D 1I1B DAILY NKWB Hnlitnlny May lot FOR RENT Relieve Your Liver 4 roemt, bath, sewer, range. No. Dressmaking TO (Ml Are., W. I room, bath, imr, Wo. 110 tec When your liver is out of order, your head sir, II rb HIM. bile and bowels sulfer with it. f I rooms, bath, sewer, lo. tot Xaf attack isoftenBcrious. Wart hot?Ivithafcw dfet rrars Place. I room fia furnished, Ktir, bath, ( iHtt' ' SJ"! yfefielEEEwEBW 101 1 Irt Av. 4 rooms, bath, range, 17 1 Summit If you do your own BEEGHAM'S PILLS Avenue, dressmaking wo have 4 room. Tit Thompson Street 4 room. II lib Avenue, East over four thousand which gently arouse a sluggish Brer, and renew the 4 rooms, IIIH 7th Acenue, IaiL BSjldVBHaKr'Vk h3r4ri' aaaaaaalBrTaaaaaaaaaaff acthftki an 4 rooJM, III Ith Avenue, Welt' patterns to select from. a necessary to good health, They nerer produce any dlsaareeaU. I room ruts, beth, sewtr, Mc Mortis alter-eflecta, Their prompt use Is bencficUl to the nUra, and wffl Apartments. NOME JOUDNAL K&Blt&tWftKKvQ JG5BavE?''1'l, 'jieaaOfS 4 rooms. 0t f Ui Are, PATTERNS Ee9EeEvliBEEBKtBSSEBB7sVr& BBfvsBsbEHa'L.veTvfe Prevent Bilious Attacks 4 room, furnished, batb. 114 ttb Avenue. En I. None Ovsr 15 Cent. WorHi Guinea a Box t rooms, near drydoek, frM4 J W TTaa4 BmI, Si. IUUM,LMaakb& At. F..L...I 7 rooms, corner Oreen tad 71b Wo are showing the aWJ ttW UC UTS. U Section 4. If Yeuf Mouse I vacant List It with latest things in dress U W Can rm H fee Yea. goods, such as H. O. HELQEMON, LTD BEACH CLOTH arid jjjBjjsvBEflsK Sheet Metal Work DENTISTRY POPLINS "Ik Daily News" In plain shade and Having been In the Kast, I have mown a ao arioMLTv esiiKi become acquainted with all mod-ern CLASSIFIED ADS. striped effects, methods of outfitting gasoline DR. J. 8. DROWfl Japanese Crepes, Silks United States Girls Already Learning Self Defence). boats, as used by Eastern shops. OISJTIST A woman's Home Denfqnce organuation of New York rUaW 0l Setita , rave a.. In the Sport Stripes new learning the intricacies of the motor machine gun batteries. They Gasoline Tanks, Pipe-fitting Prm 444 and Wool floods in all WANTED. have real guns ni.u real motors and the popular weaves and Plumbing, Chambermaid or Dltbwasber, colored, wants colors. and all lines of Sheet atet at. Naat-Mt. a a. work. Phone II T. ill. Salvation Army. S toULtL. II , :: : Metal Work i z WILLIAMS A mrilOK WAITED Boy to work lnild store. Ap Local News Notes ply Daily Jiewi omce. 107. Public meetings, Tuesday, Prompt Attention 'and sTlIWd arrlsters,, Solicitors, tie. thursday and 8turday at 9 p. in Workmanship BOMir to Lcaa CHAHBEBMUD WAITED SAVOY HOTEL. I Mr A. It. Holtby went up the Sundays at 7:30 p.m. Rei ltl H. S. WALLACE CO., LTO. WAITED Good capable gtrl. lit per line today. I H. LET0URNEAU HMMr Store rrloc aomv , c month. Apply Mrs. C II. omit. Phone mi SIXTH AVF.NUR -": 4ii. tr Mr. I. W. Anderson went to up Phone illlck S25 P.O. Box 118 WAITED Position by man and wife, botb III ay sport today. COOKS. Auff said. Ask P. W. Ander LAND ACT v AT ROWE'S PLUMBING son. Prince BupcrL Rev. Father llunox went ou,t on SKEE.1A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF That's It! the train this WAITED Woman Cook. Apply Lady COAST, ROOK nVE. morning. SHEET METAL WORKS Superintendent. Prince Rupert General Take notlre that we, Owm Millerd Pack' A CULL FROM Hospital. if. Inr Company, Limited, or Vancouver, oc- Mr. George Lines, of Ilaielton, They snake Seeelui Taut a, OalWt