111E DAILY NHW8 Monday, May ; (9, ROAD MAKING There It very MMe rest estate txiurM the dart speculation. Local Ncios Notes IN MACEDONIA Oar rliiien Ih ctst out Mm r4 A Shoe Store Mfh quirk Mett Mitt prevail SHMI aroonr inem no! m loot aro. lived In a New Suits Just arrived at Cold. r have never Sinra ibrrc H no tfwculatlv buy-Inr, prlret have fallen In torn la bloom's, 112. roadless country, It U dlfHcult to tttnret W,normal nme of nt think Macedonia as It was be- brtow normal. Tbtt btt rlrared tt Complete In every detail and .Mrs. W. C. Cameron, of Stewart, nielure ....,i..fl.lnHlH" a.iw -it srmf foretiiy sy Tlx fur toundfiess'lh Investor,of Invettmeritt tit With a stock worthy of a Is a guest of Mrs. John Conway. i. lrue there were two roads wrfl located jrope rtiev li rel large 'city. V i to Seres and Monastic but beyond todsr It ever wat. Tak for Underwood typewriter for sale that nothing, except tracka ample, lot IT. Wfk 11, Section I, do.ntainlng footwear of the or rent nt the City Weigh"Scales. viiinire to village. These It It on the south side of Third Avenue, opposite Second . tree! bent and for man, woman Mr. J. V. nitteiihouse left for imrks nisy be compared to peo The owner It forced to sell thtt lot and child. Vancouver on yesterday's ileamer, pie who lake the line of least re-li.innre and It can be bourtit for 11,119. they Juit meandered It li rood. location for a retail trmneti irw, and trows better Cir MUltT SHOES Mr. L. 1'. llutton was among out of village, Rcrosa piatn. bjr day. By ereetinr .suitable For those who want style, the passengers for the south yes. ii..Heh liiiwr" a mountain -pass, or buildlnt, lf property will rant and "comfortable" cushion, lerday. around a hill, across streams or enourn in rrntt to .muni rood and eventually Into the rite of imerett on tb Investment ed soles for those who are marsh And It U ttfr, because It It to much on "their feet." New goods are always to be ntxt village. If stream In flood located that the tendency of l be re-till seen nt Ooldbloom'a. Prices ore gradually undercut Its bed, where vlclnly,butlneu li t rravitat to that A competent experienced right. 112. ehamred the track its crossea,course accordingly.me irac. Sunlight H. O. HELGERSON, LTD man In charge who under, Mr. . I). Chctham went to If a boulder fell from the inoun. stands thorough "fitting" Swanson Hay yesterday on a busi tain ible and rested on tne tracx and the requirements of ness trip. was it moved? No, the track oyn particular foot. . wound afresh round the boulderl Soap "The Doily News ft The Ladies Auxiliary of the If the track led over a slippery PRICES Prince Hupcrt fleneral Hospital rock surfacedid the local In. The same as charged in the wish to thank alt who ntakU-d to habitants take upon themselves TTbc inducements offered with common CLASSMD ADS. larger centres. make the Tag Hay ajid UTV-a on to prevent their beasts of burdftn aoaps cannot make up for the purity of Sunlijht Soap. It cotts US more to make Saturday a success. , falling there? No, the track was You will find these claims altered, pure soap. But it cost YOU less to use WANTED. substantiated by visiting our The Rev. Mr. DimtnleV, accom ,Vo attempt was made at a it, (or Sunli'lht pays for itself in the clothes k aavea. It does not wear and rub the panied by Mrs.- Dimrntck, left causeway over a marsn nor was SHOE DEPARTMENT fabrics Cbambcrmald or DIsbwasher. colored.. in u as common soap do. work. Phot 147. til. Prince. Rupert yesterday for the anr use made of the material often south. A large 'number of Hlieir !cloe to hand, that with breaking, tUNfesmsMs WASTED Bor to work Inside ttor. Apply friends werent the wharf 16 see Iwould have made an excellent 0 ieesTj sWst mj mU Dally Sewt cmce, 107. them oft. macadam surface. At a few places M sJ CUAMBERMUO WASTED 8AVOV HOTEL. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. could be seen the remains of roads with a surface of large WA5TED Oood capable nrL ISO per FHONE BLACK MS. stones. These were of little Booth. Apply Mr. C U. Orme. Pnone H. tf value, as more often than not they were found at Irregular Interval! II CALL FROM AT ROWES PLUMBING pencil aunifry WAITED Position by man and wife, both LAND ACT Hand and "to and. from nowhere COOKS, .tuff said. Ask P. W. Ander-on. Prince Rupert. SKEE5A LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT Of I Tbelr ancient "lo'a and AND COAST, RA50K FIVE.. Satisfaction Guaranteed fromV have long since been Hrlisls' RMtes. London, Eng.! SHEET METAL WORKS WAITED Woman Cook. Apply Udy Take ootlco that we. Ovale MlUerd Pack- razed to the ground. Superintendent. Prince Rupert General In r Company, Limited, of Vancouver oc-enpauoo Tfcef matt allas Tanks, Senef Hospital ,tf. cannerymen, Inicbd to apply for At the end of 1910 you could (Cum Marts Minerva . Plf, Sate I auca. CDtaiear Ten, permlMloa to lease lh foHowlnr d-tcrtbed 'drive almost anywhere In Macedonia Tbls notice should interest any M ail tk ! Uat I a i Mil r FDA SALS lands j In a motor car. old member of the "Artists residing tm tb OLD PAOOOONtO Tl SNOS, Conimeoetnr at a post planted at the VtTN ALL TMK LATEST DOWO roR SALE Roomy cruiser. 41 ft. by 0 toutbeait corner of Lot 117! thence south Can you recall how we used to in II. C. Would they kindly TO-OATK WOW SttC!AUZZS, SK ft. tu. 0 h.p. Hall co eorlne. Heary I chains to low water mark; thence Boris-westerly 'run to see a motor car pass? forward their names to nobert a SCVLIAMTS. .COM.ICS.I, lu. hull. Barrain. Ailress lotus U. Wilson. 'tt chains follow mr low water That's It! : Twenty years ago betting Darker, box 127, Dally News, tteefUlaf la t llee fee ri, sj, Bot U7. Anyox, B. C lit. mark: thence north S chains to lb Grand school Pacteef Ste tet a aM Harrc-tv at among the boys Prince Rupert. II. (L. or Douglas Trunk Pacific nrhl-of-way; thence south eete to keHer, Reeftof le aS FOUND easterly tt chains follow lor tald r!tut was often brisk, on a bunday Spencer, 17 Craven ttreeL Strand, IIMa f at arias. aeJrtf ef a or-way to the place of berinninr and con- afternoon on or against the London; object connected with kieoa. mtoca aiOKT, tcarict rtUXD Lady Vanity Bar. Apply Dally Uinlnr II acre's. varied cars who sought to conquer the recently-formed Artists' Rifles risrcijua. a asntito cos-rotiM GOSiE MILLERb PACKT50 COMPACT is ova SIM. Mewt omce. tx. the bill. The children of Regimental Association, and particulars PMONK S40. LIMTTED, III P. O. BOX tel. MISCCLLANCOU AprU tnd. 1017. 4 I. Fred Ritchie. arenL Macedonia will long remember the will be forwarded to any rtef Ottte tu U4 Iiwm Sheet Metal Work !arrival of the first motor in the members making their address a4 ixt Street, ate U Ce Sa TALBOT HOUSE Good Rooms. Cvery convenience. LAND RCOISTRY ACT beautiful Co sto Iorl valley. known. 04 esssaeat WWf Hot water bath. II.to and It dsl aisaaia auiLoiMS. Roads, yes. Macedonia la now per week. 10c and lie. nlfbt. (Sections II and III. Having been in the East, 1 have really opened up by roads. RADUATE NURSE (C.K.B.Loodoa) Termt Re AppUcauoa .to. iui-l ruior llll. become aeiraainted with all mod French and English and later moderate, apply P. O. Box ill, or TAKE .HOTICE that applies 1 1 en has been era method of,botflttinz gaso&oe Italians built them. Oreek gangs J.L.H1CKEY Pbon 41. made to rerttter The Corpora Uoo of the boats, as used by EasUrn shop. In now keep them repair some City ot Prince Rupert In th Prortnc of FARM LANDS BriUah Corumbu. as onr in ft under were good, some fair and a few GOMTHACTOM A BUILDER Priace Rupert Dairj two Tat Sal Deeds from th uictor of Gasoline Tanks, Pipe-fitting indifferent. The latter, however, REGO.I AJ1D CALTT0R5U RAILWAY CO. to aty of Prince Rupert, bearing dale the Wiaaesi arw suuus(it RAM LA.1DS. Title to aanx revetted and Plumbing, were those which were hurriedly 1th day of December lilt, of ALL A.1D 6lore and Office Futures, In United States by act or Conrrett certain contracted. The majority were SINGULAR that parcel or tract of and all lines of Sheet PURE HOLSTICS fl dated Jen t, till. Two million, tore Sash, Door and