The Daily News voU vi. PRINCK RUPKRT. 11. C., SATURDAY. MAY 5, 1017. prick fivk r.Birn GAINS' 01 WESTERN FRONT FIERCE FIGHTING CONTINUES UNCEASINGLY - THE FRENCH CAPTURE CRAONNE BRITISH AND MARINE COURT HEARS THE RUSSIANS PRINCE RUPERT CASE FRENCH ARE AND GERMANS Capl. J. I), Macpherson. wreck commissioner for llrilinh dlum. PROGRESSING FRATERNISE bla, presided at the marine m- quiry held al th,e postofflee, Vic mmm toria, into the branding of IhtO. Difficult Fighting In Fltrc and Have Not Fired a Mot on AuotrtM Progress Alona Whole Line IT. P. steamer I'rince Hupert, at Huns Make Strong Oenn Island, on the morning of 2 Workman Bewail FuH Resistance. March 33rd, while bpund from In Prince Rupert to Victoria, Cap- iPMiti ia Th miir .vsj tain Clarke and Huckram sitting EH jr.i (ftpteui la TtM tuttr riwt.) London, May 5r Another day las assessor. fPetrograd, May 5 A virtual Tht- takinK of evidence began at f fierce and difficult lighting It. armistice extends along almost Iflvtn in I nwtrfiiticr an.I lnla.l a progress. Al many points the naW ahoul t oVlock ,n lhe afler. bbmbbbbbimbbbbIbbt- bmmmmmbhsIIHmhVmib: the entire Russian front. Not a BriUh have succeeded splendid- IJ()on, when the hearing was de- shot has been fired on the Austro-Russian SIONING THE CHEQUE FOR ?2CO,C00,000. The I niled states Government's first war loan to o spile of fresh fierrnan regl- dared closed. The notes will be front for more than a Great Ilrilain This was the first iifflr al action uder Washington seven billion war finance efsls being thrown to oppose transcribed, and after due con. measure. Left to right are, LordCunlUTe governor t the Hank of Ingland, wbo came over with Mr. month. There has been no real ' Jrl'n ,f he mailer, dcci-, a tta and an Intense artillery Ore. llalfour; Sir Cecil Spring Ilice, British Ambassador who signed the receipt for the loan on behalf warlike activity on the German-Russian , . Hon will be handed down In the , , of Ilrilain; Secretary of the Treasury W. O, McAdoc, SI. Hardmai Levr and Sfr Richard Crawford. sector. In many places fej for the Ilrilish are at tbe Capt Duncan MckVnzie. of lhe the Russian and German soldiers of Cherisy and al I tulle-esrt MmmM SOCIALISTS IN ANOTHER COMMISSION ,jtge NEW SHIPS ARE TO SS. Prince ilupert, was the first fraternize and meet unarmed in At Fontaine Lea Crois- THE UNITED STATES TO UNITED STATES . witness called, and he was fol-' No Man's Land. So general has l n.iii.L ......1 it STANDARDISED "" """"" lowed, by Hoderick McKemie. chief BE become this habit and so subdued (SpreUi to Tbs Dtlly 5t- (Jpwlil to Tbe Dallr ?ews.) 'officer, who was In charge of the the fighting spirit that General Washington, May 5 The fer- vessel at the lime of the mishap, OlUwa. May 1,-Mr. n P. Hut-1 Gourka, on the Minsk front issued (rsffi to the south of the village, man hociansts in UlU country, pajjon sent by London to advise anj omer omcers ana memoera .., ,, , . . -hori v.viri ...n r. uhn hnrl ,t... . .u a formal statement warning his s4 the terrific barrage of heavy ... iiu aiiciiift iu s c(ia. ..i. Willi iiic o rriuiiciik uu 1110 iuu I forces to beware of a German hfli lire. At Lans. .No ne'w Uures w a".!! ts .h;,. Sfito X J' ChargeKf U,eiiUCl f Mfe- ruse. He contended that the Ger lhe facts already known, namely. nT man friendliness was part of a The town of Ins is three-f;jrUi that at the lime of the accident, ful u;; n of wooden hip. in rit- plan lo obtain Information of the encircleU by today's fierce in the darkness and during a galej" lhe,r jsh Columbia, arrived in Otlawa,'8FtN WJY JOIN THE ALLIES real Russian conditions. ffUia? which marks the resump-tci and heavy fall of snow, the vessel n for Consultation with the Imperial; An Open Ruptitro. of the ilrilish offensive. The QESJERAI. HEWS ITEMS tl a .