Kfhhy. May 25, 1017. TIIK DAILY JfFAVS THE TONIC THAT BRINGSHEALTH rfc2-J TIMBER SALE X SCI. fruit-a-tives" Builds Up The Stated t.oder mill b recelted by the Nim-iT r i.ndt not later titan noon on Whole System lit in day of lune, ISI7. for to pur rtii" nt Urrkce XVII, to tat llOO who Ukf Tnilt.UfeaJ for .,f pntr and Cedar, and l,00 Those lineal irtt nt HMnliKk pillar, m an area ih tint time, sre often astonished at Mr. i I knon at Lot lilt. Queen Charlott Dli- "Al 4" t"" ,ni,t the war " Irlri, umiitrd on iuikatla Inlet. a; f' tfr U Tb ey may be If, t yrarf will Xxt allowed for re- ui. "Frult-a-tlTM for tome tpeilie motii "f ttmtr. Coaillpation, Indigestion, F nt-r partleaUrt of the Cklef for '-t ae, eU", Vtitorta, B. C, or DIMrlel romfr. tU Headaches or Neuralgia, Prliwi- huprrt, B. C j." 'y or WaJJcr Trouble, Mien-aorrinlatheIUck. Andlbey TIMBER SALE X 884. .cn'TrulUtires'uaeuredtho PASSENGERS PERISH H A LIKE BOAT f t se that they fee! letter and Life boat ' be to, udocil l omer Alnwick Castle, In which Sealed tender win be recelted by the " :r In etery way. ThU U due to a number of readied the little linrbor of Gorunna Among Minuter of Urwii not later Iban noon on Jtrfnt tonic fHfHitt of the to them Wan Mr. Murk, the Oral olllcir. Th.y eullered from hunger the autk day of May, 1917, for the pur , chase '.f Licenr XIII, to cut 110,000 (ims:u tablets, mJ from fruit juice. and exposure, and several auceumbed. feel "t spruce. Cedar, Hemlock and Bal-im jOc a box, 0 for $5.50, trUl site, 25c. m an area iltiated adjolninf Lol St, At all dealer or tent postpaid by Fruit South Bentlrk Arm, Fun re I, Coast DIs and Save Money Ottawa. WATER NOTICE trUl Limited, CONSCRIPTION OF Ure , T (t Tear will be allowed for re- With leather prices still high, ymx may have, DIVERSION AND USE uil .f timber. several of attractive Fleet root Summer NATIONAL WEALTH ranber particular of tb Chief Forester pairs TAIE Oeorte Mehae AOTICE Uiat How Will You Protect who Jdrril la Skldttate, 8. C wU. Vlct'irta, B. c, or Dlitrlct Foretter, Prince Shoes tor what one good pair of leather boots cost apply tit a lieenc to uk and u 1S RoperL B. C. At the Methodial Oonft-renci. Your Wife held at Victoria this week, the eaJMe petolier I'M Cretk.per which minui Bowl of water northerly out and of TIMBER SALE X 895. Fleet Foot lino I so complete, thai there ar many style for work ami play for sports and outing lor fallowing wai broufrbt up in the drains into AUford Bay, about IS chain and children. inJ the children should you report of the Social Service ixim. frwn it .V t corner of T. I- SIS. Tt sealed tender will be recelted by I he men, women (all ill or lose your employment uiillee: water will he dtttrted rroin tb itream at Minister of Und Dot later than noon on Ami yomr dfalmr to aAoac jroa f A rot7 fine or FUt ? Have a pjHi about len chain well from 5.W the tmb day of June, 117, for the par. Foot Shotrmnd mommy thi tmmmtr. 206 you money in "Wherean the International rorfier of Lol 4. B. C. fliberte. and wit rbaie of Licence XIII, to cut t.Stt.000 the Hank to tide the family trials has revealed tha waaleful- Im uaed for power purpoae upon the lana feel of Spruce. Cedar, Balsam and Hemlock over until you are "on your ii'kh and inadequacy of the pre. (trttnhed a idjololnr Timber Umll 111 i an area situated on the east shore feet" again ? in appNealloa to lease, of Mimic son Channel, fuore I. Coast Dis iiling ytem of competitive in Tltl i ml ye waa potted on tb rroun trict. Every married man should dividual Initiative and exploitation, the llth day or January, 117. Three (I) year mill be allowed for re- open an account in our together with the necessity opy of tbl nolle aod an apptleatlot motal f timber. purtuint thereto and to tb Water Act Further