Friday Juno . 101? TUB DAIL1 NEWS FAMILY DOCTOR'S You Can Make Excdfcnt Cake GOODJHCE Fewer Efgs TIMBER SALE X 895. ToGoOfiTg"Fnlt-a-!iyes" I 'd l-ncWt will t reeelted by U Just use an additk)Tl quantity of Dr. Price's Minniir ,,t I j ndi not later than noon on Cream Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in Because They Did Her Good SSSkSSSSSS Chi(W . ih,f dar Jirenre or .on.X til,HIT,to ml for l.ltf.009 lb pur. place of each egg omitted. n fiof r. q., Jak. nth, 191.1. !,e. ' t Hprvrr.n am Odir,l lulled Bilum on Ibe fill and ihor Hem-. This applies, equally well to nearly all baked "I ul rel tot many years with terrible " 4 Mtiiwim Chinrwl, Binre t, Cont Dll-, foods. Try the following recipe according to the InJljr-itlon and Constipation. I i 1 , luil frciufnt,Jliiy spell ami Wama tnm. j, rrin will tw allowrd for r-jni new way: rreatly mil down, A nrljlibor aJtImhI vi 1 r iimlr. CREAM LAYER CAKE me to try "Frult-atl". I did to and riirtkrr pirllruliri of Ihc Chlf roreiUr, Old Way New Way Vi-1., it. b. r... or Dliiiiet Fortmr at to the surprise) of my doctor, I began Mm!- Nxrl, D. C 11. H I tmm tnMk near t I t.o ee taf nrilk ml to Improve, and he idiUed mo to pot tree Sear Inn. lr with 'TuUatlTM". TIMBER SALE X 913. Soar Uatoocat Dt.Prke's Bskln Pewdee 4tMon loteT Dr.Price' Batliuj I eouslJtrtliat I ota my life to"Fruit-ities"aol iiiap abeetlBC 1 lableepoen ahartaakMJ "i irnderi will be received by tbe I taattvaon fli.arinc ttaaaew BaterlD- I want to to tlirnewlio My irr nt Laml nut later than noon on kkklKliH Makes x Lara-) 2-Latyr Caka) , . r from Jmlijrstlon,Constipation or UU in dr or June, 1117, for th pur-l Frult-a-tlres' DIRECT I0 Craam the mgr aal hftetlnf locathar.than sols Inthaa. and JJi-adavhi 'try Heme XSIS, to cut,00 you Altae atniot Ike Rear an Dr.Price'- B.kln Paw4ar toethr,lw ae Ihiaa a .ili-ctw. J". COltl.NB fJAUDI'.KAU. i r iinnloirk. Cedar and Spruce, and llmaa, tt all I th ml Hare Orsdaallr add the nil I as beat with aoooa I .' ' hunt feel or plllnr. on an area ad-r Mil t-ea bate amort h paar batlee. Add lb Ba.arln Pear lata(reeee fijo. hot, 0 for f 2J51, trial lite, 25c later eat tin and bat a la a moderate! bat atraa for twaat mlaatea. This Jilrnorwnt i.j i i ici. lutkalla Inlet. Oraham caka I baet baked la I w Urate. Pal laatbar wttk creasa SIUbs;aad aaeaad Fruit A'al'' prt-x.iJ by I ...i tjurrn Chariot t liland DIltrleL wnh watt Idee. :tr V t""i UmmmaUUUUUUUUUmWmmamMkmaUUUmmamnUu Three ii )ears will be allowed for re- WmTmauuuuuuumaWWmtmBlkamtm sw'tal or limbrr. " r' rioer particular of tbe Chief Former. "A Dollar In Time. Victoria, B. a, or Dlilrlrl ("oresur, Dh Prices Saves Nine" cuni-r Rupert, B. C K. LAHU HEGISTnY ACT VISIT to Tite Bank of (Sectlnoi tt sod 111.) A British North America BAKINGPOWDER .