Monday. May 2, 1017 Till! DAILY NEWS on tiic still WATER NOTICE COST OF LIVING iiBILIEST ORE Vtt.MO STORAOI .uiiiniucij r'l-uiii i'age One. f xiTICE, that Matnul P. Olaen, shr 'Mw, ii Anyoi, B. C, will apply THE FAMILY loo inucli taken up with lliflr far i i -xir to tike and dm tboat tiny IN friend, the profiteer. u' r. . i prr tecond and to llore about loo a r-t of water out or Bontnta Hi6" hoir Yes. I'm worth ten crvk ), h flows touibeaaterly and drain AnJKUn.yTrm.LU (ce" B I'"""'! '"'' rlgl.l into - ant i Bay about si or near Lot ItTI, N !1tWTRUIT.A-TIVES- ",nv ,m1 1,10 Vnekw -wear that caniar ti.inet. Tne tt .rire-dam will be located II Its it good price. Perhaps it is LaH s s I t about !M tnd one-half miles from mouth a good prico compared with the of B .nam Creek. Tb capacity of Ibe mix cents a pound I brought be. rr'.i' io bt crested Is sbout 100 acr fore lite witr, but it isn't audi n feel, and ii win flood.sboul twenty seres or tend, tm water will tw dlvSrted rrom tven at that. When you Ibe iir-atn ai a point al or near tbe dam, OCIDAY consider that the fanner raises m mm rU'l! l lattaLaWf' tnd win be med for power for miainr Hie, feedn me, lends mc, nure purr upon tb mine deaenbed aa tbe me -doe all the hard work for vldat. i tarmiran and Pox Oroopa, tltoate near tlx Headwater of Bonanza Creek, TIME me -and that the packer simply Tbi ik.oc was boated on th rround buys me, kills me cures me and on lb iaih day or March, 1117. sells me, why; I ask, should the A iv i.r ib.s nolle and so applica farmer get ten cents a pound and tlun ixit.uarii thereto and to tbc "Water CALLS FOR- Aet, ton.' will b Died In tbe offlc or the packer get forty cents a ibe Wairr teerdr at Prince Rupert, B.C. pound for his bacon? Why all itj( ii,,nt to tbe tpplleatlon may be Bled thai spread between pork on thej wllh uie ,id- Water Recorder or wltb lb ' mpirrfier of Water Parlta Rirbii, H ATTIC WARREN Hoof ana imcon In the pan? rornt Baildinn. Victoria, B, C, wiibio Vori Kobinwn,Oat., July 8th, 1915. i Alid who gets It.? I must con tblrly dayi after tbe Crtt appearance of "We have tsed "Fruit s tives" in fes that it makes in hot when I tbla ii'itir in a local paper. oar house forovgr three yean and have think that I, the' mortgage lifter, M. P. OISE5, Applicant found them Tbe dte or Ibe brtl publication or Ula A fool medicine. ilays can be valued at such a small sum 'Jir lilt It girl, I lit lie,uai trembled with ns ten cents a pound, while my sotic it Marcb IS, 1917. t 'nty Dirau. The Doctor tald the dead self is worth thirty cents a WATER NOTICE SUMMER SHOES t threatened wIlliDropty. Ilerllmha I pound more, simply because the gc .1 body were all swollen and we began jliorden Government's friends do DIVERSION AND USE AN'T trait yourself to slippery leather, U think she could not lire. Finally,we TAKE NOTICE that Ceorre McRae the handling. When I compart whote air-a I Sklderate, B. C wll in sail boat decided to try "Fruit-stives". St canoe, or yacht And,, i ten cents a pound with forty cent. WOOL EMBROIDERITS apply .i.r a lirenec to Uke and ue I If iff an la thaw improvement tler u Mad ' coble feel per minute or water out ol of have to have Fleet Foot I ask which often Ihr fnen ker few tablet.. In a short time, it pound is Here is a pretty dress of grey Denuter Creek, wbleb flow northerly ana course, you the swelling had all pone down and her greater hog, myself or the packer: crepe de chine with