fHE DAILY NEWS vol, vni. yo. 0- MUNCH HUI'EIIT, B, C, THURHDAY, MAY 17, 1917, PRICE FIVK CMtm warn A CTfama ACIS MM MO IMPRESSION Hp' COUNTER OFFENSIVE BY THE GERMANS FAILS TO ACHIEVE ANY DECISIVE RESULT FIERCE FIGHT IS THE SETTLEMENT OF CONGRESS MAY IRISH HOME RULE SPEED If SOON STILL RAGING ON 'SjwtUI to The Daily Ktm:, tHBflHSlltsiWRV lit (pclal to Ttw Dally ftewi.)' London, May 17 The I.ondon Washington, May 17, President WESTERN FRONT Time tin made a forecast of the terms of settlement of the Home BRBlNBflRBflRBflHBW Wilson urges Congress to Hule for Ireland Hill. First, wdl flBRRBRRBRRBRRBRRBRRBRRBRRBRRaBBRRKBBRHbT. BflRBRRBRFBBBu" J&' KKUtKMKK .)peed up legislation. Action, not Ctrman CounUr Offensive Beat lne Immediate establishment of KKBtxmm? vTAiflaai''V TSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbSbIbbbbbbbbbbb talk, is wanted. The President Unavalllngly on the Allied an Irish Parliament in Dublin. impresses the necessity for action, Front Repulsed With I Second, the eielusfon of the XKmBjKK 0 'VBl IBBBflBflBflBflBLaTBBflBBBflBBflBfl which Is Imperative. Food Q real Loses. j Northeast of UIler by a clean speculators were also denounced IBBflBVB)jJJJJBBBBflflBflBonBflfl icut. Third, the formation of a lBBBBBBBHBBrSihBvBr'wV' U the President In uncertain grand council, by no consisting of an BBBBflEtBBfl1HBftreJ equal proportion of members t teriiis. He' says that food control Mar to, Germany s BHaBBBtBBBflBWtPlfi "Z offcm'is aTck "Sh " Ijublin Parliament, and the sU sBBflBfBBflBBBBflBflBBBflWaBk ! is second only In importance to f transact alt military plans. lUrted ye.lerday with concerted attacks against the Drill.!, and C?""T bu,,nM! 'lWfe" "i" The United States have extend eluded areas and the rest of Ire. Frroeh fronts has apparently ed credit to Delgium of forty-five altid. This grand council will itnelf out today In vain beat- d millions hundred millions and one have to direct enact power any BBBBBBBfllBl'MaKsBBtBBKsaB&B the Allied against position a; ment of the Dublin Parliament to llussia today. are steadily .... ',al, a MC,"'M ISingsround at liullecourt andU'a! .i it.- . . . iurra. UNFORTUNATE AOetBCHT It toe norm vi wc rtaryn inn. mkting is continued with un- BBflalBBflHBBflBflBflBflBfltlsCB OH FOURTH AVENUE at nvtui. MININQ NOTES About midday yesterday, an oc. Attack after attack was made V currenve of a very unfortunate 3 tiie positions of the liritish at In, Howon Hasin, 28 miles from j nature happened i near the njw BATTLEFIELD ON THE WESTERN FRONT,- These British Tommies short rest are enjoying a attacks I rurious Meitsrs. Jefferson and i. i inumry Telkwa, building now in course of con cre made In a succession of Dockrill an- nnerntinir the anlai awaiting orders to move to the attack against the German at one of the points, where, the Allies struction upon the hill on Fourth sites. The impetus of the enemy Maria group under bond and ex. ! are advancing. . Avenue. The two little sons of auark carried their first line over peCted to ship between 300 and Mr. I). O, Stewart 'were playing tt liritish trenches, but the artery 100 tons of ore this winter. The CHANCELLOR MAKES INSTEAD OF FIGHTING SIR GEORGE FOSTER near their own house on a pile of and machine fire vein Is I feet wide and develop, gun - lumber to be used for the new sttkrred the supports, who were merit work'ponolits of stripping BOMBASTIC SPEECH THEV PLAY POLITICS ON SHIP CONTRACTS building which was lying on the taable to come to the assistance over a length of 250 reel and . i street. When on the top of the cf tl first line of attackers. The shaft sunk 38 feet. The vein con. Slrial to Tbe DUy Jew.) j (SpreUI to The Daily ct. In a discussion in the Dominion pile, it suddenly fell over. Bntub troops stuck to their po. sils of stringers carrying chal- One of the at the. being . . - II llL IUrlin, May 17. The Chancel-j Petrograd, May 18. Tho Pro- House the other day upon the boys, tbsaiand the first line of the copynte or copPer gianrr. wiwi ,,.. , .-visional C.overnment has decided end, escaped with severe bruises, . 1U 1.1 - .1 S.A A 1 V a fUiHMJUiiii-iiuiinvp, uvvasssi. - . ueres.sity for the builhing of ships iCvlers were either killed or if. i a t a 1 1. but the other, Jimmie, aged five, - mmJ prisoners- The, losses In J arnple froui.the dump cava.values, to durman t ain,uJ He JiKinclaiiv uf.Uuyaboro, wTstmthe middle-and -he-was fitted on the Germans were of: (told, trace; silver, 13.2 ots. the long awaited speech which Council proffered coalition in the I'liiphasized the necessity of mak thrown on to the muskeg, with raormous, The liritish line held ton; 21.7 cent. was bombastic from first to last, lumber of him. -Both per the per copper, njk livnrnnianl Tl m srti 1 f tf i 1 ti ing up the big losses to shipping on top &! further ground was captured, Messrs. Jefferson and Dockrill he told the neichstag that peace ,ns,9lance on ce;ta,n maUerB oi which have