Haliinlny. May 2rt, 1017. TUB DAILY NEWS HEALTHIEST ONE IN THE FAMILY N Sif n Of Drepiy Aad KUmj Trouble Since TeMnf TRUn"ATIVES" 0L1 I h y r I t it. mm a Ibimbbbbbbbbbbbb TIME TaBeYeVeVeVeVeVeVM CALLS FOYK THE DUKE OF CONNAUQHT INSPECiS CANADIANS.- -Canada lia aii-n .1 another page to Ihe MATTIC WARREN Tort ltohlnnoo,Ont.,Juljr 8th, 1915. itl.in.n "record 'if the war. The part played by Itanadinn at tfi Ugh' m at Vimy Itnlge i not "We hate twed "Fruit a-tftea" In likely IivIh forgoltHi by the mother country. Tlie men ecti here, r" l",r'' al w"r,c "n physical oar bon.aeforoTrr three year and have drill. Thjy are hien of lh -ja m brawn and hraliiai tin- nifii th won-fif Vnny. The luke told ihein ajveyi found there a good' medicine, f hi deep iiiierel in Can.idl.niH. i bB bH 0r tittlf tirt, Haiti,an J trvubttd u-ilk KJ-fjr Piifu. The Ikwtor aeid the THE KAISER AND DEMOCRACY SUCCEEDS GUTELlUS WATER NOTICE SUMMER rai threatened with lropty Herlimba SHOES uJ body were til swollen and we brftn Tin ha1er . . -Ollawa. DIVtRIION AND UBS to think the rould not lire. Finally,we an iniperinl Fre-oh. May ?5.--A new iii.rn- TAkK KOTICS ttul Oeorte MeKte fANT tniil yourself to slippery father, He ran quickly puns from aaer of tlie (ItaVeriiment yteni wue tddrrti U Skiderte. B. C, wit decided ,,Fruit-atlTeM. Ut tatkow to,try imtvtfmrmt tUr try kid 54 rule ti role, and now Saul alo m of railway ha beerr appointed In entile tpflr lor fret a per Uernre mlBule lo uk of wtter tnd ih out lit of ih canoe, sail boat or yachL And, pirn ksrajrwlabttti. In a thort time, amonir hat the hia prophet?,.admiratiifn He for prof-ses the the person of ('.. A. Mayee, fur a Denuter Creek, wbltb Bowl northerly tnd of course, you have to have Fleet Foot the fuelling had all one down and her number uf year traffic? manajrer drtln inln All ford Bar. tbon: II rhaini Urtli lx-fta to look more natural. Now ruuraw and patienre uf the Uer- jf ihe fnlercduiiial Railway. He froiu the n. I corner of T. L. IIS. Tb Shoes for tennis, baseball, golf and the it tbe kealtkUii nt im tk family man people la do (treat that it ap mtrcced F. P. (liiteliiio, wjiufe re- wtirr will te diterted from Ibe ttretm tl lacrosse. Fleet Foot Pumps or low shoes are the tod lit no tit nt of-the old ailment. pear 'to him prole-mine that they ignatlon a general manager waij or ti B, c. ruberie. tnd wir We ran not My too much for M Fruit a. huuld.re di'iiifd full ileniucralir acfepled by Hon. Franli hrane. bei iied for power purpote upon tbe lane proper accompaniment of Summer apparel tltes" and would never be without rum, i ne I'ruHxian Diet m n .Minister of Hallway.-. , detcnted tl iljotnln Timber Umll Uf And Fleet Foot Summer Shoes cost so much less them". luiiser ti Im elerled on n flan Mr. Ilaye ha been drawing a In.appllrtUon to leaie. Tbli notice wtt polled on tbe rraonf than leather, dial it k real WILLIAM WAItRCV. fraiirhie, nnd the elerlora are lit alnfy of ato.noo a year, and thi xi tbe litb day of Janatry, 1117. J 50c. a lioi, 6 for $ifiO, trial tlie, Kc. hate the protection of the secret aalary. wilf. be conideraoly ,ln jopy of iblt aoUce tnd an tpplicatlof economy to wear them. At all dealer or tent postpaid oo ballot. The All-H indent pruinie creaed. Mr, Outefua -wn- paid puriuant tnereio and to the wner Act receiptor price by Fruit ttiret Limited, a little luiit all ahall IwHelnandd. f So.ono a year . 