deep bands of drain into All ford Bay, abou: IS ebauu Shoes for tennis, baseball, golf and flesh bepan to look more natural. Xow The Horse I see? my llnish. embroidery in wool of vivid color from Uie X. E. corner of T. L. III. Tt hei the kealtkieit one in tke family They're talking of tractors fonings. The deep sash Is of Tan water wtu be diverted from tbe aiream al lacrosse. Fleet Foot Pumps or low shoes are the a pilot about ten cbaina weat from .Vv and has no aigni of the old ailment. the farm. May I never live to see serine velvet, enmer of Lot 4, B. C Daberlea, and wit proper accompaniment of Summer apparel. We ran not ay too much for " Fruit a-Uvea" them! However, there's one thing' be a ted for pow er porpote opon tbe lane And Fleet Foot Summer Shoes cost so much less and would never be without that may stave off the evil day (the home market is protected for deaCrtbed at tdjolnlnr Timber Limit II: them". the tractor Is no fertilizer. IUs apples so that we ncedn t sell la application to leate. than leather, that it is real Tbla notice waa potted en tbe irounr WILLIAM WAItrtlLV. must admit that I oaw a ray of at home, we needn't and we in tbe lltb day of January, HIT economy to wear them. COe. a hot, 0 for JX&Q, trial sU. XV. hope when the war started. Thedon"l. t think it would be cheaper yevr of thit notice and an appiieatiot S At a't . .. rt or irtt rmlicwi 03 horses young Mr. Foster bought 'and altogether more satisfactory pHirtsaat thereto and to tb Water Aet Look trim and neat enjoy f:xe by Fi lirejlj for the to eat the 1111 wiu be filed in ibe omce of Um (P0MlNOf) a.. ;..,; !, for the Ilorden Government down consumer ap yoarmlf and Water Deeordcf at Prince noperL Ob taw money, i n m Nova heotla encouraged me to ples grown, so to speak, at his JeclHni io tbe application may be Me by wearing Fleet Foot this believe that I might be called on own door, instead of bringing with tbe aald Water Recorder or wltr How Will You- Protl to serve my country .somewhere them from thousands of miles Ibe Comptroller of Water Rlfht. Ftrlla tunvner 203 in France. liul when I came to distant, but apparently the IJor. ment Bulldmct, Victoria, B. C. witbii Your Wife thirty daya after tbe Oral appearance o think it over I saw that I wasn't den flo eminent doesn't see it Jilt notice In a local newtptper. old enough for the Job. I am that way. Tb dale or tbe Brtt publication or thir I and flap children should you sound in wind and limb, and still The w heat Don't talk to me. sollc la rebruary Slat, HIT. fall ill lose CEOROE McRAE. ApptlranL Internal or your employ sprightly. I judge from the ni ii once in itiio. nave em a Bathing's men! ? Have you money in horses they bought"in Nova Scotia bumper crop and then had to hand Navigable Waters Prote.lon AcL the Hank to tide the family that only those with no teeth and it over to the elevator combine, R. S. C-, CHAPTER AS. Rapid Growth over until you arc "on your a nerious disposition need apply. Couldn't get the railways to move feet" ajjain r Tb Grand Trunk Paeine Railway Com It's true they painted horses down it. fiovernment wouldn't let me pany hereby rive notice Uut It bat, under It I bat natural to expect that a relief Every married man should in I'eel county to gel them into get an extra ten cents a bushel by Jeetmi 7 or tb aald Act, o poll led wltb rrom Constipation and Um many IHa TIMBER SALE open an account in our the army, but, even