(!n" .io. SI,III. r'ilot l.M for the purpose of TAKE NOTICE that application,hai brrt depositing part of your VISCOUNTESS CURZ3N nude to rettiler John Berrman. of Vrlnci RuperL B. C. a owner in fre unter earnings, becomes a pleasant A ih'w portrait vf the I-a uft t v tie :f V ncuunt (;urzim, who Tal Site Deed rroni the (Wire lor r thf Made from Creast of Tartar, darlyad when I the lArl dime heir and a tniiiarnh-r m the it. N. V. It. He ' or ft Prluc Rup.Tl, beaiinf dale the and profitable habit, once wa In the 'Queen Kllzahelh' nil ;- i jth OardanelleH opera-lion. I lit day of September, ISIS, or ALL A.10 Made in Canad No Alum have acquired it. anoiiLAlt that ceruin or tract oi you parcel Lady Curzon in a rounln t lirr htjohand and ha two ha land and premise altutle, lylnr, and be The dollar you use to open r mik rtiililren. l( la tb Mublcipalltr of Prince RuperL an account in the Savings nor particularly known a Lot Ten I0, Department in turn saves IMPORTANCE OF FOOD A man may be nieaaured by hi Block tl. Five , Section Seven tl Ms others, aa the habit of saving every day life, not hy hla occa You are required to eon let I tbe elaln SUPPLY IS REALISED sional efTorta. of lb Ui purcbaier within thlr'y-Bvi SPORT SHOES grows. day from the date of tbe tervle cr thll THE BANK OF The Daily News delivered by nollr (which may be effected by Ren. WITH That thi convention urges vred Mill or at Directed, and your at' .arrler. SO cents month. per tenilon la called to section tt of toe upon the (io eminent or Canada British Net-ft Asterfea "Land Reentry Art" with amendment, SPORT CLOTHES WATER NOTICE the prompt appointment of a tod to tbe foUowuf extract therefrom: Tt YEA IN BUftlNE. National Food (Controller, whoae . . -and in default or a caveat or certlfl. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, t7.Stt.4. dutie Khali be amonir. othera aa asd STimAOE cat of Ui penden belnr Bled before tbe That's the vofrue, this . .. I tilr nTirt th.i l.thii. r H.rt.. recKtraUoo a owner of lb person eo PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH MIR.I .Villi..I ... (Ml OH .immi , tilled under iuch tu aale. aU person o year ,to have one's io iix ami control ioou anu.n. c.. win appir for a iirenr to uk and served wlib notice and tnos clalmlnt W.J.SMITIIERS, Manager fuel price where desirable. low mr robic trti rr d ind io Ibrourh or under them, and aU person shoes m harmony with To encourage and protect the iDOU, ,0" ' " clalmlnv any tntereit In tbe land by virtu the sport suit, or outing . . BxMuntl i.rrrk. wblrk Bow UMtbr-HXrrlj of any nor littered Instrument, and at nna alarm triTCM. I'ruuuirr uj Kuurmiimn mini. tnA dralru ,nM 0rin5- Biy lboa, ,, or person elalmlor any Interest In tb tans' skirt and iiHiiii jirice lor iooa prmiucis. nrtr Lot im. Caiiar DinrlrL by descent whose UU I not rerlitered circuit no. 1. "To prescribe regulation governing Tlw will tm loralrd at under th provisions of this Act, shall be about I H trnW frun mouth or trrtt.. for ter estopped and debarred from set-tint Ba It- Hk SL and trd Ate. the production and dis up any claim to or la respect of tb ei 1S tth St. and trd am. tribution of thoe commodities.1,, ,UlU, ... .rr- rt .nd II will flood land so sold for laies. and the Rtriitrar ei 14 -Ilk si. and trd At. and if neceary to requisition the Ibout SO I err. of land. The wilrr will shall re tiller the person enUUed under Mi 1S Junction or lit. tod and prikluclng factories, minea or be ditfrted rrora Ik itrrara at a potat such lax sale as owner of the land a trd Ate, about al or nrir lb dan. and will b old for taies" a 14- HI Aw.. between (Ik and other eotablishmentB. uml rr owr for mlnlnr purvoi upon AID WHEREAS application has bee Ilk SU. knoi