignored. It is up to the people cut in stove lengths or 4 feet Milk f tbe toutheatl corner of C Steamship tion shows everything to be in of Prince Rupert to see that If. Heit household coal and general 91 ti tbenee weal 99 cbaln. tbence nurul Fr inf'-rmali.in and reaervations apply t favor of this northern city. and when the establishment of ebaiea, tbence rail 99 cbauu, thruce! City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 2C0 transfer. Piano. moving o u i tvutk 90 enain lo point of cuawoenceoirBl To begin with, as harbors. a naval base is considered upon TlK-NtK ( Hi WELL MtLLE.V Prince Rupert is possessed of (he Pacific coast, that It comes specialty. Prices moderate. Phonr Marth SI. 1917. Autlla Bron. tfrOI. a harbor affording secure anchorage to the place which is most .101. II. V. Rogers. tt to the largest vessels suitable for It. That place Is tfCINA LAND RSCORDINO DISTRICT I I ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS now afloat, or everyone likely Prince Rupert. COAL NOTICES to be launched, over its whole Take 4aullc tbat Atnea Brum a, of Vic CANADIAN length of fourteen miles. The NOTES AND COMMENTS SKEENA LAND RECOROINO DISTRICT ort. B. I... occupaUon wldew, Ulend la I PACIFIC RAILWAY whole Orand fleet could be ac STRICT or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ippiy for permuaian to prwpecl for coal - and fxtmleian on wttt ciit of Oraham I Lowest Hates all Eastern Pointe comodated easily. Cdmpara- The elevator of another part o Take nolle tbat June Mclaltr. of "und' ln"y of Wet nver Esquimau is small ' via Steamer to Vancouver and the tively a rr Canada are said to be burst- Prtnee Rtspert. occpaUia mercbanL in- uteuuencins at put punted l laiH place. Besides this. Prince ing with wheat." Tho great com lend to apclr for PennitMon lu rroicecl w earner ta a. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Rupert's harbor Is completely bines" must be waiting for the for cue! and peuw4eum en tbe wet coatl ar0 rhain. tbence Meel end tUrlK Included en Sieerte ut Oraham Hod In the vldnlly of Weal cbalnf tbence eul S cbaln, landlocked, with splendid fa- lifting of the duty on grain seek-cililies Princess Msqulnna for Qranby A Alice Arm Friday 11 p.m. for defence. This can- Ing entrance to the United States, Lummeoetns at a pol planted one mile aocemeBL not be said about Esquimau. When that is accomplished, we mmiU) t.; aeuibeau eerner of C. L 99T: ' Aasta brow.'. Princess Msqulnna for tho south Sunday 8 p. m, Then take the question of Canadian wheal will ibert .uia so cbaln tbence rati so ,,,n Amiin Broaa. tfenL suppose tbence' Princess Sophia for Alaskan ports Thursday, April 2Cih. cnalnt. ibence burtb So chain, supplies for the fleet. EsquL "lose,Us Identity." become merg et i-baln to pvlul of commencement . "" LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT I mall is situated on an island, ed with the inferior grades nro- JAMES Mr IL'LTV iklnivT or quits vharlottk islands i All material stores and sup-educed across the line, and the March si. 1917. Auttin Brown. arenL i J I. PETERS, Genernl Asent plies of every kind coming.from rprice of flour will take another rikt notice that Ednard rtckard. of Co net fourth Street ee Titter! Avenue. Prince Rupett. B.C. SKEENA LAND Rccosoiso DISTRICT .coa Antetea, ftccupatica rntineer, inleitd! the East would, require to be "bound skyward. There appears ISTRICT or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS W apply for riuitloo u proapecl for handled and transhipped at fa be no hope for the unfortunate itl end petroleum on tbe wet cwat ot I Vancouver, which is costly, jtonsumer short of the day when Take tx.tice thai Wnb UowaL of Prtnee vrtbam Itland. In vicinity of Wi river while at Prince Rupert, being peace shall bo proclaimed Ruperl, IT- C. occupatksi proapector. to- ; -"or ai a pui puntee one bum thev ... tend n HDlr for Pcrmluton to bratDecl w wwuxui wwr w x. a, terminus