palardar. May J, THE DAILY NKW8 -B; t LAND REQISTRY ACT LAND RCaiSTRV AST jcioHN OF THE MAILS ElD (rtt9DS It and tn.y (Section! tl snd III.) R Application Ros. IMI-t snd I4I7-I, r5 or the East. till. R Application Jlo. Il.tll, rilint 1,111 rtllnr I sdaj. t a, in. TAkE noTICE that appiieitloa bn been TASK flOTICE thst sppHcsHM bis been, niade to reiister Sarah of Frfeee Uednesdays 9:30 a J m. mad to fit liter iebn Birrmia, of prinea Undo, Rupert, B. c, aa owner In fee uader two Mm Rupert, B, C, ss owner la fee under . . -. I . ., . Saturdays, o:3Ul'a; m. I Tat Sale Deed from the Co Heeler of lh Tsi Ho-'' " "i'iMI lio ii Deed from tb Collector of UM A (hat No,.d of Prince City Rupert bear hi f date the aiy of prince "-..- rniiiT.A.iivu-. " uMifliimiHWin nf i..i Rupert, beanaf dat th From th i East. lllb of ttnd dsy of September, lilt, end ALL A.1D day September, I week U lilt, of ALL ASD jwM.nd, Sl.tOULAR thst certain parsel or triet of ,)(.P ,Md Tuesday, 5130 in. Sl.lOULAIt that certain parcel or tract of Klpflll. fif rnni. . ., land and premises situate, lylnf and belnr i-umi, nn recoin-i land and premises illuite, lylnr, and b Kiursdays, 5:30rfp;wm. in the Municipality of Prince Repert mere inr In the MublclpaUiy of Pnne RuperL Thf freiiient -iaMn(, BsT BBBBBBBBBBx- bbj Sunday, 3:10 nor particularly known aa Lot Ten (10), particularly known and described as Lot Block of (j. eteven (11), tweety-sltht (tt), bmmb rtv i section Seven (71. Mar mnny tlml her nulmisrine aBBBBBBBJ 1 BBst Section Bit (I), snd Lot Ibtrty-thre lt). warfare - t. . For Vancouver. M ajrAslBBaBBvBvBar ' BaaV In MiceetHlltut Block forty-sit (It), Section Btbt (I), !(n, h Tou ar recjulred to conteit the claim KtoohllPNM lm reiir,JP(j Tuesdays, 4 p.-ni?''. of th tas purchaser wliaio thlrry-0v Map III. country n fully jn that ' TiMjtdy, 10 aiy rrora im mie or th seme of this You ar required te ceoteit tee. claim ?awwwwwwwwwwl juMttriel an a re-unit Y VBK HbT notice (wbfen msy be effected by Rent of tb tat. purchaser withia.Jt days from of Hie the date of the service of this notice Jmk aBaB-B-B-B-BJ of at terra msii or as Directed, sad your at AgP. -dawY ' Bflawwwwwww week k oneii to Mnppmir in Wed. ten lion is csHed to lection is- of tne (which msy be effected by pobtteatlen), w MF 'lawwwwwwwl fienlny n newnj.aii. r-. The From Vancouver. -Land Rerlitry Act" with amendments. and your attention Is caHed to section ofHcial ii of tb "Und Act" with v. tad to tb roiiowinr titrscf therefromi nsiisiry return of laal iuesday, 10:308, in. w-ekn sinkinKn . .-sod In defsult of s caveat or eertifl. smeodments. snd to the foHe wring extract and the menac ( liiat Uritnin n '.. 9 p. in. , '., eat of lis pendens belnr Bled before tb therefrom:-- ......"and la default of a food uply implied in it are re;, ii. p. 'm. ' .; rerlitrstlon ss owner of tb person en caveat or certificate or lis pendens being iferred to yesterday titled under sack las sale, ill persons so Med before the rgtstrstlon ss owner or Uy (lie morn. KEsBsTnAv -til' i ii ate Mondays from Jant- terved with notice and tbos ctalmini the person entitled under such tsx ssle, sit MR, MAHRIOTT i m?wi'"i', winch unanl. f throorfa or under them, aod all persons persons so served with notice,....,.and If1fklll- uti.t.l.i il.. i,i ary -t. -lalminr those claiming through or under them, and LrCJ AC, Ottawa, Ont, Willi exeep. any Interest In tb land br vtrtu 7J tlotial jirninlninci) nf trne ami For Ariyoi. of any unretistered Initrument, and all all persons claiming any Interest In tb A -Tt th, tOLV land by vtrtu ot any unregistered Initru persons elsiminr sny Iniereit In the Isnd "I thak It mr July to tell rou what pace, tlm nerinunnep of the l. Uediicsdays, 10 p in. . by descent whose title Is not reiistered ment and all persons eJilming any Iniereit r i tires" tui done for ma. Iat campaljcn and the imperative r i-Kiays. 