Motel). "to compel holders of neces-arie lb mm 0itUm1 ai lb MMlai, rtarmlrin mad ror a Certifies le of Indefeasible Till Bat 1711 A. and Ilk, SL (Cm-m to releace them In amounts and rot Orouri. iltoil nrar lb brad. to lb bo rr mentioned isndi. In tbe nam In I Hotel,,' v enauring equitable tirTriL"uUon. alrr of Bonanta Cmk. ' of John Bertmani Tblr noUr wit poilnl on lb rround AXD WHEREAS on tnvciUraUnt tbe circuit NO. S. "to require railroads to. give on lk ttnd 0r of Mir. MIT. till It appears that prior to th tlh day Mi II trd At and Srd SL (Put preference to the. movement of A rtifr of ,lhli nollre and an appliritlon or September, till, (lb dat on tthlek OD(t), nereaaarien. pursuant inrrrlo and to tb ."Wairr ACL the aald landa wer sold fcr overdue Mi XS-trd At, and XrBrid SL till," win b Bld In lb om of lb laiei) you wer tbe assessed owner kV V . "To forbid the export of any Mi tAlil At, and MtSrid SL wattr rrronVr at rrlnr RaprrL B. C. thereof. Mi It-tod at, and tad SL fxl ntufTa from Canada except objmioot to tbe appllratloo mar b FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at tb SUMMER SHOES Mi I4-tnd At, and Ilk SL upon licenae for each exportation. Bled wlib to ald Walr Rror0r or wilb time I inall effect reruiration ta M IT-O. T. r. uch license to be granted only lb Cuotptrollrr or Wairr nifbu. rarlla pursuance of such application and Issu t are the most complete line of Cerllflcaie or Indereailbl Title to tb aald urnt Bulldlnn Victoria. B.C. ultnin Inlrtj CIRCUIT NO. S. in cae the aald foodtuffa are not dajr afur lb nrtt arpraranr of toll landi In In nam or John Berrman nnleii summer footwear ever made. needed by the Government itaelf nolle in a loral newspaper. you lake' and prosecute the proper proceeding Mi 11 Ilk At, aod raltoo SL The Fleet Foot trademark shoes for on Mi SI SoroVo aod Taylor SU. or for it allies. ARTHUR C HAY.'OES, AppUrtnL to etubiub your claim. If an goes M. P. OLSE.X. ArDL to tbc aald land, or to prevent iuch pro need for work and for Mi M- tlk At, and mlloa SL "To impute limitation or. prohibition every summer play point action on my pan. Tlw dal of lb Itnt pbbllraUon or tbli Mi aajltk At, and Cmdui At. Mi 17 Ilk At, and Dodr flac upon the uae of.grain and nolle Is iunc tod. ttlT. DATED at tb Land Reentry Offlct men. women and children. Mi S iih At, and Thompson SL other food studs in the manufacture Prtne Rupert B. C, thi 6th day o of alcoholic beverages." LAND REGISTRY ACT December, A. D. H.ISIS.r. MACLEOD. dealer to show you the Fleet Foot circuit no. 4. The above resolutions with its Apr. IT. Dlitrtcj Rerlitrar of Tales. yoa'U find exactly what you want and the price ScUooa St and lll.i Ki 41 lib At, and Enunersoa even clause was moved at the To Simon Peterson. Dsvtsvtlle, California. R Application .Noi. tott l aad 10171, half, third and than rue, great Win the War Convention are a a even leee, equamy rumr ttot. Mi 41 tlh At, and MrBrtd SI. Ml 41 -Ilk At, and Orre SL held at Montreal on May nd, by TAKE .NOTICE Ibal application bai been WATER NOTICE attractive leather boot would coat. M 444111 At, and Bull IL Llndley Creae. K. C of Victoria, mad to rtrUtcr Sarin Lando, of rnnc Mi 44- lib At, and ttwrts. seconded by Nichol Thompson, K. Rupm. B. C4 aa oiDtr lb ft undr