THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday June i 1017 Ihrse peoples more directly - n ;ait The Daily News alT -rlrtl appointment by t wnr of u,n ich Ik"1-thr nn of. ntC LEADING NEWSPAfER IN fiOKTM&RN Ml HAM COl.UMBi final l for nftrely ornamental WRIGLEYS Pubtithod Dtfy umI VtMklr purpose- The curious fact re. Guaranteed Lars!. Circulation mams that In some of' the coun-.hY have to Import' a great HEAD MFKIiir. port' n of their food stuffs, the Itilly ,Ns nulldlng, 3rd Ave, Prim Hupert, 11.12. Telephone V8 people there have to pay less for f THE PERFECT CUM the necessaries of life than In ritAJvtU KN1 DISPLAY 'aUVKKTIHINO 3i miita pr itirit .niircl Unaila, which Is a producing and rnt on application. PI HI an fiportlni 'Country s 5?u.m coKPAft o Let us make you acquainted of Ih Kiel Admiral von Scheer, DAILY EDITION Tuesday, Juno 12, 1817. Canal Navy, Is said to bo panting with the new, luscious for an opportunity to meet the flavour slitutioti of a new government American .Navy, who Jiave dared AT OTTAWA a government made up of one in which he and Sir Robert the Atlantic to see What ha been happening at Of the parties, and which has lo eme across Borden would alone hne the Doubtless, the feeling Is Ottawa durlnR the past few long outlived its term, could him. was quite out of the question. by Admiral Sims of say renprocaled weeks and, what is going to be in no better position. It may happen during the next few be assumed, therefore, that the United States Navy. Jellicoe few more of the sea dogs weeks is the subject of much conscription without an election and a NOTES AND COMMENTS been have heartily discussion all over the Do-minion or a referendum Is not being oer there at the present lime. The considered. Imping for a similar date, which The Hon. "Bob" Rogers was Admiral Fcheer seems indisposed correspondence between Sir The full reasons for Sir of those who in Ottawa inflexibly one WJIfrid Laurier and Sir Robert Wilfrid's inability to accept the to give. the formation of opposed Itorden on the question of a premier's proposals has not coalition government is quite been divulged, and will prob. a coalition government. The nature Salvation Army. of his objections would not interesting. Sir Itobert Borden's ably not be made known until Public meetings, Tuesdays, be hard to seek. One of the chief and Saturdays at 8 i Thursdays p. first proposal was for the the whole matter is discussed It's all that of these would be that in such an Sundays at 7:30 p. in. formation of a coalition gov. in parliament. Although the m administration, there would bo no ernment upon this basis, says correspondence refers to equal the name delivered by "Minister of Elections." The Daily News the Sun, that outside of the representation it is quite evident arrier, 50 cents per month. t Prime Minister, each of the that the supposed equality The people of Canada will look suggests two political parties should was to be more fanciful than with great suspicion on the new COAL NOTICE have an equal representation real. The stipulation was that whitewashing" commission that in the Cabinet, and he emphasized "outside of the prime minister. has been appointed to investigate SSEIRA LAND RSOOMHN) DISTRICT Wrift4ey qtiaHty the importance of avoiding, each of the two political parties into the findings of Mr. Justice ISTRICT OF QUEEN OttARLOTTE ISLANDS made where if possible, an election should Have equal representation." Gall in regard to the matter of tk sol Hut VtUltam Dtteo. of Vie ckewiag during the war. In other words, the the Manitoba Agricultural College tuna. M. ... (cc'ipaUua accountant. Uteodr gum Later on Sir Itobert appears equality would be that which contracts and the Hon. Robert to apply twr prrmiutuo to p4tit tot makisg is a to have withdrawn his objec-1 exists in a joint stock company Rogers' connection therewith. cutl and petroleum on lb aeat tveil lion to a contest during the J where one section controls, and Crabam Uland. la