1 IIP. DAILY NEWS R ' 'lay Ma pa, UI I. tttsttitstrtTtsfn"rrtrt G. H. Arnold to reel Laval News Note NOTARY PUBLIC FreshandFit 1 Take advantage of Tile's spec. ,lal discounts for two weeks. If. you must keep your stomach Wo write Firo and Marine well, your liver, active, I 1 Mr. J. H. Millichamp left this Prince fleorgej for Insurance, representing' the bowels regular,and your morning only strong; liberal companies. blood pure. Your physical Mr. A. 1 Wright returned to condition depende on the the city last nlghl from the south. health of these ... organs. We sell Ilea) Estate, and Juit ! Mr. IK II. Morrison returned to now Ira V e some real When anything goes wrong the city last'cvenlng from Swan- SNAPS. Ask u'a about son Hay. ... llicm. ... just take i Anything you see at flotdblooni'a We have apartments, houses you can depend thatlhc prices few do9es of Beccham's Pills a are right. 125. stores and offices for rent, and avoid any serious illness. and want more. They are a fine corrective and Mr. W. S. Strang, of Sunnyslde H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD tonic for the system, and a i Cannery, went out on the train great help in maintaining good this morning, health. A single box will j ... prove the remedial value of All lines of Iron beds, springs, lllllill V9Vii 0 11. . Ullii S'I S J W a u foNvashBLwkpts sre getting dearer and Tile's reduced 20fl. tf. WOOLLENS "The Daily News" keoum s them right, though, and New goods mine Into Gold. CTIK LVX Wei ies you give thctn years of life. Never twist or CLASSIFIED ADS. bloom's every week, It will pay - ktt Mrr.ttUwitl'tkrti wring them the wool fibres become hard, ytfu to inspect them. 125. Wif (re ear flUm PIUS f srefer, H'tem lie srefer thick and brittle. Just stir your woollens Fancy cups, naucers, and din las itffitiftlj.pmt in bout in after tepid water dissolving the WANTED. ner sets at Titc'a nt reducetlVrlces lie iUuhti 0J nsre liea LarSMt S.U f A.r Medicta la WmU. frv ftieaf, &fit LUX flakes in hot Use 1 I.1TELU0E.1T PERS0.1 MAY EAR.1 Bald Tfcf. Ia base.SBe. for the next...two weeks, tf. W trlii lieleee'i. water. 1100 monthll correspoadinr for newspapers; Ari.ie U firee tiUyi l0 to 110 monUJy In snare Captain J. I). Gillatt, of Queen fltrlfmitll fmt if lit time: experience unnecessary; no an-Tttitnri WESTHOLME THEATRE Charlotte Islands, returned to the smlrr 1 rtmlif a mj leaf subject sucrestcd. Send for particulars. National Press Bureau city from the...south last nighU le Vj. 'Until t Swy, LUX room J74. Buffalo, N. Y. At the Westholme Theatre tonight, Mr. II. II. Smith, of Winnipeg, FOR SALE a photoplay adapted from came from the south last night rrJ Dickens' great novel "Oliver and left again this morning fnf of in flakes roa SALE Mire lerel corner lot. near the pure essence soap and you'll Twist, will be screened., Oliver, the East. Cold Storsgr, not far from drydock. be delighted at the fresh, fleecy, clean, NEW 1100. Terms, Apply Dally es office, tf the Utile boy, who asked for more, has now become a -national Mr. C. Perry, the Indian feeling your woollens take on. LUX can't FOB SALE Twenty-foot launch, seren II. character, and known the world agent, arrived front the south lnt R. rairbanks-Morse that touch. enrlne. Barralo. harm anything pure water may Apply Seroy iloieL tf. over. Little Oliver has always night, where he had been on a Iiaa n l.cnlila hniiitlap n tl it In business trip. j mmi Brilletfaiede ' " eU bv ail food g resets, tr fR SALE McClsry Ran re and Household effects. Apply ssi rowrta Art. Et, j ttwo addition,a world-wide this book reputation has given