at hat, I don't means of a free exchange with the tb Minuter ul Public Work al Ottawa, X951. which It caute. which la to effectual and Savings Department and put think 1 could make up to look old T'mte Slates, mi I had to lake the tnd In tbc ome of tbe Dlitrtct Rcrtttrat to natural a Internal Bathing, abould f lb Land nealatry Office. Olttrlet of tendera will be received tbe Sealed by by a part of his earnings everv I hae Uiat way.' price offered by the milling in- quickly make many convert. (enough. no gift week monlh. rtnc Rupert, at Prince Rupert, a deterip. Mlnitier or Landt not later than noon era Bui lit general Die bat lucreated so or j f i lie jtuiau ikjii.k i ma uiaint me. irirsm ui iui aiiis market imi ttun of UM tile and plan of lumber mill the III day of June. 117. for tb pur Iremendoutly In tb patt few year as to Sath , earwlaf lalerett, oil! h ILet the Ilorden (ioveriimenl do it. red that market barred. What and ether worka propoted to be built In chase of Licence X9II. to cut ItlSSS tuggett other reatont. and these are round a welcome protection lor Ike laraily. 'They bate their War Measures am I to do about it? Why even Jie Prlnc nopert barbor at Prince Rupert. eel of Spruce and Cedar, and tl.SOO In Um ttatement or uteri that they reel A Saving Anowl may be spewed srttlah Columbia, In front of Waterfront lineal feet of Hemlock piUnr, on aa area aa ir "made over new" tbe morning arter with owe dollar. Act. Let them use it. Twq mil. this year they wouldn't help me Clock: -r. aecordlnr to re lit lei ed plan of kn a at Lot lilt, Oueen Charlotte DU- an Internal Bath, lion bushels surplus and people' to get 91.70 a bushel from the ibe to utile or the ttld city of Prince tn-i. tlluated on iutkatla InleL Tbe elimination of the peruieiout and THE BANK OF .starving for potatoes in one prov-jiucc IlritUh government. Never again! Rupert rertatered In Um aforetald land rwo'(t) year will be allowed for rt- polaonoua watt which Is ever pre tent In while the rot in They landeV me on false pre reaiiiry JHet aa .o. Sfl, Section 7. au ival or limber. tbe Lower Inieaune glvea Jtatur a chance potatoes another. British North Ancriea AID TAKE .10TICE that after tbo ei rortbee- parUculars or the chief For- to work unhampered. And one trltet In A little intelligent fore. tences in 1915. They'll have to plratlon of oo monUi rrom tb date of esler, Victoria, B. C or Dlttricl Foreater. tbe morning clear-beaded, able, brlghl sight on the pari of a government show me this lime. II F. C. tb Cnl publication of tbla notice, the Prince Rupert. B. C. coondent and eager for the dayt dutlea. that has a War Measures Act to Grand Trunk PaclBe RtCmay Company Mr. r. E. Smith wrllet: rrrtAL and si plus, will, under Section 7 or tbe tald Act, apply ,TIMBER SALE X8S4. "Dear Doctor, Tour 'Cateade made a operate under and a' Hallway Salvation Army. to lb Minuter of PobUe Worka at bit new man or me at the are or 41. I per-auaded PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH IkHumUsion to order the railways oIBce In tbe City of Otuwa for approval my wife to ute Um treatment alto, about that. I tbe aald tit and plan and for leav Sealed tender will be received by the W.J.SUrrCEBS Msnaflcr would soon remedy Public meetings, Tuesdays, and today aba bat better health than repeat it don't blame me. If Thursdays and Saturdays at S conttnict tb tald worka. Minuter of Land not later than noon on ever