J M THE DAILY NKW8 Baliirdav May ,ii 'f a smeller nearby awn, buMncss The Daily News in Prince tttiprrt 'ould be very l tbe near ro-ture. THE lillfWi NEWSfAtK IN MORTH&RN MITIAH Oil UMHIA much Increased PuHlwliMf Daily ! Wl.lr tmWHITtT.tKgIlaB These development ore ' Guaranteed Largest Circulation coming here not because, of, but in spite of the war. which naturally llliAll "KUCh retards development nil over. lull Af-wn nmldinrr. 3rd Ave, Pr ni-f lluiTt, IMi, IVIlllllMI- lilt Which shows lb faith hard beaded from the mil. I'MAMIKN I HIJLA AllVFHTMlMs-- Ml wn. tnh business men hae In tho future, of this Mde - r'li Kl)lM'Mtln ., ,' place. iiaii.y kditio:i Saturilar.lay 5, tU 17. WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE i mler the auspices of the Scan OF IMPERIAL INTEREST I buildiiiK industries. There has dinavian Fociety, K. of. 1 Hall, Itcfrarding tho appropriation1 been already assembled in connection May 171b. Game commences v of 110,000,000, which has hecn with the Orand Trunk p, m. An engine, donated by placed at tho disposal of tho -Pnnlflrt' ......tlnllunv n iii-itrnlllpr.nl,. i Akcrberg. Thomson A Co., will bo Munitions lloard In Canada, for' plant in which the finest mod-' raffled for the lied Cross, 1 fresh the building of ships, there Is ern machinery has been placed,! King Salmon? etc., for the benefit n very interesting article under Cheap power can bo furnished j af the HuriaM'lot Fund of the the abovf heading published by the municipally-owned, elec-. Lodge Westholmo, Orchestra. Ile-fieshmonls in the Victoria newspaper. trlcal plant, abundance o f KE .WC I LLETT CollTlS and programme. The Week," In a recent Issue.; water flows through tho city's TORONTO,l CANADA fWWTWCAt BW M Tit kcts 50 cents. WRIGLEYS This article Is peculiar, Inas-j mains nnd huge steel tanks much as It Is the first one of; filled with fuel oil, gasoline The Daily News dnliveced hi the kind that hns como to our and ilistillalo am ready at any carrier, 50 cents per month. attention, coming from Southern moment to supply ships of any the Allies on the western ffont. Ilritlsh Columbia, recently. capacity In addition thereto, It Is still (lowing, although not COAL NOTICES "The Week" is to be congratulated. the floating dock, which at n Now THREE Flavours It boosts for Prince few hours notice, can be limited so .noticeably a it was last week. SI.UNA LAND RtOOROINO DISTRICT Hupert. I or extended, is at any stage of Little by little, the French and ISTRICT Of QUKIN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS "The shipbuilding program! the thk ready to receive the British are "nibbling" a little bit of the province appears to be, largest ship afloat, or the here and a little bit there. While Take notice that William Dlioa, of Vie Get a package of the new "Juicy Fruit enlarging fr dm month to' smallest craft that might seek ,... n , iuwttnUAn arrauntant. lolrD.ll "Mr.! the news from the battle front !. ,'rr,r for permiasiua to prospecs See what month," says The Week. its shelter for repair purpose. a joyous, lasting has not been big for tho last two coal and petroleum cm the west coesl Ilukhart, the managing director, If the people of the province days, still- It is satisfactory, wlrnl ut? ? ''f,?'"!"!?' flavour has been crowded works but olive the of the largo cement on j ore to opportunities Commencinr Pl there df is it. and Captain Troup, of the hour, an in Industrial jAuiti t.f im southeast corner of C L Tod Inlet, era in to give BIG of the Canadian Pacific Hail-, development s7l; thence, north so chains, thenee east you a great, appears With wheat at three dollars at 10 chains, thence south SO chain, thence have been summoned ready to dawn, an The 5 cent of refreshment! way, era, Winnipeg, it looks near to west SO chains lo point or conwnencrnml package East by Mr. Flavelle, head of Veek hopes and believes, In very WILLIAM DUO. the time when tho visible supply the Munitions Department, in which