T1IB DAILY NEW8 IN THE I r-r-rir-, . I THEOHtYHEDIGIHE m,n BUA W lleer Mr. ,',mf. Soft as iflM(t IMT helped her; ni.p.ir.Mj , n ,,,,, ,vMjprc of llio Hlli4r May ,, u,e defrcner-I Btk Summer Rain rpiirli .,r ouoIm, np(.cfally TIMBER SALE 8e. Prorcs Its (Ml UIH lllll lilntlL IM.IHioinn f "FruIt-a-llYes Agahi tlowii in that ir..M,:e. , nxntuUe Sealed tenders U ta receld ijr M To-mifhf ajrirfi 2 n Eitraor-lnary Powfs jlhal the flrat portion of tlm nrtinlo MIouier of Landi nut Uter than noon wi Become the water into II notrnMlie wriUr n tn. hut llm toe Uth 6f day Ueenre of Mr,X III,HIT,to' for eat-the SH.aoe ptir-rhiee htit At tVanl meter. which you have stirred, wonderful Kym nl Ihn MniMi wan writtPti lo feet of nr. iim.iork end Cedar. -n an Stir tt ibmL What few LUX:Iakes-pure rreelred tbe moat allow. iiow.ftUvnncl h u In wrllk ra ailaeud t the north are of e40 hat-r n Lax a ,J from Ukbr "Frtiit-. tinV. IfiK flctl(n. If I am not inJataken UnnneJ, htnre -, Coetl.DltirlCt. essence,of spap. An ex-rjuisite,x900thing fiaka dimtbt kutmt-bja iJftnJ J" rr. from. Rhtumtl,m i Hi wilier haa ,i,e intention of one (I, yir will be' allowed fur re' uottt of timber. and re- Hag thi meter at entrlnK polllic e m tho ni-ar fii. rurtlior ptrtleulara cf. the Cbief Tor ,v obtainable witho-t.reewlU. 1 I tur. Aa n lreiirlmin I eeler, Virtoria, B. C or DUtritl roretter t&aitktfnmtkld freshing quality is &veri I!?. and It was the FwIU-Umm jtnko llif liberty ..f adviiinir lii.n 4t I'rlnre Hubert, B. C tWdatern"train- the bath, or shampoo, . wjrW. Ir'medicine that rr -Vd bmrrd well-the llhto. fpol to, for the prufeaNirm ia ccrs TIMCER SALE X913. em entirely and what's I am no Kr do more, disappeared, and the ter. lalnly,looilp up t.,., much at the e T mlvim siiu has In riy body are all krone. I present time with email calibre Seeled ttndrr will be reeelrrd by the WW L further soap will be others, who eurlar 'nun eueb and. df generate J-t.-n. li thai it Minuter of Urxii not later HU'i iwon " needed. it ihe tib of 1917, for the pur-thai would, he- highly daiiKcroua day June, ! eW d'c will try "Fruit--u for of Ucrnce X8U, lo 'cut 7,4tl,IO IUvau ISAIB HOCIIO.V. him If ho had the had luck to be reel of llriBiock, Cedar and Spruce, and ti, 0 tor trial Ue, 25c clectfi at. In tiMl I'leTlioti. Jiiftl l.fOO lineal feel of plllnr, on ao area ad- Xttn aim or teat rostpaU by Fnlt Ihink.of Ui priilicainenl hn would Joimnr Lot ItOl, Jutkttla Inlet, Orahaia ; l"n'tf'1' Ottawa. he In, allling aa a ahining light in liiana, yueen tnrrioue liiana uiri. tirea allowed for re I Three (li )en will be the Hall of Fame LUX - e .a among thoae... do irwvtl of timber. KcocrBic rrenciunniu viiy, we rarilier pirtituUri of II Chief roreit-rr. would ihao to furniah him with a Victoria, B. C, r Ditirlet rreier, Prince llopert, B. C , ptiardiatii to returm him to ua CIRCtMT.NO.il.. without being oplluted. Now. Mr. TIMBER 3ALE 920. M It lib at ami Ird Are. JVlitor, I have a aon aomewhere in It's tke raodora, qatek way of usiag Ml I 1 1 -etb lilt Jb St. ind aadiird ird Ave.Are. I'ranee and another Beitlnn reatiy Seeled tendert will be received by the osp tuid it's by far the best way l.i 11 -Jeawifoeioi