The daily I. VOL. VIM. N0.12I. PMNCB nUPEflT, B. C, MON'lUY MAY 28, 1917. PHIHK FIVK carro MR Mi ON m FIERI ENG V7 0 no COUNTIES HUNDREDS OF INNOCENT WOMEN AND CHILDREN ARE VICTIMS OF THE HUNS GERMANS MAKE REORGANIZATION OF ON THE STILL RISING THE ITALIAN THE BORDEN CABINET COST Of LIVING AIR RAIDS ON OFFENSIVE pcrul to Tbe fully .Vwi.i Ottawa, The Dorden Government's j Ottawa, May 28-Thcre will ! campaign for thrift has S. E. COUNTIES likely be big surprises wfien the reached the stage where it is CONTINUES present llorden Cabinet is re. deemed safer to turn' it over to! organized. Many changes are ex the provinces. The provinces are Air Raids juttHlu srurUl, Sixteen Enemy rs Drop A9.ln Bombs Over the English peeled to take p lace in the mln gelling nusy. noarus oi rraue Back, and Italians Coast Two Hundred istry within a-week' time. The are passing resolutions. Public! Trieste Comparatl vo CaJualllea. whole matter fs in the hands of meetings are being held. Dusl-f Quiet In Weot. Premier llorden' and no Indications BBBimC'so-:' jBMAJsBflMMVdBBi r men from the cities declare' k BJT'V 4 'aT7' BBF'r BBBnMar .JtVBBMBjBBBJ pwul la Trie Dally 3ews.) have been given as to the ot'ir intention of making a pas-' (SpeUI to Tbe Pally flews.) 28, Sixteen T lBMMMMMMMrB''!R99iBMMB London, May 28. Tho Drilliant Iondnn, May Gerr intention of the Premier. BBB BpBSMflvva-LriPHBBBBBBBv"nM YBBBsfi?11 sionale pilgrimage of three weeks man air raiders arrived over Hie Prominent business men, or to the country lo help the farmer offensive commenced by General southeastern counties of Kng-(and representatives of a wing of the ti. Jtis seeding and his harvest. Cadorna two .weeks ago continues and showered bombs pro-tn:icously Liberal parly may be asked to join Increased production Is the word, victorious day by day. The Italian over the country side. the Administration. It is rumored very thing is to be speeded up. jine u now projecetd farther down Altogether seventy-six persons that Sir CIIITord Siflon is likely ie of these patriotic activi- the Caro PJateau in the direction bvn been killed nnd one hundred to take a portfolio. lies it was deemed advisable lo of Trieste and further progress .utemew. not the farmers, but tsd seventy-four Injured, Tin) wa9 made yesterday. The total, .he denizens of Ihe farm, Ihe hen, made the Italians in capiures by .jtlins have mdstly been women "HINDENBURG PEACE" ftt cow. the hog, the horse, the and children. Three of the enemy 9mbmmbbmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkIh0mmm1 Ulj8 offensive beginning on the apple, the potato, the wheat, who foUrteenth of May now- total 22,-will i;-oplanes were brought down by IS GERMANY'S LATEST be chiefly affected by the la anli.aircrart high angle guns. bVQlSbbmmbmIImH 19 mcn. In lhe pJava 8ection, The Invading squadrons of the speeding up process. The inter- the Austrians have been again aeroplanes were evidently Amsterdam, May 26. A Illn- PF9MMlMMMMMMMlraF"BMMMMMMMMMMMMVI lews follow: pushed, further back and are ap- enemy MBlc9BMMMMMMMaMSJBMMMnMHiMMMMPW' The Hen Yes, I am willing to demanding on the look-out for places of denburg peace" movement, parenlly'demoralized, military importance, but dropped that Germany retain the do my bit, but I want my efforts Pronoh Front, many bombs apparently on chance 'Drier and Lowtwt Iron districts, recognized. A career of persist-j parjSf May 28, Further pro-ent a many fell into vacant areas and Antwerp, the Delgian coast and parturience, such as mine, is gTeia 8 announced on the Cham-very Grids in the country districts, the Belgian coal mines, Is afoot trying on the nervous sys-'Dairne front. Two German coun- BLOWINQ BOCHE TRENCHES TO BITS tem and should have definite com- several fell in the in Oermany. Copies of the Co. ler attacks were repulsed. These tnfortonately, The damage to logne lloinan Catholic organ volks Auberive and its powerful defences fell before the Allied attacks, pensations. If I am asked to lay'-iia-v., were made aealnst the populated arras. preceded by an overwhelming artillery preparation, which eggs by electric light, after considerable, but Zeilung received here today featured my,French gauent8 tQ the east and property was the plan, urging sibnalures smashed the enemy line of defence to atoms, and inflicted severe day s work is over, I want We .... ot CernT and the German details still lacking. full are of the people to such a recom casualties upon his forces. Thif wonderful photo was taken from people of Canada and the British lroop8 8Uffered great losses. AMERICANS IN PARIS mendation to the Government. an aeroplane and shows FreiTed shells bursting on the Doc lie Empire to get the benefit., I don't j British Front. The newspaper form or signa trenches before the village, which rfs partially obscure by smoke- want to spend aH-ray time laying! LoniW Mar Yslriereased ae- tftUl t Tb paUy Xrmt.) tures declares the Germans are eggs for half a dozen cold storage tjvny j8 being displayed by the Paris, May 28. The first