THE DAILY ISEW8 I j,.a1.t stsllltt The Daily News Banis iv'tcLen ice; rrni w,",.e. ,,lghl and Worry and save r ,;r Z. Ihf.1. no coal. lo o THE LEAD!NO (NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN MUTISM CnuAISM ..... I nnrillllPtll. PaUUhod Daily and Weekly strcofjth for the ttrrtijv ;:. llllRlliy 'Guaranteed Largeat Circulation days' of Spring aad Sv.n..:cr The Daily Nc delivered by when the body is making at ,nrrler, 50 cent per month, HEAD OrTICK effort to throw off the toxins bally .News Ilulldinit, 3rd Ave, Pruirp llupert, 11.(1. Telephons" 98 of a heavy Winter diet. THANHIKNT DISPLAY ADVKKTISIMJ-Un ,iHt p-p .i-t o.i.trstit Shredded Wheat tit ral on application. is the best food tonic because it supplies everything the DAILY EDITION Monday, Way 28, 1017. body needs with the least tax on the digestion. It is n AOT HOW I sumption of bread by one quarter vim-making, enerzy-creatinc In soiling up a tooS control many thousands of tuns food, containing all the nutritive nrgantzallon with Herbert Hoover would bo added yearly to tlio elements in the whole at Hie head Washington wheat available for export. wheat groin with just enough has furnished the Canadian "Those unablo to join Canada's bran to keep the boweb (Jovernincnt with another example army, whoso deathless which should be followed exploits in themselves have ad heclthy nnd active. Two of without further delay. ded a glorious chapter to the these Biscuita with milk Mr. Hoover proposes to divide history of tho civilized world, make a nourishing meal at the' organization Into four can all do their bit by increas a cost of a few cents. Made WRI GUYS branches. One will consist of ing production or decreasing in Canada. a number of separate executive consumption." bodies for the regulation and II is estimated that the Allies administration of certain critical will need this year 500,000,000 tho goal. Tho Huns have been commodities, whose duly bushels of wheal in addition to cheered with news of drives In will bo to Institute such measures their domestic supply. They the direction of many goals since FASHION S FANCIES Now THREE Flavours as will stabilize prices expect 250,000,000 bushels the war began, hut none of any hairdresslng mode in and distribution. The second from the United States, but the vital consequence has been gained. The newest will ensure co-operation with New York Times points out In the winter there was to be the various staleg, which will that it will bd impossible for a big combined drive against Italy. COAL NOTICES of the Get package "Juicy Fruit"-See a new be requested to organize subsidiary the republic to send that quantity hut it I Italy that is doing the tium LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT state food boards. The unless the people consent driving. And liindenburg has all ISTRICT Or QUEEN OHARLOTTB ISLANDS what a joyous, lasting third will Initiate a campaign to a sharp, decrease of the the business on his hands he can for domestic economy, while amount they consume. The attend to meeting the Allied drive Take notice that WUUatn Ulloo, ( Vir flavour has been crowded will itself total supply is estimated at his western front. Furthermore, lona, B. i... occupatloQ acruiuiast. tuun the fourth concern , on to lfj,cl f ltc pemaaafc with co-operallon with the G 10,000,000 bushels. Washington the fact is beginning to cual to apply aud petroleum oo Ibe weal coast in to give you a great, BIG Allies in regard to this vital 'believes that the con. dawn on-the JunVer mind thai the Crabam Island. In tlclnlty of West river. 