ltlE DAILY MEWS M.ndny, May 2, ,g. THEATRE yxsiLjjciaut''8;jagi sv aHeBTgwfasa WESTHOLME j1 FOOD WCTATOK G. H. Arnold FOR THE DOMINION Local News Notes lory Thus of slronnly the Kl allractho'" uenulno lovo flavor. It truly depleU NOTARY PUBLIC Mr. It. K. Neill, or Spokane, is Oriental Last. The Winnipeg, Way 20 Tho Telegram's life as it is I" e In the city. made from Ottnwn correspondent pictures shown wero wires.! Take advantago of Tito's real life there. The Algerian W'a write Flro and Marine special camel drivers discounts for two weeks, tf. dancers, musicians, Insurance, representing "A food controller for Canada H strange, parapiirnimia and only strong, liberal companies. probably will bo appointed by tho Mr. 1, I). .Munro arrived In the'of Algerian life are shown a Government this week. The whole city Inst night from Terrace. they really exist. VP'" question will be discussed, by the kind of dsncing are performed by We sell Heat Kstnte, and just Cabinet within the next few days . Mr. P. J, Conway, of Alice Arm, ih native dancing women in tins now li n v e some real and it is understood tho majority is spending a few days' here. j wonderful photoplay, but more of the ministers favor truv np ui n"" SNAPS. Ask us about beautiful man any polntmenl-of one man with full Mr. J. C. Davidson, of Silverloti, Lenore Ulrich In the them. authority, to deal with tho question, is In the city for a day or two. IJ,. nm, ipangles of tho cele. We have apartments, houses lie will act In conjunction Port"1 ?ni .Tl L'tli Mr. A.J. WaU.nson, of with Herbert G. Hoover, former -Tf stores and offices for rent, llnNn. chairman of the Jtelgian Belief Simpson, has arrived in the city. and want more. or the evening, which performance Commission, whom President s II tifltftru rw ill Tvnmvrilnri fit anln . h.i a very potent... Influence..on. wee-uvawa r---"-"vj aire. CUIU - - - - H. O. HELQER80N, LTD Wilson has announced lie has sc. or reiit at the City Weigh Scales. Ulafsa career. Ailc-gciner. mi Iccted become Food Controller tq, lis a fascinating nnu nigniy m- m the United Slates. n thing you see at Goldbloom's'mantic play, and of tho kind to be Wlda Powers. you can depend that the nrices ' remembered. There will also tie MMI" flllnwn Mnv frt Arennllncr In are right. 125. a Topical lludget shown, giving the Ottawa Ciliien, the controller views of all the latest events. "Tbe Daily News" of food supplies whom tho Gov Mr. U. II. llartlett, of Uutte, ernment intends to appoint will Montana, is paying a visit to Word has been received In the THE BEAUTY OF SUNLIGHT CLASSIFIED ADS. have very wide powers. He will Prince Hupert. city from Mr. Fred lnjnl. who used is that every garment washed with it bean the be with limit vested authority to be accountant for Messrs. to imprcis of. purity; a purity begotten of the amount of food products New goods come into Gold. Lynch Itros. He Is still in France clmnting oils, and maintained by absolute sweet clct i which may be kept in storage and bloom's every week. It Will pay and so far has not received n li'vs ii nianulacture: a purity exalted by the WANTED. also to compel, whenever he deems you to inspect them. 125. scratch after his two years' ser- co-operation oi workers united for the purpose 1 LITELUGCIT PERSON MAT "EAR it necessary, the distribution and " .WLf a purity demonstrated by the $5,000 uarav i ttt monthly eorrespoadinr for ntwi-pipers; marketing of foodstuffs. The.regulation All lines of Iron beds, springs. which rests upon every bar ol SUNLIGHT iO.u ,au lo 149 to 110 monthly la pr or fixing of prices may