before. Since tbe uae of tbe 'Cat. p Dated at Wlnnlpcr. Manitoba, tbl tltt tbe 10th of day May. HI 7. for tbe pur- cade a he tleept better and can walk for r potatoes are five dollars a bag in in. t-umiays at iiju p. m. day or Pebruary, A. D. HIT. cbate or Licence X SU. to cut 111.009 nourt without raugu. Fainting tpellt riRC ALARM Ontario and are going begging in THE ORA.ND TRL'MK PACIFIC RAILWAY feet of Spruce. Cedar, Hemlock and Bal have become a condlUon or the patt; can SVSTIM. New lirunsw ick, blame the mullet-heads Special discounts of 0r on go COMPA.1T. II. II. HAX3ARD. SoUcltor. tarn on aa area tlluated adjoining- Lot 31, eat anythinr on tbe bill or rare and drink CIRCUIT MO. 1. nl Ottawa who are too busy carls and baby carriages- at LAND REGISTRY ACT Sooth BenUck Arm. Ran re , Coatt Dlt-Wet, all beverage. Doea not take cold wben exposed; hot weather doea not cauae it 4ih St. and Srd Acs. providing chances for their profiteering TiteV If. two It) year wilt be allowed for re- op-preatlon." Bi IS $l tod Srd At. friends to get rich to oL (SecUont IS and 114.) moral or timber. Tbe "J. B. t Cateade,"" the moat em-" Bi H tU . tod Srd A. .lend to a little matter like proper LAND KEGISTHY ACT Re Applicauont Ho. SOIS-I and I0I7-I, Farther particulars of the Chief Foreater dent device for Internal Bathing, It being Mi it JuarlkM or lit. tad and nunc HOI. Victoria, B. C. or DUUIet Foreater, Prince tnown and explained in deuil by Cyril U.-Ortne. ird Ave, idittribution of the food products TAKE NOTICE tbal appUcaUon bat been RuperL B. C- Drugglat, corner 3rd Av. and Sth a IS in A.. between tu aud l of the country. (Sfttlom IS and III.) made to 'reguter SarahLando, of Prince StreeL Prince RuperL Aak for free booklet, sua su. (knot Hotel). ' The tipple--No apples lo cal in R AppUcaUon o, SI,II I, FUiof Ml 4. Rupert. B. C. at owner in fee under two TIMBER SALE X896. -Why Man of Today I Only 10 Per 4i 17 HI Ave. and Tib SL (Cen- ian apple country? The West In TAKE .10TICE Uut appUcaUon bat been Tat Sal Deed from tb Collector or tbe Cent. EfflclenL" tr you prefer, write to (nl Hotel I. tutu to rttuter John Berpnan, or rrtne Qty of Prince Rupert, betrtnr date tbe Dr. Chat, A. Tyrrell. IS! Co He re atreet. dian banana our national fruit? Huprt, B, C, ai ownrr In rve under a find day or September. HIS. and ALL A.D Sealed tender win be received by tb Toronto,, for aame, CIRCUIT NO. 2. Well, what better could you ex. Tai Sal Drcd rrooa Ux Collector or tb M.NOlLAn tbal ceruln parcel or tract of Minuter or Land not later than noon on i 12 ard a and-lrd SL iroil neel from the Horden Oovern- a tr of Prlnc Ruprrt, Iwtrior date Ux land and premlaet tlluate. lylm and being tbe totb day or June. 117. for tho pur. MINERAL ACT ome. menl's blundering manipulations. ISIb dtr Of Srptember, tilt. Of ALL A3D in Ibe Municipality or Prlnc Rupert, mora cbate of Licence X SSI, to cut S.ISt.OOO tea S3 3rd At. and Mt Bride SL ! Jl0LLAn Lbi I certain parrl or tract ol parUcuIarly known and deacrlbed a Lot reel f Spruce, Cedar. BaUam and Hen-lock f4iMj(v, and McRrld SL 1 1 am a signal example of-how the land and prtitli tituate, l)-tnr. and b-loc eleven (II). Block twenty-eight (til. on an area tlluated on'the eatl abore Corllftcato of Improvsmonta. s rs fod a. and tnd SL blamed thing works out. I may in lo MuulcipaUiy or Prlnc Rupert. Section SU (. and Lot thirty-three (IS), of Matbteton Channel. Ranr 3, Coatt Dlt- S