8 p, in, . ' under the provisions of this Aet shall b In the land by descent whose title . I bpgtn to feci run. nereHy for food navtriR. for evereitopped and debarred from set is not registered under tbe provisions or r a . saltrrl,nJ sulTem! termueh Special nrllcleii and editor ml Sunday. p. rn. tint sp sny claim to or lb reipecl of tb this Act, shan be for ever estopped snd, und so sold for tates, and tbe Retiiirar debarred from setUng up any claim to or ft . Kidney Trouble. dltcunii the outlook with cm-pliallc From Anyoz. bill reiiiter tbe person enuUed under la respect of the Und so sold for taxes, U pad of "Tralt-a-tliT", I and in eorne cae ena. T't irilay Sunday and Tne such ux sal as owner of the land so and the Regiitrar shall register the person c I ull try thnn. Tlie result tlonal Kravity. Some of the old for taies" entitled under inch tsx ssle ss owner of lay. 'he land so sold for taxes." . nj. Iurlntf the 8 J ryw writer attack the Admiralty f..r A.1D WHEREAS application has bees taVm tlinn And not made for a Cert ill cite of Indefeasible T1U A.1D WHEREAS application has been rfru-ar!- r.ipmg more nucremifully with to the abovementloned landi. In Uw nam mide for s Certificate of Indefeasible Title lunpw for anytbliij. &' the U.bnat and other Rive it of John Berrman: to th above-menuoned lands. In tbe name i. .ri tktreu aincn I com. or Sarah Undo. novice, wmi. all of them inmit A.1D WHEREAS on InvesUratins th c it "Frt.tWtit', and I that the people- arn eatlnif far Iik title it appears that prior to the 9th day AND WHEREAS on Investigating the tlUe :t 1 lurra't known for much, and that or September, till, (tbe dat on whlea It appears that prior to tb nth day of nor if - they do not )'r-ltiitli,lbelJoaInr the said lands were sold for overdo September, till, (the date on which the i anj clear curb their appetite diaanter i taies) yon were the assessed owner aid lands were sold for overdue taxis). , body iiy tblakiog inevitable. Cathlng bult for 1917 must have thereof. you were tbe registered and asaessed The newspaper print Male pockeU- Here i a stunning cos TIMBER SALE x 882. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE thst St th owners thereof. r LTKK J. If AltfllOTT. same time I shall effect retistrsUon la FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the ment In the effect that hardly tunie for the beach, devoid of punuanrc of men applicaUon and In J a .ame time 1 shall effect retistrstion in oi, 0 for $0, trial !, e. one person in ten has heeded the frivolities and nothing particu Peab-d tenders will be received by Ux Certinest of Indefessible Title to the said pursasnce of such application and Issue a . . or tent puttpaU oa rrcetpt warnluK given by Iord Defon- larly fancy. Hut it i popular. A Mlnllter of Lsnds tA later than noon on lands In tbe name of John Berrman unless Certlflcate of Indefessible Till to the said by Frult-a-tlvrs Umited, Hrt. the food Controller, when secret pocket under the coal odd the Htb day r May. ilir, for the pur- you take and prosecute the proper pro lands In the name of Sarah Undo unless cbai or Ucenc Xllt. to cot