t THE DAILY NEWS VOL. Silt. NO 230. PllINCE nOI'K flT, lljc., MOXIiAV, JUNK 4, 1017. VHH'.K P1VK l!RN1 PIN T7 NOW GOTH NITIATIVE La fUl MM II AY THE GAINS MADE IN THE WEST PLACE THEM IN VERY ADVANTAGEOUS POSITION GERMANS HAVE SUSTAINED BBJBJflBB9ffBBBBirlB9BBWA2BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBg PEOPLE SHOULD WORK PROVINCIAL ELECTION . MORE AND EAT LESS INxALfiRTA THURSDAY TREMENDOUS LOSSES IN WEST SflLjHHBBBBnH jBHrPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBn SAl.BB9ten44e " .'.-.kaBBT ' slflBBBBBBBBBaj Ottawa, June- 1. -With city SpcUl to TIM DsUj Jtwi.) councils and boards of'trade all Calgary, June 4 -For the first NUMEROUS ATTACKS MADE BY ENEMY PROVED FRUITLESS ON owr Canada clamoring for food time in Alberta, women will be POSITIONS CAPTURED BY THE FRENCH WADE control it would appear that the able to vote at the provincial elee-clUef FIFTY-TWO THOUSAND PRISONERS problem of the Harden Gov- lions on Thursday of this .week, IN THE LAST DRIVES ll elfitnent is to feed the poor, while There are forty thousand votes giving them as little as possible among the Austro-German pop-to (SfwrUI to Ttw tutljr JUwI.l CTbP' imiiiBBBBBBBB eat. lulalion, whieh may control the. London, Juno f. Although THE ITALIAN MISSION Bg BHBJBssKBTBBBSBaBBBa-B&jMBLBBBH Mr. Crothers has pointed out result. It is expected that the both llfndenhurg and the Kaiser that there arc food regulations in new women electors will poll assert that theAnglo-French of. ADDRESSES CONGRESS existence and that he is the re- about thirty-four thousand votes, fcnsive on the western front failed pository. He has been sending and both aides are confident of nfter seven weeks' effort, the out brisk little catechisms to the winning. Two seats have been French ofllcfnl statement declares (?!!Jl to Tit DtllJ Mmt.l sugar refiners and such and has allowed to the thirty-four thou- thai tho nermann lost more than Washington, June 4, Members been getting' back just what an. 'sand soldiers now overseas, "fifty-two thousand prisoner ;or the Italian .mimIoii now visil-nlone swers they were blamed well Eleven constituencies are repre-pleased during the. French and jinir the Government of the United to give. These are the sen ted by soldiers now at the British drives against the Germanise, addressed tho House of food regulations Mr. Crothers ' front, and they have sbeen re- lines. Since the first of April the speaks about. They are very much 'elected by acclamation. ' j,,ppreienUllve,. pr,ce Udine like the War Measures Act In British have front advanced on a ,,,, BBBBBBPclB of twenty miles, from Loo to Iheh1"1 Marconi pred.cl that existence but not in force. la. T. P. TRACK FOR , south of lluliecourl. to an ex-'American Industry and resourcc-treine Three cabinet ministers are THE WESTERN FRONT depth of six miles, to tho I fulness will win the war. said to have drafted these regu- east of Arras. """ " vuur June Tnere Food Bill Passes. ouiucj otiawa, was a I Idea of the sympathy they fell for . .iiaro debate in the Commons Vlmy Rldga. In the Senate, the Food Dill ha General llalg' men have taken !passed. Speculation In futures the people who have to buy things i a,i Ueeij on a motion to adjourn Vimy llidge, which dominates the mm I II.-inr I.iiuuruiiiK II til..9 will urc I to eat to point out that one cabi the Houso by Hon. Frank Oliver, net minister is a very rich man who desired to discuss the action Mains of Doual, and have virtual, orously restricted by this mea-( ly surrounded Lens and St. sure. who pays 1900 a month for his of the Government in deciding to Quentin. Their gains In these 1 room and board at the Chateau take up rails of the G. T. P. on ' Laurier, another cabinet minister Keclion west of Edmonton to places have keen held against CONTRACTS BEINO LET IbbbbbhsISbSK "jSbbbbbY is in receipt of three fat salaries desperate ami repeated German FOR WOODEN SHIPS be sent