of a transcon-j for cal and petrvleom on tbe wet coaat chain, tbence north tinental railroad, these goods! Mr. Itowser has been telling his I of orabam Itland, In vicinity of Wtl chain, thence eail 90 cbaina, Ibence 2,000,0001 would be run right into the constituents in Vancouver that Hver- Mulb 90 chalna to pulot of cbmmenceoieaL Admiralty yard, and would only the session of the Legislature Is Commendnr from a pot planted one EDWARD MCkARD, nit or tbe aoutbwett of March II, 117. Auiun Brown. afenL -uth corner C L. require to be handled once in- proving a source of great Joy to Belgians . (beuce aouUt SO chain, tbence el . stead of twice. film. Well, there Is no account. rliaina. tbence north SO cbaina. ibence SKEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT I Then again, there is the geo- ing for dispositions. A mere or eel 9U rfialn Ui poinl of commencement. ISTRICT Or QUEEN. CHARLOTTE ISLANDS I Depend on us graphical positions of Jhe two ilinary man in the position of (he JOSEPH ROWAT. Mar- a si, ISIT. ABUlo Brown. aienL Take nuIKe Ibal Jam Kir. of Victoria. ports to be considered. Prince-Jeader of the Opposition, with the Bread! I B. C. occvpaliua hotel Droorletof. intend for Rupert is a day and a half revelations in connection with the SKEENA LAND RECOftOINd DISTRICT w t,p, fr perttUUMI to proipeCI fori steaming nearer the Orjent P. O. E. inquiry confronting him. ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS rval and petroleum Va tbe weal coul Of I tfraham Ulaod. In vicinity of Weal river Takr sutc) Unt John William Go, of. U-aunencinr al pvt planted al the I Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians MINERAL ACT MINERAL ACT Virtiru, B. C. eeeuptUon tneretunL In- ouUel corner of C L 94. Utrncel " have depended for food entirely the Commit lion tend u tvU for pennUtion lo profprct weal 90 chain, thenre aoutb 99 cbaina.I on for ral and pelrvleuxe on the wet coatl Ibence cl 90 chain, tbence Our lb 90 1 for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, SOTICE TO DEUtQlEAT PART.IEn Certificate of Improvements i uranam luno( in vicinity or wet river, rnaiua ut poiui or cotuuenceotenL C W. Calnoun: if would last only To .snnieorltis at i pol planted Ino mile JAMES RAY, even not destroyed or pillaged, NOTICE- - j eauaeti Take to notice,be done vberea uifi!Tttii 1 lute work done on sod tb ouUt of the aoulbea! corner of C. L. March 11. I9IT. AutUn Bruvn. (senL three weeksthey have had no chance to tsis; Tote 9917; too re well 90 cbaln. ibence south Cant Mineral CLlin eltuate In tbc Mldnlrbl fraetioo mineral rl.lm. tltualed o chain. Ibence eatt 90 chain, ibence SKEENA LAND RECORDINa district and the ruthless Cermans refuse to supply them I -n U Hnce rler. about fourteen mllea Ik.au Mlnlnr Dlvisluti of Caa.lar Dl.trict. norm so cnam u pmni oi commcneciiMni. isTRICT or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Where located. Mear 'bead of Alice frwn the bead of Alice Arm. In It Skeeue Backed by Om mlnlnr divlalon r Skeena . . Ann. B. C dlilrlet, aea- u.-h .a. i.i.tiH nMMH TAkE NOTICE tbat 1. J. Tred Ritchie. ork for 1914, lilt, and I9I, and . . Free Miner" Certlflcate So. Jltl C. acting ba paid for Mid work and record in A i t I n w i ..I...... i at aceni ,ror W. A. Wllltuna, Free Miner " lt un 1197.10. t'olei you pay ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS 7. ' .7 llZ L, Belgian Relief fund Cartineau So. toil c. Intend, ality dji um of II0M9. for roar thare trim tbe dale nereof, to apply to the r the Mid aetmenl ork, tot tbr wUb bt Oraham I land, in vicinity of Vl rtvar. Take notice that Ilotljn Duke, of Mlalnt Recorder for a Certificate f im-' ' ' advertiMrmenl, I ahall. at porl- tVornmrncinf at pott planted two mile I and tbe United prerernenu. for the purpOM of obtalntat etplrsUoa t ninety 9 dt from land. Ore., ocevpation hotel proprietor, In- ur h Muibr.i eom, ..r r I to geonoutly ceotribulcdi in iKe Btituh