cupatlon eannerymen. in wad to apply for was In the city yesterday. Pleae, Satete Suata, Chknatf Tart, FOUND permission to lease U followinr de Aflisls' Rifles, London, Eng. sad all tke week tSet le saallr Sm, scribed lands t-- Mr. II. W. mith has arrived in la the OLO FASHIONtO TIN SM0S, rSL'KD Lady's Vanity Bar. Apply Dally Cotnroeneinr at a post planted at tbe WITH ALL TMf LATIIT OOWS. Hews office. tl. southeast corner or Lot llTi tbence soatb town from the Uulkley Canyon. i Cum Marte Minerva . TO-DATI WOfta Sff CIAIUIO, S4k I chains to low water marl j tbence north' This notice should interest ae SarLlttKTS, .COSNlCtS, tl. WOK RENT westerly ft chains followinr low water Mr. L. V. Norris, of Vancouver. any tteettslefl la tke Ilea fee n il, mt ld member of tbe mark tbence north t chains to the Grand arrived from the south last night. "Artists" re a Fateey. Sutae MontM-aeatee FOR REJIT Oood tlx-roomed bouse. Hot Trunk ractne rirnt-of-wav; thence south siding in II. C.( Would they kindly te MHee Reeriei la a and cold water. Bath. Large garden. rasterty tt chains followinr said riant Mr. K.W. Ilichards. of Port forward their names to llobert klM4 ef aieteelaL Rtaeirlef f tS J. Q. Weston, phone til. 104 of-way td tbe place of becinninr and con' Simpson, was in the city yester darker, box 127, Dally News, klaea. PSlCtS RIANT, StSVrCt lalnlnr II acres. riNiTutsa. A SATlltf 7 CUS-TOSlgR MISCELLANEOUS OOSSE MILLERD PACaXIO COMPACT day. Prince Hupert, II. C or iKiuglas IS OUR Alfa. LIMITED. JI4 SJcer, 17 Craven Street, strand, PHOSIK S40. r. O. SOX CT. TALBOT HOUSE Oood Rooms. Eerj con April tod. HIT. i. rred Riuhie, arent Mr. K. C. La Trace was a pas- i London, object connected with FMtaey sad OMte til t4 Sim,, venience. Hot water bain. ft.10 and It senger on the train today for the the recently-formed Artists' Hi lies aa tad Street, eUae U Ce Ui per week. toe and Itc a nirbt. LAND REGISTRY ACT 4 OevseeatMt Wkaef East. and Hegimrntal Association, 0 o par DSL IKJtSISI BUILCIS4. SRADUATE ni'RSE (CM.B. London) Terms uculars win bn forwarded to any moderate, apply P. O. Box S4I. or (Sections 1 and 114.) Mrs. A. M. Mrlean, of Vancou members making their address Pbone 41. Re AppUcaUon flo. (144-1. FUlor (110. ver, left this morning for Uulkley ' I You feel safe I : known, TAKE NOTICE that applicauon has been i FA WW LANDS made to reritter The Corporauoa of the Canyon. TXTka ..ii City of Prince Rupert la the province of SREOO.f AJID CALIFORNIA RAILWAT CO. Brttisb Columbia, as owner in ree under MrsvA. X. McLean, of Vancou sn with uiebuoy Soap. Prace Rupert Dairy I SRA.1T LANDS' Title to same revetted two Tax Sale Deeds from the tuuector of ver. Is paying a visit to rhiiro maiu uuiKvcr now Knmy 'in United State, by act or Conrrets the Ctiy of Prince Rupert, bearing date the Rupert. hftnrln nr maf tov BSl I J.L.HiCEt UNO!, MEW faanaatuiar dated June t, 1111. Two million, tbree 7 lb day of December It It. of ALL A.1D LU how cerm-Laden thev H a . bundred thousand acres to be opened certain (a - aaaa 3I.VOCL.VH that parcel or tract of The Hydrngraphic Purvey boat may bo from tho day's FURE HOLSTICN MILK for homesteads and sale. Timber and Und and premises situate, lytnr. and being fj CONTRACTOR A DUILDIR agricultural lands, containing; some of in the Municipality of Prince Rupert, more Lillooet is in the barbor this R woric,u i c uuoy cleanses BJJ ; CRCAM best Und left In United Stales. How Is particularly