(J 1UB DAILY MKWB Wednesday. May o m, i - -n.Mffr c i . Thr U rrr MMe rtal nuu -j Good Health Local News Notes bourlit f days Herniation. Our rltiimt baft tast out lb utt-rlfh INVESTMENT You Can Make Excellent Cake - quirk Idrtt thtf prtrtllrd Rood appetite, rood spirits . ... .. I. ..I .1 flnt.r. tmonr thrm not o lonr tfo. New fuils just ' Sinrc tbrre It no jcahti luy aiaafciaBj i !! aj ii i mean no discord in the body. bloom's. 1 With Fewer int. prlrra faHm in some In-ttanrta rTatWsITtaj To keep the organs in har. ... Eggs to normal aoma of 01 think mony when there is need use Harris, of North Pacific, Is bflow normal. ThU bat clrtrrd tba When you put your money Mr. Just use nn additional quantity of Dr. Price's war tot the In rutor. in the city. . out at Cream Interest, or purchase BEECHAM'S m Baking Powder, about The soundness of lorettinriiU In n teaspoon, in veil loratrd proprtitt Is at rtal something which you have Dresses at Ooldbloo in's are place of each egp omitted. today a It r wai. Take for ci good seeing. 112. n'ason to think will In. PILLS worth ampl. let 17, Mors II, Section I. This applies equally well to nearly all baked It la on the aoutb ttda of Third crease In value you call it of Los Angeles, fnnAm f tl. CI .. Tandy, Arrnur, ripolte Second Street an Investment. .V Ltftaat Sale mt At MeaVtaa la tK.WerU. Mr. F. N. rr ij luimwuig iccipo HccorainiT to the The owner I rorrrd to Mil this lot 9U wwtih, la I Is in the city. mivwnv j . and It ran be bourht for 11,110. When you buy shoes today CREAM LAYER CAKE location retail His. has returned It I a rood for a The Her. (-anon business now; and rrowt better day You art) Making an WECTHOLME THEATRE from the south. Old Way .New Way by day. By erettinc a tunable Investment, buiidtnr, the property will earn At the Westholme Theatre tonight Mr. J. H. PilUbruy returned this t tM Sar ,ap, nMr In renta to return a rood enourh rate of Intereit on the Inteitmenl and one thalxwill surely pay will be shown the eighth morning from Victoria. 1,t;g7 D'-rHr,, B,,u '" v tVar"' Df'rri"' "" And It H tare, became It it to you good interest. lorated that the teftdenry or the re episode of the great photoplay, Mrs. C. C. Perry will not receive tail butloett It to rrariute to that Some of our customers "The Shielding Shadow." The Interest MakM 1 Large 3-Laytr Caka Thursday this week. rlclnly. are now buying two or three which has been aroused by on J AH T)iaSCTIONS-rMMK n(f mmt hfmliilMtt IIm nl.Uil. H. Q. MCLQERSON, LTD pairs ot shoes because they the previous chapters of this Mr. J. U. Ilocrig returned to the m.nl ra 44H t.all a la IK.i mt,t,mi huh.Of...llr m .4 Ik I Br1a h. ll.":.'r )m. ,r.TT--. will be fully sustained after a visit the, Hrw cs iHta know market conditions and great story city last night up t.ka la SmI kt4 la two Urxt. tNt lf Mktr nk f mm Smc aat smm! Know That They are Making in this succeeding one. It is full line. na okna sttac incident and strong of situations, "Tfce Daily News" A OOOD INVESTMENT and the pictures arc a marvel pt New goods are always to lie the photographic art. Ootdbloom's. Price u Whether you buy from us seen at In addition there will be shown right. IIS. Dr.Prices CLASSIFIED ADS. or not (and. no one can show also,a Pathe Gazette; also scenic j you a better range buy and comedy reels. The program' Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. McColl re-is shoes now before the prices a good nil round one, and with turned last night from a visit to WANTED. go higher. splendid orchestral selections, will Telkwa. BAKING POWDER Chambermaid or Dishwasher, colored, wants 'provide a fine night's entertain. work, rbooe It?. III. Send Us Your Mall Orders. ment. - Mr. T. P. Lake,j manager of the Carlisle Cannery; Is paying , the WAITED Boy to work Inside ttore. Apply visit. Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from Grapes city a Dally Jtewt once. 107. ... CHAMBERMalD WAITED SAVOY HOTEL. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. ! Mrs. J. W. Kiley went out on latede in Canada No Alum the train this morning to Terrace WAITED Good capable drL )9 per That's It! aoontn. Apply Mr. C H. Orme, fbone on a holiday. 411. U ... WAITED Poaitloo by man and wife, both , Mr. O. A. McMchol, of the 0-T. A CULL FROM AT ROWE'S PLUMBING LAND ACT COOKS. uff aald. Atk P. W. Ander-ton, P arrived this morning on the rrtnre Hupert. SKECIA LA.tD COAST,DISTRICT RAJI0K FIVE.DISTRICT OF Prince ficorge. Artists' Rilles, London, Eng. SHEET METAL AND WORKS WAITED Woman Cook. Apply Lady Take notice that we. Ooase Mlllerd rack- mKrimfimj.jxjin.jjjjr Superintendent, Prince Hupert General inr Company, Limited, of Yaneoater, occupation , Second hand engine of three or TMf auk a O alalia a Taala, AalWy Hospital, tf, cannerymen, intend to apply for -w 1,5 (Cum Marte Minerva. ef. Basalt BtacAa, Ctilaiasf Tan, Sheet Metal Work !f;uhos:r"' permission to lease Ua roUowinr described This notice should Interest any aaS all tM stark liiat la aaaallf aaat FOR SALE lands: la tha OLO,fASMIO"IO TIB SMOS, old member of the "Artists" re-tiding Commencinr at a pott planted at the WtTM ALL TMI LATIIT DOW. TOR SALE Roomy cruiser. 41 ft. bf soutbrast corner or Lot I ITi thence tooth Having been in tbe East. I have Mr. Arthur I la I ley, of Imerness, in II. & Would they kindly to-oatk woac BeiClAUIla, (a ft. t in. 10 h.p. RaUeo entrtne. Heanr I chains to tow water mark; tbenenorth- become mequsinted with alt modern was. In the city yesterday ud returned forward their names to Robert m saTuatrrs, iCobsikcs, its. bnIL Barraln. Addrett John IL WUaon. westerly tt chains roUowtnr low water methods of outfitting gasoline home this morning. - Ilarker, box 157, Daily News, Iiarttklaf la tka llaa far mn. Ha. Box 317, Anyox, B. C tit. marks thence norttr a chains to tbe Orand ar Paatarf. Bvataa taiiw4 aaa-aat4 boats, as used by has tern a hop. Prince Hupert, Ii. C or Douglas Trunk Paclflc rtrht-or-way; thence south U kaHar. Raart. la aS FOUND easterly tt chains roUowtnr tald rirht. Mrs, II. 1. Mcllae and family Spencer, 17 Craven SlreeL Strand, t4 f atalarlal. aaaairlat af aS or-way to tbe place of betinninr and eon-taininr Gasoline Tanks, Pipe-fitting returned on this morning's boat London; object connected with tiMa. rmcca riskt, suvki roUJlD Ladrt Vanity Bar. Apply Dally II arret. and after a sojourn in the south. the recently-formed Artists' Hides rtNBTCLASS. A SATiarilO CVS. 5twi otOce. tf. OOS5K M1LLERD PACIXIO COMPANY Plumbing, TOttrSl IS OVS) AltL LIMITED, 111 Hegimental Association, and par. rttoNt asa. p. a boi hi. and all lines of Sheet MISCELLANEOUS April tod. 1117. 1. Fred Ritdue; arent. Mrs. J. (1. yteen came .back tlculars will be forwarded to any raatarr OSSaa ttt t4 Iimh n : Metal Work : : again this morning after a holiday members making their address a4 t4 SlraaV, ataaa U C Saf TALBOT HOUSI Oood Rooms. Irerycon-Tenience. LAND REGISTRY ACT trip to the lower coast cities. known. a4 Oataranaat MM Hot water bath, St.SO and ft Prompt Attention and SkilJe DSL BUtOlM BUIUHNO. yer week, ISe. and He. a nlrht. Workmanship (Sections it and til.) Kighleen - foot pleasure boat RADL'ATE HCRSK (CM.B.London) Termt Be Application ."to. I14-L FUlnr !. with two-cylinder Waterman en moderate, apply P. O. Box t4l, or TAKE .OTICE that application bat been H. LET0URNEAU Bine, for 80. City Weigh Scales. J.L.HICKEY rnone 41. made to reenter Tbe Corporation of the 621 SIXTH AVENUB City or Prince Rupert in the rroeince or FARM LANDS British In fee under Phone Black 32S P.O. Hot. l!3 Kvant Prince Columbia, at ownr Mr. A. L. Murray, of CONTRACTOR A BUILDER Rupert Dairj two Tat Sale Deeds from the