T1IK DAILY NEWS THE TONIC THAT BRINGSMTH TIMBER SALE X 961. "Fnill-a-tives" Builds Up Ik Sealed lenders, will be received by the MiMtier of Land not later than noon on WMSystar lb IM dty of uoe, 1117, for tb pur rhttn ot Licence I III, to eel 111,110 who Uk "Fnilt a-tlres" of eel of Spruce and Cedar, and 11,104 Those often aUnfahe.t at lineal fret of Hemlock pillar, on an are time, re the Dnt BBBBBBBBBBBTBBflik' known at Lot lllf. Queen Cbarlott bit-trie!, tifm snt mtln " tltntted on Juiktll InWt. limffl httttr alt ever. They msy be aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk Two f years, will be tUowrd for femoral Uklnf MrmltitiTfM for n ti-eeifie of Umber, CoollpUon, Indlg-estloB, Further particuUrs of tbi Chief for- diieate, Headaches or Neuralgia, etter. Victorlt, B. C or DUtrict roretter, wear Cbronia B A1bbbbbbbbbbbI rrlnr Rupert, B. C raey or JltedJer Trouble, IU.ftt. Bt ,m or rIo lathe lUek. Aad they TIMBER SALE X 884. ,reen "Fruit-a-Uvet"has cored tbe ' eld lender will be receive by the 11" eter'r w,,r' Tni ' to BBBBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKLBBBBBBk Mlnli ire of Landt not later than noon on : Jf' $drfl hnic freftHiei of these tbe loth day of Mty, 1117. for tbe pur b Unlets, mute from fruit juice. bHB&IIbbbbbbbbb "bbbbbB I cbate of Licence XIII. to Cut 110.000 Umuus ' feel of Spruce. Cedar, Hemlock and Bellini jiy. s hot, 0 for 1 2.50, trial site, 23c. mi is tret situated adjoinior Lot II, it ill dealer or sent postpaid by Fruit South Benllck Arm, Rtnr 1. Coatl Dli-trlct. and Save Money i urc United, OtUiu. Two 't year will be tllowed for r-rm.al With leather BBBBBBbaBBBBBBBBS' -o'BBBBF of timber. prices still high,'you may. have further ptrtteuUr ot tb Chief roretter several pairs of attractive Fleet root Summer How Wifl Yon Protect Vletoru, B r, or DUtrict roretter. Prince Shoes tor what one good pak of leather boots Rupert B. C. cost Yew Wife TIMBER SALE X 896. Fleet Fool line I so complete, that there are many (trie lor work and play lor sport! and" ratines lor the children should AyJ BBBBwBBBBBBT oBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlr 9BaBI men, women and cKUdran. tnd you aV'BBBBlaBaBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB0. 'ftBBV Sealed lender will be received by tbe (all ill or lose your employment VBSafafaaBHaWrrBBKlBBfafafafafafafaT-'aaW 7 V BW Minltter of Landt not later than noon on A ymr Jtlr rat atew jwa fW raff fin otFUmt ? Have you money in the teth day of Jam, 1117 for the par. Foot See mnd ease money this immmmr. 306 the Hank to tide the family chate of Licence XIII, to cut 1,111,000 feet of Spruce, Cedar, Baltam and Hemlock until you are "on over your on an area tltuated oo the eatt tnore lcct"stin? of Mtlhlrton Channel, Ranre I, Coatt DU- Every married man should irltL Three (l yean will be allowed for re- open an account In our FRED MITCHELL movtl or timber. Savin Department and put Formerly pilot of the Canadian Lrafu, nnd'itow manager of the rurther parttculart of the Chief roretter, by a part of his earnings every Chicago Cub who are leading the National League. Victorlt, B. C, or DUtrtet Foretier at week or month. rrlnce Rupert. B. C J 7. Sacti , eermlag' (attrett, will be STRATEGIC POSITIONS ceeding satisfactorily. Tbe local TIMBER SALE XSi3. e welcome protection lor tbe family. branch will receive fifty per cent A 5vlai Aeeowat mj be opened win dm doUer. TAKEN BY FRENCH ARMY of the proceeds from the sale of Sealed tender will be received by Ihe tickets xold in this vicinity. News Minuter ot Landt sot later than noon on tbe Sib dty of June. 1117. for