TOE DAILY NEWS FAMILY DOCTOR'S You CmHUkt laxcellent Cake 0000 JUICE With fewer Eggs TIMItll 5 A LI X895. ToGoOfiTal(liig,'Frult-a-tives" ssled Under will be received by tbe Just use an es44kenal quantity of Dr. Price's miai.icr ui (,anoe vt i ier una noon on Cream Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in Because They Did Her Good the Mh dsy of June. Itl7, for tba pur. place of each omitted. 4egg i Licence-, as s, vj cut i,ssy, Homo, T. Q.,Jan. Hth, 1915. fri't ,t Spruce. Cedar, Btlssm and Hem This applies equally well to nearly all baked kirk on an area situated on the call sbor HUa"I ttiflcred Indigestion for many and Coiulli.ation.years with ler I of trtct.Ssthttsoa C!tM, Rang I, Coait DU foods. 'Try the'foHowkig recipe acxxrrding to the luil frequent tUttjr spells and became Tlrrt l) years will b sl lowed for re-motal new way: greatly run down, A neighbor advised of tisiber. CREAM LAYER CAKE mo to try"frult-a-tlm". I did so aid rnrtvr ptrtlcuUrs of tb Chief rertttr, Old Way New Way victi.ria, B. or olsirlcl rortiter at to the surprise of my doctor, 1 began Prior RuerL B. C IT. I tmp eaesr I e Mfir , J mrik to Improve,and lie advised rce to go oa 1 cap Boar t rape cap mttk flaar with Trult.a tlTf, TIMBER SALE X913. laaapooaa Dr.Prfee'a Bakln Pawder 4taaapaoa Or.Price's BHa Sessa lacs- I comlder that I owe my life to'Trult- y,cap ahartmlBg t tablaapoofi ahattaalag tiff and I want to aay to those who Seiled tenders will be received by the ,teaapaaa Sararlag ttaaapaoa flavarlnaT Mhuaier or Lands not later than noon on tuGer from Indlpntlon, SCakM I Large 2-Layr Cake Constipation or the tih day of June, HIT. for tha pur- Headache 'try Frult-atlves' and you Hmm nf Licence Xtlf, to rut T.ltt.OOO DIRECTIONS Crura tha near and ahaftanlnctocathaf.than mil la tba aay. Altar lflln the Baa, tni Or. Price's Baling Powder tocather.twa ar thrae will cet well". COHLVE OAVMKAV. fel "f iiemlock, Oidtr and Spruce, and tlmaa, IJ IX ill ta tb mlrtara Oradaanjr add tha milk aad baat wtth apooa Wc. a bos, fi for 7& trial sin?, 25c. t.t'i'i lineal feel of piling, on an .area ad- antll r bar imooth Mar batter. Add I ha flaaerln;. Paar late graaaad larrf cake tint and Dale in madarately hot araa for twant attaataa. Thla At aJI dealers or aeot postpaid by Fruit J'Uninr Lot 1103, Jujkill Inlet. Oiaham cak la beat baked la twa l.rert. rat to at bar wtth craaai tOlag and apraad Ulsnd, Queen Cbarlotl Islaod District. wtth wbtt Ictag. atlTril lm t-l, Ota- -. Thre (I) year will be allowed for re moval of umber. IVrtbtr ptrtirulan of tbe Chief Forest "ADoUarlnTiroe, er. Victbfia, B. a, or District forester. Dr.Phices rriDce unpen, p. c Saves Nine" tr.NO REGISTRY ACT VISIT to The Iknk of A Klylp seen in Kew York. New IiIouhc combine lnce and ern 'tttiMu tt and 111.I Dritish North America BAKING broidery. ppiK-ain v.. tl.lll, Pima Ml 4 POWDER for the purpose of take SoTICE that application has beee depositing part of your to ri-gitur ivhn Bergman, of Prion ND1AN BANDS WILL BHITISH TRAWLERS ARE Rupert, B. C, as owner In fee under a Made from Cream of earnings, becomes pleasant TartJr, a TERROR OF SUBMARINES Tax 41 Deed from tbe Collector of tlx and profitable habit,when Mty of Prince Rupert, bearing date tb once COiMPETE AT THE FAIR Itth dsy of September, ttlt. of ALL AXD Made in Canada. Mo Alum. you have acquired it Guidon, June 4. -Stories not SIatLAR that certain parcel or tract ol land and premises situate, lying, and be hitherto of published lively en The dollar you use to open That several of the Indian ing In Ue Mouletpality of Prince Rupert. counters between Ilritish traw an account in the Savings lands on the coast intend coining more parUcularly known as Lot Ten (10), lers and German submarines in Block rive (J, Section Seten (7 . Ms" Department in turn saves to I'rince Itupert this fall to compete the North Sea were told by Sir tfJ. others, as the habit of mvi&a in the band contest at the You are required to contest tb clain Robert Lowry