1I1E DAILY NEWS Tint mtay yRy I 144, ' SUN AND TIDE Local News Notes k G.H.Arnold Washable Drese: Friday. May 10th, il Knn rites- , 1:38 a. in. NOTARY PUBLIC Ooldbloom if having a sale this Hun it ......8!3& p. III. r.Prices ...., week.. lis High water ..11:32 a.m. III. 18.5 A shipment has Jsul f its.' water ...5:21 a, in. III. 1.0 1 Wc write Firo and Marine reached us from New York Mr. II. K. .Velll, of Spokane, is High water ..11:31 a, m. 111. 21.3 insurance, representing consisting o f children's In the city. Low wsler . . .a:SI'p.m. Ill, 6.9 BASING POWDER only Irong, liberal com- dresses In ginghams, per- Ureal sale, for this week only sale Underwood Typewriters for panies. . caies, elc, in sites from 2 Saves 46 12 years. x at (loldbloom's. t IB. or rent at the Weigh Scales. Eggs We sell Ileal Bslate, and Just Mr. II G. Alexander, of llutte. In and recipes for now have some real TheV nr alt In lh lnit UMonlana, Is here. Lawn mowers sharpened cake, muffins, corn bread. . SNAPS, Ask ua about 'styles, belled and piped, and ' repaired. Phone 219. Frltt, fewer cgRs mny bo used nnd excellent them. wilh collars In different Lawn mowers sharpened and colors. repaired, l'hone 219. FriLi. We have apartments, houses WorQi a Guinea and Tho prices ar Mr. and Mrs. Ellis come oc the ; -unui wui a teaspoon, in d!ace stores unices for rent, quit reasonable of each ect? om tied. train from the Kast last night. a Box - want and and more. lass than the cost H. Q. HELQERtON, LTD of buying the material, pat Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lipsett The spccdlc t remedy for sick I mtik DIXCTK5V,-mi, M terns, etc., and making up have gone to Vancouver on a trip. hcathchc, tillo'-ncss and Ind! at home. Mr. 0. I, www Uerneson, of Ana gestion Is a dose or two of I t I UtlMliiM IiMmmi uu hiu alwrlMiiu " t.4 " u llwtrtwlaf t0 athntM. Getting the kiddies ready conda, Is paying I'rince Ilupert a BEECMAM'S The old method called for 2 fin. for the visit. Haea IS Mumna 24th, from head to BtUt af ... . LL.k . "He Daily News" heel, can be quickly and Mr. A. O, Iloulhier, of St. lloni- PILLS AMrm t St. La.fMH, cheaply done by filling their DhW.,,!, Mu,1. face, is in the city for a day or i wants In our various Dr. rrlce's Cream CLASSIFIED depart Baking Powder Is ADS. two. Lew SU At MJkb t iuWhU, made ments. Mmit.Wti btmlK from Cream of Tartar derived from erst, Captain Olllatt, of the Queen and makes wholesome food. Full stock of sixes In white Charlotte Islands, has gone to ki M. Maatoo. s.a, Marie In Canada No WANTED. and blue running shoes and Vancouver. W. I. WlllStmi, A. LLB Alum WAJ1 TED Tent and piece of Canre. Ap- In tan, chocolate and patent WILLIAMS A HANSON Ht Dally .Vwt. it. Sandals. Colts Hall Team . excursion to Barelstars, tolloltor. Etc Port Simpson May 21th. Ileturn AJI tATELU0E.1T rERSO.V MAY EARS! 'OMtr TO LOAM fare, t2.00. A CALL 121, FROM IIP monthly eorretpoodinr for dc i- So III! : ptpertt 49 to ISO moninJ In tpar Hlrrn SWvt rnar Srt. a tf DENTISTRY tun; experience onecettarjt Da can- j Mr. W. I', llinton, nf the O. T. rattle-:, tubjectt turreited. itui for H. S. WA LUCE CO., LTD. IS is expected to arrive In I'rince Artists' Riiles,- London, Enq partlcultre. .feUonal Ireti Bureau iftupert tonight. Don't spend anther ftnitLTT room tin, Buffalo. 