I . nJay June i llt TUB DAILIf NEWS the f. . miff hie. Tln-i" u FELT LIKE A NEW lion- i .'limn the m.-,. wlou-1,, r -oiuif Ihen duly ha-hrouahi mi iM'relnrore mi--twi i- No Eggs. Milk or Butter PEI eliced f mind, Fur iiiym If. I vtn n. w-i haimler than I nm al The following recipe shows how an appetizing, pre.-iii tiiere'n n novel ni added wholesome cake can be made without expensive to fth- i,v the daily riloli and the After Taking Only One Box 01 kiio-lix- that nt Inal you're do ingredients. frult-a-tlyes' iillf on,, iiiinp into which riM trm e In many other recipes the number of eggs may of -ilfi.lnie-i entern. One can be reduced one-half or more by using an additional F.Atr 8mr Hiasoca, K. 8. die uiily mice: the! chief coiicerit quantity of Dr.Price's Cream Baking Powder, "It Is with great plraaure tint I write that mutter M how' nud not when tc tell)utt Bf the wonderful ttntfitt I you -ik- i don't pity the weary about a teaspoon, in place of each egg i received from taking "fruit-a-. men win. have attained eternal omitted. Vor year i, I waa a drcauful leNnri. m the corruption of our COO LESS, MILKLXSS, BUTTXRLXS3 CAKE c -rer froia Contiflion and 1 1 tad-c. ehHI- furr.iwed battle they went' I I V r cim krewa water a(ar I I t teatpoaa paa aatme;elaaaaMa .. . and 1 mi miserable In every way. wet ' H. Ihelr euprepic umment. I ea tM4 itWai H teaipoew tail hing in tlio way of taedlcincs aeemcd The in.... pity nre lhe who H f avneaa abantMa;ettrati I I laraw cape Roar Dr.Prl' Baklaa Pwr help tne. Then I Anally tried rnul.l I,, i hear the call or duly, TJ. old method (fruit cake) caned for 2 ao J o.ta tiTra" and the effect ttai and win i.f conaeieiiCe- will prow DMECTIOttS' - Pi Ik flret daM In rxHmta lata aaacvpaa a4 boll irndtJ- After taking one tax, I feel Ikraa alaata. Wkaa cool.a4 the flaar a4 bakla rawler whiru b.va baa mrr Hiiliby every day. W ith thA alfta lofdhar; mla wU. Bak In mettatata aaa ta leaf pa (mil Oa wttk it new pcra, to hare relief from brtilHl bale In cmttr la beat)lot IS or 40 ma1a. lea wh white Wis. f ar of the flrl I'ru--ian Uuwe sickening Headache". Hi. rnml Boftklat afradpa whieb acanomlt la aa4 pun i-ry to the civilized Mb. MAHT1IA DEWOI.FK. cthar apealetnririta mall1 free. A44ra worbl ..ow thou Jiie." Jn-.t a I St. Lawtanca Baalaeard, MaalreaL COe. box, 0 for 20, trial site, 20e. . truly it did in Pafeatiiie. Men At all dealer or acnt rmtpald jy Fruit- weni- 1.. their Calvary alnpinp Tlpiwi ary" rubblnh. rlrne.1 d"P- "Safety First" is the fpprel Iq that ttit..f Ihelr any Clirtian eplrlt wan martyr equal Dr Prices Slogan of Business" 11 a ii.man amphitheatre. 1 treat er J"-- hath 110 man than Hi, CREAM 75 years of Dial Ii. Uv down hi life for hi OVKR iii. lui ilprale rlTorl make Mm hi J in Canada, limine come outr- frter-il. our chap are doing that My l'x. in Hie New York Iapoiiik I'oet, fbohi"-ioii.lv. demonstrated wMHnt-ly. almot the wUli'.iil liitierneM toward their strength, security, Years the Standard safety and service of The HIE REAL MEN BiteiJii'-'. fr th rl. it doen't Sixty Hank of British North matl'r whether they inp hymn Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes. AT THE FRONT Or r'ip.tiuie. Theyvft fidlowed America. The history