THE DAILY MEWS The Daily News Brighten The Corner be dlrectel to llm nlUlnnieiil of where the common end. ln uoern you nrc by eating THE LLADtNG tit.W&FArM IN MOrtTHSJlN BRItUli t'OlAJMltlA food a menL inaugurated, instead, the that docs not clog PuUahed Daily aaxi WMklr the nebulous National Service Cam-i.algn. Qua ran teed Laroeet Circulation nvcr or develop poisons in which ai foredoomed to WRIGLEYS tne colon. Cut out heavy failure because it suostituiru a.. HEAD Or'r'lcf. " " meats and starchy potatoes for action. Hally News Building, 3rd Ave, Prmo lliiiiert, IUJ. Tfkpli.ini- Vrt. and eat Shredded Wheal' Biscuit with berries t.nrae quantities of food are THE or I I PERFECT rilANSIKNT DISPLAY AUVKH IIHIM. 60 or writ s lUtnlfed other fruits. Try this diet taken periodically front com sior- GUM "rates nn application. .. warehouses In Toronto andl r for a few days and see how burned as unfit ror nunrati con much better you feel. The sumption owing to processes Let us make you acquainted DAILY EDITION Friday, June 8, 1017. whole wheat grain made which frceiing cannot slay. And with the luscious digestible by steam-cooking, still we wonder nt the high col new, THE MILITIA ACT understand why that Act has shredding and baking. of living. The people who profiLi flavour of by tin form brigandage con Section 10 of the Militia Act not been brought into force in sider themselves bulwarks of the says: "All the male inhabitants this country. Had this been state and pillars of tho church, I of Canada, of the age of eigh done two yt-ara ago the question teen years and upwards, and of reinforcement for the Jin many cases. umler sixty, not exempt or dis Canadian army never would fie lnil lri i qualified by law, and being have become acute. Hy this . . " Dritish subjects, shall be liable time Colonel Armand Lavergne , !. W' II. ft to serve in the Militia; Pro and other noisy agitators in alt vided that the Governor-den probability would have been in COAL NOTICES eral may require all the male France writing letters home extolling the Made in Canada SKEENA LAND RECOSDINO DISTRICT I inhabitants of Canada capable achievements of the ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS I of bearing arms, to serve in the battalions under them. case of a levee en masse. T1 f A I a a Takt notlre tbal William bltun, of Vie The list of exemptions in. ing of new military units under 't fe fnUon ' "uc lord. R 1 - orc'Jpeiion accountanL lulend It's all that eludes Privy Councillors, jud this law would have had aujr"T "''""i ns will give to apply for pereaiaitun la proapect tw ,maRl,. coal and petroleBm on tbe wet rvat the name ges, deputy ministers of departments, Immense osreholoirieal' inn... ' permanent !Orabam laland. la vlctaiiy of Weat rtver clergy, telegraph ctnv i-iii ft'i yuTuru aiiu a uiiicr... pruv-... .maritime Ima r(n II...supremacy.Il 1 1 1 Hut. w . jtr.torrxlQt at t poat plantew woe mtt suggests I clerks in active employment, inces which have not been recruiting iiiiivriiiir ncrr uaiiin, who wa aouib f tbe KMillwaai cvrner of L ,once a prominent be north IS rhaine, tbence call I figure in th If Tl. I nee revenue collectors, police and as they should, even i mercantile world field, has IS tbalna, tbence aouth IS cbaina, Uaearel in If I Ha mrhHfllva I ttr nnlw 9s hi colleges, firemen, professors eaawaae-oe,ava nos lllllj I 17 1 weal II cbaina La point ef cooitaewremeai persons disabled by bodily or Home Defence in Canada. It ?InliI,va,,I v,f,w? ?n lh? ubJ WILLIAM DUOS, Wrigky quality mental infirmity, only son of would ,have given them a new"""u"" w ' ia"e a yeara March II, HIT. Aaatio Brown. arenL made where widows, pilots and conscientious outlook .mnn tr. wr nn.i ,ml restore the llamburg.Arnfrlcan ' thpirnnnihllltlMnH.,.II-:,,ne'.10 l,e P'Hon it Once OCCU II E IN A LAND RECORDING DISTRICT I CtsewiBtf gum objectors. ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS I Pied, also to ... . k lh Section - -iii it recomoense making 69 of the same Act says: "The Governor-in-Coun-1 moved them from the influences if',, ilder9 of lnal company for Take BoUce tbal Turner RethvtU Mullen.I hsoir 1091 dividends of Vktorta. B. C occupatioa mertbanl, la cil may place the Militia or any( and propaganda which tenda to apply for pemUaaia W proapetil part thereof in active service uiuuiiiik miUHiiiK, . il,.r, ,, for coal and petroleum oa tbe weal I anywhere in Canada, and ALSO and we are confident that nine v. u ;rui OKU HIP tOV. of Graham laland. la viclaity of Weal f liar. Now frW flavour BEYOND Canada, v the de-I out of ten of them would not ernment was urged to undertake CommeBCUf at a poat pUated one mile I this mobilliation. The Toronto aoath of tbe aoutbeaal corner of C L.I fence thereof, at any time when have done military service for Mar in a series of strong articles IITI) tbence weal IS chelae, taeoc north I Chmw M after it appears advisable so to d( more than a few weeks before IS cbaina. tbrnra eaat IS cbaina. then I by reason of emergency." they would have-been as advocated the taking of,a human aouth IS caaiaa to point of jututjeocemenL I mvry mmml This law is older than Con- patient to go oversea, a. tny-ti"" TIR-IER HUTIIWLLL MLLLEJI. federation. It was embalmed ' body else. Let a thousand men com March II, HIT. Auetia Brvoo, airoL in the Dominion Statutes, if we1 drill together for a month any. pleled in a month. Hy this means SAEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT- Cet If wbererer remember rightly, largely! where and how long would It the Government could have learned ISTRICT OF QUEER CHARLOTTE ISLANDS I coofecliona are aold through the instrumentality of be before they would catch the what the full power of the country amounted to, where it Take DoUce tbal A roe a Brean, of Vic Sealed Tight Kept Right! Sir George Carlier, Sir John A. contagion of militant patriot. could be found and how it could aorta, B, C, occupaUos widow, Islend to I Macdonald's right-hand man ism? apply for pensiaelo to proapeel for coal I made in Canada from Quebec. It certainly has Everybody familiar with the and petroleum oa weal coaal of Orabam I not been attacked from that! psychologyjf the mass, wheth COAL NOTICES laland, la vicinity of Weat mar. The Flavour Commcnclnt al a poal ptenlew ! nulr Lasts province, and Colonel Armand er in the human or animal Ma IMA LAND ftgCOftOltM DISTRICT vtiio w we aouibeati comer r (. L Lavergne invoked it not long; kingdom, must be convinced BTKICT or QUCEM OHARLOTTK ISLAND I BOJIi tbence weal IS chelae, tbence ago. It would appear to meetf that the. enrollment of Canada's north IS cbalaa UAnce eaat si cbaina. rra fh 1T9P illlfl I Inn in n nln.ltf ' man-power under the Militia Take neuc tbal iamea Mcfolir. of uencemeaL thence acuta s cbaina. to poial of com- uanaaa Act would have created state rnnoa nupert, occcpatloa mercbani. la xieyona means any a AOS IS BROW. lend to apply for penniaaioa to place where military effort is of mind among the most ob. fur eual and petroleum m tbe weal proepect coaal March II, HIT. Aiuun Bron. aeenL required for the. defence of durate anti-recruiting element of Grabam lalaod la tbe vicinity of Weil ME ERA LAND RECOROINA DISTRICT I Canada, and in the present in a very short time which river. STRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANOS that would have solved Cvmmeoclnr al a poat pUated one mU emergency assuredly is the problem oatb or aouibeeit comer ef C L, ll7( Spring Schedule France. of reinforcements for overseas tbence aoutb It chains, lb nee ut Tale nouce that Edward FKkard. of I The Militia Act divides the Further compulsion than mob. cbaina. tbence nortt SI cbaina. thence lo Lue apply Acre lea,for occupation pemuaalon eoitoecr,to lateodal fori 1. 