5. Y. Cum Marie Minerva. FOR SALE There are only twenty tables Night Coughing This notice should Interest aur DR. J. S. BROVV.t for the Lodge Valhalla whist drive 0INT1ST old member of the "Artists' re for sale fifteen-foot LAND ACT tonight. Be be Mathien't of Wtt mlK . Tk lIHa txi wna Erin- early, and gel a Syrnp Tar siding in II. C. Would rude ratine. Carpet; euulon; two pairt I SaEE-t LA.O DISTRICT DISTRICT! OF place. and Cod Urrr Oil Uktn at they kindly eM & apooo oartj Drtu rowlock, and more-1 COAST, RA.IOfc FIVE. bedtime ill cbtte tb rottKb forward their names to llobert able rurai cover. EterjUUnr In Dnl' I Tate noUce ttul we, Ov.m MlUerd rack The Princess andfireyoq andtboaearoii4 Ilarker. bos 127, Dally .wa data eomUUon. Apply Dally newt I"1' Company, Limited, of Vancoertr. oe Sophia is due in Toa a gonl Bight' teat. Prince Ilupert, II. C or Dousias office, in I cup lion canoe rymen. lntrnj to apply for this afternoon at 1 :30 p. m. from Takes regularly It toon AT ROWE'S PLUMBING ""7 Ipennlttloo to leate tb following de- the south and will leave again for! dlrpelt eres the moat(lint:, Spencer. 17 Craven Street, Strand, run sal cuj more ana iioumhoji I irrujed landt; Alaska. tag cough at Itt valuable uondon; phjeel connected with AND W ' rourta Are, East. I Commenclnr at pott planted at Ibt tooic prepcrtiet ttrmrthra the recently-formed Artists' llllle r, .,T T .... .. Itoutbeatt ooroer of Lot 1 17; tbence toulb the bloul wbkh will tbes Kegimental SHEET METAL WORKS Mrs. Herman a'nd Association, and " family have quickly rrt(v i be nocwea par. tn ;. I .rTl TTT' .YTZV Z water marks tbene oorta r T.",:"'"' "' ' follow, low water arrived in Prince Ilupert to Join tiarae to their original Ilculars will be forwarded to any TK al Ottilia Taalt, ttOri Ptf, latlt ." ! " ' mark; tbence. norta I chain to tb Orand Mr. Herman. Mrs. Herman health. members making their address aueka, Cklnaf Tin, JIT, Anyox. B. a m- I Trunk racine rltit-of-tj; came IW enreyoti get Matbkrw'a aM all IM week tuel I IMnr t tbence tout 6 known. eatterly It chain followm tald from SLvPaul. Srrop of Tar and Cod LJrrr n u out ratMiosio th mc, FOUND Mtat Oil. the mot popular cough WITH ALL TMI UlTtIT DOWk. of.way to l be place of betinninr nd con taininv acre. TU Ilev. Father Cocola re cure la Can-U. ro-oTK won srictauzto, reu?(D Udr't Vanity Bar. Apply Dally 00SSE MILLERD PACEL10 COMPACT turned to the Habine Mission yes SolJrrcrywbere. ije Urge a MTLtairra, coaaictt. ,tu. flew oQce. bouiea. Pri&ce ttertalMfl la ut It fee 0, a, tf. LIMITED, v it I terday, rather Cocola has been Rupert Dairy f rti. SWIM Mt M4 M April tod. HIT. 1. Fred Ritchie, artnt here for a week or two. JL t.MATWirU CIV. Ffv. al4 U . Rene( a aet)e aia un4 Mtw MAasaitsmrT ttoe f ateleelal. nprt H s LOST Bunch of key. Finder plea re LAND RCQISTRY ACT The Home Cooking Kxchange aiMt. rancts rmnt, iutki ... turn to tne Dally oQce. tf. tr- rw iH.l.i m FUM HOLSTICN MILK rissr-cuita. a sartanta cva. held at the home of