THE DAILY NEWS X ilral Empires t Wltlimil a The Daily News lt1c. i ... ii.m world. Germany will hnrd lime, even after the THE tXADING NCWSPArtK IN NOKTIIMtN BKt I a,7 till .Jf have a mom PabUtbnd Daily and WM .' war 1 Qutranloed Largest Circulation - T DISCUSSING PLAN - TO DIVtBtT. BCL9IUW head tn hi: THANBfK hmijr ,"xrn Htilldlnv, 3rd Ave, Prier liiiytTl, H.t; 'rj, m the London.Exchange June 8 Telegrahp A'dispatch from to WW THE PERFECT CUM Mrs nit application. 1,4 j' S, Amsterdam says: According lo The Tanllsehe Let make us lllundsfhau, the recent visit to you acquainted Saturday, June, t 1917. .Brussels of Dr.. von Betbmann-iHollwf. with the new, luscious Ue German Imperial Chancellor, to discuss with General flavour COALITIfHI Allison episode is by no means lalksnhausen, the Governor-General The correspondence which forgotten. of Belgium, a plan for the ha passed between the party Here in Northern British Co. pa UUon of Belgium, revealed thr leaders, Sir Robert Ilorden and lumbia, the fact of Sir Wilfrid absolute refusal of all the Belgian Sir Wilfrid Laurier, has been declining to enter Into n coali ;;;!T nl to have anything to !; laid on the table of the House tion government will be gladly with ft The plan, therefore, will of Commons in Ottawa, and in received. The voters In this almost necessarily have to be ' due course, doubtless, the' roa district are waiting nn opportunity postponed." sons which prompted Sir Wil to vote for a member frid Laurier to decline to Join who will 'represent them, nnd COAL NOTICES in with the present Government at the same time to register will be made public.. What some their opinion of the Govern SKttNA LAND StfCOROINa DISTRICT ment as a whole. ISTSICT OP QUBCN OMARLOTTR ISLANDS of the reasons are may be sur mised. The chief one is men ress of Kronstadt have recognlted Take nuUre tbat William DUon. of Vl It's all that J&L tloned as Sir Wilfrid's dissatis NOTES AND COMMENTS (ha miltmrllv nf Iti 'V toria, B. C vccvpiUu irtounlaul, Infc-nd faction with the conscription T and the dispatch say, "trouble W apply fr permittum t proepeci tot. the name Jd? rual and petrutoum on tba ett coal I proposals of the Borden Gov The American Government .aro'nv.p". Th. i i .MonaJnnt Ullk tJ Crabtm I aland, la ncmity of Weal ntr. aggeatsl ernmcnt. These proposals Sir aireauy senaing wneai across io'4tort somo trouble with the Ger CMMnmciar at a pual ptaalru um wlk Robert will table in the house trance ior me American ariny,.rnan now. 'hn ih linn. . aeulb ot Um majtbeatt tvrttrr tA C L this week. which is coming later," The busily engared In the wi. Pmm IS"I tbeocei aurib SS CtMUM. tbenca call cbafsa. SS cbalna, tbenca souia SO tnenea The coalition proposals of wneai nas- aireauy arriveu in'nernunta in ih v? vnri Tit,... Mtt SS cbstae la point of cosnmenceiOMraL Writer tHMtj Sir Ilobert Borden are very France. This augurs well for the they seem still to be very short W1LUAM DI10.1, significant of conditions of the United States soldiers being soon of ammunition. Recently, .the Marcb II. nit. Amun ron. attat " Government. Sir Robert knows in the battle ground. With their Russian soldiers had been fighting MtXSU UUTO RSeeSMMSMS OISTRWT 1 that he has forfeited the confidence supplies already there, word may with their bare fists, and mak ISTMICT OS QUCSM OStaJSLOTTS I SLAM OS of the people of Canada. be looked for any day of the ar ing their way through barbed wire Having obtained one year's extension rival of the first contingent from entanglements, with better Take none Ibal Turner RolbweU MutWn, no of Victoria, s. C. occupation ntrttoat. la of the life of Parliament, the Uunted States. U weapons. tend lo apply for pemuaaioa protpecl with his government in tvr rual atMt petrol a m (be