THE DAILY .NF.W8 1 jrHr May n loir r rji 1 1 There is in It n The Daily News sort,.,-Mi ' ' ""I'Hon Ihot Hie C. P. It. would cuef THE LEADING WEWSPArtR IN NORTH feRN BRITISH COLUMBIA taking I'.M'tbed DaMy nod Weekly be Ilk flli" " Kuam-Yel Is given for WRIGLEYS Guaranteed Largest Circulation CANADA n- good reason discussion not doing so. no HEAD whnlerr of the peftl of trying m'U)K l0 operate n great government Dally Nw Muddlng, 3rd Ave, I'rmcr lluptrt, lUi. Telephone VB . ..nP1t system with a powerful corporation arrayed THE PERFECT innrM.Ai Ativrii I Im;mi rn cent (l.r ntrh inirat-t nrivate GUM rat on application. against it. The Daily News delivered by Let us make you acquainted IMILY EDITION Thursday, May 17, 1017. rarror &o rnts per mcntli. with the new, luscious MINERAL ACT flavour THE DRAYTOM.AeWORTH inntal system already in 'operation." SSsacSSjgrr TSIHF sMMKKaSSl RCPORT SOTKI TO DEUMQl'MT rAnT.XIR "There arc soma aspects of This argument assuredly To . v oilman.' carries some weight and it 1 Tit nolle. attereai I asva dot ind the report on the Canadian riimd to t kM assesvroaol work M IM railway situation that tend tu difllcull to understand why It Mtdoitbl fraction mloeral elslm, limited has been entirely ignored by Sir a tt inline nver, iboot fourteen mllei discredit the conclusions reached Henry Drayton and Mr. Ac-worth, trim tbe Be4 of Alice Ann. In ib Steer by Sir Henry Drayton and who In their considera. n'niBr dimuto of lleeaa district atseis-bkoi rk for till, till, aa4 Itll. tod Mr. W. M. Ackworth," the tion of other features of the hive ptld for Mid work sod reeordtns Atlnlreal Daily Mail states. railway situation are so candid mjim the mm of inlet I Jroo pr "The arrangement of the Grand and so thorough. The outstanding me lot tsm "t for ytmr Hurt Trunk Hallway Co. is couched weakness in the re- 1 it tbe Mid assessment work, totttber wits Um ril of ltd adverHsemeat. I ibal!, si in terms of undue severity, commendation of the majority i im eipmuoo of. ninety () dtjri from while little or nothing is said members of the commission Is J IM dtle hereof apply to Mm ml alar ra- about the position of the C. I their failure to show, or even! tern free from political in. ordr at rnof Rupert, B, C, to hive I It's all that II.,'except that it should not be attempt to show how public j fluence. why should Uie charm roar leteresii la to Midairkt rraruoa the mirwrtl tiim vetieq la no, in parsasorai name of their discovery baulk at administering disturbed. ownership of the Grand Trunk, of tbe previsions or tbe mineral bcl "It is dmicuit to follow a line Grand Trunk Pacific and Canadian the C. P. II, lines Piled l TTtoea Rupert. B. C, tali I lib I suggests! with the rest? Why should the iit. a 1 1 of reasoning which demands Northern lines can suc d.r or Apm. jy the nationalixation of the ceed in competition with a Government take over the non-paying h. c nnmra. Grand Trunk, the Grand Trunk powerful company owned road lines and leave the pay. Pacific and the Canadian Nor like the C. P. ft. ing one to private Interests? COAL NOTICES Wrigley quality thern Railway Co, without Public ownership of railways To lake over the C. P. It. on the seeena lasjo Rccoaema district I made where weighing the pros and cons of in a country with Canada's po basis of the proposed acquisition ISTRICT Of QUUM CMAJtLOTTI ISLANDS I chewing the inclusion of the C. P. It. in litical standards is difficult of the Grand Trunk would gum M I Ttko Bjtlft" ttul WlllKm of Vie- puoa. not cost an additional dollar. making is a m the nationalization programme. enough, under the most favorable brts, S. C, ertvptUea occooaual. toirat I 1 1 Let us accept the argument circumstances, now is it The Government would guar, to sTpty rr pnoiMtua to prwpott Im I adence. that the difficulties of the to succeed with the Are of com antee average dividends to C. omI