and others at the fair was the statement of Mr. of tb tax purchaser within thlrry-fltr SPORT SHOES grows. recent meeting of the Mission to Iloelscher yesterday. Mr. Iloel days from the date of tbe tcrvle c tbii THE BANK Of National Seamen. One trawler. noUrc (which may be effected by Regis-lered scher hopes to come with one of WITH Mall Directed, and at Sir Hobert said, became such or as your the bands as bandmaster. The leotion Is c tiled to section tt of tne British Nerft Auerfea terror to U-boats that four of bands from Massett, Delia Helta. Land Registry Act with amendments. .SPORT aOTHES them lay in wait, and eventually ad to tbe following extract therefrom: T vrasm is bu&imjvv Aiyansh, and a fourth band from avisataw -"v Aaaaai- m m destroyed it. On one occasion .-and In default of a cateal or certifi capital and sun plus, S7.SSe. the Naas expect to enter for the thla trawler, armed with two light es le of lis pendens being Sled before tbe Thats ke Yo&vt, this competition, and there Is a pos reglttraUon as owner of the person entitled PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH sibility of KltlakaUa and the MeU guns, was attacked by a subma under such lax sale. aU persons so year. to have erne's rine. One shot went through the served with notice., . . .and inos clalmlni W.J.SMMHERS, Manaqer lakalla and Port Simpson bands shoes in harmony with deckhouse, another smashed the through or under them, and all persons also entering. claiming any Interest ta tbe land by virtu wheel, "but the skipper w-ent on the sport suk, or outing Mr. Hoelscber has been a band-master r any unregistered InstrumenL and aD nut alarm ststcsl. for about fifteen years steering with broken spokes.1 persons claiming any Interest In tbe land y skirt and sw.atsjr. Another shot carried away the by descent wbos title Is not registered no. now and at one time was regimental cook's galley, but tne trawler's under the protuiona of this AcL shall be ciwcurr 1. bandmaster of the 3rd II-linojs far eter estopped and debarred from setting In 1Slin and gunner hit the submarine, which St. Ird Av. Infantry in the United p any claim to or In respect of the a 1 Sin SL aiil ird Ave. then had enough of it and went Ixnd so sold for uses, and tbe Registrar 14 in St and Ird av. Slates, lie comes from a very i under. shall register the, person enuUed under Set ta-Junction or Ind and jnusical who have been tit, family iseb tax sale as owner of tbe' land sc i Anoiner armed trawler saw- a rd aim. long established In the state of sold for tatea' Var ia lit Aie. between 1th and Buimm iiic uii iuc iiuivii era, uiiu A.1D WHEREAS application baa bees Illinois. One brother of Mr. Hoel-ocher's lib St. anot Hotel), made a dash for it, with the re snad for a Certifies te or Indefeasible Title tsi IT 1st A. and Jin SL (On- is colonel of the 2nd II-linols suit that the U-boat quickly sub to tb abotemenUoned lands. In the name lrl lloul). National fiuard, another is of-John Bergman merged. "It went underneath,' al West Point and a third is AMD WHEHEAS on Investigating the CIRCUIT no." a. said Sir Hobert, "because it could till it appears tbat prior to the tin day also under arms and all three ai ird Ate and Ird SL (Pol not imagine it possible that a cf September, 1911. (tbe dst on w bid ura). hope to get across to the front trawler would have the courage the said lands were sold for overdue -trd A, and McBrid St. with the first American contingent. taxes) you were the assessed owner to attack if it were not armed." Set 4 lit At, and McBrld SL thereof. ex zs tod Ave. and tad SL Sir Robert related how they FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at tbe SUMMER SHOES Coming to the coast three ti IS tad Ate. and tth SL years learned of the sinking of two sub sasw time I shall effect registration la n 170. t. r. ago from Manitoba, Mr. Iloef-acber marines by the bodies of the crew- pursuance of such application and Issue t are the most complete line of organized the Prince