'A'tier ISli will Decorder be Sled it la Prince the rtuperl.omre of Ob tbi Look trim and neat tmoy Ottawa. Thei.e adva"illaf mut. however. Jeclicn to the tpplirttlon may be file yoarmlf and av money, h postponed, until after the wiir. Special dirount of fti on go wllb the tald Wtler Recorder or with by wearing Fleet Foot thk Fur the in'oNient the. I'rulnn the Comptroller of Wtler fUtnu, Ptrlli-raeni Hew Wffl Yea Protect elector I "all dreied up nttli mi. carta and, luly carriage tf.at Buiidtnr. virtont. B. c, witbit 222 TiteX thirty day trier ibe Brit tppetrtnee ot where to jro." Th4 I'ry-fan itil Una notice In a local newipaper. Year Wife Im; it eiuiplA periuii If ti Atfarhef Tbe dtte of tbe ant publication or thte LAND REOISTRY ACT ... . . .I r ... nollee I rebratry fill. H 17. iinMriaiwe iu kii iiiui inntiu tnJ the children should you tony If (lertnany. m1ii the war. GCOHUE McRAE, Applicant Intern. (Section! SS and III.) Bathiij's fall ill or rose your :the Kai.er will be powerful enoiipli employ He ApptletUon .to. 1 1,1 1 1, riilof MM Navigable Waters Protection AcL mcnt ? Have you money in I to regard In pledge n another AkC .MUTICE tbll tppoctlluo ba Uetn rt. s. c CNArrm - is. the Dank to tide the family j'frttl if papeT." If Sertnany mate to reenter tuba Berrman, of Frloc Rapid Growtk over until you ire "on your jluHex the war. it will not be Jefl Ru(rt. B. C, a owner .la fee nnder t Tbe Grand Trunk Ptdflc Railway Com- fcct,l,airi? ,.lhe Kater Iik deride- diWlfrO Ttl 81 need frvo ta Collector or Ux pany hereby sltei notice tnal It nai, under Otjr ot VrUK Hitperf, tevioa 4W tbe Section 7 of tb laid Act. depoilted wltb i It U but natural to expect that a reller Every married man should iinanjr tinll le governed. If the; IStb dr of September, illlof ALL AMD tbe Minliter of rublle Workt tl Ottawa. TIMBER SALE X 951. from Conittpetion and the many Ul open an account in our jrtennan '"e.ple birel'lpeVdy ilVUL'LAU tbt ccrUln parcel fc ot tnd Ui tbe office ot th Dliuict RcfUtrir i which It cautet, which 1 to effectual and Savings Department and ;peae and freetbmi without ecu (and and pretnlM tllutle, tjlnf. and h it ibe Land AtrUtry ODlce. DUUIct ot I to natural at Internal B a taint, thould put lar in lb McCciptUir of rnnc Itupert. Setled lender Will be reeelted by the nulrklT mk. minr rnnnrti ?nnre tt Prince Rupert, a detcrtp- by a part of hit earnings every inuin)r ruin, they inul decide Ihejr aore ptrtlCHUrly known a Lot Ten (IS). Uon of nuperl,the tit tnd plan of lumber mill Minliter ot Land not laier than noon on I rui itj reneral ute hat Increaaed to week or month. jiletiule lheiueleN. and at once Ulork rit tl). Secliua Settn J. M tnd biker work propoaed to be buUt In the Ul day or June. l7, for the P"r- tmnrnaouily in tbe peat few year at to l. cbae or Licence X til. lo cut ISIII aurreit other tnd tbete are round i lyidun Daily Kspff harbor tl Prince Rupert. reason, Such e , ibe Prince Rupert a eeralaf tan, Ui.rtit, wiD b ' ' cltin eel of prnre and Cedar, tnd tl.iei'lo of feel You ire required to naieii Ibe BrrUtn in rront of Waterfront tim IUtement utert .that Ihey wricoaa . Vt . . . . Columbia, a prelection lor Ik (tally. i lineal reet ot Hemlock piiinr. on an area!,, -maile y ' uf Ibe li purrhiver mllhin lhirj nr Blork-'T'. arcordlnt 14 reiitiered plan ot f oter new- the roomlnr aner A Stiai Aeeeoat be UOVISES GERMANS , tmr Opa4 known at Lot lilt. Queen Charlolte Dl-,n with iltj frvui Ut date vt toe rtlc r' JhU, tbe torn tulle of th tald city of rrioce internal Bath. dollar. oae I TO LIVE OftUORASS VUr. thklL may X..acti. Le- !-'ereil Rupr?t Tefllftred UtJ the tforetald land liict. iltuatnl no JuiktUa Inlet, The eHmtntttoa or tbe pernlctoat and THE BANK f . v Mali or blrected. tnd your al retuiry .dee at o. tfl. Section T. Two (J) year will be allowed ror re- pottonout wait which tt eter pre tent to OF called II it luovtl of timber. ibe Lower Intettine Hilar chance " fieri ttnuuo I to Mction im AID TAKE KOTICE that trier tne ex- site a Copenhagen, May . in 'aod jMfUtry Act" witb waendmentt. Of on month from tae date or Further particular ot tbe Chief For to work unhampered. And on arises ta BrMfeli Nerth America i nuw feeling the 4alo abort pirtniM eiler. Victoria, B. C or blttrtct roretter. V1 M lb ruivwinr eitrtel tnererrua: titd Brt publication of thU noUee. tbe : the mornlnr clear-headed, able. nrtal. tige. The remittent of the capital ...."Dd i default of a tttetl or eertia-clt firtnd Trunk Ptdfle fUUwty Company - leonnaent ana carer ror tn atn aunt. T VEABS IN aUSINCUL j hat it Jieen w arned that il tnay le ir-k pevdeai hlot Died before ttx wia.ttnder SecUoa 7 or tbe tald Act. tpply str, r, E. Smith wrltei. r(Utrttioo a ownrr of tbe perion en. TIMBER SALE X 14. i -Dr Doctor. Your Catcade made s CAPtTAL AMB SUBrLUS, S7JSSO. ft supply five pound A ta the Nlnliur of public Workt ar hit jiinpoftoilde Utled under tucJi tax tale, all perton M omre in the City of Olttwt for approval ' I new man ot me al the tr of 41. I pr- NtlNCE RUPERT BRANCI In everybmly thiw week, but that trted wiib notice. tnd tboi clauaini r to tald tile tnd plan and for leate tutded my wnr to ute tbe treatment alto. lliu.e whit are unable to obtain tbrvath or under tlxm. and til pertoot at cooitrucl the tald workt. Sealed tendert wlU be reeelted by tb , and todar tb baa better health than W.J. SMITH ERS, Manager the full ration wit) be given cake tttUutoa toy tntetetl In toe land fcy tlrtia baled al WInnlper. Manitoba, tali tut Minuter of Laodi not later than noon on'e-,,r before. Since tbe ute of tne -Cat- U auy enrrfiiiered loitnuueot. and at lb alh day or May. 1117. ror tbe pur- nae- tb tleep better t-4 can walk ror D. nil. I The supply uf pork I abort nnd Ivrxmi cUUntaa any laterr.il la to lan day 7HE pf CRCID February.TRU3:A. PACinC RAILWAT chaie of Ureor XIII, lo cut SlO.OOOloom, without ftUyu. ralntmr PU Mt will lie cold only on Thumdayx lif ileM-enl whoM UU It not rtsiire COMPANY. II. H. HAXSARD. Solicitor. reel or Spruce, Cedar. Hemlock and Bal- turr become a cbndlUoo ot the pail; can ) Viol her announcement ayn b)Htcr jhe protUloo ot ihli Act. tball U tarn on an area tltutted