Thursday. May t7. ltttT. TUB DAILY NEWS THE INCREASE IN THE MISERABLE FROM price or D'UCO SPORT SHOES nrniiAtnUTDnilDIC Coiiipar.d mih lhn -L, i ii... tiMl of fiHi.i.,n. ii.. . maun iiiuuull ;rc: WITH lift Mtii Mormon. n..,t ii,. SPORT CLOTHES FltVrelcW Until He Slaled 31." t. llCniM 1 Ill'OC lay n That's the vogue, thk year to have one's S9I CiiAMrui Sr., ilnmiAf, our ftupply of medicinal sub. 7 shoes in harmonv wirh Tor two years, Iwu miserable stance we always tia been ami nStrtt(tom Khmmathm and StatHMh always) Khali be dependent to a i-S the sport suit, or outmff rL..Vev I bad tnwnt VistySfh, very large eitrnl n m. and sw .ater. ...i when I took food, fU wretched .source. Many of the tn.i ... gjridrt . ...W I ri 1 ..... ... iiii- iBilD ,r. " " jporwni vrRCUble drug, cannot 4tum driJftIJy, with pin In tnjr ie grown ai any rale eeotiornl-cnlly Lnnnnnainnnnln n our Moil and In our climate, r,. ,lsdvi.K-d''FruIt-tlTes''and and although we may look outset, they did me pood. m tl; forward to n future hi 'jr U'ftnt box, If tit I vtgr1tig every Hem of materia practically m-dira J I can irmwuiiy ii si will be produced within the Empire, titei" Is Uie only medJcloo ' rc the fact remain LOUIS LAWtlK. that when- Ht-lpcUine". ever oversea s bot, 0 for $2-50, Wl site, 25c. communication- are! ii ill dealers or sent polled by rrult- dislocated our supplies will bej curtailed. Such commonly used1 Ottawa. 1 silted, jf( , drug a sarsaparilla, slorax. ' myrrh. gualacum. coca leaves, i rise ALARM STSTIM. Juniper berries, liquorice root. SUMMER SHOES valerian, and many others arc are the most complete line of CIRCUIT NO. 1. extremely scarce, and in some $m 1 ' 61. sod Ird At. enses there In a possibility thai summer footwear ever made. iit 1 4th SI. and Jrd Ave. except for email quantities in The Fleet Foot trademark shoes for Hi 14 ttb 81. and trd Ave. chemists1 shops here and there. goes on ii ltd 1 Avee.function or tit, rod and certain drug will before long be every summer need for work and play for tee ft- III Ave., between lib snd unorualnable. Fortunately we can men, women and children. I IB Sts. (Knot Hotel). ao very well without many of 1,1 17 III At, snd fb St. (On- J. FRANKLIN BAKER,- -One of C nnle Mack's former lieuten- Anh dealer hota them, for If one remedy for rhu-matlsm, voor to vnn ihm Flmn Ftrt ml Haul). ant now playing for the ew ork merican. Ilaker is one of say, become extinct. the clasiet inflelders on the majors. you'll find exactly what you want and the price CIRCUIT NO. a. there will alway be an adequate . at . are a halt, a thtra and even lee, than qmaay set a- ird A and trd St. (To I omcei LAND supply of a drug having an almost MINERAL ACT. attractive leather boot would coeL Ui Ird Art. tod MtBrtd SL REGISTRY ACT parallel effect. The few drugs 41 t III A. od MtBrtd St 1 tod A, and tod St. that will probably become cheaper Certificate of Improvements (Sctuofi 11 and ! tod Ar. and (to St 111.) in war lime include aspirin, sail m n -0. T. r. '''TZtZJ'!""