HIE DAILY MEWS jr"r Juno ft Pure Blood I sASLirri XT' G. H. Arnold You can keeo vour blood in Local News Notes good condrtion have a clear NOTARY PUBLIC skin,and bright eyes, by taking Mr. J. II. Pillsbury left for the Poultry south last night. . KEOUM'S ruMiMt..... Wo write J-'irc and Marine Mr. T. II. McKeniio left last sky Chick t4 ..4 K night for Vancouver. Insurance, representing ' sas c::.:.;:(n only strong,""!Iberal companies. PIUS Mr. J. (1, Milllchamp wns a pas. lry T..,M senger for Vancouver5 Vn Fast 0r l)U ( Hty a4 r.s i night's steamer. k We sell Heal Kslalc, and Just af Aay MeiklM lata Warts, nd have some real Mrs. .N'orrie was among the t.k.rlM, SU..S,, aUaJ'J SNAPS. Ask u a about passpxigers for the south on last' NOTICE night's steamer, I them. . . . trrrtearia, at tte tL We have apartments, houses TAKE NOTICI2 that we, Albert Mr. and Mrs. A. Fcrlnmi, of the! Our nairsiiwd I fXHIOdt law,for rrt.tZJ',. stores and offices for rent, A McCafTcry, Limited, of the city Yukon Telegraph Service, were in w and want more. of Prince llupert, 11. C, merchants the city yesterday. j e.ue h ., lh Wr have applied to the Dominion I It orer sod . wouU U tU H. O. HELQERSON, LTD Government for permission to Mr. M. E. Larkin, of Prince tpply yoor nantt. " build an addition to wharf now George, arrived In'the city off the When orotrtne leata b-ooi sltuafcd pn Lots Three (3), and train last evening1. add. Four (4), Block "F", City of . 1 J. J. MURRAY Prince llupert, said lots are owned Ills Honor Judge F. MclL Young! t 5 CO. by the Provincial Government and returned to the city last evening1' SItO M ENCHANTS, Um, "TIk Daily News" leased to us. after holding court in Ilnielton. Plans of construction of said Mr. ft. A. Culham, of Vancou CLASSIFIED ADS. addition are being submitted to ver, was in the city yesterday and the Public Works Department will spend a few days in Prince WANTED. Dominion Provincial Government.Government by the llupert. STLEN & LONGWiLL ALUF.ItT A McCAFFEftY LIMITED Mr. John A. Johnson, of the De 1 I.NTELUOEMT PER30X MAT CAJCt Dated 22nd May, 1017. v J2 partment of Marine and Fisheries 1100 monthly eorreipondlnr for Mil at Ottawa, arrived in the city last CNCiriEC.tS ripcttr 110 to l monUilj In tpare ' lime; eiperlence onneceastry; no cn TIMBER SALE X 904. evening. i TtMfbv; subjects tuireiteiL Send for ? aarticultra. national Frets Bureau Sealed tenders will be reeelred by tbe Mr. A. M. Manson, M. P. P4 re HKrV 'Vif X l' ;: WrtliM asmmmmmI JMMMMbI &Cdt3 o:- ' room 3J7I, Buffalo, fl. Y. Mtnltter of Lands notlaier than noon on turned to Prince Rupert last BHBy..'wwE & ; sJm 1 the 4 th day of June. 1017. for tbe pur . ,f JfJB FOUND nfght from a business trip to tbase.cf Urenre XSOi, to cut ttl.000 feet pLUKQina of Spruce. Bttiam and Hemlock on an Haxelton. r U.I D Lady's Vanity Ba. App7 DtilJ area adjoining- Lot Its, situated on the and .Itwa ufilce. U. rait shore ot EllenlM Channel. Ranrt S, Mr. G. F Jlraun, of Kilsumka- CHCCT METAL W0m Coatl DiftrtrL MISCELLANEOUS One (I year wlU be allowed for re- lum, was among tbe passengers If DOR IOTHY BERNAR.D I'lionei, 83 1 Becood Ac-. t moral of timber. . for Vancouver on the Prince Night 56 DIRiCTlON WILLIAM FO 2 phones TABLE Further particular of tbe Chief Forester, last BOARD BT WEEK OR M0.1TII George night. . iBBaMBHSBMMMHMMJBM and lit 51c House, close In. Smile meals If Victoria. B. C. or District Forester, Prince i t Seslred. rbooe Blue 31 1. lit. Rupert. B. C Appearing In Snorting Mood' at the Weslholme tonight. The rlaht work, at the r!tt Mr. It. J. Woods, of the A. JI.C. lime, and at the rlQht GRADUATE NURSE (CM B. London) Term LANE) ACT Packing Company, arrived in the sfix. mode nit. apply p. O. Bos 141. or city yesterday, and will spend York. He speaks very highly of 3. 