tdjolnlng Lot anythlna on the blU of far and drink for and, drbtrred from tet-ttnt Soitb Bentirk Arm. Ranr J, Cot it Dl-j,u eter owpped beterarea. Doet not ttkt cold when that n reduction uf the present LAND REGISTRY ACT riat auuiai STsrsa. up any claim lo or .In repect of tb Iflct, leiDoied: hot weather doe not eauia oo- meat ration aftrr Augut IS i land o told far Itie. tnd lb neii'trar Two (t) year will be allowed for re- 'nretitoa." ctaeurr no. i. being considered. In view of the Uiill rerltier tb perton enuUcd undei (SeeUont U tnd til.) mota) or limber. 1 The -J. B. 1 Catcade.. tbe mot em- s food hortage. Profeanor Huld- tulb ut tale tt owner ot Ibe land tc Re XfptictUoni not. ai I and 1017 I. Further particular of tb Chief Foretwr clent derlce ror Internal Btthlnr. It betay it Ha at. m4 inl Ae. dd for. Iet " niiht tut. Victoria, B. C. oe Dlitrtet Foreiter. Prince tbown and explained la deull by Cyril H. t 1 -4lb St. tod IM At. uer. an agricultural expert of AMD .'WUERtAS, tppllctiiuo bu beet TAKE .NOTICE that application hat ten Rupert, B. C Orme, Druttiit. corner ird Ate. and lib 14- life L od IM At. lMpau. Jiataria, advUe the: peO. r&fele for' Ceruflril of Indetettlbl TIU made lo retltier Strth Undo, of Prince Street. Prince Rupert. Ask ror tree booklet, laJanrtlna or tod and Jrd Ate. lit. pie to follow Ibe fiample o( Neb. 14 ibe tbotementlooed lityli. In tb nam Rupert. B. C. a owner la re under two TIMBER BALE X SM. "Why Man ot Today It Only 10 Per .ucbadueirar eat Ho of. Jobo Berrman: Tar Ml Deed from tbe Collector or tbe Cent. Efficient." It you prefer, writ to and 1 -Ml Ate, tlMti IU o4 gran. .tD WIUItEAS on inteuttuni tot City of Prtnr Rupert, betrlnr dtte tbe Dr. Chat. A. Tyrrell. Ill Collet ttreet, tin 8U. a no I Hotel. Inform Ihcm that both I he ted tbtl Itb Sealed tendert will be reeelted Ibe UN It tppeart prior to tb day lfnd day or September, 111, tnd ALL A.1D by Toronto, for tarn. 17--Ul At, Tlh 31. (On-Irtl clover and lurerne (alfalfa "ay tfj September, 1114. (Ibe dtte on whiew slMJtrLAK thai certain parcel or tract or inuter or Land not later than noon on llatel). be ued for the making of tai? tb atld land wera tokl for oterdu land and premltet tltuate, lytoa and betas the loth day of June. 117. for tbe pur. MINERAL ACT Uiet you were tbe uietied owner In the Municipality of Prince Rupert, uiore rble or Licence X SIS, to cut t.Slt.OOl ilihe for human cnnmiinpthHi CiacUIT NO. C thereof. particularly known and detcrtbed at Lot reel of Spruce, Cedar. Balaam and Hem- M M- Jrt Ate tiki srtt SL (Pol I. rtRTIItn TAk't KOTICC tbtt it lb eleven" til). Block lwenty.lfbl (SI), lx-k on an are tltutted on the east ihore Certincata of Improvements. ornci. Salvation Army. uoie lime I thill effect rertttrtiioa la Section Sit (Si. tnd Lot thirty-three (11), or Matbieton Channel. Ran re 3, Coaat Pit- ini Avt. tnJ MtBrld St. punutnr of ucb appllcaUon tnd liid t Block forty iu 14 . Secuoa Eirbt (II. trie l. a 14 lit Ate. and MtBhde St. CerUncit of IndefeaiUil Till to Ibe tald Map. IIS. Three 1 year will be allowed for re- NOTIOC ft tdd Ate. and tnd St. Public meeting'., A Tuesdays. Und la the name or John Berimia unleii You. are