THE DAILY NEWS Monday May o 0l7 Appetite Finicky and .i - will Hieerfully respond The Daily News Fussy? Tempt it with n roh,ngmoreth?n THE LEADflG NW&rATrH IN NORTHWI MHTUM COLUMBIA light, nutritious food that h.e. individual Mivuivru nun WRIGLEY5 P.Uiabed Dairy and WmUt which the Individ helps you to shake off the Guaranteed Large)! Circulation fomes prominently member shackles of a Winter diet. unl is n the wceMlljr of into view HEAD OFFICE -4 ' Eat Shredded Wheat Bis every member u the body cuit with berries and cream and not leaving Dally New Uulldint. 3rd Ave, Prnc lluperl,, vtVlphotie 08 his share if THE PERFECT CUM or milk. Two or three Biscuits Si bunhn to the willing few be- rilAHIKNI DISPLAY AIvr.RTlSINt Sti eits ter tuettr" I with fruits and green Comes very evident. pates nti application. make a nourish-lng, natural and best that we ( , vegetables It is Let make us meal . ii i..,in with the voluntary you acquainted satisfying at a snouiu - -system EDITION ,ljj3f,I of few cents. Ready-to-eat and work up to the com. with the luscious DAILY Monday May 19, 1917. cost a . .i.... na iiiiF realization new, no cookery, no ipuisory of hat the- whole body require---- flavour MACDONALD'S REMGMATr8N that of the Dominion Railway kitchen worry. becomes more intense, m cvr7 retirement Cnminjssian, furnish eloquent ..n.UriAklns there must be Mr, MacDonald's Krrm -.- - - from the ministry the Victoria proof of this. -.v..,., ifL for the voluntary TimM states, was. rendered in If the recent development is element if the highest achieve nvitAtilf br the nrocecdings of a mine aid nnd -exploded from ments are ever lo do attain, Toronto in the that .i i h- umit time this ele. the Inquiry Into the Cowpcr expectation iwiiiic - ----- Charges, apart altogether irom it would bury the Government ment should work within the ihR actual flndlnga of the L-om among the ruins and restore an circle of a system which wrings 7AUeMssRBafai inissloner. Granted that the administration which would Continued on page three.) evidence did not challenge his dance every lime Sir William personal integrity, that the Mackenzie cracked the whip, Made in Canada. Salvation Army. contribution under investiga we hope he will peruse and inwardly tion was not shown to have digest the report of the been Canadian Northern money, proceedings in the Legislature irnrtruTanv YULUfllAFil trrBCIfC IEIVJUJ (Thursdays Public and meetings,Saturdays Tuesdays,at 8 P It's all that he in recently, particularly the following thef bare tact that was receipt of funds from any person observation by Mr. COMPULSORY MtWfE'n.. the name intimately connected with Hrewsler: the promoters of that company, "I want it understood, Mr. Jo the Kdilor: Two apparent COAL NOTICES suggests! no matter for what purpbse, Speaker, and I think the country ly rival systems are being forced SKICNA LA MO MOOSrCMMO DltTwrOT was enough to compromise his generally does understand, upon our consideration in the ISTItlCT OF QUtlM eNftfttOTTC ISLANOS position In the public mind. that when it comes to the place present crisis the voluntary and Wrigsey qaalkj This, not the form or details where there is the slightest the compulsory. The voluntary T.i. Boiirc ibat WtUtaat IMioo. of Vic SBBele where the suggestion that there Is . ... m wnmiui ateuunlaaL lalend' of them, constitute gravamen any M " " ' system from a moral and spirit. eke win iu apply fr permltfiwa m protreci iw K &um charges. railway or of the Cowper corporate interest, ual standpoint must always be the cl and petrmeum 00 im w rwi . WDir:i srvc v Campaign funds from the other, controlling this Government higher of the two, but the com. r.h,n iitand. to tictnltr of Weil rier Biaklotf im m Canadian Northern, the Pacific I refuse to allow that impression from CMMuenrtar at a poet pUateu uoe inltc deacc. practical pulsory system a Great Eastern, or anybody directly to exist and