to France. Mr. Oliver from the Dominion of Canada, and attacks, while Inflicting heavy maintained that the Government the third cabinet minister has made a choice; of rails' to The wrong losses on enemy. June 2. The wooden MUNICIPAL NURSERY FOR CHILDREN Victoria, just paid 112.000 for a new house be removed, because tbe town t)f Iron Crosses. for Ilrilisli Co-j ivtolhwark. London, has a Muain;ial Nursery for the Children ship programme in Ottawa. They know all about Edson, the Jasper coal mines, and Tbe Huns are compelling their lumbla of tbe Imperial Munitions of munition workers. The childr i are cared for while their parents the high cost of living but it is several other commurities would llritlsh prisoner! to work close Hoard this coast are at work in the munition factories. represented on high cost of living at the public facilities. be deprived of railway to the firing line In the construc by It. P. Butchart and Captain tion of further defences where expense. Hea8rlel that there were aey-cral they will be under the Are of the Troup, will entail dollars an expenditure and ther EUROPE WILL REQUIRE 'GERMANY DISAPPOINTED In"addition to food regulations places in the East "where of ten million which Mr. Crothers praises but parallel lines exist, and that these II From British artillery. prisoners allotment of contracts to be made ALL AMERICAN GRAIN AT SUBMARINE CAMPAIGN taken It has been learned that the Vancouver forbears to use, the Minister of could have been removed with rs of Iron Crosses has failed will give eleven vessels, Vancouver to Labor is fruitful in suggesting less inconvenience to the public. to stimulate the llffn troops In (sand, eight New Westminster.to iSpttl) to Tb Daily 5wt. (SprcUI.to Tb I'llly Sw.l substitutes for food. Some time He thought it was a deliberate attempt the making of successful raids. and Ave to Washington, Juno I. -The Copenhagen, June 4. .All ago he recommended his two-volume on the part of the Government The Interests of the various blue book on the High to damage physically the G. Air Fights. grain requirements of tbe Allies rlaxses in Germany are register-and plants on Vancouver Island and Cot of Living as a means of diverting' T. P. The Allied have time and demonstrated airmen their the Mainland, where machinery the KurOpean neutral is put ing their disappointment with tbe one's- mind from thirty- superiority again of the enemy, and for the schooners can be manufactured ul 971.000,000 bushels. This submarine campaign. It is now six cent steak land no coal in the AUSTRIAN FEARFUL v have proved adept in taking cover have been pooled, and total is much greater than the being realized that Great Britain cellar. It was good reading, so OF A HJUSJBtAN, B)MVK in every passing cloud on the the various parts required will be jUniled Stales can 'tupply, says it no nearer being brought to her he said, and provided a labyrinth prevailing westerly winds to float turned out at the several plants Mr Hoover. However the major knees" now than when the unre-,of statistics In which people could London, June 2. The Daily the where the having the facilities best suited warrar "frightful- lose sight of their troubles. Mail prints an account of the over enemy lines, portion will come from the United e? easily for 'their particular work. . i ness commenced. Four months' Mr. Crothers latest suggestion situation In Austria - Hungary enemy aeroplanes are now He believes that Canada. disposed of. Arrangements have been made Mates. ave ahi.aiiy pa8SeJ witlloul any l9 thatpeople work more and eat furnished by a personage who has French Front. whereby more than six hundred and the United Slates can export jpns uf Great Britain weakening. less. By eating less they will just arrived from Vienna, where Paris, June 4. The Germans, skirled mechanics, ship carpenters this year about, six hundred mil. The Government ts busily engaged leave