Lutteeior or Coleman A. Kvans, Vancouver, was REOO.t AJtD CAUFORXIA RAILWAY CO. tbe aty'of Prince Rupert, beennr date the UNDKS) NSW SUMMIBflT RANT LAXDSw TlUe to tame revetted 7tn day or December ttlS. or ALL A.1D in the city yesterday and left last Store and Office Futures, in United Statet by act of Conrreat Sl.xGLLAH that certain parcel or tract of night for the south. dated iune.l. lit. Two million, three land and premltea tituate, lytnr. and belar Hath, Door and Moldings. PURE HOLSTICK IL hundred thousand acres to be opened in tbe Municipality cf Prince Rupert, more DENTISTRY Mr. John T. C. Williams, In. Oak and Hard WjkhIs of all CREAM far homestead and sale. Timber and particularly known and detcrtbed at ortb-Westerly a(rl cultural landt, eootaininr tome or Seventy (7S), feet of Lou Eleven speclor of fisheries, has returned kinds. BUTTERMILK best land left In United States, now la Slock csrow ttt astioaai tsYbm to and is LI Ik. and Twelve (tt) Elrhteen prince Hupert staying Wo Specialist) In Hardwood taa the opportune time. Larre map s bow-tat; IIS, Section One (I), Map ttt. a ritXatt.TT at the Hotel Prince Hupert. raaosn tar p. o. sot landt by tecuoni and descrtptlon' of Yon are required to coouit the claim OR. J. 8. BROWN Boat Ribs, Sash, ell. climate, rail rail, elevation, etc or tbe ui purchaser within thirty-nte Doer, etc. SI! Orar Paa4lr AltaXat T- Postpaid one dollar. Grant Landt Lo days rrom the date o' tbe service or tblt DctrnsT The train from the East arrived eatinr Co Boa (10. Portland. Oreron. notice, (whlcb may be effected by personal 0li aairtk SUa, Tbirw ftteaee about 0:15 last night, nearly four lat and Sheet Glass and R. McKay, Proprlttar. service or as directed), and your attention hours late. Slides away back east Qlaxlng. ccnu umo DiamwcT otrrmcT or is called to section It of the "Land fter-Utry Act" with amendment!, and to the of Prince George are said to have Corner Fraser and 6th Sta. - TAKE NOTICE that the BrlUih Columbia follow lot attract therefrom: been the cause of the, delay. Canninr Company, Limited, or Victoria. B. -sad in default of a caveat or certificate PHONE GREEN M X HmI Ufw Caa:al:a C, aaimon c aimers, intend to apply fot uf lit pendent belnr Bled before the ret w has been Word received in BOX 444. A. Harccy P. O. permission to lease tba roilowtnr described Kir it loo as owner or tbe person entiUed SOLD WATGil F REE. Harry town that Mr. K. Parcells and Mr, foreshore land: Commenetnr at a port nfuf., mrfi 1, uU. all wnobi ma served (Lata LwlH, B, OaaaaUlr planted on the north bank or tbe Skeena with notice, .... and those claiming C. Fulmer, late, of the O. T. P. f Sfaalt) Rirer, HO reel tocta rrom tbe southeast throurh or under them, and all persons ; locomotive staff, have arrived PUPIL C LANSOOWNE COTTItt 'turner or Lot tt, ft I. Coast District rlalmlnr any murest in tbe land by vlr- ; in with the Skilled safely Kurope thence south too reel; thence weaterty tue or any nnrerltured instrument, and ra(4la Takta for and northerly parallel to the shore line, all persona claiminr any Interest in the Hallway Employees" Ilaltallon. STEEN & LONGWILL 10U5, MASO. VT0U.1CIU.0 aa4 a distance or approximately 410 feet to land by descent whose title Is not refit- ' lltHMOMT a point too feet south or the soutr. tared Barter toc provttlont or this Act, Captain L. Hodge, of the Salva. - rxaJimTiosi boundary of tbe Grand Trunk raelfle railway: shall be for ever estopped and debarred SANITARY AND HEATING . Papila PraaaraS far tskMii tion Army, pasoed through the thence westerly and northerly par rrom set tin r op any claim to or In respect ataatlataa' Bar, Vsats'i Cf alltl to tbe tald rlrht-or-way to a point or tbe land to sold for taxes, and the city last night. She arrived from ENGINEERS Waal Oallat af tlasK. ta. t due sooth of the