The daily NEWS ll, : : . VOL. VII!.NO. 131. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, FRIIiAY, JUNH 8, 1917. PRICE FIVK CENTS ALEEETA EETUiiS ML GOVERNHENT ALL CABINET MiNISTERS GET LARGE MAJORITIES - NO COALITION AT OTTAWA SMASHING BLOW STRUCK ' COALITION ON THE BELGIAN FRONT IS FINALLY ATTACK MADE ON A NINE-MILE FRONT TAKES FIRST OBJECTIVES DISPOSED OF TANKS IN THICK CP FIGHT MANY PRISONERS TAKEN GERMAN TRENCHES ARE BLOW.? UP Proposal Ha Not Been AoeetHeeV By Liberal The Polloy f 4fpfCltl to Tbt DaUy .. Bordefi Sort. I Said London, June 8, The British LIBERAL VICTORY to be the Cava. troops under General Halg opened -IN ALBERTA (Special to Tbe Dallj .lewf.) on offensive this morning on the Ottawa, June 8-igir Wilfrid Messlne and Wyslchoete Ridge In (Special to tbe Dally Stwa.i Laurier will not join in a coalition llelglurn on a nine-mile front. The first objectives were taken everywhere Calgary, June 8The election government. lie cannot see and further progress Is of members to the provincial his way to join the government on satisfactory. More than a thousand House held throughout the province the terms proposed. The con German prisoner are already yesterday has resulted in the scription policy of Sir Robert Borden counted and further num. return of thirty-eight Liberals is said to be the stumbling hers continue to reach the collecting block' stations. This new offensive and eighteen Conservatives. All Sir Robert Borden was endorsed the members of the cabinet have three miles south of (i Ypres, at the party caucus today. been returned. All members at The fighting Is tlll in progress. Notwithstanding the attitude of Tho rush of the British carried present with the forces were relumed Sir Wilfrid, the Government will them across, the Messine Wyle-schaete by acclamation. OBJECTIVE OF THE ITALIANS. Street scene in Trieste, the objective of the Italian forces go ahead with coalition, and an Ridge, and they are en-trenching In their present offensive against the Austrians. Each day brings General Cadorna's army nearer attempt will be made lo form a now. Over one million to the city. Unionist Government, giving representation pounds of explosives were used . --isjfcwl t o Conscriptionist to blow up the foremost German BBBBBBBBBBBBBv. Liberals. The Government expect THE CITIZENS AND ASK A REORGANIZED ICATHOUC BAZAAR WAS positions. Twenty per cent more ; lo have a conscription majority guns were In operation preparatory SHIPBUILDING, MUNITIONS BOARD A GREAT SUCCESS of at least thirty-five. to the advance than were Sir Robert Borden will table his used in the llatlle of Arras. The , M" jj . BBBBM' - conscription proposals, this week. trattch positions all the way from SJjSiu Bk There was a well attended: Ottawa, June 7, The confer- The second and last evening of Observation Nidge, outhral of 'KrK meetine held in the council cham. nce of labor leaders held here the Bazaar got up by the ladies of Russian: MTVATHM BBBBr Mi lo laKe deiinlte action In the Catholic Church proved to be iucc'"eu north the hall Ja.l Ypres, to Tloegslreet Wood, H. " ' ber of city evening. It -w- " lu cerlain allegations as successful as the first night. of Arnifintlere. were, also eaplur-&. '' The meeting was a public one. vnT'truVrrVre 1n U thUk BBBBBBUBl ti'ifrtf j,, deegaes havJ lodged Theru a--very good attendance . (Special Id"Tbe;paar Jiews.- atfd included the committee? from British A against the Imperial Munitions last night, notwithstanding lhe of the fighting. The naval -bbbbxR. the of Trade and from the Board to Petrograd, June 8, The riots Board by forwarding the 1,700 inclement weather, and everyone air planes dropped bombs on the BBBBi i-VI of the soldiers have now subsided. Herman aerodrome near the coast city council who have been ap-j'ocal unions and other labor or- enjoyed the proceedings thor-pointed The garrison at the fortress of between Zeebrugge and Ostend. to endeavor to find out ifan'ialions represented a request oughly. Kronstadt have now submitted fli British machines returned - ..sbbbbbbbb! the cause of the Inactivity of the aZ Zt7uTrLrLLn ,n cour8e f the evenin and rmgnize the' authority of saftly. drydock plant here. The flrdVJ ibu of anlh?r nm'kal P""P" the Provisional Government. All French Front. the'1 . equal P'ven. which was very much en-ance showed the interest of ,,f !... ...iih ti. : . .... ... the trouble is now .over. Paris. June 8. In the region iiitnn.jn ihu mniipr tia mavrtr I"' " v jovea. me cniiaren oi me scnooi A