be mattresses, sheets and pillows at . o timet experience unnecessary! no can Tile's reduced 20. ' If. z. . . a M Miiw frr ImmUfkl t 4 es W V mr Ttuinr: subjects surrcsted. Send for a subsequent development. It will m . Uml m tkt mu-1mJiIi a.. particular. National Press Burtau not be applied until restricted ! d 9x 10 H at 15 discount al The latest casualty list carries U The ssm Lever ea tees) Is a srssws , roocn tilt, Buffalo. N. Y. marketing has been tried and its tf. H ei Fwriry a4 EaseBewce. the name of Pte. W. Morris, ofJUe. f effects shown in abnormal FOR SALE preventing Prince Ilupert, killed. prices of food. LAND ACT FOR SALE ."Mce lerel corner lot, near toe Fancy cups, saucers, and. din Cold S torse, not far from drj-doc: ner sets at Tile's at reduced prices 1100. Terms. Apply Dally ew' offlce. tf SKEENA LAND DISTRICTDISTRICT or US". V THE MAILS for the next two weeks. tf. COAST, RANOU MVE. rOR SALE .Twenty-root launch, seven II. ralrbankMore enrioe. Barrain. For the East. Miss A. M. Grant, or Hazclton, Take notice that we. Cvt MUHrd rack- Appljr Savor Hotel. tf. has arrhed in the citv and willUnr Ccmpanr. LUnited. of Vancouvtr, oe- FOR SALE NeClary Ranre and Household Tuesdays, 2 a. in. take up duties in the Torestry de- 1"1-; n. .Jt"?.' If effects. Wednesdays, 9:30 . I permission lo lease th. Apply ftl Fourth Are. East. a m. piiriiiieiit. scribed lands: rR SALE Roomy cruiser, 41 . by Saturdays, 9:30 a. m. Connor or in f at a po Plmd al the IU Jn. to h.p. Rail co enclne. Heary From tha East. Mr. J. L. Galen, of Valdet, southeast corner or Lot II7 theoee soaia feulL Barrain. Address John H. Wilson, Alaska, has returned lo the city 1 chains to sow water markt tbrttce north ox 3)7, Anyox. B. C. ItS. Tuesdays, 5:30 p. m. from Usk, where he was visiting westerly tt. chain follow in i low water DENTISTRY mark; tbeoce north t chains to the Orand Prince Rupert Dairy FOUND Thursdays, 5:30 p. in. on mining business. Trunk Pacific ntal of sy thence soelh Sundays, 3:10 p. m. easterly tt chain following said rtM unoc new AAiAasEMrtrr MOWS aaO SliDSI WOSt roUJtD Lady Vanity Bsc. Apply Daily Mr. W. T. DietrichV of San cf-way to the place of twfiaalnr and con-tsininr a irtouiT Hews office. u. For Vancouver. Francisco, has returned to the II acres. PACKINO COMPANY PURat HOLST1EM MILK on. j. s. cnowh LOST Tuesdays, 4 p. m. city. He went up to Skeena Cross OUSSE UNITED,M1LLERD J I CUCAM OtWTItT Thursdays, 10 p. m. ing on mining business. Aprti tnd. (tlT. J. rred Ritchie, arenL BKrrTtrHIILK 01 SI aatn Sesa. Ikes a. LST Bunch of keys. Finder pleas return Sundays, 4 m. to the Dally ?(et.i office. tf. p. Terrace is looking very well IN THE MATTER Of AN AtfLICATlON . O. BOX BM PHOME W From Vancouver. just now. The number of fruit for tbe issue of a fresh certiScate of title LOST Gold Brooch at Salt Lakes yesur-Uijr. for Lots One (1) and Two !. Block Wednesdays, 10:30 a. m. trees there is made apparent by All Or ere fewaietly Allawded Te. One of Finder please return to Dally Eleven (111. Section (1), City ."i omce. Fridays. 