more food free for the profl-j ho is in close contact with gov-i have sacrificed hundreds In killed and other workmen can be lion bushels of grain. If the crops n a vigorous publicity campaign teers to ship abroad and by work- j eminent circles. He says the and thousands wounded in their obtained in the Hast, the men turn out to be larger than the tue ""P of bolstering up wan- ing more they will have less lime: food question in the dual mon- 1 having been selected from differ . -....fl.I........ i Ika ft n n I .. In ..nl vain efforts to regain the rhlgelof - tlrtt, ..ft . i ' lUllilUCIIVU 111 tuu 11 lit I uui vitsfts. a t eicai jjiu( j 10 pitmiMvi; hwmv v. M llt3 ... .I. ..... TM I f I nAAnlA 'r..inn lAtt-al. .IjIB.ad ent expected to - n. -.....n r. hills comprising Monf Cam 11 let. points. They are 1 Casque, Teton and Mont Haut. to arrive here this week and will be amount iur export may ie in- !,.,... .BrilI,,MnIf vp-v hpr j When people get to brooding they being particularly severe. Mill-are the east of llhelnis. Since the ready to go ahead with the pre. creased to eight hundred million' liable ta think about food and ;tary circles in Vienna frankly 20th of May, their fruitless as. limiuary work at the shipbuilding bushels. GERMAN LOCOS. CANT RUN rush out and ruin themselves j admit that the prospect of an. saults have numbered ixteta. yards on,Monday. In addition to 'with ham and eggs. One of the other Russian offensive alarms The fire of the Teutonic artillery tbose coming from the hast all ALLIES WILL REQRUIT (vprcial ! The Dlly .lew, 'most horrible sights Mr. Crothers !them. i is now proving very erratic, and the available men in this district IN THE'UNITED STATES Copenhagen, June 4. Over 800 can conceive Is an otherwise re-looomolives Irreparable disaster was averted as a consequence their Infantry will be utilized, and as the ship. have been put out of spectable citiien lurching about last year only by the providential attacks are doomed to failure. building programme will call for (ilcll la Tbo lullj .1es.i business nnd are laid up at the the streets under the influence of suspension of IlrusilofTs offensive, Fierce bayonet duels have been an even larger a oooy oi em Washington, June 4. Foreign K"utps plant at Kssen. The ex-1 porter house steak. and even then Turkey's reported In the recent nttacks, ployees, it will only be a short legions will be recruited. The treme shortage of oil and Hake: As Minister oL Labor the last aid was necessary to re-establish Ruaalan Front. time before others will be sent Allies will now be permitted to,graphite, in Germany is respon- thing Mr. Crothers wants to see the situation. . . ... . . Ptrngrad, June I. In tho region out to tins coasi irum oilier 1 1 r uau- recruit members of their ownlsible. For lack of proper lubri- is the laboring man suffering Last week a conference of Albanian of Krevo, to the southeast adian districts. nationalities in the United Stales.leants. the bearings of the rolling from a debauch or boiled potatoes chiefs was held in Vienna tf Vllna tho German artillery It is expected that Great Britain stock Is being worn out faster or an orgy of fried onions, or for the purpose of raisins fresh bombarded the Husslan positions. ACCIDENT AT TERfMCE will open recruiting offices in New;than they can be renewed. anything like that. When Archy forces to liberate Austrian troops. The town of llrody In Western lurk immediately. i McCoig visited Mr, Crothers home J occupying Albanian territory. No f'allcla has also been bombarded Yesterday afternoon, Dr. L ,L. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS town the other day one of the solution was reached, several of by heavy artillery. Cairns, of Terrace, arrived off the WESTHOLIHE THEATRE voters complained that he could the chiefs betraying a disposition In the Euxlne. ' train, having under his charpo SpciI la Tlx Daily .",) not afford potatoes. He was us.t toward a reapproachment with The Husslan squadron cruised Carl Kdmark, who received some- At the Westholme Theatre to ; Kill? George the Fifth was fifty. ing turnips Instead turnips at,Italy. 