New Adviser. to the northwest of St. Quenlin presided, and it was decided to employing n rA natlrml Interests.iVinl 1 ha ilomfi The n1 unions n n.l too an active part and their. General AlexiefT has been appointed a strong force of Hermans attempted SBBBBBBBBBMaasssaasaW I v...., yariOUS nUDlDers Were excellently military adviser to the VpmJiI SeleS iS1 6 endorsement be forwarded by T rendered. A Masters dialogue by a midnight raid over our to te to Russian Provisional Government. lines on a front of six hundred SIR LOMER GOUIN cominUtee lo Sir noberl Borden and to Wendal Murphy and John Barton yards. The raid was repulsed. To Premier of Quebec, who is mentioned There was a Reneral discussion ?e Federal member representing .was y try much enjoyed. A num. SBANSHMAVIAM RIOTS the north of Chemfn des Dames in Parliamentary circles in on the question and the concensus 11)e conslUuency in wnich they Jjof the m tie OI! rendered an , tQ be oca,ed heavy artillery fighting continues. Ottawa as a possible Cabinet of opinion seemed to be that the KXlt ,. hA en,. . 1" and la.te.r a J"nc!l (Special to Tbe Dally News.) Berlin Report. Minister, should a coalition Gov-ernment f .n. ii... ,n, iw.mininn .. " . . "' --rt" 80ns wuii Kreai eciai. ine ac- .v. . Stockholm, June 8. Serious WU, a gl of eignl gpeCjnc com Berlin, June 8. Yesterday we be formed. (iovernment w t r i nnnarentlr .. . .. - . coinpauisi as Master Aubrey labor riots have taken place here. con'"enc as took the French positions on a nlaelnir In or K ",aVl Sweel. Panft 80,os wcre a,80 The gatherings of Swedish workmen front of one and a quarter miles FILIPINOS OFFER l JSi, de efoped in ?eeMef ,en 'n piven Mis8 Wtnnifred Hilton were charged fiercely, by-the SERVICES TO U. S. nel S "th. lf and Masler Sweet. On the along Chemin des Dames. Marly nnn,rl. . . pre- police and soldier guards. Several representative ' V ine vious.evening, the items given on the battle In Flanders dared of the today, a one very have been wounded. The workmen (Special to Tl Dally Ktwi.) ,loard.s oUcged hostile attitude consisted up in a most extensive explosion, c ly. and there were speak- . Washington, June 8. A force many d ,abor. vIo,hm SSJS" demand shorter hours and and violent drum fire. or sanitary xeauirements ami . !higher wages of twenty-live thousand Filipinos t:u - r... v u Italian Front I ,. - . n ir, a suns ui .uajici ntriumi Christiania, June 8. Demon- offered to President Wilson inrtiuscHteui uie pi uie iirotrcuoii was and Italian McDonald, a piano jluet by Home, June 8. The yesterday for service In the war STAMPEDE TO NEW I health of the employees In camp nsiai, t vii V,i t.-i n stratlons were made throughout forced back the Austrian . . troops 1 n t k f X r n w AiPAlnat the against Germany, by Manuel Gue-son, mnninnn it it intra I'laui luusmiiuuii, BK rill Mi n In Mi-I.nnn nn.l V i"v'""' on the Trentlno front. On the president of the Phillipiue UiuulPiuo IN ALAjIWi lowering and elimination of the MnrP!,i. i!.im.r pv wtiniinn l"ih l ot living. the Auslyians sector above Trieste reinforced, aud violent Senate. I eight-hour day and the Introduc- and Miss Agnes Gratton gave were attacks heavily were made,' which Oversubscribed. Seattle, June 7. Information;l'on of 10, 12 and tt-hour days pjanoforte selections, while Mas- The Government's latest offering has been received here by Capt.nna seven-uay weens J unnecessary ,cr 4ubrey Sweet accompanied were repulsed. of two hundred millions in " u," "- t Special to Tba Pally NcwO Mdns Fined. i.ouis Knaiiicn, president oi uie,"""""" very well also. Several choruses treasury certificates of indebtedness Kuskokwin Fishinir and Trans., maintenance of tho same wage wppv. nl( trivon. which uirii of a Paris, June 8 The armed June 8 Tho cily of Amsterdam,iions has been fined In the has been oversubscribed. Co that gold has been discovered; tamhmls f0f mae anJ female cxceuence. Altogether, the American steamer. Silver Shell, 8hlpplng Expert Arrive, in navinir nuantitioii. at the, head labor; substitution of cheap semi- italcnl iliirnlnn nf Ilia vrmncr had a battle in the Mediterranean aum because of twenty the Belgian thousand newspapers pounds British shipping experts under.of Goodnews River, Behring Sea.;8lcjleJ 'alr from rural districts gpeaks very highly of their with a German submarine. After Holland announced Secretary Salter and Thomas From all Indications that part or" i-uunrucuou ur,i rciusai io teachers. an exchange of sixty shots, the published that Crown In Prince