S. W. corner or Lot It; fteriatrar shall realster tbe person en-tilled ndimaul, where she has been thence north too feet to the point of In-tertection under such tax aale as owner or the stationed since TERMS PHONE BLUE 271 leaving Prince or the south boundary of aald land so sold tor tasts Agents for lirht-or-wty; thence southerly and easterly - A3D WHEREAS .aplleatlon his been Hupert, and left for the south on McCLARY FURNACES alonr said rtrht-or-way to a point made for Certiacate or Indefeasible Title A.I M MM Hm m tmt M W m. IMS mm4 n visit. where aald boundary Una strikes short to tbe abovementloned lands. In tbe name line: thence alonr hirn water mark to the r Tbe Corporation oflhe City or Prince PLUMBINO Colonel Kd. II. Zurhorst, of 3 O. COX petal of commencement. hupert) and PKONC 93 P. A. W. CARTER. AMD WHEREAS on InvtiUrttlnr the title Sandusky, Ohio, lias been a visitor Aetlnr as arret for the B. C CtnnJnr II appears that prior to the fourteenth day in Prince Hupert for a day or 5HEET METAL WORKS PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Ca.. Limited. of September, ttlt, (tbe date on which two, and is leaving for the East Phone 8, 831 Second Avenue. February lth. IflT. ine tarn tanas were toia ror overawe on today's (rain. Col. Zurhorst uses), you were a mortraree thereof. Night phones 370 FURTHER TAKE BOTICE that at tbe before his retiral, was collector and Hlue 270 Transfer and Storage same time I shall effect reristrsilon In and later auditor of customs of The at the right' COAL pursuance or tucb application and latua right work, ItlCST LUMP NUT of New the York port and has been a Certificate or Indefeasible Title to the time, and at the right prica. Stuart J. Martin aid landt In tbe name or the aboe corporation making a trip to Alaska. NO LONG WAITS unlets you take and prosecute ASSAYEH tbe proper proeeedlnrs to establish your NOTICE TO MARINERS . fiO fcHOKT WEIQIiTS rlalm. If any, to tbe tald landt, or to SUBSCRIBE FOR prevent tucb proposed action on my part tVnan Voo Order from Us. HAZELTON B. 0. Dated at th- Land Berts try Offlce, prince Mariners are hereby notified Rupert, B. C this tOtb day of December, The Daily News A. D. tll. (hat a temporary stake light has II. T. MACLEOD. been established on Ilirnle Island. Tha oldest established Assay District Registrar of Titles. You feel safe Port Simpson Harbor, In place of Offloe In tha North. To rrederie Scbattner, Esq., (he light destroyed by fire. care C L. freeman, C P. H, Bldr. Edmonton, Alberta. When you've washed F. K. HAUNDEns, A HOT BATH THE with Lifebuoy Soap. Marine Station, Digby Inland. No matter how grimy '. MINUTE YOU WANT IT your hands no matter let at Hanson. B.A. accustomed to how W, . Wllliamt, S A., LL.B Vou are La Cassc Domestic Bread may bo germ-laden from tho day's they WILLIAMS A SJANSON getting Think cold water of the satisfaction instantly. work,Li f ebuoy clean flea Barristers, Solloltara, Klo. "t of gelling and Mfeguordg Do not Just order '"a loaf of bread" Make it n point to get skin. Tho mild carbolic your ONgy Bot to ins toast Water in the same way of U La Case Domeitic 16 oz. Bread odor but its quickly benefits vanishes,linger. Helteranti Blort rnr Rutart. B r abundance,how much has regardless been used ALitlnooiaa before. flet the most for your money Ot full food value- -best HOT WATER LIKE MA0I0 Materials Purest Ingredients, llrvad Is the world's cheap, PHONE BLACK 336. est food Kat plenty of it And see that it is LIFEBUOY Harry Hanson LA CASSE't DOaHtTie WHCAD, 10 OZ. LOAF and HEALTHY french aundry Hot Water Hervlcs brings ' . , '"' 1 ' 111 " 1 1" nil' i ji i r r ii 1 1 i i i i.i in s H ii n convenience. this Get La Cass Bread from your Qrooer or Telephone 190. you 398 THE LA ML PROTECTS YOU SOAP Satisfaction OuaranUed PHONE 49 P.O. BOX nrfrrrrrrrrrrfrrrtrtniujj