TUB DAILY MKWI TImrd.iy Jut1(, 191V ' m r M! 'r' - Pure Blood FRANCOIS LAKE G. H. Arnold Local News Notes the You can keen vour hlnnri In M-. ii, iMiioriOne of good conditionhave a denr most picturesque lakes In the In. NOTARY FLHH.IO mm,and bright eyes, by taking Mr, Alex. Wlte, of Vancouer, terior of Central llritUh Columbia is in uie city. Is Francois Lake, about 330 miles We writes Fire and Marine BEKHAM'S Mr. J, J. Carew has arrived In from here by train and stage. Insurance, ' representing Prince llupert. This lake follows latitude 54 for miles and Is from two to onlyptrong, libera! com- PIUS Mr. A. J. Watkintoii, of Port seventy wide. The water from three miles panics. Simpson, was In town yesterday this lake flows through a river We sell Ileal Estate, and Just Lwm6 iifwi ScsW mtmm.-tfavKlcs-M Ja-eeaa,ck lit.pw-psm Mr. C. A. Hcebc, of Vancouver, with sleep banks only seven miles ha real is paying a visit to Prince llupert now ve some long into Fraser Lake with a fall SNAPS. Ask us about NOTICE Mr. W, E. Green, of Vancouver. of ISO feet in this short distance, them. arrived in Prince llupert yester Some day this water powe- will We have apartments, houses TAKK .NOTICE that we, Albert day. ' be utilited and Francois Lake, like stores and offices for rent, & McCalTery, Limited, of the city the Lake of the Woods In Ontario, Mr. It. C. Lowry, of New West want of Prince Rupert, 1). C, merchants and more. have applied to the Dominion minster, arrived in the city yes. will become a huge mill.pond. As H. Q. HELQERSOft, LTD Government for permission to terday on a visit. travelled last Monday more than liuild an addition to wharf now half of the length of this lake I situated on Lots Three (3), and Mr. J. A. Creagh ariived in tbe had the opportunity not only to Four (I), Ulock "F", City of city yesterday morning and later admire the beautiful scenery but Prince Rupert, said lots are owned left for the Islands, also to Judge of the value of the by the Provincial Government and Mr. D. M. Connell, of Vancou land along tbe shores. In places "lie My News leased to us. the banks are hilly and either ver, arrived here yesterday and Plans of construction of said left at night for tbe Queen Char covered with spruce and poplar THE BEAUTY OF SUNLIGHT CLASSIFIED ADS. addition are being submitted to lotte Islands. v trees or else bald and barren, but the Public Works Department there are many other places where U thai every K-rmcnt washed with it bear , the Dominion Government by the Mr. George MofTaL who has the land slopes down to the lake impress of purity; a purity bc.oden of sweet cleantini oil, maintained Provincial Government. the soil is fertile. The and by abtolutc clean-liius WANTEB. charge of the operations of the and very in manul-cturc: a purity exalted by (ho ALI1EIIT& McCAFFEFlY LIMITED Granby Co. on Graham Island was best spots have naturally been cooperation of workers united for the 1 lMTELL10E.tT PER30.1 MAY EAR Dated 22nd May, 1917. x J24 in the city yesterday. picked out by Ihe pioneer settler a purity demonstrated by the M$S.t)0f) nusrsr-.-e"'purr,. ; 1100 monthly eorrtipondinf for mi ; and the grasping speculator. We which reU upon every bar of SUNLIGHT SQa? papers; MO to I JO monthly la spare TIMBER SALE X 904. Fqr inside walls and ceilings. do not begrudge the former his rassinr:lmj experience subjects unnecessary;iarrsteL Send no can for beaver board Is more decorative. lo(. He Is worthy of it (and his A fittm. A mW JAS- lie ItHlu frnwmr W U'mH 0J It particulars. SsUoml presa (vrtiu Sealed tenders wtU be recelted by the more durable and much cheaper green fields are a delight. Ip the room Mi, Buffalo, X. T. Minister or Lands notlaier than noon on than lath and plaster. City