Hupprecht of Hoyden have arrived In Washington Alaska is to have another good.rfcoBni trades union represen- facn evening, the West- submarine disappeared. It is sup. Bavaria In Mons when the safely. gold camp. The stampede mean-Hatives In determining wages and 10me Orchestra attended and posed to have sunk. was Allied airmen bombarded the city. A New Tax. time will be.conQned to the miners i"0"" of contracts, and challeng- rendered splendid orchesiral se-in A new tax of two cents-on all the Alaska districts tributary! of trades union officials to ob- ections. Last evening, the draw-to STRIKE IN SHERBIANY 'BRAZIL GETS READY bank chequeu and drafts is expected the Behring Sea. The new,ta'n reasonable conditions by use lnga took ,,ace. They were many to raise ten millions. camp is difficult lo reach from the,0 lho1'" w" Iower instead of and valuable. The grand draw- (Special to The Dally Mews.) (Special to Tb pally Nws.) "outside." It is named QuinhagaTi. uiro .K i uegouauous wiiicn woum ,ng l)rUe consisted of a gold Geneva, June 8. Five thousand Mo do Janeiro, Juno 8. The ROUMANIAN ARMV An old miner of Nome, called result in strikes. ,watch, a leather chair, a 20 gold German workmen have quit work Government has. Issued a decree NOW REORGANIZED A. Gabrielson, has been prospecU A FAREWELL, DANOE piece, a Royal Doullon tea set, and at K-sch. They are demanding an for the formation of the first sec-lion Ing nt the head of tho Goodnews one ton of coal. The list of all increase in wages. of coast artillery. The de. Jassy, Roumauia, Juno 6. river for the last fifteen" years, On Wednesday evening, the;1'10 Prlies. the donors and the Roumanians national feast was lie struck gold last and v Privates Singleton and cree also calls for an opening summer citiiens of Haiellon gave a fare, winners will be published later. Gilmour, celebrated with enthusiasm be-hind with the help of two esklmos, Richmond to arrive credit of 870,000,000 reis to be well dance upon tho occasion ofi are expected expended on armament and war the front, Tho correspond, washed out 9800 in eight days, tho departure of Mr. and Mrs. R, U. 8, WARSHIPS IN F RANGE baek again In Prince Rupert to. materials. ent visited various districts where according to Capt, Knaflich, who K. Allen to take up their residence night, having been returned ftom the new army has been reorganized also reports that the Hust ran nt Princo Rupert, Mr. and Mrs. (fKflal to Tb Dally flaws. the front. and was astonished at the 18.50 to the ounce. Supplies, Mien had been In Haielton for Paris. J unci 8. A lama Ampri quick recovery of tho much-tried machinery and other equipment gomo fouP years and wero de. can transport loaded with wheat The favorite household Coal le WSSTHOLME troops. Tho units visited were are already en route to Goodnews servedly popular. Mr. Allen was for the American army, which I Udysmlth Wellington. Mom W, TONIGHT ONLY those placed under tho severest ia, io wnicn mere is as yei no always active in matters of luiblioi following, crossed the Atlantio Prince Rupert Goal So. tf. ordea) fu tlio autumn campaign, iMlttaamiravu ann.' 'Tli a fnnlnm.... . . . I : -. nniuru. nnu in innni. under the protectipn of Ameriean DOROTHY Fox presents BERNARD and since exposed to pestilence Is taking up his new power During the course of the even. warships. The transport I now during the winter. It would bo schooner, which he will ing the citizens presented their unloading at a French port. A LONDON CAFE almost Impossible lo guess they operato between Goodnews Bay departing townspeople with i French otekial announcement says 'SP0RT1NGBL00D' Were the same troop. They nro'and Bethel, handsomo cabinet of cutlery a a that United State warships are longing to be sent, as soon as All the old timers Of Bethel, on token of their regard, Mr. tJame now anchored on the r re TMnI Avsnu possible, to Iho front. The enemy the KuskokwIw are preparing to H. Klrby and Mr. II. II. Little made (MMSt. City of Ghent, Belgium, PrwnaH Befvlee of the Beat have to face it new ade. will army stampede to Qulnhagak, accord, the tirmtiiiilnt inn Q Before the War. quately equipped and stasoned In? to a leltw received rece-ntly, mmm mm mmm Juet arrived. MS ten of 1" BBSt SB JfeH htte) Mmteilsft 10 an 4 11 ssata. and Imbued with deep hatred for;amT a number from the" Canyon For Areeeed lumber of all ktn4 seal. Phone 11S AIeH A t FXsB PfW BSP(RBi the Invader of their home. Creek digging will also Join In. IW4 A HoITery. Phone 11. Saffry, fl