For the Up-standing M ft I IS The Daily News Man nt the front, in the m 1M THE tXADtNG NCWSPAFEM IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA trenches, on the firing line For ins WRIGLEYS PablUbeJ DaH Weakly in business, the best m' Guaranteed Laratat Circulation any , 'i-ufiilaTl. food to sustain energy and .Wednesday. 9:30 in. HEAD liFFU'.K strength is Shr edded Wheat SttlUruaj.. . O-.10 a. nt. Dally IS'ews IJulldlrapr. 3rd Ave. I'rince l(urt, H.lJ. THephone I'H. Blsbuit, the food that From th. Eaal. THE PERFECT CUM (H AMOUNT DISPLAY ADVKH TlsIM 60 cents prr innb. iJontract supplies in a digestible form Tuesdays. 5:30 p. mW the greatest amount of bodybuilding Thursday 5:30 P. mr mf nn application. Let us make you acquainted nutriment at lowest Sunday!. 3:10 p. DAILY EDITION JS' NVr,,nedaJr Juno 6 ltM7' cost. A better balanced for Vancouver. with the new. luscious ration than meat, or eggs, or Tueiy- ' P- ro' -Thursdays, flavour potatoes. Two,or three of 10 p. m THE 81018 OF THst TIB1IB NOTES AND COMMENTS these Biscuits with milk Sundays. P According to the correspondent Vancouver. Considering Germany's pressing make a satisfying, nourishing Frm, of The New York Times need of economy in her human breakfast that puts you in n Wednesdays. 10:30 a. m. at The Hague the Junkers of resources, the prodigality top-notch condition for the Friday. 3 p. m. ill Issued a manifesto which her chief command " 1'russla have with day's work. Dehciously Kundavs. 7 P. W. , . ... f .ft. 1 ...1... I I t - calling upon vonllnden-Lurg IS USIIlg mem m cuuiiivr Alternate Mondays froni.Janu- i.. in,u..i.. ii,. ...imi. iicM wholesome and nourishing to the growing V I v a I I iuuivaii9 uu o-t w"" - - a i to put a slop tide of democratic sentiment in which it regards the Allies or any meal with berries, or rX l8t Fop Anyos. in Germany by force. Qne snow uui meuiouicm """. other fresh lruits. Made in prince wails: "Where Is von Hindenburg knows uiai no uare ranada Wednesdays. 10 p. m. illndenhurg to raise the fallen make no more strategic retreats 'JlJL Fridays. 8 p. m. V Kaiser?" AH of the Prussian in the west.. ..1.1 .1 1 I I o I. I.I. ai the Hotel Astor today Sundays, 8 p. m. It'a all that - reactionaries agree, however, tlge. Hence he must counter at- pm",c " ,UB""" "". From Anyoi. the that Chancellor von Bvthmann-Holjweg , n name .. ...111. 1 1... fP. ulion. lir, .Mill PUIU, uriiiiuii; uau Sundays and Tues- lull Willi lu .ui " "- Thursdays. traitor. is a double-dyed . ... ... .i.'. rliprUhnl a mental condition. I ever me ney positions ui ma iu- - r suggests him with play-lug charge days. wl TJiey Jine threatened, regard- That war had created a psycholo- and mous are to the Social Democrats Rical condition which had caused less of losses. Hut such losv with treason to the dynasty development of a self-conn. COAL NOTICES he cannot afford much longer. meaning, of course, treason to ... Idence approaching idolatry. This HIOOOIHD'T 1 Wrifttey quality IMD innVprrlmn. The truth is the ti.. rni ih. nrmin finv had caused the nation to...look con- MUM ISTRICT Of QUIU WW" i.w. 1 made where the old A Ilu AlAlst. kllUI eav w. Chancellor