- 'clat of eoda. and phenacet.n, NOTICE CIRCUIT NO. a. m4 to rtiuur John Btrmaa. or rnne h,ch are now hein Produced on Caribou Mineral Claim annate In the Ru(rt, b. c, onvr la re under a considerable commercial scale I kWna Mlnint- Division or Cattlar District. li 11 iu At. and rvltoo St. VVnere located: .tear bead of Alice Ta Salo Deed from U Collector or Ux in this countrr- Lanoline la an. ut 12 Borden and Tajlor Su. Arm, B. :. bi 4 tife A. aaa rultoo SL YfJ!2.Xrl??l.olbr product that i. now being TAIE NOTICE that I, J. Fred Ritchie, 304 ti as- Ul A. and Cuaoi Av. tiaiun tut teruin tri or tret of:produced liero, and the price of Free Miner's Certiorate .to. tttl C actlnr ut S7 I in Art. and rdr run at arent for W. A. William, Free Miner's und and premue annate, Ijioc. and i- 'which is ueclining inconsequence Ut 4tb Ate. and Tbotnpton SL Certificate So. 1411 C, Intend, sltty days tot la Utc MunlctpaUty or Prince Rupert. I The effecl of the ureal mlvanros from the dale hereof, lo to the apply or rrueuUrly kno ai Ut Ten (IS), .1. Navigable Water Protection Act. CIRCUIT RO. 4. , Drlcel. at 'Ioner' lard and Mlnlnr Recorder for a Certificate or Im Stork Five B(Uoa Seven T. M." X. Bathe to 1 41 4 in A, and Emmrrtoo tts. olive oil Is also felt very seriously provements, for the purpose of obuinlnr R. s. o, oiurTeai IIS. Mar. Crown Grant or ibe above claim. Vee ar reqoirrd to conteit u daia bX l'ie manufacturing druggists, And further take notice that Tb Oraod Trunk Pacific Railway Com Ut 4J Itn Ave. and MrBrtd St. action, ua Ut 4. Itn Ave, and Orven SL r 1 1 ui purcnawr iuun uiry-ovi ; for these common commodities of r section is must be commenced before pany hereby rives nolle that It ha, tinder Internally M 44- IS A. and Mill SL frTk, .or '1 "!commerce are used In rnany ntedi- Ibe Issuance or such Certificate of Im Section I of the aald Act. deposited wtla oUro mar effected by Rn- the Minuter of Public Works at Ottawa, li a lilt Ave. and Eterta. (Clnal compounds, which are dear-imuoa provement. vred MaU or aa Directed, and your at tnd In the office or the District Registrar Dated this 141 7t At, and tftb day or March, A. D 41 Touof SL u called to lectiao II of toe er in consequence. Thus honey, HIT. Jt f the Land Retiltry Once, District or Over 50,000 Peoplo Aro Now -Und keiiimr Arr with amendment, j g used In cough medicines, lard J. FRED RITCHIE. A rent Prince Rupert, at Prince Rnpert, s detcrtp- Doing So. w1 JZZ!?.'? Uoa or tb site and plan or lumber mill !.ri ointments, and olive oil In sod ether work proposed to be built In cat or Ita peodena beini eied before lu'P'"41"- Glasgow Herald. LAND REGISTRY ACT Ibe Prince Rupert harbor at prince Rnpert. For many years physicians have agreed retiitratiOB aa owner or lb person SrlUth Columbia, Is front or Waterfront Prince Feed Co. Oiled under lucb ui ale. all peraona fo If press reports are to be relied (Sections SI and III.) Block "I", according to registered plan of that the vast majority of human Ills were Rupert erred wlla do lire and Utoao cJaimlot upon and there is generally Re Application .toa. I0II-I and I0I7-I. the townsite or the aald city or Prince caused by accumulated watt la the Lower tbroutk or aader them, and all peraonj rum- not. Rnpert registered tn the aforesaid land InteiUne; that In our present way of living I I hi sss. 909 TMH At. ttaimlBt any Inlereit la the land tr virtue some substance for them an TAKE .10TJCE that appUcaUon naa been registry .mce a Xo. ItJ, Section T. Nature could not remove all tsU wait af any unretiateird tnio-ament. and aO onen season for "bis trame" has made lo reruter Sarah Undo, or Prince A.1D TAKE JtOTICE that after the ex ' without assistance, no muter how regular KCCIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS eertoo rlaUntnr any latere! tat Uw Und been proclaimed Iri Germany. Jtuptrv B. C, aa owner In fee ander two pt ration or one month front the date of it deamil wtKW till U not retlaiered Tat Sale Deeds fram the Collector or the the Urst publlcaUon