Morula May 7. 0t7' THE DAILY NtfWB t . LAND REGISTRY ACT LANS MaHSTRY AST OF! THE MAILS BLESSING f (set lion is and IK.) (Sections tl and 131.) R ApfHeaHorM Nos. tSII-l and IMT-I, For tho East. i R AppHcAtlon No. SI,III, FiUflf Mil rtHnr iii. HEALTHY BODY: Tuesdays, 2 a. in. TAIE NOTICE Ihtt appttcaMon has been TAkF. NOTICE thai application nil been I mad to refHtcr Sarah Lando, af PrHie 9:30 (inesuay, a m. mad to muter John Berrman, or Prtaea Rupert. B. C a owner la fe trader two Rapert, B. C as owner In ft under I Saturdays, 9:30 a. ni. Tat Saw Deeds from Um Cotfectef ef fa Tn sale Deed from the Collector of the n.i Had A" H'-r'i SltVr. City ef Prtoce Rupert, beartof date the Cliy of Prince Rapert, bearlnr dat the From tjio East, If od day of Septeoiticr, HIS, and ALL AND lota day of September, Mil, or ALL AND MNOLLAn that cerum tract ef parcel of im-silayi, 5:30 p.tu. irNOULAIt mat certain parcel or tract of land and pfemtse situate,.lylsf and baler land and premises situate, lyinr. and be- T.iursdays, 5:30 p. tn. m to MselcipaHty of Print Rupert nor inr In Ib Municipality of Prince Rupert, parHetriarly known and 'described at Lot Sundays, 3M0 p.'m. more particularly known as Lot Ten (IS), eleven (), Block Iwenty-dthl (tt) Block Fir (i) lection lerto IT), Man For Vancouver. I3, Seciten S4a (), and Lot Urirty-tbre (33), Block ferty-au (41), Section EHabt (I), You arc required to contest the clata Tuesdays, 4 m. Map tSi. p, of lb ut purchaser within tblrfy-Bri Thursdays, 10 p. in. U)i from ibe date or tb semes or this Tooara rcoulred ta contest toe tHim, nolle (whlcb may be effected by Reals t the tat purchaser wiuun tl days from Sundays, 4 p.m. 'ercjl Mall or a Directed, and your at tb dale of tb service of tat nolle ten lion Is called to section si of to (which may he effected by publication), From Vancouver. -Land netistry Act- with amendments, tnd your attention If called to section " Wednesdays, 10:30 a. rn. tnu to the rouowmr rtlricl I he re from: IS or toe -Land Registry Act" with iWIK fBLAMCME SWEtT ardvl "and In default of a careat or eertlfl amendments, and to tbe f olio win r attract r r in . 3 p. in. ; rale of til pendens beiny Bled before the therefrom; ."and In default of a reristratlon aa owner of tb person entitled careat or eerttflcat oT Ila pendens 'being under such tat sale, all persona s Bled before tbe registration a owner or AH. 1 iiate Mondays from Janu serred wim notice and tbot rlalmlni the person entitled under such tat sal, all nry id. tbrourb or under Uwm, and all persoof persona so serred with notice.......and MR. MAnHIOTT -Uirninr any interest in tb land by virtu those,clalmlnr through or under them, and 73 Lees Ave., Ottawa, Ont, For Anyox. of any unregistered Instrument, and . aO all persona claiming any Interest In lb Al the August Oth, 1913. Wetlholme Theatre tonight. Wednesdiiya, 10 m. persons clalmlnr any Interest In tbe stand land by rlrtue of any unregistered Instrument "I think It my doty to tll you what p. by descent wbose tltl Is not reaistered and all persona claiming say Interest lives' has done for roe. RECIPROCITY AND THE Fridays. 8 p. m. on r the provisions of this Act shall be In the land by descent whoa title "Fruit a both producer and consumer ond for crer estopped and debarred from set- is not registered under the provuion of Three rears So, I hrtfati to feci run. BORDEN GOVERNMENT Sundays. 