other also. No service will be hdd tomor-; No mbSinl nccil?d with LUX pore LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED FOR SALE Roomy cruiser, 4t ru 6y 'T,, are ,;M ond U,e ArU row morning In the Presbyterian' etsenco oC snar in'hikes. Toronto t ft. in. HO h.p. Ralico enrtne. Hearr f,kei Church, but the service will lake huiL Bamta. Address John H. vriUon. ! ful Dodger. The star actors are IIUH1L- ji.iisli.sI iiis.uaeiixius..ii. ox J37, Anyox. B. c, t. of no mean order, and a very fine place as usual...in tha evening. Mlii wonV SHRINK, WOOLENS should be had to- FOUND rnitrlit(entertainment T n n.dlitlon n lnlliA f!.l .Mrs. G. L. Monroe and Mrs. T. 0. this morning's reu.ND Lady's Vanity Bar. Apply DaUy(ictte will be displayed, showing train Duncanjeft for Port on Essington, where Cor.polrum squares, 0 xC 6 x 0 Mew.: office. u. the latest world events of interest. and OxlOti nt 13 discount at will visit Mrs. Taylor. DENTISTRY L8ST iThe orchestra have also arranged they ... Tile's. tf. Prince Rupert Dairy a splendid programme. Films developed 10c. by the UNDER MEW BUNAMSICMT CMOWft tio saitx.) LBT Bunch or keys. Finder pleas return i deep tank method. 10c. per roll LAND ACT , SREOtALTT to Uie Dally news office. tf. MJM AND TIDE any slxe. Print from 3c. to 6c. PUKE HOLtTIEN MILK on. j. s. cnov. . LOST Oold Brooch at Salt Lakes yester Get the best from your films. It SaEE.Hl LA.1D DISTMC f DISTRICT or CftEAM day. Tinder please return to Dally Sunday, May 7th. costs less at Mcllae lira's. 127. COAST. rU.101, nVK. OCNTtsr .lews omee. iSun rises ,..,..4:20 a. in. BHiTTEIHSILK oss,i smiih sv4, re a,w MISCELLANEOUS ISun sets ...8:50 p. m. Mr. A. M. Manson, M. P. P returned Take noure that we, Oose Mlllerd rack-inr RHONE BB7 R. O. BOX BOB Company, Limited, at Yaacoever, tx-rttsuc High water ...5:13a.m. Ht. 17.0 to the city last evening eaonerjTuen, tntsMi to apply for TALBOT HOUSE Oood Rooms. Ererycon- Low water ..11:40a.m. lit. 6 4 and Mr. F. II. Mobley, M. P. P permission to lease Ux folic in r de-scrHe Oil Oedeee Reematty Jktteadsd Te. enieoee. Hot water batb. St.tO kad It ujgh uater ...6:32 p.m. lit. 18.9 also arrived on the Princess May, tends i per wni. vc vn iucbl after the adjournment of the CbOaMMlf at a post planted at lb K. McKay, Proprietor. southeast eerrier or Let I IT: Ueace sou in (RADUATE Kl'RSE (CM B. London) Terms I The O. T. P. iTillamook", the provincial House, a rnains to low water marki tbeoce norta- J.L.HICKEY i snoderate. apply P. O. Box 9l. or ... jiew vessel, has made her first estrrty II tulns rollowinc low water Pbom 41. appearance in Prince Hupert on Mr. II. Langland and Dr. II. C. nurk; thenee norUt chains to tbe Orand CONTRACTOR A BUILDER FARM LAN her new run. She arrived from Wrlnch, of Uaielton. arrived In Trunk I'srtoe ritlt-of-sjrj tbenee aoutli r ratterlj tf enaina roUewint said rtstt-vr-way REOOX A5D CAUFORJIIA RAILWAY CO. Ketchikan, and will ply regularly the city last night from Victoria, to the place Cf bertnsunf and con-isinlnr PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Store and OQlce katutts, R.VIT LA5D3. Title to same revested out of Prince ftupjrt. fvhere they were attending the II acres. Hash, IKxir end MUint, la United States by act of Congress Methodist Conference. They left GOSSE HltLETtD rACU.tO COMTAMT Oak and Hard Vo ls -t m ated June 0. 