Weigh eye, but the latter deserves noin. TVe L e ea is a Um 4th day or Jane. HIT, ror the pur-chase Scales. ing but contempt for holding back FOUND or Ucence X 01, to cut ttl.OOO feel the of the development country, or Spruce, Balsam and Hemlock on an rt'NO Lady's Vanity Bar. Apply Daily area adjoining Lot Hi, situated on tbe In the recent casualty lfW are doing nothing with the land but Jtewa offlce. tr. ntt shore of Ellertll- ChanneL Rsnre I. the names of Corporal llalhurst, waiting for the unearned increment Crn nutiiet. Prince llupert. wounded, and Ser produced by the sweat and MISCELLANEOUS One l) year will be allowed ror re geant II. umtsI of Umber, Sangstad, Hagensborg, toil of others. Hack from the lake TABL BOARD BY WEEK OR MO.tTII Further particulars or Ifle Chler Torester, Delia Coola, wounded. there is still much good land t" Jllce House, close in. Slnrle meals If victoria, B. C. or District forester, Prtnce be pre-empted. About midw ay J l. Stslred. rnope Blue JJt. lit. Rupert, B. C ; The King's list of Birthday from both ends of the lake there: .i-ni"; Honors includes tbe name of! in hi i aw m m j,-rj BRAD C ATE 5LRSE LAND (a trniApnrnsinl f appv m l-titAt-4 (CM B.London) Terms ACT mm mm p w saaea v s I0UIIV II i Lieutenant Cyrus Wesley Peck, aoodfrste, apply p. o. Boi SIS, or and scow with Wlggs O'.Neil at Pnone l. who has been awarded the Dis SKXEIA LA.1D DISTRICT DISTRICT or the helm. It is on the north shore! FARM LAMM COAST, RA.1G1. FIVE. tinguished Service Order, of the lake near tbe ferry that the' r Take notice that Cse MlDerd Pack-Ins we, Company, Limited, or Yancoier, oc- Mrs. and Miss Olson, of Ta. new church stands which I opened! Prince Rupert Dairy DENTISTRY ftSCOM A-tD CAUTOR.-U RAILWAY CO. assisted by flev. Wm. Sweetman,' cspatkm cannerymen. tav-nd to apply ror coma, arrived" in the city yester RA.tT LAJfDS. Title to same rerested permlssioa to lease tin followlnt described last Sunday. The settlers came; UNDO) MW WANASSgWT CSjOWK 0 SAtOCI 0t day morning from the and fei L'nlted Bute by act of Co-tress south, ate4 Job , It 11. Two million, tare Commencins lands: at post planted at the will make their home here. Mr. from both sides of the lake. From A SPSOUATT fetwdred thousand acrea to be .opened southeast comer of Lot t IT: thence aouth Olson is skipper of the chooner the point where the ferry land FHJRC MOLSTIEN MILK dr. 4. 3. rnovvft for homesteads and sate. Timber and & chains to low water mark; thence north "Seymour. on the south side. roads go to CREAM OtNTIIT SfTlevIteral lands, containing soma or westerly tt chains foUowtns low water Ootsa Lake and Uncha Lake. I kst land Jn U Called Sutes. now Is BUTTERMILK ati mmn si. tin s,. thence north I cnatna the Grand mark; to a opportont tunc Larre map show- Trunk PadSe rlrht-or-way: thence sooth Mr S. J. Castleman. of aVn. met two men who are locating kur lands by sectloa. and description of easterly tt chains roDowtnr aald rlrht-of-ty couver, who is a well known mining about ten miles from FrancoU PHONE rS7 P. O. BOX SM an. climate, raarall. cleraUoa. etc. to tbe place or beainntns and con- man, was in the city yester Lake midway between 'this and Postpaid oot dollar. Grant Lands Lo-a All Ore I Pre-pu- AttaeSeS Ta. tainins II acres. and irt Ootsa Lake. They taking tint Co boi (IS, Portland. Oreroo. day company with Mr. W. are GOSSE MILLERD PACmO COMPANY uis. . LIMITED. JI4 G. Norrie.he left on the Prince forty head of cattle Into this R. McKay, rroprltlor. UUHOH3TRCT DISTRICT Of AprU tod. If IT. J. Fred Ritchie, stent. Albert for the Queen Charlotte country and there are enough J.L.HICKEY coast, mmm a. Islands last night. children in the party to start a TAKE nOTICK Uuvt Use BrtUsti Columbia IX THE