Urs the Daily NEWS - 3B VOL. VIII. NO. 135. prince rupert, u. c. sati iiday.june 9. .1917. PHICR FIVE nSNT tMMiB- MBMMHMM MM MMMMMMtMBBM M ELL 10 W IN PARLIAMENT EVERY MAN BETWEEN AGES OF 20 AND 45 ELIGIBLE UNLESS EXEMPTED BY BOARD BRITISH HOLD POSITIONS THE LATEST ROYAL TH C0NSCRFTON COMMISSION'S TASK Ml IS NOW READY WON IN YESTERDAY'S ATTACK sav HHBBHjL'a Hfls The findings of Mr. Justice (Spemi to Tbe Dtilj Xwi.) kcHfcl Gait, commissioner investigating OttawaiJune 9. The provl- BATTERIES OF OUNS CAPTURED WITH COMPLETE STOCKS OF the-circumstances attending the slons of the conscription bill;have rnnatpiitinn ni f na m nn iff nna SHELLS BRITISH OUNS BROUHQT DOWN THREE .now been made public. There will a I II. 1 1 1 f LIJ GERMAN AEROPLANES VERY SEVERE 8 ; J ' A rG ,bV no registration, !? J v 'man FIQHTINQ IN PROGRE8S port finds that the Crown has(between tbe ages of 20 and 45 is IpHHeLBHaHaW vOT"r esiaonsnea '"uuuieni, over- wumed to be eligible. There, ptul to Tbe btlljr Jiewi.) charges amounting to Joz,7.- w, b. board. to consider exemp-29. Iondon, June 0 The night A PLEASANT EVENING IN The findings of Mr. Just ce Uomn Th0se who do not report Gait were such that the Premier passed quietly on the new British "''jJ' rKwK pf Buch bodiM w preguIned ST. ANDREW'S ROOMS has appointed a noyal Commis-!ln hfl --9Hv . ., ...hi-d front (n Belgium. All the gains to be gathered in . The exemp I .made on, the front of nine miles further. tion boardswill not be appointed ami to a depth of five hundred The regular monthly meeting In this second report on the by (he Government, but by out-subject, yard were held despite the efforts(of the 81. Andrew's Society was which s a lengthy docu-ide ,auib0rities. AVJde powers of the enemy to regain their lost held last evening, and was gut mcnt, Mr. Justice Gall says: Jwi be given ror the'exemption of "I find that shortly after services deemed ground. The losses suffered by through quickly. Two new members thehose, whose are sile for the new agricultural col essential to the state at home. the Germans in their counter attacks, were elected and after the fraudulent lege was acquired a which were made repealed. routine business had been got tSttKm-(W conspiracy was entered into by through the piano was opened and FEARS THAT RUSSIAN - were terrible. Over six thou-nd the Hon, Robert Rogers and Tbos. the members settled down to enjoy have been Kelly, senior member of tbe firm prisoners already a social hour 6r two. Several HAS COLLAPSfB i unted passing through tbe collating whom of Thomas Kelly & Sons, contractors. guests were present, among stations on their way to were Dr. McNeill, Mr. Hoult, and 1 Special to TIM Dtllr news.) "The objects of this conspiracy, the rear No estimate of the num-tier Mr. Fred. Stork. The president. June 9. It is Washington, other things: has been were, among of guns captured yet Mr. 8. D. Macdonald, extended a made known, but several of the "(a) to provide money for ibe feared here that the Russian Empire German batteries were taken hearty welcome to the visitors A NEW PICTURE OF MRS LLOYD GEORGE (Conservative campaign fund for has collapsed for good. An Intact, with great and tn the course of the evening The wife of Britain's near Dictator is here shown selling a use at both Dominion and provincial appeal to the citizens of America practically called for a few words from each. lamp to-an Amao soldier. The lamp device sold was in honor of election from Thomas Kelly is made to take the war game slocks of shells. Mor Air Attacks Dr, McNeill, freshly returned from Florence Nightingale, and the funds raised were for the London Sons and olhers, who had been seriously. The United States The British are continuing tbe France, and Mr. Hoult, from a unit of the Scottish Women's Hospital. (contractors tor the various build- Military plans are laid for three aerial attacks over lielgiutn and civilian point f view, made some - ings comprising the new college. more years of war. The proper' very interesting remarks on tbe distribution of the burden of'the. have put three German aeroplanes GREAT EARTHQUAKE GENERAL PERSHING "(b) To provide Thomas Kelly out of commission near war, while Mr. Stork, in a happy IN SAN SALVADOR ARRIVES IN ENGLAND'wiln funds, out of the provincial war gels attention in the capital. of his recollections vein, gave some and above what he Flr4. treasury ove- taken j Prisoners Dixmudc. say of tbe ancient city of Pom- that scores of German guns were iSprcial to Tbe Psllf ."lewM (Specul to Tbe Dtij jm,)' miglij legitimately earn. Fraudu-liondon, Gbethals today dismissed two . dcroeJfby the British bombardment. full. , San Juan del Snr, Nicaragua,-June Jone 9.-i-Major-Gen-'1enl overpayments to the extent of heads of departments, whqorlgi-natcd A splendid programme had been the idea of wooden ships! 