Mrs, L. ileith.l Toattsi is ISreUon 1 fui 111 l ova ail MISCELLANEOUS fie AppUcation flo. II4-I. FUlar ISIS Seal Cove, yesterday realized the CM AM enont aao. r. o. box an. I TAEC .HOTirr that nr.llfIlnn h.i K.. sum of $11 for the lied Cross. uttkimiilk ruer ae 0 tzi lt Sim TALBOT HOUSE Good Rooms. Irery eon-1 mad to rtrltter Tbo CorporaUoo of Ux t4 Oueet, tie u Or- li oa i aty of rrtneo Rupert In Uw Prortac of Mr, J. K. Kitto, of Philadelphia, smou tn p. o. mi aw 4 OeieeaeiMt WM per week, SOcand He a nirat. BritUn Cottannia. at In fea nnder pa. atxaia auaataa. owner Is in the city. He Is connected ail Order eslf AtuMed Te. "Ar" t (CM...London J Tanna 0,7nu wilh the Surf Inlet Mines and ex. iHQ-FREE apply P. o. Box S4I. or m of btttabtr , of ALL AMD pects to leave the cty tonight. R. McKay, Proprietor. ravum 9 1. I civnn a t k. ....rl . . FARM LANDS land and premltes tltoate lyinr. and beu( The sale of home rooking to be J.L.HICKEY in tacMnnicipallty of Prime Rupert, more held on Friday in the lied Crots particularly known antf detcrtced a JiorUi-Wetterly ORE005 A.tD CAUFORXIA RAILWAY CO. Serenty IT, feel of Lou Eleren tent will be under the charge of PACIFIC CONTRACTOR A IUIL0CR Mrs, S. J. Ilvans and Mrs. Gil duly. CARTAGE, LTD. la Lnlted Bute fcy act of CoDrett dated inn. t. ltl. Two million, tar.M'V' V" ,!ZJ h 2."t's. 'taajTu IMyBJCBll'iHHrrl MMMMMMaawMMMMB Store and OtSce FUteri, sNtsaN)tjwNJBBitPaHPj wPNpPso I W The funeral of Peter Cannon. waj J j J awsanwBwawaaBwaawawjaawswaBWStawBw7 Hath, Door and M4Hafi. day from Ih dau o' toe terrlea of thu who was accidentally drowned Gtwal Teankig 'JtTtfv f0' T perwnal last Sunday will take place to. Oak and Hard Wood! ol aU !!.V?.U?UXet- WoW U Urrc r a. direct!, and you? ittenilon morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock DOMKSTI0 kinds. ,t:t. ."t::. .r."" : " w tcuon i or u -una Ret- WATER NOTICC from Hayner's Chapel. Friend LACK8MITN COAL rnJZZZFr wiu, amdmenu. and lo Wa SpacUllxs In Hart-wood . roik.UJ extract tnererrom:- re requested to attend. BIVEMStON AND USX Careful AlUntlon to Flano Boat Ribs, lath, nnl LJ? -and in defaoll of a careat or certificate TAtE NOTICE that Oeorr McRta. PU miano. ireron.Uf lu penden twlnr Died befora tne re( The funeral of Mr. James Ma. bote addret It Salderate, B. C. WIL I and Furniture) Removals. Doors, etc. liatraUon a owner of the perton entitled FlaU and Sheet Olast sn4 her. late of KhuUe InleL will lake K 'feetVa-u ss'w;.,oI LASO Dl rmiOT txmnOT OC I oixier turn tax tale, aU perton to aerred PHONE 3. OOAST, RAItM B. lIUt notice, .... and Iboto claiming place this afternoon from Hay.ltMBitier Creeav wbica nowt nortberir and I Olailng. take NOTICE that toe Briatii Columbw I uirousn or under toem. and aU perton ners Uliapel at 3 oclock. The tin into Aurora Bay, about it cbaint Corner Fraser and th t. Canning Company. Limited, of Victoria, a".I 'Ini10" any loterett in tbe land by rlr-liev Fallipr linnrix rnn.liirl l,rom ,b nier f T. U III. Tb C. aalmon eannert. Intend to appl foi "y unreglttered lmtrumnt, and,i. . . , ... . ,..ltter will be dtrtrted from UM ttreaat at twmfT.ilnii l..u ,k- rntiy.. I