1. pmncc ocoroc male population liable to ilization would not have been meat tbalna to point of MauDencrmcsl proepeet serve JAMES fuel a tl petroleum oa the weal coaal oil TNUMDAV 1 MldnlBht f.o r Vsnccuvor in the Militia into four classes called for. Whether it is no March , hit. Aoatia Mctl'LTT.Brown. arnL brabant laland. is vk tally of Weal river, Victoria and SaUls. The first class comnri&ps slnsle sible to accomplish the end in Commencinf al a poat planted one ultol MICNA LAND RKCOROHM awuta of tbe aoutbeaal comer tl t L WIDFiMOAV MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX and widowers view by the DISTRICT. men without any same means now ISTRICT OF QUCKM CMARLOTTK ISLANDS HITj tbence weal s cbaina. tbence nrtb 1. 1. PRINCE JOHN children between the ages of it is hard to say. The fact re IS cbaina, tbence eaat IS cbaina. tbence Fop Ketchikan, Wrangsll,Junsau and Sksgway, June 11th. eighteen and thirty. The sec mains that Canada has and has Take butlee thai Joaeph RowaL of Prlnc awuth IS cbaina to point of commeacemehL I For Vancouver, June 1lh. ond comprises unmarried men had for years a perfectly sound Rupert. B, c. occapatloa proepector. la-lenda EDWARD PICEARD. March II. HIT. AuaUa t. t. FRlFJCC ALBtrTT Brown. aiesL and widowers without children law providing for compulsory to apply for penniaaioa to pro peel For Qusn Charlotte lalsnds, Juns 6th. for coal between the of and military service, of and petroleum oa tbe wn eoeei ages thirty capable or SEEENA LAND RSOOROtJM DHSTSOCT I Orabam I aland, la vicinity of Wcel FAMKNGER TRAIN SERVICE forty. Married men, and widowers meeting the requirements of rlver:- ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS MreSaeeeey ad Set rear a 1 1 iM a. a, fee DmRkeee. rtlMI Geeefa. Se-eteoteai, with children, between the present war. CoauuenclnB from a poet planted one I Seeaatoe aS Wlaalpee. aeklefl eeeeeatlewe there fee all eeiau thirty and forty-five make up mile aoutb of the aouthwcai comer ore L lake C occupaUoo doUcs tut hotel Jamea proprietor,Ray, of Victoria.Intenda I eaet sod eeelh. .aSteed teal every Teeeeay at 4 a. m. the third class, while the fourth NOTE ARB COMMENTS to cbaina,ux-oce ibence aonU 10 cbaina, thence tail apply for permuaioa to pro peel fori Agency All Ocean Iteamshlp Lines. oortb class consists or all those be. weal IS cbaina to point of IS commencement.cbaina. tbence coal ana petroleum on tbe weal coaal ofl For Information and reienallons apply to tween the ages of forty.five and The Junker is still "straffing JOSEPH ROWAT. Graham laland, la vicinity of Weal rtver. City Ticket Office, IH Third Avenue. PHONE 260 March Coaimeodor II a poat planted, al the I sixty. England" and dreaming of "free 11, hit. Aoaun Brown. artnL vctbeel comer of C L. lilli tbeoce We never have been able to Jdom of the seas," which latter (WKKNA LAND MCOSIOISM. DISTRICT weal IS cbaina, tbeoce aouib is chains.I ISTRICT OF QUEKN CHARLOTTE IILANOS tbence eaat IS cbaln. tbence north ml baina to point of commencement MfftCRAL ACT MINERAL ACT TUe notice tbal Jobs William Ooaa. of JAMES RAT, tuiona. n, occupation mercbaat. In March II, HIT. Aoatia Brown. artnL I CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY NOTICE TO DEU.tQt'E.tT FARTHER lenda to apply for penniaaioa to proDeet Te C W. Calhoun: Certificate of Improvements for coal and petroleum on tbe wett coaal SAEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT I mm Take notice, vrberraa 1 bare doa and j of Orabam laland to vicinity of Weal er. ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Lowest Rates o all Eastern Points sated to tw done aaaeeament work w Um NOTICI utnunenelos at a poat planted two mile a ofl via Steamer to Vancouver and the Take notice that Frederick Mocracb. wiuurnt fraction miner! claim. tttoateO Caribou Mineral Claim attuat in tiu aouib of tbe aoutbeaal corner of C 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Victoria. B, u. occupaUoo aaleaman. in a Um nuance rier, about fourteen mtiea Saeena Mlninr Dlrlalon 1147. tbence weat IS cbaina. tbenre aosth of Catalar Dlitrlci tend to apply for permiaaloa to crotDect I Meala and Berth Included en Si earner from the bead of Alice Arm. In tbe Skeena Wbere located: .irar bead of Alice 0 cbaina, tbence eaat I cbauia. tbence tor coal ana petroleum on tbe weat coaal waio- uiTiuoa or saeena aietnci, ataeaa. Arm. B. C norm si cbaina to point of commencement. " ana iio. ana ' TAKE TtOTICC tbal I, J. Fred Ritchie. JOIM WILUAM oost. of Grabam laland, la vicinity of Weil river, Princess May for Oranby Bay and Alice Arm Friday 11 pjn. Commencint al a poel planted two milea paid tor aaid wort and recordinr Free Miner's Certificate flo. I III a aeUnr March II. hit. Jtutio Brown, attai. eouth ef tbe soutbeeat comer of C L, I Princess May for Vancouver via Ocean Falls, Sunday p.m. mmj, w i .. nufii jou par ai arm! ror w, A. WUllama, Free Miner"! IT tbeoce eaat 10 I I, SSEENA LAND cbaina, tbence aouth RtCOROISMI ase ttte sum of for jour ahart Certiflcate .to. DISTRICT June 11th. IStic. Intend, alaty dart STRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE 10 cbaina, tbence weal SO cbaina. tbeoce I Princess Alice for Alaaki Monday, f tbe aald ISLANDS aiaeiament to work, rUwr witb from tbe date bereof. to apply to tbe north SO cbaina to point of coramencemenL I k eoat of tblf adTertlaement, f aball. at , Mlninr Recorder for a Certiorate of lm-MMretplration of ninety (0) dayi from proiementt, for tbe pnrpoae or ebtaiainr Take notice that hoalra Duke, of Port. March HIT.rncDEkicK moersui. J. I. PETERS, General Asent land. Ore., occupation be lei II. Auatla Brown, arenL I ttM data bereof apply to the mlolnf re- j Crown Or ant of tbe abort claim, proprietor. In-lenda eorder at Prince Rupert. 8. C, to bavt And further take notice tbal action, un-your for coal to apply for pertniealoa to proapect SEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT I Co nrr Four 1 1. Street anj Trilrd Avenue, filnce Rupert. B.C. Intertatt In tbe Mldnlrht Fraction ider and petroleum on tbe weal coaal aecUon II rooat be commenced before ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Mneral claim veiled In me. la pu nuance tbe Itauanee of aucb CtrtiOciU of to-f of Orabaro laland. In tbe vicinity of Weal tbe provlilon of tbe river. mineral act. jprovcmenti. Take notice that John Booth, of Loa Dited at Prince Rupert, B. C, Uila tub Dated lbl t7tb day of March. A- D Coaimeaelor at a poat planted one mile Aaa-eles, occupation contractor. Intend! to aouth or aay of April. HIT. iy II HIT. tbe aouibraal corner of C L , , SvTIi ibrnre apply for permlaalon to proapeel for coal aoutb 10 cbaina, tbence H. C PIIILUPS. j weal i, tmd RITCHIE, Arent. ana petroleum oa Ibe weal 10 rbalru, tbence Durlb so cbalaa. tbence coaal of Ore real IS cbaina to point of commencement. bam laland. In vicinity of Waal river, II0SLYR DL'kE. Commeneinr al a poal planted two ml lea March , hit. Auitln Brown. aaenL aouw or tbe aoutbeaal corner or c L ITIi tbence taat to cbalaa, ibence north SSEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT av main, tbence weal II cbaina. LaHDckABceB. e.niur or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS outhso rbalna to point of rommenerment JOIl.t BOOTH. la' 'aMAMMMMMMMMMMMMJ Take notlre IUI Oliver Brown, of Vic March II, HIT, Auatla Brown. asenL FOR TMK SALT LAIII toria, B. C, occupation machlnlai, Intenda to apply for permlaalon to proapeel for Fine Day from (try coal and petroleum on ibe weal coaal of 10 a. in. Orabain laland In vicinity nf wai rtter R C UNDERTAKERS RITURSJ FARC He. Commends al a poal planted lw mllea south of tbe aoutbeail corner of c. L, Call 7I; tbence aouib 10 cbaina, tbence weal UNERAL DIRECTORS AND IN). .Mr. t. TMOaus, rsese. 10 cbaina. ibeure norm SO cbaina. thne. SALVERS ATtir ACTION GUI R. eeen Ml. -aai so cbaina to point of eomuM-nreownL ANTMO OREN DAT AND RI:T UUV1II SHOWS, I IT BHD tTRSrr FMONI 41 News ISubacribe The X"h l, HIT, Auatla Brown. aeeoL for Daily 1WNUaALI MtTFUffMITOR F. Q. DAWSON PR4N4HK RirPERTi -