Labor and Capital will March II. 117. Austin Brown, sreaL IV1a rrtvf Sl- MADS IN CANADA of foodstuffs will be commandeered order to consult upon the Irn- find profitable employment." Sealed Tight- by the Government, With MIENA LAND RBOORDINO) DISTRICT perial question of building These facts ore stated very CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Kept Right! the continuence of the war until ! ISTRICT Of QUEEN ships for commerce. Ten million conservatively by "The Week." next which, while nobody dollars has been placed at There are many other circumstances, year, i Take noure thai Tamer Itoibwttl Mullen, hopes for, still, is yet possible. the disposal of the Munitions also, that mark Prince of Victoria, a. C. occupation m return, In something of the kind will be tend lo apply for permission to prvepect Hoard, the greater part of Rupert as a suitable centre for necessary. fur cual and petroleum oa lb west coesl which Is to be spent in British shipbuilding. For tho building of Orabain Island. In vicinity of West river Columbia. Nothing can be of wooden vessels, the ship With n new sawmill, a new cold CuoMnenCttir at post planted on Suit more significant to the future shed, which has stood idle storage plant, and the prospects svulh of the aoataeasl comer of C L i7l, thence west to chains, tbeoce DorU prosperity and welfare of the since the building of the pontoons so cuius, thence east SO chains, thence province. There is no reason for the floating dock, is COAL NOTICES south (0 chains to point of commencement whatever why this great necessity wailing to be used. It was designed TL'RAth RUTIIWCLL ML'LU-t, West shall not that March II, HIT. Aottta Brown, stent of the secure especially for purpose. SKEENA LAND RECOROINO DISTRICT THE FLAVOUR LASTS a large place in the activities In the natural order of STRICT or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS or the province for all things, orders for new vessels SKEENA ISTRICT Or LAND QUEEN RECORDINA CHARLOTTE DISTRICT ISLANDS Chew it after every meal! time. Hitherto we have been should come to Prince Ilupert. Take noUce thai lame MeNony, of rr n content to be the recipients of Everything;' Is ready. Experienced rrtnee Kcpert, occupation merchant. Intend to apply for permission to prospect Take notice thai Arnc Brown, of Vic small doles flung to us by carpenters and boat for coal and petroleum oa the west coast torts, B. C occupaUoa widow, intends to chance of the winds and waves builders are plentiful. It re. or Orsham Island la tbe vicinity or Weal jpply for pemiseton to proepeel for coal in the shape of repair work, mains now wilh Mr. Flavelle. river and petroleum on west coast of Oraham Commencinr at a post planted one mile itiand, la vicinity of West river. and often by grace of our the head of the Munitions south of southeast comer of C U lTj UrfuoMnclor al a post planted two tulle.-south American cousins. A few smaller Hoard, as to whether the full thence south SO chain, thence east SO ut the southeast comer of C s. Spring Schedule craft have been built and use of the existing machinery chains, thence north SO chains, thence I001S; tbeoce wesl SO chains, thence west II chains to point of eotnmeneemeaL our tb to r bales, tbenc east SO chain, bear the honored name of,one for production shall be made in of 8. t. PRINCC OEOflQC JAMES MctULTY. thence sou ID SO chains, to point cua of the ports of the province as this respect. March II, 1017. Auiira Brown, areoL toencemenL THURSDAY 12 Midnight f.or Vancouver ita place pf registry. Already AOSES BROW.t, Victoria and Seattle. tli ere .are large and stately NOTES AND COMMENTS SKEENA LAND RECOROINO DISTRICT March II. HIT. Auitin Brown, aavaL WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX ships of commerce being built, ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS MEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT S. 8. PRINCE JOHN forth laden re KfUhlkaa, WrMl Jue