tnd Av. and tin SL grow- in Hritlsh Columbia, but it mor parllcttltriy knon ai Lot Tn tlO), Block forty-tit te . Section Eight (l. tricL NOTICE si st -a. t. p. that I sell there. Block rir ft) Section Seven 7- Mt. Map III. Three 3 year will b allowed for r- doesn't follow its. You are required to cootett th claim nwial of timber. "Douratl "Dourall Fractional." and CIRCUIT MO. 3. No I pay the freight all the way You ar rrqutred to contevl lb cliln r tbe Ux puechater within II day from rurlber particular tt tb Chief Foreater. "Waterfront Mineral Clalmt. altuat In i II lib Ave. and ruliou SL across the continent and sell at of lb tai purcbater wltbin itur'r-nn the dale of th tervtc of lht noUc Victoria, B. C or Dlatrlct Foreater tt tbe Skeena Mining Dlvtalon of Cattlar Dlatrlct G 32 Surdra in.V-Tixlor su. live rents each in Ontario, which, days rroin u dtt of in aervu- cf ibli (whtcb"may b effected by publlcaUon). Prlnc Rupert, B. C. JT. nolle tbtcb may b, cffecied by Aril' and your attention It called to teclloo Where located: On tb wtt aid or " 34 Tib At. ana rulioa SL sends its good Apples Bat 38 Sib in turn, terd Mall or a Directed, and your at 10 of Um -Und Registry Act" wltb TIMBER SALE X913. head of Alice Arm. 37- sib Ave,Ave. and and Comoi At. overseas io F.ngtand. In short, (rouon I called to tec I ton IS of lot amendment, and to tb following extract TAKE NOTICE that I. Richard B. Me-Clnnlt, lKdr puce i as tb Land ItesUtry Acr witb amendmcau, there from: "and In default of al ... Free Mlnefa CertlBcat No. IllOt. Av. utd TbompMin SL vimI to tn follow in t cttrict therefrom; caveat or certificate of lit pendent being s"" wna u received ny ue acuug a agent for tbe Dolly Varden Mtnea . ."tud In default of a caveat or cer un Sled before tb regulation aa owner or Minlner of Und not later than noon on Company, rre Miner's Certlflcat No. Ht-C CIRCUIT MO. 4. til of li pendent belnr Bled before tbt tb pertoti entitled under aucb tax aile. aUi"1 " ot un. 7 Tor tbe pur. Intend, titty days rrom tb date hereof, i 4t - 4Ui Ave. and tnunerton rrrwiratluat as, oner. or I be peraon eo- perwna o aerved wltb notice. and eb" r Ucnc x. " " .4Sl.O0O to apply to the Muting Recorder for a fUcs. Stuart J. Martin tilled under turn lax talc. aU pertoni m UM claiming tbrougb or under them, and J"1 of Hemlocs, Cilir and Spruce, and Certiflcate of lmprovementa, for tbe pur-pot s in a. and Mrbrld hl trrved wim nolle and tbot cltimini all pertont claiming any interval In tb ' ,ww1 r of Pmn- on ,r of obtaining a Crown Grant ot Um e 43 lib av. and Orvn SL tnrourb or under tbeui, and all peraont land by virtu oPany unreglltered lnatru- " Lo . iutkaUa Inlet, Oraham abore claim. tit 44 -41b Av, and Patll SL ASSAVLri uimior any Inter! In tb land by vtrtw ment. and all peraon claiming any U- ,Mina- 0tt.1 Cbarloti Wand DittrtcL And further lake notice that action, under o 4a Tib av. and UKru. r any unrerU lered tntlmment, and at terett In tb laud by detcent wbote Utl TnrM 4r WI owed for r. tec Hon S3, mutt be commeaced before 141 Tib Av. and Youor SI. HAZELTON U. 0. prrtuiia claiuinr any Interval In lb lanr nol regltttitd under tb provltlona of ,,,OT, ,ullBr' tbe Ittaance of auch Certificate of lui by desrrut bo lltla la not refluent Ihlt AcL aball b for vr ealoprd and nrr trncuiar or in t,mr roreat prurementa. nixltT lb provuiona .of tbla Act. aball U dr barred frwn telUng up any cUUn to or Vlciorla. B. C, or