1018. Two million, tltrta NOTICE this morning for Hazelton, ac UMITEO. ill Gewral Teamkig hundred thousand acres to bo opened April tad. HIT. t. rred Ritchie, a cot. kinds. companied by Mr. II. L. McDowell, far homesteads and sale. Timber and acrlenltural lands, 'containing some of TAKE .NOTICE that we, Albert of Sinithera, who also was in the 1.1 THE MATTER OF AM AFPUCATIOX DOMESTIO We Specialize In Hardwood best land left in United States, flow Is & McCalTery, Limited, of the city south with them. ror the Issue or a rresb certlflrate or title BLACKSMITH COAL Boat Ribs, Sh. the opportune time. Large map sbow-tog of Prince Ilupert, 11. C, merchants for Lola One (I) and Two It), Block Doors, eto. lands by sections and description of have to the Dominion Eleten (II), Section One (I). Cltj ol Careful Attention to Piano applied CACAIUTr AND QEI8HA sell, climate, rail fall, elevation, etc 1 frtnee Itupert. Map ttl. Plat and Sheet Oltss and Postpaid one dollar. Grant Lands Locating Government for permission to TEA EXTRAORDINAflY! TICE IS IIEREBT OIVEJt that It is and Furniture Removals. Co., BV 10, Portland. Oregon. build an addition to wharf now 'nj taitnUooio Issue sfier the espirauoa Olazlng. of one tnutith from the flrsl pubUcaUon PHONE S3. Sit. Lots Three and Cnrn.r Frasar and Cth situated on (3), The second and lasl day of tne(hMwr, , Certmc.w rrr.n or Tiue for the KKSU LANS. DimitCT DISTSUOT Of Four (4), Illock "F", City of . i n. I-... tr 1 . . . . ' iuarri unu uciKiia ira ariuiitioiUWT, rafpiiwwi nu in um name ot ue COAST, HAJSM Prince Itupert, said lots are owned liyMrs. Friizell came lo a reluct-1 '"'? r ltnproement Company PHONE GREEN 269 TAKE .10T1CE that tie UN Bin Columbia Umlletl, which Certlflcste of Title was BOX 4S. by the provincial flovernment and ... ii, tv... ,v, p. O, Canning- Company, Limited, of Victoria. B. ,,. cn the tom octoLer. I tic. on sp- C, salmoq canners. Intend to apply fot leased to us. heKinnlnff to Ihe end. it lias been piieatioo receded the tout October, itia. permission to lease the following described plans of construction of said an overbrimininff'success in every and u numbered Hi t STEEN & LONCWILL foreshore land: Comroeoelnr at a po' addition are being submitted to way. and Mrs. rrliiell is leetv-ing Mar Hlh, KIT. planted on the north bank of the Bkeens . Land Rerlslry OOce, the Public Works Department River. 10 feel south from the southeast of much congratulation for Prince Unpen. B. C SANITARY AND HEATINO rwraer of Lot ft. R. t, Coast Dlttrlet: Dominion Government by the her originality, hep management, II. r. MACLEOD, ENQINEERS Sheet Metal Work tkence south too feet; thence westerly Provincial Government. and for the satisfaction of her ie. to. District Retistrer. ad northerly parallel to the shore line, ALIiEHT & McCAFFEHV LIMITED visitors. For the financial sue. feet. distance of approximately 4(0 V., a point too feet eouth of the soutir Dated 22nd May, 1917. J24 cess on this occasion the Patriotic Agente for Having been In the KsL I -. beundary or the Orand Trunk Paciae railway: Fund and the Jled Cross ofllcjaU McCLARY FURNACES become acpiaintetl with sit ""J tirf-oce westerly and northerly par TIMBER SALE XM4. will have even greater reasons to AT ROWE'S PLUMBING nt rdethoclsof outntunggssc allel to the said right-of-way to a point : due south of toe S. W. corner of Lot Us add their quota iu Iter praise. In AND PLUMBINQ boau, as used by -tTt" thence north too feel to the point of Intersection Sealed tender .mill be received by the her choice of assistants. Sirs. SHEET METAL and of the south boundary of said Minister vt Land! notlater than noon on Frizxell also displayed her WORKS Gasoline Tanks, Pipc-fitting rtgbt-or.way: thence southerly and easterly the 4tb day ot June, 7, for the purchase execu. They stake Oeeellne SHEET METAL WOaKS Tanks, Seller