MATTER OF A APPUCATIO.I ' school, nostrum's cattle ranch ror the Issue of a rresh eertincate of Utlt CONTRACTOR A SUI-OKR Caanlnt Company, Limited, or Victoria. B. The Ftev. W. Wright, of the is also W. in this neighborhood. C, salmon cmnners, intend to apply tat ror Lou One II) and Two (t). Block parmlsslon to leaAe toe folio win r describes Eleven (III, Section One (I), City or DaptisLChurch, has received definite While at the foot of the lake I' roresnore land: -Cotnmenctna at a post Prtnce Rupert. Map 9ti. information from Captain saw a steamer siity-five feet long4 PACIFK CARTAGE, LTD. Store and Office Futures, planted on the nortb bank f tbe Skoena NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVE.1 that II Is ..1 1. , . . . .. i Door and MoMln.t. Jordan, of the University Itattal-i uuiu anu u Fash, iiru py joacpir itemey lurer, SlO feet too in rrom tba soatbeesl my intention to issue after tbe eiplralloo i , .t , , i rerovr or Lot S9. R. I, Coast Dlstrlei; or one month rrom the first publication iuii at tancuuvcr, mat tue .mcui- who also hopes to operate up and Oak and Hard NVoo4i ot H Usance sou lb too feet; tbence westerly hereof, a rresh Certificate or Title ror tbe cat Hoard declines to reconsider down this wonderful waterway Geitra Teaning kinds. t aad northerly parallel to tba abort Una. above mentioned sots In the name or tbe his application for service at the when business warrants It. Such Slataoee or approximately 410 feet to AttanUc Realty and' Improvement Company front. a man should be encouraged. DdMESTlO Ws SptclalUs In HtnJ-wood point too feet south or the soutt Limited, which Certificate or Title was NLiCKSMITH Boat Ribs, ttih, boundary of tbe Orand Trunk Pacific railway: issued on the tOth October, It 10. on application, From the tool of the lake I walked COAL thence westerly and northerly par received tbe tOth October, 1(10, WESTHOLME THEATRE over a prospective wagon road, Careful Attention to Piano Doors, etc alia! to the said rtrht-or-way to point and is numbered t4-l. snd now a sleigh road, seven miles to Removals. Flats and Sheet Gists and Furniture sooth or the g.. W. corner of Lot t; May 14th. HIT, thence north too fact to the point or in-sereecUoa Land Reslatry Office, At the Westholme Theatre to Kndako, a divisional point on the Glazing. of the south boundary or said Prince Rupert, B. C night, there will be shown the O, T. P. This road is worthy of PHONE 93. Corner Frsaer and th Its. lie-t-or-way; thence southerly and easterly a. T. MACLEOD, pieturixation of an immortal being built by the government as aloof aald rtiut-or-way to a point le. to. District Retistrar. a short connecting link. Fallen! FHONE GRECN tS9 where aald boundary line striker shore work, which had exceeding popu Ilea; thence alonr birh water mark to the it M. aanaoa. Bjl. larity during two thirds of the trees made it hard to travel. There F. O. BOX 4U J pesst or commencement. ay. E. WIUiaoM. H A, I..L.R last century. 'The Dream of is undoubtedly a future before! A. W. CARTER. WILLIAMS A MAN30N Eugene Aram," to be shown tonight Francois Lake It abounds in fith.i STEEN & LONCWILL Actios as stent for the B. C Camuns Ce, Limited, -UrrisUrs. Solicitors, Etc was a play in which the late The mining prospects at the head! rebruary tlth. 1017. omcv TO LOAN Sir Henry Irving appeared in of thLs lake dUtrict are good andl ci mi 1873, and it was based upon a best of all there are some genuine 1 SANITARY ANO HEATING Relrrna Rlnrt, rnnee Rsserl. B. C poem by Thomas Hood. Ilulwer farmers and ranchers round Us ENGINEERS Sheet Metal Wom LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS Lytton also wrote a novel on the shore- -F. II, DU VKIl.NCT. MOTEL AT ROWE'S PLUMBING 'same character. As