8 p. m. this Act, thai! be for crer estopped and at tho same time prevent cheap una up soy claim to or In respect of tb Jon and tired,and Buffered very much ;food from climbing The Frcm nnd so sold for taiea, and Um Retlstrar debarred from setting up any claim to or Iron irr and Kidney Trouble. over. Anyox. ilia!! re rliter tbe person entitled under hi retpeet of Um land so sold for taxes. lUrio? read of " FntJVa-Uvesj", I lUiiitinued Kroni 1'age One. Horden Government may sacri Thursday Sundays and Tues men ut sale as owner of tbe land sc and tb Registrar ibill register tb person fice the millers temporarily, hut vld for taies" entitled under such tax sal as owner or I would them. The mult thought try days. eurrrulfljr. During J ho SJ years with il becaueo the Itorden Gov. at won 1 get back to the food fore AND WHEREAS application baa bees tbe land so aold for tax.' tt Mailers who made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Till AND 'WHEREAS application has been ernineut vaa their friend. put it in office and them taken refttkriyand put, I tare lo the aboremeotloned lands. In the nam Bade for a Certificate of laderesawl TlUe act elianjp for anything. At Al lite ery outaet the govern who keep it there. (f John Berrman t la the above-mentioned lands, hi ta name VV tkknett tiaee I com ment amuiiied porter hy means As for tho western farmer, AND WHEREAS on taresUratlnt tb of 8rb Lando. pcaer' uS "iVa41frM, and I of the War Measures Act to repu- sherwd student of public questions, UUe It appear that prior to tb lit day AND WHEREAS on Investigating lb tlu Isow n. a what I luvcn't known for lale pricea or anything else that he will laugh at this of September, It II, (tbe dat on wblea, It appears that prior to the .1419 .day of ibe said lands were aold for overdue September, ttlt, (to .date oo which the thai the eleven hour stuff. If Ihe Iiorden l xS row?years U, Ueaalss; ueedd rtgulaling, but they had late) you wer tb assessed owner said lands were sold Tor overdue lues), el g lutlihy lody and clear thinking no intention of hurtin? their Government really believes in thereof. you wer tb registered and assessed friends. The War Measures Act freer trade it would have removed TIMBER SALE X 82. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at UM owner thereof. WALTER J. MARRIOTT. wo a rcxl in pickle and that was that handicap on wheat six taoM time I shall effect re filtration la FARTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the pursuance: of sucb application and liuc t tame time I than effect registration la Is a lt 6 for f 2Jp, trial lte. 23c, where they kept it in pickle. years ago. Ten cents a bushel on Seated tender win be recelred by the Certificate or Indefeasible Title to the said pursuance or such application and Usu a l r or sent o!pald oo receipt They had no idea of chastizing tho exportable surplus of western Minuter of Land! not later tbaa noon on lands in tbe name of John Berrman unless Certificate or Indefeasible Title to tb sakl :e by Krult-a-llve Limited, with il. They altnply took the wheat foots up many millions of tbe I ttb day or May. HIT, for tb put. you lake and prose cut Um proper pro-ceedinrs land In tb name' of Sarah Lando unless rod and put it aafely where dollar in six years. The statisti rbaee of Licence X tli, to cut SlO.OtS to establish your claim. If aaj you take and prosecuM tbe proper proceedings away lo trie aald lands, or Vt prevent such to establish claim. If any, feet of Fir. Ilrmlotk and Cdar( oo an pro your cians figure it oul can for them nobody ele could get It. The area malted oo tb north, abor of