THE DAILY NRWB Imifly JMnp , '" DEGREE FOR MR. BALFOUR Local News Notes Toronto, May 31 llefnro one of the most notable gatherings NOTARY FUBLIO ever assembled In convocation Mr. N. Sclielnman left for the (BBVTtBBT BsSt' tvW EMeMeMMMV attSBEMMW hall, the University of Toronto south Inst night. Hi awT' mfsTmeMMeP'' conferred the degree of LL.D. on We write Firo and Marine the Weill lion. Arthur J. linlfour, take auvaniago oi me. s spec. Insurance representing the Urlllsh-Foreign Minister. lal discounts for two weeks, if, only strong, liberal companies. WESTHOLME THEATRE Mr. V, G. King, of Chicago, Is pnying n visit to Prince Ilupert, 'We sell Ileal Estate, and Just There will be shown at th Special discounts of 0 on go- now have some real Wcslholme Theatre tonight a play carts and baby carrlngcs nt of considerable Interest, entitled from The (Hided Fool" Tile's. . if. scene SNAPS, Ask u e about The Glided Fool." The story 1 to be shown at me rsmuimo them. of a typical young waster, of good Mr. V. C. Gibbons-left for the Theatre tonight. family and decent instincts, with south list visit We have apartments, houses night on n to Vic loo much money for his Rood own torla. KILTIES MAGAZINE stores and ofllces for rent, THE lie regards himself as a joke, and and want more. life as a laughing matter. He Mr. G. It. Tubman, of Port Cle second Issue of the "Hreath H. Q. HELGERBON, LTD takes nothing seriously till at last ments, left for the, south last The the inevitable happens, lie meets night. O The Heather," the regimental "the" girl. She is the daughter . . . Journal of the 230th Battalion of a banker, a conservative of the Mr. II. McDanlels, of.the city MacLean Kilties lias Deen re old school, who regards this nut hall slaiT, left last night for Van ceived on the coast from Captain with contempt. However, his am corner. . Percy F. Godenrath, the manager. "Tie Duly News" bition Is awakened, and he proves The publication Is now embellish-. Mr. Doherty, of the lioyal Hank, himself capable of steady appli ed with an aliracuve cover carry- ; THE BEAUTY OF SUNUGHT left for the south last night cation and to be a brisk business on a Ing the photograph of Hon. J. I).' CLASSIFIED ADS. man. vacation. Ilaien, Minister or Marine and! U that every garment washed with It bears the In times of financial crises, by Mrs. M. A. Taylor, of Port Ks- Fisheries, who with Mrs. llaten imprest of purity; a purity begotten of wcc dint .of his ability alone, he saves sington. Is a guest at the Hoel Is to present the colors to me clcantin oils, and maintained by abtolutc clca WANTED. the day for the old banker, and, Prince Ilupert. Kilties. There is aso a supple- lir.vU i-t manufacture: purity exalted by the co-operation of workers united for the LieuLOencra! Sir Kam purpou . of there is the usual ment of course, happy 1 INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EAR a purity demonstrated by the "SS.MX) fuararr e 1100 moniUr correspoodinr for. new ending. All lines of iron beds, springs, Hughes, after whom the Kilties; which rests upon every bar of SUNLIGHT LCA, pen; 40 to l0 monini in spar ine staging oi nils may is a mattresses, sheets and pillows at are named. The contenU Include, lime: eiperlence Unnecessary: do can triumph. One scene is conspicu Tite's reduced 20. tf. a farewell article, as the battalion ! A tmttmrnt ft faaAft it m4 4 t4 W mr surrested. Stud for S. Imt lie tn vassint: subjects c imiw-SlifU particulars. TUUonal Press Bureau ous. Hectors famous,cabaret in shortly to leave for overseas; room jsti, Buffalo, N. T. .New