THE DAIL NEWS 2lyJune7 D? iii i,r,"s a sacrifice in the The Daily News cause of liberty surely ruts mm THE LEADING NCW3PATCK IN NORTHERN 'BRITISH COLUMBIA In hazard than he whose notion PuMUbed Deity d Wktf is "business as usual WKlGLEYS Guaranteed Largest Circulation profits. .nt at Ottawa HEAD umCb real that brought l ze be must tMlljr wn Building, 3rd Ave, Prince? Hujrt, 11.(1 Telephone US. I. i .i, .. ,.r Mm MMinnmic Droll- if THE PERFECT CUM i ... liatu! In hatiil with THAN8IKNf DISPLAY ADVKHTItl(s-.50 re-nte pr men. Otntract icm musi e m the problem of man power rules on application. that of . this the lor me ...,. .. Let us make you acquainted win !.... Canadian people DAILY EDITION HjjjU& Thursday, June 7, 1917. Thomas .v..line II . t... .I n I n.l- III with the luscious i. ..i thai nine ar coll. trading rariiaiucu Arms have made profits flavour WANTED A LEASER fidence, or proved incapacity in ranging irom " " rr The disrupted influences that the carrying on of the war departments, 1..- ..ii.ii.lnii alone Is a damn- has been siilllclent , are jeopardizing the Internal ilng arraignment oi me uuirm-meal peace and solidarity of Canada to justify a demand for the retirement f which he is a member. in time of war will be encdur-atrrd of the responsible i n.,i nf ih rntttitrv'a war to uursue their fateful Prime Minister. Sir Ilobert expenses 4 iurpc !'should be financed from course, unless vigorous steps llorden has forfeited the confidence excess profits. They should be taken to pull the country of the Canadian people. are used n benau oi mo "Muting, together and to unite all par It is a dangerous experiment to their dependents, pensions, ties behind a government that force an extension of the life of etc. This would not only be common enjoys tho confidence of the the llorden regime by any justice, but would lower the people. For four months Can scheme of reconstruction that taxation under which the country ada was left without leadership, does not rest on 'the consent of Is staggering. while the Premier was in Kng the two historic parties in Parliament, It's all that and which is not followed with tlij IUondins and llour-asn, land During this time, the i The welcome new that the country drifted aimlessly, with by a fusion nf all the who denounced Lnurier's losses inflicted upon the merchant the name no definite war policy to en national forces essential to naval policy as an Imperialistic marine is "much below the average" 1 thuse the people and with in war efficiency. Is Sir Ilobert plot for conscripting French for the past week shows that suggests t llorden to risk the Canadians for overseas wars. prepared difference, neglect, and hope the note of elation In the speech of this and to Sir Hobert llorden lias weakened administra future country less chaos in war :of Mr. Lloyd fleorge a few days live departments, which chilled Jeopardize Canada's part in the lheToundations of Confederation ago was fully justified. The new Wrlgley quality the Interest of the nation In the European campaign by putting and prejudiced the method of attack is apparently made where cause or the Allies. Canada office before patriotism? fortunes of the Allied cause. meeting with great success. The The disgraceful manner in A condition precedent to the calls for a cabinet which will naval correspondent of the usual dtcwiatf gum which returned soldiers have hearty co-operation of Canada Join the broken threads of the ly well Informed W'eslminsler Baking k a WRIGLEYSw been deprived of the money due in the remaining stages of the pat and restore to the Iomln-ion lOaiette also baldly stated that an. aKieacc. WT-M K7-y-r.VJ7,7a-W W TWeTTTOk. to them, and the needless suffering war is a frank understanding the sense of national unity "infallible" means of countering iftHUfl (.UMFVlII between the two dominant which seven years of llorden and privation endured races the submarine had been invented I in and the creation of a truly partisanship