reallies that 'trnmi,ni nurmltiiHl and encour- ndently toward speedy victory regime Is doomed ana inaiu, . goc,aUU lo at the beginning of the present ihil WHIM SUM of Vl chewing gum Aras-1 arar v. less he ueais me curua . .. war. However, the speaker V' said tortt. . C, WIIX StCWWIHI. making la a Jk w rnPr1 reace uonierence at fur attend the u wiy pnwM dexterously there will be a tre- 0f that It was easy now to trace the u.. oo o- ... CM. atde&ce. "m mendous upheaval which will iaV. Rrowlh of a new mental altitude ar.hi l.u-d. la t rlr. wreck the whole fabric of Prus- the) """"L L? J"i,,,f .in Germany. o-ns si . p-i YZJg&TrTWZr.. '""-"""".r . r ,t- uiiivu corner i v. i- as-' aw aw a sian domination over the Cen-. : -On. nf the mo.U slKnitlcant mw . nortt ttui&t. imki cm tteveurm r n a rtnnrp nninuuHiuia hs uii buuws It)I. .! New three f'J ,h"?'2:r"; W desperate their condition i evidences of this." he said, "is the SO (tUtOI UWAC MOia Si CMMU, won coamMMtmml. of i rcjjuum. . .recent announcement oi Aiaximu- rtl IS tbUM M poui nf ihfl Socialist winKS In the " , ,.. , .. ..n. n.-m. WILLIAM Chew H after www , tea.i a sins ucn( " v v v Aniua arewo, inaLl Helchslag, the growing oppo- ..h ...,. ,. ,. wnP nn.i neonle that as the enemies of UtKk u' V!! mmm wwa wMftS aisle J aJF iiinn nf Kcheidemann and nis "-.. ..,.... .n, oirrwKrr I - - - nii for u'uj uvwmv" sum umo KUOSMM more moderate Socialists who "2t JSi Ml deler 3fJ H.'probably unconquerable, the con- ..tiuot or o ohaiilottc wtos POe. Get I t wberrrer so far have aupported the Gov- "r";t-,on of .he nu.slan revolution fret ion a are sold . . con ...... Vancouvc depuUtlon to Ottawa may suoa pi-y u...., ..... . f tterU B, C eupUoa iMrcaMi. w . . . .. a i i.n nv.l r. I 8 to discus, a new drydock. .Neither psychology paru lelu w RigMl are signs of the limes which . ., ol . The convention was opened br I I w txi toa i MtmUiun OS tM ! coil Sealed Tight-Kemt nobody outside of Germany Prince Ilupert ttk standing idle affect Mayor Milcbel, who delivered an l'.jT,n-ulfl.... . .1 -. ."rr...J. miw MADE W CANADA difficult to Inter r. - v should find It lour "popular" member. If the address of welcome. ouui or Um KwUitul corr or c u pret correctly. tt S cturn. Uwdc aorta tMi tbeo Lasts drydock here were unable to un Tlie Flavour So far the Chancellor has COAL NOTICES a. Kilf. ItitffiM Mil tS ClUiOA. Uac business arising on I dertake the been able to hold his position tttnlit SS cImIb to poinl T eomiBrotnnrBL the coast, it would be a different TL'IOUI ROTHWEXI. XlkL&. because evidently he has been LAND nCOOftOlM DISTHICT playing the Kalser'a game. matter. If this riding had a mem-hr STRICT Or QUCIN CNAMLOTTB ISLANDS Hinh l. HIT. Aiua roa. in thn Dominion House, who tttUU LAND RCCOIIOIM WtTIMCT I Junkers openly While the are .-..