The daily News VOL. VIII. NO. 133. I'HINCE FIUPBHT, U. C, Tilt JltflMY, JUNK 7, 1017, PRICK PIVK CErTO ROYAL CHI sshn f WW Holla mm MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS LEAVES THE CABINET PENDING AN INVESTIGATION BOMBARDMENT OF OSTEND REHRALOF STILL TALK CREATEDVERYGREAf HAVOC HOft. R.ROGERS COALITION N FROM CABINET AT OTTAWA DOCKYARDS AND WORKSHOPS WERE SEVERELY DAMAGED IN BELGIAN PORTS FLEET WITH HEAVY GUNS FIRED ON ZEEBR4JQQQE FOR" A HUNDRED MINUTES BEFORE RETIRING Royal Commission will Inveail-'Premier la Expected ta gate Into the Findings of I Announcement ta Mm 8rUl la TtM Dtlljr . strength at several points. Some Justice Gait Against ) Thla Aftamaofi Ate The Minister. BeaJltton. London, Juno 7. It hat been front line trenches were lost, learned which have been retaken Hitter photographic recim. by (Special to Tbe Dtllj ( (SpeeUI to The Dally News.) fighting is still in progress. naisances by our aircraft over Ottawa, June 7. The Hon.i Ottawa, June 7. Sir Wilfrid the Belglanf coast that the port of Hubert Rogers retires pending aiLaurier had another conference GERMAN SUB SUNK Ostcnd shows the majority of the probe. The Premier has appoint-'wilh Sir Robert Borden today. BY U. 8. STEAMEf dockyard and workshops were ,ed a Royal Commission to.invest!-!which lasted for one hour and a igate the findings of Justice Gait half. Sir Wilfrid said that he had damaged by the big guns irtr u n Piir v. greatly against the Minister of Public no statement to make. Sir Robert of the British fleet during the Washington, June 7. A Ger Works. Tbe Premier will ad-'Borden had nothing to say on the recent bombardment. The bom. man submarine Is believed to have minister the office temporarily.!matter, but will make an an-The bardment of Zeebrugge has been been sunkby an armed American Hon. Robert Rogers declares nouncement in the House this steamer yesterday In a running that the investigation will exonerate afternoon regarding the result of the most formidable since the beginning fight, which lasted for hour an him of all blame. the negotiations between himself of the war. It lasted for and a half. The U.boal opened and Sir Wilfrid during the past Diie hour and twenty minutes and fire and then suddenly disappeared. fortnight. It is thought that Sir CATHOLIC BAZAAR HAS was carried out by the fleet armed Wilfrid has Informed Si Robert wllli heavy guns. A SUCCESSFUL START a Th Air Raid. flnaA lerm8.i LABOR CONFERENCE i which coauiion wouia oe accepiea. Four German aeroplanes returning from yesterday "raid I The- Grand Bazaar which hasby lhe Lib?ra, GETS AFTER FLAYELLE over Kngland have been brought -bettn got up by the ladies of the GERMANY PW6 TESTS AT du,wn and destroyed, by guntlra. Catholic Church, was opened last OF SEIZURE SHIPS Altogether sixteen German aeroplanes Ottawa, June 5. At the Labor night. Notwithstanding the in-t took part in the raid over Conference held here last week clement weather, there was a (SpetUI to Tbe Dally .tews.) Essex and Kent dropping bombs. intimation was given that the or splendid attendance at the opening Rio de Janeiro, June 7. Germany The total casualties were twelve ganized workers are about "sick: THE CALL Spirit of our glorious dead: "CA II II Y ON'" Iti jus-lice 'ceremony. The-mayor, who has protested against the kilted and thirty-six injured. and tired' of petitioning the Government to our glorious dead, in justice to the living, the gap at the .was formally introduced by Rev. utilization of the German merchant Briln Version. to make a move for bet-tering front must be filled, and kept filled until victory is achieved. Father McGrath, officially declared ships by Brazil. Brazil has Merlin, June It Aeroplanes conditions. s From Montreal Daily Klar. ' the commencement of the replied that she is merely getting flH7 kllogramaies .... . 1 1 1 a. 1 ' '" 1 . Bazaar, and started, things going 3sTVM,5,JveC The following Htrstatement of - - - her own back in-seixing the Hun pla'ces of inllltaryTmportYnVe by" pressing an imaginary button. un the proceedings given out to the SPLENDID RESPONSE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT ' ships. at Hheerness. Hits were observed. Tbe most interesting features Washington, June 7. .The German British Front. press:Hitler criticism of the Imperial BY THE YOUTH OF U.SJ AND THE NAYY TROUBLE JheSJ'rLJic Vessels seized in American n. London, June It The British Munitions Board 'was made by ports may be manned by British - ! 