TUB DAILY NEWS ..... .. i f mi.ooo.noo, on The Lighten the house till' I " u' tPy art Daily News part of " keeping by serving a naving ?i."w'i" THE LEADING NtWSPArXR IN NORTH MHTUH COLUMBIA PwUkhed Otu4 WmUt rcntly-cooked, rcadyto-cat num. .... Guaranteed .Lareoot tMreulatlen foot' '.hat contains the max Evidence arruniulatwMthnl the imum of nutrimenfe.at low- linhllti ininMlers or Jianuora wim HEAD OFFICE est cost, and with the least their alllod contractors were mere Daily News Huildlng, 3rd Ave, Prince Itupert, U.(i. Telephone 1)8. tax on the digestion. Shred amateur compared with the Mc and Uielr coterie rRANHIKNT DISPLAY ADVKKTISIXJ 60 rnts pr liifli lU.ntrsrl dsd Wheat Biscuit is the ii,i.i-iinwer friends In Ilrltlth Colum rates on application. reel autocrat of the break railway bia. fast table the one cereal DAILY EDITION Wednesday, May 23, 1917. focd that holds its own A War-Tim Bitty. against all comers, with Itrly to bed, incrcasinp, sales every year. DICTATORSHIP They are commencing to understand Early to rise, . That Hussla seems lo be that their new-gained It is a boon to the busy Clean the yrd, headed straight for what will liberty depends upon the main-tenanco housewife, n welcome relief Swat the files, of their ties with their to the jaded stomach that Plant more spuds, amount to dictatorship, no a allies, that in their alliance; hrn wrestled with meat Don't hum war lies, matter by what name it max be with Great Britain, France and and -vthcr heavy Winter Mind your business. called, unless the war collapses lha United States lies the only foods. Try it for breakfast Use enterprise in the medntlme, Is the view of anchor of" Free Russia. Important Hoe your row, with milk or cream for as thai alliance Is to ; And advertise; the Victoria Times. the western democracies, it Is luncheon or dinner with ber This appears to be one of ries-or other fruits. Made infinitely more important it Is Salvation'Army; the only two alternatives which absolutely vital to Russian in Canada. history shows have confronted freedom. Thus the inevitable public meetings, Tueidayi states suddenly wrenched from reaction has begun to swing NOTES AND COMMENTS Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 the moorings of dynastic ab. in theiolher direction.' We read m. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. llial It'ofAncVi trttlf KAAnnlttt - ..... & . a solutism to which they had - " .-wM Irj deciding to hold a proper Now THREE u, 'u",c' w, u,ira-; before COAL NOTICEI Flavour been tied for centuries. The Socialist""u,7r Judical investigation wlp vIsion-j,n(t and one-time out, efrnl hundred ojj 0j , other alternative is anarchy ary, is holding up the prospect ..,- aan.t nm SCEENA LAND RECORDiM DISTRICT civil war and disintegration of a dictatorship as the only hibllon tlft BOvernment has taken IITRICT OP QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS in short, national suicide "" ' the proper course. The act un Take noure that William Dlton, of Vlt Get a package of the new "Juicy Fruit"-See Russia is not going to commit I,1-p.V. . u"klh HIV" II,-..IV IVIVIltlUUIII tuu. turu, B. C . occupaUoa accountanLj tnteno whnt a joyous, KerenskyV course will be place provided that prohibition M axvly fur penuliOvo m proepeet tm lasting suicide. Even the most radical worth watching, lie is one of coal and petreleam cm the weM coatl must have a majority in its favor flavour has been or the revolutionary leaders the younger leaders of Russian Oraham UUnd. In vicinity of Wett river. crowded before it could become law. The Cunmencui el a I pUntmi vne mile put now realize that without the Socialism who thought he hai: vole was taken with full know aoutb of the touUMNait comer of c in to give you a great, BIG early evolution of order out of discovered in his cult a pana ledge of that fact, and all parties tt't three north II chain, thence tail 4t cea for all the ills of the world 10 chain thence tooth 10 chain, thence 5 cent package of