sanitary opposed to "wars of conquest and WILL NOT RESPECT FLYING CORPS IS Kings wnov niae uiem away in German artillery against the policies of annexation" but it is summer and dole them out in'Brjush sector of the Arras battle of the American Expeditionary squadron force has arrived not clear how this Is reconciled THE RED CROSS FLAG ESTABLISHED IN B.C. inier at anyming irom seventy.fronl from the Scarne river south If and received great wel-c with the demand for retention or cents to a dollar a dozen. to Croiselles. Raids are frequent rt a the French and Delgian territory I can lay eggs, labor, food, and both sides. on (i.e. The squadron Is composed (Special u Tiw Dttly !Uwm , j.ive iuiljr,j skilled and un. wear and tear included, quite of one hundred and fifty physicians specified. London, May 28. Germany has kjHed mechanics are wanted at profitably at twenty-five cents a and surgeons and seventy-flre I.nndon.Plotting Mar 26.Away.Germany is announced that hereafter she will oncoror rvlce in the Iloyaf Fly-not dozen, and that is the price I FIRE AT SEAL COYE nurses, nrtlflv DloUine neace again after respect the lied Cross flag, ing Corp!S aerodromes to be es-and would like to see fixed for the BURNS SINCE SATUKDAY BERLIN REPORT a lull consequent upon the failure will regard all hospital ships ubiuhed In Dritish Columbia." A people at large. I know that is ktf the first attempt to coax Iluasia the price the cold storage kings as vessels. These will be wnr recruiting 6ITlce has been opened buy my product at and I don't see A little after 12 noon on Saturday, rprtUI la Tfc Duty !.) into The a separate Teutonic compact.efforts to bring sunk on sight. If opportunity per- al victoria and has been thronged why the people should get worse the fire department received lierlin, May 28 According to about the end of the war on Ger mils. Transportation of the sick with nppicants since its first day treatment. It's al very well to a call from Seal Cove, and on arriving wireless communications sent out many's, own terms were revealed from Kalamata and Salonika to nr business. say that the people have as good there found that the heap front Germany, the usual fighting chance at the cold of waste from the bid sawmill had In dispatches received today from Gibraller may be allowed safe Sit hav hfon . a my eggs as t in progress on both the eastern fire and burning furiously. cities. ttorage kings, but they havn't. It caught was half a dozen European if the of the only name and the passage and western fronts. noun,ary nayt near Ladner; is a notorious grievance that This heap, or small hill Coming Itibot's firm at a and time unyielding when Premier statement vessel, her speed and the lime of at Lulu ijan where tile and is every little general store in the of waste consisted of sawdust, STRIKES IN FINLAND of France's aims In the war departure Is notified to Germany already being cleared and 'being country acts as agent and col slabs and the general refuse of displayed here, six weeks in advance. sown under grass preparatory to lector foe the cold storage fellows n oawmill------ and has been-, lvinir- prominently rrUl to Tbe Pally - were llussla's pledge to the tho erection of aerodromes and and that three-fifths of the sum- there for years since, ever the old well as as Petrograd, May 28. Strikes United States, there seems scant GftEAT CYCLONE HITS outer necessary nuuumgs. ti nas mer-Iaid eggs do not see the market sawmill stoDDed operating. How have taken place in' all branches likelihood of nny headway in the THE MIDDLE WEST al een slated thai the wltole of until months later. I often the fire was caused remains un. of trade in Finland. Willi the i Minoru Park in Vancouver has wonder why the government does known and is a matter of con opposition of the Czar, Finns declare German Premier move.Moot's speech in the (?rtui to Tb puty sa nlso been taken over by the lnt- not invoke the War Measures Act jecture. It is supposed that it that the new Provisional Chamber of Deputies Is approved Chtcago, May 28, V great cy- Prial authorities for aviation and make these cold storage pirates had been burning slowly for some Government have no authority purposes. behave. lime before it became noticeable. here ns epitomizing the aims or clone has swept up the Mississippi in Finland, nnd cannot succeed to the Kntente and clearing up, for Valley and over the states of! H Is expected that fifty ina-IlliuoU The CowWhat's the use? I Although the n earest hydrants Ibal of the Czar. Russia's benefit, somo of the and Iowa. One hundred 'rhine will soon arrive on.the drink all the water and make all were some distance away, the fire questions involved in the "no an and seventy-five lives are known lcol 'roni Toronto for insUuc- the milk I can, and what they department soon; had the; blaze A GRAND BAZAAR nexations and no Indemnities lo be lost and thousands have, purposes, so mai me urti- can't can they give to the pigs, under control, and have been M. Ilibot made it clear been Injured. Millions of dollars' Voiumnia siauons win oe miiy but I don't get any credit. All I working at it ever since. It Is A grand bazaar and drawing that phase.the restoration io r ranee oi ivrh nf irnn.rlV l,na hwn de. OtJuipiHHl. 