Moldings. land and premises situate, lyinr. and bini dug in the summer (there Is little hundred thousand acres to be opened in the Municipality of Prince Rupert, more n : Metal Work : n spring and autumn in the Dal. Oak and Hard Woods of all CRCAM for bometteadj and sale. Timber and particularly known and described as Worth-Westerly aiTlculiBraJ lands, cootalninr soma of Seventy (70), fet of Lou Eleven Prompt Attention and Skilled kant; and it was hot work. kinds. BUTTERMILK beat land left In United States, now la (III. and Twelve (It) Block El-nteco Workmanship It was amusing to watch the We In Hardwood Specialize sw PvoC o. set a7 r. tb opportune jtlme, Lart map anow-tar III), Section One (I), Map 011. three allies at work. The Ilritish tends by sections and description of Yo are repaired to coolest th claim Boat rats, Saah, H. LET0URNEAU soldier worked quietly, honestly SJI Oee PrieUr Aueatet Tt. ell. climate, rail tall. elevation, etc of the tas purchaser wtthia thlrty.flv Door, etc. Postpaid one dollar. Grant Lands Lo-atinr dayt from th dale of th service of thlt 621 SIXTH AVENUE and at times sadlyofficers and Co Bos oil. Portland. Orea-oa. ootir (wnlcb may be effected by Personal Phone Black 225 P.O. Box lis men all In scanty attire. The Plata and Sheet Qlaaa arts! R. McKay, Prop rit Lor. ervie or at directed), and your attention most popular Job was boring Olaxlng. Uat DtmHcr otarntter tx it called to section IS of Us 'Land Rtr-ittry Act with amendments, and to Us bole for blasting the least popular, Corner Frasor and Sih Sia. TAKE ffOTICE that th BrlUsh Columbia folsowisr eitract thertfrocn: carrying large stones for Canntar Company. Limited, of Victoria. B. and in default of a caveat or certificate culverts. The unmarked tomb, PHONE GREEN MS C, aalmoo canoerv Intend to apply fa of Us pendens beinr filed before th rer stones of neighboring cemeteries P. O. BOX 44. Harry A. Harccy pennlssloa to leas the foHowlnr described tstratlon as owner of th person enuued DENTISTRY in much demand. On the foresbort laodi Commendnr at a post under-tuch tat sale, all persons so serve4 were (Late Lea, tat. CeeearseUlr planted on the north bank of too Skoens with o lice, .... and tbos claimtnr whole the soldiers took road Of River. It! feet toatt rrom lb aoafnaast throorh or under tnem, and ail persons cstovvn MO making like we take our pleasures PUPIL OP LANIOOWMt COTTtU center of Lot it. ft. I, Coast District; rlaimlnr any Interest in th land by vir Si sadly. ' tJM&ce south Itt feet; thence wetteriy tu of any unresist red mstrumnL. and PsfJlt Tan for and northerly parallel to the shore tin, all persons claimtnr any Interest in the Oft. J. S. SHOWN The French, splendid workmen, STEEN & L0NGW1LL nous, pitso, viou.tauo tw a dlttanca of approximately lie fret to land by descent wnos tills is not reru- avast I is f seemed to dn so little and accom. HtRMO.ir. a point too feet sootb of the' sou It ured under th provuions of this Act. plf ali no much. They seemed to' EXAVirUTIO. asuti Sasitb Third WeeA. Aeeesse boundary of th Grand Trunk Pacific rati; than be for ever et topped and debarred be always talking and discussin SANITARY AND HEATING Pcsl Peae1 fee Isaasaliee way; tbenr westerly and northerly par from teiunr up any claim to or In respect Ssclsl Bee, Vasr Cealer atiel to the tald rtrM-of-wey to a point nf toe land so sold for taaet, and th the world and' his wife, but the ENGINEERS atsl Oaiiese f assK. teea.at do soatb of the S. W. comer of Lot It; HefUtrar ahali register th person entitled road somehow seemed to broaden,) tnence north toe feet to. tbo point,of In-ursection under such latitat aa owner of the lei M. WuisvA. IA. lengthen, ascend or desennd, orj for TCRMS - PHONE BLUE 271 of the sow lb boundary of Mil land so sold for latet Agonta f1rnl.of'ways thence southerly and east ASD WHEREAS apUcauo bas been w r, WUIiame. S t.. LUS work Its way gradually up some, McCLARV FURNACES eiiy alter said rtiHWof-way to a point made for a Certificate of indefeasible Title WILLIAM MAN ION steep hill, nt an almott uncanny where said boundary line ttrtkes snort to to abovementioned tends. In th name Barrliurt, Solicitors, Kte. rate haej thence 'alonr bJrn water mark to It of The Corporation of lb aty of Print V -.I ..,! ntl I-..S IS., f I-1!