particular of the Chief Forester, Department and Saving put of Canada until the sustaining 1(1 will be Oled In tb offlr of Um Victoria. B. C or District Forester at by a part of his earnings every lal il ronlribution to a right-pun Water Deeorder at rrlnce HuperL Ob Prince Rupert, B. C. li. neck or month. world order, the Conference jecuom to 4h ppltraUon may be Ole Seek a taa, eeralaf interest, will be t'orneotly calls upon the National tb with comptroller lb aald Witer of Water Recorder Rlrbti,or rarita-men! with TIMBER SALE X913. i weleom protection (or tb family. (i eminent without delay to as-- Balldinri. Victoria. B. C within A Strings Account may b opened Sealed tender will be recelted by the inie rontrol of the total re-uiirrpn thirty dtya after the flnt appearaac oi with oo dollar. Minister or Land not later than noon on of the nation; to Include tbl ootiee in a local newipaper. tb tth day of Jane, It 17, for the pur The date of Ihc flnt publication or thu C THE BANK OF the immediate enrollment and E nouce I rrbruary IliL ISI7. chase of Licence III), to cut 7,111.000 r.inscription of all men of military OEOnOE McHAE. AppltcaaL feet of Hemlock, Cedar and Epruce, and British North Aaeriea age for service in the army .too lineal feet of pUlnr, on an area ad- jolnlnr Lot 16IS, Juskatla Inlet, Oraham and otherwiae: the redistribution LAND REGISTRY ACT Charlotte Island DlstneL Island. Queen 7 YEARS IN BUSINESS. of the remaining manhood of the Three (li year will be allowed for re- Navlgabls Waters Protaoilon Act. CAPITAL AND SlirUl, 7C44. country to meet the needs of the (Secuon t and III.) root si or timber. r. a. a. cmati via. Bathe Internally PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH and the national Jfo. nunc S.S14 Further partleulara of tb Chief forest- nation; complete ft Application Sl.lll. Victoria, B. or District Forester. Tb Grand Trunk PaeMle Railway Com W.J.SMITIIERS, Manager control of all natural and financial TAIE OTICE that John application Berrman, of baa Prtnc been re,Prince RuperL B.C,C pany hereby gtvea notice that It has, under ud Keep Well! urnie to rctlster refourre for the nervice of the Secuon 7 of the said Act, oeposiieo win ander B. aa owner In ft Hnpert, Work al Ottawa. nation to the exclusion of all abnormal Tax Sale Deed from tb Collector of tb LAND REGISTRY ACT the. Minuter of PublW tnd In tbe omce of tbe District Registrar private Bain. City of Prince RoperL beartac daw tb tt the Land Registry Offlce. District .of "The organization of the com I tin day of September. It IS. of ALL AND (Section St and III. Prince Rupert, at Prlnc Rupert. description nature has mightily equipped at an. FINK ALAAM system. SIMOL'LAn that certain parcel or tract ol R Applications Sos. t0lt-l and 90S7-I. of the sit and plan of lumber mill old and young, to resist disease but th Christian munity on principles Und aod premise llule. lylor. and be- FtUnr 1101. and other works proposed to b built in requires that we gtt her a chance. CIHCU IT NO. 1. for the exchange of service is lot Ib the Maulctpatlty of Prtnc RuperL TAKE 50TICE that appUcatlon ha been .he Prince Rupert harbor at Prince RuperL We gtt her no cbanca If w permit the hindered by the present organization more parUeularly known aa Lol Ten (It), retliter Sarah Laodo. sf Prlnc In front of Waterfront M II Ilk SL and Srd Are. made to British Columbia. Lower inteatln to be more or lea Ut IS' -41a SL and 3rd Art. of production for profits," Block Fit (I i( Section Settn I7i. RuperL B. C.. a owner In fee under two Block T, according to registered plan of clogged with accumulated waste. Tel that Sl 14 tlk SL and Ird At. IIS. Tax Sale Deeda from the Collector of the tbe lownalte of tbe said city of Prince Sea 1S Jtnruoa of lit. fad tod