THR DAILY NEWS RUSSIA MUST COPY MUNITION WORKERS Hard to Drop Msat? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeees STRICKEN IN THE ORDERED TO REPORT iNADIAN RAILROADS All depends on what you cat FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Ottawa, June llIngfe men as a substitute. It Is a good '"r p r" 11 1 V ' ;",aTTm,.-sg.-riJj!iat, STREET Tlint the CanadUn ytem of of military age employed In Ot time to study "food value." FOR CANNERYMEN rniirona maaiLo copied by Hui-fa, tawa by Hie mperjal Munition You may be eating the We have added to otir slock of 'valves and pipes a complete If line of Hubber Helling at right prices, Hint country la to achieve have Hoard with no dependents, foods, the foods that ResTorfrd To Health wrong her dealiny, FHM4ERMCM Completely a the opinion ci-prcime1 themselves FOR been to requested present l.y 8r Oeorge Hury, vlce- medical at cost most and give the least A complete slock of the best Roods that money can buy ion "FrtHt-a-tives" examination By preaiueni or trie Canadian I'acflc for nutriment. Shredded ; trollinir Hprlng Ilrass, Silver and Dronze. 832 St. Vauss Br., Mostbsal, llnllway Company, who wa on n the base recruiting ofllee here. Wheat Biscuit contains FOR THE WATERFRONT "lb 1912, I was Uken suddenly 111 vllt lo Uio const lat week Any physically unfit, will be re more real, body-building The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varniihea Special boat ailh Acute Stomach Tr&U and : Sir Geurjte viiited Ilumia recently tained on the stair, but the other paint "FLOOLAZH'A complete line of Ship Chandlery. 1 treats! nutriment, pound for pound, dropped 1 tbB M a n member of a special will be notified that their services FOR EVERYONE for two p severs! physicians nearly communion Headed by Lord Mil than meat, eggs or potatoes and weight dropped from 223 are no longer required. The board A fine slock of Hardware, Gurney't Oxford Stoves. ears, my ner. When he reached England and costs much less. Two also orders llrousand of the five to 100 pound. Then Mml Ws Sail Nothing But Ths Best. pounds the other members of the party of these Biscuits with milk friends advised mo to try "Fruit, six thousand on Ha inspection of tifci".my tfgtm la imfroft clmoil were already In Ilumia, o he proceeded staff thoroughoul Canada to present and a little fruit make a a and by tialng them, by mil lo the north of themselves for examination. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE villi thtJitilJott, Scotland, whence he waa conveyed nourishing meal at a cost of ircoTcrrd from the- dittrrsainir The other one thousand are returned j by fat destroyer to few cents. Make Shredded Stomach Trouble"-and all paJn and a ilergen. In soldiers. Medical examination a iwwe.wwwwwwwweeei i jnr.iptlon wtro cured. Now I welsh Noway, Kointf rrom there by rail of the staff in Ottawa began Wheat your"meat." A satisfying nji pouodt. I cannot praise "Fruit lo I'etroprad. He waa In that city today. breakfast on which to aU'cnouEh". II. WHITMAN. jdurintr the revolution. start the day's work. It is trial He travelled over the principal r We, a box, B for $2M, slxe, 25e. jUslldealersorsentpostpaldby Fruit-t 'Iluaiian railways from Lapland to - THE MAILS ready-cooked and ready-to-eat. Uvea Limited, Ottawa. the Caucasus, accompanied' by Made in Canada. Russian railroad official, made a For YwHaTScM thorough Inspection and on his For ths East. i return to Knirland presented corn. Tutsadays, 2 a., in, ', , LAND REGISTRY ACT fSecttont 1 and 111.) Gift to ymr Fiienaj jprehenslvo reports to the prov-crnment, Wviinesdays, U:JU a lit. niEtXGLNEyfcirWOttN R Applications Hot. 1016-t and letT-I, for which he was warmly