weel eottl fVtYM tflfBO fltt power, without the consent of The result of the elections in The Filipinos offer a force of af Orabam UUnd, la rktnlty of Weet rlr. the people, before that year is Alberta shows that the tide of twenty-five thousand to Cwnunenrinr at a pol planted ocm nUe fight men Mim of Um soutbeaal corner of C L up. Sir Ilobert is finding his Liberalism is sill growing. High the Germans. The Chinese mill SI7li tbemw west cbauu. thenea swrtb atVoJOjO ft eVtEw) own troubles. Rather than water mark has not yet been lary government says that the SS cbaina, tbenca eaal St cbauu, Ua-nca place himself before tbe'eoun reached. The desire for the Im new parliament will declare war wuta Se cbauu la point of funimeneataeaL try, for its approbation, or provement of conditions is rife TURNER hoTMWIiLL MULLtJt, on Germany. Spain Is on the Marcb SI, ISI7. Aaaua Brown. itrnL otherwise, of his tenure of office, among the peoples of every coun. verge of a break. South America Get R wheret e r he would seek to bolster try, and has found Its expression is all lined up against the Hun, SCEERA LAMO confectlona are aold up his position by admitting in Canada in every province where the Scandinavian countries, and ISTRICT OP OAII OS to his Government members there: has been an election of late Holland would, if they dared, and Tab nolle thai Afset Brown, or A lt- Smaled Tight-Kept Right! froni'the ranks of the Opposition. by the returning of a Liberal government. what peoples are left friendly to lortv B. C, occupation widow. Intend lo MADE IN CANADA Fully realizing the troublous The will of the people apply for penmtoa to protpeel for coal times that are ahead, he has been shown at the provincial and petroleum on wett coaal of Orabam COAL NOTICES ttiand. In tlctnlty af Wtel mer. The Flavour Lasts would admit the Liberal members elections, and a further expression Cuthmencmr at a poet planted lta Ml now and with them obtain of a similar kind may be UtIM LAND StCCOROISM DISTRICT tottlb of tba tog lb ail corner of C i. another extension of the life of looked for when the present Ot STRICT OP QUCKN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS 111. tbenca wttt SO cbaina. ibenc noun SO tbenca east SO cbain. Parliament. When the time tawa Government to the cbain( goes Take notice tbat amea Mctaliy, of tbenca too lb m cbaina, to point of tun- for an election did come round, 'people. meocemeaL Prlac Rupert, occupation mercbant. In-lends his party would not be entirely lo apply for permlttlon U proepect A05ES BR0W5. discredited. The Liberals could The latest attack on the German far coal and petroleum on Um weal coati Marcb II. HIT. Aatia Braan. atenL always be blamed lines three miles to the south of Crabam Island la Um rlcmity of Weal tttSENA LARD M CORDS MA DISTRICT The conduct of the present of Ypres, and its successful result mer.Commencur at a pott planted one mrie ISTRICT OP QUEER CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Spring Schedule Conservative Government at shows that at no part of the aoutb of soutbeatt corner of C, L. IIITj Take notice Uut Kdatrd Packard, of Ottawa since the commencement front can the Huns resist the Ukenca aonUi SS cbains( tbenca eaat SS Lo Actla, occvralloo es(later, intend! GEORGE S. S. PRINCE of the war alone is sufficient Allies successfully. The Somme. rbains, tbenca nortb Sa cbaina. tbenca U apply for pemalttion 14 propect for wett SS cbalns lo point of cocnmencemenL THURSDAY 11 Idnloht f.or Vsncouiar coal and petroleum oa um coaat of to drive them from office Arras, Bullecourt, Craonne, all JAMES MclULTT. Victoria and Seattle. Urabam laland. la Tlctnlty af Weil rrttr. at any time. The dilatory tactics show that no matter how strongly Marcb SI. It 17. Austin