lit,. tad asdl to do Ilia duty, lioin not'.writing Minitier of Landi not later than noon on for the bath. Use soap ia the ord-srjr tin (tar or for the pur ird At . thia. lo proclaim the facliof their the Mir. 1117, aad nib or force some 18 Hi Are, between lUi and r tine cf-Licence XttO. to cut 4,1(1400 way yosi tin Sti. (Knot Hotel). doing their duty, but aa a French feel of Hemlock. Cedar and spruce, ana of k into the pores. Now.the little bi it III Ate.' aid Tin Sir Ob iimii. 1 (iroleal. againit tho.e if.eso lineal feet of pillar inlet.on an area silken LUX wafers dissolve so completely i.ljtnfnr Lot 1101, Joikatla Queen ml iiotel. writers who Insult the race with. CiMrtott blilrlct that not a trace remains to out knowitigj what tly are talk, Three J) veara will be aUawed for CIRCUIT NO. K. iucaboul. It ia ouly-a tw yearn rrmival of timber. e4og the skin yet k M.tlaa3rojMy Bei 12 lrd At( ind'IH II. (Poet-omee ago that in any paper you picked runner parueulara of the Chief Tor-eiter. dean ted aad toaedi B. C Oiitnet roreiier Victoria. or ti tt ird Are. iivl Mt Bride St up you would read that France at fnnce rnoert. B. C Bi 14 tit Ave. and MtBrlde St ia degenerate. Aa a nation ahe There's a new bath lax I si -tad Ave. and tnd SL will die. Well it ia being refuted IX THE MATTER OF A.1 APPUCATIOJI tvy waiting for you ia 10c. tad (lb 8t 8s ia- Ind Arc, m n 0. T. r. now and it may alao be the rae for the lue or a freib ccrliBcate of tlUe LUX. Try it. with the French of Quebec. ror Lota One (I) and Two (t. Block Llrven (III. Section One (!. air of Alt grtttn uU CIRCUIT NO. a. Thanking you, Mr. Kditor, for rnoce Hupert, Map Oft. at lib Ave. and rultoo tt. alanding ao long on your toes, I NOTICE IS IIFJtEBIT CIVE.1 Uiat It li it. Borden and Ttylor-Sta. remain. Yours truly. mr intention to lime arter tbe etpiraOon Lrear Bi lia Ate, and rultoo St of one month from tbe flret publication Ut S' tlh Ate, and Cunoi Ave. HABITANT. bereor, a freeb CerUfleale of TlOe for tbe bi 17 tut Are. and Dodre Place above mentioned Iota In the name of tbe d aa tin Ate, and Thompson St. COMFORTS FOR MEN Atlantic Realty and Improvement Company Creamy,Soft mot refreshing to tU Skin Limited, which CerUfleale of Title wai cmcurr no. . Ifiued on tbe 0lb October, ItIO, on ap-plica ei at 4ifc Are. and tmsnrwo IN THE TRENCHES Uoo received tbe totb October, 1810. PUte. and I numbered 114-1. LAND REGISTRY ACT Navigable Waters Protosiion Act. 8m 41 Us. Ave. and MtBrtd BL May 14th. HIT. r. a, a. pturrcn lis. Bathe li 44. lib Ave. and Orrea SL On account of the alow transportation Land Rrrtitry OCDee, (Section so and 111.) 8m 44 4U Ate, and Beell f L and present shortage of Prlnee Rupert. B. C Re AppUcaUon Mo. 8014-1 and 8017-1. The Ortnl Trunk PaeUe Railway Com-pany ai as- 7tb Ave. and Lbru. supplies, IoI. Ward, who Is in H. F. MACLEOD, FUlnr ItOl. hereby five notice that It ha, under Internally 8m 141 1th Ave. and Toear BL It. to. Dlitriet Retiitrar. TAKE MOT1CE Uul application ha been, Section 7 of tbe aald Aet, deposited with charge of the Field Comforts for made to reenter Sarah Lando. of Prince uie Minuter or Public Work! at Ottawa, the aoldiera, haa expressed a de-aire MINERAL