9 San Salvador, the capital !hown hav eral Pershing and staff have ar;f302'78V8'!e ? which Mc. In Mr. J. II. Attack. aranged. of the republic of Salvador, been made by the former Provin-rived They were dismissed on account CounUr Millan, Mr. Thos. Mc.Meekin, and safely in England and pro- of their charging Gbethals,with attacks delivered with a population of more than ,ciaI 0overnrm,-nt to Thomas Kelly Three counter were by the Germans last night Mr. W. Vaughan Davies gave orchestral sixty thousand has been destroyed. ceeded to London. The ship car- & Sons, but it appeared that on the holding up of the'ship building In great force, and were broken selections, "Doc" Clap-perton, The town -of Santa Tecla has rying the party was escorted un- or about August, J915, all the programme. with great losses, Vast' umbers Mr. Forrest, Mr. Morris, also been overwhelmed. Only one der the protection of American books and documents of the firm up Mr. F. Moore, Mr. Oauld, and Mr. hundred houses are left in both were destroyed by Maurice 'Kelly. REVOLT IN DOM-MA of German troops are being Dowther rendered vocal numbers destroyers. The whole party re- places. Complete details of the ;on of Thomas Kelly, although rusbr forward by llindenburg in ceived a hearty welcome, and , v while read, ex- with much success, (SpecUI to TtM DUly Hews.) nol member of the firm, and advance, manner in which the destruction a so an effort to stem the prittsh the ings were given by Mr. II. Atkiys, of the cities were accomplished pect In a short time to be doing no evidence was available to as-their ..Prague, June 9. The opening-session which has over heights dominating swept,the Lille Dave Thomson and Mr. Robb. has not been received, but it is part on the western Jront.J certain what disposition had been of the, Austrian Parliament plain, and threatens to the The evening's entertainment undoubtedly the result of an (made by Thomas Kelly or the has been accompanied by sweep came to a close in the wee sina' firm of the said revolutionary disturbances in Teutons from the Industrial section earthquake, or a volcanic eruption. PROVINCIAL ELECTION Kelly overpayments." 'oors, and, as Is usual with the IN SASKATCHEWAN many towns'in Moravia and Bohemia. of northers France. Andrew's boys, it was a very St. In Department. The police are powerles Berlin Official. happy one. and in some cases the troops sided WILL LECTURE ON Commissioner Gait reports that Berlin. Jjine . Our forces Ifegina, June 8 Writs have -ALL THE WORLD AT WAR" "the means, adopted by Messrs, with the people.' have withdrawn from a salient been issued dissolving the third NEWS ITEMS GENERAL June 9 The Rogers and Kelly to carry out Copenhagen, re projecting westward, to prepared Saskatchewan Legislative Assem volt at the moment in Bo- bend On Monday, a lecture will be their said conspiracy, were: present positions between the canal tpeell W Tb t4lljT flfWS.) bly. The nominations will take be most given in tbe Presbyterian Church Tirst, an atmosphere of laxity hernia is considered to north and Daub sla. of llallexent, Winston Churchill accepts the under the auspices of the Ladies place on June 19. with polling one iQ be created by the Hon. fortunate for the Allies in rela- tions.Iiritish This Is the salient The the chairmanship of the Iiritish' Air Aid. The subject will be All the week later. (Robert Rogers In his department ,tion to the Russian situation, as reached yesterday. Hoard. World at War' and the lecturer In Cumberland and llela Crosse,'f pUbnc works and such instruc-j it will expose to the Russian Iiritish put three German aero,Dix-mode. Hundreds of American Navy is Mr. Hoult, who arrived in Prince the two.northern seats, polling U'tjons were to be glveu to Victor pacifists the true state of affairs planes nut of action near Aviators have arrived safely in Hupert lately from Great ltritain. deferred, as they are also in three vy. Horwood. the actirur DrovinJin the Central Empires. France. Mr. Hoult Is the father of Mrs, overseas soldiers seats. ial rrhlt-i as u-onl.l intim ". French Official. recruiting offices have Both parties are lined un for ..,.,ic hv i.irr. n,t w The commissioner finds "that Canadian It. A. Stalker, and is a Journalist Paris, June 9. Heavy fighting the short and sharp "n l" year 1911 the requi been opened t St. Paul and Minneapolis. of some distinction, being at-tached campaign various government inspectors Is in progress to the south of to the London Chronicle in which is to follow. The Liberals and the officials of the department site atmosphere of laxity waa it. Quentln. A strong attack was have candidates already in the inclndinc th architect nitlcc. in created among the government his In of tho William Owens is dead. England. course made by the Germans in strength Senator and the officials of the inspectors field for all seats excepting where of the (he estimates been in Mr. Hoult has profession. progress between and La Fere. Thirteen Finlanders In Seattle St. Quentln the elections are deferred, while without department of public works and the contractors, checking close touch with of up many have been Italian Front. Who refused to register contractors." the Conservatives have their men the of such among the various great events arising out of and in 0 verifying propriety Itome, June 9.