ttr, Aaetl 1SIA, SMy M, Ift equipped and se-nl The seriousness of the food ISTRICT Of QUEEM CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Take notice that Joseph Rowat. of Prtnce so SOth. fee Vsaeeet Aaetl 23r4, BUr yu d X1U with the productions of our situation and is becoming more Rupert. B. C, occupation prospector. In 8. S. PRINCE ALBERT mills." more marked. The necessity Is tends to apply for permission to prospect Take nolica that Edward Plckard. of Pee QM CMrittU IsUM April Itlh J tSM, Stay OlS) a iK "The Week" goes on to tell apparent as it riever was before for coal and petroleum on the wesl coast Loa Anrele. occupation engineer. Intends re Vaevr Areil tem aed SO, May 14 IN ESlh. or Graham Island. In vicinity or Wesl to apply for persoisssuo to prospect for of. the facilities already obtaining to have as much grown locally as river: coal and petroleum on the west coast of PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE at Esquimau and asks, can be, done. Every corner that Corumenelnr from a post planted on Graham Isiaod. in vicinity of West river. Wde4r d Set it rear Mil iSO a. fee SaiRfcee. Pele Oeee. ! "what reason,- .therefore, can can grow a cabbage ought to be roll south of the southwest comer of C ! Commencinr al a post planted one mile MiMtM, Basket a WIKlt). Mil etl liter fee sit seeu eel site' ta. .ail4 trela tey T4y l 4 . m. south of the southeast comer of C L. tt; thence south SO chains, thence east be advanced why the Victoria, ntiliied for the and purpose, SO chains, tbenc north SO chains, thence l7i, inence wesl SO chains, tbenc north Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. the Beautiful, should not bo every vegetable that can be grown 10 chain, thence call 10 chains, thence wesl IS chain to point of commeneemeaL For Information and rrservatlons applr It also designated as Victoria the here ought to be raised In large JOSEPH ROWAT, south SO chain la point of commencemcnL City Ticket Office, 6M Third Avenue. PHONE 260 Busy?" quantities. They may be needed March l, 1017. Austin Brown. sreaL EDWARD riCKARD, March II. 117, Ansun Brown. artaL "Neither must the city of before very long. Prince be overlooked SKEENA LAND RECOROINO DISTRICT Ilupert as ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SKEENA LAND R(OORDINO) DISTRICT a probable competitor for shlp- The tide of victory is still wilh ISTRICT Of QUEEN CHARLOTTK ISLANDS Take notice that John William Goes, of lctueia, B. C, occupation merchant. In-tend Tak notice that Jam Ray, of Victoria. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY MINERAL ACT MINERAL ACT to apply for permission to prospect B, C occupation hotel proprietor, Inland far coal and petroleum on tbe west coast lo apply for permission to prospect for Certificate of NOTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER of Grsbsm Island. In vicinity of West river. coal and petroleum on the west coast of Lowest Rate o all Eastern Point Improvements To C W. Calhoun: Commencinr at a post planted two mil Oraham Island, la vkinity ef Wesl rltsr. via Steamer to Vancouver and the Take notice, whereas I bite done and south or tbe southeast corner of C u CuumenclDt al a bot nlanted al the RAILWAY CANADIAN PACIFIC NOTIOS caused to be done assessment work on tbe 7; tbenc west SO chains, thence south (southwest comer of C L, tltlt thrnee Caribou Mineral Cltlm sllote to the Mldnittit Traction mineral claim, situated SO chsins, tbenc east 10 chains, tbenc ' lia, thence south SO chain, Meal arid fUrth Included on Steer Skten Wnlnc Division of Casilar District on tbe illiaore river, about fourteen tulles north S chain to point of eommencemeuL I tbeoce cast SO chain, tbeoce aorta SO Wbere located s Near bead of Alice from the bead of Alice Arm. In tbe Skeena JOH.1 WILLIAM OOSS, icnain so powi oi cuuimencemeoi. Princess Maqutnna for Granby A Alice Arm Friday 11 p.m. Are:. B. C minlnr division or Skeena district, assessment March