I am going unlM of tbe tovtheaat oorner of C L and national will always standpoint thai tbrnce eail t:i. ibence aorta at. connected with them, are to have It threshed out so be the wider of the two. IS cbaioj tbrnce touta I tbatna, tbroce for intended that the truth be made they are tainted, may The reason for this is plain. ctt at count k poo Vetv mm flavour to shackle the independence plain." WILLIAM DUO. On the one hand, It is the appeal Aoaua , anat March HIT. and mar the usefulness of II, to a man's will which stirs what those in whose behalf they are NOTE AND COMMENTS Chew It attmr is noblest and best within him. If SAUNA UUO MOORWNO DISTWICT made. We have only to. refer he is not free to choose other ISTRICT Or QUIIH CMAALOTTE ISLAMOS mvmry mmal to the millions of dollars of The intimation that Great Brit wise he is not offering a willing trust moneys released to those ain and France are prepared to Take nouce Utat Tamer Roth ell M alien. sacrifice lor a great, cause but on Cet It wbcrrvrr B. occupauoa merchant, in of Victuria. C companies by the late admin, arm.and equip the volunteer force the other band, the number of leode to apply for ptfuitalac) to protpeel Confections are sold of Colonel Roosevelt should istration in utter violation raised by for cval and pelroleua on the weal ceatl the law to illustrate the possibilities go a long way to Influence the f Orabam UUnd, lo vicinity of Weal rtter. which flow from the receipt Washington authorities to send COAL NOTICES CMmnenctar al a pott plaated oo aalle Sealed Tight -Kept RigMl ontb of tbe aooUwul comer of C L. of campaign funds from these troops overseas as soon as CANADA ttlli Ibearo well IS Cbalna, Uteoce BofU MADE IN such sources by candidates for possible. It might be possible, muju USD nccoRoina Dirrmcr cbaina, thence eatl a chain, tbeoee office. indeed, to handle in this way the rraicT or quick cmanlotte islands totiUi IS cbaittt to point of comneocenMaL The Flavour Lasts Mr. Brewster stated his' attitude major part of the entire number TLKItlt RUTUWIU. ML'UXX, TUl notice that James McKultv. of March II. 117. AoiUn Bron. a trot on this subject most emphatically. enrolled under the floosevelt ban rrlnce ftvpert, occupation merchant, la The resignation of ner, which now aggregates nearly lenit lo t'J for permiaaioa to prtxpect MEENA LAND RSCORDtNtt CM STRICT the Attorney-General, he said, 00,000 men. more than the number for coal sod petroleum on U weat tout ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS had been accepted because of recruited by the Government or oraham itland la the vicinity of Wtl Take notice that Aroea Brown, of VK the fact, apart from all undisclosed for the National Guard. rmr. tnteoda to Commencinr it pott planted mm milt lorta. B. C, oecvpatloa Wow, considerations, that KXitll of oulbeait corner ilC L Sit? ai-ply for pertnlaalea to protpect for cool money was received by blm Mr. Crothers. Minister of Labor, Ibence tooth IS chain thence tut 18 and petroleiua on oett coatl Of oraham from one who was very closely Is trying to solve the food question chain, thenco nona M chain. Uxoce Uland. In rtcmity of Wett rtftr Spring Schedule ObOmarftcint at a pott planted two mile of cotnnMOcrnxnL el 10 C taint to point associated with a railway corporation by writing letters to the combines JAMES McAULTT. twOUl of Ihe aoutbaett corner ol C a. which had obtained asking them if it fs true March II, ItlT. Aattin Brown, reoL IM1I. thence wett IS chaint, thence 8. S. PftlNCC GEORGE favors from the province, and that they are "unduly" enhancing north SO chains, thene eatt so chaint, THURSDAY 12 Midnight f.o r Vsstwvtf the general impression must be prices. When said combines reply MCEMA LAND RCCOIIDIMa DISTRICT ntence thenco aaenL tow lb so chataa. to point of com Victoria and Soatlls. that it was given with the idea that these charges are wickedly irnticT or queen