- t... u.. .. i t..-. vi t T.- Vl.n..l. feared be the! An is was driven off her course In open rupture Br&ta grip of the coal city now narrow' channel through which I 'of the work for the Iiritish au. Prieto, Spain's new Premier, in tween the Provisional Government (SprrUI to Tbe DsllJ M UuU (r jin Ihii to around Achie- she was passing. From the evi-' - lfk-ifi tinil nhn nlll lat Ihnrnn. nn inl vrvf v nil h thn Marlriil rnp and the workmen. The latter, to -lt iienchy and Fresnoy. drnce adduced this seems to bej Hertin denies that the Chilean. Mr. Ilulchart had a long respondent of The Petit JournaL gether with the soldiers, demand HUsh Offlolal. the only eiplanafion otffred by' j r i inference vith the membeds or declares that Spain cannot adopt the Government to take them into H naJe progress laL night lb .witnesses, wWfcJhc ugges-J Alexander bord pd M f'v hen is hoi?or and Jn lhriCwfl(H&e.eAJ?&e tnty,iqi stfftwf f- 1L tmentlo and tiori was bn.ugbt out thai a light Zaimos lw r.rlS " connection with the organtza-Terests are involved. Incidentally the situation Is increasing hourly. aaUkeail of llardicourt. caplur-br nfoir slenal established at White i ' tlon. 11 is understood that he will the I'remier intimated tnat bis Their representatives declared MuIakofT Farm. We arc rnnr.... i. f rni.1rabl. sl " . . . . , isit Washington and consult with administration was prepared to that they would not approve of r sUiniiu; our hold on Fresnoy sislance to navigation- - - In these iiprni.ini iiiriuiiir put sub- the s shipping board which has support the vigorous note sent any loans until they were informed w jther captured oinls to the dangerous waters. marines al the rate of three a been appointed by the American to Germany by Count Itomanones, fully of the complete war aimr t of Arras. We were forced week. lovernment for a similar pur-,-ose. his predecessor, in respect to tne 6f the Entente and all details of lack of advanced positions ueajj Jews are being slaughtered by submarine issue. Premier Prieto the Czar TO PARLIAMENT ON The two boards are working compacts entered into by Cheriy and on the Arras.Catnbrai FALSE PRETENCES the Turks in Palestine. in harmony and are planning is quoted as saying: and his ministers. t road, taken yesterday, Brazil's final plunge into the Neutrality is not a programme Premier Milukoff made a dram French Front. Victoria. May I. -That J. 8.1 nunltlrnin nf war mav be taken common types or vessels, similar and the country cannot adopt atic speech, which has had a In Champagne we made progress Cowper. Junior member for Van-comer, soon. ;wage scales for the Pacific coast. neutrality as an ideal and object sobering effect. lie said that the and look some prisoners on should either resign his , tc. at the expense of its honor and Government will never consent to tie left bank of the Meuse. Fur-er seal in the legislature or Join the The biggest problem which has inleresl. Those who favor neutrality a separate peace, and that the progress has leen made to was the declaration7 of HAZELTON MININQ NOTES to be faced Is thai of securfrig at any price do not under- name of Russia cannot be stricken opposition, tte iiurtbeatt of llheims. The falakl I tl k I Ihsv rvlnrta ! n u rrV A the list of the Dr. J. II. King, minister of public satisfactory labor. To undertake from Allies. fmbat is featured by the violence works. In the course of his debate The Silver Standard Mine Ts the work oh the scale, which -is ways at the. mercy of anyone who f the cannonading. The little on the budget The sixth menWshfpping regularly. Several men proposed will require at least from wishes to attack us. WE3THOUK