--- PLUMB!NO point of ewnmeneemcBt. SOMV TO LOAM SCSI'S MU c-nt tut; s MSUll j and PHONE S3 P. O. BOX U A. W. CARTER. AXV WUEREAS on lnesUstinr tb title Boa tin all, but It was beautiful to bear Actmr at airot ror the b. C Caxntmr it appears that prior to the fourteenth day Hcltertoa Block Prtoe Kusert. . C Alfredo's snng from Traviala or SHEET METAL WORKS PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Co.. Lhsltod. of September, lilt, (th date on which "La Donna Mobile" coming drifting I'hone S, 834 Second Avenue. rrbruary ttth. 1017. in tald lands were sold for overdo down the breeze from some uaet), you were a mortrare thereof. Night phones 07 o FURTHER TAKE JtOTlCE that at Qe I A SmJ bra SlaaletiM cliff, the orchestra being pick and and Dlue 270 Transfer and Storage am tune I shall effect rerUtrsUon In iCOLD WATCH shovel and the inevitable hammer FREE. The right work, at the right tUTUP NUT COAL pursuance of sacb application and Issue the boring iron. All In BEST a Certificate of Indereasibl Till to tb or Joined time, and at th right price. Stuart J. the chorus, while the sotolita sjaan mnn , aid tends In th nam of the abovt corporation JSET.. Stm tn gfmi tmmt WAITS unlet you tak and prosceui changed with every aong. Com NO LONO ASSAY EH the proper proeeedlnrt to establish your 4avaMS8kw "ri"tiiM" parisons are odious, but the Ital NO SHORT WEIGHTS e claim, if' any, to tb tald lands, or to SUBSCRIBE FOR Us. jAVKmlrsmnBTaV " . . tans roau surfaces were easy VVnstt You Order from prevent tuch proposed actios on any part AERSsSSBBBWIi ' Wrts HAZELTON N. C. Dated at to Land Rerutry Office, Print flJsnnflsnnnCB 171 J? winners. -Tl Rupert. B. C. Ibis 11 in day of December, The Daily News H w .sTBsmmmmmSaff - A. d. me. yaSMnnM s.y asaM. m TIMBER SALE XS1. H. r. MACLEOD, IgptaHBJnYsT pv,fc sa s hh The oldtt eatllrie1 Aaaay Bskv vnvnvnvjnaw m am ma District RerUtrtr of Titles. BjnbHMffJSB' W rw m Dffieti In the Mortli. To Frederic Schattner, Esq., BSJBSSpr SSBJBJS U gimnllHwin MMkV M Sesled tender will be reerlfrd br tb cart C L Freeman, C P. R. Bldr. SSMtf m Sa mA. Minister of Lands not later thin noui u Edmonton, Alberta. t i lb ISth dar Of Mar. ISIT tar IS bur. A HOT BATH THE l ! h V UMa Sto L o .- - -has of Ureisr li loi I uul sw mm tm mmt w to m. to mI XO0I, nt ttl.000 as m s. reel or epnire, toar and Hemlork an4 MINUTE YOU WANT IT aasea,at.Un.la S I, Um, 1400 lloaat feel of redar olllnr. on an are kdjolnlnr Lot III Canoe pur, You are accustomed to La Casac Domestic Bread nam To I,(f)Coast rears District.will be alloMt r. m. getting cold water satisfaction instantly. moval of timber. Think of the Don't Negiect further oartlcular or the n.ur r of getting 01 Do not Just order "a loaf of bread" Make it a point to get Vlcloiit. 0. C. or Dltirlcl Porester, Pnnr Water in the me way in your stomach. Keep it strong abundance, regardlets oi La Cae Domestic 16 Bread oz. and welL When food disagrees TIMBER SALE X SfS. how much has been uieu flet the most for your money Get full food value-belt with it, strengthen it with Sealed tenders will L Mr.i.s s, .... before.WATER LIKE MAOI0 Materials Purest Ingredient. Ilread Is the world's cheap, Minister of Land not later ... MOT eat food Bat plenty of It Ami see that it is BEECHAM'S lb IOUi dar of Mar. isit t tt ..... Hanson I base tf Hreoee III, to rat f 10,000 Harry tU CASK S BiMSTtG S3HEAD, 18 OX. LOAF feel of Simr. Ilrmlork, Plr and fd,r, bring PILLS on an trea adjololnf it m, sumu oa Hot Water Service Set La eaM Bread from your Grocer or Telephone 190. nana erniiiKa arm. nan re I, Coast Oil-lrel. you this comenlnC-PHONE W serfs, Guinea a Box 0. BOX 345 THE LAbCL FNOTECTS YOU a Partlirr Mrtlmlar of ttm ri.i. 4S P. tt f bj sajj j Vlrurl. a. C. or Iitatrirt r,,...,.. n flupert. 0, C. WWWM'",M,''","""'"'""""" reeee