charlotte islands AOSLS BROW,', WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX of influencing the action of the false, Mr. Crothers will triumphantly March It, 117. Auaua Brooa. aroL 8. S. BVRINCE JOHN Government. In view of the exclaim to the House of Take bailee thai Joseph Rom at, of rnnce Junoau and Shaaway, Nif J-For Rupert, B, C, occupation pro pec lor. in SKEENA LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT For Ketchikan, Wrangoll, record it was hacdly necessary Commons, There, I told you sol" lenda to apply for penniaiioa to trotpect irrwicT or queen omarlotte islanos Vancouver May 21st, for the Premier to remind the for coal and petroleum on the wett coatl 8. 8. PRINCE ALBERT House that if such were the From New York comes the report of Orabam laland. In elctntiy of Weal Take nouco that Ldard I'lckird. of For Qu won CharloUo Islands, May 23. For Vancouver object of the contribution under that Herbert Hoover, head of rler: Lot An relet, occupation engineer. In lend Commenclnt from a pott planted one to apply for penuutkio to protpect for PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE recent investigation the the United States food board, may mile tooth of the toothweat comer of C U coal and petroleum On the veil coatl of Vfedeeoeer 4 Betoedar at 1 1 a. f e S-maee. frtat contributors were very greatly be asked to control the situation ttef i tbrnce south so chaint, thence tail Graham Itland, la vicinity of Wett river. M.IM, iMltIM ad Wloalso. ole.Mettle Ifceee fee mistaken. The stiff rebuff Sir in Canada also. What is the1 mat is cnaiat. thence north, Ifcbeina, thence tuumcociag al a pott planted one mile toet ed eeet. .Sileod train every Teeedtt at 4 a. . William Mackenzie received ter with the Canadian Government? meat IS cbalna to pout of coiumeocemenL touth of tbe too I Wail corner of C. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. iOSEFIf nOWAT. I7t tbrnce) neat l chaint, thenco berth apply to here last January and the haste Is it paralyzed altogether? March II, 1117. Auaua Brown, atL Id chaint. thence cut I chaint, tbrnce For Information and reservations PHONE IV with which he made Ottawa "Why does it not set up its own tuuth SO chains 10 point of eommrocemenL mt. Tirke one. KM Third Avenue. transfer the C. N. It. system In organization? Is it going to leave MEEK A LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT EDWARD riCEARD, ISTRICT Or QWCEN) OHARLOTTE ISLANDS March II, 117, Asttla Brown. areoL British Columbia from the everything to the municipalities jurisdiction of the province to and women a councils? MEENA LAND RECOROfNw DISTRICT Take notice that John William Ooat, of ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS 1 c lor la, B. C occupattoa merchant, la- RAILWAY lendt to apply ror permiatlon to proepect CANADIAN PACIFIC MINERAL. ACT MINERAL ACT lake nouce that Jamet Ray, of Victoria for coal and petroleum 00 the wett coeit B. C occupaiioa hotel proprietor, latende of Graham liland. In tlcmity of Wett rlier. for permuttua to protpect for to apply Point all Eastern 50TICE TO DEU.1QUEJIT FARTHER CsKIMcata of Improvemsnts Coamienctor at a pott plaaud two ml lea cool and petroleum on the weat coot of Lowest Ratos o To C W. Calhoun: togth of the tou thrall corner of C L, Graham laland, la vlclnily of Weat rtver, via Steamer to Vancouver and the Take notice, whereat I hart done and Nonci 97, thence wett 10 chaint, thence toath Conimenciag at a poet plan led at the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY tbe t Mldnlrtt acted to faction be-,done attetement mineral claim,work altuaud on Carlbov Mineral Claim iltuate tn tbe 10 chaint. tbeaco call so cbalna, thence toutbsetl corner of C L tllli tnrace Mealt and Berth Included on Steemee north IS cbama to of commenotmenL point wett 10 cbalna, the net too lb 1 cbalna, mile DiUlon of Cataiar DUtnct. on to finance fiver, about