3 p. m. their loads of blossoms. Prtnce Rupert, Map ttt. NOTICE It IIEREdT OIVEN thai It I PL McKay, Proprietor. MISCELLANEOUS Sundays, 7 p. m. Elmer O. Hawes, of Spokane, my Intention to Issue after the etplrsuoa J.L.H1CKEY Alternate Mondays from Janu was in the city yesterday, lie is of one moaih from the Brst publication TALBOT HOUSE Good Room. Every coo-rtnience. hereor, a rresh Cerunrate of Title ror the from where he Hot water bain. 11.10 and It ary 1st. returning Stewart, above mentioned kit In tbe baa of tbe wweeee CONTRACTOR A SUILCEff axr week. SOc aod Ste. a nltnL For Anyox. has been on mining business. AtUnUe Reany aod Improtemenl Company U mi led. which Ceruaeaie of Title was PACIHC CARTAGE, LTD. Store and Office futures, S RAD U ATE NURSE (CM B.London) Term Wednesdays, 10 p. m. A tea in. aid or the lied Cross Issued on the tttb October. ISIS, on ap moderate, apply P. O. Box HI. or Fridays, 8 p. m. will be held at the home of Mrs. pUcstloo received the tout October, It If. Fash, Door a4 MiWlnji, Phone 41. and la numbered tst-L Sundays, 8 p. m. Moorhouse, 1216 Eighth Avenue, May ttth. HIT. Geieral Oak and Hard Woods ot stl FARM LANDS EasL on Wednesday first from 3 Land Reentry Omce. Teawag kind. From Anyox. till 5. Prince Rupert. B. C REOO.I AND CALIFORNIA RAILWAY CO. Thursdays, Sundays and Tues II. P. MACLEOD. ooMcrrto Wo SoocUllxa In Mar4 RANT LANDS. Title to same revested it. to. District Reftstrar, BLACKSMITH COAL wood Boat Ribs, !, Is Ur.Hed Sutes by act of Congress days. Films developed 10c. by the slated June t, lilt. Two million, three dep tank method, 10c. per roll Csrwful AtUnllon Co Plsno Doora, ate. hundred thousand acre to be opened NOTICE any size. Prints from 3c. to 5c. Plsts and Shset Olsts and far homesteads and sale. Timber and and furniture) RomovAls. agricultural land, contalninr some of Oet the best from jrour films. It AT ROWE'S PLUMBING Olailng. best land left In United States. Now Is TAKE NOTICE that we, Albert costs less at Mcllae Hros. 127. ... AND PHONK S3. Corner Frassr and 6lh SU. the opportune time. Larre map show. & McCaffery, Limited, of tho city lands section and of SHEET METAL WORKS tor by description Tho tea held last Wednesday GREEN 29 .toll, rumate. raUfaiL elerauon. ett'of Prince Ilupert, li. C, merchants PHONE Postpaid one dollar. Grant Lands Lo- have applied to the Dominion by Mrs. Svendsen aleal Cote in Thar "ta naeellae Tense, alley P. O. BOX US. .Box aid of tho Ited Cross realized !, Beseke Bucks, Cttlataef Tare, -tint Co., eio. rortund. Qreron.jcpver nment for permission to and all the week thet Is aeeelli Seee -J build an addition to wharf now 17.25. Tho raffles were won by lis the OLD PSSHIOntO TIN BMOF, STEEN & LQNGWILL saccsu land DiSTfticT oiSTHiOT ofjgitualed ori Lots Three (3), and Mr. Dybhavn and Mrs. Stevens. WrTM ALL THE LATIBT DOMTN-TO-DATI SVOIW BPBOULIZEO, () TAXE NOTrrSrtUsh ColumbU .T Over thirty merchants of the ae MVLIOMTS, CONNICIS, tla. SANITARY AND HCATINQ C.ainr Company. Umited. of Victoria. B Prince Ilupert, said are owned teeflklnf la the lias fee Mill, ftlae Sheet Metal Work c, stiroon canner. intend to apply fot by the Provincial Government and city were summoned to appear in tr Pacteey. Sletse put p and eee-ected KNOIMCKIIS permission to lease tbe followlnr describ 'leased to US. tho police court this morning and U beller, lUeriaf la all Maawea ed foreshore Undi Commendnf at for Wedi klnda ef snatselaL lslrlnf ef all pol answer keeping open on 1 ani. 0t construction of said Agsnta for been to the Bast 1 or the Skeenal fclada. PSICIS SIOHT, SCJtVICE planted on the north ban afternoon last. Rier, &I0 feet south from the southeast addition are being submitted to nesday They were riRST-CLASS. A SATISPIIO OUS-TOBJER McCLARY FURNACES beeome) acquainted with all aw eoroer or Lot tt, R. I. Coast Distrtcti , the Public Works Department each fined $2. IB OUR AIBL era methods of outfitUns; -aol.n tbanee south too feets westerly ! Dominion Government by the PHONE S40. P. O. BOX 447. PLUMBINQ boaU, aa used by Eaatern shot. and northerly parallel to be .shore line,. t'Provincial