THEATRE Iwn of Craonne has been "Who would have captured ber for Vancouver, he said. ;were laieiy tain on ai inis none. iour w ue mousinu uicu, a ire any con and with It over one thou. "came Into this house on false on account or tne Trail bmeiier nunmer oi mem sineo, ana inese ation for a nation which was dis At the Weslholme Theatre to Q(I Oermans were made prisoner.. nrtn. a Liberal, and as aJbeing unable to take the class are difficult to secure. The na- posed to swallow any affront. The night there will be shown the man among men should either re-'of ore being: mined. The manage- tional service board will likely be Government which preceded us picture play of Tolstoy's great So BeHIn Saya. take his seal with the op-'ment. however, nave securea omer asueti 10 assist in locating laoor. sent a note. We know that it character "Anna Karanina." The sign or The IlrltUh yesterday ucceel-4 iMisitlon. 'markets for their output and as The problem of financing has reached its destination, but the book in which this wonderful ta taking Fresnoy and n small "Thls'ls not a time when a man.soon as the additions to the pow- been solved through the loan of answer will not be received for character appears has been dram Wion of our foremost trenches In the meanwhile few of like sail under false colors. o er piani are compieieu. a large , jiu.uuu.uvo wnicn is nraiineu w some days. no atised and plays a nature Jr Hullecourl. Over a thousand ran one has a right to ask anything have ever proved so popular. has a right to put his per- number or miners will be put 10 auvance 10 me munitions ooaru Uh prisoners have been taken. man.1 ini-r..! almvit the Welfare Mork. It is reported that the veins 'and Ilrilish Columbia has all the whatsoever, Our policy will be With Betty Nansen, the famed lUIIUI and -people. I lav IIia- !tf1fwift funnel material required, the finest in dictatedJty the event. But what tragedienne, in the title role, this stale of the THE POLICE COURT What brought the remark from are showing up splendidly. the world. ever roffiidence we may have in photoplay actually 'outdoes any. was Hie statement of the correctness of our judgment. thing yel seen upon, the screen. the minister U the police court this inorn-g the leader of the opposition wbo J The ew llnielmn Oold A 3EEDIKQ IS STARTED we believe we must not lake a In writing of Anna Karanina, before Magistrate Carss, Peter said the Liberal parly was not bait Company's tunnel is now in ON THE PRAIRIE decision. The problem in all its Tolstoi himself said: "It is my and Martin Johnson, flsher-". united, Mr. Ilowser basing hi ,over Cn feet. The vein has been , rets will be laid before Parlia masterpiece. I can never equal were each sentenced to sli ftatement the efforts of J. followed for the entire distance. Jtcglna. t?ak.. May 4With a ment in secret session if neces it, A I saw Anna and her cruel njontlj, imprisonment for sup-P'Ting and upon his lieutenant. Dr. and at present is reported, to be continuance of the present fine sary, together with the solution crucifixion upon the cross of man S Cowper liquor to three Indian wo-One J. W. Mcintosh, to mase ugni oi,noinu up siruu a w hh- weather seeding will be general proposed by the Oovernmenl made law, I wrote at white heat. of the women will be honest efforts or Premier anie veniuaiing lan was receuuy throughout Saskatchewan this Parliament, In full possession of Whatever Anna Karanina may be, "portisl. Ihe Hrewster and the civil service bill Installed al the mine, this having week the facts, will decide. If its de she at least is true. She is real.' Tw. other Indians were accused well the personal animosity been found necessary in order to Seeding began In many parts of