-ii ii n. t.ou-a.i T.k. noun Uul Junes Me-loltJ. Of ISTRICT or QUSIM CHARLOTTI ISLANDS appealing to von Hindenburg uhn hatM democracy and all elected lo do, It is quue :possiuiei Knu M 4l7 ror ptrlnW.ton M pro.pi TUi DoUCO Umi Iimi Brova. ol Vie its worksto achieve a coup that the hitherto unstated reasonifur iad pm,uun. on u ut lwu, b. C ocniHUon uo. laund, to proclaim for the continued inactivity of the or cmum uind in um iemitr or w,'jMniy tw pnniMioR u pnpi rr ev d'etat and practically Schedule I Htir unl ttnKum oa ! co4ii m unw Spring a dictatorship by force, Wil-helm piam ner " 7" (wi. ! potl Mnl oo U Lutd. la tiaui or wcti fi'r. through the Chancellor is Meantime, so lar as tne nonunion MlUieM, 0f c u i4 CMufsrorlor st pol puaUO l0 nulm his standing House is concerned, apparently I utene mui& so ctutnj. utenc mil IS mill! of im twi4il cwinr of C L 1. 1. FIHNCC OtOftOK maintain trying to UtrO ...... . .. .i.itt f K. f.or Vaaeoiiiw m... .. .. rwitf 12 ldnloht are ui -" - . - THUHSOAV ine I'rinee nupcri peopic i 4 l wnn, wv with the people. It lr a a f a -. a in imIbi tkt r.nmmrrmIIL I .... .. ...i.i Vlotoiia and Baattla. role for the Kaiser to play, enirancnisea. ,;,, m,xlltt. I . .... new UICAC4 MlttU Vt IHIIIH, vwhm - but there is little doubt that I MKH . HIT. Admn Brown, tfnt. Dcocffmrnt. WKBNfttDAY MIONIOHT Few ANYOX the increasing CHANGE IN GERMANY aomcs anow.-. I. a. puiaea mhr fearful of he is DISTRICT IWOONOINO HUM LAND tUi. power of von Uindenburg. FOHCSM A BOWS EPJ0 i.thicT at OUKKN GMARLOTTK ISLANDS Mirth II. 1SIT. AMUfl aroBB. fn-l For KtUhlkEn, Wranooll.Juno.u and Skagwa,, Juno Meanwhile the Catholics of HKtNA LAND MOOKOMO DISTRICT For Vancouvar, Juna 1Alh. reported to have Vw York. June 1 The change I Hit nouw uui Jonb Rot. of Print I STRICT Or QUUS CHANLOTT IWANM 8. 8. FrtlNCC ALBERT are Germany . . i. IkuwrL B. C occurtlicQ croiMcior. la ChariotU Islands, Juna lri. powerfully organized in national Dsvcnoioiry wmcu ucr- -7 : . . For Quoon begun a Tin doUco UU Kdtr4 Mfkr of campaign for peace. This not many is undergoing Is an inaica-ifor unuum on u wi comiI ,,1,,, occvpuoo fur, uuod FAMKNOKR Tl TRAIN aCRVICC improbably comes from Austria, lion that the war is drawing to-l0f craium uuad. in vicinity of wito for Mrmmioo lo rrji for wed.-, tad atto tae(tlee- .',1 e-u ward its last phase. This is tne col mmI MlroKuzn on Um l ccJt of .aataa, Baetateaa aM wUalae. with whose Premier the Teeedei tl 4 a. ea. . .. I iivftrTrwIfiaT from a tMaAl DIADKa OOf nnk.1. IaIauL in vlclnlt of Wl ntr. eael ad aeata. ,Bleed I'lH averf German Chancellor recently opinion of Dr. Charles K, Mills, muuwmi corner of C u CMblDfOCtOr tl S POl PUBIM MM BUT Aganay All caan tUamshlp Linos. has been conducting a series noted psychologist of Philadel- umc soata 10 ciuinj, utenc mii toaib of Um sooUmmI comer of C L, For Information and reerlions pply to of negotiations. Altogether the phia, who read a paper on "The 10 nuuu. tuoc oorui ss ctuini. uvmot IIT( Uwacs l SO cImuu. ibroco Dot 19 ri. -rik.i Affia KM Third AvtnUS. PHONE Zv in the Ceptral Empires iml.nrn or Great Wars on ? ,n,,t- 19 ctMlo. UMaca rut SS rfiAlni. Ibtnc VIW w-'-w f situation ir joitrii KuwAT, Kill s CIMI04 U polal of cotnoMiKtaMnL has become one of the inouini aim j-ruitreoi u uv xrta 31, IT, Auiua Brown. sreoL CDWAAO ritlAMO, most vitally interesting factors convention of the American Med MtrtB 11. It 17. Auittn Bnma. treat. ... ..1 . : 1 k -lll In SAUNA LAND RSOONOINO DISTRICT of the