The Daily news vol. VIII. NO. 128. PJIINCH HUPKIIT, II. dFHUUY JI NK I, .1917. PHICK FtVK GRNT ALL FRONTS ARE PREPAI FOR ADVANCE RAIDS AND LOCAL ATTACKS CONTINUING ON WESTERN FRONT UNCEASINGLY ALLIES TO STATE HUNGER HASTENS THE ITALIANS I THEIR WAR AINIS , GERMANY'S DEFEAT CONSOLIDATE London, May 30, The correspondent has been advised on com. Among the' most Instructive of pelent authority that Premier the multitudinous articles In the NEW GROUND It Hint' rf'f-pnl statement nf German press on the reduction of France's aim in the war was the tbe bread ration fs one in The it ; Munich Neuesle Nachrichtcn, first uf what Is to be a series of Austrian Counter Attacks are headed "Our Daily Bread." It has statement. I'acli nf the Allies been matter for the Repulsed Prog r it Mad never an easy In Albania Attacks will make n similar statement as German to live, says the leading By Huna Fall. to its aims. When these have i Bavarian Journal. German soil been made, all the Allies will issue ; had to be coaxed into supplying Home, Junel No further aJ-anccs a single combined announcement' BSlfolfSK yEEm iBvfrBBBBSO the daily bread of the people. The have been made by Hie on their war aims, such as was world's granaries were remote Italian forces Jti the Held. Tlie issued In response to President j Patiently and anxiously the husbandman newly captured positions are be. Wilimi'a fnininiH oenee note. It ' had to work, and saw mg consolidated, and several is understood' that the combined I desolation brought into the land stroug counter attack have been statement will declare that the by enemy troopers, Swedes., Pan-durs, -epulsed. From Information rr. Allies agree, absolutely on the re-1 French. Hunger, pestilence rivrd, the Amtrian authorities (duration of Ilelgium, Serbia and and death followed in their train. have ordered Hie evacuation of lloumania, the redemption nf The times are bad enough now, the town of Trieste. Train load AUnee-Lorrainc for France and but these times were worse. ;t goods and material have been the Trentino fur Italy and the j Germany's armies cannot beat ttcooved to the Interior, and thousands autonomy of the Slavs now under ,her in the open. Germany can- of refugees hae lied at. Austrn-llungarian rule. ,nol be forced. An iron wall ?aJy into Dalmalla, All lh statements by the Allied stand, and Germany Is behind it. Rome, June I (Official) . In statesmen recently nave been 'And' as they cannot beat her in Albania our troops continued aimed at Itussia. Though that fair combat, they try secret and o ir advance and several villages country I sound at heart, much cruel methods to choke her. The bate beqn occupied. The opposes- work must be done, especially by people at home are to' defeat the Bulgarian truops, led by German the United Hate. In putting mat-ters armies in the field. A round doien officers, showed little Inclination before the Russian people in of enemies weave and plot their to fight. their true light. I schemes of hunger, and over the French Official. .' pfflia2a2HHSBSS f ocean there is one who helps them Paris, June I. Attacks made THE MUSICIANS OF (with a broad grin on his face. bj the Germans hae been re-pulscd ANYOX MAKE MERRY Hut these wicked machinations at four different point. will" not succeeds may the rope In the regions uf Vain, Laffaux Anyox musicians look advan i intended to choke Germany, choke ItheloTt, violent artillery ae-tlons Germany's enemies. and tage nf an open evening lo give a Great j "We miss the help of thousands are' In progress. dance for themselves in the He- aerial activity has been noticeable. of hands, the last harvest machines creation Hall. This was the first THE OLD WORLD TRAII K' from the Old Warriors to ho New. "Every inch of the was ppQrj.the winter is so long. and fivi - enemy date for ri long time an which at ground covered of . . .The Iiief line-of commit- down. on the Sanat Peninsula is full historical inter-si. Much' has hannened which ouKhl have been British brought Official. least a few of the musical tribe nication Is the old Palestine Hoad. . . .Homant was fought within a rew miles of the site where Pelu-stum not lo have happened, matters London. June I. Haids made were not engaged and they made was won and lost" From the Sydney Bulletin. 