Plumbing, feel live ability, for she certainly had and of Licence X ttl.000 001, to rut along said right-of-way to a point eipee; Smoke Bucks, Cnlatasy Tore, Phono S, 831 Second Avenue. where said boundary line strikes shore of Spruce, Balsam and Hemlock on an good ones. and all the work that Is uswaJlr deas .nnd all lines of Sheet line; thence along'high water mark to the area adjoining Lot Its, situated on the The attractions yesterday after, le the OLD FASHION ID TIM BMO, Night phones 576 east shore of Ellerslle Channel, Range I, Ulue 270 Work : rwiat of commencement. Coast ' 1 noon were whist, music and le t WITH ALL TMI LATIST OOWSJ. and Metal A. W. CARTER. , IiistiicV The stalls carried articles TO-OATE WOM BTCCIALUEO, such The right work, at the right and will Acting as agent for the B. C Canning one l year be allowed for removal many as SaVLIOMTB. COMNICIB, .Ble. Prompt AU-ntion Co., Urrifd. of Umber. - ' for sale, and the decorations were KieettMaf le the line fee Still. Hiae time, and at the right price. Verkmnhlp February JtH, HIT. 1 Further parUcularf of the Chief Forester, exceptional; the overhead display r rectory. Bteese put p and cea Victoria, B. C or District f orester. Prince Rupert, B, C i of almond blossoms being tii'jft nscted U heller. ReeOnf la all H. LET0URNEAU kinds of material. Repelrlnf ef ell effective, Visitors were plentiful. klnde. PRICES RIOMT, BERVICI SUBSCRIBE FOR 121 SIXTH AVENlr PHONE BLAGK 3Sfi. m. a.A. but In the evening the large B Ml tn Manaoo. roo t riRST-CLAM. A SATISelf O OUB-TOMZR Phone Ulsck 3J5 P.O. -x W. X. WUllsms. B.A LX.B were filled to capacity. The We. IB OUN AIM. The Daily News prtnch wodftj VVIULIAMS A MANSON holme orchestra were all there, ' RHONE B40. R. O. BOX 447. jam factory and Office S2i tnd Areaue aWlloltors, ' arrlaUrs, Etc and when dancing was in progress and M Street, sleee te Oew Sey OMSy TO LOAN it was a very animated scene. : end Government Wharf Satlsfaoilon Guaranteed BOS till From an aesthetic viewpoint, DR. KEMBIN BUILDINO. Meitersoo Block Prtoee Rupert, B. C seldom indeed has a public fuiic ! A HOT BATH THE tlon here attained higher cxci' IT lence. The numerous dainty I MINUTE YOU WANT aaaa-'aaeaaaaeaeaaaae fleisha costumes of .the ladies' U Leete tS)aUila . Yu arc accustomed to were reminiscent of the Il'Oylyj Sold cold water l-stanlly. La Cassc Domestic Bread (..arte opera, turn Yum was there, WATCH FREE. Kcttlnir Think of the and Pittt King, and Mr. George W Idas Ufuctloii of geltlnsT Hot Frizxell would lave filled the role war Do not Just, order"a loaf of brt'ud"Make it a point to get of Pooh Ilah delightfully. As rM M m Ik. Wuter in the reeJnrdleis same -is h i kt abiindAiice, 'j La Casse Domeitic 16 oz. Bread High Master Executioner of Ceremonies h fa pr duties'Lord k . tfU-mm fm mm.T !,w,lt i-I. HI how much has been u" ,VA BAM, M beftire. Get the most, for your money Get full food ve.lue -bst were executed famously. The WJL tllf HOT WATER LIKE MAOIC MaterialsPurest Ingredients. Dread l the world's cheap, dancing was delightful to witness est food Hat plenty ot .It "AnsJ see that it is and all too soon came to an eipl Harry Hanson after midnight. JiLu r LA GAME'S DGSHCITrG BMC AD, 18 OZ. LOAF 1 ...I.. brlni. The gross alnoiinl realized for nni. Hot Water Service the two dayo was 11,004.75, and' I I III- B-rr- vmi this convenient Get La Gabm Dread from your Grocer-or Telephone 1SQ. the net proceed will be divided in THE LADSU. PROTECTS YOU ..TTi wiu ..4 .IiT , ri.r" fff 'ji! PHONE ASS P.O. BOA between the Patriotic Fund and I IS I I 1 TT ' ,r the lied Cross Hociely,