Brown. anL at mile OMuneacinr t pul plaaled on OR ANVOX in recruiting, or the non-enforcement fortified the German positions tvoIM. of lb aouibeaat comer of & L WEBrTEBOAY MIDNIGHT SKKSRA LARD RSCOROIM CUSTRKJT JOHN PRINCE of the Militia Act may be, the man power of the ISTRICT OP QOCIM CHARLOTTK ISLAMDB It7i tbenca weal St cbain. tbenca burl S. S. lltk. at the beginning of the war, Allies can take them when they 10' cbaina, tbenca eaat tt cbaina, lb act Fop Ketchikan, Wrangoll,Junoau and Skagway, Juns aoutb at cbain to point of cacameocetnenL For Juna 1tlh. Vancouver, when the national life of Canada will. These sudden attacks on Take notice tbai ioaepb Row at. of Prince EDWARD MCA A AD, and of the Empire is at different parts of the line are Rupert. B, C, occu(Uon pro pec tor, la March it, tii7. Auiun Brown. itesL 8. S. PRINCE ALBERT tend to apply far to CharioUa Islands, Juna CUi. pcrmlatioo protpeel For Quaan stake, the allowing of the Food bound to break through somewhere, for coal and petroleum on tbe weal coati Barons to raise prices of food and when the present. German or Crabam (aland. In tlctnlty of Weal PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE IBTSMCT OP QUEEN CMARLOTTR MUUtOB Waaaaaaar and Ewtrr t 11(SO a. m. fee aitke. Prlaae Seers- stuffs to the detriment of the line is unhinged at either rirer - aaaataa, aakauaa atad WMalpa. klt aatle tnae rte tN pattit working people, allowing the end, it is expected that an extensive Cuuuenclnr from a pott planted one lake nolle Uut Jamr Ray, of Vlctoru, aaat aad aaatb. .Sllatel traaa aeaey Taeeday Sit.. mile sobUj of I be aouibweat of C L. comer war profiteers to get by with "strategic retreat" will be ttil, tbenca aouu tt cbaina, tbenca eaii B. C.a;ply occupatloa for notel proprwior,lo inundt for Agoncy All Ooaan Slaamshlp Unas. their inflated dividends, which indulged in once again. St cbains, tbenca nortb St cbaina, tbenca coal to and petroleum permitttoa on tba wetl protpeel.coatt of For Information and reservations applr to -the people have to pay are only meal It cbaina to point of cotnmcncemeuL Orabam Itland. in tlctnlty of Wtel river. Cltv Ticket Oltlea. 8M ThlrsJ Avenue. PHOUE 2 some of the things that the The situation in Russia has JOSEPU ROW'AT, Cotumenclnr at a pott planted at lb Marcb II, ISI7. Aaatln Brown. aienL toutbwati corner of C L. tSati tbenca become The voters are pondering" in their now more reassuring. seal st cbain; tbenca touts tt cnalnt. hearts. The Colonel J. Wesley soldiers and sailors in the fort- Ski IN A LAND RBCOROIMO DISTRICT tbenca tail it cbain. tbenca nortb St ISTRICT OP QUEUt CHARLOTTE ISLANDS bains to point of cwnmcncemcnL Take notice tbat Joba William Coat, of JAMES RAT, RAILWAY WMUUL ACT MINERAL ACT PA0F1C Narck 31. 1117. Aaatln Brvwn. artnL CANADIAN Victoria, B. C, occupaUon mercbant. In-lend to apply for permiaalon to proepect NOTICE TO DEU.IQl'E.fT PARTNER SKEENA LAND RSCOROtM DISTRICT CertlfloaU of Improvamcnts for coal and petroleum on I be weal coati Lowest Kates all Eastern Points to To C W. Calnouns ISTRICT OT QUEER CHARLOTTE ISLANDS 9 of Orabam In flclniiy of Weal titer. Tak notice, w beret I hav dona tnd Itlaad. via Steamer to Vancouver and tha MUMil to t done UMimienl work, oa U NOTICC Conimeecinr at a post planted twq mile Tak notlca tbat f ride rick Moeracb, of CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAi toutb of tbe soutbeatt corner of C L. MldnliDt fraction mineral claim, situated CarUon Mineral Claim tltuau In tbe Vlcvirla, B. C occupaUon aalcaman, la- tbenca SO tbenca anel rJarth Included t Slner ItiTj west cnalnt, soulb Maal M tha luianca riter, about fourteen miles Skeena Mlnlnr DlvUlon of Casitar District lends to apply for permiaalon to protpeel from Ux bead or Alice