lork, whose expensiveness Mr. H. L. Tinglcy, of Port Cle i rhrunological history; "Our' Tbe Skaate Lwec ee eeee is a eMvaMSee keeps it exclusive. Is transported ments, is in the city, and expects Medallists" by Lieut. II. H. F.verett; e4 fWwy a4 Ftrelleesa. FOR SALE bodily into this play. Corks pop, to be returning tonight. a capital short storyy "The Auto-' biography of a Sand Bag," as well eyes Hash, diamonds glisten on ron SALE .lice level corner lot. near toe Cold Storare, nol far from drydock. white bosoms, and the Parisian Mrs. J, Kennedy, of Sniilhers, as a serial. "Two of a Kind" by 1100. Terms. Apply Dally New office. If toilettes typify the very smartest arrived in the city last evening C. 8. M I. I). Appleby. Besides! nd later left for the south. several splendid Illustrations. Itje FOR SALt Twenty-fool launch, aerea II. aspect of New York's millionaire . rairbanki-Norse entine. Barrsln. night life. This too, is a real Crown . contents Include several pages of granted ranch, 160 Apply Savoy Hotel. tf. scene in the famous restaurant. regimental humor. The publication I I acres, offered for less than as Altogether, this play is in the is of Interest locally as sev- 1 valuallrui FOUND sessed for taxes. 'City front rank. era! well ktniwn British Columbians Weigh Scales. ritJD-Lady Vanity Ba. Apply Dally have Joined the S3Cth, including New office, tf. NOTIOE Mr. and Mrs. Wintrup II. Perry, Vancouver and Prince of Soulhporl, Conn., arrived in Itupert men. The battalion has MISCELLANEOUS The following articles rallied the city last night from the Kat the distinction of being officered DENTISTRY TABLE BOARD BY WEEK OR MONTH by the Cadet Corps have nol been on their way south. by all returned men, brought hack Prace Rupert Dairy Nice House, cloee In." Slnrle meal If claimed: An oak stand, won by from the front for the purpose of UNO3l RCW oeowsi eeises . desired. Pbone Blue HI. it. Mr. Oous; an O-cedar mop, won Mrs. and the Misses (libbins, taking commissions in Canada's) a sesotatTv RADUATE Nt'RSE (CM B.London) Term by Joe Lambert; a fountain pen, who have been spending the last latest Highland battalion. PUNE HOLSTIEN MILK dr. J. s. mown moderate, apply P. O. Box SIS, or won by ft. Edwards: a necktie. few months in the city, left last OACAM OCNTIST Pnooe 4t. won by Mr. Ohoesonr: a eluar night. for Vancouver. Congoleum squares, G xO 6 x 0 bHJTTEItMILK taui eiui smi, iae s w., and DxlOH at 15 discount at "Mr. and FARM LANDS case, won by Thornton, a Miss Kane, of Fmithers, was Tite's. tf! Boy s Own won by Rod, McKin-non. vmonk tey s. o. bob see among the passengers arriving, on OBEOON AND CALIFORNIA RAILWAY CO. BRANT LA.1DS. Title to um revested If these articles are not claim. the train last night. She! went SJI Ore ere rVeetpUr Alleeded Te. tm Untied States by act or Conrrea outh by the Prince Ocorge. 1 ed in four days, they will be AT HOWE'S PLUMBING dated June t, lilt. Two million, three PL McKay, Proprietor. hundred thousand aerea to be opened raffled over again. Mr. II. K. Hoss, of the Hmpress AND J.L.HICKEY for homestead and sale. Timber and Hotel, was a last night africultural lands, contalnln. tome of passenger SHEET METAL WORKS beat land left In United States. Now It for the south. He expects, to go CONTRACTOR A BUILDCX tbe opportune Urn. Larre map abow to Chehalis, Wash, where his Tkey snake Oeeetlae Taata. telley Inr landa by sections and description or brother is officer in eipee, Satele Bucks, caiamey Tare, MIL climate, rallfalL elevation, etc. younger an and all Ue weft that la sweallf eeae PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. Store and Onlce In tores, : Postpaid one dollar. Grant Lands Lo-eetlnr Stuart J. Martin the National Guard. la the OLD FABMIONCO TIN SMO, FaU. Door and XoMiofi. : Co, Box a 10, Portland. Ore ron. WITH ALL TMK LATtST O0WN-TO-OATI When in the south recently. SVOM SrtCtALIXKO, Oak and Hard Woods of U ASSAY rf the Rev. W. W. Wright, minister as HVUeMTS, ,CORN IOCS, .gta. GeHral Teaawg kinds. OOABTV SIAJSM B. of the Baptist Church, did his best teertslafl In Uie llae fee Bii sjiee HAZELTON B. C. ar Pacteey. Btevee pet aad OOMCSTIO We Speclallie In Hare TAKE SOT1CE mat Um British Columbta to enlist in the University Battalion. aectad U belle. Neeriaf la all Cannlnr Company, Limited, of Victoria, B. BLACKSMITH GOAL wood Boat Rlas, . He was successful In lines ef material. Reeelrlefl ef all ..permission C, aalmoa to canners.leas tbe Intend folio to In r apply descrih tot The oldest established Assay passing two doctors, but the third rmsT-cLAse.lines, sni ccs a RieHT,satistico ecjivicc owe- Careful Attention to PMano Ooore, eto. ed roretbore land.1 Commenlnc at post one was a mean cuss. He turned and Furniture Bemovals. Flale and Sheet Glass and TOSICN IS OUR AISL planted on tbe nortb bank of tba Sterna Offloe In the North. the riev W, W. W. down. PHONK B40. P. O. BOX C7. Glailng. River, 110 reel south from tba aoatbaaat ractery end Office $22 Bed Aieeee HONE 83. or Lot tt, R. S, Coast Comer Fraaer and 6lh Its. District; corner Mr. Will Stephen, late or the and 2nd eueet, eteee le Oew Bey thence south 100 feet; tbenee westerly staff of the Bank here, left' and Oetarament WHaef and northerly parallel to the shore line, ti h. MaiMoe. a.. Hoyal OSL BBKOIN BUILD ML FHONE GREEN 269 a distance of approximately 410 feet to W. B. Wtmams. B.A. L.L. last night for Vancouver, where i BOX a point tOO fet south or the aoutt F. O. WILLIAMS A MANS ON he will report to the officer em-j boundary of the Grand Trunk Pacifle rail, way; tbenee westerly and norllierlypar Sarr latere. Solieltora, Etc. rnanuing the uycilsi riaioon. lie STEEN & LONCWILL hopes to be sent overseas LAND ACT allel to tbe said nrbi-of-way to a point very due south or tbe 8. W. corner of Lot SI I OMIT TO LOAN soon, as a dispatch rider. Many tbenee north 100 reel to tbe point cf ln Bos HIS friends said farewell at the boat SkttXk LAD DISTRlCf DISTSICT or SANITARY AND HEATING tesseetlon of the south boundary of said HitfHa aiorS more ftueert, S. C COAST. RJL10I. nvc. rirbtof.way;' thence southerly and east, lat night and wished him a safe ENGINEERS Sheet Metal Work erly aloor aald rli-nt-of-wiy to s point TIMBER SALE X 904. return. Take oolite Hut e. Ouaae MillerTfack where aald boundary line strikes abore In m aTVafianaitiV. IJml lA Af Vanrktia llae; tbenee aloof turn water mark to the Mrs. II. W. Slalker, accompanied ;cupeuoo canoerytDen. la trod to apply for Agenle for listing bn In the East, I bava paint of commencement. Sealed tender will tie received by the "it. .,i. i 11,...II -.-i. -.l ,. t.... Um follow io i de- McCLARV FURNACES become acquainted with "K A. W, CARTER. Mlolster of Unds DolUter than noon on .'"""T, nthotlsof outfitting feoU Aetlor as afent for tbe B. C Canmns Um 4ta day of luoe, 117. for Ute par in me cuy last nigni irom ine om - ern at a shop. CMnmenclDf post planted at I Eastern Co, Limited, these of Licence x 04. to cat f feet , country. They came across on of FLUMBINQ boaU, as ued by aoutbeail corner Lot 117) thence,south rtbruary nth. HIT. of Spruee. " and Hemlock on Mthe Olympic, ond had the