war. ' " ' istrict or QUHN CHAALOTTI ISLANDS MUJM LAND MOOOOUM DMTSttOT ISTRICT Or QUN CMANLOTTK ISLANDS PACIFIC RAILWAY Ttke notlre tntl Jobn WUlitra 0i. of CANADIAN MINERAL ACT rftCftAL ACT Victoria. B. C. occupation merchant. In-tendt i.k. nctiea thai June fur. of Victoria. I to tpp'y tor pannlttion 10 fiw.Ba OCCUPaiKMI BOW VVt , Lowest Rates o all Eastern Points NOTICE TO CEUJIQUEJIT P ARTS EH GertlflcftU of ImprovamanU ror coal and peirwlcum on Um well coatll ppjr fur pemitaion to prospect for and tna T & W, CalBonni of Ortbas lUnd la rldnny of Weil river. L,) tBj pctrvkum on Um well coatt of via Steamer to Vancouver Tike DoUce. wbereM 1 bre dona M4 1 ' dntacinr ai vm iwukw .w in.iKiin huul in ticuuit 01 men nr. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY uiiw 1 ' . . , 1 1 - . - . : ...... .. .... work on toe tiued to b done iiMixnenl ak-l00"1 NUWi" """" w I COCtUDCnCIOr yv (mwi Meale and Uaftli lr.luJ Mtdnlctn rrtcUoa ulnerU tUkm. sitiuted tmniwo - .7 tt7. Lbruce weit SO cnaint. ufi toaw Uminwetl corner ol C L III!) Uxnca About fourteen mltei Skreoa Mlnlnr Dlrlilon of Cattitr "liirici. Uience call SO ctuint. ibenca toatb 10 ctMtna. 11 a I be lUianea. rler, to cbtint, uienceiAMl t9 thaim, Alice Arm Friday P-". rnm iha htmd of AUce Ann.,In tne Skee&a Waera lot ted 1 Rear bead of Alice oortn SO cbaiM to point af conunence meoL I (Ui 10 cbaine. Uwnca Dortb to Prince., liav for Or.nbv Bay and null-went Ann. B.C. I . . .. . . . Sunday 6 p.m. unlnc Jlrlloo r Bkeen diiuiet, JOH.1 WILLIAM OOSS. baina w poini 01 cvwiunKfUKHi. Vancouver via Ocean Falls. work for ISU. tll. sod IMS. tod TAKE SOT1CE uui I. rrea "cme,i ... Autun Broan. trenL JAMEA RAT. Prlneaaa Way for ksve paid for tttd work and rcoordinr free Miner's Certiorate .la. jui acting rrT" 1 - - 1.17 A.Min Brown, stent. Alice for Alaska Monday, June 1Hh. ttnM tbe ura ot 1107.10. L'nlet you Pr ti ttent for W. A. William, yrea Minert HUM lamd MWOROlNa DISTRICT I Princess the sum of ItOt.tO. for your thtrt CerUflCtte No. tOIIC, Intend, illly 1JI ISTRICT Or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS I UHMA LAND RIOORDINO DISTRICT of Um Mid aiteiiment work, loteUMr wltb rrom Um. data bereof. to apply UmI ,, , I i(Tkiot OT QUEKN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS I I. P PITERS. General Airent Ike toil, f itU, advertUemeaUi, I tnall, tt Mlnlns Recorder for t Certioeau of Ira-1 Tte noUcc tbtt Rotlyn Duke, of Tort I , .. BX. tU .eiTtrtUon of ninety (10) dm from provementt, for the parpota of obialniorluod. ora, occuptUoo boul proprietor. In-1 Ttke no I ire tbtt Vredertck MoerKb, of Co Fourtr. Street and Thtrd Avenue. P.U.. Rupert. fMmn flrant rt th. culm. Ii.uf. .f.I. .... milmlfim In nni.rir.f ... . nrr l be dtt hereof apply to tn mlnlnr re-ntv lnu urwi Mm,. iienul v eppij lor pvrww .vi iivioii. - ' - .1 Prlnea HnDerL. B. C to ttve And runner take noUre uui action, nn-lmr .ml Mimteuin on the wtil roaitlund la ildIT for ftennlMkMi to protpect your tnteretu in tb Mldnlfbt rrtcUon der section. Si matt. commenced....... before Lf crtbam UUud, In Um vicinity of Wettlror coil tod petroleum on Um "wel coatt aiinertl claim vetted In me. In puniuace ine i.iuancv ui ivtu Mruiiuw f- v. 1M. river, Icf Orabam Iiltnd. iaaviciniiy or weti river. mlnertl act.