1UK DAILY NKWB Saturday. April tn, 1017 FOR RENT "PUMP S" Local News Notes I room, btth, stwtr, ranee. No. 70 lib At., W. The ,Malasplna,, Is In port. I room, btth, Httr, No. ttO Eot- iirb hul I room, btth, stwer, No. lot Mm Mr. Harney Quinu wont out on trait Plate. the train today, I room Btl, furnished, iwtr, bttu, 1011 Ird At. Mr. E. Cummins, of Kndako, has 4 room, bath, ranr. STI Summit' arrhed in Prince Iiupert. Avenue. J i rooms. Til Thompson ItrreL 4 room, 110 IU Arenas, EasL Mr. J. (J. K. Scaly, of 8mllher, 4 room. IIIH Ttt AMHM, East. left for home this morning. 4 room. Ill life ATrnu, WrL I room tut, bath, iewer, McMorili The Ilcv. W. S. A. Lartcr has Apartment. back again from Smilhera. got 4 room, 101 Sin Are., E. In Indies' shoe styles 4 room, furnished, btth, 114 Itb Arrnue, EL "Pumps" are very strongly Mr. 1'. K. Orchard, of Suiilliors. room. near drjdock. favored this season. came In on the train this morning. 7 room, corner' Oreen and 7th At. We have tht Newest Lasta Section 4. Long and Medium Vampa If Veur Mev la Tteant Llt It with Ut W Can rill It for Yee. And our stock Is very complete. Setting eggs. Ilarred Hocks and H. G. HELGER80N, LTD Wo show pumps in II hod o Island Ileds. Harry Atkins, Patent Leather, Kid, Oun Uutcher. a j leese eaf Hrntt rerafr ril far Metal, White Buok, Canvaa. The train from the Kast arrived I (Mfrr eef X'(r-ir A'a raSMf- cif'' Prices range from this morning, having been held PJ A HI arWef'af. ifrsol- it i.'eale 4a( S3 to SS.50 the pair up by slides. "Tke Daily News and we fit buckles, when desired, free of charge. Superintendent Klrkpatrick, of the U. T. I left for Smilhera CLASSif e ADS. If you are thinking of this morning. buying a new Floor Hug we Mr, Olof Hanson, accoiitpanied little LUX into hot Stir it about. it can show you a nice range in a witter. Instantly dissolves, giving DROP WANTED. TAPESTRIES, this by a morning.party, left for Lake Kathlyn creamy lather. Drop in the garments and move them about. When CIIAMBERM UP WASTED SAVOT HOTEL. AXMINISTERS t clean, rinse in 2 or 3 relays of fresh warm water press put the water and drys OONGOLEUMS Mr. TonrL)eascy, of Masrett, WAITED Good capable (trL 110 per "KREX" month. Apply Mr. C II. Orroe. fboue and returned home on the Prince Albert Whst happens ? .Vour anythin4 that clean water 414. U last uight. ' . clothes arc exquisitely may touth. WANTED Potltlon bf mad and wire, both H. S. WALLACE LTD. Mr. 'p. clean and NHW. Nolh-ing Shirtn'aUts, silk swett COOES. Nuff ald. Ask P. W. Ander-on. CO., Alex. Smith, of the ft. matted or shrunken. ers dainty vvnoUr, Prince RuperL t Importing Co, went out on thu Colors Mrsmintf and unladed. LUX anythii j vva'liuli.'c, t ra train this morning. Why? Bccsuic LADY WANTED to do chamber work. Can crepe do cliii.e, Un p LUX -silken little, flskes to homo nlrbt If preferred. St. Elmo sliadck to hahy'tr errji$e Mr. and Mrs. Crosby and HoteL 10. family of sonr is pure essence cover is Ivrsuiifo ly r J LAND ACT of Seattle, came off the train from ol and cannot harm soap eatily washed with I I WANTED Olrt, Apply Suit 14 Beiner SkEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF the Kast this morning. . Apartment. 7. COAST. RANOk riVE. FOUND Take notice that we, Otwt MUlerd Pack- Illue and black Dillie Burke Kcmcmhcr LUX fo'shrin! wool "1 LUX told by all flood grocers. Hrmth Inr Company,rannerymen.Limited,Intend of Vancouver,to apply occupation for serge dresses All sizes. 