says the report of the committee. Ym arc required to rootett the clata City of Prince RuperL betrtnr dat tbe Rniiert retlatered In the aforesaid land 1 a anirtrsal condition today, as I ird Aves. "Consequently the quest for profit of lb lax purchaser within thlry-Bt ttnd day of September, tilt, ana au. a-id registry .race aa .1. SIS. SecUon 7. proven by tb number of laxaUt drugs fee 1 11 At., between Ilk and on neeenoary transaction ha day from tb dal or tb aertic r thu tlSGCLAR that certain parcel or tract of ASD TAKE JiOTICE that arter in ex that ar consumed. tin Its. (knot Houll. hampered the efficient exchange doUc (which may be effected by Rtfi at Und and premises situ lie, lylat and belnt plratkm of one month from tbe dat of Tou can help Kator In Hature'a moat and IT HI Ate. and 7 lb SL (Ce vred MUI oe aa Directed, your in tbe Municipality of Prlnc Rupert, more tbe first publication of this notice, in effectual way by Internal Bathing, and m commodities. We of tnt of services and called to section It la trel Hole!!. tenuon parUrularly known and described aa Lot Grand Trunk Paclne Railway Company an easy, non-babit-fonning way keep the therefore call attention to the -Land RearUtry Art" with amendments. tleten (II), Block twtoty-eitht (III, wUL under Section 7 of tb said Aet, apply Intestine aa sweet and clean as Nature CIRCUIT no. a. present high cost of living as including sod to tb foUowinr extract therefrom: Section Six (t). and Lot thirty-thre (IS), ta tbe Minister of PubUc work at nit demands It to be for perfect health and -and of cateat or cerun- . . default a in Block forty-six Hi). Section Eirhl (S. office in tbe City of Ottew for approtal surer derence against contagion. Otr a.i XI ird A aod Srd SL (Poet element of profits on rat f li penile dj belnr Oled before tb Map III. if tbe said site and plan and for seat half a million keen. brlghL healthy popl opcoulalive and other wanteful rerlstratloa a owner of the person entitled You are required te contest toe claim to construct tne saia worms. testify to Its result tea as ird Ate, and McBrid SL such tax sale, aU persons a that under within il daya from tbla Slat processes, and we request f tbe tax purchaser Dated at Winnipeg. Manitoba, Mrs. C O. M. (nam on rtoueal) of ss and McBrid SL Ure and those claunlni t4 tit At, tertrd aim do tb aertic of tms nouc D. It 17. the Federal fioernment institute tb date of day of February. A. Ont, writes: Stralhroy, as n tad At, and fnd SL throe th or under them, and aU peraoni bleb may be effected by puhUcaUon), THE ORASD TRCSI PACIFIC RAILWAT 2 tad A. and Sin SL a searching inquiry which shall rlaunior any Interest In the land by tirttM aod your attention is called to secuon COMPANY. H. H. HA5SARD. SoUcItor. I am pleased to bat thi opportunity a. 17 -0. T. r. eek (o make natural resources of ut uareruirred instrumraL ana au tt or tbe -Land Retnstry Act" with or testifying to th merits of th J. B. L claiming any Interest In the land Cascade. 1 hat been using It now tor a persona win extract folio most economically accessible to amendment and to the CIRCUIT NO. S. by descent sluss Ull l not retiaierea i herefrom:-! "and In default of a year with satlafaetory results. I am an si iia At, and Flilloa SL all the people." ander the protuioo of this Act, ahaU b cateat or certificate of lis pendens beini THE MAILS old woman, but my health Is so Imcroted the Ideas from set thai I bat a renewed lease of Ufa. Ton and debarred Mi S Bordea and Taylor SU. Until very recently, for eter estopped Died before the rcflatratloa a owner of iiltlttttttll tu At. and ralion SL contained in this resolution were tint ap any claim to or In respect of the the person entitled under such tax sale, all are at liberty to gtt my address to any