5 cent package of refreshment! question. "The powers being sumption can be cut down by submarine goal is not likely to be Conouenclnr II a pust plantru one mlh kouth of tbe sotilbeatl turner of C L asked for," Mr. Hoover adds, a third, which would enable the attained. ibrnce norlb SB cbalns, tbence easl 071. "are considerable in order that United States lo send more than a rhiiu ibenee suuin 19 cbatne, lot act Uis,JNWe U.t- klACE IN CANADA Sealed Tgfrr-Kept 'we may force into the market 200,000,000 bushels across the Washington is displaying a est 10 cbsint to point of ctftimeaeemrni '"Ijf A srWe Mghtt every form of foodstuff over seas. It is to bring this about legitimate curiosity over the action W1LUAN uiau.i, March 11, 117. Autuo Brown, ifeni and above such stock as normally that a food board has been organized. of the-Government of Argen- and legitimately belongs, What is the Canadian jina in stopping the export of BEEENA LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT wheat It remembers that there ISTRICT or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS to any particular business for (internment doing along this e its proper conduct and to prevent line? is considerable German population Take naure tbat Turner Rolhwell Mullen. any withholding, directly in the southern republic. If of Victoria, B. C, occupatioq mercnaat. In or Indirectly, of food supplies NOTE3 AND COMMENTS German pressure is behind this ta mole roe twrmuilos to croeneci from the market." move there is a way to counter it. roe coal and petroleum on tbe welt coat I of Weal nter of nnium itUnd. la tlcinlty The Canadian Government Armand Lavergne say he will Hy cutting off the export of IlriL CotianenclOE at s pott planted one mile should set up a simila; organization submit to conscription, if the ish and American coal lo that south of tbe eouuweai corner ot u. a. hie ...I. K.n- -a. ,. OJ rhllfll lhe BAftll at once. That it has country call's for it, but whole mil .- - - - tbence east II chains, tbenct THE Fin VQVR LASTS COAL NOTICES 10 cbalna, made n attempt to do so is thing is wrong. Canada is being touin 10 cbalns to point of cummencemeni. astonishing In view of the obvious "ruined" for the "little Island that MKENA LAAO t RCCONOIMa DISTRICT TL'iOLR ROTIIWEU. MLLLI-, Chew It a ftet4 every meal J need obvious to every rules us." We should wait until STRICT OF QUICK CHARLOTTE ISLAND. March II. 1117 Austin Brown. irraL it a body except the Minister of the Germans try to take Canada. SEEENA LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT Labor, who says that food We observe that Lavergne is still Take nuUce tbat James Mcluliy, ta-ol ISTRICT OT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS rruye Rupert, occupation tuerctuat, prices in Canada are not "exi a colonel. The present Govern, ttudi to apply.for pcnuUaloa t prospect orbitant." This Is what Ken-iment made him one when the war tor cuel and petroleum on Uie eil coast Tike notice tbal Aroe Brown, of Vie ncdy Jones, director of food'started. It ought to unmake him of Gratum Island In tbe flclnlty of West apply wrla, B.fur C.pertBlailoa occvpauon to widow,prospect intend for roe)to economy In the United King- at once and put him in the ranks, rler.umuiirnrinf at a post planted one milt, sfta petroleum on well coast of Orabam. Spring Schedule dom, said a few days ago: After all, however, we ought to ouut vf swutbrist corner of C L. !, Island, In tlcinlty of Weal rtrer. "Without the mobilization of feel thankful that Lavergne is not tbenct sou lb so cbalna tbeoce eat So Cosumcncior at post planted lo mile V '.tlt of -y aoauast ci.ruer of i t. S. S. rfHNCE OEORQE cbalns, tbence nor 111 m cbauts. tbence every available unit of Canada's.actually a cabinet minister. He klt. tbence weal if rnaini. UVnce tal 10 cbains to point of coaimmcemenL THURSDAY 12 BldnlQht f.o r Vsncomor fopd army, we here would have was offered a portfolio when the JAMES MOULT T. orib 10 cbalns. tbence easl 10 chains, Victoria and Seattle. a very grim outlook. I say this present Government was being Martb II, It 17. Austin Brown. aieoL Uieuee south SO cbalns, to point f com mencemenL WEONESDAY MIDNIQHT FOR ANYOX not merely because of the sub-' forinedr He did not accept) the AO.ttS BROW5, SKCCKA LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT 8.8. PRINCE JOHN marine question, but on ac- offer, but in October, 1911, made ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS March II. 1117. Autun Brown. atenL For Ketchikan, Wrsngell, Junosu and Skagwsjr, JHsi SOUt count of the world-wide short- a record trip on a special train MEENA LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT For Vancouver May 21 sU age In cereals, Europe, that is .from Quebec to Ottawa to pass Take nuUce lltal Joaepb Roat, of Prioct ISTRICT OT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS the Mother Country and her 'judgment on the cabinet slate be-Allien, RuperL B. tl, occupation prospector, in 8. 