foorteen ktena Mininr from the bead or Alice Ann. In the Kkeena Where located: .I ear bead of Alice March 1117.JOI1.1 WILUAM uiiin Brown,OOSS,arcot. thence eatl 10 chain, thenco north so Princess May for Oranby Bay and Alice Arm Friday 11 P-m. or coaomencrment. mining aivltlomof Akeena dtatrtct, aaaetf-ment Ann. B. C baina to poiat 0 work for tH. It. and ll. and TAKE NOTICE that I. J. Fred Rltcble, JAMES RAT, Prlnoes May for Vancouter via Ocean Falls. Sunday p.m. bare paid for aald work and recording- Free Miner's CertUeato no. ltJ C. actio f MZENA LAND REOORDINd DISTRICT March II. HIT, Aottla Brown. arenL 21t. am the itica of llOT.tO. t'nleat 70a par u arent for W. A. Wllllaxna. free Minefi ISTRICT Or QUEEN OHARLOTTE ISLANDS Prlncea Sophia for the outh, Monday, May MEENA LAND RECORDINA DISTRICT mt tbe tnin of, for your ahart Certiaeate .la. tone, intend, (lily dayi ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS of the said aiaeaimept work, torrtber with from tbe date hereof, to apply to tbe Take notice that Roatyn Duke, of Fort tbe coat or tnls adrtrtlaement. I ahall. al Mininr Recorder for a Certtflcau of !m land. Ore- occupation hotel proprietor, la J. I. PETERS. Cenernl Asent the eiplratlon of oinetr (SO) . days from proremenu, for tbe purpoM of obtaining lendt to apply ror permiatlon lo proipect Take notice that Frederick Morrtcb, of Third, Price Rupert. H.C tbe date bereor apply to tb mlnlnf ro Crown Orant of tbe abore claim. for coal and petroleum on the w til coatl Tictona, B, C, occupation aaietman. In C- ner Fourth Street and corder at Prlnet Rupert. B. C, to nave And further take notice that aeUon. un of Graham lalaod. In the lcimiy of Wetl lend to apply for peroltalon to protpect your Intereau In the MidnitDt Fraction dtr aectlon tt mutt te commenced before mer. for coal and petroleum on the wett coatl mioeral claim vetted In me, tn pariuance 'tbe latuance or tuca Certificate or im Commenclof al a pott planted one mile of Graham Itland. In vicinity of Wett river of tbe provitioaa of tbe mineral act. I provemenls. touch or tbe aoutbeaat corner of C U Obuunenerag'si a poal planted two ullef Dated at Prlneo Rupert. B. C, tbli lltb I Pated thlt t7lb day of March. A. D, 7li I hence aootb SO chalat, thence wen toutb of Ihe aoatbraai corner of C. t 1917. if U 1(17, It 007 1, thenco eatt SO cbalna, thenco south day or April. 10 chamt, the nee DOrth 10 ctiatnt, thence H. C PIIILUFS. I S, FRED RITCHIE, Atent. eatt 10 chaint to polal of cooimcaceOHnt, 10 chaint,' thence nttt SO cbalna. Ibence ROSLY.K DCkE, north 10 chamt lo point of rofumrncciuenL March 31, 117, Auittn Brown, arrnt. FREDERICK" MOEHSCII, March II, 117. Autun Bronn. agent SKEENA LAND RCCOROINa DISTRICT SKEENA LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS Launck Alice B. Take notice that Oliver Bromn, of Vlc Take notice that John Booth, of Lot m loria, B, C, occupation machinitt. Intendt Anrrlet, occupation conirartor, mteiwla to WOtl THI SALT LAKE to Ipply for peruilttion iw pro.peel for apply for peruiittiuu to protpect tor coal aedaye and Wedaeedait coal and petroleum on Ihe neat coatl of and 'petroleum on the wttt coatl of Ore RrruRN ram ae. Oraham Itland In vicinity of Wert riter. barn Itland. la vicinity of Wett river, 'Cooiinenclov at a poll planted v.o mile: Commencing at.a pntl planted two nillet toutb of tbe southern corner of C L, touth of Ihe aoulhceit corner of C L call 7I. tbence aoulh SO chaint, ibence etl t7l thence tail to cbalna, thence north 10 Cbalna. I hence north 40 chaint, tbroce 10 chaint, thenco wen SO chaint, tneilet W. 4. THOMAS, rhose, rati 10 rbalnt to point of commencement. ao'ilh 10 chain lu point cf comuiencrroent, News eeen atl. The Daily for OUVf.ll IiHOW'.l, JOIl.t BOOTH. Subscribe March II, 117, Auitlo Brown, ireot. March II, 1117, Autiia Brown, arenL CiiiuraciiiBi iiui k emmm PRINCE R0FBRT, - VHLESALE BJSTRIBUTOfl F Q. DAWSON