Arm. In ma Skeen Wner located. -.tear bead of AUe St cbaina, tbenca east 10 chain, theuca fur coat and petroleum oa tba weet coaal mlnlnr Olrtsloo or Skeen dlttrlct, atets Arm, B.C. nortb tt cbaina to point of commence men I. of Graham laland. la tlctnlty of Weal rtr. Princeaa May for Granby Bay and Alice Arm Friday 11 P-"-Frlncoat JOHX WILUAM ,saant work for 1114, 1 Sit. sad ISM, and TAk'K notice thai I. J. rred attenle. OOSS, Cooimencinr ai a pott planted two mile Sunday P-"-Pplnoeee here PW for said1 work sod recording irm Miners ucruocaiei tin. 4 1 1 ff u. mzuaw Mucb it. HIT, aottin Brown. tatoL aoutb of tba to u lb ait comer of C L. May fop Vancouver via Ocean Falls, mm U sum of f 107.10. t'nleti you pay aj srent for W, A. Williams, rrce Mlneft SA EE Nil LARD RCCORSMSM DISTRICT S7t, tbe nee tail IS cnalnt, tbenca soaM Alloa for Alaska Monday, June 11th. tbe of, for iture Certiorate jto. 10 cbain. tbenca wett to ibence Be turn roar SOIIC. Intend, slttr days ISTRICT OP QUEER CHARLOTTE ISLANDS cbaina, f Um Mid ataeitmeot work, toyetber with !from Um du bereof, to apply to Um nortb SO cbaina lo point of coauuenceinea L Ske coil of tnts advertisement, I snail, si Mlnlnr Recorder for a Certiacate of Im-,provementi, inrutRick MotKsai. Take notlca tbat Rotlyn Duke, of Port' J, PETERS. Generl Aent k expiration of ninety (SO) dart from for tbe purpose of obtaining land. Ore occupation noMl proprietor. In Marcb SI. ISI7. Autun Brows. artnL I. taa data bereof apply to tnemininj re Crown Grant of tbe abort claim. tend to apply fur permiaalon to proapecl Co ner Fourth Stra.t mn4 Third At.nua. Prince Rupert. B.C Prince B. C to bat And lake SAEENA LAN REOORWRw DltJTtMOT corder tt Rupert, further notice tbat action, under for coal and the petroleum on west coati your Interests In Um MldnltUt fraction section SI matt Ut commenced berore Orabam ISTRICT OP QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS of I i land, in tne ticinny or Weil mineral claim vetted In km. la- portuanes Um Ittutnce of such Certmcate or Im rler. r tne provisions ot Um mineral act. provementt. Taka nolle tbat John Booth, of Los Commenctnr at a pott planted ona mil Dated at Prince Rupert, B. &, tnit tttn Daud tblt S7tb day of March. A. D, aoutb of Um aouibeaat cunier of C L A relet, occupation contractor, Inundt to dar of April. IS 17. Jy II nn. a 0 97 1 j thence aoutb SO cbain. tbenca wel tpply for perultelon to protpeel for coal K. C. PHILLIPS. J, THBV RITCHIE, A rent. SO tnd petroleum on tba wett coati of Orabam cbain. tbenca nortb 10 cnalnt, thence Itland, la tlctnlty of Wttt rlr. caal SO cbain to point of cummeneenieni. ftOSLYK DUkE. Commencinr at a pott planted two mllei E3w too lb jkT lb soutbeaal corner of C L Marcb it, I SIT. Autun Brown. acenL St7l( tbenca aaat to cbaina, tbenca nortb sBsalsmsVB , Shubert- SKEENA LARD RCOOROINtl DISTRICT so cbain. tbenca wett tt cbaint, ibenc ISTRICT OP QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS aotith St rbttns to point cf eoauneocemeitL J0II.1 BOOTH. Take nolle tbat Oliver Brown, of Vic Marcb II, If IT, Auaiin Brown. aarcL FOR THE SALT LAKH lorn, B. C, occupation machinlit, to apply tut permlttlon to protpect for Sty Plaa Day frem coal and petroleum on the wett coau of 10 a. at. Orabam laland In tlrinliy of Writ river. R C UNDERTAKERS SHUBERT, nrrvsMi pam at. Cummenclni at a pott pltated two luilet aoutb of the loutbeait comer of C. L, cau t7lt Ibrnca toe lb SO cntioa, tbenca wtti tUNERAL DiRECTORS AMD BBS-BALtJSRt .V. i. TMeaut, 10 cbain. tbenca nortb SO cbain. ibence SATISP ACTION OUAR. SSSSJSSjSSSSJSSJSSBBJSSm til so cbtlns lo point of conunencemeni. ANTEEO OPEN DAT AND NlwHT OUVt-H HHOW.t, IIP BNO trrRSAT MONE 41 Subscribe for The Daily News Marcb SI, 1017, Austin Brown, aienL