vicinity of Weal river. This commission is of the same Cunnroclnt at a put planted wo nut war, and on being pressed for, the other is in a permanent standing and is of no higher loulb of lb toatbeatt tofwr of C. L a clear statement formulated minority. Sir Wilfrid may have capacity than the Gait Royal Com till, tbenc aortb is cbaint, tbenr catl Now thrmm ftmvo I the terms of his proposal as ' seriously hesitated- to commit mission. A committee of Parliament IS rbatn. tbrnc toulb cbaina, tbenc of commeneeiortit lo etl SS cbaina point follows i his party to an arrangement by would seem to be the proper WILLIAM DtlO. "That a coalition government which they would become helpless court to hold such an investiga. Marcb SI. HIT. Antua Bromn. arenL Chmw H aHer should be formed. factors in a ready made tion. SKEENA LAND RCOOROINa DISTRICT mvmry meal "That the militaiy service government in which neither ISTRICT OS QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS bill should be passed. he nor his followers, nor the That the appointment of a "That a pledge should be public for that matter, possessed food controller would have no Tak nouc tbat Turner RotbwtU M alien. Crt It whererttT given, not to enforce it until the least confidence. effect upon prices and that the of Victoria. B. &. occupaiioo Btercbeal, la confectlofw aire aold lend to apply for pennlttlon to protpeei a general election. Questions of personnal may law of supply and demand is responsible tot coal and pttrttleum on tbe weal coatl Sealed Rightl Tight "That parliament should be also have led to considerable for the high cost of t,f Orabam Itland. la vicinity of Wtil rtvtr -Kept coalition the assertion of the Hon. Cotnmeneibf at a pott planted on mil dissolved and the government disagreement. Indeed Sir Wilfrid's living is MADE IS CANADA ii lb of tb aoutbeatt corner of C L should seek a mandate letter contains an interesting Martin Burrell. Presumably, tbeoco aortb till; tbrne wetl 10 cbaint, from the people. allusion in this connection: l cbaln. tbenc tail SO cbaln, tbenc The Flavour Lasts One thing made very clear COAL NOTICES tuutb IS cbaln to point of mauMncemtnL by Sir Robert's proposal is that At the conference Friday," TCR.1ER ROt H WELL MCLLE.1. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT Marcb II, HIT. AstlUt Brown. areaL rina-i a 'nl Inn m V si 1 rl nif Vt A An. he writes, "the 1st of June, and STRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS forced until after a general! again on Monday, the fth, the SKEENA LAND RECORDING. DISTRICT coalition! Tak noUc tbat Jame Mctultj, of ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS election and that "the possible personnel of a coalition Prtnc Rupert, occupation mercbant. In government should seek a man-dale government was considered; tend to apply for pertnution to protpect Tiki acuc tbat Ase Brown, of VIC from the people." It is some not insuperable difficulties for coal and petroleum on tbe vretl eoetl Ijrla. B. C occupatloa widow, Intend lo important to remember these in that personnel were of Orabam Uland In tbe vicinity of Wetl apply for peimlttloa lo protpeei for eotl stipulations, as they make the anticipated, and the subject not river. and petroleum oo weet coatl of Orabam Spring Schedule Commenclnr at a pott planted one mil lUaad. la vicuuty of Wetl rtvtr. methods of the leader of 'the concluded." toutb of aoutbeait corner of C t- iitli bomaenctnf al a putt planted two mile government abundantly clear. The choice of colleagues tbenr atxtlb SS cbatn tbeoce al SS Ktutb of tb touUkcaii corner of C l 1. 