lb purchase THE BANK OF comes from Victoria that 2,?50 or Licence XIII. to cut 7,411,000 I'aris, May 22. During the pant cash has been offered for tho fret of Hemlock. Cedar and Spruce, and Britfek Ntrti. iWrfca 21 hours sharp engagements on yacht, so that the winner will re 1,100 line! feel of plltnr. on an area ad- the western fringe of the St. Oo-baln ceive a prize decidedly worth Jotnlnf Lot 1 101.. Joikatla Inlet. Graham T VCAM"M BlfMES. Itland. Queen Cbarlott Itland DUtrleL Koreat, as well ae in, the AeC while. WaUrs PratostUon CAPITAL AND VUM.V. t7.B. Three (1) year will be allowed for re Navigable iciiiity of Ilheiins and northwest moval or timber. r. a. a, eitarTtai si. Bathe Iitemlly PRfflCE 1UFERT BRANCH of Aubcrhe, have reaulted in a p. The Daily News delivered by rertber particuUrs or Um Chief rorett preciable gains of ground for the er, Victoria, B. C, or DUtrict roretter. Tb Grand Trunk Ptrtfle Railway Com- W.J.SMITH ERS,Manager arrier, SO cents per month. notice lh! it under French, who bate also made more Prince Rupert. B. C ptnj hereby rive bss, awi Keep Well! Section 7 or the said act. oeposiiea win progress on the Cbetnin des WATER NOTICE LAND REQI8TRY ACT Um Minister or Pubuc Work st Ottawa, Dames, the famous crest where tnd in the office or Um DUtrict RerUtrer the Crown Wince failed to Veep DIVUtSION AND USI (Sections II and 114.) f Um Land Retittry Qfficc, DUtrtet of nature has mlsnUly eqetpped as an, descrip prince Rupert, at Prince Rupert, a rmc (um irrrui hi best divisions from being cut TAKE 50TICE I bit Oeorr MelU Re Application! not. I4II-I aod I0I7-L tion of the site and plan or lumber tnOI old and fount, to resUt duess but the. Jdrt I Skldertu. B. C. trll to pieces in its defence. moo FUlnr 1101. tnd other works proposed te be built la requires that w rive her a casace. cMcwrr no. i. rr'T for a licence to ukt aod use IK TAKE 30T1CE Uul appUcaUon bat been Je Prince Rupert harbor at Prince Rupert. We tiv her no chance If we permit the Be 1 -Ilk SL and Ird At. Indeed, the enemy still con. cubic rtt per mlDul of nawr out ol made to reruter Sarah Lando. of Prince smith Columbia, In front or Wtterfrool hi 1S4lb SL and ard Ave. tinues to counter attack tbe new- Drnitfr Cm. tlcb now oortbrrlr aod Rupert. B. C, a owner In lee tinder two Block T. accordinr to rerutered plan of Lower Intestine to be more or' less Bet 14- lie IL sad Ird Are. drtto Into Aliford Bar. about II cbaiiM rrom tbe Collector of Um clorred with sccumoUted'waste. Yet thai French positions on the plateau Tax Sal Deed the towntlte of the said dty or Prince Set Ik- -Junction of III. tad and from tbe .1. corner of T. L. 111. Tb City or Prince Rupert. berar dat tbe Rurert rerutered la tbe aforesaid land U a universal condition today, as Is crossed by tbe Chemin des Dames, tier mil be dtterted rrom Uie ilnia t Ird Ate. ttnd day of September, till, and ALL AD rertttry .nee as Ne. , Section 7. proven by tbe number of laxauv draft If is hi Ave, between li aad which on account of its- eilualion a pMol aboet lea cbaia trnt from H.W Sl.tOLX-Ut that certain parcel or tract of AND TAKE NOTICE tbat tfter UM ex tbat are consumed. life Sit. (Knot Hotel), marking the separation between corocr f Lot-4, B. C riiboiiea. aod wlV Und and premlte tltutte, lylcr and belne pUtUon or one month rrom Um date ot You can help Ntlart In nature's most ati 17 Hi Av. and TUt SL (Cen- tlie basins of the Aisne and tbe be deicrUMd od rorfprpoe a adjatoinf- Timber epoo Unit um laotf 111 In tbe MunldpaUty of Prlnc Rupert, more Um llrtt publication or this notice, um effectual way by Internal Bathlnr. and