1 10.95. en, it trill clean them. J. 7w medeby Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. 'USD Small bunch of key. Apply Dally permission to lease Un followinr de Special value. At floldblootn's. New Office, tf. scribed lands i Comroenelnr at a pott planted at the Mrs. P. II. Llniey left on this Ir'f WILL Ni5T INJUI'F FOUND Lady's Vanity Bar. Apply Dally southeast corner or Lot llTt thence aonth ' morning's train for Giscom, II. C, New office. tf. I chains to low water mark; thence noth westerly II chains foUowinr low water where Mr. Linzey is now located. mark; thence north chains to the Grand FOR SALE fl CALL FROM Trunk PaelOe rtrbl-of-way; thence south Crown granted ranch. 160 acres. AT ROWERS PLUMBING DENTISTRY easterly It chain followinr said rltht- Offered for less than assessed roR Apply SALE room Raymond S. Albert Block.Sewtna- Machine.101. ofay talninr to II Jhe acres.place, of beainnlnr and con valuation for taxes. City Weigh Artists' Rifles, London, Eng. AND cKMrs ANO ItiDM woji MISCELLANEOUS OOSSE MILLERD PACK1SO COMPANY Scales. i SHEET METAL WORKS ft SrlOfALTT 114 April tnd.LIMITED,1117. J. rred Ritchie. arenL L. L. DeVoin, of Smilhers, re (Cum Marte Minerva, . I Ter ete Oeeellae Teeaa, UIIf nn. j. s. oncwri TALBOT HOUSE Good Rooms. Ererycon-veaieoce. turned home this morning, after' This notice should Interest any n. Seieae Buala, 0Nnar Tare, OINTIST Hot wtter bath. II.10 and II LAND REGISTRY ACT t4 all I M ,eek Utt le eeeallr 4ea per 'week. 10c. and Jic a nlrbt. spending several days In Prince old member of the "Artists" re- i M IH OLO rASNIOMIO TIN BNOT, sattts ftakiia BHta, T aa Dupert. siding in II. & Would they kindly WITH ALL TNI LATBST SOWS. RADL'ATE NCRSE (CM.B.London) Term (Section it and lit.) . forward their names to Ilobert rO-OATC WORK STBClALtlCD, cH moderate, apply P. O. Box 041, or Re Application No. 1 1 H i. ruinr 1110. Phone 41. TAKE NOTICE that application has been Mr. William Keith, a returned Marker, box 127, Dally .News,' aa trtaiS ST LIGHTS," IM list COttNICIS,fee SIIIL II. made to retister The CerporaUoa of the soldier, arrived back again in Prince Rupert, II. C, or Douglas' e raetaef. But wt ee FARM LANDS city f Prince Rupert In the Province of Prince flupert on the steamer last Spencer, 17 Craven Street, Strand, t4 to eeSer. Reeftaf le all British Columbia, as ownr in fee under night. He is on leave pending London; object connected with 1 tIM ef iMlleJ. ReeelrUft ef ell RXOOX AND CALIFORNIA RAILWAT CO. two Tat Sal Deeds from the Luuectorof Prince tleea. miCtS RMMT, BKRVICC Rupert Dairy 41RANT LANDS- Title to tame melted the City of Prince Rupert, beartnr date the discharge. the recently.fornred Artists' P-iflea riwrr-class, a SATianto cue as United Bute by act of Conrre Jlh day of December lilt, of ALL AND . Kegimental Association, ami particulars TONIR IS OUR aiBL UNOCS) NtW SUftAfttNUT dated June t, tilt. Two million, three SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of . Mr. Smith and Mr. Corneille, of will be forwarded to any rNONK 240. r. O. BOX 447. hundred tbousand acre to be evened und and premise situate, lytnt, and bent Kitoumkaluin Valley, returned to iiieinbcr making their address rettery and OMt B22 24 Ateee PURE HOLSTIEN RIU far home trad and .sale. Timber and in the Municipality of Prince Rupert, more their ranches this morning. They tad 2a4 Bueet, aieee le Oew Bar a itI cultural lands, eonutnlnr me of particularly known and described as North known. a4 Stitftntal Wfcerf CREAM bed land left In I'nlled