1 dered by the children of the incde an attack on the Arras merchant marine officers if American international representatives. The spedl to tb may 5w.) sieui to Tbe d.iij s-wm j school. They were cleverly Iroul last night to the north of per-Washington. officers unavailable. the Itiver Scarpe. Oround was representatives of the machinists, J-une 7 Tlfej Petrogad. June 7. The Pro- formed, and were certainly a great are gained and held in two sectors. carpenters, plumbers and steam, young men df the United Slates . visional OovernmenL recognizing credit to those who had the train-have We made successful raid to the titters, sheet metal workers and made a spontaneous audi that the present condition of af- tner to do. a BY THE THOMSABBS north of Armentieres. Many cas. many other 'organizations, declared thorough response to their coun fairs at Kronstadt Is both men- Among the stalls, Mrs. Morris-acing ualtles inflicted the that the wages and conditions try's call. Out of'tbe ten million and intolerable, have re- ey and Mrs. McLaren had charge were upon of labor in work under'con-trol registered for the war with the quested the Socialist ministers to 0f the fancy work, to which con-visit Udine, Italy. June i. Fragmentary enemy. French FronL of the board was a scandal Huns, it is expected to raise an the fortress city with the tributions had been received from news1" recently reached Paris, June 7.Two violent attacks and a disgrace. J. W. Flavelle army of one million-. The select- object of clearing up its attitude all over the North American con here through neutral countries of made the Germans and C. S. Gordon were declared ed quota will go into training, towards the Central Government, tinent. There were piles of beau- widespread insurrectionary move. were by to be unfair to the workers. Their early in the fall. Few disturb M. Kerensky, the War Minister, tiful embroidered articles. Mrs. ments in Serbia. This newa now in strength the French positions at Hurtbise,on and Chemin dea public attitude was described by ances have been reported. In has left the capital on a visit to Besner had charge of the wheel is supplemented by the statements of Austrian in captured Dames last Both attacks many as cant and hyprocrlsy. Butte, sporadic rioting occurred, the northwest front. of fortune. The candy booth was prisoners night. the Italian giving "The general.opinion was that and four arrests were made. ' Threat? under the care of Miss-Simons recent advance, were repulsed. the lime had arrived for labor to details of the merciless methods New York, June 7 From an nd Mrs. Harris, assisted by the Seven German aeroplanes and to force of repression used to crush the action direct take PATTULLO one captive balloon were brought come FOUNTAIN absolutely reliable source has Pjr,. The ice cream parlor was better conditions, many of the FOR WOODSTOCK, ONT. been learned that Japan recently looked after by Mrs. Prudhomme, uprisings. downon front the Belgian yesterday. demanding The insurgents were gradually international representatives inrormed tne Provisional i.overn- rs, Dymond and Mrs. Roeberge. the dismissal of Chairman Last week in the town of Wood., ment at Petrograd that if Russia The country store was doing a surrounded by Austrian, German Brlln Report. Flavelle and a reorganization stock, OnL, the formal presentation were to withdraw from the Allies ihrivine trade. The Droorietor. and Bulgarian regiments and all Merlin, June 7- One destroyer of the Munitions Board. There of a gift of a fountain to that ami accept a separate peace with jjr. John Venabl&srequired threel fWho fell into their hands,. chiefly 8-20. sunk during the recent I S J L.11 I was was a general feeling at the afternoon city was made, in the it me of the lh Kmnirea. Janan nn.i .u. u...t oiu men, women auu cuuureu, uro attack Ostend. A number of - a9uiaui9 ,tu uiniatc iuo uuai have been massacred. on declared to session that steps should be late Andrew Pattullo. The foun. tireai uriiain wouia immediately ness They were Mrs. McNulty, the Belgian inhabitants were taken immediately to force action tain is situated in front of the confer as to the proper steps to M pulton and Mrs. Venables, In spite of this procedure fierce killed and.wounded, and some material resistance offered for three the present government by hall handed tnktv I was on city and was formally and they were kept busy all the In Germany, damage was done. and losses inflicted making arrangements for a general over'to the city by G. R. Pattullo, .i time. weeks heavy the food sypply i adequate tie-up of industry through KEW AGITATION i on the invaders, especially the brother of the donor. Thfir. n-Ai ntrk n errant. nnllAJ-.... to enable the country to out the Dominion. Delegates declared Striking tributes made to FOR " v - Bulgarians. The insurgents finally were COMPULSION; l)on 0- wort8 of art ent from far bold until the are out year's crops succumbed to Mr. Flavelle's attitude superior num that he memory of the gJver, the late and near for this occasion. Fa- garnered, and until the conclusion was one of defiance to the workers Andrew Pattullo,. of whom the Sydncy, N, S. W June 6. ln'lnous Daintinsrs. sculoture. and bers aud the Serbians were hang, of a vlctorfbus peace. in their efiorlsMo obtain redress, Hon. T. D. Pattullo, of Prince Rupert, consequence of the casualties at interesting articles of Vertu