a pycologi-j AgsnU for Having been In the EsL I -a cal study, It was criticised, an.j McCLARY FURNACES berorne seq-aJnted with all s to aucrrs on tunm btm AND alysed and dissected at great' ern rnelhoda of outfitting fasoliM Write for us lour Wants In Motor Stage will connect SHEET METAL WORKS length, although nowadays, its ' pLUMIINQ boats, aa uaed by Eastern shef f with trains at Terrace. romance proves to be the chief. add They mate oaaellae Tanks, allay ;tinteret. Tyrone Power in this; GasoKne Tanks, Pipe-fitting plpee, Bmeka Slacks, o-lataey Tepe, Poultry Supplies SHEET METAL WORKS SUceHeet Treot PleftUif In Lskelee and all tlie week that la uaually done play gives a splendid rendering! and Plumbing, Lake. 1" the.OLD FASHIONED TM SNOT, and it will be Ihorsvughly enjoyed, I'hone S, 831 Second Avenue. FHeae Oaewectleae with Tarraee.. MTlTN ALL rarucularty und all lines of Sheet TMI UtTSST OOWM-TO-OATK Night 870 balance the phones To by Ram SS.M per day WORK. BPtetALOCO, audi everyone. programme, Bakf Chkk Pee ana Develeplae; aa ,SKVLMHTS, CORN IOCS, .Eta. a Scenic will also be . PeeS J Wheat, arler, Oata Oor and Dlue 270 n : Metal Work : s Tor further particulars, apply to Btaevthlne In tke Ilea fartlin, Mlas ,shown, and there will be some ant anS Shell, Cherceal, las fceaSa Ths right work, at the right I'rumpt AtUntlon snJ SkflW t. BKUOC JOHNSTONS, -Uaaatr. Facterr. Stevee pet up sad a splendid comedies also. ee Pevltry Teelce time, and at ths right prlso. Workmanship acted te htllae. Roenafl la all - AUo -Car klns or m atael-l. Rspalrlefl of all leU ef Nar an 4 PaeS er PUkae BUtOKv klnea. PRIOCS RIOHT, BCMVIOS WHAT IS COMINQ ON Oats Llnaa-S SjM( Nur((ry MMB H. LET0URNEAU PHONC ; PIRST-CLASS. A anS SeeSa, partls.lerly small SATISFIES OUS-TOMKB) THE BELGIAN COAST Treea, SUMCRIK FOR , AVENUB IS OUR AIM. RaapWrlae, au-awaarry ataxia, betft 621 SIXTH PHONE B40. ... P. O. MX 47. Sanater Dunlap aS If-he-Maf-Dunlup rhone Black 325 P O- Hoi 11 Factory and Ofltee S22 2nd Aianvs London, June o, neparts,from' al n.se fr ISO. The Daily News ----- r,- aad Sad Btreet, oleee to Cow Bay both Herlln nnf t.nndrin Imtnv ln' ErUarior al Tie pr doirn. and etera eet Wharf Our -alurallird Ua rrasi seed al Satltfaotlen OgaraniMd DR. KEJMIN BUILDINO. dicate the probability that an Im-! 1 pouiiOi ror 1 1.so. portant military movement by the We are sbippinv poutoea Tor lofifil use as the seedist saason Allien is under way on the Helgian Is over and we would te glad to A HOT BATH THE front possibly an attempt in' supply your wants. YOU WANT IT MINUTE Wbrn ordtrtnr plrase mention tola force to hit the Herman Hank on add. w accustomed Letterheads the coast a crushing blow. - You are in- Envelopes -Statements A pitch of notable intensity J. J. MURRAY & CO. Ziautiy....ninr. Thihkpfiht;wniii watrr Cards, Etc. such as usually precedes an at. SCSO Mf ROHANTS, gSmantee, Alia. Ufuclion of gelim Psew 98 Lack has been reached by the arr Water In the same wr lilltry fire near the coast and to abundance, regordlei o the south in the Ypres district. IB how much has been uea Tbe News M Press Meanwhile HritUh air raids MOT before,WATER LIKE MAOI0 have been carried out on and near Pri-Msf f AH Demises-, fete this coast. Many tons of bombs, Stuart J. Martin Harry Hanson says the London official report, have been dropped on Osterul. ASSAYCm TSWB Hut Water Service bringi r.O.Bt.89 Programs liruges and Zcebrugge, the last you thU convenience. Catalogs named being; one pf the principal HAZELTON , C. r 'PZJ FHONE 4MP.0,I0X Dodgers Herman submarine bases. Puatcra,etc. The oldest sstabllshsd Assay None master all women; few men none, Man a hardest task Is Offloo In ths North. Daily News In The eeeeeeee to master one. Advertie