The DAILY NEWS i .NO. , pitrJftivriui'EnT, b. c, Monday, may 7, 1917. PRICE FIVE CIMfTF jvilt, STRONG ON rua. SONS FA TO FRENCH FRENCH TROOPS TAKE IMPORTANT STRATEGICAL POINT AND MANY PRISONERS FRENCH ARMY -North; RUSSIA SEEKS CAPTURES HUN PEACE WITHOUT POSITIONS ANNEXATION g3t sanguinary Battl Slno th Duma to be Convened lmwsHaity" Urn Rult In Favor of In Extraordinary leeelen' Allle Repul H Belegatae) Blr a CounUr Attack. BuraMo (jtut to Tt fltwl.l Spcll lo TIm DaUy Newt.) ?aBsaaaaaaaaaeai Petrograd, May 7. -Russia London, May 7,Ouietnesit pre- .. .. .... Uil On ine iiriusn I. irum, Lll.t rmui. ( JofTre and Vlvianl In Washing-Ion. SfssBBjBBU seeks peace without annexation of- to the air resulted la our This picture was taken or any indemnities. The delegates fnor Five German machines y ST MlHiEL11,.. , van the French Mission stepped of the workmen and tbe soldiers down. the Mayflower at the Navy j brought , .from ttr declare that Russia does Jiot aim MAP SHOWINQ HINDENBURO'S FINAL RETREAT French Front. ! Yard. A tumultous greeting d.,u Mar 7 The French I In hi retreat lllndenburg la making an endeavor to keep his was extended to Joffre as the 1 5vT!tJsjJBBS at domination over other nations. have captured the Herman battle front at right angle to the main line of communication ; saviour of civilization, and to or deprive them of their national Wr . . . . .. Mjtioo on a front 01 six ano-arf I which Is highly desirable, indeed necessary to prevent disaster. Viviani as a former premier of patrimony. They desire a durable The Important ttralegi-nl The route taken by the Germans in their victorious advance they the great republic of Europe. peace being established on forming the plateau now must take on their retreat. The arrows show the retreating portion the basis of the rights of nations of Cerrty en l-non-itji direction they must follow. Ike and region Craonne. Four thou-md4 RECIPROCITY AND THE to decide their own destiny. An extraordinary session of the Duma Hermans were taken prlson-tr TO COMBAT THE SUB. BORDEN GOVERNMENT! French ANXIOUS TO GET MARINE MENACE' will be convened immediately. The Intrepid troops therefore, a fitter country to trade terred through almost Insur-uc-jnUble FIRST TO THE FRONT Hinden-Washlngton, with than when it was a mere obstacles. (Sprti.1 t Tbe DiUy . . Ottawa, May is-The LAIMKNAMS Counter Attack. May 7 The re- burg line has its analogy In the neighbor five years ago. This That large numbers of Ameri old slithering sound FOOD CtrfTMLlA has Violent counter attacks were Pr. .f .h, N. Co.,Une ... i$S. the name na4 time and again by the en. cans were preparing to enlist in devices to the Ger- that we heard In the reciprocity on overcome mj, but they were everywhere the United Stales army, in order gutM T,s 8 a strategic reman campaign, when the present supporters Victoria, May 5, Protest wilt submarines, has not yet the part of tbe Borden ireat on WiUn back, and the assaulting to be the first forces from that indefensible of the IJorden Government at onco be made to Premier Brew reached Secretary Daniels. Hope Government from an of the Germans were every-m tw country to meet the Germans, was and foreshadows the de-flnd wrapped their humbug In the old, ster by representatives of the broken, For the last forty-ttfakours, in high that the United States will position Victoria Trades and Labor.Council been the statement of Colonel West, hch flag and Jollied the electors into the struggle has an antidote to tbe Hun! S against the proposed reimpo-sUlon Ut rat sanguinary since the the American Consul General In swallowing It, of the poll tax in British Vancouver, recenUJIehas, already Uir.a general election. mattertof fact they.I.idji'A ,a.a. . have'been considered. "... - .f- v-i!.-!. Italian Front. compiled a formidable list All the goou guessers wucc . aii ih tne regular meeting oi un uju-cil Iae 7 On lb Carso that the free wheat ruse Indicates ; May ana this week, the recommendation of Americans in Vancouver than'"""" n lhe on AUSTRALIAN ELECTION Llbfra frvat the Italian troops have won a general election not later of the executive. Protest district who are willing to serve. Honorable Dob s We. dui me uoruen crowu oi The i onipicuous victory over the 'September. will also be lodged against the ' Mans Details are lacking. Since the United States decided (Spmui to ti duu Nw.j ;(9 a brisk -poker player and this profiteers waved the flag and beat income tax proposals. thV