Slate. Now 1 Westerly Seventy (70), rest or Lots Eleven have been spending the winter DR. BBJaaiN BUILOISSO. tbt opportune time. Larre map show (III, ana Twelve (in bkkk urniecn here. BUTTERMILK to land by tection and detertpUon of ill). Section One (l). Map Oil. ell. eHmate, raflfalL elevation, etc You are required to contest the claim Mr. W. O. Fulton left for Minneapolis NONK S7 f. O. B01 SW rim auutsj svstcsl Postpaid one doHjr. Grant Lands Lo or the tit purchaser within thirty-live eatmr Co.. Boi (10, Portland. Orecoa. days rrom the date or the service of this on this morning's train, SJI Oder STeaeUr attMt Ta notice (which may be effected by personal accompanied by his little son. The ciacurr no. i. Mi M. NaMoe..vr.a.I.a.Williams. .. L I. service or as directed), and your attention little fellow Is to undergo an op. Bee 11 Itb St. and Ird Ate. R. McKay, ProprliUr. is called to arc lion 3t of the "Land Rtf eration there. Bos IS la St. tod ird Am., WILLIAMS A BUMSOH Isiry Act" with amendment, and to the 14 Itb SC and Ird At. Barrlstar. Solicitor. Etc. followinr eatract tberefrun Boi Ik Jnortsoa of 1st, tnd and -and In default or caveat or certificate MrsM). II. McDonald and Mrs. Ird ATft. omit to Loan That's It! tf ll pendent belnr Bled before the ret' Yickers wish to thank all the Uor 1ft 1st A txtwreo IUi and Boa llll ' titration at owner of the person entitled donors who contributed to the ttb SU. ttooa Hotel). HrM) Slfoa sntM-t KaorL M. C Harry A. Harvey under such tat sale, all person so served success of the lied Cross sale Bea 17 Isl Are. tad 7lb SL (Ceo. yesterday ' lib notice. .... and those claiminr tral Hotel). (Late Leadee. Katt Ootastlr throurb or under them, and all persons under their charge. ef aval) claiminr any Interest In the. Und by vir oacurr no. a. The lally is .i' uil rura or utasoowNt cottill tue of any unrerittered Instrument, and Pojalyte Fsae na Itussky Chy v ea 12 Ird At ao4 Ird SL (Post rstrrlrr. i'l -lll rr l.nlf. rwtrllt Ttkrti for aU prraona claiminr any Interest In the Killasa conditemky segodnie. This Office). noui, riAso. vioujiciuo tJ land by descent whose UU Is not I fil is a Itescripl from the late Czar Bat 2 Ird At. taJ McBrtd SL iithMoir. tered under the provisions of this Act, I ea t4 lit Ate. aad Mtsnde SL calling attention to the tuslan M AN IS AI 10.11 shall 1 for ever estopped and debarred ; ea as tad Are. and tnd SL from setllur up any claim to or In respect Tea in Killas' rooms this after Bet 2ft tnd Ate, and Stb SL rWlt rraparad far Btaailaallaat CMtf uf the land so told ror taiea. and the ' J.L.HICKEY Aaaetleted eard, Veateeitr, noon In aid of the school patriotic Bee 27 O. T. P, Leaf. " Ocrutrar shall retister the person entitled Reytl Celltea ef Untie, AppMcattooa will be received at the under such tat sale as owner of the fund. CIRCUIT NO. 8. BUILBER PHONE BLUE 27$ CONTRACTOR A TERMS - 'so taxes," Und told for Be of the of Provincial Engineer Hv Dlttriy Bea 21 Are. and ration SL AND WHEREAS tpllctuoa .bat been IJeautiful summer dresses. Prince Public Works, Rupert. B. C. for Bet 82 Biln and Tajlor St. Road made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title Specially reduced, Just received at Odice lb position of District Superintend-tat. Bea Bft-iJiK At. aa miton BL Store and Fixtures, and alto ror that of otnee clerk and la the abovementloned lands. In the name Ooldbloom'a,, 100. ea aSMSlfe At, aod Cotnot'ATe. of The. Corporation or the City of Prince Saii, Hour and