all Drrtuna elalmlnr inr lntr-..t in ih- Rerict? aim llic UUriei Wll. tutnt aboat ln rh.m. m,t nur PN0NE QREEN 269 rd foreibore land-CommencJag at a pon Und b' detcent wbot uUe It not regit- take place at J-'airview Cemetery.I turner of Lot 4, B. C ruberlet. and wie STEEN & LONGWILL P. 0. BOX 4U. planted on tne north bank of tne Skeena 1 ",rra or tne proruioo of tbi Act. . l friends are requested to at-! Vlta or Vr purpow a pon the land niTer, axv reel tontn from tn toutbeatt uu "r eaioppea ana aenarrea i-n,i iiieTiDra a aojoiiunr Timber Limit Sll fyj't 7.i.jj,n.,iitrj)i '"" cenver of Lot St, R. I, Coat l Dlttrleti I ro,n telling up any cUlm to or In retpeel . ... I tn application la leate. SANITARY AND HEATINQ thence couth too feetj thenea wetierly I ,b Un1 to told for laiea, and tbe ,. I TWt notice wat potted on Ute gronnc and nortberly parallel, to tbe abore line,I "erltlrar tball regltter tb perton en- 1,,er a some exciiemenl at I m tne im day of Jaaaary, till, I ENGINEERS .i Sheet Metal Work a auunce or approximately tto feet to I ,,wa Mr tnen ux taw at owner or tbe , me run last evening, wnen llvel'-py or uut none and an appiieaUot a point too feel tooth of tb toati l" for ute.- youngsters entered for a half- l,r0a "rrM .ib Water Act. ueunaarg or in urand Trunk Pacine rail i: """"m apucawoo nat xen .nii ice Freddie Ijwe WHH I ',M ,U U tua ,a ofnf f tbt Agsnta for Harlng been in Ihe EatL I ! .. . Aater lcorder tl Fnoc DtperL Ob. i McCLARY FURNACES becoroe with Iia rth.i . Lf'WA M anjualnted auti to tne tald rlgbt-or.way to a point .aooremrnuooed Uodi, In.tb name ' aJ - ,uuioi, initur i jectionr to tbe tpplitailoo may be Bled due touts of tb S, W.,corner of Lot ;lr Tbe Corporation of tb City of Prince Pllllips, and Iteuben Jacobon I 1IJ tbe .tald Water Recorder or wltkl em method of outfitting RtiolM inoce nonn xoo teei to m point of in- were the boys. andJhey came In wwiirotier or water nigttt. pariia- FLUMBINO boats, at uaed by KatUni thop. tertectioa or tb toutb boundtrr of tald I on inrtttigtung tb title , i , s i"' auiidint. victoru. B. C- witbit and . r t-ht-oVwavn tbenea annltxrlv iiui ..... Ill appear! lilt I Drlor to the rourleefilh " HirtMrtv dirt after (ha n..i .r,u...... K, I eriy along tald Hgbt-ef-way to a point I0' September, ttlt, (tbe date on which sport, and thu kids wanted to run I bit noUreln a local newtpapcr. SHEET METAL WORKS QasoHnc Tanks, Pi'r-fitting waer taia boundary line ttrlkrt taort I lanoa, wer toia ror ortrdue , it over again. I uey Uil the half I Tnejosijof lb nrt pubUeaUoa of uu Phone 5, 834 8cond Avenue. nnd Plumbing, liaej thence along high water mark to tb!""". '0J 'wre a mortsagee thereof, ;mie i 2 tnlnutes and jforoary flit, uu, r-l,l t r,r.nr.rr..nf I FURTHER TAKE NflTlrp ,h. .1 tti . ... . 