two DIVnttlON AND USB Tax Sal Dda rrom Uw CoIlMtor of tna Mi 141 Tin and SL At, Tount TAKE NOTICE that Oeorr McRa. C of Vancouver, and paused atf or Prtne Rupert, beartsr dal Um whole address Is Sliders le, B. C. will unanimouly. In support of its ttnd dar or Sfpumbcr. llt, and ALL A.1D apply for a licence to take and us Itl term in general, Mr. Crease SI.NGl'LAR that ccruia parcel or trad of cubic feet per minute of water out of land and prmlxi situate, Ijlni and belnr tainted out to the assembly that Demiter Creek, which Dowa northerly and In lb Munlcipalltr of Prior RuperL nor drains into AUford Bar. about It chain it intended more as a known and deicribcd a Lot wn precautionary parUcularlr from tbe Ii, E. corner of T. U tit. Tb Prince Rupert Feed Co. rather than ah alarm. eleven lt). Block tweoir-eirbl (ID. water will b diverted from tb lire am at Sectk 8U ). and Lot UUrtr-Uirt OS). It measure. a point about ten cbaina well rrom N.W P. O. Ml OS Tklrd At. While he did not contemplate Mip Block ttt.fortj-iU (41). Section Cirbt (S), corner of Lot 4. B. C Fliberlei. and will be used for power purpos upon lb land a aeriou shortage of food In the You r required to coquii Um claim RECEIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS described aa adjoining Timber Umlt til t tbc lai purcbaier wtuun St dan rrom Dominion, he declared that every In application to lease. tb daw of the of tola noUce nhould be made aertlc This notice wai polled on th rrounl WE HANDLE poible proviMton (whica mar t frie4 br publtcauon). GREAT EXPECTATIONS n tb nth dar of January, tin. Steal A BriaQS, Ronnie' in view of any emergency the aod jrour attention la called to tecUon xvpy of thli notice and an appllcttloi are m this batch, aorj they vnR be realized future held. He dwell on the several It oT the "Land Heritor Act" wtlb Forry's and Maokanxlo'a piyiuant tbertlA and to tb Water Act because I uae amendment, and to toe followlor citract kind of fuel which were 1914 will be Died In tbe offle of tlx Qardan tbriwfrum: - "and in default of a Field and Seeda. for the feeding of the Water Deeorder at Prtne RuperL Objection! necenry caveat or ccruflcat of lit pendent being Alto Fertilizer. great army at the front nnd tho filed before Um rertttritlon ai owner of to th application may be filed with th aald Water Recorder or with MAY, GRAIN AND FEED great army at home. The sooner lbs pertoa entiUel under iuch ui tal. all tb Comptroller or Water RlrbU, Parliament Chicktn Feed A Specialty. a precautionary measure could be peroo io served wlib notice, and Bulldinr. Victoria, B. C, wltblc lboa cliicUor tbrourh or under tbem. and thirty days arier I be Ont appearance of -f the task introduced the easier ill person clalmlnt anr tntereit In tb We Take Orders for Nursery would be. he said. land br virtu of auy unrerlnered Uutru thll Tb notice aat la of a I he local ortt newtpaper.publication of thu ROYAL STANDARD has the flavor! Stock. It wit only by a process of sacrifice, menu and all person clalmlnt anr la nolle la February tUL It IT. Flour made from tbe pick of Canada's lereil In lb land br deicriit wnos till nnd unselfishness that the OEORUE alcRAE. Applicant. golden wheat ROYAL STANDARD i not rruitrd unde: tb provision or k II Or4r