8. PRINCE ALBERT tetids to apply for permUsiuo to prospect For Queon Charlotte Islands, May 23. For Vancouver Miy 2S of it announced the Take notice' that Idward rvkard, of w ill need every ton fore was to pub-grain for coal and petroleum on tbe vest coaal the Dominion produces. I lie by the I'rime Minister. Having of Cratutn Island, In vicinity of Weal Loa Anfclc. occupaUott eniineer. In lend t PAS8ENQER TRAIN SERVICE to aply for pennleatoei to prospect for Mredaeeder and Setrr sl 1 1 tM a. sw. f ee BMMSeee. P riots ftseeia. ! "The ministry has watched 'done this be strutted around the river; coal and petroleum on tbe well coast of HIM, Baalauon sad Wtaaleea, snallet asilHMa there fee an siie wjlh keen satisfaction the steps (Capital with his chest out a Cuoiiaeaeluc from s pas I planted one Orabam bland, la tlelnliy of West rter east sad MuUs. .EUaad trale esaey Teeedas at 4 a. a. lulle Suutb of tbs sou lb met I corner of C U taken in various parts of Can-' pocket-edition King-maker, tt(S. tbeoce aoutbO cltalns, tbence easl Cotnmeocini at s post planted one mile Agancy All Ocasn Steamship Line. south of the aoutbeait corner of u L ada for Increased production.! " f ' IS chains, tbence norUi SO cnaios. tbence 1167, tbence weal 10 chains, tbence nor lb For Information and reservations apply I In addition, Canada can help in 1 The German people now are be-avoiding est SO chains to point of evouuencemcnL 10 cbalna, thence easl 10 cbalna, tbence City Ticket Offlco, 628 Third Avenue. PHONC 260 waste and decreasing jng stimuated with stories about JOSEPH ROW AT, south 10 cbalns to poial of ramnKOcemcnL March it, It 17. Austin Brown, attnL home consumption. If Canada jllindenburg starting a big drive EDWARD rtCEARO, March II, III?. Austin Brown. aienL can cut down her daily con-'against Russia with Pelrograd as SKEENA LAND RECORDING) DISTRICT ISTRICT Or CHARLOTTE ISLANDS QUEEN RECORDINO SEEENA LAND DISTRICT ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS Take notice tbat Jena WlllUm Ooss. of CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY MINERAL ACT MINERAL AOT In merchant. Victoria, B. C. occupation lake notice that James Hay, of Victoria, lend to for pcrmlatlon to prospect apply B, C, occupatloa hotel proprietor, Intends .NOTICE TO DEU.IQL'E.IT PARTS tR Certificate) of Improvements for coal and petroleum oo tbe vest coast to apply for pcraiisioa to prospect for Lowest Kates o all Eastern Points Te C W. CalbOUOi of Orabam In vicinity of Weal nver. and Island. coal and petroleum on the weal coast of vU Steamer to Vancouver and the Take notice. terras I bare done Cbtmitenclnr at a post planted Iwo miles Orabam Island, In vicinity of West riser NOTICE RAILWAY be done assessment work on tbe CANADIAN PACIFIC caused to soein or tbe soutneast comer of C L Mldalebt fraction mineral claim, situated Cariboo Mineral Claim tlluate In tbe 7. tbence well 10 cbalna, tbence south Commencinr at of s poel C. U planted al tbe Meele and Brlrt Irtcludtci on Sleemee on l tie linane rler, about fourteeo miles fkeena Hi nine. Division or Caaslar District. SO trains, tbence eat I SO cbalns, tbence southwest corner tbence from U bead of A lire Ann. U lb Skeeoa Wbere located s Sear bead of Alice west 10 cbalns, Ibcnce south 10 Cbalns, north II cbains to point of commencement 11 p.m. Friday and Alice Arm tbence east 10 cbalna. tbence north 10 Princosa May for Oranby Bay B. C ,mlQJur dJrlfion of gkeeoa district, assessment Arm, JOIL1 