1. PRINCC GEORGC At the same time we may take seems to have been the subject cbaina. tbenc nortb is cbaina, tbraee ISfait tbeuc wetl is cbatn. Ibmt THUN8DAY 12 Wdnloht f.or Vsncouvor metb SO cbam. tbtac tail IS cbatn, of vretl IS cbaln to potot commencnnenL it that Sir Lilfrid Laurier also of two conferences, and even JAMES MctULTY. tbenc toutb so cbaina. lo point of rum VlcUrla and Soattl. favored, and like the premier, then the matter was not disposed Marcb J I. HIT. Auatin Brown, arnL cut orr carol. WE ONES-DAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX the idea of. This the A0.1E3 BR0W5. will continue to favor was very S. PRINCE JOMN SKEENA LAND RSCOROINO DISTRICT Marcb II, HIT. Antua Brown. attaL 8. of securing a mandate from the moment, however, which Sir ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Fop Ketchikan, Wranooll,Junoau and Sbagwar, Juno 13U. people. Whether this can best Robert Dorden chose for appointing IKEENA LAND RECORDINO DISTRICT For Vsncouvor, June 11th. be done through the medium a whitewashing corn-mission Take bwtlo tbat ioaepb hdat. of Prince ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS of a general election, or by a to re-hear the charges Rupert. B. C. occupation protpector, lo-tend I. S. PRINCE ALBERT CharlotU Islands, Juno Ctn. to apply for permution to protpeel Tak noUc tbat Edard plckard. of Fop Quoon is probably not a against Hon. Robert Rogers, referendum, for coal aod petroleum on tbe el coatl Lo Anrele. occupation eortneer. intend PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE consideration of flrst-class im-"portance. whose case had already been or Crabam Uland. la vicinity of Wetl U apply fr pemUtioo to preepect for Wd(M4r M BMarSai at 1iJ0e.aa. fee (MtRfMe. FMate Oeert. " of the Hon. Mr. river: coal aod petroleum on tbe wetl coatl of l f It is important to disposed by wMtatr, fUaltlM and Wlaalseo, mle0 ComnMtnctnr from a pott planted out Grabam Itland; In vicinity of wetl rlur Teeeety at s. cm. remember Sir Robert Borden's Justice Gait. That single act, aeot MuLK. .Bleed tea tvaey CaamencMr at a poet planted oo mut mile toutb of tbe toutbvrett corner of C L very definite, stipulation, bef without precedent in political tttl) tbenc too IB SS cbaln. tbenc eatt toutb of tb toatbeatt corner of & L Agoncy All Ocoan SUamshlp Unas. cause if a government made up history, must have made it IS cbaln. tbenc aortb SS cbaln. Uarac IIITi tbenc weal SS cbaln. tbenc borlb For Information and renervatlons apply to of both parties could not take clear to Sir Wilfrid Laurier el SS cbaln lo point of coonnencemeoL 10 cbaln. tbenc eat I 10 cbaina. tbenc Cltr Tlchal. Omca, 129 ThlPd Avonuo. PHONE J0 JOSEPH ROWAT, toutb I cbaina to point of eommrocemeoL the first step towards conscription that Rogers continued to control EDWARD PICkAAD. Marcb SI, III. Aatla Brown. trenL without a mandate from the Borden Government, Marcb II, HIT. Aailia Srsnn. arenL the electors, it must follow that that any such thing as the con- SKEENA LAND RECOROIND DISTRICT ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SKEENA LAND RECORDIN4 DISTRICT ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS MINERAL ACT MINERAL ACT Take nolle tbal Jobs Wllllun Oot. of CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY it tor U. B. C occupation mercbant. Intend lak nolle tbal Jamet Ray, of Victoria. to apply ror permUtlon to protpeei B. C occupation boui proprietor, Inundi NOTICE TO DELLIQL'EJIT PARTNER Certificate of Improvement for real and petroleum on tb well coail lo apply for permittlon 14 prMl for Lowest Kates to all Eastarn Points T C W. Calbouni of Crabam Itland. In vicinity of Wetl river. coal and petroleum oa tb wt coatl of via Steamer to Vancouver and th Take notice, vbereat t bar done and mllea Crabam Itland. la vicinity or Wttl rlrtr, ROTICS Coninwncini at a pott planted tw CANADIAN TACIFIC RAILWAY Work aauaed attetment on the to te done toutb of tbe toutbeaal corner of C L, CotumenclnE al a poal planted at tbe Mlduirht Fraction mineral claim, altuated Caribou Mineral OaUn altuate In tbe Ml and Betlh Included on Sleamee ISITi tbenc wet SO cbaln. tbence soatb outbwett corner of C L Ollls tbenc lb iHlaae about'fourteen miles Skeena Mininr Dlvliion or CatUr DUtrleL river, a IS cbaina. tbeneo cat SO cbaln. tbenc wetl 10 cbaint, tbenc toulb 10 cbaina, from tbe bead or Alice Ann in tbe Skeena Where located: ."