of their idea)- freedom and died Made in Canada No5 Alum this bank for over three-quarters for it. A former age eipr-ed iiie of thi- Anffi letttTM from of a century has t lie Troiil, deHrrlptivc f the real itef in Oregorian chant: our been one of progress and TIMBER 3ALEX951. iiialil i.f the manhood of the HO I -. meerely. dMgtiie it development, and of Alle nttlitinir there, oppeam in fUng in rag-Hint. consistent growth in the rld lender IH tw rvrelred by the the current number of "fKd Miirr- SpieiniMr I hae been Moilalrr of LaiHlijwit Uler itua noun on le than a month out of aelion regard of the HoiHekteprliir." The deecription business tlx ii day of J6ae, lilt, foe lb pur-cU- The ganir doen't pall a time ie world. ( Hue. and expreaxee eu well bt Unnrr X fit. '14 cul 111,190 rf t .if nwf im1 Oi3r. and 11.101 (he epirit if the hoy, thai on it goe on -it facJnate. We've pot THE BANK OF luwal feci of lirailttrk pillar, mi ao area fuee. eien without the xiKiialure. to win mo that men may never Britfeh North Anerlca rrr".' trr" ,u- Tte- character U etamned apain be tortured by the ingen fou iitqniitioii of modern war Tm.. f rear trtn be aiiowrd rr re-Am tt UtTao- man. f-oninfrsby 7 YEANS IN BUSINESS. r tuubft. iOawMin i nell known He nay: fare. The winning of the war be capital jlnd starix". 7.aat.. rnrthrr trUmltrt of tbe Cktef For- War'a a jrrlm (came not at all come a peronal affair to Ibe irr. VlrlerU. H C or Olitrlrl roeMter. chapii .who are fighting. The PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH what one' civilian mind imagin. Prikre nvprrL B. C world which 1t behind the line, eil;ttV far horrible more and far U.J.SMITH TRS,Manager TIMBER SALE. X OS. lean axciliiifr. The horror which buy extra peeial of the daily the civilian mind dread mol are paper, and eat three eipiare rtU4 fe-adrr be rrahHl bjr ttw mutilation and death. Our here meal a day will never know what HOLIDAY i rtnc A LAMM IVSTtM. MlMirr -.f Land But later Uua ouoa vol we rarely think about thi other world ha endured for them; the Uv teib di ..f June, hit, lor um pr. its eafety. for no man of thi Hum Umra X lit. to eul f.Slf.441 IhiiiK whieh wear on one moat ciacuir mo. i. fel f ClTiM-r. Cedar. Haham and iUtu-Inrk and call out hi prevent courage other world will have the vocabu TIME Baa it lib SL and Jrd Ave! tm n arra Mluald oa lb rail abor it the endleaa lary in which to tell. Hut don't Baa 1 lib 8L toil eequence of phym. Ird Ate. at Mitlufna CtuMH-L funrt s, Ooad Dla- for a minute mintake me- we're Baa 14 lib SL and led Ate. irtcL cal discomfort. Not to be abb tt ai it -Juoriioo r hi. t&4 ami Tkfw Hi jrr win allowed for re wnxh, not to be able to sleep, to primly happy. What a serial I'll CALLrS FOR Ird Area. write for if I from metal r umber. you .emerge nave to he wet and cold for long c IB lal Ate., brlarra lib aad further i-rllcUr af Uae Ckief roreiler. irn turmoil, mailt oouv my period at a utretch, U rind mud lb SU. IIMt Motel). Vlirli. b. c. or iMtirtrt roreier at outlook i all altered. I don't Baa 17 III Ate. awl Jib sl tOo rnor DtrrL B. C J 7. oil your pemon. in your fo.nl to ml Hotel . have to etand in iiiud. ee mud. want to live, any longer only (o TIMBER SALE X 913. live Wrll. -fningliy