cision is contrary to the views of A type of woman who must suffer wing drunk, and the case was as nf Cowner as toward the attorney-'Increase the scope of operations. the province in the past few days. the Government the usual politi-i everlastingly for her nature; for Noumea till the afternoon. general. "The Liberal pany is land acrordlnjf to reports received cal consequences will follow.' which, after all, she is not to A decision will be handed down united," said Dr. King, "and Is CAPT. BARNEY JOHNSON by the. Provincial Department of blame." on Monday In the case of N. M. solidly behind Its leader, though LIKES SUBMARINE JOB 1 Agriculture In a number of placs WHALING SEASON The handling of the del lea te "Lean. It was true men had slid into the Uhe land Is dry enough to ewable GETS GOOD START subject of the book is done with house on the coat-tails of eminent The many friends of Capt. U. L. lhe farmers to harrow prepare consummate skill In the making members." Johnson, formerly master of the lory to seeding. According to' reports received up of the picture story, and.the WESTHOLMtt O. T. P. steamer Prince Hupert.' Owing lo the general lateness from the Victoria Whaling Com photoplay, like the book itself. J. THE RED CROSS SALE later a Vancouver, pilot, and now'of the sowing season, it is be-la pany's lleet, now at sea off Vancouver a masterpiece. Of IS A HOUSK submarine officer in lhe lloyal Jieved that there will bo a con- Island, the" whaling sea At the sale of home cooking,Navy, will be pleased to learn that'slderable decrease in the amount son has made a good beginning. Pie. Goodwin, a returned sol i, i in Him Cross tent ye ler-i ha Is all right and "carrying on.' of laud .sown to wheat. This Many whales have been sighted dier, arrived on the C. P. It, PARftKioUIIT TRAVEL day In aid of the lied Cross Sci-;!le conveys this elaborate infor- probably will be offset by a "mark-and soma have already been steamer last evening. He will return Sarlet No. ft. clety the sum of 1137.15 was.mntlon In a letter lo a brother ed Increase In the area sown tojbrought in, i although the first to his ranch on the Skeena. yunl St. Augustlim, realized. The sale was under tlio pilot In Victorln, both oats and Has. Owing to thejeatche are sually not until May where he was very successful be Fishing. Oucer InhabU charge of Miss Kenny and Mrs. ;higlr prise of seed wheat. many! Up lo n few days ago six fore the war. j lants of Pelican Isloud. Allan Davis. The Rev. W. F. Rushbrook has farmers are seeding flax whales had been taken to Chtyo- r FeaiUPF ni,, arrived In Prince Rupert, and will quot, three of them being sperms. KTTV NANtEN There were fe arrivals of ofRcfale in the St. Andrew's KpU. THE REVOLT IN GERMANY Five whales were taken by the LONDON CAT! fishing boats in the harbor today. copal Church on Sunday in the 'ships of Hay City station, accord. WOWAN'S TEMPTATION' The Tide came in yesterday nfter-noon absence- of the Rev, Canon Rii, (Sperltl to TIM Daily fltw,) Ing to a report from Aberdeen, . A Wonderful Photoplay. with 7.00' lbs. halibut and wIki Is In Victoria attending the London, May 5. Dutch papers Wash, All the whaling plant ThIN Avsau the Carl F. nrrlved Ibis morning Synod meetings. say there has been serious revolt ore now in operation. Prompt Ssetloa of the Boot -a s. C0"DV with 3,000 pounds. In HerUn- there Is to oM aA H hour. ! WovU Marmald" The favorite household Coal Is Anisterdani, May 5 Reports of Just arrived 100 tons Washed l.l(Mi 10 sue 1 MU. Mr. l. II. llackus. of Copper Larfvsmllh Wellington. Phone 15, big rlols (lilllerliu are uncon-ilrmed. Nut Coal Albert A MeOaTsry BjGXBS fgrj lahjhi City. relurnVd home this mornlng.jPrlnca Rupert Coal Co tf. Phone IIS. V!