knuwa an described as .North-Westerly morning. , s saieguanla your it BUTTERMIU the opportune time. Larre map show- Seventy (70)..feel of Lou Eleven - Band The mild carbolic ) Plore and Ortlce Fixtures, log lands by sections and description of till, and Twelve (It) Block Eighteen I quickly H Mr. M. C. Tobin. minlntr enirl. vanishes, $ah, l)iMr and Moldings, rxoajt tar p, a stt m soli, climate. raliralL elevation, etc. ill, Section One (II, Map Stt. Postpaid one dollar. Grant Lands Locating Yon are required to contest the el alar neer of Doreen, returned hotnei m out Its benenu linger. i risk and Hard Woods of all Co.. Box 410, Portland. Ortron. of the tax purchaser within thlrty-Ove this morning. Aia. Oaoceas H kinds. All OrS see PvMBtJi atl4444 7a. days from the date o' the service of this MCEMA LAND OlSTItlCT DISTRICT Of do lice (unlet) may be effected by personal Mr. and Mrs. fleo. P. McColl left We Specialise In Hardwood R. Sic Kay, Froprletor. COAST, SUUMK , service or as directed J, and your attention this Telkwa for morning for a Dost Ribs, Sash, s called to section Jt of the 'Land Reg- ILIFEBUQYII airy Act" with amendments, and to the short holiday. Doors, et. TAKE .NOTICE that the BrlUih Columbia therefrom: extract Canninr Company, Limited, or Victoria. I "and roUowlnr in default of a caveat or certificate Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Smith, of Flats and Sheet Glass and C, salmon canners. Intend to apply fa of Us pendens being Bled before the ret- the Vancouver World, travelled; Glazing. permission to lease the followinr described Harry A. Harcey of emitted - titration as owner toe person r eaau Baw i z foreshore land: Commencinr at a. poev all Katt Ihls morning. Corner Prater and 8th ft. under each tax sale, persons so served (Late L 44441. Sag CeesseitUIrs planted en the north bank or the Skeena with notice, .... and those claiming I ef tt4i4) River, (19 feet south from I be southeast through or under them, and aU persona Crown granted ranch 160 ncres. FHONE GREEN 269 PUPIL Or LAMSOOvVMC COTTnX corner of Lot t. R. a. Coast District Interest In the land Mr- ruuslng any by offered assessed for less than" ROX 44. F. O. tbence south too feet; tbence westerly tue of any unregistered instrument, and Pupils Taken for and northerly parallel to the shore line, all persons claiming any interest- In the valuation for taxes. City Weigh MIAMI 5 VIOUX. PIAMp, VlOLLICtLLO aad a distance or approximately 410 feet to land by descent whose UU is not regit-tered Scales. HARMO.tT. a point too feet south or the tout under tbe provisions of this Act, - ElAMI.1ATIO.1S boundary or the Grand Trunk pacific railways shall be for ever estopped and debarred PefMIe Preaaeed fee tiaaiaislaMM The latest list carries casualty thence westerly and northerly' par from setting-up any claim to or to respect AaeeeUted Beeed, Vaaaeetee, Caal aliel to the said rtrht-of-wsy to a point of the land so sold for tates, and tbe the name of Pte. J, C. Allan, of Weral Oetlega ef atwala. Lee.ts due sooth of the 8. W. comer or Lot tt H'eglstrar shall register the person entitled 0 rah am Island . lie Is reported STEEN & L0NCW1LL thence north too feel to the point of Intersection under such lax sale as owner of the missing. TERMS FHONE BLUE 271 of the south boundary of said land so sold for taxes. 