have so effectually by brave men, particularly made and a cryptic reference was New three flavour the East, who have fought the Canadian sentiment which will destroyed. to the researches of Marconi and battles of their country, are unite them, on a common national an American Inventor operating little short of criminal. In the platform. It is as a na. NOTES AND COMMENTS along "independent lines, Chmw H after offices of the Soldiers Aid Commission tion that Canada is in this war. meat in Toronto two weeks Had' the llorden Government There is now a general demand SsIEENA LAND RIOOMOINO. OlSTSttCT mwry ago, two men appeared, in uniform, from the beginning of the war that the war profiteers shall be UTRICT OF OASSsW SMARLOTTE SSLANOS who had received no pay been seized of the vital importance rounded up and their gains con Take notice that Turner Reibwell MoUm, Get It whcTTTrr for .seven weeks. While these of national unity it would scripted for the benefit of tbe,na f VicMrta, B, C occtipauea aserctteat, la coofevtlons are sold two men were waiting to enter not have committed the crime tion. Although this Is a thing lends to apply tor permlntoo to prMpect their complaint and to ask re of playing off Ontario against that should have been attended for coal and pelrolevau ea the west cwasl Sealed Tight -Kept Right J er Oraham Islaod. to vicinity of West river lief, a third soldier appeared) Quebec, and of failing to appreciate to long ago. It is better late than UuatDrnriaf at a poet planted one tulle on the scene, who had received the value of French-Canadian never. The man who voluntarily south or the southeast earner ef C L MACE tH CANADA no pay since May, 1916. With sentiment in the vol. SI7I. thence west SO chains, umoco nocv) 10 chain, uenca east 'SO chains, thence The Flzumir Lasts a wife and family dependent untary enlistment of men in COAL NOTICES swuUt SO chains to pesat or coameocenMnt upon him and compelled to go Lower Canada. Dogged by the TL'RNtH ROTIIWEIX ML'LtX.I. SKEEMA LAND RE CO ROHM DISTRICT into hospital for an operation aftermath of the 1911 cam. STRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Marcb SI, 1017. Ausun Brown. armL ra following a wound received at ; paign, the llorden Ministry has MEENA LAND REOOetOtSM DtarrRICT the front, this soldier was ' been unable to reach the heart Take noUce that Jame Mclalty, of ISTRICT OF QUSSie CHARLOTTE ISLANOS or understanding of Quebec. Prince Rupert, occupation mercbant. In forced to seek assistance from; Having made use of Quebec tends to apply for pcrtouaion to prospect Take notice thai Arnes Broan. of Vl the Provincial Aid Commission j for coal and petroleum on tbe west coast B. intend to lurta. C occvpatioa widew, because of the failure of the' Nationalism to drive Laurier or Graham Island in tbe vicinity ft West apply for permission to prospect for coal Dominion Government to in-, from office, Sir Ilobert llorden river. and petroleum on west coast of Graham Schedule sure efficiency in the Militia has failed to take the place of Commeactnf at a post planted one mile Island. In v tetany of West river. Spring south or he soot ait comer of C L, tti7 Sir Wilfrid trusted lead, CotnmencUf al s post planted te mjlr Department, and In the Military as the, thence eovUt SS rnaiAJ. Ifceaee. asl IS swwm of ue aootkeesl corawr of C . t. . lmJCC OKORflC Hospitals Commission. er for both races. chains, tbeace north l chains, the nee. lOvlli tbenca west So chains, tbrnee mesl SO chains to of THUftSOAY 12 MldnloM f.or Vsnceuvie Confederation point commencement aocth to chaiaa thence east 00 The discontend among returned The Fathers of chains, Victoria and Boot lis. JAMES McNLXTT. created the On thence south m chains, to point of conv soldiers, and the ventilation nation March It, 117. Austin Brown, araL of their intolerable grievances, this broad foundation Sir Wilfrid otencctscaL AQ.1ES BROW1. WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX have done