- A semi-official taken to jail. named in all but three constituen- estimates. lie finds "that after the Hon. the of the and has course war, aii statement has bean Issued which Amsterdam. June 9. The Hay- transferred to Intimate knowledge of things as;cie1' 1,1 -dMion there are five "Second, contracts for 'extras' Robert Rogers was "tales that tho Italians now face tian Charge d'Affaircs at Berlin Ottawa in, about October. 1911, or ihev eiint In firt TtrUnin. He ;non-partisan league candidates, a wero to be lavishly granted to two-thirds of the entire Ausrian has been handed h(s passports. came in contact with the members ,Lal)0r candidate in Saskatoon, niain contractors subject to no the objects of the conspiracy and army as a result of the wlhdrnwnl Detroit. June 9, Henry Ford of all the colonial governments and 0,80 lwo or lnree independent competition by others, the means for carrying them out from the Russian front. ordered the discharge of all employees on their recent visit to the Lon- candidates in the field. D. J.; "Third, as soon as the various were continued under the regime between the ages of 2t don War Council, and hi lecture igykcs Swift Current, is a non- contractors realixed the favorable of his successors," and adds that The favorite household Coal Is and 31. who could not show their will be one of exceeding interest. P""!8" Liberal and Conservative treatment they were receiving. "it is almost impossibIevto be- Udysrnlth Wellington. Phone 16, cards, lin,ll,lnli , !j- m ,L rt .I-. lllalA thftl lllV U.'AT nill IVlr Of Prince Co. If. registration The lecture will bo In aid of nuurauio, emissaries ironi iuo uonservauvei",," Coal Hupert J. P. Mor Premier Martin has issued frauds which were Deing com- New York. Juno 0, patriotic .purposes, and the pro a committee or other organliationsHhe For dressed iii lumber i of all kinds gan & Co. subscribed fifty millions ceeds are to be given to the manifesto to the electors. were to wait upon them and collect mltted." Albert A Phone 110. to tho liberty loan, Drexel Co., Daughters of the Empire to purchase correspondingly favorable MoOaffery. Philadelphia, subscribed ten mil. field comforts for the boys SUN AND TIDE 'contributions to the Conservative NOTICE lions. at tho front. Sunday, June 10th. 'campaign fund." Steamer Southland from Liverpool Sun rises .3:52 a. m.J Parties Conspiring, A, lecture will be given In the W1STHOLME to Philadelphia, has been FOR SAI.K Launch Vera S 'Sim sets ........... .9:21 p. The commissioner proceeds: Presbyterian .Church on Monday: sunk by a German submarine. Fry. 35 by 10. Fitted for Halting.:High wnter 4:29 a. m. lit. 19.7 1 "I find that during the period June It, at 8 p. m. by Mr. Boult. TONIGHT ONLY 20-25 four.cyllner Palmer engine. Low water .,10:51 a.m. lit. 3.6 in 1911 when the Hon. Robert The subject will be "All the World RUSH TO ENLIST Nenr Swanson's lloai. Price rca- High wnter ...5:32p.m. lit, 19.0 Jiogers was minister of publlo at. War." Proceeds for patriotic OWEN HOORE IN UNITED STATES sonable. Low water . . 1 1 : I p. in. lit. 7.1 works, tho following persons be. purposes. Admission 26cv 'inj i 'came principals in the conspir MARGUERITE COURTOT (Spotltl to The Pllr-f- acy aforesaid: Just arrtved, MM Una of 1.1 Now York, Juno 9.The Iiritish I "The Hon. Robert Rogers, Thos. ccal. Phone 11 Al-teert "A Coney Island In the city have made a, rush to lAANTFTI HOUSES Furnished and I Kelly and his sons iu the firm; 6ffsry. enlist. Tho New York recruiting Unfurnished i Roy Worthlngton, estimator for swamped during- the" Thomas Kelly A Sons, and Vietor office was Princess" We have Waiting List of Desirable Tenants irt dnv for enrollment Foreign. a W. Horwood, ami (hat tbe agent LONDON CAF1 A Comedy-drama. era In the United States will be employed by them to assist In given a chance to right ror hlng MARINE INSURANCE carrying out this conspiracy were GAZETTE ami country Brigadier General 7 pr cent rate on Tt-Msf Boats the various government inspector ThM Avenue TRAVELOGUE Wlilla has been forced to rail on in charge of the works, the COMEDY Ottawa for more help lo'undertake various deputies in the depart the recruiting, jock mnns, the McCalMry, GUors ft Dtyle ment of publlo worts, ifwludin Admission 10 and SB cents famous wireless operator, was the architect's ofQee and C. among Iho-o present, Sfwague, collector for the fund,' WWMMW MWM