Saturdays, V.'Jt) a. to. riiinr hoi. hurt tS7ei thanked by the III. Hon. David From ths East. TAkE flOTICE that sppllcsllon bat bees utni Lloyd fleorge. mad to re titter Birth Laodo, of Prince PERRIN'S ruMiaatm Follow Canada's Example. Tuoadiys, 5:30 p. in. Rupert, B. C . as owner In re under two t Ct 1' M 7 la, ISMS Thursdays, 5;30 in. Tat Stl Deed from tbe Collector of tbe In a recent interview Sir Oeortte p, City or Prince Rupert, beartnr date the cL -4 M. By S 1t la, jllury stated that there was no Sundays, 3:10 p. m. Itnd dty ot September, till, and ALL AJID GLOVES Hoea . 'doubt that after the war liussia Tcr Vancouver, si.tGL'LAR thtt re ruin parcel or tract of would have to build several thou land aad premises situate, lylnc and belnr I Oil 4 1 I. ! , Tuesdays, 4 p. in. In tb Municipality of rrinca Rupert, more mm rswee. sand miles of railway. "Canada," Thursdays, 10 particularly known and described at lot Has wsell knowm Pen la he said, "has ten limes more rail p. m. eleven (Hi. Block tventy-eltbt III), shuw ia cuts ahcmld be oa way mileage per unit of population Sundays, I p. m. Section SU (t). and Lot thirty-three (M). Fof Furlhsr Information yoa get, ss takssssrwa yaa pcxfsctioa of Apply to than has Ilussia. Then, From Vancouver. Block rorty-iM (ill. Section Elfb! (). 111. again, liussia made the mistake Wednesdays, 10:30 a. m. Mtp You are required to conteit Um claim Style, FK susd Halsa. W. E. WILLISCROFT of patterning her railway trans, Fridays, 3 p. m. f tbe us purchaser within It day from partation after that of Kurope tbe data or tbe service or this notice kXJJ Its) dmmUn 9km mwiaf etwr mU tkm Prines Rupert, B. 0. 7 Sundays. rather than America, p. m. (which may be effected by publication). tnd atunUon li called to section Alternato Mondays from Jant your "Traffic in Russia moves vast 16 or Um "Land Peru try Act" with distances in great bulk.' The ary 1st. tmendmentt, and to tbe Xollowtnc attract An Army of country lends itself to low grades For Anyosu tbererromi and in default of a and easy curvature. If that great cavett or cerUSrat or lis pendent beini Wednesdays, 10 p. m. Bled t Tore Um rerutraUon at owner of country is to achieve the destiny Fridays. 8 tbe person entitled under tuch tai tale, aU rn. Internal Bathers In store for her she will have to p. persons to served with notice and 1 come to the large train and large Sundays, 8 p. ra. tboae clalDlnr throurb or under them, and ill person clalminf any interett In the You Can Make ExceDent Cake car. because these two factor From Anyox. i Over half million brtrbt. keen. Bp-lota land by virtu or any unreslstered Inttra- K Ctnaditn aad Americans tutt found make for economical transporta Tliuixlaya. Sundays and Tuesdays. tnent. and all persons cUtmlcr any 13. tail Internal Bilhlnr U mora etseuual to tion, and economical transportation lerett In tb land by descent whose Utle With Fewer Efg s IVIr wcil-ttfln than Eiternal Bunt. Is essential If a producing li not rertitered under Um protitiona ot Ibis Act. shall be for cter estopped and Kitt taunt ttul, Ukcn occasionally tt of wide distances is to country a c.l. they feel different' people Um WATER NOTICE debarred from settlor up any claim to or Just use an additional quantity of Dr. Price's aril moraine, mora or that bllioul, hold her own in the markets of la reipect or tbe land so told for taxes, Urri, wrvtiui cmJlltao bL havls by the world. tnd Um Redttrar shall retlster Um person Cream Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, ia xttsrrt own elner, anusepuc wsrm "Had Russia been equipped DIVERSION AND USK entitled under tuch tai isle si owner of place of each egg omitted. a.ur rtnaord all Um poUooom uu TAkC 50TICE that Oeorte