Ru- Certificate or Indefeasible Title to tbe tald CIRCUIT NO. 8. pert City Hand, and since that floating on the surface, although lands In tb nam of John Bergman unless summer footwear ever made. five or six days later a report was you take and prosecute the proper proceeding ai ai tin a-, and rviton sl time has been instructing the Indian The Fleet Foot trademark shoes for i 12 Borden and Taylor SU. circulated from Germany that the to establish your claim. If any goes on aa -ife l at,Are. ana and mitoo Centos SL At. much bands success.on the coast with boat had returned to ber port. posed lo tb acUon said lands,on my w parL to prevent such pro every summer need for work and play for a, st sta At. and Dods Pio DATED at the Land Registry Office men, women and children. Prince Rupert. B. this tin day or Bi 4l At, and TtopoO SL LAND REGISTRY ACT C. BRITAIN EXPERIMENTS December, A. D. ttlt. dealer show thm H. F. MACLEOD. to you Fhoi Foot CIRCUIT NO. 4. IN WATER TRANSPORT (ScUooa It and 111.) Apr. IT. District Registrar of Title. yoa'U find exactly what want end the price 41 you -4ia Ate, and tmmersoo ti Apptlrauons Noa. tO!-l and tOIT-I, To Simon. Peterson. Davisvtlle. California. Bs 42 SL London, May 12. The first - ruur MM. are a half, a third and even le, khan oqmaMy -tin Ate. and MeBrU M 114 A. ami Oreen SL stage of a striking experiment in mad TAKE to."IOT1CE rrtlitcr UMt Sarab application Lando, of feu Prlnc been WATER NOTICE attractive leather boot would cott. 4- -416 Ate. and Bull 8L inland water transport was com. KnperL 8. C, at owner In re under two 4i as- lift Ate. and tbaris, Tat Sal from Collector of tne DIVERSION AND USS pleted with the arrival in London Deed the 141 Tift At, and Toung SL or data tne TAKE NOTICE that George McJUe. the other day of two barges laden CUT mac Rupert, beartnr find day of September, it l. and ALL AD hose address is Skldegat. B. C. wiL with coal from collieries In the SLUOl'LAR Uut certain parcel or tract or spply for a licence to tak and use ISO north of Knpland. The barges land and premlsea simile, lylnc and betnt cubic feet per mtnui of water out "of were propelled for ICO miles by In lb Municipality of Prlnc RupeM. more Demster Creek, which Sows northerly and drslns into Allford Bsy, about, It chains parUcularly known and lcrUed a Lot a detachable motor. eleten (III. Block twenty-eisHt (til, from lb PC. E. corner of T. L ttt. Tbe Prince Rupert Feed Co. The new device consists of a Section SU ).and Lot tturtyUire (II), ater wlU be dlterted from tb stream at four-cj Under, 17-h.p. marine engine Block forty-m (), Section Eirtit (t). paint .about ten chains west from N.W. p. o. OS TDIrd At. capable of hauling two boats Nip til. corner of Lot 4. B. C Fisheries, and wlU be' used for power purpose upon tbe land You ar required ta eontett in claim with load of 100 tuns. It is RECEIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS a t in ui purcbaaer wlitun St day from described as adjoining Timber Limit Uf mounted the top of the cabin on Ui date or tn service of UU nolle In application to lease. WE HANDLE and controlled from the helm. (wbicli may b effected by publication). This notice was posted on tbe grountJ r.PFAT FTPFrTATinilC Steal Petrol is employed for starting, and your attention I called to acction on tbe Itth day of January. ttlT. J A Brlgga, Ren n lea' of this nolle and an applicattor in this batch when The II or tbe -Land Reentry Act" wUb py are and they will be reeked Ferry's and Maokanxla'a and paralun running. aioendmenu and to I be (olio wine extract pursuant thereto and to tbe Water Act because I use fngine and attachments can be 1014 will be Bled In in office of Um Garden and Field Seeds. luererromi ......'ana in aeriuii oi a transhipped from one barge to caveat or certificate of Ut pendeni beint W'ster Decorder at Prince Rupert. Objections Also Fertilizers. another in a few' minutes, and it aied be for Ibe retiitratlon as owner of to tbe application may b Bled lib tbe said