Dawon. eleep in mud. ami to rontinue t ClftCUIT NO. X. ainlle that' what testa rouraxe. Bei Jrd Ate end led fl. (Poal, Setlrd tender il t rereltrd by Um Salvation UfflCtJ. Our chapa are eplendid. They're Army. Miattier of Land uui later tbaa nooo on M Ird Ate. aad Mc Bride 41. U lUl day of June. t7. for lb wir- not the harebrained idiot that fa aa-lit Ate. and McBrtd St. rjia af Urenre Xlll, to rut 7.411.01 war rorrepoudenti depict from I'tiblic meeting. Tuesday Laa ! lad tod Ate.Ate.and aad tad it SL l "rtik. cur and pr. and 4jay Ul ,ay, The-re perfectly aane Thurcdays and Saturday at B p. SUMMER SHOES Ba 17 4, T. r. jiaier Lot III. JatAiu'a InleL Oraham I!'1 h" k"w ' a fraction ni. Sunday at 7:30 p. ni. I.Uivd. Queeo OMiiotte liland DutrttL what llo-y're up BKalnet. but who fANT Iriiit yourself to sb'ppery leather, CMtcwrr no. a. Three in er wui m allowed for re- carry on with a itriin pood nature Tbe Daily rv.w letivoretl, b; t1 Ilk Ate tad ralloa SL tautal ef luulx-r. .ii,i..itA..-! .. in canoe, sail boat or yacht And, ....... . " Bar. at .k. r.,., w ""''llil carrier, 50 cent month- ftwrdra tod per 8U. Taylor iiiMti 4mi wj mm aua r vt til Baa S4 tik Ate. ana niton SL er. VkiutU, n. C, or Diiinrt reeeiur. '"" ' neer before appreciat of course, you have to have Fleet Foot M iik Ate. and Gutaoi At. mure Dvprt. B. C. ed a I do today the latent capa- LAND REGISTRY ACT Ba 17 Ilk Ate. and Dodf ruce ,city for bip.heafted endurance Shoes for tennis, baseball, golf and B as LAND REQISTRY ACT 4th Ate. and Tboanpaoa sl 1 that ia in the heart of eery man. (SecUona II and 114.) lacrosse. Fleet Foot Pumps or low shoes are the 1 1 nm nr. nfiiinf-Miillir hiiiIm .kip.liii ClftCUIT NO, 4. lie Application .No. I I.I 1 1. rUlnr I.I 1 4 proper accompaniment of Summer apparel l 41b Ate. lad iMtmrrum he Afpucauoo .-lo. mi l and IU7-I.! "" chap -hap who washed. TAKE .IOTICE ibat application ba Lcen run rtuac till. illkeil I Ilea Ire, hived kiddie and made to riatr John Dertman. of Prior And Fleet Foot Summer Shoes cost so much leu B i 4ib At. and JOBrtda L TALI S07ICE Hut appUcaUoo b been .weethearla. had a tml f..r lif ItuperL B. C. a owurr In fee under a than tei 4. ttk Ate. aid Grrrn SL aoade la rviutcr Sank Lando. of Prtnea ' . , .... Tai gale Deed from lb Collector of Um leather, that it is real 4lh Ate. and lUtll IL np.fL B. C a. oanea la feT under to!t,,ry r rupl of all ,.l.ai.ea City of rrtnr Rupert, bran or oaie Um economy to wear them. Sea a iui Ate. and Ifcrrta fat Sale Dd from tba Colleetor of Um er"ji uie iiirem. pieaanre I lib day of September, llll. of ALL AND 11 Jib Ate. awl Young SL City of frlm-e Rurerl. beartnc data lb knowing that they're dinK l tie SINni'LAIl that certain parrel or tract ol Had day of Septrmber. llll, and ALL A.KD (1 1 nary and flmt Ihinp f which land and Vrenuae alluaie. lylnr. and b- 0omiiw9H Look trim and neat enjoy IIXIILAU ibat rrruta pareel or trad af lor In the Municipality of Prlne Rupert, yourself and save laatl and prrmlte altaate. ljuir and beUii naore parueularly known a Lot Ten (10), money, In in MutUfUUl) of rrmc RuperL woe WATER NOTICE Block 1e i Secltoo ecu I7. Ha by wearing Fleet Foot thi i parilrularljr koua and dratrtbed a Lol