much to discourage Laurier brought English-speaking WEENA LAND RECOROINO DISTRICT Marcb II. 1917. Austin Brown, a rent t. . PRINCE JOHN I STRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS For KoUhlksn, WranQoll,Juneau and Sksgway, Juno inn. voluntary recruiting in and French-speaking MEENA LAND REOORDIN4 DISTRICT For Juno 11th. Canada, and to create the latent Canada together, and cemented Take notice that Joseph Row at. of Prince ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Vancouvor, hostility to necessary war measures the bonds of national unity, Hupert, B. C. occupation prospector. Intends 8. 8. PRINCE ALBERT which is disclosed by the It has been Slr ilobert Dor-den's to apply for permission to prospect Take notice that Edward PUkard, ol For Qufron ChaHotU Islands, Juna Clh. for coal and petroleum oa the west coast controversy over the compulsory ignoble task, in the pursuit or Graham Island, In vicinity or West Loe Aaseie. eccapellen earmeer. Intends PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE IA to apply fur permission to prospect for Wedaeeder sod etorsar at 1 1! a. ea. fee SmRSeee. FHeae SMet. enlistment proposals of of petty political ends, to river;- coal and petroleum on tbe weal coast of teotew, Seeketeea t4 tamela. eaaklef eeeecllee theee fee s seMU the Government. Why should put asunder those whom Sir Comaurnclnr from s poll planted one Oraham Island, In vicinity of West river. eeet ad eeeUs. .Olieed trabt eteey Teeesr al 4 a. m. the country be expected to entrust Wilfrid Laurier had joined together. mile south of the southwest comer of C U Commenciaf at a post planted one mile Agoncy All Ocetn SUamshlp Unas. 111. thence sooth so chains, thence east south oT the southeast corner si C L the future conduct of the Canadians have not 10 chains, thence north 00 chains, thence 997; tbence west 00 chains, thence north For Infortnallon and reservations apply lo war to a Ministry which has so forgotten how Sir Robert Hor-den, est SO chains to point of commencement. fo chains, tbence east 10 chains, tnenot City Tlekst Oftlos, SM Third Atronus. PHONE 20 conspicuously failed in the in the general election of iOSEPU ROWAT, south SO chains to pout of commencemenL March II, 1117. Austin Brown, a rent past? In other Allied countries 1911, drove Sir Wilfrid from EDWARD PICEARD, Marcb 11. 1917. Aaiua Brown. arenL forfeiture of public con office by a secret understanding SKEEMA LAND RECORD!SMI DISTRICT UTRICT OF QUSCM CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SEEENA LAND RECORD!NO DISTRICT I STRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS MINERAL ACT MINERAL ACT Take notice that iota William Goes, of CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Victoria, B. C occupation merchant. Intends lake notice that James Ray, of Victoria. NOTICE TO DEUXQUCIT PARTNER to apply for permission to prospect D. C, occupation hotel proprietor. Intends CertlflcaU of Improvements for coal and petroleum on the west coait Eastern Points To C W. Calhouns to apply for permission to prospect foe Lowest Rates o all Ttk notice, vbereae t bave dons sod of Graham Island. In vicinity or West river, coat and petroleum en tbe west coast of via Steamer to Vancouver and the tensed to be 4om iiHinncBl work on um NOTICE cutubtnetnr ai a poet planted two mllei Orabatn Island. In vklnlty of West river CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY south of tbe southeast corner or C L CommencUc al s post planted at tbe Mldmtfat Fraction mineral claim, slloatea Carlton Mineral Claim situate In tbe 1917; thence west 00 chains, thence south Meets and Berth included on Steamer southwest corner of C L. tbence 99tSt a tlx lillanee mer, about fourteen miles Ikeena MlntaE Division or Catslar District. from the bead or Alice Ann. in Um Skeena Where located. .tear bead of Alice 10 chains, thence east 00 chains, thence est 10 chains, thence soaia 10 chains, tnlor dlrttloo or Skeena district, assess-wot