been inflicted by the or the little fellow's legs are French Front. have also under bond the Duch-j terms were difllcult to name. Tue'foreign policy was a demand broken, one near the high and In the Atine region, the enemy ess group, formerly held by the , Interests of the nation demand which the leaders of the Duma .iermau submarines. "The Canadians," the other between the knee arid made a temporary gain in the Telkwa Mines Co., and one of the strict silence. The chancellor refused to approve. The Provisional he said, "are a martitime ankle. French advanced trenches, bul first locations in the camp. The. . could. not spring the desires of Government could not people, and if it is decided to revive His head also appeared to be Iiit t 1 all aft. were speeddy ejected. Attacks of ore is low grade, occurring r in jine rainerianu uiuu ine momeiu-.a rcnunclate Lpe principles an. the construction of wooden badly hurt. He was immediately a furious nature on a wide front dykes, and values run from I per.was ripe. nounced formally on April 0th, flops, the government should give taken home and the. doctor called. .were made by the enemy, but were cent, to 5 per cent, copper. De-I London, May I7 The formal which renunciation was practi. The of The little fellow, it is expected, the lead. building ships all rrpulied with great loss. elopment consists of two tun-jadniission that Germany was anuria, fally tnade necessary by the full will be taken to the hospital today. Italian Front. 'one of which is too fcet.gling ofllcially for a separate acceptance of the council's terms. was even of more importance at Home. May 17 The Italian ad-unce long, well mineralized for a peace with llussia was the main This decision leaves the Russian the present time than the produc grows greater, fluns are length of 90 feet with ore stated point of iiollweg a speech that situation once again wide tion of munitions. A little cour The favorite household' Goal la roaring I cent, (struck the Dritlsh press and the Ladysmlth Wellington. Phono.t, along a twenty-flve-mlle to average per copper, open. Tertschenska, who .Van age aud an administrative capa front The guns of heavy calibre The Hush group, the property public. Otherwise the address s formerly'minister of flnance.'will Prince Rupert Goal Go. tf. city were the chief things required. are doing very effective, work. The of the Cassiar Crown Copper Co, regarded as a mere recapitulation succeed Miliukoff a 8 foreign Infantry are advancing. The Austrian has been bonded to Messrs. An- of tne previous outlines of uer- minister. Kerensky. minister of , ; are putting up a stubborn derson and Trimble, of Portland, many s alms, hut an outline whicn justice, will succeed Gutchkoff. Mr. J. J. Hughes, of Prince Ed. romance, and the fighting is Ore. The showing is described asimay possibly arouse German So-oromising. ward Island, suggested that the Announcement trowing more bitter. Development consists cialists to drastic action. Government give a bonus 'of 920 If a shaft 5 feet deep and tunnel) IN THE LETTER BOX ton for shipbuilding aiM that warships mew driven 100 feet A sample assay- (HAIR SEALS KILLED ten millions be voted for that Having concluded arrangements IN EUROPEAN WATERS ed: Gobi, trace; silver, 2.6 ois. BY POWDER BLAST Mllll lMtMll purpose. liils would be mucn with sheep raisers in per ton; copper. 2.5 per cent. The Dear Mr. Editor: A few days wiser than the Highways Act. the State of Washington, for l-il to TU luily Kei.t property is equipped with a com New Westminster, May 10.- tgo I had occasion, in order to Sir George Foster in replying, stated regular shipments of London, May I7 An American pressor, me property i wnnin.,vppruximaieiy uair aeais make clear what American fishermen stated among other things, that our requirements, according torpedo boat destroyer flotilla is four miles of the railway. ,wiucii iiava ueen destroying sai- have had to contend with in today, eery shipyard in the Do to our own strict specifications, ntw somewhere in European Tho Habine-Honaiun Mining A mon in the Fraser Itiver were this town, to repeat what AmerU minion of Canada which is able which require the very ater. irar Admiral Sims, of Milling Co., organized" by Jame killed early one morning when can captains have told me in ro-gurd to build ships, has not only the finest product possible to the I nllcd States Navy, is in command Cronin, has done considerable de- the Dominion Fisheries IK'part-velopmenl to the coiiduct of an acting opportunity, but the actual contracts." obtain, we wish to make of all tho U. A. Naval forces work for the past ten inent oftlcials exploded 200 pounls official on the water front. Now Continuing, Sir George kaown to tbe public that now overseas, and Is working In years on Its holdings in the Hah- of dynamite and other explosives comes one, "Ignoramus," who, for said that any company which hereafter our mutton will be