ACT Rupert, B. t. aa owner in fee under two tnd in tbe orflee of tbe DUtrtct Re rimer Over 50,066 IHopIo Are) Sw' -Doing that all the winter gifts be in Tax Sale Deed rrom tbe CoUector of tbe it the Land Reriitry Office. DUtrlct of City or rrtnee Rupert, beennr date tbe rtnee Rupert, at mnee Rupert, a deertp-Uon So. by the end of July and in adilion Certificate of Improvements. I tnd day of September. HIS, and ALL AMD of tb site and plan of lumber mill to other things has aaled thai SIMGCLAR ibat certain parcel or tract of and other work propoied to be built In Prince Rupert Feed Co. every woman in England donate NOTICE land and premite alluate, lylnr and belnr the prince Rupert harbor at Prince Rupert, mr manr Tears nbrslctan have arreed one pair of socks per week. "ttourall;" "DouraU Fnctlooal," and in tbe Municipality of frince Rupert, more SrIUeb Columbia, In front of Waterfront that tbe vait majority ot human Ula were a. o. ui ssa. eos Taies Ate. "Waurrront Mineral Claim. Htuate In particularly known and deaerlbed a Lot Block "I", aceordlnr to rerutered plan or caused by accumulated wait In tbe Lower Although .Ike Queen Mary tbe Skrena Mininr Diviiion ot CaieUr Dii-IrtcL eleven , (111. Block tmenty-elrnt (II), tbe townslte of Uw aald city of Prince In lei tines Ibat In our present way of Uv-tnr KCIIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS Cliaplw. I. O. I). 1 of this city - section u (, ana Lot uurtj-mre. in;. Rupert rerutered ra tbe aroresald land Mature could not remove all this watte have been devoting their time and Where located: On the well aide of Block torty-alx (41). Section Eirbl (I). reriitry ntre a Mo. Sit. Section 7. wllbout assistance, no matter how. reru WC HANDLE to the care of returned bead of Alice Arm. Map IIS. AMD TAKE MOT1CE tbat after tbe ex. lar we mi cut be, and that "the poisons money TAkE SOTICE that I. Richard B. Me-Oinnii, You are required to con lei t tbe claim plratlou of one month from, the data of from this waste ctrcolaUcr Utronrh the Steele A Brlggs, Ran n lea' soldiers and have decided that this lire Miner OrUflciie Xo. IU04. f tbe tat purebaaer wiibin Jl daya from tbe Brat publication of thla notice, tbe blood pulled ua away down below per and Ferry's and Mackenxle's is to b their chief work, they feel actinr a areot for the DoUy Varden'Minea tbe date of tbe aerrlce of thla nolle. Grand Trunk Part Be Railway Company were responsible ror many disease of. a (hat they must respond alao lo Company. Tree Mlnere CerUQeat o. IJ1-C. (mbicb may be effected by publication). will, under Section 7 of tbe aald Act, apply sellout nature. Qardan and Field Seeds, and Intend, all tr daj rrom the date hereof, and. your atlenUcn 1 called to aecUon to tbe NlnUler of Public Work at hi Dnrinr this time tbe "J B. U Cascade" this appeal from overseas, Also Ferillltera. to apply to the Mininr Recorder for a Jl of the "Land RerUtry Act" with ode In tbe City of Ottawa for approval ftr Internal Bathinr ha, because of thetr will hae wool on hand lor all who Certiorate or Improvement, for tbe pur-poae amendmenta. and to tbe f olio win r extract t tbe aald lite and plan and for leave recommendaUon and those or IU