refreshment! the chaos into which the ad-ministration were agreed that the majority He entered the Provisional eat II chain lo point of commencecDenL of the country has vote must be the tesL WILLIAM DIXO.il, Government as one of its most Ia' PW-.St- MADE IN CANADA March II. III?. Auaua Brova, a rent. fallen there would be numerous extreme members. Ills post J 1 r i. w Saf erf IT,. Mr. Howser speaks of the Oov revolutions within revolutions, however, has given him a complete ernment's incompetence. The SAEENA LAND RECORD MR DISTRICT Kmpii the upshot of which would be change of view. He is in competence of the administration ISTRICT OP QUEEN CMARLOTTE IILAMDS the establishment of the dornl- a position to realize Russia's in which Mr. Howser was a shin, Take notice that Turner RotaweU M alien. danger and to survey the ruinous, in light was established by the ef Victoria. B. C, occupauoa ttercnaot. In nation or me iiohenzoiierns try effects of the propaganda Dominion Trust disaster and the lend id apply for permitMoo 10 prvepect the place of the Uomanous. which German agents are now for coal and petroleum on the wel eoeet to the C, N'. and overpayments R. of Oraham ta of Wett laiand. vidnliy river. This realization is reflected in carrying on night and day with CotntBeextar at s poel planled one Riile the changed lone of the manifesto the object of not only detach. ulh of the outbe! comer of C issued by the Soldiers' tag Russia from her allies but COAL NOTICES till; thence etl 10 chama, thence north and Workingmen's Council, by of controlling her future. He IS chain, thence eait 10 chain, the nee the shift in their attitude towards belongs to the type of men who KEENA LAND REOOROIWO DISTRICT touts 10 chain to point of cvcusewreineaL STRICT OP QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TLRMtR RUIHWEU. MIUXM. a coalition Government stop at nothing to maintain the March II, III?. Asuin Brawn. arenL THE FlAVOtm LASTS and their passionate denunciation integrity and freedom of their TUi DoUce that June MeNally, of of the idea of a separate country. lie is now Minister of Prince Rupert, occupation merchant, is ACCRA LAND RSOOMMNw DISTRICT Chew it after every mesill IITRICT OP QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAND! peace. Having marched blithely i War and Marine, the resigna tend to apply for permUaioa to protpeel to the glanced' for coal and petroleum on the weal coeal precipice they lion of M. Miliukoff, one of the of Graham lalind la the vicinity of Wel Take notice that Arae Brown, of Vic over the edge and recoiled in original revolutionary leaders river. ton. B. C. occupation widow, uundt horror, for what they saw be having involved another cabL Commencur at poet pleated one mile apply for permit Ion to protpect for c low was the menace of ruthless net chufile. It will be of in aoutb of toutbeajt corner of C L. (tlTi and petroleum 00 wett cum I of Oraham tbence mmiIR la cbaiA thence al It UUnd, la vidnliy ef Wetl rter, Prussian militarism which bad tense interest to see how far chain, thence north IS cbeiae, thence Cceunenctni it put I puaied two hum ground Poland under its heel. Kereasky will go to secure that e.t it c he lci to point of commencement. touUi of the aovtbeetl comer of C Spring Schedule which bad crushed Serbia and absolute control over the army IAMES MC.1CLTT. lei(, Uteoee weel 10 enema. Belgium and for the expulsion which, if the world conflict March II, HIT. Auiun Brown, ipai north 10 chain, thence eejt is I. . PRRJCC OEOMOE thence touth 4 chains, to point of eoov of which from their country should continue Until 1918. will mencemeoL THUH.DAY It Bllnlht f.or Vikmvw MEXIU LAUD RKOOeOllee DISTRICT they had hurled the Romanoffs be necessary not only to Rus. I STRICT OP QUCCM CHARLOTTE IILAMDS AO.ttS BROW5, VIctoHa and Ssatllo. from the throne. sia's effective participation In March 11, in?, Autun Brovn. atnL WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX The crisis has been hurried the