reoperation with the lirltUh ine Range and the company would on a sauunar ai me Manoneaus some reason fails to sign his would undertake to build wooden known and sold as avai heads. bo shipplntf "i"6 I' had trans-Jat the mouth of the Fraser Hlver. name, and, with an attempt at ships in Canada would get the "RUPERT SUPERIOR portatlon facilities. A tunnel has!Mr, J. Mclluglu resident engineer sarcasm, olTers to criticise my contract. All costs would be paid BRAND BHJTTON" FRENCH BUDGET been run 173 feet to a point where 'of Dominion fisheries, had charge action. I still think the reference and a reasonable profit guaran. The very best, selected it cross-cut No. shaft vein,. In of the work, assisted by Mr. F. II. as made was necessary on the teed. from the flocks of one of the 'fprtitl ia Tlw Dally ?twM vhirh drifting was subsequently Cunningham, chief Inspector, and Jheory that publicity is the best highest rated farms in the I'nris, May 17 The Hudgel, done. Near the portal it rrosfujMr. A. P. Ilalladay, his assistant. i' for any kind of official QUADRA TO BURN OIL State of Washington. The falling for 0,813,000,000 francs cut 25 feet of good ore. One bun- A tmndbar was selected where the wrong-doing, ltut I will shy to Canadian as well as the for war xpeue for the third dred feet lower down the mown- weals had been accustomed to sun 'Ignornmus" that before- the reference For tho purpose of having her United States purple stamp quarter of tot 7, was Introduced tain side another tunnel was run themselves. The bar was mined was made the case of the coalburning system changed to of Government Inspection on nto the ('.bomber of Deputies to. to develop this ore on its dip, but and when tlio seals congregated acting official had been regularly handle fuel oil, the steamer every quarter. r The total expenditure, of failed to encounter it. An Inter- tliickiy as ino tido receded tne taken up through the proper of. Ouad.'a. formerly a government We can not speak too ranee in the war up to Septem-,r mediate tunnel was begun tu In.,whole bar was blown up by con-cato flcial channels and decided; lighthouse tender but now owned highly of this product and 30 last reached ninety billion the exact angle. of dip, nnd meeting. nil electric current lead- though the acting official had not by a Howe Sound mining concern. guarantee every pound sold francs, also struck good ore oi a miinngiing'!.. A io I ft.ue.iuines. ine experimeui t-. made the amends he had been directed is at Vancouver. The alterations by us to be as represented. irrnile The deposit is of contact'proved successful that the to make. I will say further will be made by the North Shore Gan not k oUln4 'awn mowers' sharpened and type. There Is a large suriace scheme will probably bo largely that if "Ignoramus" insists on Iron Works. The vessel has been paired. Phone 2. Frills showing of orp, the cap rock hav used. Seals in tho Fraser Hlver full particulars in regard to th's engaged in the ore-carrying trade Phono tG or ing been eroded, leaving ine vein each year destroy thousand of matter, let me. assure him he is since being sold some few months "ut Just arrived 100 tona Washed exposed over n considerable area, dollars' worth of salmon. digging a pit for his friend. ago, and hecqwiiers came to tbe George J. Frizzell Phone Coal -.Albert A McCalTcry A second vein on the. omer sine Let mo conclude by saying that conclusion that she can be oper 110. of the hill also promises well. EXPLOSION IN U. 8. if "Ignoramus" or any other hou ated more cheaply by bunting, oil. The transportation point will be est man will call at my office Telkwa, a dlstanceof thirty miles (SperUt to The Pttly o.) will lay before him such evidence GERMAN ADtUtGHMT WESTHOLMF. from the mine. The ore is silver-lead-! SauU Hie Marie, Mlrh May 17. as will convince hint (hat the Inc. Four men were killed and three people, of Princo llupert ought to (spvcui lo tim Dally .iwi, LONDON CAT! TONIGHT ONLY i fatally injured here today when take a lively interest in the ortivL Amsterdam, May 17 Derlin CHARLIE CHAPLIN HUGHES DEFEATED an explosion damaged tho Gov. ties of the acting official dn the admits the loss of Zeppelin I.-22, 1M ernment peP near the Suo Locks. vnter front. which was brought itown recently ThIN Avontio "POLIO! (InerUl io Th PHy It is believed to lie the work of Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for by IlritUh naval gunners in the JTMt OAIITTI Bnllrfekr Melbourne, May t7 The Na. Hun plnltera, your courtesy in giving me space North 1 Sea.' Urn la to oai at aH htr. future, Lillian Wmi In TM lionnlists control both houaes. mi jour vaiuHiuo paper, i remain, -' ' ' ' ii r Mttf of Hr aoul." Hughes has been defeated fn III f Every article- specially reduced very respectfully yonrs, Special Sale in all Departments BtXBJG .PGBj LAB4SJG mllii 10 an M 'ssaU. anneal to tho country, at aoldbloom's. 118. GEO, M, HANSON. at Ooldb'.oom's. 1 18.