and lb Rttlttrar on pritately who may desire to writ to sold fer land so taiea. For tha East, Ilk At, aad Cojdoi At. regarded being beyond the person so served with notice ana as U enUUed under me regarding tbe Cascade. ST. Ilk At, aad Dodt Place Shall rentier person tboae claiming through or under inem. ana hound of possibility of being aeh aaM aa owner of the land ac Tuesdays, 2 a. m. Bes M tlk At, aad Thompson SL ui an persons claiming any Interest In the Just call on Cyril H. Orme, Druggist. brought Into artier for many Id ror Uies- land by virtu or any unregistered Instrument, Wednesdays, 0:30 a m. corner 3rd Ate. ana tn street, rnnc CIRCUIT NO. 4. generations. Such thoughts were AMD WHEREAS application has bee and all persona claiming any la-teresi RuperL and request free bookie L "Why mad for a Ceruncat of Indefeasible Ttu In tbe land by descent whose utl Saturdays, 9:30 a. m. Man of Today I 0nly tt Per Cent Ef-OctcnL I s 41 Ilk At, and tmmersoo the considered particular property as abotemenUoned lands. In tb nam Mar, to lb not re tUlered under the pronsion or Prom tha East. Tbe most efficient devlc ror of th? Socitlists and as of John Berrman: this Act. shall be for ter estopped and Internal Bathing. Tb -J. B. L. Cascade" I 1 tth aad McBrid SL 44 ttk Ate, at! Green SL dreams of the distant-future. At AND WHEREAS on IntesUratlns tb debarred rrotn setting up any claim to or Tuesdays, 5:30 p. m. will also b shown and explained to yon Ave., ml It appear that prior to tb tth day In of Ih land so sold for taxra. If jou so desire. If you prefer, writ for a 44 -41k At, and Batil SL the present iii.niient. the tiecea-ary respect Thursdays. 5:30 p. m. data which of September. Itll. (tbe on and the Regtatrar shall register ta person Booklet to Dr. Cnas. A. Trrreu, 111 college ss as. 7ik At, and ltrt. for actum along these lines landa sold for oterdu the said were entitled under such tax sal as owner or Sundays. 3:10 p. m. street. Toronto. 141. iik At, and Yount SL has been the assessed owner has Increased and it use) you wer the land so sold for laits." proved in the belligerent countries thereof. AMD WHEREAS appllcaUon has been For Vancouver. that slate ownership and rCRTHEn TAKE SOT1CE thai al th made ror a Ceruflcau of Indefeasible Tiu Tuesdays, 4 p. in. same tim I anaii effect reristrauoa u to tba abote-menUooed land. In tb nam tcrlincr management ran be successfully pursuance of such application and Usd a of Sarab Lando. Thursdays. 10 p. in. In time of urttllrate or Indefeasible Tine to toe saia the mmJtNxyssvm areomnlished. even AAD WHEREAS on latettlgaUng tbe title Sundays, 4 p. nr. landa In the name of John Berrman unless that to lb tttn day or II appear prior Prince Feel Co. war. you late ana prosecute in proper prv September. Itll. tb dat on which toe From Vancouver. Rupert establish ir any ceedintt to your claim, overdue taxes), said landa were told ror aaavMB e The Daily News delivered ty to tbe said landa. or to prevent such pro rou were th re rule red and assessed Wednesdays, 10:30 a in. riBetamaxAsra O. Boa IU. OS TMrd At. ,nrrir. 50 cents per month. posed action on my part. owner thereof. Fridays, 3 p.m. OyL 1-a la. b T lav. 1t-1 DATED at tb Land nertstry uon FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that al the ttar Pawr. nECEIVEO OUR 1t17 SEEDS Prince Rupert. D. C, this tth day o Sundays, 7 p. m. Lame time I shall tcect regiatrauoo in a oyL s a-a ta. by 1-1 i. December, A. O. lilt. pursuance or such application and Issue a Alternate Mondays from Janu H04ft9 rOWa WE HANDLE II. r. MACLEOD, Certificate of Indeftasibl Title to th aald Apr. IT. District netistrar or Tiuea. ary 1st. 0?L t-a k. If I la. Steals landa ta the nam of Sarah Laudo unless A Brlofls, rtsnnlas' War Pwe. To Simon