required le coo lei i the' claim mo a I of timber. "Dourall;' "Dourall FracUonal." and Ut as -tnd At, tad Sib St .Thuradaya and Saturdays at 8 p. you like tnd protecute lb "proper pro-reedinrt fUieuai purchaser within II daytirrom Further particular of Ih Chief Foreiter, "Waierrront- Mineral .Claims, tltuate la tio. t. r. fin. Sunday nt 7:30 p. ni. to eubHin' your rliun, It tnj Ut date or tb tenice ot Utlt noUce Ictorlt, B. C or blttrtct Foreiter al the Skeena Minlnc Dltltlon of Castlar Dli-irlct. ta.'Uv uid itDdibr-i preteDrtucb pro wru;4 u b e(reeled by puhlicaUon) rnnc Rupert, B. C J 7. CIRCUIT NO. S. " po"d tenon on my part. tnd your ttlenUon la called lo tecUon Where loci led: Oo the weit tld or SI lib Ate. and rlluo St. teCtrlmiY jVATto tt tn Land Reentry once It uf, the "Land Rerutry Act"' wtih TIMBER SALE X Si 3. heid.of Alice Arm. SI -Borden nd Tlor II. Pnnce Itupert. B. C. Urti lib dty o tmebda)enu( tnd to in roUowms extract TAkK .NOTICE that I. Richard B. Mc-Cinni. S4 Tia Ate. uu mitoa St. Tilt LHOINlKtHNEMtNT Deeember, A, 0. 11 IS, therefrum: .... 'and in default of Free Minefa Ccrtlflcate Ho. 11104. s a - m Ate. nd Coraoi At. II. r. MACLEOD. rttetl or ceruflctt ot lit pendent beina Sealed tendert will be reeelted by Ibe acllut a a rent ror the Dolly Varden Mlnea S ST -lh At, tod Dodt PUeei Apr il, Dlttiict hemtrir of Ttllei Died terore the rctutriUon at owner ot M miner of Ltndt not later than noon on Company. Free Miner! Certiflcate No. III-C SS--iu Ate. tad Tttompwia S. To Slaion Pelertoo, Dtvlttlll, California the perton eouUed under tuch la aale. til the lib day or June. till, for th pur-enate Intend, tlxty dty from lb date hereof, riaMCRSiAirs simwnk prrtoot to terted with nolle tad of licence XIII. to cut 7,111.099 tq apply to the Mlnlnf Recorder ror a CIRCUIT NO. 4. a cii it ia. kr ? ia, ia-ii WATER NOTICE tbote claitulns.iarouth or under them, tnd feel of Hemlock, Cedar and Spruce, and CertiBcate or Improtementt, ror the pur. i 41 ib til person! cltuslnr any Interetl tn tbe I.too lineal feet of plllnr. on an area ad-Joinlnr pote of wbuiblnr a Crown Oraal of the -4 Ate. and twutraon USC AND STORAOI Itnd by virtue of any unretliiered tnatru-oieul, Lot 1 101. Juiktllt Inlet. Qraham tbote claim. 48 oilS 9-4 la. kr 1-S la od all prton clalmlnr any ti-tereit liland. Queen Charlolte ltland DUtrlcL. And rurther lake notice thai acUoo. un -aib Ate. tnd MrBrld l. 11 4allh Mere Pwe. In' the land; by deacenl whoae UU Three tl yeart wUl be allowed tor re-rootal der ecUon II, mutt be commenced before 44-tlb Ate, Ilk!Bttll Oreeo St. Cl 4 14 I. I I la. TAkR .10TICE Itial Mtiaut F OUen. ia ttot rrvutered under tb, provlilon ot or timber, tbe Issuance ot such Certiflcate or Im. Ate. and St. H PWee note tddreit 'lt will tpply further ptrtlcular or Ibe Chief Foreil- menu. as ttb Anyui, B. C thll Art, ihall be for eter e lopped aivl prove Ate. tnd Eberl. Bi 141 lib Ate. tnd Youor 8L fur t licence to like and ut tnul ility debarreU from tettlnr up tny claim to or.er, Victoria. B. t, .or Dlitnct roretttr. Dated t hi llth dty of April. A. D. 1117, ruble feel per tecond tnd to nor about In reipect of tn land to told for .tatia, , more nuperu