III. summer. X2 ilrira ill). Block, taeaty-eitnl (fit DIVERSION AND USE You are required to eooteit lb data Prince Rupert Feed Co. Sellti all t . and Lol tblrljr-tbrca ill). TAkE OTICK that Oeorre McRa Of Ibe ui purcbaaer within Iblrry-atf bUi. fortjr Mi ill). SecUok Elrbl lit. boM addrva la Skldrrat. B. : . wll day feoui the da It or tb tervlr o' thii o. tvai asa. 04 Tklrd At. Map 111. apply for a Urene to lake and na 111 bwUr (bl) nuy b Bee led by ReiU You are requirtd to eunlcil lb claim ruble feel per tnlnuu of water oul of tered Mall or Otrected. and your at neCEIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS f Um ui purtbater llbia II daj from ftemaier Creek. whirD now a nortbrrly and tention U called to ctlon II of ID Ibe date of lb aertlca or tali naUrr drain Into Aliford Biy, abou: It cbaini Land RerUlry Act" with amendment. WE HANDLE (birh mr b tffeeted by publlcaUoa). from- Um E. corner of T. L 111 Tba and to lbs following- tilracl therefrom.--- ind your aiuoUoa la called to aacUon water will be dl tried frwn tb itreun at . . -and in default of a caveat or cerlia- Steel A Briggt, Nannies' IS of Um "Land Hemtry Act" iik a pjlnl about ten chain weal from .VW cat or It pendent beinr Bled before tbt Ferry's and Macksnils'a imetxlmrau, and to toe foUQWIor tilracl rortirr or Lol 4. B. a riabrrle. and wll? miltratlou t owner of tb peraon eo-Utled Uwref run.-- . "and In drfauli of a be uaed for powei purpoae upon Um Ian4 under uch Ui aale. all partons 4 Garden and Field Seeda, tateal or ceHMttale of II prodrn briot dearrtbrd a 'tdjotnini Timber Limli III erted with notice . .and iboaa claim lot How do Also Fertilizers. Bled befor lb rtiUtrailon at owner f la application to kaie. Uirouiti or under Uiem, aad all pertoni the pervofl enutled under aucb la aale, all Tbl nolle wa poated on Um rrounf tlaluiinrany Intereal In the land by virtu you do HAY, GRAIN AND FEED prraori o aerted witk nonce. and m Um I Ilk day1 or January. 1117. I i.r any unrettaiered Initrument. nd at Chicken Feed, A Specialty. tthiM claiuinr tbroutb or under Lbrin, and py of tbl nolle and an arpltcatloi prrHiut clalmlm any Intereal In tb line each bake day. ill perauea claunloc any Intereal In tbe uurtuaot thereto and M lb Water Act by decrnl wImmm iiim 1 not resUierec W land by ttrlu of any tinrtruured Initra till win be Died In ibe ofllc of Um under Um provltton of tbl a Act. aball U Do you get perfect Take Orders for Nursery awnt. and, all peraon claiuinc any la-lerral '.Valrr Hreorder it Prior lluprrL Ob fur rter eauprd and debarred rnun el-una bread with Stock. in Ibe land by dearenl bo Ulle leeilooa to Uie ippllrttloa may b die up any claim to or ta reaprct or tb every batch ? nt reiUtered undtr Um protiiion of with Um ald Water Record r or with Und ao tuld for Uie. and th lltllrai Np question j M Ort, enllf All T. llua Ai'L ntl t tor tter eatopoed an.) lb Comptroller or Water Rlfbl. Prlla alia II rettaler lb prraun entitled under about it if ittiMrred Iruiu wlUnr up any tlaini to or lornl Bulldini, Victoria D. C . w libit aucb ui tale aa owner of tbe Und c you Ui rraperi pf in land ao aold for Ulel. thirty day after tba oral apprartac ol Mkl for taaea" use MY flour. ml ilw Hrtitirar aball rrcuier lb