ex. S chain to low water narki tbenc north and XJ'Z'.V'rltM at being attacked by a i Ueswri,-u f.. low water SHCET METAL WORKS Gasoline Tanks, Pipe-fitting Coast District, 1 submarine on Hie west coast or ."' " "v." "" tbe Grand and Plumbing, Trunk PaeWe rtttn-of wsyt tbeoce soutn Phono 5, 834 Second Avenue. LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS One (II yar mill be allowed for re. Ireland. In addition to the ordi. of Sheet moral of timber. ettterly It cnslns followiec said rlsbi Night phones 570 nnd all lines nary passengers, there were pver ,tr.y to the place or betinniDi and eon- HOTEL Further particulars of the Chief Forester, and Blue 270 Metal Work : - a thousand returninir soldiers tin uininc ll seres. :: ; Victoria. B, C. District QtH TO eWMTS) OM WB BTH or Forester, Prloce ous" COMPANY The right work, at the right SkilW Itupert. B. C, board. The submarine dlsap-j ,!f1,TL"BD I'rotnpt Attention and ill lime, and at the right prioe. Motor Stage will connect tpeareu on me arrival oi a uesiroy- Api, f0(J ,IT t Fred Ritchie, sieou Torkmanshlp with, trains at Terrace. er, ana a sare arrival was maue PHONE BLACK at Halifax. 1.1 Tilt HATTER 6f AJt APPLICATION H. LET0URNEAU taeelleat Treut naktaf la Lai alee tor the Issue of a fresh certiorate of title SiHMORIBE FOR AVENl'fc Lake. for Lois one (!) and Two (I), Block 631 8IXT1I she Oeanectle with Tsrvaeo. SUN AND TIDE jfclevea (II). Section One (I), City of rhone DlsckaM P.O Uo Rem SB.S0 per day prench jmd aundry . Prtnre Rupert. Xsp til. The Daily News Hnturday, Juno 2nd. nonCE is hereby oivt.t that It la For further particulars, apply to; Satisfaction Guaranteed Sun rises 4:8 a, in. "r Intentioe to Usu erter the expiration of tuuoth from tba Orit i. BenjOC JOMMTOStC, Btoaater. o n.o on publication un sits ..,.,......,.v.o p. i. uertt. a fresh Ccrtiocate of Title for the High water ..11:21 a.m. lit. 10.8 4bove mentioned Ms in the name of the Low water ,,.S:17 a. in. HL 5.5 Allantle Realty and Improvement Company A HOT BATH THE High water ..11:15 p.m. 11120.1 T""1' ,ri.".r' "A.I"1 MINUTE YOU WANT IT .ow water ..,.5j5p.m. lit. 8.'p0t,uon received the loth Wber. III. . - I I.. and I numbered im-i. You are aecuitomcu Letterheads NOTICE May 14th, HIT. ... getting cold wler Instantly. Envelopes TAKK NOTICF. that we, Albert Land Rerlstry Offlce, Think of lha sat-Ufuctloii Statements Prince Rupert, B. C Cards, Etc. X McCafTery, Limited, of the city II. F. MACLEOD. of getting Hot Pbsm96 of Prince Itupsrt, B. C, merchants H. to. District Reyistrsr. Water In the same way in have applied to the Dominion abundance, regardless 0 Gpvernment for permission to how much has been uieu The News Jb Press build situated an on addition Lota Three to wharf(3), now and Harry A. Haroey HOT before,WATER LIKE MAOI0 Four (4), Blojck MF", City of (Late Leedae, Inf, OeaaeetaUIr Pruraf tf Ml DeKriBtieM Dm Prince Ilupert, said lots are owned Of Musis) Hanson 1'. by the Provincial Government and PUPIL Of, LANBOOWNB OOTTILL Harry leased to ua. Pupil Taken for lldt Water Service bring P.O. Bet N VIOLIN. PI N), VIOLIN CELLO ind this convenience. Programs Plans of construction of said HARMONY. you Catalog addition aro being submitted to .- EXAMINATIONS FHONE 4SSF.O. BOX 395 Uoduvrs the Publio Works Department PuSlls Prasared far Bssmlnallen Posters,etc. Dominion (lovernment by the Aaaealalad ear, Vaaseussr, Oaaler Provincial floverument. Beral Oallssa ef SJuala, LenSae, Bag. AI.IIi:ilT A McCAFFF.ItY LI MIT I'D TERMS - "HONE BLUE 27 S Advertie In The Daily News eeei Dated 22nd May, 1017. J24