la trml Hotel). particularly known and detcrlbed a Lot Grind Trunk PadSe Railway Company an eaty. iMo-habii-formlnc way keep toe the whole Ailetle and dominating In appUritloo to kate, rWven (II), Block twenty-eifOl (XtJ, win. under Section 7 or Um said Act. apply Intestine as sweet tnd dean as Mature circuit no, a. valley of the latter river besides Tbi notice"we, potted' on tbe' rroonC Section Six (4). and Lot thirty-three (11), to the Minuter or Public Works st bis demands It to be for perfect health and Bi u Ird At and Ird SL (Pott the high wooded block of St. Go U tb I lib dr r and iaouarr- HIT; i Block rorty-tlx (41), SecUon Elfht (I), once In the City or Otuws for approval surer defence aramst eontafion. Over r tbi Bouce an tpplieauot vat) bain, is of inestimable military portuaat pr tbrrtto aod to tb Wtur Act Map 111. if um tald site and plan and for leave bair a million keen, brirbt, healthy people Set Ird Ave. aad McBrtd SL You are required to contest lb claim to construct Um said works. testify to iu resulL alue to the holding it. 1(14' will be aiM la toe office or Um army f tbe tax within is days from Uus list Bot I-.lit Ave. aod McBrtd SL Wtur i Deooror t rrtaco Ropcrt. Ob-jfetMi purchaser Dated at Wlnniper. Manitoba. Mn. C O. M. (name on request) of i l ted Are. aod tad SL The French have, moreover, to tb appUcauoa mar be Bled Um data of Um service of this nolle dty ot February. A. D. IS 17. Strathroy. OnL. writes: Bet which may be effected by publication). THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Be 17-0.Ibd Are. aad lib SL dm en another wedge into the wttb toe Mid Water Recorder or wltb and your attention U called to secUoo COMPANY. H. IL HANSARD. SoUdtor. I am pleated to have Uus opportunity T. f. (ierman lines on tbe Moronvillers lb Comptroller or. Water lUsbu. rtrllt-oeot 1 or Um Land Retittry Act" with or tesurytnt to Um merits of tbe J. B. L. Hills, to which the enemy is for Bnlldmr. Victoria. B. C, wttblo amendment! and to tbe folio win r extract Cascade. I nave been utlnr It now for ci ecu it no. a. tbe of results. I am sn Uinr Urt rtr am apptartoc tbererrom! 'and in default of a year with saUsractory Bei Si -1th Are. and mitoa SL a very good reason clinging with uu oouc la e local Bewtptprr. caveat or cerUflcate of u pendens being THE MAILS old woman, but my health It so improved - Bordro end Ttrtor Its. desperation. Tb dit or.tbe nrtt publication or uui Sled be Tore um retlitrtUoo as owner of Uut I bav a renewed less ot life. You S4- lib Are. ana Fulton SL The inexorable pressure of the bo tlr it rebroarr SltC IS 17. Um person entitled tinder inch tax sale, all are at liberty to tiv my add rest to anyone as- lib Are. aad Comot Are. St. OEORUE McRJUC. AppUctoL persons to served with notice, s For the East. privately who may dealre to write to ! lib Are. aad Oodr PUce French between Craonne and ibote daunlnr throurh or under tbem. and me rerardinr Um Cascade. a .ta are. aod Thompson SL Oobain subsists at all points, and LAND RCGtrntY ACT ill persons daimlnr any Interest in tb Tuesdays, 2 a. m. Jutt call on CyrU H. Orme. Drurrtst. the operations are being conducted Und by virtue or any unrcslttered tnttru Wednesdays, 9:30 a m. corner Ird Ave. and tth Street. Prince ciacurr no. 4. methodically as against a powerful meet, and til persons daimlnr any la Rupert, and re duett tree booklet. "Why 41 tut Are. aod tmmertoo the (Stctloo II ana 114.) tereet In lb land by descent whote UUe Saturdays, 9:30 a. m. Man or Today Is Only 10 Per Cent Er-ndeuL" key-to constituting rur, bastion Re ApplicaUan ."to. 11.111. ruiot 1.114. u