of this notice, the we might be. and that the poisons Some one already has taken a WE HANDLE ander iho provuiona or thii Act. aball to City or Prince Rupert, beartnr dat the Grand Trunk PaclQc Railway Company from this wast circulating through lb Steele A Haas. Ronnie' fur eer ettoprwd and debarred frocn l-t!t "pot shot" at the Kaiser. find day or September, till, and ALL. A3D win. under Section T of the said Act, apply blood puUed us away down below par and up any claim to or la reepect or the Sl.NOl'LAR. that certain parcel or tract or to the Minister or Public Works at his were responsible for many diseases of S Ferry's and MaXkerula't land to aoid fr uiea, and tn Realitrar Salvation Army. land and premises sttutte, lylnr and belnr office In the City or Otuwa for approval serious nature. Cardan and Field Seeds. hall retliler lb peraoa entitled under in tb Municipality or Prince Rupert, more f the said atte and plan and Tor leave During this time the "J B. L. Cascade uch ui tale aa owner or the land m partlcuUrly known and described a UI construct the said works. fcr internal Bathing has, because of their Also Fertilisers. old for met" Public meetings, Tuesdays, eleven (II). Block twenty-elrht (SI). Dated at Winnipeg. Manitoba, this Slat recommendation and those or IU uttrs, NAY, CHAIN AND FEED A.XD WI1EHEAS appUratlon naa beet Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p Section Sit (I), and Ut thirty-three (11), day or February. A. D. HIT. been steadily growing in favor. aad for Centflrau or lndreatUl Till m. Sundays at 7:30 p. in. Block forty-alt (II), Section Elht (I), THE ORASD TRUJIK PACIFIC RAILWAT Recently, however, the startling news Chicken Feed A Specially. Map IIS. COMPACT. H. H. HAJISARD SoUcttor, lo Um aboveatenUoejed land, la lb nam which has been covering uu country, that tf John Bertmant You are required le contest Um culm great"surgeons and specisllsu bav been We Take Orders foe Nursery AD WlltREAS on loveaUraUnv ibe C ibe Ut purchaser within SI dayi from o periling on the Uwer Inuslta for the the date of the service or this notice Stock. nil It appear that prior lo lb Sth day THE MAILS mot chronic and serious diseases, bat r September, IS 1 4. (lb dato on whin. (which may be effected by publlcaUon), caused Americans to become thoroughly o, ir4aiur ues To. Uw aaid land were to J for overdue and your attention u called to section e awake t4 the Importance of keeping this Uie roe were In asaeated owner 16 of the "Land Reristry Ad" with For the East. Uwer Intestine rree from all poisonous amendmenu. and to the follow-lnr extract tnereor. waste matter, and over, 100,000 ar now therefrom t "And in default of a Tuesdays, 2 a. m. using Internal Baths. ri'BTHCIl TAKE W0TIC1 that at the raven or certificate of tu pendena being am time I anal! effect rtCUtraUoo la Sled before the rertstraUoa aa owner of Wednesdays, 9:30 a. ra. IT you try lb "J. B. L. Catcada" yon pruore or aach appllcauoa and Ui TIMBER SALE X 884. will find yourself always bright, confident the entitled persoa under inch ut sale, all Saturdays, 0:30 a. m. s Ceruntale or IndefeatUil TIU to lb aald ' snd capable the poisoned watt served with notice persons so and TliL LVClMyULf INtMfJal or loon unlet makes us btlUout, blue. duU and nervous. Unda In tb nam Bergman Sealed trndera wrtu be received by lb those cUlmlnr throuiu or under them, and From tho East. and tb Internal Baths are Nature's own cure for uk proaecut proper pro. V you Minuter of Und not Uter than noon on