8. PmiNOE RUPERT Food 41. StEENt LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF some time in this northern district. Hhe mining outlook in the Interior WOtt ALASKA SOON COAST. RANOL riVE. FARM LANDS Take notice that Ovm Mlllerd Pack- we, Crown granted ranch, 160 acres The repairs to the "Prince llupert" DENTISTRY Inr Company, Limited, of Vancourer, oc ORKGO.f AND CALIFORNIA-RULWAT CO. cupatloa eannerymcn. Introd to apply for Mr, Joseph L. Coyle; edior of offered for lets than assessed valuation are now well In hand and It RA3T LANDS. Till lo him revetted pennlttioo to lease th follolnr de the Smilhers Interior News, came for taxes. City Weigh Is expected that she will be in la Colled sutej by set of Contrett scribed tandtt ONOWN AMD IIIMI woas in from Smithers last night and Scales. commission again very soon. dated June t, ll. Two million, tare Commenclnr tt a pott planted at the a setouu.Tr kaxxlrvd thousand acres to be opened aou;beait comer of Lot 1 1 7s tbenco south left for a short visit to Vancouver. Some forty plates have beon renewed DR. J. S. CROWN far botnettftdi and tale. Timber and I chains to low water mark: tbenee north - - ' The St. Andrew's Society will and a large number of asrfcultural lands, conulolof tarn of westerly tt cbalnt rollowtot tyw water hear an address from Mr. Fred. frames straightened tiut, or replaced. BCNTIST Best land kri In United Stale. Mow ti mark; thence north I c turns to tba Grand aSMsi twit SUMS. rtN Ifri Mrs. A. J. Galland left for Van Stork tonight after their regular When I he vessel Is again tbe opportune tune. Larre map a!ww-ksr rrcnk Paciac rtchl-of-wty; thence south lands by sections and description of eatterly tt chains followtnv said rttbt-r-f-vay couver on last nights steamer. monthly meeting. put fn commission she will have MU. climate, rallfaH. titration, etc; lo tbe place -of beftnninr snd con- She will return with her little practically a new hull below the Ptatpaid one dollar. Grant Lands Lo-'aatinr l acres. Ulnlnj waterllne. son, wno nas Deen visum? wunt GENERAL NEWS ITEMS Ox. Box SIS, Portland. Oreton. GOSE MILLERO PACD.tO COMPA.M relatives for some time past. The G. T. P. sailings lo Alaska LIMIT EO, , III land DimncT BMmncT oc April tnd. If IT. I. Fred Ritchie, srenL (Special to The Dally .ttws. this season will go Into effect on J.L.H1CKEV COAST, SlAMtsC S. Mr. O. A. Mc.Vichol, accom Great llrjtain requires every June 25 from Victoria, when the TAkE NOTICE that Use' BrtUtb Columbia Lt THE MATTER OF A.1 APPUCATIOfl panied by Mrs. McMchol, left for of American food. Princa George will make the for I be Uiue or fresh certlflcau ot UUe ounce export tUllDtR a A Conine Coenpanr, Limited, of Victoria.