Dean posed action on my part to tb aald lands, or to prevent such prut- theory was thai the people would selves. Whatever it amounts to Channel. Rantc 3, Coail DUlrlct DATED at tbe Land Retlstry OOlc posed action on my part ruts: MJuia itrm. look at the rod and say, "What it is that much the western farm On 1 1 1 year will be allowed Tor re Prince Rupert, B. C. this 4th day o DATED at the Land Retlstry OfJlee. a stern disciplinarian this Iiorden er has to forgive. It's a safe bet moval of Umber. December, A. D. ISIS. Prince Rupert, B. c. thla I Oth day ot Further particular of tbe Chief For- H. F. MACLEOD, April, A, D. It IT. 1. ciftcurr no. (ioverntnent that he won't do it. He will lei" Apr, IT. District Retlstrar or TlUec eiter, Victoria, B. C. or Dutrlet Forester B. F. MACLEOD, Im It- 41b 81. aod 3rd Arc. reckon that a government as bad To Simon Peterson. DarUville, California. However, you can't fool the at Prtoce Rupert, B. C DUtrict Registrar of Titles. las 1' -lib it aad Ird Ave. Ui 14 4th SL aad 3rd Ave. people all the time. In the course ly spotted with war scandals and To Charles Planus, aa to Lot 33; chronic misdeeds as the Horden rtu lmil ii ileliwre.l b II. F. Clark and H. O. hi is- -Jaoeuoo of lit tod and of a year or Iwo the people gol TIMBER SALE X 813. Richer, Ird At. wise to the fact that the last Government has too many spots err !0 rit r tix.nlS. a to Lot 11. ar It III Are.. ltaew lib aad thing 4he Iiorden Government to change in a hurry- H. F. G. Sealed tenders will be recclrrd by tb ta tic Unoi Hot!). Mtnutcr or Lands not later than noon oa Sri it III Arc aad 1th at (Ceo- wanted to do was to use the War Navigable Water Protection Act. tbe ttb day or June, 1117, Tor tbe pur- MMeWO ml Howl). Measures Act against their friends (Jut of Uceaca Xtll, to cut T,4 R. S. CHATTER "SIS. who were treating Canada as feel of Hemlock. Cedar and Spruce, and CIRCUIT NO. Z. their oiter. Naturally enough I,too lineal feet of pUlnr. on aa area ad- FRED STORK'S HARDWARE 1 XI -3rd Are awl ird St tposl Tbe Oriad Traak Plane Rtllvay Cod. Jotntnr Lot I Its, JuikaUa Inlet, Orebam one:- the people noticed that the half pnj- brrrbj rtrt HUn Uul It aai( under liland. Queen Charlotte. Island DUlrlct IS ird Arc. aad MrSrtd tt dozen or so !iigh-coUof-living feeuon T of lb laid Act, deposited wits Tare S) year wUl be allowed for re to 14- 111 Arc. aod MeBrtdt ft commissions reported as tardily Uw Mimtr or Public Worts at ottisc moval of timber. 710 8ECeH AVE. and tad ind Ua aCDcc af Further particulara of the Chief Forest- su tad Arc 8t u ta DUlrlct Rttlitrar on possible and that, when they fc ta- tod Arc aad lib SI f ttw Land frtlrjr Ode. DUlrlct ol er, Victoria, B. C, or District Forester. Carpenter's Tools Builders' Hard war Ship Chandlery in a -a. t p. did report, nothing was ever done rtaec Rupert at rrtar Rvprrt (UacrlP' Prince Rupert. B. C Nor did they fail Ur observe that Moo. t Um tll abd pita of lumber milt Wire Cablo Stool Blocks Fishing Taekls emevrr o." a." on every one 01 their economic wd ottwr works propoied to tw built to TIMBER SALE 920. Iron Pipe Pips Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Sri 11 tth Are. and Fulton it lite Prince Rupert hartmr at Prince Rupert commission of ' was posted one Rope, Valves Ammunition ti at Borden aad Taylor It. I milk Columbia. In front or Waterfront the biggest, if not the biggest, Sealed tenders wfll be recelred by tbe 34 ta Arc and Fulton At Stork T. areordinr to rtriiteted plan of Punipa Hoss