'which we do not need to be silent the most of it by giving a dance ! small parlies of derma n 'about and which we cannot forget. y under their own auspice. F. X. RECEIVES MILITARYCROSS SCHEME RUSSIAN GARRISON VON BISSING iTho when tjme ill come repri-BURMINQ troop hae been driven off, to Mre. manager and director of AND IS NOW "MISSING" BEING HUSHED UP TO FIQHT 8ais wjh be taken for food usury the south of Armentleres. Artillery advertised "a Moore's Music, n I land profiteering. But this is a battle are In progress near business orchestra, conceived Uullwouri, and on the right bank Last week Mrs. Ii Smart, of this Copenhagen, via London,- May London, May 31. The exhorta-'question for the future the Idea of having all the musi of the Hlver Scarpe. The Herman cians of the tmvn get together and city received word that her broth. ;3 1.The Von Hissing memoran-jiions of the Hussian Minister ofi TtanUn Belt Tighter. are being Riven no ret, but contribute to the enjoyment of a er. Lieutenant Frank Pcrratou, of;duinf n H,icli the lale Governor War. M. Kerensky, that the Kus-1 What Germans have to con-"There are being worried day and night musical evening, giving the pub-lie tne lioyal huslliers, nau been)General of Delgium urged on the siantnwps cease their attitude of 1.1a. Ttnnr la fhla 0"f is a awarded the Military Cross "for ,certa,n quanUty grain avail-can by local attacks and raids. Many not only the pleasure of good the of the Kmjeror necessity annexation passiveness, and go into the fray work conspicuous gallantry and demo abje. yone of U9 a mall salient have been straightened but also the well rendered, music He of the kingdom, is tabooed with the of bringing about make of it. out In the British line tion to duty." rallied and re object miracle and more pre. pastime nf dancing at the same aralory to a further advanrn. time. The affailr was Informal organized the elements of three U the German press. The the necessary defeat of Germany, The man who has hidden away companies, and rcudered valuable Th'a sack of corn is a traitor. May The casualties inflicted the censor ha apparently forbidden upon at midnight, . nd closed promptly i , . ...,. of his burden him night enemy forces by these small attacks his being the ,tle of dance n- . J its publication, or any reference entire . garrison at Sebastopol, it every counlcp fc , life. There are people drinking continues large. In com. troduced and maintained by the -,.'. .,, nni, or comment upon it. llussia's big fortress and naval milk who know that the children parison, the British losses are regular orchestra. A catchy pro. rmTnation.' The case is similar to that of station in the Crimea, has requested have none. have mall. Two enemy aeroplanes pram of sixteen numbers , Tne Lontlon Weekly News say,: tbe manifesto of the six leagues unanimously that it be "It Is going to be hard with us, been brought down by our ly appreciated, many o the to to the Riga front high.angle Are. grea .UnoPJcJaJ u , , tnat tho early in 19 15. This manifesto by permitted go very hard. But we shall have our Total Casualties. numbers unit to which Lieutenant Pe. ralon the bigMndustriat and agricultural and give battle to the Germans. dally bread. We. do not need to f I a 1 1 v rv s-v - it interpret 'Daily Bread' as was The total British casualties ..rganitations of the empire, ad- i.kk .... TROUBLE IN TURKEY old A in the days. published for the month nf May by the orchestra. interpreted arranged ially ,inc' X1fe Jvanced simular wide reaching dels of 0erman ,Jer cup of milk, a dish of turnips, a amounts to 112,213. .n composite. Of the programs iit1i .,lniv '.ient nf annexation in the east Pans, via London, May 31. salt herring and a handful of -1 i s a vvmas ..oh ri nil BRAZILIAN " , All the officers were placed hors and west, and was published in Turkey is swept with famine and polaloes In war llme U a.80 daily FLEET the different organliallons... ll4 S 1. i ...111. II.. . petilence: her people are panic- . , . ,8. r the iio luiiiuuii ii i l a au rarriiiiiui in w ectn wssm sw breaKir8t all .the sick, IS ON PATROL DUTY si Ihs n.... - r-. - "... at t nrivate danc a, ,,,,,.... i,errnlon. ulll) look The Government at once forbid sincKen anu ner army s morale is - . . lh. eMur(n. lhe array. chestra ha been employed ond is over the command of those re-'further publication or comment utterly gone, according W inior-t., ,v, ,- h., Tlia fle Ilio tie Janeiro. May 31. An attempted in useu o lusen-rrirvt: in ...-i.-nv- iini ,,.i ii,.i umle the heaviest nena Iv. de.. mation receiveu nere louay via nhitm.n n dynamiting of a government ment. Not only are the forms or V;"""-" . " " "r' r '" .7" ivfnrirvn(lifil ir vs.n i mn n I A.I nr.t Heme. One hundred thousand ...... ...i t.. '" mviTiiu i " v M " ' urr uum iuo depot here today by Capt. dance thu popularly n"" W the efTorts of the German ikihii'""to dis-jto stir up dissension at home, but desertions from the army are re- loioiy totm8 of people,a thousand years have Vendlg from the and interned eight Herman German seamen ship the repeated use on ine "! Io,lre iuem ()n being relieved, 5 also to check any inclination for ported. raed wUhout breaking them. programs o. -.. 