were ed by thousands. The Hrltlsh penetrated our positions trying to make it appear that he is a nephew. Up to the time the front and the diminishing re- represented In a numerous col-cruiting According to the prisoners the is at lloeux and fighting was fair and actuated by palrioic of his death, some twelve years returns, there is an agl- jection. and this still was under Bulgarians were guilty of such still in progress. motives. Ills attitude, declared ago, he represented North Oxford tation in every stale-or tne Loin- lne care 0f Messrs. G. Morrissey, atrocities, especially against the Artillery Planting. many speakers, was destroying and for years was an ornament monweallh for the early introduc- 'qu( ani g. Harris. women and children, that even Paris, June 7. Intenso artillery from national unity. and a power in the political- life tlon of selective compulsion. f Later In the evening, the Wcst- their Austro-German allies term, duels ore In progress "The whole subject was refer the had of Foster ed them barbaric. of province, He one llon. George Pearce, ,0Ime Orchestra was in ottend-minlster the Rhclms. Tremendous Channel to . red to a special committee to the brightest minds and was a of defence, has Issued a ance anti discoursed sweet tnusic. 4 i. quantities of ammunition bring In a report, defining what brilliant man, and always had the return showing that enlistments anj atogether, the opening even-in At the skating rlnklast night are being on both sides. At there five entries for the used should be! taken." ! were direct hits have-been action interests of the people as a whole Australia from the beginning iuK Df the Bazaar was a distinct several points, Ask Reorganization. at heart more than his own personal of tbe war to April 30 last num. success. ladies orange race. These were observed behind the German decided to take Miss Doris Mason, Mrs. F. Wright The conference interests. He was but one oereu jo.'.uuu, ueing i per ceni. line, and It is expected that am. definite action In regard to certain Miss L. Shrubsall, Miss O, Hill, of a brilliant family, and it there of the male population of the! GENERAL NEWS ITEM munition depots at tho German and MUs 8hruball. Miss Doris allegations lodged agnlnst Is anything in heredity, the Commonwealth. i G. field Ljue havo been exploded. tho Munitions Bonrd by forward Skeena District, in having a representative Mr. Pearce says in his stale-; (SpeeUI to Tb DiUr News.) Mason was the winner of the prize Italian FronL : ing to 1,700 local unions the request of this family as their in on t that 5,000 Anzacs who made! A strong feeling for compul whieh was a box of oranges. The - "-; June It Intense light. that endorsntlon be given hiemher in the Provincial House, the original lauding at Gallipoli sory servioe is spreading through, roe proved to be a great attrac lug Is now on, extending all along to a demand for the reorganlza. liavea representative of no mean are still lighting in France, lie,nut Australia. The nation now tion and there was a full house. the front from Oorlzla to the soil. tlon T)f the hoard on the basis of order. , n II tvitn I J fVs n AiVSndtAnillnn tin , 'uau II kitttffrtl.-A Attacks in force have been made represenltUlon of labor with The favorite household Goal la equal her of recruit to allow them ai The New York World' corres 1J' the Austrian In overwhelming the employing interests. SUN AND TIDE furlough in Australia, and adds: pondent at Stockholm declares Ladysinlth Wellington. Phone If, "Many of you are against com-1 that the German press are en. Prince Rupert Coal Be. tf. Word has just been received Friday, June 8th. pulsory service, but you aro flght.jdeavoring to, fool the people into WESTHOLMR that Privates Oilmour, Richmond, Sun rises.,,..,.. 3:frt a. in. ng for compulsory service fori the belief that the United Stales and Singleton, relumed soldiers, Sun sets .9:20 p. in, those ,000 men whom you send Sare loath to take up arms against LONDON G ATI TONIGHT ONLY have left (he south and are expected High water ...S:t0a. m. lit. 21.8 hack to the fighting line time uf tor Germany, TYRONE POWER to arrive n Prince Rupert Low water ...0:18 a.m. lit. 1.9 time,' I British recruiting oiHces have AN fHMLL IN tomorrow night. High water ...3:51 p.m. lit. 10.2 Mr. Pearce' statement will be'opened in New York. Over five Third Avenue "THE DREAM OF EUGENE Low water . . .9:20 p. m. lit. 7. inado the text of a special recruit. hundred application have already Promat Servlee of the Baai ARAM" Messrs. N. G, Ingram, J, A. lug effort. beert received. - Three Parts. Burke, Mark So ruby anil M. Cos. Just arrived, MS ton of lump President Polncare ifi Paris has thera la to eat at aH Kavr. Oomedlss and Soenlo ' grove, of Ocean Falls, were in the coal. Phone 118 Albert A Mo For dressed lumber of all kind signed a decree creating a Polish JOXES FH LABIBS city yesterday. N Oaffery. -Albert A MeOaffery. Phone 11S. army