he there 7- Hughes the pot. The ihe drum and spent an enormous to enter war, said, Melbourne, May 1 is the way be....opens m . . I A A resolution was passed asking THE HOSPITAL TAQ DAY has been a decided enthusiasm to party will be victorious. Karly.story runs that the lionorame two gIusu iuna anu so manageu w that the Federal and Provincial enlist on the part of the local returns Indicate that Hughe, will has been pressing for free wheal governments take action at once The reult of the eflotts of the colony of Americans. Many have have control of the lower house. ha9 been' joined by that ef Canada have realited what it to appoint a board to control.,food ladles flu. voe be Autiliarrof the Prince prices through the country, already returned lo me unneu a consiuuuonai senate is as yei , ,ih,, MPici,en. who looked means to DUt a government in pert General Hospital on Saturday - twa - ---c - cause of the "alarming increase uiHixii iu. reoorted that the whose backers are the Mates o lake unsettled. ihtntrk -nvor nnil oower the Tag Dayamounted to the of the necessities " the" prices n and train at some of the mllilaryj ! !Wt was irretrievably lost to the monopolist and tbe food fore-Conervative tun of 1292.35. The ladies were of life, which is the cause of un across the line. 1 unless the staller. The friends of the Bor-Gove'rnmenl camps CHINA'S TEA TRADE HURT party early in evidence and very soon West has due suffering on the part of the Meanwhile Colonel gave Us faithful aer- den Government began to cash in (Jeoeva searly every Cross.coat In lapel the afternoon,bore the compiled a big list of Americans J (spm to the Diir sewM vitors a good ioint lo talk about, right from the start. The cost wage Some earner.portion of this increase in uanaaa wno are aiuiuu to- tbe result. It,Is of living increased rapidly. In tea wheat is 1k(n May 7china'. Free Ua was served In the fled Cross is due to war conditions, but tbe serve, so mai mey may w nv (August, 1914, when the war Drone tent on Third Avenue. Among traJ! has been greatly affected by the last card. major part is unquestionably due immeiliatelv should any instruc iinr,lii Gov- out. It had reached a mark that loose the submarine campaign. .i that th methods of who assisted were Mes-dames to the unscrupulous lions from Washington, looked like the limit. As It turned come to play it bold- hesitates Charles Ualsey. Hubert eminent the profiteer,! says the resolution. Ward, Oflhuly, Harold Parker, WEDDINQ BELLS . JOFFRC IN GHICAQO iJ k ivri.i lik ti stand in with. out. it was only the beginning of "We believe the time has arrived Eisbleton, ih r.rm..p imi it Mopsn l like to niguer uuu ib" Federal and Provincial Kilpatrick, Hugh Dnnn, for the MoMey. Hoffmann. Ilallburton spcui to Th Dtuy .urn fall out with its old friends, the'war was just the thing the doctor Governments to take drastic ac Perk, H. W. A pretty weeding look place iv t vi...,i,.i jr. Ti,.. iinhnt is that free ordered for the Dorden Govern- these conditions." SeymouP WrlghL tion to remedy last Friday evening at the Pres -war menU friends. It was a cod day Kwflo, and Arnold; the Misses fre and ex-PremW' Viviani ar- wheat is announced as a The Dominion Trades Congress, fciiev Dyer, Kilpatrick, Peck. byterian Church manse, i n e riv.l lnr rrnm v.iinPion nflir mniiip." ll is not accented as when they didnt give the unfer the Provincial Federation of Labor, Sevens, Parker and Fisher, and high contracting parties engineer were tile sittings of the War Confer- a permanent policy at least, not,tunate consumer another squeeze. and all central bodies in the J- Smith, Hter Hoffmann. William ence. mey addressed an immense vet and the Northwest larmer is iuy u urj yuiu Dominion are being asked to de lilnbv Island, and Miss Josephine meeting. Over fifteen warranted in keeping his eye on cContinued on page three.l mand such action from the Governments. Hotel of tho Rupert MCTRICITY FOR Johnson, late thousand people listened to lha it till he sees it implemented byr.; They ask that as the, i B. Thain was tne OROWVINO CROPS staff. Miss French chiefs. a special clause In the Tariff Act WESTHOLME THEATRE question tlirectly affects labor, maid, "and the groomsman bride's Ttie Northwest farmer does not that labor should be adequately (?Pcil h fU unit .liwl.) was Mr. J. Clark.Rev. Dr. (Irani naa EXPRESS REGRETS forget that In tJl5 he was be- M tl,0 Westbolme Theatre tQ- represented by fully accredited