II, ISI7. Austin Brown. aaeaLl janes rat. TAKE NOTICE that I. J. rred Rlttbie. work for 114. tits, and ISIS, aud ixarcn it, if it. Auitin Brown. rnL Princess Maqulnna for ths south Sunday 6 p. m. Free Miner's Certificate Ho. tf C, setter bave paid for said work aad ejrcordinr KEEN A LAND REOORDINO DISTRICT for Alaskan Monday, May 7th. Princess ports a area! for W. A. William, Fire Miner's same tbe sum or 1107.10. Unless you par ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS 'SKEENA LAND RECOROINO DISTRICT Sophia Certificate Ko. to It C, Intend, slaty days me the sum or 1101.10, for your share ISTRICT Of QUSKN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS from the data hereof, to apply to tbe of tbe said assessment work, torether with Tak notice thai Roslyn Doke, of Port; Mialnr Recorder for a Certificate of Im the cost or this advertisement, I shall, at J. I. PETERS, Cencrnl Airrnt Isnd, Ore occupation bold proprietor. In, Tak notice that r rede rick Moerscb. of prevements, for the purpose of obtalnlnf the- explrsUon of ninety ISO) day from Victoria. B. C la Thlr.l Avenue IMnc FTtt. n t tends to apply for permission to prospect1 occupaUon salesman, Co ner Fourth Sirl et.l Crown Grant or tbe aboT claim. the date hereof apply to the minlnr recorder for coal and petroleum on the west coast lead to at ply for permission lo prospect And further tike notice, that action, under at Prince Rupert, B. C, to bave of Crshani Island. In the vicinity of Wesl'for coal and petroleum on the west col section l must be commented before pour In uresis in tbe MldnltM fraction river. of Graham Island, In vicinity of West rlvtr. be Issuance of such Certificate or improvements. mineral claim vested In me, in pursuance Coromencinr at po planted on mil Cununencitir l pol planted two atUe or the provisions of the mineral act. south r tbe southeast corner of C. L south of to soutbesst corner or C L, Dated this 1 7 lb day of March, A. D. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C this 1 1 lb 097 1 1 theuce south SO chains, tbenc wesl 97l. tbenc etsl SO cbslns, thence south 1117. I dsy of April, HIT. iy 11 First so chains, tbenc north SO chains, thence 10 chains, tbenc west 10 chains, tbenc Safety J. FRED lUTCHIE, Arent. II. a PHILLIPS. east 10 chain to point of cunmenermenL north SO chalna lo point of corwuencemeuL IIOSLV Dt'tE, I yREDtltIC MOERSCIf, tlm"1 March II, 1017, Austin Brown, acnt! March II, ItlT. Austin Brown, sient. Vi-Lm7-k-U.- "Ship to 5huoen SKEENA LAND REOORDINO DISTRICT SKEENA LAND RICORDINO DISTRICT I.K-Ur..t bMS I th wr.J Launch Alice B. ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ISTRICT OT QUEEN CHARLOTTK ISLANDS .rll..l fjit,!'" """Ara.....- Take notice thai Oliver Brown, of Vk-1 Tak nuUr thai ioba Booth, of Lo tori. B, C, occuptilon iruchlnlit. Intends Antele. occupaUoa contractor, Intend to FOR MSTLAKATLA lo tpply for permifilun to prospect for apply for permission to prospect for coat tuneay and Wedneeeays coal and petroleum on the wesl coast of aud petroleum on the wtt cotsi of Or' JlJteR"" a I IdTlM A At it. noon, t and 4 p.m. Oraham IMand In vlclnlly of Vst river, bam Island, In vicinity of Wesl rlvtr. fm a n D. anupnti.iiiui'ir"M CIIIIDCDT I lU27,7., r I licAGO.U AA. RETURN FARC 81.00 coinfurneinr al s post planted two mile CMoroeneinr al pot pianud two ml lei couth of tli soutbesst corner of C. L south of the southeast comer of C L Call 0971; tbenc south SO ehelu. thence well IIJIi tbear essl 10 chains, thenee norik SO chalni, tbenc north SO chains, hence 10 chains, tbenc wist lo chains, ihetm W. J. TMOaUS, Mion. i etsl 10 rbain I point of runiinenremenL south SO chsins to point of commencement . rse. ei. f , OUVIR BROWS, Joil.1 BOOTH. Subscribe for The Daily News jjjrrrrrrrn rn .....,.....-.........r Msrcb il, II7. Auitin Brown, sreaL March II, 1117, Austin Brown, srenL EMPRESS COFFEE IVMOLIIALE DISTRIBUTOR F, Q, DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0.