1,'ilotS are, Still in de get is knocks. The smart alecks expected that it will be some time will be held In tho St. Andrew's Alsace and Lorraine, was not "annexation." stroyed. J jiuand, and' in view of the fine say that I am first cousin to tbe yet before it finally burns itself all on June 6 and 7, promoted by and that there was a reputation won by Dritlsh Colum pump. It's not my fault. It's out. Tbe affair is well in hand the Catholic ladies of Prinre Itu. sharp difference between -repa MONTREAL IS QUIET bia airmen in France, it Is ex what the dairy companies do to and there, is no danger of a further Pert, in recognition of the enter, which Germany mui peeled that a large number will be the milk when it goes to tho city. outbreak. prise of the Sisters of St. Joseph ration enrolled, leaves is Yesterday, there were two other innt for her wanton destruction tpfUI t Tba Pally .) As it my bosom it pure in constructing nn up-to-dnte in Frnnce and Belgium nnd "Indemnities." Montreal, May 28. There have as the driven snow, but I won't calls on the department. The roof academy for educating and training been no further disturbances in 'ALLEGTS GERMAN SUBS answer for it after tho middlemen of Mr. A. Frebourg's house on the young ladies of this northern Avenue took Are supposedly Montreal over the anti-conscription CET SUPPLIES FROM SPAIN get hold of it. Eighth country. The proceed of Duttert What can I do about through au over heated flue, SUNK is VESSELS campaign. Quebec organizing the bazaar will be tendered lu the SWEDISH to tight conscription to I vSppcial to TtM Jiaily it? I try my best and turn out a and the roof was, badly damaged. Kuters in the form of a bonus In (Special to Ths Pally Mw.) Ihe last ditch. ' ; Paris. May ?8. The Hun sub. good product, but I am not re There was also a brush fire at the appreciation of their efforts by 28. Six Swedish I marines get oil m Spanish waters, sponsible for the price. The corner of Seventh and Lotbiniere, Hiarge.the ladles having the matter im'ln London,have May been sunk while on GOOD WORK BY JAPS j . French Deputy, criticising the middleman fixes that. Forty cents which was quickly got under. Altogether from Sweden to Finland, ; Marine Department, says that the a pound pretty stilt. A Utile the department have had voyages Seattle.'May 8, Fourteen Ger German divers are getting help competition from oleomargarine a fairly busy time. Minor accl- the Hal lie pea. Drapery department opened out In man submarines nnd three Aus i front Spain, and that they have would bring butter to reason, but.dents happened to two of the llre-you on lower lloor. 20 discount for AIR RAIDS ON ROUMANIA trian vvnrshins have been sunk in their regular bases in Spanish can hardly expect relief libojmen. Harry Hooper' got his band next two weeka at Tllo's, tf. the Mediterranean by tho Japan- waters, which are kept supplied that from the Dorden Government rather badly cut, and Jim Neville (Sprcltl to Ths Patty Ni.i ese warships on palro! there. 'from Spanish territory. which, I understand, is addicted to received some nasty bruisest but Pntroirrad. May 28. During tho high tariff. Domestic cheese, I otherwise the department main, WESTHOLME last few days, many German air SPANISH SHIP SUNK SUN AND TIDE am told, brings the same price tained its superiority over the craft have dropped bombs on now ns the imported varieties. enemy. OPKHA HOUSC town sltualed lit lh Danube re. lflal to TN Pally nws. -Tuesday, May 2tth. That seems a good way to en TONIGHT AND TOMORROW gion Many casualties have been Lisbon. M n y 2 8. Another Sun rjses,, t:lft a. in. courage the use of the imported j Oliver Morosro presents Inflicted, chiefly on the civilian Spanish steamer hits been sunk Mm sets .u p. in. varieties, I suppose the Dordeni LONDON CAFE LENORE ULRICH population. by a German submarine. Shn High water ...7:32 a.m. HI. 15.5 Government alms to iwU the was engaged In the coastal trade.j Low water . ,.:8a. m. lit. tt.7 customs revenue. Of course the AMD BRILL "The Road to Love" Carpet squares. IHtra spcolal una was sun V, without warning High water .. 8.10 p. in. lit, 17.3 ioiirtiiuier gets tho worst of it. Third Avanua discount of 20 for cash at Tile's, outside Ilia three-mile limit. Low wuter . . . I :ld p. m. lit 7.U That's what he was made or, I'm Prompt trlM of tho Boot A story of Algeria. nfittid he'll go dry if he looks for thsro It to oM at oil hour. TOPIC; BUDGET Tho favorlU household Coal la Just arrived 100 tons Washed Dillio Durke and summer the milk of human kindnes Ui - t-l i-J Ladyamlth Wellington, Phono'lB, Nut Coal Albert A McCafTery, dresses, All new fashion goods the llorden Government. They're B4XM PB LABHM A4mltln 10 an 1t ctnts. Princi rtupart Coal Co. tf. Phone 1f. at Goldbloom'n. 125. (Continued on page three.)