a. c Jy. I, RICHARD B. McOH.IU. For Further Information 0 icre.fe! of wtler out of Boaania and the Reriitrtr tbtil ret liter th persou' Apply to Creek which Buwt oulbetlerly and drtlnt enutled uader ucb tax tele it owner ot , Uito4rtuby Bay about tl or near Lot 1471, the land to told for tit. WILLISCROFT faular PlitrlcL AND WHEREAS trpllcalloo hat been . W. C. i iw iiorare-aaro win m wctiea ti ltd ror Certiflcate or Indefettible Title j I'r'nce Rupert, B. 0. thoul on and on-balf mUet from moutb to the abof-mentioned land, la Ibe nam I FRED STORK'S HARDWARE uf Buiianit Creek. Tbe, capacity ot Ibe of Sarah Lando; f Prince Rupert Feed Co. retervoir lo be created Jt tboal JP ttr-feet, AMi WiltRlAj on inritirttina th uu 1" .. .' 1.1 .1- ul If i'II" I I I'l i I -HI I. . T-fl i I' .in i I l tnd II will aood about twenty tcrti It tppear that prior to ih llth dty of I FOR C A NNeTrRYNHM e o. a.i iu. 0S Thlr St. of land. Tb water will b dlttrled from Septeiutwr, till, (th dtt on which Ihei Ibe ttratm tt a point tl or netr tb dam, tald Itddt were told for oterdu Uti), V have ndded to our stock of valves and pipes a complete RECEIVED OUR 117 SEEDS J. Martin and will be u4 for power for aitainc you were the re-filtered tad ttteited line uf llubber Pelting at right prices. Stuart purpoae upon tb mln deicribed tt tb wiiert thereof FOR PrtHtCrMHEN NUUi, riarinlttn tnd Fox Oroupi, illuil FtllTlltH TAkK .NOTICE that al tn WE HANDLE ASSAYLri near th liedwtlera of Bonamt Creek. .tin Hum I ihall Heel retlilrattou In A complete stock of tli bet good that money can buy for Steals A Brlggs, Rsnnlss Thiinollc wai tutted on tn rrouod Mirutnce of tuch tppllcation tnd tte a trolling Spring ilrasi, 8ilver and Hronie. Kerry's and Maokenile's a' Ih llth dty .or ,Mrcu. HIT. Certiorate til Indefeasible Title to the atld FOR TNE WATMMMT MAtELTON : B. C. V W or uju nouc too tn apewi Uiul in the nam of rah Latvia 'ue-Wti Qsrden and Field Seeds. lion purtutnt luerelg aud to In "Water fori uk tn4 pruMCMM, the proper prui Tbe celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnish Special boat Also Fertilisers. AcL 1l." Mill be ftlod lattaa omre of redint ta eilibMf yuur cUUn. If tny, paint "l-MaOnLA'K" complete line of Ship Chandlery. established Assay i? Wile Bacurdtr al Phm RuperL loth tald Ua4i er la prtttm tuch pro-(nlted The oldest FOR EVERYBfHC may, grain and peed objecnoiur to th application may be Mad tt'llon tn ruii ptft. Chicken Teod A Epeolalty. omoe In the North. IHi th; said Wtler hfoorder ev1l DATED tl -the I lift tteilnry omre. A fine ttock of llardwttre, Qurnoy's Oxford Htovei, IM Cuinpiwilter CrVller MtAlt, ttH I'rliHtv RuirL B. i Um tuirt dty of W Sail Notrtlflfl But TKe Beet. We H M4iatt. Vt4or4t, a, c jffti kntil. A. 0. ISIT, Tako Orders for Nursery iwif .dait. ifier it laaet rrrovc " ' j ii. r, MAdEO, " Stock. x ADVERTISE IN M"1 iu a local paper, 'DUir'.ct Rrwwtr of TIM M, P. OlSkN, AppllctBL To Cbtplvt Pltnllt. at to Lot Ttl) FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Ore fremttlf Alte Ta. Daily News Tlie data of th aril publication of lait II, P. Clark and II, O. Richer T(i(..jj.......j..jj..(fr The ftollre It Mirth It. lilt. it lo Lot II