Peterson. DattatlU. California. you uk and prosecute tbe proper pro For Anyox. rrry's and NlackonileS ceeding to establish your claim, it any, WATER NOTICE Wednesday m. Garden and Plaid Saads. to the aald lands, or to prevent auch pro sr-tO p. For Further Information posed anion on my parL Fridays, 8 p. m. Apply to Also Fartllliars. USK ANO BTORAOK DATED al tha Und Registry omce, HAY, GRAIN AND FEED Prince Rupert. B. C. thi tttb day or Sundays, 8 p. in. April, A. D. It 17. W. E. WILLISCROFT C cken Faad A Cpaolally. TAIE -10TICE that Mamu P Olsen, II. P. MACLEOD, From Anyox. whose address la Anyox, B, C, will arply District Registrar of Tltlea Thursdays, Sundays and Tues. Princa Rupert, C. Wa TaVa Orders for Nursary for a ncrnc to tax ana us aooui smj To Charles Planus, as to Ut III Stock. cubic feet per second aod to store about II. F. Clark and II. o. Richer, days. 300 acre-feet or water out of Bonaoxa aa to Lot It. Creek whlcb flows southeasterly and drains J Cr.r e.fmatlf AllaMi T. into flranby Bay about al or near Lot 1471, MINERAL ACT Casstar DlitrlcL Tb itonte-dam will be located at HARDWARE A Health-pitjservifig FRED STORK'S about on and one-half miles from mouth Certlflcata of ImprovemanU. of Bvnanaa Creek. The capacity of th I I I I I I I T delight resertotr to b created la about 100 acre feeL and It will flood about twenty acres NOTICE FOR CANNERYMCM Tha ua of IJfebuoy Soap or land. Th water will be diverted from "Dougall:' "Doutall Fractional." and We have added lo our Btock of valve and plpca a complete Stuart J. Martin make oothing tha pleasure bath a uw'Uu uprmely lb stream at a point at or neat- tb dam, Waterfront' Mineral Claims, situate InJ line of Hubber Ilelting at right prices. cWlieht. tod will be used for power for mtninc lb fkevna Mining Division of Caaslar DIs- a healta-ltwuring oil give purpos upon tb mine described as tb trtcl. FOR FIWIMUN ASSAYCH Tba velvety cream of lather pure thatU Mtdaa, runultan and Fox 0 roups, tltuau Where located:--On thi weit Hit cf A cocuplcte alock of the best goods that money can buy for a Tha near Um headwaters of Booania Creek, head or Allra Arm. and healing. and llronte. cleansing trolling Spring Hrass, 8ilver rround TAKE .10TICE thai I, Richard B. Me- tb earbol c olution Tbla nolle waa post id on HAZELTON B. 0. mJan mud perfectly healthy m the 19th day of March. HIT Ulnals. Fre Mtuer Certificate No. 1 1 SOS, FOR THE WATERFRONT kin. Thuodorvanlaheslna a A ropy of lbt nolle and an appllca artlur a agent fur th DoUy Vardan Mines Th celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and arnlshe 8pectal boat few scond after use. Hon pursuant thereto and to tb 'Water Company. Free Miner- Certincsw fto. til- " LAZB" A complete Hue of Ship Chandlery. LOG Tha oldest established Assay onocan bsll- Act, Itll," wtll b Bled In lb ode of C. intend, silly day from lb oat hereof, paint F all in Water Recorder at Prlnc RuperL B.C. ta apply to lb Mining Recorder for a FOR EVERYONE Offlca In tha North. Objections to lb application may be Oled Cernscat of Improvements, for lb pur- A fine stock of Hardware, Ourney's Oxford Stoves, OFiiBUDY with the. ssld Water Recorder or with tioa or obtaining a Crown Orant of ta ih Cumptrulior of Water Rlthu, I'arlta tbot claim. Wa Sail Nothing But Th HEALTHY tuenl Bulldinr. Victoria. B. C. wttnin And ruriber Uk ootlc thai scUon. under . thirty dare after the Drtt appearanc of section II, must b comuenotd be- ADVERTISE IN ? n A P tbl nolle In si.a'loral p. OLSE.1,paper. ppUranl. proveiuenta.fjr h lu!K or tuck Cerilneau) of lai, FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Tlie dat of the nrst publication of Itl Dated tbl llth dsr of April. A. D. 1117 The Daily News nolle la March tl. lilt. It. t. RICHARD B. MCOIN.MI. o ststiitt