(ear bead of Alice tail SO tbenc 10 and Alice Arm Friday 11 P nortb SO cbaina to polat of commencemenL tbenc cbaiat. nortb Princess May for Qranby Bay dirlaion or Skeena aitett. arm. B. C mininr. dutrlct, JOIL1 WILLIAM OOSS. bain to point of commencemenL unt work for 1IM, tt. and ilie, and TAKE JCOTICE tbal I. J. Fred Riteble. Marcb II, HIT. Auttla Brown, artnt JAKES RAY, Princess May fop Vanoouiep via Ocean Falls, Sunday 0 pjn. bar paid for aald wont and recordin Free Miner CerUflcat no. lilt C scUor Marcb SI, HIT. Antla Brawn. arenL urn tbe sum of IJOT.tO. Unlet yon par a artnt for W, A. Williams, Free Miner SKEENA LAND RECOAS4MI DISTRICT Princess Alio: for Vancouver, Saturday, Juna 16th. bm tbe turn or 1111.10, for jour ihtr Certificate Ho. 101 IC. Intend. Utr day ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SKEENA LAND RECORDING DISTRICT r tlx aaid ataeiiment work, torvtber with fruD lb date bereof, .to apply to tbe ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS tax cott of this advertisement, I ttiatl. at Mininr Recorder for a Certificate or Improvement Take notlw tbal Roalyn Duke, of Port J. I. PETERS, General Airent tbe eipirttioo of ninety () da from for tbt purpoie of obtaining land. Ore., occupation botel proprietor. In- Tak twuc Utat'lrederlck Moertcb. of D.C. tb dale hereof apply to tb tatalnr r Crown Grant of tbt above claim. unda to apply for pennlttlon to protpect Vicuna. B, C occupation taletman. In. r- M. F.rtk Street anJ Third Avenu, Prlnc Rup.fl. carder at Prince Rupert, B. C to bare And further take noUra that action, un ror coaL and petroleum on tbe wetl coatt lend lo apply for permlttioa la protpeei year ialeretu in tbe Mldnlebt Fraction der section II noil be commenced before of Orabam liland. In lb vicinity of Wetl far roal and petroleum on tbe wetl coat atineral claim vetted In me. in purtoanc tbe luutiKc of ucb Certificate of to-provemcnt. river. of Orabam bland, la vicinity of Wetl river. f tbe provliloiu of the' mineral act. Commeoclnf at a pott piaaied one mil CouunenclBf at a pott planted two tullei Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C tbt tltb Dated tblt fTtb day of Kirch, A. D. toulb of tbe outbeatt corner of C. L toutb of lb aoutbeait corner of C L. of April, 1917. Jy II KIT. It 7I tbenc toulb SO cbaln. Ibene et 071. tbence tail SO cbaint, tbtnc toutb mfafl Safety First H. C PHILLIPS. J, FRED RITCHIE. A rent SO cbaint, tbenc nortb SO cbaint, thence 10 cbaint. Ibenc well 10 cbaint, tbenc eatt SS cbaln to point of comineneemeBt. nortb 10 cbaln lo point ol connueneemcnL ROSLYft UVtiK, FREDERICK MOEIISC1I, Marcb It, HIT, AuiUn Brown. aieiL Marcb II. HIT. Auitln Brown, aient. Ship to Shubrt SKEENA LAND RSCONOINa DISTRICT SKEENA LAND RECORD NO DISTRICT Jtb Wel b- M"""kTw 7-. Launch AliceB. ISTRJCT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Take nolle tbal Ollrrr Brown, or VU- Take nolle tbat John Bmib. of Lot turla. B. C. occupation macblnitt. Intendi kntelet. occupation rofitrariar, Intend I FOR THE SALT LAKES to apply for permittlon to protpeel for apply for pcrtuutloo to protpeei for coal 1 MdM4MM very Fin Day frm roal and petroleum on lb m coatl of and petroleum on tb wetl coatl of Ora BagMBBgj 10 a. bv Graham Itland In vicinity of Weil river. ham fitaod, la vicinity of Wttl rlrtr. A. B. SHUBERT. Inc. RETURN FANS . Conunenclnr at a potl planKd ! mile Coaimenclnr al a pntl planted two mtll tuulk of tbt aoutbeait corner of C U toum or lb tout Hi til corser of 0. L Call 1171. ttw&c toulb SO cbaUia, tbrne vttl HTIi tbenr tail 10 cbtlai, tbenc nortb K TMOSMAY 10 clxun. tbenr nortb 10 cbaint. Ih ore 10 i-beint, tbenc wtu 10 rUlni. thenn tail 10 rhaint to point of eommenermeni. toutb SO cbtln lo point of conuneneemenL tt. OUVLR BHOW.t, JOll.t BOOTH, Subscribe for The Daily News Marcb II, 1117. AUilln Brown, arraL Mirth II, HIT. AutUn Brown, titoL WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWSON PMNM RUPERT, a 0.