all person ruimlnc any Interest In the etubiuh claim. If Tuesdays, 5:30 p. m. ConaUpaUcfo Just warm water properly reediar le yoar anj tb aoth day or May, HIT. for the pur land by virtue of any unrerUtered tasini-stent, Ui in aald land, or lo prevent aocn pro applied. Drugs tore Wkture the "J. B. riSNCRauur knojni rhM or Licence XIII. to cut UO.OoO and all persons cUlmlnr any fct-teres Thursdays, 5:30 p. m. pooed arlioa on my parL feel oT Spruce, Cedar. Hemlock and Bal t In the land by descent whose UUe U Cascaoe" genUy ssalsu her. i Cru-s i-i to. ki y lo, it-is DATED at the Und Beiiitry Offln ara on an area al tutted ndjulninr Ut 3t, ts not mistered under the provision of Sundays, 3:10 p. m. Call and see It st Cyril B. Orme's. rrinc rtupert. s. Ct una 4t a day a South Venttck Arm. lunre 3, Coat! DU this Act. aball be tor ever estopped and For Vancouver. Druggist, Comer Ird Ave. snd Itn St, or Cl I M ta. I M In, tS December. A. D. till. trtcL debarred from tetUnr up any cUlm to or atk there for "Why Man of Today Is Only H. r. MACLEOD, Two (I) j ear will be allowed for re In respect or the Und so sold for Uxes, Tuesdays, 4 p. m, to per cent Efficient," s booklet or great 4 C,L 4 1.2 t. k a !., Apr. It. DUtrtcl Rerutrar or TlUea. moval or timber. and the Reaistrar shall reiister the person Thursdays, 10 p. in. Interest, which ta given Tree on request. To Simon Pef raon. Davtavill. Caltrornia. rurther particular of the Chief roreater entitled under such Ut sale as owner of IT you prefer, writ for Booklet to Dr. Victoria. B. C, or DUtrtcl roreater. Prince the land'so told for taiea." Sundays, 4 p. rn. ' Chat. a. Tyrrell. (IS College stmt. Toronto. Rupeii, B. C A.1D WHEREAS application has been MATTER OF A APPLICATION From Vancouver. IX THE ''or Further nade for a Certificate cf Indefeasible nil Information Tor the Htu of a rreab certificate or till TIMBER SALE X 896. to ibe above-mentioned lands, in ibe name Wednesdays, 10:30 a. in. Apply to for Lou On (I) and Two (t). Block of Sarah Undo. I tleven (ll. Section On (I), City or A.1D WHEREAS Fridays, 3 p. m.-Sundays, UtU t. Sealed tender will be received by tb on InvestlrtUnc tn Harry A. Harvey Mp W. E. WILLISCROFT Prince nuperL Minuter or Unda not Uter than noon on It appear that prior to tb tlth day of 7 p. m.; .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE that It la September, HI I, (tb dau on which ibe (Late Leaden, Caw, Oeneeevatole Prince Rupert, B. 0. the tlth day or June, HIT. ror the pur. Alternate Mondays from Janu my intention to luu afier tb ciplratlon said Unda were aold for overdue uies). of Slusl) chat of licence XSSI, to cut Mlt.000 or on month rrum in ant publicauon you were the r tittered and attested ary 1st. puetu OI of feet Spruce, Cedar. Balsam and Hem or TIU Tor the brreoT. a freib CerUScau owners thereof. lock in an area situated on the eatl shore Pupiu Taken for For kbot mentkoed kill In tb nam or tho FtllTIIER TAKE NOTICE that at tb Anyox. of Malhleson Channel, JUnre t. Coast District VIOUN. riASO. VIO UN CELLO sad Bank Atlantic liealiy and Improvemeut company tame time I ahall effect registration la Wednesdays, 10 m . p. HARMO.NT. Mail Aid By Luullrd. which CrrtlSeal of Till waa pursuance or auch application and Isaue a Three (!) year will be allowed for re Ittued on the toth October, II 10, on ap Certificate or Indefeasible Title to the aald Fridays, 8 p, m, EXAMINATIONS pllratlun received tb toth October, ISIO, moval oT timber. lands In the name of Sarah Undo unless Pupils trered