StO.000 reedint to establish your claim. If any you take snd prosecute the proper pro he put the public on its honor l to the popularity of the costume feet of Fir, Hemlock aad Cedar on an to tbe said lands, or to prevent such pro ceedlngs to establish your claim. If any, olmerve the nation limit. Borne area !lulled on the north shor of Dean pored action on my part to tbe ssld lsnds, or to prevent such pro Channel, ft in re t. Coast District DATED at the Land Office of the journal BMert that a ra Rertstry posed action on my part One 1 1 year will be allowed for re Prince Rupert, B. C. this tta dsy e rini ALARM ITITtM. tlonlnsr fcherne I not merely An Army of moval of timber. DATED at the Land Regiitry Office, D. December. A. till. of Prince Rupert B. C this toih dsy probable, but lit been decided on Further particulars of tb Chief For- II. F. MACLEOD, CIRCUIT NO. 1. April. A. D. 1117. and that bread ticket ore already Internal Bathers eiter. Vicloru. B. C. or District Forester Apr. 17. District Registrar of Title. M it Ha it. sad Ird Av. II. F. MACLEOD. in th. at Prince Rupert. B. C To Simon Peterson, Davlavine, California. Im is 4tk SL sad Ird Ave. printer's hands. District Registrar of Title. ii t ik L aad ird Ave. To Charles Planus, as to Lot 11; Mi II JeneUoO of lit. tod tod ATTACK BY CANADIANS Orrr naif a million brlfbt, keen, up-to TIMBER SALE X913. The Daily m. delivered hj II. r, Clark and H. O. Richer rd A. SIMPLY IRRESI8TABLE data Canadians and Amtrtcan bat found nrrler. 50 rent ter mouth- aa to Lot tl. lull M Ave, between fife and thai Internal Batbinr Is more essential to Sesled lenders will be received by the ta fit. (tMi Hotel). tiwir well-twins taaa Cataroal Baths. Minuter of Landi not later than noon on Ut 17 IM Ave. sad TIB SL (Oo--SI Iimlon. May t-Meferrinir to Hat found tbL takrn occailonally al the tta day of June. 1117. for the pur- Hotel). the Canadian uCce in the cap aitbt. Uxy feci 1;te discrrnt pcopte Um Chas of Ucenc XIII, to cut 7.411.000 lure of Arleus aril luonilnr. .t mor of that billons, Cedar and and on Saturday, the feet of Hemlock, Spruce, CIRCUIT NO. C Iially .New correspondent at the tired. BrnroD cooditloo but, tuner bj 1404 lineal feet of puinr. on an area ad- FRED STORK'S HARDWARE In S3 Ird Av ind ird SL (roil 5aturt's own tlrauer. antlsrpUc warm Jolnlor Lot 1401, JuikaUa Inlet Orafem Oct front says: iw. rrowted an th poUoooua uw Island. Queen Charlotte Island District ll M Ird Ave. M4 McBrtd BL "I have heard from Canadian from I be Loner loietiloe, they awakt Three (t years will be allowed tor re W 4 III Av. Md McBrtd ft officer detail of the capture of Uuroorhly refreshed by normal sleep, moval of timber. 710 SECOND AVE. fed At. end tad SL Arlraux hich lib HI their functions artlnr In healthy Further particulars of the Chief Foreit- confirm that it w wan awl ted Ate, tad ilk ft. arcora, tin mi, hippy, clear-headed and er. victoria. B. C, or District Foreiter, Hardware Builders' 4k T. P. quite a fine performance. The cooBdent. earer and capable for th dnUei Prince Rupert B. C Carpenter's Tools Sltip Chandlery , I line before the village was heavily of Uw day. Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle Orper aiff. OoL. March t. ISIS. ' CIRCUIT NO. a. wired and the wire wa only Dr. Chai. A. Tyrrell, Toronto, Ont, TIMBER SALE x 920. Iron Pip Pipe Fittings Rifle and Shotguns n Sib At. lad rulkuq 8U rut In place, rtuhnlne north Dear Doctor J baea been ualnr roar Rope Valves Ammunition (l u B rdee, tad Tailor S I. frfii Arleux are three urce.ive J. B. L, Caieade" for th pait three Sealed leaders will be received by tbe ik At, rulioo IL ( M ta A. ana and Cetaoi Ar. sunken road, each of which wa monltii, and am convinced that It la the Mialiter of Lands sot later than noon on Pumpa Hoaa Paint Ii ST i Ave. d iJrt ruce fortified by the Herman for defense deaiinr atost modern with comupaUon and scienUfle that method baa ever of the tin day or Miy. 1117, for lb par-chite Stoves and Ranges Rubber-old Hoofing Corrugated Iron Ml 34 tk Ave aad Tbtumptoa SL and held in strength. The been devised, and I will lose no oppor frit of or Hemlock.Licence xsto,Cedar to and cut Spruce,4,161,000 and "WE SELL NOTHING DUT THE BEST" CIRCUIT ground before the village is un I unity to promoia its on amour my 10,00 lineal feet or puinr on an area RO. 4. .dulating. The attack had to be frtendi, aa I can speak trathrslly and en adjotnlns Lot Ittt, Juskatls Inlet Queen 41 Hk Att. tad tmisrrMR MmMaiUrally aa to IU merlta. delivered longitudinally along two Charlotte District Your very truly, Tbre (3) years will be allowed for Ilk Am. ud MrBrfd L ridge and hollow. o that the I. a. Darracb, removal of Umber. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Ml 44 ilk At tad Grr-o St Wboleaals and ReUll Men's Wear. troop on the right and left could Further particulars of the Chief For B 44 tk tail Bull SL learn about this Why not more rapidly- eiter, Victoria. B. C or District Foreiter not each other. see Ml 4S "tk An. tad Owru. (row las and natural practice? Tb "J. " at Prince Ppert B. C Ml 141 lk A. and Toaar L "The village or Arleux itself B. 1. Cascade", the onrinal and belt ap wn full of machine gun, while otunce for Uiia purpose, minaractured by bbarlea A. Tyrrell, M. la now belnr from a long dip which run back ttMwn and eiplaloed by Cyril U. Orme, toward Krenoy the enemy could firarrlii corner Ird Are, and 4th Street sweep the village with machine There aUo may be obtained free on re Price Feed Co. gun and rifle Are. and aUo bring quest. -Why Mas of Today Is Only to Rupert reinforcement. rer CenL Efficient," s most tnterestlnr This is up booklet oo tb subject If you prefer. e o. ( OS) Te4 At. "All Hie condition, therefore, write to Dr. Chas. A. Tyrrell, Itl CoCer Keep National were Very favorable for defense, streeL Toronto, for same. RECEIVED OUR 117 SEEDS Service but the Canadian attack was Irre. WE HANDLE sistible." SUslo & Brig os, nannies Navigable Waters Protection AcL Chickens Terry's and Mackenxie'a R. S. C CHArrtN 11B. Garden and Field Seeds. T Ortad Trunk nrlfle Railway Com Also Fertilizer. Migr brrtay (ttr ftoUr Uul It bat, nadr They HAY, GRAIN AND FEED lh Srruue MlniMrr 7 or of ta Tttbllc Mia am.Worki orpoiiM at OKaa." TIMBER SALE X 909. The cost of meat is the heavy Michel Feed A Specialty. tnd 10 th offlr or in Diilrtct B'Hitrar will help item in the food bill. if tk LAad ntdilry Offlc. DUlrlcl of Sealed tenders will be received by the W Take Orders for 'nap RupfrL ai Priac Rupt. a dierip Nursery Miniiier of Laodi not liter than noon on of all and plan of lumbrr mill Hon las Stock. and niar worti proposal to bulll la the tin day of May, Il7. for th pur Poultry and Eggs will help Keep you chats of Licence X lot, to cut 1,1)0.000 harbor at Friar Rupert. i r-riare Bnprrt feel of Hemlock, Cedar aad Spruce, and take the of place meat. a rill m ColunbU. la front of Mlrfronl i.avw uneai iei or puinr. on an area ia Blora T . arcorainr to rrrliiJ plan of Lot 1 497, Juikatla