- B Montreal on Thursday's" train. through trip to the northern CONTRACTOR C, salmon canoe n, intend to apply toi for Lott One li and Two (t). Block Lord NorthcllfTe succeeds the Mr MrMrlml hml lust rMlv,l ports. Thereafter throughout the Eleven Section One of permission to lease the followtnr deterib III). (I), Qty ed foreshore land: Commencing' t pot. Prince Rupert. Mtp ttj. wofd of the serious Illness of his 'V : lU " h",f,of lh season, the Prince George and Store and Office Futufti, planted on tne nor til bank or the Skeena NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEM that It It father. .mission in tne unitea Mates. the Prince llupert will alternate Sash, Door and M-l41eri. hirer, ttO feet south rrom toe southeast my Intention k Itaae after Use etplraUon Tbe military governor of An- on the Alasjta run. WvK-di of M Oak and Hard cerner or Lot ts, R. S, Coast District; of one month from tbe Ent publication thence south 100 feet: tbene westerly hereof, a rreih Certificate or Title for tbe Mr. It. K. Allen, district forest-. hwri, in the revolted provinces kinds. and nortberly parallel to tbe tbore line, tbore mentioned lots In tba name or tbe r, returned from Haielton last of China says that altera parlia-evening, a distance of tit feet Atlantic Realty and Improvement Company We Specialize In MtnJ-wood approximately to bringing with him Mrs. ment has been elected, China will a point too feet south or tbe aoutl Limited, wbleb Certificate of Title was Sssh, Prince Dairy Boat Ribs, Allen Allen has Rupert and family. Mr. declare war on Germany. boundary of tbe Grand Trunk pacific railway: Isiued on tbe tOth October ItIO, oa tp- tbenee' westerly and nortberly par pUcation reeelred tbe tOtb October. It IS, taken Mr. A. R. Wrights house UNDER NEW IUUlAtNINT Door, etc. allel to tba said rlrnt-of-wiy to point tnd Is numbered ttl-L on Fifth Avenue. WESTHOLME THEATRE Piste and ShMt Gists tnd due son lb or tba 8. W. corner of Lot tt; May Ulfi, ISIT. tbonce north too feet to tbe point or In-ttrsectloo Land RetUtry Once. PURE HOLSTIEN MILK Olaxlng. Mr. Mix, of the O. T. P. staff, of tbe south boundary of talc Prince Rupert. B. & At the Westholme Theatre lo. CREAM Comer Feasor and th Its. ltfsfl fAt SasIIU ttiA lssrrisr H. F. MACLEOD. nn rlsbt,-or.wty; thence southerly and easterly aloo said rirbt-of.way to t point Je. to. District Retistrar. last night. Mr. Mix hopes, when n,ht there wiU be ,hown a Breai BUTTERMILK PHONE GREEN 2(9 where said boundary line strikes shore he gets there to be selected to P'ar entitled "Sporting IHood." , line; tbenee alonr nil water mark to tbe M. Hanson. B. PMONI W7 P. O. BOX SM P. O. BOX poMt of commencement u, B. wtuiami. I K. LLP go to France with the first con- The plot concerns itself with the; A. W. CARTER. WILLIAMS A MANSON tlngent from the Unled States. revenge of two persons on a man1 Nil Oeeere Proaatly At leas' Te. Aettnr as arent for the B. C Cannibs SarrlaU., Solicitors, Elo. 'ho had tried to ruin them, but1 Co, Limited, Mr. Marvin, district forest ran. , . . , . ,. R. McKay, Proprietor. rebruary teth. 1117. JOIST TO LOAN . for the Prince George district, B4I Ittt ger oroaaer man me mere interest m Wok Hfrtfm fine PrBre RnterL t) accompanied by Mrs. Marvin, Sheet Metal went south on the Prince George persons, a fuller vieV of ,the LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS last night, to accept a promotion ''gambling instinct of humanity is HOTEL AT HOWE'S PLUMBING In the Forestry Service at Vic-'taken. All thte eicltemenl of the PAClflC CARTAGE, LTD. Uroma Hsyir.g scqwslnted been In the with Eatt,s I ox htre 0KM TO aUESTS ON AIM BTM AND. ,toria. race track runs through this melhwltof outfitting jssollr ; ! photoplay and tbe incidents given; m thofa. Motor Stage wilt connect SHEET METAL WORKS