fee Ms saw lest less Save A Trip to Town Further partlrulara or the Chief roretter. Sundays, 8 p. in. AMoclaled gtoord, Vaaoenvwr, Osaier and I numbered iii'i. you Uk and prosecute the proper pro-rredtnta Victoria, B. C or District Forester at Wisl Qollse ef Musis. Lee See,Kse. . to eaubilsb If From May llih. HIT. - Prince Rupert. B. C JT. your cUlm, any, Anyox. OlDce, to the said Unda, or to prevent auch pro Uixl neitry Thursdays Sundays and Tues TERMS PHONE BLUE S7S PR the benefit of those rrltice Itupert. B. C TIMBER SALE X913. posed anion on my plrL DATED at the Land Rerfvtry Office, Ilvo out of town, II. r. MACLEOD. days. DUtrtcl Heiiitrar. Prince Itupert. B. C this toth day of , ve have arranged a t. Sealed lenders will be received by lb April, A. D, HIT. plan Miulster of Und not Uter than noon on II. F. MACLEOD. by which do you can MINERAL ACT Um Via day or June, HIT, ror the purchase District Rettitrar of Titles your banking by mail quite or Licence XIII. to rut T.Ul.OOO To Charles PUnlU, It to Lot II; a satisfactorily if Certificate of Improvements. feel of Hemlock, Cedar and Spruce, and II.' F. Clark and II. O. Richer FRED STORK'S HARDWARE as you I.too lineal reel of ptltnr. on an area ad- aa to Ut It. Jtood here at our counters, jolninr Lot I lis, Juskatla Inlet. Orahaiu tjome in and let us explain Doutatl:" "Douiall NOTIOf Fractional ind Island.Three Queen(I) yeara Charlotte will be Island allowed District.for re The Dally .m a delivered ti FOR CANNERY N plan or write for tho "Walrrrroul" Mineral Cltlnu. altual In moval of timber. aprler, 80 cents per mouth- We have added to our stock of valves and pipes a complete information, Ik Skccna Mlnint Dlvlalon or Catatar DU Further particular! of the Chief roreat line of flubber Helling at right prices. trlcl. er, Victoria, n. Ct or DUtrtcl Forester, FOR FIOHER4SEN Wbrr knaledi On tb will lid or I'rtnr Rupert. B. C THE BANK OF head or Alice Arm. A complete stock of the best goods that money can buy for TAkE NOTICE that I, Richard B. Me- TIMBER SALE X820. trolling -Spring, Itrass, Silver and Ilronie. Ntrth iWrka omnia. Free Miner' OrUfltate No. 1IJ04. Stuart J. Martin FOR THE WATBRsTRBNT nUni 41 aimt Tor tn DoUy Vardcn Mlnea Sealed tenders will h received by tb celebrated Leaf 1'ainte and Varnishes beat The Maple Speetal tUHiipany. Fire Mer'a Certiocata No, JI-c, Minister or Lands not later, than noon on loieiid, ility tiaya rmm tb date hereof, (he flit day of May. HIT. for lb pur- ASSAYLH paint ''FLOGiaZK--.V coinplwte line of Ship Chandlery. criTAi. and kuurixs, sms.oss. to apnlr Id In Minim Recorder for clie of Licence X (to, to cut 4.111.000 FOR EVBRYBNE oriiocti of Iniprvvemeuu. ror to pur. ii'ci oi iicmiocK, ceaar and spruce, ana PRINCE RUPERT IIRANCU po or obuiaiuf a Crown Orant of tho 10,001 (meal feet cf pltinr on aa are HAZ ELTON B. C. A fine stock of Hardware, Guritey's Oxford Stoves. W.J.SMlTHLRS.Manaflcr ibov claim. adjolQin Lot I0, juskatla Inlet. Queen We Sell Nothing Bui The, Beet. And furiiwr Uke nolle that artioa, under Cuarloti DlatrtcL awsi - - terllou St. mutt b fuuuuanoed bo-for Three (I) ytari wHl b allowed for The oldest oslabllshed Assay the Ittutnco of lurb Cerllflrat of 1m. removal of tuufeer.' ADVERTISE IN iroveuirnti, Further partlrulara of the Chief ror Office In the North. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE The Hated ihlt tlth day or Aptll. A. D. HIT. rtur, Victoria, B. or DUtrlct Forester Daily News If , RICIIAHD B. McOIMNlS. at Prince puperl. B. C. v