not rerutered under Um provltions of From tha East. The mott efficient device for Ut 41. lib Are. aod McBrtd SL an entire region. TAKE NOTICE tbt appUcaUon bat been ihl Act. tbaU be for ever ettopped and Internal Bathmr. Tbe "J. B. L. Cascade-will 41- ih Are. and Ore SL It is evident that when the oud to rtiuter John Bcriman. or rrtnc debarred from tetunr up any daim to or Tuesdays, 5:30 p. m. alto be shown and-expUlned to yoa 44- -4th Are. aod Basil SL Rupert. B. C, a owner in ree eoder a In respect of Um land to sold for taxes. Thursdays, 5:30 it you so doslre. It you prefer, write tor a( .. ,jui Are. aod Lbcrte. enemy is forced to abandon St. Tat Sal Dead 'rata tbe Collector or lb tod the Retlitrar (ball reruter the person p. in. Booklet to Dr. Chat. A. TymB, 111 Collet Bet 141 J ifi Are. aod Yooof SL (lobain and the fortified tract CI U ot Prince Rupert, beartnc dst tb entitled under tuch tax tale as owner of Sundays, 3:10 p. m. ttrect. Toronto. resting on Craonne he will hae ISUi dtr ol September, till, or ALL A3D the land so sold for taxes." For Vancouver. retreat Sl.tOL'LAn Uul ceruin parctl or tract ol AMD WHEREAS appUcaUon bat bees general o make a hasty Und and premlte situate. Ijlni. aod be mtde for a Coruscate of Indefeasible Till Tuesdays, 4 p. m. towards the northeast. lor In tbe Muulclpelltr or Prince Rupert, to Um above-mentioned land, an tbe nam tatrlinti more particularly known a Lot Ten (U), of Sarah Lando. Thursdays, 10 p. m. RED CROSS NOTES Btock n (I), Section Sren 17.. Mt A.N D WHEREAS on Inrettiratlnr Um UUe Sundays, 4 p. m. III. It appears that prior to tbe 14lb dty of Prince Rupert Feed Go. You are required to coolest tb daut September, lilt, (Um date on whica um From Vancouver.-Wednesdays, Owing to the Hed Gross Society of tbe tat purebatcr wiibin tbirfy-atf tald landt were sold for overdue taxed, 10:30 a. m. O. Bet SSS. OS Tales At. or Mrs. day trom tbe dale or tbe terrlc of Uui you were Um rerutered and attested sharing in the proceeds nolle (whlcb may t effected br Roistered owners thereof. Fridays, 3 p. m. t 0L 1-t la. By T le, 1S-18 RECEIVED QUH H17 SEEDS FrliieU's endeavor on Thursday Nail or aa Directed, and your at. ri'RTIIER TAKE NOTICE that at tbe nnd Friday this week, there will tenuon I called to aectloa II or to tame, time 1 shall effect rerutrttlon in Sundays, 7 p. m. otL--a a-s as. by, a , aa WK HANDLE be no sale or home-cooking as -Land Rerlttrr Act'' witb amendmenta, pu nuance of tuch appUcaUon and Utu a Alternate Mondaya from January NtfvM tnd to tb loUowtor extract tbererrom: Certinett or lodefeatibl Till to Um said Steals A Briflae, Hennles' usual in the lied Cross tent on -and In default of a carrat or eertia- Und In Um nam ot Sarah Lando unlet 1st. OyL a Id a. Ii I la, sa-SP Ferry'e and Mackenzie's Friday. eti or II pendens belne Sled before tbe you take and prosecute tbe proper pro- For Anyos.' refitirtUon at owner of tbe person en reedinrt to ettablUh your claim, if any, Garden and Field Seeds. titled under lucb Ui aal. all person' to to tbe tald lands, or to prevent tuch pro-, Wednesdays, 10 p. m. The amount realized at the terred with notice.,...aod Uwte clalmlni For Furthar Information Also Fartlllsers. poted action on my parL Fridays, 8 p, m. to ale of home-cooking held .last tbrousb or under Utem. tod all person DATED at the Land Rertllry Office, Aaaly HAY, GRAIN AND FEED week under the charge or Mrs. tlatmior any lotereti In tbe laod br virtue Prince Rupert. B. C, thi 10th day or Sundays, 8 p. in. CtilUen cf any unreeUlered .inttnuoent. and at April. A, D. 1117. W. E. WILLWCRBFT Feed A Specialty. nilhuly