sod riroua on Um h cumi WPIKMI I l.uu V P. It. shareholders in nrciilr GriMm ItUDd. la tluoity of Wtt rtr. Grand Trunk, the Grand Trunk pany competition left in its Comiwoclnf at t (hI iUolm uor uUml Pacific and the Canadian .Northern rear? That is a question that the same way it proposed to!xniio of ta sooUMOti coracr oT C. L. I Now threm flavour Railroads can besj be a good many students of our guarantee the shareholders of till. Uarato aoru II cJuiM, Utroa ttl solved by the Government taking railway situation have asked the Grand Trunk. And there IS cfc4lnt tttraca km 10 II cboiat, IbrOf I rl is toutU to potai or cuotawnmaraL Chmw H after possession of them. Hie themselves, and it is to be re would be the profits on the pay WILUIM MXU.1, question tt once arises, why gretted that Sir Henry Drayton ing system to help meet the Mml II, 1t?. Aoiua Braoa. iotl mvry mmat not take the C. P. It, with them and Mr. Acworth have not deficits on the losing roads. SKCSJU LAStO MOOROIM DISTRICT I and to what extent will the ex. deemed it worthy of considera. Disappointment must be con ISTRICT Of QUCXJI OURLOTTC ISLAND I Crt It wherrvrr elusion of the C. P. It. from the tion. They assume that a gov. fetsed with the Draj ton-Ac large scheme of public ownership ernment owned system can be Tike nouca tbi Tamer Rouwell MaUea, CcmfeYtlona arc aold recommended by the Commission safely entrusted to a self of Victoria. B. C. occapatloa BMrcbaat, la- per. COAL NOTICES lends lo apply for permit tluo lo prospect I Scaled Tight Kept Right! militate against its petuating commission, a some for coal and betroleiua. ess tbe west etMtll - success. It is indeed extraordinary what fantastic proposal, but of Cribam IsUad, la tetany of West rtver. MADE VI CANADA that Sir Henry Drayton while means may be found to SKUNA LAND RICOROINO DISTRICT CommesciOE it a poet planted ooo auUel and Mr. Acworlh, who so easily minimise political influence in STRICT Of QUCCN CMARLOTTK ISLANDS suoui of Um sootbessi oornir of C. LI The Ftav&ur Lasts Mill ibenco west so ckaina. tbeoca aorul .mfiti (.lia w n I it a!m .Ik a I nil . the conduct of the government V"IV.1 1 L VU.IVIUJIU.I l.U. Mil Take ooUct that JtiDti Mctaltr, or It cbams, tbeoca east St ehams, tbeac other roads shall be national-f owned system, no amount of rrtoco Rupert. oecopiUoa mertbtat. la South It Ctuini to pwat of cumoaeucesnraL I ized do not see fit to deal with percaution can limit the polill. trod to rP'J for penoUtloa to protptcl TIKALN hOTNWtXL ML'UX.1. ' P"iw OH lOO WM (Mil Marcb II, 1117. Aosua bra bo. atvaL the great danger involved inj ml .oiivllL.' w f Ih. vviiivuiij nmn.nv k . ...... i vi uiuu hi um f ij u nvii leaving a powerful company! owned system with which the rlnr. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT I ow ned road to compete with the , government roads are in com Ooamx'nclni' at a pott planted on tail ISTRICT Or QUEEN CMARLOTTK ISLANDS I government owned system. Yet petition. . kmjUj of sooUwut eorntr or C L tllT. Tut aouco tut aioea Brooa, of Vic Ibrort Kxjln II tbraco rtit St cbAlos. that is a very real and substan Giving Sir Henry Drayton Dortb SS cfaalat, tbraco torts, B. C- octapauoa widow, tateods 14 1 tial danger. If a large mea and Mr. Acworth the fullest tl St cbaias to polot of coaunencMOfOl. KV1 tut permtsaioa to prospect for coal Spring Schedule sure of government ownership credit for honesty of purpose JAMES MC.1ULTT. and peUuksu on west coast of OrabMol Ituad, In vlclnlly of West river. is it be the conclusion bel"1 ,lT- AaiUO Brown, imL necessary, can succeatt can scarcely ctKusneoctoc l s m pUaua two aolr 8. t. PftlNCC OCORQE fully carried out only by the resisted that they have not oout w um suouteati comer or c. s. THUMOAV 12 Midnight f.o r Viikos.k tlUNA LAND RKCOROINO absolute elimination of com. counted the cost of attempting ISTRICT Or QUCSN CMARLOTTK DISTRICT ISLANDS tsail. Vtrucm west It cbaias. Uwwce Victoria and Saatlla. aortb St cbtlns. ibeaca east st cb pany owned railroads. to run a great national owned WCOMKSDAV MIDNIOHT FOR ANYOX loenco aoou a Uuios. lo pwlol of com- Ve know what an influence system In competition with a TiAo autlce Uut Joorpb Aovit. of frtoc mencemenL 8. 