1 along the Anatolian coast on May what serious injuries in the plan- night there will bo shown n spleii three for thirty cents and poor all Tho foregoing was received 20 and bombarded four ports. lug mill at Terrace the day pro-idid flve-reel photoplay entitb-d; Uussla welcomes the co-opera that. From these facts it would,from exceptional sources. 17 sailing ships loaded with vlous The Injured man wast "iiie vellow pawn. This is a lion of tho Jews appear that Mr. Crothers moral! "Upplles destined for Constantinople taken to the general hospital and modem society drama dealing! Germany is prepared to pay in reform work is weaning people For tfrsiMd lumber of all kln4a were destroyed. from enquiries there this morn, with the studio life of New York :demnlty to tho family of the slain from thause of food and Ihe con-City, Albert A Moaery. Phone 119. ing, it was learned that he had It has to do with tlio in-'engineer or the Spanish ship Pa. sequent ills of indigestion, tlatu. 'a special lost his arm at the elbow. The trigucs of a district attorney, who'trieio and ualijle the Spanish flag, lence and torpid liver, is getting pet squares, Extra patient is making as good pro. is Jealous of hjs wife's mratuu-j M,auy women are included in along rairly well. RETAIL OLERKS lisrnunt of 209. for rash nt Tile's. gresa as can bo expected. lion or a young artist. The cruel, the- Husslan mission now en route! nie Minister of Labor is not Vour presHce is re- The merciless methods of the third to tho'United Slate, without hope that the laboring quested tonight. Initiation household Coal la favorite, AEROPLANE FLIES degree for ' criminals and the ' . man can bo taught to do without of five new members. 8 Udysmlth 1. Phone Prince. Wellington. If. FROM LONDON TO ROME amount of labor they will go SUCCESSFUL ACTIVITY food altogether. It Is true that oclock sharj;. Carpenters Ruptrt Coal Oo. through ta entrap, eusnaru audi 'Paddy tried the same trick on his Hall. Home, June 4. A British aero. bring forth a confession of the (SpMiui ta Tb tuiijr .. liltnV-Av UwiiAV (tiiia nl Dial Mai I hit v f t vvi 41 1 1 I ittv o plane carrying, five passengers person they believe guilly Is Ainslenlam. June I. Kaiser died Just when he was irettins WESTHOLMfl If rrlved liero today direct rrom shown in tho most graphic man- Wilhelm' paid glowing eulogy In used to It. but Mr. Crothers be. ondon. ..The long. . voyage was ner In this play. This i u very special orders of the day to the Jleve that at this point patriotism LONDON CAFE Cl rmu Rltf puytrt m4 Wtlltt prttnt AH Is successfully inaue across- ui"n i. well coimtrucled play and the (ii rnian high seas licet romme.'will step in and sustain the wvrk. "THE und only three stops were made actora are in the first class. morating the annlversavy of ihi Injr man though he may be de- Ml WHLL YELLOW PAWN" rirt Itols. en route, at Paris. Turin and Pisa. A topical Oaiette and a comedy skugorrak naval battle. Admiral prlvd of more substantial nour- Third Avenue A most enthuslaslio rcreptton will also bo displayed, iKeherr ns specifically commend ishment. It is a question of the Prompt SsrvlM of tbe Bi TOPICAL aAIITTB" wns siveit the aviator here on , 'n.t m,".l iii lll. II... 9 I.I. ..!.! .. II... ul... r Si Miii,.,i IIIVMIUVMi lt l'iriV, IIU 'l 4IIW IIUlllHVfl, - cosiaov their arrival.. by a crowd of officers! Juat arrived, 260 tons of lump ;Heel, given special decorations.I The Minister of Labor' there l to ei et all k s II- assembled at me ueuiocue aero Coal. Phone 11 Albert A Mo- Tllt Heel win enmnliiUHntml on uro.it Inn that Mm Inhorinu- man BOXES TtMt Ullll drome, uanery. its continued successful nativity. (Continued, on page tfiVee.) 1