Paint the lownsIM of said or Prince Minister or Lands not later than nooo on . lae Ut tifc Are. aad Comoi Arc food profiteers in Canada, whose cltr Rupert rerttlered la I be aroreiald land tbe fist day or Mty. IttT, Tor tbe pur- Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron ri IT sth ruce Arc aad Dodre cue was, of course, to see things chas or Licence Xlll, to cut 4,tM00 "a. Section T. reentry .are a Ml, Ui aa (ife Are aad Tbotcpsoa at coming and then bead them off. feci of HrmkKk, Cedar aad Spruce, and 'WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" A"ID TAKE .10TICX tnat arter tht ei-plriiMt 19.000 lineal feet or pUlnr on an area The final evidence of bad faith circuit no. . Of one mocln from tat data of Lot 1101, JustaUa Inlet, Queen aJJolnlnr Bs 41 lift Are. aad rjaraerson on the part of the Iiorden Gov lb Brit pubUcaUoa of this notice, toe Cbtrlott District Place ernment, which handed Canada Grand Trunk Pacific Railmtr Company Tbreo (3) year wUI be allowed Tor 41. tin Are Ui. under Secuoo T of tbe aaid Art appl FRED STORK'S HARDWARE and McBrtd at over to the looters and said, "Get rrmoral of timber. to tbe Minuter of Public Works at nil Ss 44 Ilk Arc aad Oreen tt Further particular of tbe Chief For rich while you can." was when the ode la Um a it or Otua Tor approral 4l Arc ad Poll St ester. Victoria. B. C, ov DUtriet Forester 1 4a Ttb.Arc aad Ebertt. Minister of Labor, Mr. Crothers, it tbe aald alia and pirn aod for tear at rrtnee Pipert, B. C j j STaT'-fT M 14t tth Arc and Toung St 'broached a plan to Investigate the m ronitract tbe aald workc Dated at WlnnJper. Manitoba, tola tilt high cost of living in such a way Atf or February. A. D. It IT. that there were four chances to THE ORAD TRC'.H PACIFIC RAILWAY Vme against the results ever CCUPAMT. II. II. HAXSARO. Solicitor. ...l,lnit I 1 1 a Prince Rupert Feed Go. Free vh-at as a "war measure" WATER NOTICE This is as a favor eitcnded to "our ally," o. ki aaa. OS TMrd Arc ,not as an election' trick of Hob DIVERSION AND USE Keep National RECEIVED llogers and Arthur Meighen's, has Service OUR 1917 SEEDS TAKE NOTICE Ibat Oeorr McRac !a queer smell to it. You may hoM address U Sktderat. B. C . wit WE HANDLE take il for granted that the good applr for a licence to take' aod ok lit Steele A of the people is of less concern cubic reel per minute or niter oul ot Brigs, Rennlea' than the relief it is expected to Detntier Creek, wblcb no a nortberlr Chickens Terry's and Mackenzie's a Turd the Iiorden Government. drttni Into Alirord B17, abou: II cbami Garden and rrom tbe .1. E. corner of T. L. Ill Tb Field Seeds. This high tariff government, miter will be direrted from Um itrraa at They Also Fertilisers. ;which had cheerfully Jumped the a polot about ten rhaina wen from !t.VV HAY, GRAIN AND FEED larilT CO per cent, in two raises, corner of Lot 4, B. C riiberies. and wic The cost of meat is the heavy be ured for porker purpoia upon Um lanti will Chicken Feed A Specialty. has not been suddenly converted deicrlbed aa adjoinlnc Timber Ural I til item in the food bill. help to freer trade. It simply wants in application to hiw. We Take Ordsrs for Nursery an election cry that will alienate Thil nullc wu polled on Um trounr of rich frlen. n tbe 1 1 ib- dar or Januarr, IttT. I Keep you Stock. (the smallest group vpr or this noUca and an applicatlot Poultry and Eggs will help i This group, no doubt, happens iMirruant tberelo and to tba Wiier Act Mil 0er Tc take the place of meat. Aiueeed rnmwi to be the millers. Tho Hordcn Itli IU be filed In tbe office of Um Government hope to lose them Water Decorder at Prince Rupert Ob short time. Ilemcm. lectleui to tbe application may be Bleo The food that the How to go only for a goes to garbage Don't Send Hlib tb aald Water Recorder or vitl Money her thai free wheal is a "war lb Comptroller or Water Rlrnu. Parlla- pail from the average table will provide about it roenl BuUdlnra. 