Government. Mr. Will Stephen, of the Royal Pacteey aed Office SEX ted Ateaee .isn.tane. r in rt aad 2ad SUeet, close U Oew Bay and Dank staff, is leaving on Thursday S Tanks, Pipe-fitting a point too feet south of the sou it ALHEIIT & McCAFFEItY LIMITED and aeieeemeiil Wharf Gasoline . beandary of the Orand Trunk Paciae rati- .Dated 22nd May, 1917, J24 night to do hit bit: He has DSL KEItaiN BUILDIMO. SHEET METAL WORKS and Plumbing, war; tnence westerly ana oormerij par been in the city now for many Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. allel to the said tifbt-of-way to a point M. years and his many friends will Nlffht nhrinsi 570 and aU lines of Sheet ii Hanson. B.A. due south of the S. W, comer or Lot St; thence north too feet to the point of In. W. X, wuiiams. B.A. L.L.B wish for him a safe return. nd Illue 270 :: Metnl Work : - tesaectlon of the south boundary or said WILLIAMS A MANSON Tho rloht work, at tho right snd Skii! tiiyht-of'Way; thence southerly and easterly Mr. It, lieaumont, assistant to to feel Prompt Att-rrtion Barristers, Solicitor, Etc. tlmo, and at tho right prlco. Wotkmanehip alonf said rlfbt-of-way to a point Captain .Nicholson, of the O. T. P. wkere said boundary line strike shore OMKV TO LOAM 8. R. Co., has been in the for line; thence alony hi rn water mark to the ' Boa lilt city LETOURNEAU xlat or comniencemenL I Htlrsrsoo Bloeft rnaee Raaert, B. C the last day or two In connection FreshaiKlFit FOR H. A. W. CARTER. I with the inaugurating of the new SUBSCRIBE 621 SIXTH AVENUB Ac tint as a tent for the B. C Cannint service to Ketchikan by tho Tillamook. rk-Illk 325 P.O. Poaltt Co., Llmlud. you must keep your stomach The Daily News February 16 in, hit. FREE well, your liver active, The water al the ttalt lakes the bowels regular,and your PHONE BLACK 306. yesterday was fine. Many of the blood pure. Your physical Prince Ilupert folks were In en. condition depends on the A HOT BATH THE Joying a splash. Tho fine weather health of these French and aundry "HSrSlsftOSai 7 eSBBBWSMS, k citizens templed across several the hundreds harbor of ya-lerday the When anything goes organs.wrong MINUTE YOU.. WANT- ....A.iatnmeii IT I" Satisfaction SuaranUd 1'IbbbI Ml I AM ifsTW iiBMa picnicing. inn oro l.l""water in- just take r1 L-cttiutr ti.ii.v- "nt the sat- iev A Mr, J. Jirysou, or Poreher Island, klnnliy. Mr. M, T, McCormack. or Anyox, and Mr. D, C. Anthony, or a few doses of Beccham's nils Water in the some way w Alice Arm, are in the city today. and avoid any serious illncsa. abundance, rt-Rirdless i They are interested in mining They are a fine corrective and how much has hern uJ properties on Porcher Island, tonic for the system, and a before. CANADIAN WOMEN which they have been Inspecting, peat help in maintaining good MOT WATER LIKE MA0I0 SHOULD KNOWTHII health. A sinRle box will "CANADA FIRST"Milk Is the BEST MKlc The !tev. Dr. (Irani has received ! prove the remedial value of Harry Hanson '(ft mpp!bH2 st'JIi YsurCroctr. The Covrrnraent llutlelln from Mr. "Jack" Klrkpatrlck, now hrlnfcT K.305tfc;itheUory-ITCOSTTiESAME. at the front, a New Testament, Hot Water Service convenience. KEOUM'S tm this which was picked up on Vimy 395 BOX I(tP sa vklnwa ftrMB.cklllCMJ ffi"EnpotU4 llirftfu. after the advance by the PHONE 49 P.O. -iltua kipasoiih fictfeaiMMH. Canadians there recently. It beam a r ' Tss AYLMKK CONDENSED MILK CCLto. ... on the title page, "From Alice to PILLS ,),ii))i"""111 Ernest." This U only a slight 'clue as la the giver, to whom the In The Daily News hook will gladly be given. Advertise