Arm, B. C north SO chains to point of commencemenL tbence east SO chains tbence norta SO Princess May for Granby Bay and Alice Arm Friday 11 P--Princess work for Ifll. llll. and ill, and TAKE NOTICE that I. i. Pred Rlteble, JOHN WILLIAM GOSS, beine to point ot cuuincncemenL p." March 1017. AusUn Bron, Vancouver via Ocean Falls, Sunday have paid for said work and reeordtaf rree Miner's Certificate No. m C. actlnt II. ermL JAMES RAT, May for tbe of 1 107 JO. I'aless you for W. A. Miners March II. 1017. Austin Brown. sieoL same sum par as a rent Williams, rree SEEENA LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT Prlnoess Alios for Alaska Monday, Juns 11th. I mt tie turn of tlOx.tO, for your share Certificate No. soitC intend, sixty days ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SEEENA LAND RECORDINe) f tbe said assessment work, tocetber with f ixtn tbe date hereof, to apply to tbe DISTRICT the coat of this advertisement, I shall, at ' Minim Recorder for a Certineate of tin- ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Take notice that noslyn Duke, of port- J. I. PETERS. General Aent ike aspiration of ninety (SO) days from for tbe of obtaining iprovements, purpose land. Ore., occupation hotel proprietor. Intends Take notice that Frederick Moerach. of tea date hereof apply to tbe mining re of tbe above claim. Third Prince Rupert. B.C. Street and Avenue. to apply for permission to prospect Victoria, B. &, occupation salesmen. In Co ner Fourth carder at Prince Rupert, B. C, to bare And further take notice that action, un for coal and petroleum on the west coast tends to apply for permission to prospect Interests In tbe Mldnlrbt Fraction der section II must te commenced before yeur r Oranein Island, In tbe vicinity of West for coal and petroleum on the west coast sainertl claim vested" In me. In pursuance tbe Issuance or tucb Certificate or lm river. of Oraham Island, la vicinity of West river f tbe of tbe mineral act. provisions provrmenta. Cooimenclni at s Post planted one mile Cotunenclns at a poal planted two miles Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C, this lltb Dated Una JTlh day of March, A. p. south of the sou t lie ail corner or C. L. south of tbe sou the mi corner of C U ear of April. 1IIT. ij II 1917, it First 0071; thence south 10 chains, thence west 9071, tbence east 10 chains, tbence south Safety U. C. PHILLIPS. J, FRED RITCHIE, A rent 10' chains, thence north so chains, tbence 10 Chains, tbence weal 0 chains, tbence Willi MettTaTHSwe l cast 19 chains to point cf cotmoenccnienL north 00 cbaina to point of comaMnectaenL HOJLYN DCkE, FREDERICK MOEKSCII, March II, l7. Austin Brown, acent Marcb II, 1917. Austin Brown. etenL S"AeT II W- Shubert at) l "Ship to SEEENA LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT SEEENA LAND RECOROINO DISTRICT i3 j BTmmmmmmmmmmmmmI launch AliceB. ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Take notice that Oliver Brown, of Victoria, Tske notice that John Booth, of La wmikWam B, occupation machinist. Intends AnrMes. FOR THE SALT LAKES C, occupation contractor, mievd to to -sitly for pertnlasluo to prospect lor apply for permission ut prospect for coal Every Flee Day from coal and petroleuin on the west coast of and petroleum on the west coast of Oraham 10 a.m. Graham Island la vlrlnlty or Writ river. Island. In vicinity of West river A. B.3HUB.Inc.Kgi RETURN FARK He. Conimenrlnr at s post plsnted two tulles CoTiimrnelni al a post planted two miles south of tbe southeast comer o( t L south of the southern corner of C L call 0971; thence south 00 chants, thence west 997(1 thence east to cttaini, tbence north W. i. THOMAS. FKeee, 10 rbalna, thence north SO chains, thence 90 chains, tbence wast to thafus, theoci fee Sti. east 0 thalns to point of xoinmrncrmenl. south 00 chains to point of commencemenL News OUVIh BROWN, JOIl.t BOOTH, Subscribe for The Daily Marcb II, ion, Austin Brown, aivnt Marcb II, HIT, Austin Brown, stent.