After the guiled Into raising the biggest '., will be shown the London, May 7w Ilecent exjH'rl-""nts Ihe knot, the wedding party there representatives on such a board. Indicate tied t$PrUl to Tbe Drily .few.) wheat crop on record and was creat photoplay "Unprotected.' that large crop to the home of Mr. and Mrs. lncreaea may be obtained by drove Steen on Dortlcn turret, Paris. Mnv 7 Thn French am- then denied a market. ever This Is a very strong play and Is Ladies. If you want to see new iclentine methods, and that Howard was Jerved. A very bassador exoresses recret to again for the Northwest farmer. tlI10 lnat wjn appeal 'lo everyone dresses well worth looking at, call lectriclty may prove the solution where supper evening was spent by Switxerland for an attack made The Dorden Government will have Tj,e experiences of an orphan in at Goldblooin's. 112. f the fiod A current pleasant hv n Krmirli nviniAr nn ih town to show him first, The best Ciri whose only relatlvo la an problem. and the time passed from overhead wires sent Into the liffhlsnmelr.the guets. of Porrentrul. guarantee of good faith will be uncle. whose nature is devoid of irround an amendment to the tarlir. v im- aii kindness and love, her trials results in astonishing couple will make response from growing plants. The happy Seventh Avenue, PEACC BEFORC WINTER out this the farmer is justified in aiu tribulations, her hopes and NOTICE their home on supposing that the Dorden Gov- fars aro an vividly shown. Her THE COUNTY COURT West. Tho numerous presents tssrui io Tlx Dtiix ."'.) eminent is trying to put another imprisonment on a charge of Prtnc Rupert HetaH handsome and prelty. ohanU Association wW mi were London. Mnv 7. Gen Smuts, ono over. Hoodwinked once he. murder, and the subsequent mu- In May S, 1ti7, The case f Wong book and tho late commander of the British will be twice as suspicious. tiny of the convicts are very rea- on Tuoaday, Army. Salvation tho BHy HM at 8 p. m. Bvory 'oug Sing was heard before Judge forces In South Africa, speaking The order-In-councii is areas- isij0 pjeces 0f work, and taken bualnM In Frino Sni mg today in thn court house, Public meetings. Tuesdays, here says he believes that peace ed out with a good deal of bun- ai through, the play is exeeed- Wtot4H6l man lW0WM)eJ 01 BOCf Tin-y were charge.! with conduct- Thursdays and Saturday at 8 p. will come before winter. He as, combe to explain why a govern- jnBy well constructed. P9i"I InvlUd to aUond, a lM4-na ,n a lottery, and were found not Sundays at 7:30 p. in. serts that Germany is now defeat- ment so ndverse lo trucK or traue addition there is a Topical of Imnortano wW fnillty. m. ed. with the Yankees In IDll snouiu RudgeL.and a splendid musical W dfaouaMd. Thla mUnj crab "nt it so eagerly now The programme. The THE POLICE COURT Dresses -..nan., , flPU'flril, ..... .. I tllftt tlld Im a closed on to other Utan fiterlU,N Aa.I Ii at Goldblooin's 11 1 V IVHffl'll 'V t - ' knalii ysmlth worth seeing. 112. United States is now an ally, and. i , Yl,ry interesting collection of FfpVlTlSfBjBJ a Phono 1B, Wellington. At the nolice court this morn - - ., ' - .. - i u ... ,u f 1 T, K.wd l notlo. Z ""Pert Coal Co. tf ing, before Muglstroto Onrss. two jjjsrrrffff'Ttt letters irom mn t , ; lined 112 and I5 tne iront is to oe aeeu uuihujcu were Indlons respectively for being found Tbe Ckwces ef an Electiea Tkk Year are (ml. 'in foil the the ticket P. employee window, Last here WESTHOLMR drunk. i i ii r . ' contribute toward lending their LONDON C ATI TONIQHT AND TOMORROW u'rvr.i tin hoen received In town It You Want to Vote, You Muat Refllater. former comrades something for ''s iJ( f.ajjjy presents from the chief of police In St. Any lady over 21, who is a British Subject, and otherwise Christmas, and their acknow Third Avftu BLANCHE SWEET Louis regarding Karl Drown, the qualilled, should get her name on the voters roll by ledgeniepts make interesting BMl' Soryloa of tha -1.1- negro recently convicted here. applying to tho Registrar of Voters, or nny Notary Public, reading,. Prompt "UN PROTECTS D" . The character bo gets Is no good Justice of the Peace, Alderman, or other Commissioner. thro la to ai at all Washed known there to be dust arrived 100 ton TOPICAL BUDGET one.n.. He..Main was of thieves" and MONDAY, MAY 14, IS THE LAST BAY THIS CAN BE DONE Nut Coal -Albert A MeCaff BOXES FBR LABHH 10 as 1 mU. other persons of III repute. Phone 11. Ill'tilH G