0nicers and men were overwhelm- ;peace abroad. ! "earning me loss oi an oi iur-. wlQ dare gay we gha not nold ('"burn, caused tremendous ci-cilement music used on lliej dilTere ii L otca- eJ wJlh congralulatlon!, from ibf i .Kvidenlly tho samo reasoning key'a lighting power. 8.000 Aus. quU French hate Uallan cun. ami added to the war slon I recorded general downwards." Ihns been applied to the Hissing Ua troupe have recently been ntngr llrltUh hyprocrisy are walt- pirit against flermauy. The Hermans fcest liked are played on una pro- eut to Palestine to attempt the . Were arretted. UiJ ,atef wori, ha8 memorandum in comparison with , , of despondency. grain. received that Lieutenant Permton 1 wntcn lu. niipnainir. nr inn sit uuniriniK uii u. uiu aim .11 ,.. if .1 i v,i.i -i .1 i,nm "' w. -- -- - ..... .... B umu vu iivFii.M How Hraiil Is to a declaration A.UU II n UU HU near uiose u ,u ""'Ii missing. Out of his platoon of league manifesto was relatively rront of the British expeditionary lh ,ron wa al the fronl wm of war against Germaoy musical ntertlnm nt vure forces. Four thousand German eJ ty.eghl men , a al cn.'mld. as indlcaled that by the today's licet I now announcement 'T.VhZra- rhs UkSllioM only . seventeen came troops are said to be guarding ,f NVe must tighten still tighter fine amt U ,a not kno-n hU,er FISH ARRIVALS Rovument buildings fac- Ml u be 8Q Qn lhe , patrolling the Atlantic The Hrutillan Congress continued h.Ilr fhe co,,I 'e luleiiant fs a prisoner or - tories and bridges In Cons anil- anJ t wU, be drawn Ugnter Bl,. Jai liami, a nople. Hundreds in that city are . i.. its secret discussion f nation of seven unattached mu- '" , Amonglhe llshing boats In part d , is A "LonS the international situation. slclans and Mnore'e Concert or- . lyesterday were the hagle, with .uUaL country,. the!"" . l.hU ,ron one : m ar -s-Hrm. u i '' - - 1 n am 1.1. . , Anti.wnr members were still rhestra of eight instruments. w w" .IWWMW 12,000 lb, halibut; Magnolia, 17.. reports declare. ,uu U11IVIV, filibustering and no action was The evening was a great suc jOOrt; Nellie. 1,000; Venus, 7,000; The deserters from the Turkish Possible. socially ami financially. Ottawa, May 31. The Govern Vn.iiit... "rnna. u Ann t. Fancy cups, saucers, and din. cess said to '....i RftAn '4?' ?. 100,000 strong, are ment, overwhelmed Willi the situation t.000; Joe Baker. ner sets at Tile's at reduced prlees have fled into the mountains and Drapery department opened out WANT NO HALF MEASURES arising out' of conscription, price realited for Canadian fish l.k )i.l nvldtlnt t h ti.,lOll tlfll71in for the next two weeks. tf. n lower floor. 20" discount fir and with a cabinet shuflle in im was 0.4 cent. Today, the Arctic " " next two weeks nt Tile's. If London, Out., May 31 . The On. mediate prospect, bus taken no is In with 7.000 lbs. halibut: For dressed lumber of all kln4e f04-t tarlo Labor Kducntion Association action yet In regard to the mining TL.waLI..::V7r,:;ZZ:AAA. 1 r:."i AAA. II ' The favorite household' "1 Coal If Albert A MoCoWery. Phone 11. ft its annual convention here, trouble In the West. The situation, rr r:tm ?iudy.mith w.iunBton. Phon . WESTHOLMR adopted n rliNn calling upon however. Is pretty clearly ' 'J". : .' 'T' ' Prince Hupert Coal Co. If. the Dominion Government to confiscate defined. If an arrangement bo.'u, iiif iruvtirr uaiiukiini. LONDON C All TONIQHT ONLY 75 pr cent, of nil war tweeu thu parties Is not reached, had 30,000 lb, and the rUirrut. WILLIAM FARNUM profits to date, and urging the the mines will in nil probability 10.000 lbs, for the Cold Storage Owing to a breakdown ANB WMLL IN nationalisation of all Industries be operated by n Government Company, The Pioneer arrived In the telegraphic service, Third Avenue connected vvilh the manufacture commission. with 10,000 bs but on learning "THE GILDED FOOL" to to Prompt Sect lee f the Beet we were obliged go of wur material, all banks and the situation, cleared for Kenttle. there It to eet at all hewee. come BY railways. Including the 0. P. It., Just arrived, 260 tons of lump press tJuy without our and all cold storage plants In the eoal, Phono 116 Albert A Mo-CafTsry, Carpet sijtiare. Kxtra special usual war despatches, BOXES FOR LAB4M ASmUsios to sn If tsnl. r on n try. - discount of 20 for cash at Tito's,