Promptly Alt44 T. baa the textuiel Flour country rouM hope to put forth tbli Act, shall tx for rver eitopped and ground wondrous her greatest effort n a telling debarred from actUni up anr claim to Or MINERAL AOT fine. ROYAL STANDARD hat the factor in tho problem with which In reipett of tb land o aold for tun, Certtflcata of Improvamonta. tmifcjonlty! Flour laboratory tested that hat ind the Retiitrar aoali tb reiliter perioo (lie I'mpfre was faced. To brinn euutled under aucb In sal as owner of NOTICa made great big. snowy, springy loaves before the Allien to submission by food lie land ao told for tana." Dourill;" "Dooiill rracllonal., and it reached my kkchen. Use It I Make THE tNOINiyKLf I.NLM: shortuge wa the Herman plan, AAD WHEHKAS application ha been "Waifrrront Mineral Clilmi, iliuat In the moit of your baking art! aide for t Caruncat of Indereatlbl Till th Skrena Mining Dlvlilon of Canlar Dll-irlct. HI JaYA t r-rTT Itl ami which they had unit tcnu cf4(rt one upon to In abuvc-meoUoned landi. In In nun pinned their faith, doomed to disappointment of Sirab Lando. Wtwra locatedi On th weit aid of rieNBRauur knovni us it was. For that A.ND WHEIiKAS on InveilltitlDt tb II U bead of Allc Arm. It ipteart that prior to lb Htn dir of TAKE NOTICE that I. Richard B. MC-otnnli. I Cil It-IB the utmost vlgilanre on 1.1 U. kv 7 l, reason Fre Miner's Certlneal No, IttOt. September, tvll. th dil on which tn Hra the part of this Dominion In the laid land wer told ror overdo taxi), actlur ta ttent ror in Dolly Vardeit Mine oi a s-4 1. kt i-a ta conservation of her food supply you wer th retlttered and aliened Conipany, Fre Winer' Certineata No. til-C Heee Pwe. required, owuera thereof. Intend, altty day from to dat hereof, wits 4 CiL 1. In. kt a la, X-A conservation vital t'L'DTIIEH TAKE NOTICE that at the to apply to tb Miuinr Recorder for a Not only was HarH Pwe. km um shall effect retinratlon In Cerllflcil of Iraprovements, for tb pur- hut the process of distribution puriuanr of tuck aiipllcitlon ind Inu a tpuaa of cbtaimnv a Crown Oram of tit was equitlly so, in Mr. Crfnse's Ortlflrat of Indefeaiibt Till to in tald abov dauu. For 'Further Information lanJ In lb nam of Sarah Lando unless ,. And further tak nolle that aettoo. under Apply to opinion, you tk nd prosecute la proper pro section II, mutt b ccmminccd b reedlna la stabUih your clilni. If toy, tor b Isiuanr of iuch Certiflcai of l. SUN AND TIDE io in aald landi. or to prevent inch pro. prorineDta, W. E. WILLISCROFT poaed aeMoa mi my part. Paled tftM III day of April. A. D. it IT, uTb at iim Land Rratiirr omc. Jy. RICHARD B. MeaWtNW. Prlnc Rupert, . 0. Huturday. June Uth. I'rliM 'Iwipert. R, O. IW iota day of Bun rises '3:5 '" AtH, A U, HIT. Salvation Army. Hun sets ?'2 P. . II. r. MAW.WB. Sja-asa SUBSCRIBE FOR High water .. .3:30 a. in. 111.20,0 DUtrl4'IU4trtr of Titla. I'uWie MMtiiis, Tuesday, Vancouver MllllMoGraln C?b T-o f!kH4 HnHi. to Lot III water ... 10:5 a. in, lit. at TluM4y aittl Satunkya at H Low ii. r, riark and II. O. RWier, p. cVatKouver New wstaa toater.W aaa I sao.M4tra. , The Daily News High water . .4:38 p. in. lit. 7,t at to Lot It, in, Buttiiaya at 7;30 p. ih. "SMSjasasaaajaaaajaajj BBSBSBSBtBT ssexBsssrtaESaasssaaL yjjjs memwmmmvm in IS r