4 rlrht'Of-wsy; tbence southerly and easterly AMD WHEREAS spllcatlon has been alonr said right-of-way to a point made fof a Certificate of Indefeasible Till There were very many miner." j SAHITARY AND HEATING here said boundary line strikes shore to 'tne aDovesaettiooed lands, in the name and prospectors on the train this ENGINtEful f, line; tbence alcnr'nia-b water mark to lh of Tbe Corpora lion of the City of Prince morning, going td" the interiorfor of BOX U point commencement. fiupertj PHONC 83 F. O. A.'W. CARTER. the summer's work. Agent for AND WHEREAS on investigating tbe title Acting as arent for the B. C Casninc - . 4 4 LTD. It appears that prior to the fourteenth day McCLARY FURNACES" PACIFH? CARTAGE, Co. Limited. of September, Hit, (tbe date on which Mr. M. M, Stephen went up In February tetb. 1117. tne said lands were sold for overdue Smilhers on this morning's train. taxes),FURTHER you were TAKE a .NOTICE mortgsgee that thereof.at tbe Later on ho wilt continun his The p , - t . ance of M FLUMDINQ Transfer and Storage tame lime I shall effect registration In Journey Into the Caribou country. Baby C 5iap a .i taU it ffl and pursuance of sucb applleaUon and Issue 4 4 a untvetal (j r e lit tiae is flj SIICEf METAL WORKS BEST LUMP A NUT COAL a Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the Mr. school beneficUI to a akin 9 the in. Stuart J. Martin Lord, public 4.(, I'liono 5, 831'Second Avenue. aid lands In the name of the above- cor-porstioh I unless you take and prosecute spector, went out on the train j Albert pa Umilvd.MoaUeeJ. Night phones 676 UO LOMO WAITS ASSAYEK the proper proceedings to establish your this morning, lie has Just re and Hlue 270 NO SHORT WEIGHTS claim. If any, to tbe said lands, or to turned from a trip to Port Rlinp. Us. prevent sucb proposed action on my part. son. The right work, at ths right When You Order from HAZELTON D. 0. inwy fti i uq una nesiiur rnnce 4 4 4 time, and at ths right prlds. Rupert, tr. C, this tOtb day of December, A. D. 1114. Mr A. I), Jlopper, steambont in-1' ANYONsTf I The oldest eeUk-llshed Assay II. F. MACLEOD, spector, of Vancouver, will arrive jm District Registrar of Titles. in Prince liupcrt on the 7th Office In ths North. To Frederic Scnattoer, Esq., care C L Freeman, C P. h. Bldg, Inst. for the inspection of the Edmonton, Alberta. local steamers. rWDYEt A HOT BATH THE MINUTE YOU WANT IT A S44J UlU SI-H44IM J amiu i with m II You aro accustomed to La Casse Domestic Bread COLD WATCH FREE. getting cold water In-slitiitly. Think of the satisfaction m S" t,4 M a itnM Miifc.h,4 DYO LA fi of getting Hoi Do not Just order "a loaf of bread" -Make it a point to get 4 Water In tho same way in MI4 m a-M of La Casge Domestic 16 oz. Bread k k 4toi rw M4..Hup WHU m in?h-p.,lSwof WW how abundance,.much has regardlott been mod TSt mm. Miliini, m , r samioveT - in before. Get the most for your 'money Get full food valuo- best mi M l.itlw.ll.I UmtiM,L.4I..-m A N.AMnIKklN. .- TAJ , I HOT WATER LIKE MA0I0 Materials Purest Ingredients, Ilread Is the world's cheap, B m OW m4 M14 W M mm est, food Kut plenty of It--And tee that it Is 1 ajj:t. f " I'm , aka Harry Hanson LA CASM'S DOMESTIC DREAD, 18 OZ. LOAF nvflmt i rant. Hot Water Service brinft Wmj 44,41 m 14 yk fist La Cases Dread from your Grocer or Telephone 1S0. lm t. thtak m4 m V- Im 0m 4M S4 a,MMUiaiU.M..tr.. kM mi UHCRiK ran yuu this convening' THE LADCL PROTECTS YOU I A tsM sievf M4 ;r. ; itz PHONE ASS P. O. BOX 395 Maavf-A UerA a.i,A.LMtWAttsS iWeCWiatsrS!. We. The Daily News ee4ee ' I