users, HAY, GRAIN AND FEED are anxious to knit. From those of obtalnlnr a Crown Grant of tbe tberefrom: "and In default of a to com true l ine aid works. been tleedtly rrowlnf In favof. Chicken Feed A Specialty. who cannot knit they will grate, above claim. careat or ccrttncale of Ua pendens beinr Dated at 'A'lnnlper. M ml to be, thla Slat Recently, however, the surtUnf .news And further uke noUce ibat action, under Bled before tbe rerUtraUon aa owner of day of February. A. D. 1817. that fully accept donations of heavy aecUon II, mutt be commenced before Ihe peraoo enuiled under such tax aale. aU THE GRAMD TRUMX PACIFIC BAJLWAT wbicb ha been eovertns thl country, been We Take Orders for Nursery mil mrMons and sDccialista have grey socks, which should be tbe liauince of luch CertlflcaM of !m peraon ao terved wlUt noUce ..and CO 51 P AM T. IL. U. HAM SARD, Solicitor. operatlnr on the Lower Inteattne ror lha Slock. turned and wahe1 in boiling provementa. thoe clalmlnr throurh or under tbem. and moat chronic and aertoua diseases, bas Dated thl tlth day of April. A. D. Ull- all peraon clalmlnr any latere! In tba e tborocshly of money to caused Americana to become water; or donations on rMiMJf amnios Te. Jy. 8. KiyUHO B. McOn.'MS. land by virtue of any unrerttereda lnatru THE MAILS awake to the Importance of keeplnff thla purchase wool. ment. aad all person clalmlnr any In. ai.s trom au Lower Inteaune rree pwum They wish lo thank all those LAND REGISTRY ACT tercel In tbe land by detcenuwbose Ulk waste matter, and over 100,000 are now not rerutered under tbe prorUlon of For tho East. u for their bale who gae donations usisr Internal, Sains. "A Little Saving Ia thl Act, I nail be ror ever ti topped and of socks which was sent off on Tuesdays, 2 a. nu te ...mi m, tiw, "1 n l Cascade -T0U (Sect ton, II aodtI4.) debarred from etUor up any claim to or A May 1st. Mrs. J. H, McMullin, Be Application .lo. Il.ttl, FUlnr l.lll. In re.pec I of the land o old tor taie. Wednesdays, 9:30 a m. wiu find yourself.. always brtrht,i confl... i Handy Thing" (lovernment Buildings, has charge and the, Iiexiitrar halt reenter the perton dent and capanie tne pouoocu wut TAKE NOTICE that appUcaUon baa been Saturdays. 9:30 a. m. make a bUHou. blue, dull and nervous. enUtled under ueh Ux le a owner of of the made to rectttcr John Berrman, of Princ own cure tor yarn, internal Baiha are Mature'a be land ao sold for taie." From tho East-Tuesdays, a man hat lost his Old kid gloves and furs ars also Bupert. B. C, aa owner In tee under a AMD WHEREAS appUcaUon ha beet Constipation just warm water properly MANY become Tax Sale Deed from the- Collector of tbe 5:30 p. m. applied. Drur force Mlture the "J. B. to called for. made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title City of Prince Rupert, bearing date the assists ner. Cascaoe" really L. to the above-mentioned land. In the name Thursdays, 5:30 in. independent by not iota day of September, till, of ALL AMD p. cf Sarah Lando. r.n and m it at Cyril H. Orme'l. having the ready money to tnat'LAR that certain parcel or tract of AMD WHEREAS on InvetUrtUnr tbe UUe Sundays. 