8. PftlNCC JOHN the railways have been in the great company owned system. Roprrt, B. C, occapouoo protpector. In AO.ttS ShOWfl, fee ReUftikaa, Wrtt4t, iaeoo a 8isttr, atsy 1Stb ad SOUk public life of the country. We If such a thing is to be serious tcodi to spplr for prrmUiioa to p rot peel Marcb II. 117. Auitm Brown. iitolI Voeooovee Btsr 7th aed SleU ror cool tad petroleum oa tbo wtit rooit 8. 8. PRINCE ALBERT know of their tremendous contributions ly contemplated, a lot of pre- MEENA LAND SBfCOROtNal DISTRICT I tit firthim 1.1.rw1 I ti wl I. .r I tt Qoeea OSMletta Ui4s SUr Stn 4 IM. roe VaesMtte sur ta to party campaign paratory worn. must, ue uone. imtr ISTRICT Or QUEEN CMARLOTTK ISLANDS I aod SStk. funds, of their parliamentary There must be publicity of I coaj&eoeiar from a post puated oo PASaCNQEft TRAIN SERVICE TUa notice Uut Edotrd lobbies, and of their activity in campaign funds. There must ....ouUl ,h tawe.t corner of c u Loa Aarclea, ocmpatioo earoeer,rtrkard,lauodsl of Mfedaeadsr aod Sateraar at 1ttSOa.a. fee Mtiueeo. rrlMt Itttt Is-SKontew, elections. What will happen be absolute elimination of rail It uitikv vwui w. vMUM, umuc, eati to tfptr for permission to prospect fori Soelatooa ad Mfioeiaea. snelUt oewAMllMM Uere fee el soist tbeoco cbua. aortb St tbeoca with the C. P. It. placed in way influence from the boards Ml 19 ctuiAf 10 polal of commeocetaeoL cbalns. coal and petroleum oa Um vest coast of I aaet aod aoeth. .SJteed Uala avaey Taeedsf el 4 o. pu Grahtai Island, la vicinity of West river Aosnoy All Ocaan Slaamahlp Llnaa. competition with a powerful of our chartered banks. If the JOSEPH ROWAT. Mrcb hit. Austin Coaroenciac at a putt puated one mile I For informstlon and resrrvstions spply c state owned system? Will it government is prepared to con II, Browa. sreoL south of tbe sou Ibrti I corner of C L, I PHONE 2M not make the C. aider these and other City Ticks! Offlca, SM Third Avsnu. P. ft. a still precau II7 tbeoca west It cbalaa, tbeoca Bwrthl more active influence in politi tionary measures, it is con. SXtCNA LAND RECORDISM DISTRICT 10 chains, thence east 10 cbAiat, tbenct I ISTRICT Or QUCEM CMARLOTTK ISLANDS cal affairs affecting alike thei ceivahle that they may look south tt cbaina EDWARD to point of riCKARD,commeacemcaL interests of the state owned the conclusions of Sir upon Tike, aoUco that Jobn WUliun Ooei. or Kirch II, 1117. Autua Broon. arenL railway and the general interests Henry Drayton and Mr. Ac tictoru, B. C. occupailoo merchant, lo of the country." worth with favor but not other, leodj to apply for pertniMlca to protpect SIEKNA LAND RKCOROIN DISTRICT I CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ISTRICT Or QUKKN CMARLOTTK ISLANDS wise. for coil sod petroleum on Um weti coail Only a few days ago the Toronto ftf finfain taUiul In vlrlnltr at Wtt rlf I Globe gave expression to It .is indeed doubtful is the ommenctac at a poll pliated two miles Tike notice that Junes ruy, of Victoria. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Pointa the name fear when discussing most elaborate precautionary touUs of Ihe aoauieajt corner of C L. C, occupailoo Dotal proprietor. Inlands Vancouver and the via Steamer the possibility of a great railway measures can circumvent the HIT; Ibeoco well 10 cbaloi, tbenct sou 10 to iPPljr for permission to prospect fori to coal and I CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY petroleum on tbe west coast of It ctuini, Uieace east tt cbtlns, tbeoca merger under Government pernicious influences that aortb SO cbaias to point or commeneemenL Crabam Island, In vicinity of West river. Moole and Berth Included on Steemer auspices; it said: would go hand in hand with Join WILLIAM OOSS. Commencinr at a post plsated at the "Hut it would be an impossible competition between a state Mtrcti II, 1117, uitin Brosn, irtnL west southwest 10 rbalns,comer tbeoca of C Sootb L, Stilt IS chains,tnence Princes May for Qranby Bay and Alice Arm Friday 11 P-m-Princess proposition to operate owned system and the C. P. It. thence east 10 chains, tbtnea north SO I Vancouver via Ocean Falls, Sunday 6 p.m. SaCSNA LAND RKCORDINO) DISTRICT May for such a system in competition The simple solution of the bains lo point or commcnceuteol. with the Canadian Pacific as a situation if the ills of the ISTRICT Or QUKKN CMARLOTTK ISLANDS JAMES JUT. Princess Sophia for the north Thursday, May 17th. private highway. The influence rirnn.l TVimV n.t Oia Canaiilan Marcb II, HIT. Auiun Brown, irtnLl I Tiks notice ltul hoilrn Puke, of fori of gigantic corporations is too Iorthern are Incurable Is to uol ore- oemMUoa ttei trui.. MEENA LAND RECORD!N4 DISTRICT J I. PETERS, General Aeent strong in comparison with the nationalize the entire Railway lundi to appir ror permiutoo to prospect ISTRICT Or QUEEN CMARLOTTK ISLANDS . resistance of Governments. No system of Canada. And why for coal sod petroleum on tbo well coist Take notice tbit rrtdertck Mo rich, of Co nee Fourth Street onJ Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. evil or danger of Governmental not? If Sir Henry Drayton and I of Onbtm ItUnd. la the vicinity of Weil ictoria, B. &. occupsUon ulesman. In rter. Klidt to apply ror permission to prospect operation would equal the men. Mr. Acworth are so positive Cooifnenctor it a poit plinted ooo mile for coil and petroleum oa tbe west coast ace of the powerful company that they have devised a south of ItM snutbrail corner of C L of orahai Island, to vicinity or West river. seeking favors and seeking en-1 scheme of administering a 117 1 i theneo south SO trains, thrnco west Ccmuencias at a post pits led two wilts IBiSSfSlTaTaSaTety ' croachments on the Govern. government owned railway SO chains, thence north St chains, thence south or tba southeast comer of C L First sys. east SO rbaios to point of commencement. (971. tbenct east so ctuini, i banco south ItOSLYN Dl'kr, 10 chains, tbeoca well 10 Chains, tbenct Marcb II, II7. Auitm Brown. attnL north 10 chains to potol or coromenccmeDL rnEDERicK Motnscn. I BkS9TwMIk M "Shin ShuberT to ISKEENA LAND RICOROINO DISTRICT Mircb II, 1117. Austin Brown. irenL aw 1 ISTRICT Or QUEEN CMARLOTTK ISLANDS Launch Alice B. MEENA LAND RECORDINfl DISTRICT ISTRICT Or QUEEN CMARLOTTK ISLANDS Tike notice llt Oliver Brown, of Vic Tike notice thst John Booth, of Uky PON TMK SALT LAKES toria. B. C, occupation machinist. Intends Aatrles, occupation contractor. Intends to lo apply rue penuUsloo to prospect for ppir for peruiistion to prospect ror coal sSwRdars sod Wedaotdiya cusl. sod tielroleuw on the west roast of and petroleum on the wrtl coast or Ors RETURN rSRK SS. Oratiiia Itlsnd lo vlclnlly or Wen river. hm Itlsnd, in viciuiiy or Writ river. Commrnrlnr at a post piloted lo miles Conuuenclor at a post planted two mllei south of lh lootbetst corner of C, L south of the loutheiil comer of C L CaU 171; tbenro south'10 rfulns, luc well 1ST Is thence east 10 rhalni, Utenca north ,W. J. TMOMAa, raoao, so chains, tbeoco north 10 rbalns, tiienrr 10 chains, tbeoca wen 10 rhiini, thrnr, lli SVooa S1. si 10 rhiln fi point of romtnencrnieot. south 10 rlnlni to point or commencemeat. OLIVLH Bnow.1. JOHN BOOTH, Subscribe for The Daily News tMtttttt,,M,,M,iMHW( Mircb II, lilt, Austin Brown. irraL Mircb II, HIT, Austin Brown, uoL sJis.WU AalJiJ0VA Mi sUsli tsVHLISALE DI8TRI BHJTOR F Q. 0AW8ON pfwioc HUPIRT,