DUtrtet Fortttcr. Dated thit tlth day or April, A. D. IS 17. for ever alopd and debarred from aet In rpct of the Und w told for latea, rloc "up", n. u Jy. S. RICHARD B. McaiNMS. Thn oldest established Assay Uur up any claim to or In reipetl or tbc and tb Regitlrar aball reguter tb peraon laud so sold tor latea. and tb Iteslairai enlliled under auch tax aal a owner ot Prince Rupert Feed Go. OIHco In the North. i ball reslater Um peraon follUed undoi he land to aald for la tea." ucb lat aal aa owner of the land k AMI WHEREAS application baa bees O. Sat 333. Coa Thirs A i. told for latea aiad for a Certiorate of Indefraalbl Title AMU ,WII LUCAS application baa be In lb abort-mentioned landa. In lb nam ' FRED STORK'S HARDWARE RECEIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS niaiH for a Certiorate of Indereaaibte Title vt Sarah Laudo, ' ih AND tb " " 1 ' 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ' ' ' to abovementloned lant, in lb nam WHEREAS on tnvetligatlng tlUe nr 1 J Jobn Berrniant It appear tbal prior to th 1 4th day of FOR CAMNEP.YHTrlN WC HANDLE Tilt LNOINtyRtriN LMtNTl AND W1IEHEAS on lovatl(iini tbt September, till, (tbe date on whlcb tb Stesle A Brlgus, 7 Handles' ml It ai-petrt that prior to tb lib daj aald land were told for ovrrdu taxet). Wo liavo ailJetl to our stock of valves and pipes a complete Ferry's Maokentls's or September. UII. (lb da!t jtn wblra ou were the regltlered and ttaeaaed ' line of Ilubber UeltiiiK at right prices, and lb aald landa er told for overdue owner ibereof, FOR FISttKrUKN ssmini I Qtrien and Field Seeds. risNCRMsirsi latea) you wer lb aaed ownei rUriTlltH TAkE NOTICE tbal at tb 11S A complete stock of I lie. beit ijoods that money can buy for Also I Oil. 1.3 la. bf 7 thereof, ant um I aball effect reglttratloo In i Fertilisers. rtertt pwe. rUllTIIEIt TAKE M0TICE tbal al tb purauanc .or aach application and laau a trolling pring- Itrass, 8ilver and Ilronie. HAY, GRAIN AND FEED to tints I aball effect resialratlon It Certificate of Indefraalbl Title to Ux aald, 3 3-4 la. kf S 1-1 14 SS FOR THE WATERFRONT Cnickati i orL purtuanr of lurb application and ! laud lit II run or "Sarah LaodJ unlcaa f x FesJ,. A tpocUlty. Certinrat of Indefeanbl Till to tb said uu itk and proMcute tb pmper pro- The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and VurHUlies Special boat - 0l 1.3 '"i land In lb saw of Jobn Bcrsman uirfeii ceedinr to ubllib your claim. If any. paint "FLPOMZK" -A complete line of Ship Glwidlery, Ws Take Orders for Nursery Ho4 PwS tab and to iht'tald uch jnu protrcuu lb proper pro-ec landa, ur to prvvvni pro FOR EVERY&NC Stock. dinra io iblirt your claim. If an puard action ott my part. . Information to tho tid tanda, or i prevent aucb pro DATED al Und Reguiry OffltX A flue stock of Hardware, Gurney's Oxfofd 8lovs. "'I Ofir Prtmfllr Atltn4l T. Tor Further Apply to pnd aetlon on my park Prlnc Rupert. P. C, ihia tstb day of 1 We Sell Nothing But Tho BesL tHTXI) tt lb land Hesiatry Offlct rll, A. I). 1117, Prlnc Rupert, B, a, tbt stb day o H. T. MACUOD. w c wiLiiscnorT 0ceobr, A. D. III. DHtrlcl Reswear Of THe ADVERTISE IN H. f, 'MACLEOD, fo Ckaetea ptenlu, sa to Lot SI) FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Prince Rupert, B. 0. tr IT. Dlatrltt RerUlrar of THIea H. r. Clark and II. O. Richer. . The Daily News To SUnon Pteron, DsvtavlH, CaUfornla. aa to UI II. ''eeeeeeeeeeeeee.eeeee'eeeeeeeeeeeeji