1ctorla. B. C in Letter measure." BUT aaaa far aatcklaA m day 41 a I Of course this move of the thirty dtya after the om appearance of one-third the feed for a flock of 8 to caleaai barrow amy kawody bta notice In a local newrpaper. aaa c aa arttactal brooder. A you send tubs llonlen Government admits the Tbo data or tbe Bril publirition of thu 19 hens. alartod cwcalaa-boa wtfl aouaa ta WIIHN tomaazincs, whole case or reciprocity, the aotlr la rebruary tut ttIT, new aad chick. Pa1 ta chick broad crank akd la milk aad goods out of fatuity of tho arguments about OEOnUE MrRAE. AppUeant, Poultry will thrive where vegetables qwaeaod dry. Fad Sr Unas a town, or pay small Knst and West haul," "our wheal day. altorwatlaa with reaarea' will not grow. The outlay is small chick lead, oaly aa much a they ccounts at distance, do not losmg Its Identity." and so on, Coaghlsg scatters will aat up ctaaa. Seaaambar thai Place the actual cash in the but what does the Horden Government gtrm A few minutes a day Is all the time a haaary catch ta a healthy ehkh envelope.Thousands of dollars cure about consistency CAtmON: Chicsa i Stop it required. 14 aaiil at laast as hHsr M.aad arc lost every year through when It is In tho last ditch? Unfortunately taea aaly aparlaety. nrc, robbery or misdirection. the Iiorden Gov. Cochin for If you can, start bow with Use tho Bank Money Orders, eminent this country has a good irtiUlfeiti Cl t already in- A small flock in your back yard will etnfs or chicks; K not,arrani ucd by this bank. Tlicyare and wiser naunai titaraou Bieaoraue far with at once with tit local poultry to keep sadder supplied Payable memory. It l n n4 la tnurtorer apt to carry go you eggs, tuaociattets for HtaVta ha the in Canada and the Canada than It was sU years ago disease to otheia. broilers and roasters. falL United States in any turn up when the Horden Government Mthieu'S)ru;ofTarol to fifty dollars. Co4 UriOiprituiUriUH Their .turned tho profiteer loo. It counlilng. anj awn, trank proieetiuai (a well worth their heaven knows, to lta tonic effect mU bad enough, properUea, was con. Write for Poultry Bulletins to a penuanrnt time of peace, but cut. J, THE In the piping Tu won.leiful popularity OF BAJMK war was the. profiteers money-moon. of Malhleu'a Brrup of Tar INFORMATION BUREAU British North Anerka When th Horden Gov. aad Cod Lirer OU I rpecjally eminent goe out, n it will In ooi so iu great value a a Canada permanent Tune aul biua-cfaUl HE MMMM cNtA. j the near future. It Im'"' haoler. sY-a tiUUVLVS, f7JSS(.00e. like sucked orange. Bold looking a every her,yjc Urgw PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH That these fruits of repenlenee fcsttisaV, DtPAJtDENT Cf AOUCUITI on tho Horden Government's part J. U MATUirU CO, rrvsv. W.J.SfWHERS,Manager are only shadow pictures I shown Klawkb, rJi. taaaaa OTTAWA that the tarilT Is still Inl I,, fact the by "mhmmi.amn HONOURABLE MARTIN bVURHCLL, Jhftaafler, ADVERTISE height. IN 'imilntulned at II presont This ring (nc I high enough ltl The Daily News to enable the middleman to shear