Moldings. should be ad-treated draftsman.. Application Bea 27 Itb Are. and Dodo place O. BOX 3 0J to the District Entlneer, Provincial Rupert: Bet SS-rb Ae. and Tboinptoo SL Oak and Hard Woods of all PHONE P. public Works, Prince Rupert, B, C. It Is AND WHEREAS on tttvetllraUnr the title alto requested that a personal application II appear that prior to the fourteenth day CIRCUIT NO. 4. kinds. Sheet Metal Work be made If possible, ,f September, till, (the date on which Bet 41 ttb At, and Emmeraou We Speclallie In Hardwood (Sicned) A. L. CARRUTHERS the taid lanat were sold ror nveraue 10 District Entlneer, taxes), you were a mortraree thereof, Place. Boat Ribs, Sash, IT'RTHEH TAKE NOTICE that at Ue Having been In the Ett. I hare Bet 42 lib Ae. and MrBrtde SL Transfer and Storage Doors, eto. tame time f shall effect reaittraUon In become acquainted with all mod. Bet 41 Itb Are, and Orren SL TIMBER SALE XSiS. pursuance or such application and Usee method of Bea 44 ttb Ate. and Basil SL Plate and Sheet Glaaa and BEST LUMP A NUT COAL ern jiutflUlng gasoline a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the Bet 4sv Tib At, and run. Sealed tender will be received by the said land In the name of the above cor. boat, as uaed by Eattern shop. Bea 141 Itb At, and Youni SL Glaring. Minuter or Ltndt not later than noon on porttlon unless you take and prosecute Corner Fraser and Cth Bta. NO LONG WAITS the 0th day of June. 1017. ror the purchase, the. proper proceeding to establish your Gasoline Tanks, Pipe-fitting MO SHORT WEIGHTS of Licence X0II, to cut 7,411,000 claim, ir any, to the tald lands, or to Us. tucb action on part. and Plumbing, PHONE GREEN MS When You Order from fett cf lirmtock. Cedar and Spruce, and prevent proposed my 1,100 lineal feet of plllnr. on an ana ad Dated ai the Land neristry omee, prince . P. O. BOX 448. and all lines or Sheet leinlnr Lot 1401, Juskatla Inlet. Orabam Rupert. B. C. this 10th d of December, Island. Queen Charlotte Island DlttrlcL A. D. 1010. : Metal Work : :: STEEN & L0NGW1LL Three (I) yeart will be allowed for re- II. T, MACLEOD, aaortl of timber. District Registrar of Title. Prompt Attention and Skilled further particular of the Chief Porett. To rrederle Sebattner, Esq, Workmanthlp SANITARY AND HEATING er, Victoria, B. C, or District roretter, care & L. Freeman, C P- ft. Bldr. rnnee iiupert, d. u. Edmonton, Alberta. H. LETOURNEAU ENGINEERS A HOT BATH THE iVIINUTE YOU WANT IT G2t SIXTH AVENUE Agenta for Phone Ulack 325 P.O. Box 118 occustomeJ to NtcCLARY FURNACES Vou are La Casse Domestic Bread Buttluif culd water PLUMBING atfliilly. Think of the and Isfaction of gelling Do not Just order "a loaf of bread" Make it o point to get SHEET METAL WORKS Water In the same way 0 W La Casse Domestic 16 oz. Bread Stuart J. Martin Phone B, 834 Second Avenue. abundance,how much has retTordle been uieu Night phones &7o before, (let the most for your money Get full food value best AMAVErl and Illue 270 MOT WATER LIKE MA0I0 Materials Purest IngredJenU. Hread is the world's cheapest The right work, at the right food Kat plenty of it- And see that it is HAZELTON B. C. time, and at the right prloe. Harry Hanson LA GAME'S D&MCSTI6 BREAD, 18 OZ. LOAP brlngi Hot Water Service The oldest established Assay v..ii thi convenlrnc. Get La Casse Bread from your Grocer or Telephone 10. SUB4CRIBC FOR BOX 395 THE LAB4U. PftOTKOTS YOU Offloo In the Morth. PHONE 4S P.O. ,...... weeeeeeeeeeeeee4 The Daily News ieeeeeeeeee,JJJ,,,'J'"M""ff A.