- provementtv Comnienclnr tt a poll pltoted one mile I Cummcnclar at a poet pltnied two mnet f Um proTlitom of tna A. D . . . . . . .. . . I ... . .... ..aifM.... .h.. 1 I. I First ' Otted tt moca Rupert. B. C tbis lltn Dated thla 17lb day of Mtrcb. OV1B Ol IIM fOUII '.II wniTr VI w. ft. I UU Ul VI w, i crirv 1 .... .. ....... . . .I.... .. .... .A .h.l.l K.r.y. uiilk .TTTirtW sty of April, toil. U II 1117, jl lutDca eouin t (iwuii vK.n ... i,,1 1 ukim - 1 fwIaAf eaaaaaewswaaaawawwj sWNIwr!. I" U. a PHJUJP8. I, twin RITCHIE. ArenL 10 cbtlm. ibenca norib SO cbtini. It nee lie ditto, tbence well SO cbtlat, ibmce BwaAwsBwPwsRwJSwsl IB ,tia B .... mi ...1.. a. a.1.. ...rr,r..,i........ I..... ..J. .H.I n. tA rTWllA, al l.nJL lli-li.llL I 1;.1 w iiuipa iv jwiii. vi iwwKinii.m I w 1 1 v .m.- - v.. w. tiuaiaw -iw nil-LT.-V UL.tE. I fnZ.DI.IUlm NUlluin. v ii 1 Mtrtb 11, If 17. Autlla Brown. ttrnLlMtrcb tl. ItlT, AuMin Brown. srtnL -snip ,a1p1""ivKui-M 1 . 1 1- I 11 ' T VAwaVhT ' a MEENA LAND HCOOROINO DISTRICT I MEENA LAND SJEOORDINA DISTRICT I Launch AliceB. ISTRICT OT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS I ISTRICT OT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS iBPn rawww -- - k Ev0"rm 'EM .. . I -A.. -..1.. -ft. t ill - a' a.Sla Int. MmIIi tf f fS J tSVV JW4r Mle I fli V vr sIVnV VI I I WWrivw vast. Vwwaaa,- w av torn. 0, C, occupwtloa iiitrbiiUtl. lnoivlt I Aortl'i. 'octupwlloo rontncior lntn1 t .ti.kt nr TL-.lIm rON THE SALT LAKES alViBwBwsL k-VA Ui-"- r 1 . Eierv ne Oar trace t,A tiAt-rilattm rJt that. Uil iimiI nMsnii lalHklaum C"mT1 lh aAl Ml it ftf dtli gasM I .a.... t.i 1 nl-inlia rv tl'.a I tw.... f.l.n In ar l I et 1 1 a a tL'.i 0 ala-aie a. b. 19 a. m. f, ...Ht.H. e S .l a tn ,niU. I rmi.iin avl rl. nllat I RCTUON PANE aa. MUiiU(KIU w tmm t V twiirr 1 bvwnri a.eieai m w -vw aieau ww 0 saa toutb if ibe toulnrtii corner or c. Ultoutn of in toutbetii curner of c L i l7l. tbrnce toutb so rbilni. tbeaee weiliflTIi tbrnra etit 10 tbtlui. irxoce nortk Call .(I rh.ln. 1 1...... nt.lh I A rlialn. iK.r... I I .h Ifl. Ih.n, w-.t tA rh.ln. Iluh. I af I. THOHAS, fMe. rtll 10 fbtiut l pulat or eoiiiOKTir.nxnt, Itoutb 10 cbtlbt to point of toaimencnieot.I m m e f ' '1 ll'Allvf IiCW raea BS1 nuviH Biinw.i I imiw miriTii Wa.UeiMStinsl TiXr I llri LCXllT w0 'Mtrtb II, HIT. Aottte Brown, trrut.'Mtrtb It, HIT. 'imiia Browi, nut kVULlBv 1MV EMPRESS COFFEE RBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl RBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 WBBBBBBBBB RBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 RBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB) BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI WBBBBBBBBBBBBBB RBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW weBBNBNBNBNBNBNBSSr BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr RBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW WBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW SBBBBBBBBBBBRBBWVawe i a PBINCK RUPwRT, UHLEALE -MiTRIBUTOR r. Q. DAWaON