THE DAILY NEWS Mitmlay My Wife' "Allowance" SUN AND TIDE The Daily News Your not .expand to may ..!. Mar 8th. THC LEADING NCWSPAHJt IN NORTHMAN MITHIH COLUMBIA meet the increasing cost of i.. PuMUfeeJ Daily Wee4y Sun rlrs foods, but it will buy n sufficient Guarantee Lartaat Circulation sun sfts ...Vo of Shredded I quantity High water ...1:40a.m. HEAD OFFICE Wheat to nourish every Low water . . . .:o a. in. Ifl. 2.7 the family. Two water ...2:32 P.- Dally News Ihiildlnfr. 3rd Av, Prince Rupert, H Q. Telephone 9H. member of High Shredded Wheat Biscuits Low water P- m. m. rilANHIKN r DISPLAY ADVKIVNSINOftO eenls p.r inch Contract with milk make a good, rates on application. nourishing breakfast nt n WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE cost of a few cents. All DAILY EDITIOK Mon4njr, t May 7. 1017. the body-building material i. .t... id nuanlces of the Scan wheat dinavian Society, K. of P. Hall, in the whole grain. dinner with May I7lh. Game commences 9 breakfast For or THE WOMEN'S PART are In operation. How the An engine, donated by p.i. One of the most nlgniflcant shipyards are expected to turn berries or other fruits. Akerberg, Thomson A Co., will be features of Mr. Lloyd George s out new shipping on a huge raffled for the Hed Cross, 1 fresh speech at the Guildhall n few scale as a counter-measure to King Salmon, etc., for the benefit evenings rfgo, says the Victoria the enemy's submarine campaign. of the Uurlal-l'lol fund or trie Times, was his statement that The mines must be kept Lodge. Westholma Orchestra. Ile-freshments three million acres or fresh going at high pressure to sup. and programme land was under cultivation in ply coal and other materials Tickets 50 cents. the United Kingdom. for the fleet and factories. .A little stud will reveal behind Numerous auxiliary services COAL NOTICES WRIGLEYS that bare announcement a must be operated, while the remarkable chapter of achievement. country's industries apart from Made in Canada HUM UNO RECORDINO DISTRICT The area of new land the war cannot be allowed to ; ISTRIOT OF QUttM CHARLOTTE ISLANDS thus described is equivalent to languish. readiness lo furnish the fullest almost one-third of (he area The women of Britain play Mr. llowser Take notice thai VVUlUm niton, of Vie investigation. did under wheat In the three prairie a big part in anfwering the lorle, B. C . ocrepatlon accountant. Intends not accept the invitation. The inference 14 apply 'r ptrmtsstun lo prospect for Now THREE Flavour provinces. It, is equal to one-quarter riddle. Without them all these to be drawn from his enal and petroleum on tbe west roast -Oraham of the entire area under extraordinary demands upon silence is a severe reflection upon Island. In vicinity ef West river. food in the kingdom the nation's human resources Commencing SI post planted uM mile crop til to the least. It is thai in. say sodtb or tbe eoatbeasi corner of C t when the war broke out. could not be nearly met. Without Mr. llowser, fearing the result of 111; thence north chains, thence east Get a package of the new "Juicy Fruit'' In 1914 the extent of land them, it is not too much the committee's investigation of II chains ibence south It chains, tbrace under corn crop, that is, wheat, to -say, this war coQld not be Messrs. Tate and Welch, tried to est IS chains to point or eommeeierHiniL See what a joyous lasting barley, oats, rye, beans and won for the Allies. With their WILLIAM DIXO.t, bluff the Government off the trail. aemL Marcb SI, HIT. Aasua Breva. flavour has been peas, was 8,216,000 acres. The help the "tight little isle' is Supporting this inference is Mr. crowded area under green crops, com-, achieving one of the marvels Tate's sworn statement that he SKEENA LA NO RECORD!NO DISTRICT in to give you a great, BIG prising vegetables, was 4,056,-000 of this marvelous age. This is "handled the campaign fund as ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS acres. There were 50,000 the picture of which the an. far as the Conservative party is 5 cent package of refreshment! acres under llax, 37,000 under nouncemont of Lloyd George Concerned." In the vernacular of Take noUce that Turner RoUweU Mullen. of Victoria. B. C occupatloa merchant. In hops and 101,000 under fruit. regarding the agricultural production the great American game, Mr. lends lo apply for permission to prospect lUs 5W- MADE IN CANADA Clover'and mature grasses' accounted of his country is the Ilrewsler has called Mr. Howser'a far coal and petroleum on tbe west coast Sealed Tlghi- for 6,605,000 and permanent oT Oraham Island, in vicinity of Weil liver bluff. II will be called again KuutDCtar at a post planted one mile pasture for 27,350,000 when Messrs. Tale and Welch south or Use southeast corner of C L acres. NOTES AND COMMENTS come under an examination which ItTIi thence west 10 chains, Ibence north The 3,000,000 acres of new-j Ihey will not be able lo run awaV SO chains, tbrnee east 10 chains, thence ly cultivated land will produce Juislern Liberal papers are from. sooth 10 chains to point of eommeacesnenL food stuffs, and will be in ad-; having no little fun with their TCR.1ER ROTIIWLLL MLUX. Marm 11, HIT. Austin Brova. agenL dition to the 12,700,000 acres Tory contemporaries over free The Daily, News delivered by already devoted to this purpose. wheal. They are asking if the carrier, 50 cents per month. 3CEEMA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT It is not hard to Visualize the new order will mean the annexation ISTRICT OT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS scene of agricultural activity of Canada to the United COAL NOTICES the figure represents. Spacious Slates, the diversion of our east Take noUre thai Agnrt Brovn, of Vic country estates, parks, golf and west trade routes, the disso. MIEJU Auto RtCOROIN DISTRICT apply torts, B.for C,permission occupation te widow.prospect Intends for coal to THE FLA VOUR LASTS and public resorts are luton of the Empire, fete etc. and courses STRICT OF QUCCN CMARLOTTI ISLANDS and petroleum on west coast of Oraham responding to activities which those other weird things Laurier's Island. In vicinity of West river. Chmw It Biter every meal! at other limes would be regard- opponents declared would cer-ed Take notice thai Junes Mtitulty, or losiuucscmg at pus I planted to unlet tr a en ere Rupert, occupation merchant, in-tends south of the southeast comer of C L as desecration. The land tainly follow the free exchange to apply for permission lo prospect lOOllt thence west 10 chains. Ibence problem which in other years of when! and similar products Deformed for coal and petroleum on tbe west coast north 10 chains, thence easl 00 chains. the subject of the Prime tween the two countries. The or Oraham Island in the vicinity of West Ibrnce Mtta M chains, to point of com Minister's most burning per- responses are both novel and river. SDencemraL Commencing at a planted one mile AO MIS BROWM. iods is being solved by the grim conflicting. One says the change post south of southeast corner of C L. IIITj March II, HIT. Austin Brown. agenL necessities of war. And Mr. jia a "wartime measure." Another tbrnee south 10 chains, ibence east 10 fSpring Schedule Hull will lake mighty good.says "conditions are jio longer chains, tbrnee north S9 chains, Ibence MEXJU LAND RECORDING) DIITRICT care that for a large part the 'the same,' and so forth. Their west 10 chains to point of commencemenL IITRICT OT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS I. S. PRINCE QEonac JAMES MClULTT. new order will become perma- explanations are about as continent. Marcb II, HIT. Autun Brown, agent THURSDAY 11 Midnight f.o r Vsncouisr He will not expose, biin- dictory and Incoherent as their Take notice thai Edard Plckard. of , Victoria and taaltla. Los Angeles. ocupaUonreagtneer, Intends