1- SeCOIlll", I nrnnnr u..., .... Night phonCs T 576 and all lines of Sheet ' " - -" I C r r I 1 f... I vn. AiVUfUL a. w. carter. win i aoau cneci rtgiitrtuoo in " " and lllue 270 Metal Work s Acting at agent for tbe B. C. Canning IPiftutnce of ueb application and Ittual : Tha right work, at tha right C.. Limited. w and Stt'10 ?f"0.?"Ll!!!','.WT'U ""iCMANLIE GMArLIN AT Prompt Attention ... WATER NOTICE time, and at tho right rebruary teth, ItlT. AM M HUIV VI UIUTV COT pries. Workmanthip poratlon unlett you tax and proiecute VVCSTHOLME TONIGHT I Hie proper proceeding to eitabllia your use Alio storaai claim. If any, to tb tald (andt, r lo TAKE H. LETOURNEAU Charlie Chaplin is to be MUICE tbat Mtgaut P. Olten. PH0NE NLAOK 386. prcreni men propoted action on my pan. A r A . . .t a . seen . -am .. I SUMCRINE FOR AVKNUK Ij.i.rt i ih.. 1.1 n..i.i.. r.m,. toillKIll ai tllfl W PulIlOlllif rhHnlrl"u " . it...Anyox. B. C will act)If I C21 SIXTH ' " O wtaw. T M IttlWI P. " " I d Rupert. B. c, tbit toth day of December,' In a play entitled Police," Charlie 'L, . ,M"H bout I'hon Ulack S25 I'.O. Itoi " prench aundry . u. ins, ji. .iu...,. ,,., .ii....i i itt ' ' iv iiure auoui The Daily News H. T, MACLEOD. ..v.. ..u nucic ivv acre-irti or water out of Buiatua rJlttrlct Regittrtr of TitUt. his iiuaint antics are bhown. andlcrrek wbich not touibcaturlr and drum I atlsfaotlon sluaranUod I To Frederic aebtttner, Etq., the play to be shown tonight I Irtttlaa""u a,nJr lkletlS B tlornetr Lot 1471,I ctr c, L. Preemtn. C P. K. Bldg. causes m ((ill y one linnuKiw.ii. I Edmonton, Alberta. roar of laughter from beginning I.bout' one Kra-oai and one-naif will mite be froto located osouth al A HOT BATH THE to end, Ilidictiloiisly funny Char-1"' Booaaxt Creek. Tb capacity of iu H alwnys In. ire.eroir w d created it about 100 acr. I MINUTE YOU WANT IT iww; iihi M nui uuvq aoout ltnt' aerttl III addition thera will b shown 7 r Uu4. v ,IUr wlII u dlfwud t to La Casse Domestic Bread a I'athe "niette, a comedy and a lb tiretm at a point at or bear tbe dam, You aro accustomed In-Mantl)'. 'senile. Lilian West Is tli Knick- ,,,d wl" lM "ri tor i,tr tor mialof Bittlnif cold water erbocker star feature In "Master I . ; dewr,b Think of the it-Isfactloii Do not just order "a loaf of bread" Make It a point to get of Her Boul Tl,. h..tr.; of trettlngr Hot In iiauai, will lie up to the mark, audi Tola none Wit Potted Oil 111. vrmiriit I Water In the same way La Caste Domestic 16 rcgardleis or oz. Bread uiiuKriiier mo proKramine for to- WM ' " "trtn, hit, abundance, niuhl....... u.111 Iia.... n V.N r..n ...... I off of tin notice ta4 tn aDDii. how much has been used ,u.i line, i.j,. ,....,.. ,.-.,,.... . "- I net the most for r -v. ,w -water your money Jet full food value best i before, AtL till," wlllJie filed lu tb crrice of Materials iurMt ingredients. Dread is the LIKE MAOIC world'a cheapest in waier neeoratr at rnnee lluptrt, B.Cl HOT WATER food Kat plenty of it And see that it Is ivriiUH. iu um ppiicatioa may t Bld LA CAWS DOMESTIC RHEA S), 18 OX. LOAF wlta loe iill Wlter Recorder or m.l Harry Hanson tb Cwiipi roller of Water Hithti. panu. That's It! men! Hulldlntt, Victoria, a. c, wltBin Hut Water Service briiif Get La Casta Broad from your Oroesr or Tslsphons 180. mri u.j iw m on i apptaraoc or I this convenience. , THE LAML PflOTSOTS Y9J lui. iiuiire m ivai pH;r, yu S9 N, V. tlt-StM. ADDllni PHONE AW P.O. BOX Tin dal of lb Ortl puUieaikm r thi.l Trrrrrrrree r rrrrrrrr J t j U,lt I M9TfU t, lt7f I