and Mrs. S. J. "Kvnns tb land From Anyoi. person daunlnr any interest in II. F. MACLEOD. amounted to fJ.35, The ladles br detcent unoe till I not recltterrd DUtrict Rerlttrar or Titles Thursdays, Sundays and Tues Frlnea Rupert, B. 0. We Taka Orders for Nursery in charge wish to thank all those tinder 1 prevlUon or Uus Act. tbaU be To Cbtrlet rlanlti, at to Lot Hi Stock. who contributed to the success or for ever ettopped ami debarred from tet II. F. Clark and II. O. Richer, days. Unc up any cltlin to or In retpeel of toe at to Lot II. 'I Oeen ?tm,Ui iw T. the sale In any way. und to sold for It tea. and tb Rerutrar tball muter Um person entiUed under MINERAL ACT tcb Ut tal as owner ot tbe land to The basket or vegetables presented told for late" by tbe Prince lluperl Table AMD WHEREAS application bat bees Certlfleata of Improvamanta. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Snnnlv was won by D. H. O'Neill; mad for a Certlneai or lodefeatibl Till llros went to to 'Hi abovementloned lands. In Um nam ham rrom Lynch NOTICE a of John Berrmtai FOR CANNERYBHM ). II. Ilaysi Mrs. J. C. hnigni pre-.ni...i AMD WHEREAS on InYMtlrttlM the "Dourtll; "Douratl FractlonaL and We have added to our stock or valves and pipe a complete Stuart J. Martin it t.Mi Mit which was won till It appears that prior to the lib dy "Waterfront" Mineral Clttmt, sltvst In line or Rubber Belting at right prices. the Skevn Minlnr Dlvltlon ot Cattlar Dtt-trlct. Third or date which by W. J. Scott; bacon from BeptrnUier. till, (tbe on WABl BTiaAAMBVBBBUI Ui tald land wer sold for overdu rvn w t wevwswawwviw ASSAY CK Avenue Market, won by t mc. tatetl you were Um attetted owner Wnere locttedt On tb wett lid ot A complete stock of the test goods that money can buy for Young; Mr. J- Kvans gao a thereof. head ot Alice Arm, HAZELTON B. O. prlie package, won by F. M. Davis; ri'RTIIER TAKE NOTICE that at lb TAKE MOTICB that t. Richard B. Me- trolling Spring Drain, Silver and Bronze. from F. nilhuly won a lime I tbail effect refitirtUon la btnnlt. Free Miner's Certinett No, tltOl, FOR THE WATBJWSNT of cigar box i. n .inhiiainn: coffee from II. rurtutnr of uch appllrattoa and Ui4 i sninr at stent tor the Polly Varden Mute The celebrated Maple Lear Paints and Varnlihei Special boat rrU0ci No lll rvrUSctUt or IndtfcuU)! Till to IM said Contpany. Free Miner' The oldest aatabllshed Assay 1 Htoen. won by D. IL O'Neill; Hour Und in the nam of ;ohn Berimtn uvJttt C. Intend, sixty days from Um dtt hereof, paint "FLOflLAZK" A complete line or Ship Chandlery. Offloe In the North. from Mr. Smart won oy u. J'u lak and protecuM tb proper pro. to, apply to the Minlnr Recorder for s FOR EVERY Hlewart: wheat from T, Trotler crcdlnr to tttablttS your claim. If tnj CerUflcai of impi-ovrnMnts, for lb pur A lino stock or Hardware, Ourneyy Oxrord Stoves. to the ttld land, or to prevent turn pro pute of obialnlar a Crown Ortnt ot (he won by Mrs. Mosley. poMHf iction on my parL above claim. Ws Sell NothlfHj Bui Tha BC UATED at the Und Retittry Orflr And runner lax noUee tbat scUon. uo-sectton 'ihrt drawing for the motor rrlnr Rupert. B. a, tbit lib day o II, mutt be eommenced be, ADVERTISE IN vi.t imi Awav." conducted by December, A. 0. till. tor tee Ittvtnc ot such CertlSeaie ot Itn. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE pro emenu. tlckeU II. r. MACLEOD, i ha Victoria Hraneb, for Apr. IT, DUtrict Retittrtr of Titles. Dated thit tlth day of April. A. D. HIT, The Daily News which are on sale locally, is pro To flraoQ rterton, Davltvill, CtUfornia. Jy. S. RICHARD B, MeOLMNlS. ee.leeeeeeeeeel'll1