Mr, It. A. Pake and Mrs. Pake, are largely taken from actual' ex-1 General Teasing boats, as used by Eastern with trains at Terrace. They stake Oaaelln Teaaa, alley of F.ndako, passed through the perience, A horse race in itself 1 Gasoline Tanks, Pipe-fitting ' ); amoks sucks, oklmsiey Tops, city last evening on their way to is a beautiful thing to witness, DOMESTIC Eiseilant Trout STeWae In Laketee Late. In sad the all OLD the work FASHIONED that la uouairy TIN SMOT,teas Chilliwack, the home of Mr. Pake's and this play will commend itself BLACKSMITH COAL and Plumbing, kvTFM ALL TUB LATHT DOWN-TO-OATE parents. Mr. Pake has been In to those who sea it. and all lines of Sheet Ram SB.M par day WONX aPCCIALIZCO, auch the service of the G. T, Pj for There will also be displayed Careful Attention to Piano ' Metal Work : aa MVLMMTS, .CORNIOCS, .Etc. some time past. pictures of the city of Ghent, that and Furniture Removala. V. : For further particulars, apply to Efeeythlat la the llao far talll, Sllae . Attention snd SkiW ! 0,j World town In F.at Flanders, Prompt i. BeTUOK eOMSHTOWC Haas per. or Factory, ateraa put ap sad aao-aected U beilar. ftooflaf la all ! Captain J, K. Gilmore, of"Hazel, which Is now in the hands of-the PHONE S3. WorkmaniUp klnsa ef matarlaL NasaJrlaf of all ton, late manager of the Oceanic German. The wonderful archl-Cannery, klKSS. PRICKS RMMT, SCJTVICC left for the south last tec lure of Its buildings, which are H. LETOURNEAU FIRST-CLA. A SATISFIID CUS-TOSJEN evening the Prince the most beautiful I'u-;his 8IXT1I AVBNUE IS OUN MIL on George, on among in SUBSCRIBE FOR 621 PHONE S40. .... S. O. MX 47. way to the F.aslern States on rope, and its quaint old streets Phone rtlaxk S25 P O PotW French Hag arty Factory and Office 922 End Areaae j business. Ho expects being gone touch the imagination. The boL The Daily News aad tnd Sir set, close te Oai Bay lor auoui lour weeks, anic garuen or mis town, are and Oorsriimant Wharf Satisfaction OuaranUod DR. KEJMIN aUILDINO. 1 wonderfully beautiful, and from Word has been received from 'an educational a 11 d aesthetic Mr. "Paddy" Ilinns, late of Do-'point of view, these pictures excel. A HOT BATH THE minion Cannery. He is now over-j seas, and is feeling good. He MINUTE YOU WANT IT mentions that Mr. Len llazlett, . . ..1 1.1 Letterheads formerly of the lloyal Hank here, You are accustom-- is serving in the same battery. Stu&itJe Martin siting cold water Envelopes stanlly. Think of the -isfaction SUtemcnts Cards, Etc. Mr. Charles Barrett, of Harrett AStAVtH of getting "o n Psom98 Lake, left on a short business trip Water In the same way 0 to Vancouver and the lower coast HAZELTON B. O. abundance, regardlets uei cities last evening. He was accompanied how much has been by Mr. Art White, of aaBmassnaa, before. The News Jb Press Kmithers, who, after a residence The oldest established Assay HOT WATER LIKE WIAOIO of several In the northern years In Ofnoe the PrMtg f AH Oew'iBrrau Dote interior, is leaving for the States North. Harry Hanson to Join the colors. brins Hot Water Service P.O. Btt 89 Programs Mr. K. P. Spalding, of Spokane, you this convenient BOX 3J5 ' CaUloKC a milling engineer, actively inter PHONE 4SS P.O. Dodgers ested in the uazcllon country, Posters,etc, went south on last evening's boat, I He expects to be back In Northern illrftlth Columbia within thirty In The Daily News Mays, after a business trip to New Advertise n