war, but to save her from Take notice Uwl ioepb Rovat, of Prince RKOOROIMe DISTRICT S. t. PRINCE JOH by the resignation! of the Russian Prussian domination for all Rupert. B. C occupation pro.pec lor. Is ISTRICT OP QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS For KsUhlhan, Wrangsll,Juneau and Skagway, ? MUu Minister for War and the time. If Russia develops a tend to apply for permiiiion to pro.peel Fop Vancouver Mar isU for coal and petroleum on the wti coeai commander of the Petrograd the dictator will Take noUce that Edward Pltkerd, of dictatorship of Graham laiand. In vicinity of Weal t. t. PRINCE ALMRT garrison as well as the announced spring from the revolutionary river: Lo An t let. occupation nnneer. Intend War Queen Charlotte lilands. May ti. Fop Vancouver Nit U to :! for penuitUun to protpeel for intention of Brusiloff element. Oliver Cromwell be ComnMocinr from pott planted one coel and petroleum on the wttl coetl of PAMENOER TRAIN SERVICE and Gnurlto to throw,up their came dictator of England. It mile outh of the touUtweM corner ef C L Graham UUnd. la victalty of Wt nver. Vedeeedey e4 eeteese, at ttiROa. a, fee SiUke. RMete. E til, thence aoutb 10 chain, thence rail meeaeei, Sttttltte end WfcMlpet. meklef ttlMe theee fee r" CommeaeiBS at poet planted one mile commands, nuszky resigned was Citizen Robespierre first IS chain, (bene north IS chain, thence tvuia of the oulbet corner of & L, eea end tenth. .Bleed Ueu every Teeodey M 4 a. as. viome weeks This has and el 10 chain to point of commcncemenL ago. Citizen Ilonaparte next who it thence wett ii; IS chain, tbence norm Agsnoy All Ocean Steamship Unas. brought the recalcitrants face! became dictators of France. JOSEPH ROWAT, 10 chain, tbence eetl 10 chain, thence March II, ill?. Auitiu Brown. aceaL For Information ami reservations apply to to face with realities. It has The difference between efficiency toutb 10 chain M point of commencemenL 2(0 EDWARD City Tloket Offlee, SM Third Avenue. PHONE forced upon them a realization and undeviating loyally PICEARD, MESMA LARS RXOORSMIM DISTRICT March II. III?. Auttla Brenm. scenL of the utter futility of fine and incompetence, weakness I STRICT OP QUSSi: CHARLOTTE IILAMDS phrases to avert catastrophe. and treachery. RECOROtiae DISTRICT Take notice ta at John WUlum 0o(, of IITRICT OP QUEEN CMARLOTTR ISLANDS Miorta. B. C occupation mercbaat. In-lend MIME HAL ACT MINERAL ACT lo apply tot permlMlon to pro.peel lake notice that lame Ray, of Victoria, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY for coal and petroleum oa the wett coal C, occupauoa hotel proprietor, Iniend ROTICE TO DELINQUENT PARTNER of Graham UUnd. la vicinity of Wen river. sppir far pcrmuaioa ta protpeel for To C W. Cllbouni GertlfloMe of Improvement Cumnendor at a poet planted two mile coal and petroleum 00 the well coj of Lowest Rates to all Eastern Point Take nolle, wbereaa I bare dooe and aoutb of the aoutbeaat comer of C L. Graham ItUnd, In vicinity of Weel rtter. wBSEr via Steamer to Vancouver and the canted to tic done aitetttnent work on tbe nones 1147; thence wet SO chain, thence south Commencint at poll planted al the RAILWAY Midslfbt Fraction mineral eUlm. situated Caribou Mineral CUtm situate In tbe II chains, thenco eat 10 chain, thence touthmetl comer of C U nil; thence CANADIAN PACIFIC a .the IlUance liver, about fourteen ml lei Ikeena M loins DtvUion of Cuiltr DlitrteL north 10 chain to point of commeoccmenL il 10 chaina, thence touih 10 chain. Meet and Berth Included on Sleai-ee from the bead or Alice Arm. In ibe Skeena Where located: .tear bead of Alice iOII.il WILUAM OOS8. thence eatt 10 chain, tbence north is mlalor. dlvUlon of Skeena dlttrtci,' atieaa. Arm. B. C. March II, 1117, Juttln Brown. renL to point of eocunencemenL Prlnceae May for Granny Bay and Alice Arm Friday 11 p-m. ment work for 1111, Kit, and III, and TAKE NOTICE that I, J. rted Ritchie, JAMES RAT. have paid for id work and recordiaf Free Miner's Certificate