self to the Bame risk twice. arguments against it were In MEENA LAND RXCOROIN4 DISTRICT la apply for permission to prospect for WEONCIOAY MIDNIOHT FOR ANVOX Where is the labor coming.1911, I STRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS coal and petroleum on tbe west coast of t. S. PRINCE JOHN from? From the beginning of! Graham Island. In vicinity of West river, Fee Reunite, Wre!!, Jeaeee a4 osagwsi, ntar ItASi d . fie Take notice that Joseph Row at. of Prince CooitBrncisg st post planted one mile Vaeeve BU Tib a 1su the war up to the present the) At the I'.O.K. inquiry a few Rupert. B. C, occupation pffapector. In south of tbe southeast comer or C L. United Kingdom has had more days ago the leader of the Oppo-than tends to apply for permusion to prospect OlITt tbrnee west 10 chetns. ibrnce north fee Qeeee CSkarleaie lalseds t. t. Mar PRINCE 0l ul ALBERT tare. Fee Veaeeeier Net IM 5,000,000 men under arms. J sitfon said that If Mr. Tale made for coal and petroleum on tbe west coast 10 chains, Ibence easl SO chains. Ibence ad tsiN. There must be .more than 3,- more definite statements r'egard-000,000 of Oraham Island. In vicinity of Weal sooth 00 chains EDWARD lo point of riCEARD,commencemenL PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE of these overseas now ing the distribution of the cam. river: vVedeesdar aM tate-reai at 11 ISO a. m. fee SwRheea. sHse Aees. ls-Meatee, Commencing from a post planted one Marcb tl, HIT, Auiun Brown, agenL and the stream of reinforce- paign fund he (Mr. Bowser) mile sooth of Ibe southwest corner of C L. Beekateee aed WlMlpee. mekkt SMeeelloee tbeee fee sR eJeU eat end Mirth, .ataed teste every 14f at 4 a. m. menls is flowing more strongly would tell of something thai would ! thence sooth 10 chains, thence east MEENA LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT than ever. To meet the extra- be of particular Interest to Lib. 10 chains, thence north 10 chains, thence ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Aooncy All Ocean Steamship Lines. west 10 chains to point or commencemenL For information and reservations apply to ordinary demand for munitions erals. Mr. Ilrewster invited Mr. . JOSEPH ROWAT, Take notice that James of Victoria, City Ticket Offlca, SM Third Avenue. PHONE 2M Ray, not only in France but in Itus- Ilowner to state what he knew if March J I, HIT. Austin Brown. sgeaL B. C. occupation hotel proprietor, intends sia, Salonikf, Masopolamia, he knew anything pointed out to apply for permission to prospect for East Africa, Palestine and pos- that as a public man II was his MEENA LAND RIOORDINO DISTRICT coal and petroleum on tbe west coast of sibly Italy, fully 5,000 factories duty to do so and expressed his STRICT Of QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Graham Island. In vicinity of Wast fiver Cummencing tl a post planted al the Take notice that John William Oosa, or southwest corner of C U ll'.lt tbtnee Victoria, B. C, occupation merchsnL Intend west II chains, Ibence south 10 chalna, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY MINERAL ACT . MINERAL ACT to apply for permission to prospect thence., east SO chains, thence north 10 for coal and petroleum on tbe west coait chains lo point of commencemenL Certificate of Improvements SOTICE TO DEU.IQCE.'VT PARTJIEfl of Oraham Island. In vicinity of West river. JAMU RAT, Lowest Kates o all Eastern Points To C. W. Calhoun: Commencliig at a post planted two miles Marcb II, HIT. Austin Brown. agenL via Steamer to Vancourer and Iht Jake notice, whereas I nave done and south or tbe eoutbraat corner of C U RAILWAY CANADIAN PACIFIC MOTtOC caused to be done assessment work on the 1147; thence west 10 chains, thence south SXEENA LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT Caribou Mineral Claim situate In tbe Mldnlrht Fraction mineral claim, situated 10 chains, tbrnee east 10 chains. Ibence ISTRICT