3:10 p. m. nmrtlii Corner Ird Ave. and Ith SU or Sernm and be-mr spoilt Sunday's land and premlaea alluate. lyms. take advantage of a really big In tbe Mublctpalityi or Prince Rupert, It appears that prior to tbe t4tb day of For Vancouver, ak there for "Why"Man of Today la Only September, till, (the date on which tbe SO per cent Efficient. a ooouet or areas opportunity. by Cougkiag 5 more pariicularly known.a Lot Ten (10), Mid land were aald for overdue taxea). Tuesdays, 4 p. m. Interest, which Is liven free on request Block, live- (II, Section Seven t7. Mai "Fortune knocks you wtre tbe rerutered and aeted Thursdays, tp p. m. if you prefer, write for Booklet to Dr. once at T i Am rJ f.ttiUu'a SrruD T Itl. owner thereof. Chas. A. Tyrrell, lit Coll re atreet. Toi every man's door". Greet her ofTarandCoJUverOUtaken V You are required its coateit tbe clala n FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at tbe Sundays. 4 p. m. ronto. or the tat within tnlry purchaser before leering for church will T I shall effect In with tame time rerlitratlon Vancouver. a Savings Account, and aerrlce days. from, the aate of; the aerrlce of Uui From check Ut spoiling punuanee of tuch application and Uaue a be ready for what she brings. COUgh. T notice ( bleu may be effected by Reru Certiorate or Indercaiible TlUe to the ald Wednesdays, 10:30 a. ni. tercd Mall or aa Directed, and your attention One Thla preparation acta aa 9 land in tbe name of Sarah Lando unle Fridays, 3 A. tna m. Harvey Dollar sn account B I called to aecUon IS of p. Harry t opens tonic aa well ae a cough core "amendment, you Uke and proecute tbe proper pro- "Land KtVi with w the Savings Department. end ita me toon eneblea the tbe ricititry tnerefrom: ceedlnn to eitabllih your claim. If any, Sundays, 7 p. m. (Late Leaden, Cnf-. Oeaaeeratolra Oi to foUowlnr ei tract trstrm to throw off all eigne i "and in default of caveat or certto. to the laid laud, or to prevent uch pro- Alternate Monday from Janu of aiiele) THE BANK OF olculd. cate of lia pendens, belnt Bled before the poaed action on my parL PUPIL OP LANSOOWNI OOTTB1X It In the honee DATED at tbe Land nerutry Office, ary 1st. Keep rerlitratlon a owner of th perion en-Uiled for Taken British Nm Aoerka lerge buttle JJC t H dealer. under ucU tea aale. alt peraon ia prince tprU. A.Rupert,D. HIT.B. C thl I Oth day of For Anyox. VIOUM,Pupil PIAMO. -VIOU.1CELLO and T J. U MATBICU CO, rrwsv aerved with notice... ..and thoia daimlnc II. r. MACLEOD, Wednesdays; 10 p, m. HARMOMY. VtAKS J MIM. V throuah' or under them, and all pereon &krbrohc, r.Q. Dlatrlct Re'rutrar of TlUe EXAMIMATI0MS CAMTAI. AST aCrtlS, ITIMM. tlatmlnr any latere! in the land by rlrtut Fridays, 8 p. rn. fee bamlaetleea Clurlea Lot Pwell Prepared and all To rtanlti. a to SI: of unrerlatered InitrtimeDt. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH MlMeiMH perona any clalmlnr any Intereit in the land II. P. Clark and II. O. Rlcber, Sundays 8 p. in. Assoc laud rSeaH. Vaaeeerar, Oeattee See. a to Lot tt. Royal Oolleee el aale. Uneee, W.J. l-l-ll by deecent wboe title I not reruiered From Anyox. SMITHERS, Manaflcr under the proriiion of. thl Act. tball be TERM PHONE BLUE I7S and Tnes. WATER NOTICE Thursdays, Sunday for erer eitopped' and. debarred from aet-tinr up, any claim to, or In reipect of tbe days. 1.1 : Viuuu, B.A. laud aa luld. for late., and tbe Bn Hirer DIVERSION AND U8I W. t, W Ultana. B.A UUB ihall rr KUIer lb peraon. enuiled under TAKE NOTICE that Georr McRae. HANSON urh la, ale at. owner of tbe land C hoae nddreaa I Sktderate, B. C, wll TllEEKOINtXtflNLMLNi WILLIAMS A uld roe tajtra apply tor a licence to take and ua Uf 3jrrllers, Solloitors, Etc. AMD WHEREAS application be beet cubic feet per minute of water out ol FRED STORK'S HARDWARE made for a Certificate of Indefraaibl TlUe Denriter Creek, which now northerly and riBMBRSIIUrS KN4MNS ONtr TO LOAN la tbe eboreoteoilonod land, In the name drain Into Allford Bay, about II chain Boa lilt of John Berrman t from the tt. E. corner of T. L, 111. The FOR CANfHMYSJHfN t 0(1 b 1- in. B f la, -ia Hi(r BkHS rrinee Kufert. S. C AND WHEREAS on InreatKatior the water will be diverted from tbe itream at Wo have ndded lo our stock of valves and ilf es a complete Neeea fewee. lllle It appeara that prior to tbe tin day a paint about ten chain wet from N.W Belting at right priees. o,l m In. I 14 la. H of September. 1114. (tbe dale on whir rorner of Lot 4, B. C Ftiberle. and wis line of llut'ber Heeea Pewee, the aald land were aotd for orerdue be uied for power purpoie upon tbe land tGR FIMPIflBlaM 0l 1. U. Br 8 la, BB-BB tatee) you were tbe utetacd owner deaerlbed ae aiUolnint Timber limit III A complete stock of Uie beat goods that money can buy for Prince Rupert Dairy I hereof. In application to leaie. Haeee Fewer. and ilronxe. Silver FURTHER. TAKK MOTICE that at tb Tbi notice wu potted on tbe rroun( trollltiB Sprint? Hrais, UNCCR NBW BUNSSSBtSNT aaino ttxue I a hall effect rerlitratlon la n tbe I Ith day of January. HIT, FOR (THE WATBBFRSMT Further Inrormatlon I'tiriuanre of mcb application and lia. i Xpy of thla DotKv and an appliratlor Ttift relebraled Maple Lt-af Painls and Vanishes -Special boat to MILK I crtiflcate of InOefeaiibie Title to the laid punuant thereto and to tbe water Act Apply PURE HOLSTIEN land In tbe name Of John Berrman unleea till will be Bled In tbe oroce of tht paint "FLOtt.LAZK" A complete; line rf Stip Clwndlepy, CREAM you lake and proeectite the proper pro- Water Decorder at Prinze Rupert, Oh FOR EVERYBNE W. E. VVILUSCROFT BUTTERMILK rceuinfi ia etiawiian your niuu. it any lection to tba application may be B-led Osford Stoves. of Hardware, OurHeys la the aald landi, or lo preveoi aucb pro with the laid Water Ricorder or witb A lino stinrk Prince Rupert, B. 0. . poeed action on my part, I be Comptroller of Water Rtrbi. Parlta We Sell Nothing Btrt Tito Ui fNONS tBT ' DATED at the Land Reriitry Office menl Bulldinri. Victoria. P. C wlthic Prince Hupert, D. C, thl Ith day e Ibirty day after the Urn appearance ol atteaaed Te. Ail OrSere reia4lr December, A. D. ia. thl noUe In a tucat new.paper. rSST0RK'S HARDWARE ADVERTISE IN II. r. MACLEOD, Tbe date of the flnt pubUration of MM R. McKay, Proprietor. Apr. IT, Dlatrlct Rerinrar of Title. notice I February tilt, HIT. The Daily News j To Simon ratervon, Dartarllle, California. OEOiiUK McO-tE. Applicant. ,e.e..eeeeeeieeeeeeeiwii