peraon till a Bullce in a local newapaper AND WHEREAS application U beer They test tiiillkd unur uck ti aal at oner of Tb dai of tb nrai publiraiioa of ibu utad for CerUOctt or Indefeasible Title be land o (old for Uira." Boilre la rrbruary 1 1 at, 1117. to tbe abotettMntloned Unda, In I be name It O Y aV la THE AMI WIICRKAS appllcalloo ha bees r.EOHOK MfRAE, AppUraat of John lierrmaa: STANDARD LNOINEyktf utile for a CerUflcala of lndfeaalbl Title AND WHinEA on Invealliatlnc Um Tint ftMtt far rale e,Ctefot N0 Um abote mrnllonrd land, In Um mom MINERAL A0T Idle 11 appear thai prior to lb lib da) over at the mill of Saras Lando. r K'pirnber. llll, (tbe dau 00 whir by actual bread ICMtRMAN-a SNOINS AM) WIIERLAS en InrtlUittlnr lb Utl Cortlflcato of Improvements. the aald land were oliL for oterdu making with ii anwar I ha I prior to u liui aay or NOTICE iarj you wer lb aaleated owmi various wheat LI in. bf 1 In, 11-1 Illi. wblcb tba "fmgtllli" Ihereor. ' Irpiriuber. (lb data on Ooufall Frarlloual and samples. Hhh Peotr. uid lauda er (old for oterdu Ui), .Waierrront" Mineral Oalma. allual In ILIlTIIEh TAkE NOTICE thai It lb Only Cri a 8-4 la. kf a Lt i n iron were ibe mtltared od aaaetard Uie ikfrn Minint tuvlalon of Caaaiir UI tania time iball effect rriutralbjB It grain that Hara Pawae. owner Ibrreof. trlc-l. purauinr of aurb application and Uaa I makes delicious a C,L-4 1t . h ( , :e-s 11 HTIItR TAkC MITICE Ibal II UM Wnrr located.On ibXweal id of .ertinrau of lndefcibU TtlU to tbe aai bread is purchased. Me fattae. .ant Hum I ana il anari rrfiairauon m h-ad of Alle Arm. Und la lb nam of John Berimaa unleai That's punutnre of aucb aif lifatlon and laaua a TAkC NOTICE thai I, Rlcbard B. M- y.ua Uka and pruierut th proper prp fertinrate of lmribi Tula to lb laid Olnnla. Free Ninra CcrUflcii .Ho. tllll. rredinr to tttbliih your claim. If aa) why ROYAL for Furthee Information land In ibe tunic of Sarah Undo unleat iriliir aient for the Dolly Yardra Mlm-a m itw aald lindior to pretenl aurb pee STANDARD Apply to rwu lake nd proacruta lb proper pro- CnuilNUiy. rrea Miner" Ctruncit No. Ill pi.ail run on my part is so uniform. rexllni U etbllah your rlaliu. If any. C. Hiu-nd, an ly dan from lb data tereof, DATED al the- Land lutiatry omn to Hit aald Unda, or to prttrnt turn pro. to apply in il Minint Rrcorder for a rrtnr rtupcri. b, c thi sia day e Vv t VVILUSC'tOKT pued artkti oil ui) part Crriinrit of liupruvetucni, for lb pur rerwber. . D. II II." ask Yowt txteecR Pieeff tiiTtli at Im ruJ neiiairy ome. lue of otulnior a Cn,a Oranl of th II. r MACLEOD, Dupeet, D. 0. HriiH-e ItHpert. t.. tnia lain day ur al' tlaiiu. 4r 17. Diatrlcl RertMrar ef Tillrl tu ald a4iJ BSdP tdiaaateK Mrll. A. I 1117. And rur'her tU nolle lb I acuou, ua Sintoa pttrrton. Dattattlbt, faUfornl II. r. NACL.UU, r cerllon it, oiua( ba ctnunrncrd be ADVERTISE IN Diatrlcl Hlatrar of Tllln fore Um laawanr o urb Crlinru of lui. SUBSCRIBE FOR Vancouver Milling I Grain Co., Ltd. f.. riiirie flam ii. ii to ui in rotriiirni. . . . VANCOUVnR.Nrus The Daily News II r Clark and H. 0. Rlcber, Hated (hi till day of April. A. D. 1117 The Daily News ivnruuiiTca nu,...,.,lnllnMUayNDIM u I M a to l-ol II T HICIIARD B. McOI.IMS. neaH