Orabam joininr InleL ine tonili of lb said city or Friar How Don't Raprrt rr(lilt ml la U arqmald land liland, Queen Clurlotw DiltrtCL The food that goes to the garbage to. go Send Money Two (l) year will b allowed for re- .mr a Mo. fit. Secttoo 7. about it rrtiitry woval of limber. pall from the average table will provide in Letter AND TAKE .tOTlCE ibal after tb 91 rurther parUculara of tb Chief For a RUY-af-r katcalaa pirilloa or on mootb from ta dit of mer. Vicloru. B.C or District roreter one-third the feed for a flock of 8 to A c Stick arev- e bwy wear-eld send lh rrl pabtiratloa of tbli notir. lb It Frlur Rupert, B. C. 16 hens. er aa avttactal brooder. A WIIUN you Orn.t Troa Partfle Rail ay Company latt-4 paefciae-aee will Iwm the to magazines, will, umler SMtlon T or la aald Act. arplj haw aad catcha. read the calcaa WATER NOTICE bread eaaked ta amUk aad of Miaittrr or Public Works at bli goods out ! lh Poultry will thrive where vegetables aa.-Ma.e4 dry., faad Sa llataa a town, or pay small mr In ih city of Ottawa for arproal day. Iiamatlaa with prepared "counts at a distance, do not j lb aiid slu snd plan and for ! DIVIRSION AMD USE will not grow. The outlay Is small. chick feed, aaly as twitch aa they win clua. gtenaakii . ..nitrutt in aald works. aat ap thai Place the actual cash in the Uilril at Winniprr. Manllba. Ihli Slst A few minutes a day is all the time a baatry calcfc la a healthy chick. envelope. Thousands of dollars Jar of rrbruary, A. 0. IS IT. TAk'C .OTICI that Geort M cm, CAUTION: Chick aaaa a be rc lost through me onon truss paohc rulway Iium addreia It Sklderat. B. C wlL required. fed aattl at laat a ham aid.aad every year soiiciior. ipply for a licence to take, and ui IIC taea aaly iparlaSly. ii. ii. hvnsard, "re, cimrAiy. robbery or misdirection. cubic feel per minute of 'water out ol If Vtc the Hank Money Orders, iM-imter Creek, which flowa northerly and A small flock in your back yard will etio you or chicks;can, start tl arrange with ULd by this bank. They arc drain Into All ford bay, about It cnaini far with at once with tne local poultry to keep F?a Canad o from lb N. B. corner of T. L. Ill Tb go you supplied eggs, aaaodatton for pulteta in the united Siatcs em in Tilt LNOlNtyKLTINLMtN water will U diverted from tb stresm at broilers and roasters. fall. any sum up V pjlnt about tea enaiu weal from N.W o fifty dollars. corner or Lot 4, B. C. ruberles, and wlU .1lr P'miW I wsll worth tbeil be ued for power purpoaa upon tb land evil. riaMRsiAre broini described as arijolniur Timber Limit Itl, Write Bulletins X lif for Poultry to applicatloa to lean. THE i I Oil,S 1 I. f 7 It-IS BNK OF MM Pw. This notice u posted on tb rrounc w lh IllU dir if January. 1117. I INFORMATION BUREAU British Nwlh Anerka a b-4 i. kr ' Xipy of tbli nouce and an arplicatiot Hon rows. pursuant thereto and to lb Water Act i 0l A t. to. k S I-. IM wlU tc Bled In th once of Un TK NMNON Au attaru'kw (78.eoe. Morn Water Deeorder at Prince RuperL Ob i Jectlcna to the application may b Bled PRINCE DEPARTMENT OF RUPERT BRANCH mm the said Water Recorder or with AOUCUlTUIti, Foe Further Information In Comptroller nf Water Risbti. Fariia SM1ERS, Manager Apply to turnl Buildinra, Victoria. B. witnin OTTAWA imriy daya after th Brit appearanc ot ADVERT1S12 IN WILUISCROFT ni notice in local newipaper. HONOURABLE MARTIN BURKE LL, AMwWr. W. C, Tb mi of ta Brsl publication of tbu The Prince Rupert, B. 0. our la February Hit. 1117. Daily News CtoilUK McRAE, Applicant