WILLIAM OOSS, work for ISH. ISIS, and ltt, and TAKE XOTICE that t. J. Fred Ritchie, Marcn 11, 1017, Austin Bron. aienL baina to poinl of commencentenL JAMES Princess May for Vancouver la Ccoan Falls, Sunday 6 p.m. nave paid for said work and recordtnr Free Miner's Certificate No. 1119 C. actio RAY. tame tbe ion of 1107.19. L'nleai you par at stent tor W. A. Will lama. Free Miner SKEIN A LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT March II, 1117. Austin Brown. aienL PrlncBB 8ophla for the fforth, Wedneday, May 3Cth. mt tbe turn of 1 101.10, (or Tour share Certificate No. tOltC, intend. Bitty days ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS BEEENA LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT f tbe ald aesestmeitt work, to letter wits frum tbe date hereof, to apply to tbe OT QUEEN ISTRICT CHARLOTTE ISLANDS tbe coil or thit adTertiseoMnt, I (ball, at Mining- Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, Take notice that fioslyn Puke, of Port 'J, I. PETERS, General Airent tbe expiration of ninety (10) daya from for tbe purpoae of obtaining land, Ore., occupation bote! proprietor. Intends Taka notice tbal rrederick Moersch, of BC tbe date Hereof apply to tbe mlnlnf recorder Crows Grant of tbe above claim. to apply for permission to prospect Victoria, B, C oc cup l loo salesman, la Co tier Fourth Street and TltllH Aeenue . Trlnce Burett. at Prince Rupert. B. t, to ban And further take notice inat action, un-dtr for coal and petroleum on toe west coaal troda to aiply for permlasioo to prospect your lotereati In tbe Mldnitnt fraction section SI must be commenced before of Orabam Island, In tbe vicinity or West for roal and petroleum oa the west coast mineral claim reeled In me, In pursuance tbe Issuance or luch Certificate of Improvements. rler. of Orabam Island, In vicinity of West rlter of tbe provlslooi of tbe mineral acL Coiiimenrlnf at post planted one mile Ccmntcocias sl s poal planted two miles Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C, toil I Ilk Dated ial nth. day of March, A. D. south of tbe southeast corner of C. L sou lb of Ibe Sou l tie at I corner of C L day or April. 19 IT. I J II HIT. J I 171; tbence sou to SO cbalns, Ibcnce esl 71, tbence eaal 10 chains, tbence sooth Sxifetv First IL C. PIIILUPS. I. rriEO RITCHIE. A rent 10 cbalns, tbence norlb so cbains, Owner 10 chains, tbence west lo cbalna, tbence mm ws- Fiinf NM&t t.D.lr1 Kl easl to cbaina to point of cotumeuceiarnt north 10 cbalns to point of comnienceaicnL ItOSLY PUkE. riiCULItlcE MOlhSCII. SisT I Mired II hit. Austin Brown. Kent March II, HIT, Auitln Brown. itrnL -Ship oShuhrt SKEIN A LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT .i.ut tun In tho V Jj SIEENA LAND RECORDINO OIITRIOT tl Launch Alice B. ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS mlMllr J" ,lr.vMl lw-t Take notwe tbal Oliver Brown, of Victoria, Take police tbal John Booth, ot Los B. C, occupation niacblnltt. Intends Anreles. occupation romrartor. lnunits to ErrnrasinH rOR THC SALT LAKES to apply for permlsston to prospect for sl'HY for tiertitlsslon to Drosorel tor tw- tunSere eat Wedneedare eoal a ltd ttr4euiit on lb west roaet f and rimleum oo the weal coast of Ora fl BuLasaeHsV. luc.BXM RETURN fARE . Orabaio Island lo vicinity of West mer naio itianu, la viciuny or wmi rier. SHUBERT. Commenclnt st I poll planted two railer Coiumennni it s trait blaoud i miui U SBI. Bfl aoutb of ibe soutneast corner of C U soulh of tbe southeast corner or C L Call 71; tlk-nre south 10 chains, thence well Til tbence east 19 rhalns, tbence norlk SO cbalns. Hie nee north 19 cbaini, tbence W. I. THOMAS, rrtOM, 10 chains, Uieuee well to cbaini, thVnc rati lo rtuine to point of eomiueoeenienL outb 10 chalni to point of coiunicneeineni. areea Ml. News BMOW.1, joiiji booth, Subscribe for The Daily ee March II, l 7. Auittn Brown, strnL March II, T Auilln Brown, sttnL EMPRESS COFFEE tVHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR f Q, OAWSON PRINCE RUPERT,