OT QUEEN CMARLOTTI ISLANOS Meals anH tUslk inclod.d n Sleemee Skacna Mtninr revision of Caasiar District. on tbe IlUaace river, about fourteen miles north 10 chains to point of commencemenL vyftere located Sear bead of Alice from tbe bead of Alice'Arm. In tbe 8 arena JOM.l WILLIAM OOSS. Princess Maqulnna for Qranby A Alice Arm Friday 11 P--Princess Take notice that Frederick of Ann, B. C mining- division of Sterna district, assess. March 11, HIT. Austin Brown. agrnL Moersch, TAKE rtOTICE thai I. I. Fred Ritchie, ment work for ifll. mi, and 1116, and Victoria, B. C, occupation salesman. In. Maqulnna for the south Sunday 8 p. m. Free Miner's Certificate So. im C. actlnr have paid for said work and recording lende to apply lor permission to prospect aa srent for W. A. Williams. Free Miner's same tbe sum or 1 107.19. Unless you pay IK ibtwict SENA LAND as nuns RECORDINO ciuilotti DISTRICT laLSMoa 'for coal and petroleum on the west coat I Princess Sophia for AlasVan peris Monday, May 7th. Certificate .la. IIIIC Intend, sltty days me Ibe sum or HOMO, Tor your share of Graham Island, In vioinity or West liver. front the date hereof, to apply to tbe of tbe said assessment work, together wltb Commencing al a post planted two miles Mttoinr Recorder for CerUflcate of Im-. the cost of this advertisement, I shall, at Take notice that Roalyn Duke, or Port soulb or tbe sou 12m tit corner of C U J, I. PETERS, (feneml Acent land, Ore occupation hotel proprietor, ln-lends 1171. thence easl 10 chains. Ibence south rovemeots, for the purpose or obtatnlnr ibe eiplration of ninety (to) days from Crown Grant of the above claim. ibe date hereof apply to the mining re to apply for permission to protprct 10 chains, ibence west 10 chains, thence C rer Fourth Street end Third Aeenue, Prince Kur-ert. n.C And further tike notice that action, under corder at Prince Rupert. B. G, to nave for coal and petroleum on tbe westeoail north 10 chains lo point or commencemenL section it most be commenced before your Interests In tbe Midnight Fraction of Oraham Island, in tbe vicinity or West FREDERICK MOtrtSCll. l be issuance; of such Certineate of Improvements. mineral claim vested In me. In pursuance river. March II, HIT. Austin Brown. agrnL of tbe provisions of the mineral att. Cutnmeacliig at s post planted one tails Bated this 17th -asr or March. A. D. Dated at Prince Rupert. B. C, this II lb south or tbe southeast corner of C. L. SKEENA LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT " J day of HIT. 97 1 1 tbrnee south 10 chains, thence west OT HIT. April. Jy II ISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS 10 chains, thence not in 10 chains, tbrnee ii. 1. FRED RITCHIE. ArenL c riiimrs. east 10 chain to point of eommeRcemenL no I L Y.I DL'k'E, Take notice that John Booth, or Los March II, HIT. ' Austin Browo, artnu Angrlrs. occupation contractor. Intends lo spply ror prrmlislon- to prospect for coal MEENA LAND RECORDS DISTRICT- "i!: . V'J ' M Launch Alice B. .STRICT Or QUEENCHARLOTTE ISLAND,f Isoutb or the southeast roroer of C L Take notice thai Oiy'er Brown, of Vk-'ttlli thence easl to chain, ibence north FOR SsrrUUlATIA torla. B, C.. occupation machinist. Intends t9 ttn. thence weal 10 chains thene ki apply for permission lo prospect for south io chain to point of rommrneemenL unsays ens Wednesdays wl and petroleum on Ibe west coan or i0HH u.Hnn At ii noun, t and 4 p.m. orabsia Island in vicinity or Wen river. March 31. HIT. Austin Brown.'agenL RETURN FARf 11.00 Commencing at a post plsnted Uq miles south or ibe souibeasl corner of C L. Call 0971 f Ihonce south 10 entity, tbrnee vest 0 chains, ibence norm 10 rbains, thence SUBSCRIBE EOR W. J. THOMAS, Fheee. sail 10 rhalua to point of comineneemenl. areee Ml. March 11, HIT, OUVt.IV Austin BIIUW.N,Brown, agenL The Daily News Subscribe for The Daily News EMPRESS COFFEE WtrOLES ALE EHSTRssHITOR m n navvaou PRINCE RilPKRT. P. "