Water Recorder wltb HAY, GRAIN AND FEED the peraon entitled under such tax '. all or la slated that its use means peroo to served wiib notice and tbe Comptroller of Water Rights, Parlia Chicken Feed A Specialty. economy in limo and money by inoM claualnr throurb or under tbem, and ment Buildings, Victoria. B. C, within comparison with towing by all pertooa clalmlor any Intcreil In Um thirty days after the first appearance of Wo Take Orders for Nursery horses. land by virtu of any unregistered Instru this notice in a local newspaper. ROYAL STANDARD hat the flavor r-Flour -Tb data of tbe first publication of this and all la- menL eMimtnr persona aay Stock. otic Is February list. IttT. made from the pick of Canada's leresi in .um iiiki oy oescent wnos uu sun NOTIOE u not reflstered under tbe provisions of OEORUE McRAZ. Applicant golden wheat ROYAL STANDARD orr au4 To. rrtir Ibis Art. shall b for ever estopped and hat the texture 1 Flour ground wondrous debarred fnuu setunv up any claim to or t MINERAL AOT fine. ROYAL STANDARD hat the 'he following articles rallied in respect or lte land to told for tatea, by (the Cadet Corps havo not been and in Hertsirsr,shall rcrtsier tb person Certificate of Improvements. unifofTOkyJFlour laboratory tested that hat teviitttt c la I mod: An oak stand, won by ton tied under tucb tax silt u owner of NOTICE made great big, snowy, springy loaves before h land so sold for tatea.' "Dourail; "Doutsll Fractlona," and It reached my kitchen. Use it I Make 71ltEN0INtykLflNLMtNT Mr. Oous: an O.cedar mop. won ANU WHEREAS application bas bees Waterfront" Mineral Claims, situate In the most of your bating art! by Joo Lambert; a fountain pen, aiad for a Certificate of indefeasible T1U lb Skeeo Mining Division or Casslar District, won by It. Kdwurds; a necktio, lo iba above-mentioned lands. In lb nam U XV , - - ! It cf Sarah Lando. Wner located hr-On tba west lid of won by Mr. Ohoosorg; n cigar riSMBJtaiAPrs sNairea AMI WHERKAa n Ino.llr.llnr tha II tU head of Alice Arm. I case, won by Mr. Thornton, and a II appears that prior to tb II th day of TAKE NOTICE that I. Richard B. Me- Oil 1-a In-. 'a1 i. T Mar Paw". Hoy's Owu won by Hod. wckln. September, it It. (lh dst on which tb Glnnlt, rrre Miner Certificate No. Illtt, nou. said lands wtr told for overdu taies), acting as agent for tb Dolly Varden Mines a 0,1 a a-4 u. ky s i., aa claim. you were tb retislered and assessed Company, I're Miner's Certificate No, til If the articles are not Hre Pewer. . owners thereof. C Intend, sixty days from the date hereof. 4 Cl w la. by a la - ed in four days, thoy will be FURTHER TAKE NOTICE thai at lb to apply to tbe Mining Recorder for a Mea Pwr, rnllKnl over again. taut tiuie I stall effect registration In Certificate of Improvements, for tbe pur pursuance of such application and Issu a pose of obtaining a Crown Oraot of the Certificate or Indefeasible Till to lb Slid above claim. For Further Information A woman should he reserved In lands In tha nam of Sarah Lando unless And further lake notice that action, un Apply to her admissions or lovo until after you lak and prosecute the proper pro. der section it, must be commenced be. marriago, evedints lo stabilia your claim. It any, fore tbe Issuance of such Certifies l of 1m.' to lb said landa. or to prsteni such proposed pmtementt. IV. C. WILLISCnOFT acUon ou my prL Dated thla tlth day of April. A. D. ttlT. Prince Rupert, B. 0, A vnunir inaldeib 111 love crlf DATEIi al tb Laud Reentry Office. It, t. RICHARD B. McOINNlV with her eye; Uie experienced Prince Rupert. B, C. this lOih day of April, A. U. HIT, Salvation Army. maiden never. II. f, MACLEOD, SUBSCRIBE FOR District Registrar of Tiuea Public i ir" Tuesdays, meetings, The imlly delivered ,bj To Charles IMamti.'as to Lot tl II. r. Clark and II. O. Richer, hursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. WcwWrstaliwyr.resaalAo.tefU.jF The Daily News l arrler, SO cents per mouth. a lo Lol It, in. Sundays nl 7:30 p. m. 1!