No. am C. MUu IKE I MA LAND REOOAOilaS) Ol STRICT Mircb II, III?. Autun Brown. roL Prlncese May for Vancouver via Ocean.Falls. Sunday 8 pjn. tame I tie turn of 1107.11. Unlet nt for W. ISTRICT OP CMARLOTTE IILAMDS you pay u are A. William. Free Miner QUEEN 30th. me ibe turn of II 11.10, for your, share Certificate No. toil C. intend, uiy day IXEENA LAND RECORD!MR DISTRICT PHnoeea Sophia for the fforth, Wednesday, May or tbe tald aiaeaament work. toictber with from tit date bereof, to apply to tbe ISTRICT OP QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS Take notice that floaln Duke, of Port tbe eott of' lbl advertiaemeot, I sball. at Mlnlnr Recorder for a Certificate of to-provemenu, m- tbe etplraUon of ninety (SO) day from for tbe purpoee of obtainint land. Ore. cccopaUon hotel proprietor. In Take notice that Frederick Moerach, of J. 1. PETERS, General Aeem tend to apply for permlion to pro.peel tbe date hereof apply to tbe mini at re-eorder Crown Orant of tbe above claim. for coal and petroleum 04 tbe weal coeit k lor it, b. c occupation Mietman. In Co ner Fourth Si reel and Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. tl.C. at Prince Rupert. B. C to nave And further take noUce that pcnoa. under of Graham llntf. la the vicinity of Wett lend 10 apply for permitaloa lo protpeel your tntereau In tbe Midnight Friction tecUon II rami be commenced before river. for coal and petroleum on the weat cot it mineral claim vetted In me. In purtuanee tbe Itauance of luch Ceruncate of Improvement. of Oraham Itland. la vicinity of Weal river. Commenclnc at s poit planted one mile or tbe provtiloo or the mineral act. Cvmmcnciuf at s poll planted two mile aoutb of the 'oulhral corner of C U Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C thl tltb Dated thU I7tb day of March. A. D. IITIi Ibrnce south 10 chain, thence weal toutb of the touliieail comer of C. L. day of April. HIT. jy II 117. it 171, ibence rail 10 chaina, thence outh 10 chain, tbence north, 10 chain, thence II. C. PHILLIPS. J. FRED RITCHIE. A tent. eail 10 chaina to point of commencemenL 10 chain, thence wen chain, thence ROSLYM DL'KE. north 10 chain to punt of.cnrnmenceiMBL March II, HIT, Auatln Brown, arenL FREDERICK MOEHICII. March II, HIT. Auiun Brown. aitnL SAEENA. LAND MCOMOIN. DIITRICT SA ANA LAND RECOROHfO DISTRICT Launch AHceB. ISTRICT OP QUEEN CHARLOTTE IILAMDS ISTRICT OP QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Take nolle thai Oliver Bron. of Vlt Take notice thai John Booth, of Lot POM TMC SALT UUTES tort. B. U, occupation macbinut, intend Anrelei, occupation contractor, intend to lo apply for pennlailon to iro.iwcl for apply for permittion 10 protpeel for coal uae.e and Wedeeeday coal and petroleum on the wel coatl of and petroleum on the wttl coat l of Ora-bam MTU UN PARE tee. Grahaui liland in vicinity of Vei nf. UUnd, In vicinity of Weal river wjnuiienciDf ai 1 poit planted lo mile Coininenrlnf at a pi pUoted two mile outh f tbe outheat comer of C L souib pf the ombeil corner of C L Call t7l; Ibunce south 10 chain, tbenee tl 7I Ibence eaiL-10 chain, ibene norta W. J- THOMAS, Pheee; 10 chain, ilieuea north 10 chaina. thence 10 chain, tbence wet 10 chain, tbenei Or tea Ml, eetl 10 chain to point of eoniinencemruL toulh 10 chain to point of coiuneocemeaL OUVLIt BHOW.1l. JOII.il BOOTH. Subscribe for The Daily News March II, 1117, Auatln Brown, arenL March II, III?, Autun Brown. arenL MMMMMMMMMMsVmMMMMMM i MMMMMMMMMMMBMV tSMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMK MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBMl ( 1. i H l HMMMMMMMMHMMMBfl HMmT' 1BmMH rBnSMMRT HMMTMmI fB' 4M1P il 's'' iB --IB fi B B l B' V MMMaLjl H H' B H MBMBI -IHV Bw . i MMMmW Br' HW Hi MMMMRv MMMMv MMmI r l BI H1 Hi H 1.. VH! mmmW n -., m H 1 " MMMMl B ' ' H 1 1 i' B H flH Hl HMMMMl HMMl B HMMmH HmU i' i H' RMMMMMM. 1 JH iH l F H l H B ll' HMMMMMfeF HMMMMMMMMMMMMMI' HMMMMMRM-HMMV EHMMB-F t l il H MM0.ESALK DISTRIBUTOR F Q. DAWSON PMNOI RUPERT.