Enpiie Crown Grant of the above claim. j e lUte hereof applr ta toe mlnlnr ra- tend to. .ppiy for permMMon to prpert t97, ihrnce eail S9 chain, ibence aouUi State. tHe netibal Belgian Hthtl Cominuiion ha knpotlwl Aad further take notice tbat action, un-'wrder at Prince Hupert. B. C to hae u, H lu, m cvavi U chain, Ibence wel 90 chain. Ibence enough .heU fiour and otKet food to feed uSe rhote nation 4r section ft nrnil be commenced before Intereau In tbe Mldnlibl Friction if Graham UlanJ. la tbe vicinity of Weal . tbtiut to p,, u tomlft,OMI11nt an Iai. Tie great nupxity ol the 7.000.000 Delgiaat left in rk Utuince of aucli Certlflcate of lm- i mtnl claim veiled In me. In purauance the hate been able lo lot their dally ekwanteol of the provlilona of tbe mineral act. l pwnicu.ooe.miie ureh j. 1917. Autim im., country pay prevementa. ...II I h ,k av..tua.. - a I have leil, Sated tma 17 in day of March. A. D Dated at I'rince Hupert, B. C, tbla 1 1 lb eaVI; thpnrm BUiiitti ttA halna IvcadLut s atcadiy tiewini numbet oo money 117. J dar of April, 117. Jy It i. fPED RITCHIE. ArtoL II. C. PIIILUPI. chain, tbence north so chain. Ibence 7-. . Unlet we are wiawf lo Irt iheae- hundred of thouaandi of rati 90 rbain In rxtiut of ..vnnKwuiiiunn rMiunmMnMi led the women, thJJten and old a.en naive, ihey tnut he at LAND LEASE NOTICE LAND ACT March l, 1917. AOSLTN Aualln Brown,DUKE.areuL I Tlk P""" tb iohn Booth, of Loa ripen ol ihe Belgian RM Fund. To male ihii poaaWe SKfENA LAND OI9TSIIOT DISTRICT Of Auyek-a, occupation contractor. Inieivla to aorneone mul contribute eeaily t).000.000 naonuj etery TAKE .IpTICE tUI I. William ianiei QUEEN CHARLOTTE' ISLANDS SKEENA LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT tW " IWIBlmos lo propeCI for Coal trocitli all liii wialeil Mattbewi. -kctlnr aa a rem for tbe Antlo. ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS V V, . . . co,u w or Srtllin Columbia Paeklnc Company, Limit. TAKE NOTICE tbtt I, Oeorte McRae, of iwu uu. iu fimiij nr wut river.- No people undet lh M5d Rag ate aa wefl able le coeiribute 4. 'rertiured omee to Vancouver, 8. C. Sklderate, B. C occupation engineer. In. Take notice that Oliver Brown, of Vlv CMMiurutlnt SI a ptitl planted Iwo toilet genetouly at we Canadunel No cau ha e beea more f Arrandale. occupation etore keepeer. In-lead lend to apply for permUHon to leaM tbe torll, B. C. occupation machinl.L Intend. ..A diuig ol help I In Ihe name ej Juatke and HwnanatyI lo apply for permliaion to leaM the rollowinr deicrlbed landii . Ut apply for irmi.k to proepeel for Il'li.lJ"1 so '"V"''aa ,h7-." 'l lh Ve e4 out own aeV-tr pet 14 ut site aJ we caa te followlnr deacrlbed landa-. CumiuenclDV at poal planted al tbc oal an.1 petroleum -n the e.l e.. of ILt T'.Z ZV. Commenclni at a poil driven 'on lb 5.W.'corner of Lot 4. Allford By, Sklderate Orariam l.tand in vicinity of Wel river. of rommeneemenL help out martyted Allietl Mil nor or Portland Canal about a mil loltt, tlience eal to JOIl.t BOOTH, l1 chain, tbence viuuitncmr at tUnte4 te a po ln mile. n iai $4 M UtripU4 rSlr. mMt e M M kaaf e and a half nortb f Iorfib Hay, from rvtrih chain, tbence 90 chain In an aoutb of lle aoutbra.t corner of C. L. Aunin Bronn, arent, I IVenxuJ CaxaiHen. e. le lk taenre north twenty chain j tbence eail tatterly direction followlnr tbe tnore line, Jill llutnce urutb 90 chain, thenre wtil Hsmtrsjal ten chain) thence aoutb twenty tbin thence two cbalnt t point of commence. SO chain, imnce nurili so chain, tiwnre SUBSCRIBE Central ExtcutJft Commillte. 5f St. NUr U Uienre wet ten cbaln. menL ronuinlnt II acre, mor or lea, Mt 99 rliain to point of r.ituteiK-rtnenl. FOR Month. rebruary llth. 1917, Ml GEOKOE MCHAE, Applicant OLIVIH BltOWl -2.50 Fccda A Belgian Family A WILLIAM JAMES MATTHEWS, App'icant Dated January I lib. 117, Atl March SI, 1917 Aunin Brown, atrut The Daily News EMPRESS COFFEE WH6CCSALE DISTRIBUTOR DAUAOM pfllMOe RUPERT. a