McRaa be Itnd to told for met." frees Um Lower la MUM, they swans with railway- transportation, say mho address la Skldetale, B. C, wll AAD WHEREAS application hat bees This applies equally well to nearly all baked laarmrMjr refreshed by normal (top, as in Canada, she would have apply- far a Uceoc to ttkt and um lit nade rr a Certincal of Indefeasible Title the atta u their function srtioi la healthy been able to have played a much cable reel per miaul or water oat ot lo the above-menUoned lands. In Um name foods. Try the following recipe according to Demiler Creek, which Bowl northerly and if Stria Lando. tleer-heeded and new uteri, brlrbL happy, in the war," way: eottSdest, ciiae and capaMe for Um doiiei greater part drains Into AH ford Bay, about 11 chain AMD WHEREAS on tovettlratinr tb ttUt LAYER CAKE of tba dir from the ft, t corner of T. U Sit. The It appear that prior t Um llth day of CREAM ater will b diverted from the stream al September, till, (the date on which lb Old way Now Way Owr Cliff. 0nL..Mmh t Jilt. a pilot about ten chains wen from XW laid lands were sold, Tor overdue taxes), le "! I aa acar rinc alarbi avsrsau Or Chat. A. Tyrrell. Toronto, Oot, corner r Lot I, B. C ruberwe, and wtli you were Um rertitered and aasessed X milk I ea nilk bear Doctor, I have been utms your be uaed Tor power purpose upon Um Una owwer thereof. S tup Boar I eap Soar t iMMoons Dr.PiIm's Wsktaa;Pde Dr.Price llskfcai 'I, B. L Cascade lor Um pail tbree CIRCUIT RO. 1. described as adjominr Timber Limit III FLBTHLH TAKE NOTICE that al tbe a ecas ywiMMi months, tad am convinced Uial II la the In 11- llh St. and Jrd A. In application ta leas. isme time I akall effect refUtratlon is H ra tMrtmtsaT si modern end seienuflc method of si 1S 41 SL and Jrd Ac. Tbls nolle was posted oa Um trounc porsoanee or tuch application and Itsue t I Imjiii Baeartnc ttasapeea Baeartasj sr wtih constipation that bat ever ai 14 ilk SL aad Jrd Ata. m the llth day or Jtooirj. HIT. I Certincal of Indefeatlble Title to um said aUkas l late 2-Laywr Cake Sai IB June or tod aad ot this notice and In tbe of Sarah Lando unless Ua e14, and I will lose no oppor-i lion lit. py an tppneatior lands nam DMXXrrtOKS CrMio ttM nc aad.bvrtMin loMMT,thaa mi le Ik af. ait m promote iu h tmoor mr Jrd Area. pursuant tlx re to and lo Um Water Act you take and proaecute tbe proper pro-reediata ASer auViae lb Bow aad Dr.Prie' B.kln pawder tecattx, wa tare rrteods, u 1 caa speak truthfully tad n-UMMaiixailir Roe ia tit Ava. twlro Ilk aad It 14 will be Bled in tb omc or Um lo establish your claim. If any. time. 44 H all te tb sntstar. OradaaUr add ta Bulk aad baa wfth awa aatil ha.a waMetb batter. Add tb Pear tna giaMsd Baearlasi- ai to lu mcrtta. llh ata. (Knoa lloul). Water Decor der it rrtnra RuperL Ob lo the tald U mil, or lo prevent Urae ra caa tlaa a aad baka in Mar a medeialety bet avM par taranty ataatca. Tnl Towa try inly, Bi 17 HI Aa. and Jlk SL t Central lections to tba application may be Bled action on my part caka la beat baked la tw layara. Pat teaetber artth rraaaa B01b aad earead Howl). lib Um said Water Recorder or witk DATED at tbe Land Rrtittry omee. arttb watt Idas. J. A. IMrraca, Wiuktil and RuU Mtaa Wtar. tbe Comptroller or Water RUhta. Parliament Prince Rupert. B. C. UUt ttth day of CIRCUIT NO. s. Buildinn. Victoria. B. C wttbU April. A. D. I8IT. Wky aei Warn atoui un rtplJJr-iriof mora Rai 2J-Jrd At and trd SL (PmI thirty diys after tb nnt appearance of H. T. MACLEOD. ar4 atiurtl prarUraT Tta "i. omra). tbts notice in a local newspaper. District RerUtrar of Titles Dr.Phice's a. L caKaot", Um orlfUM! and Ut P-4ita So i tSJr ai. and McBrtd St. Tbe cut or the Brsl publication or tnu To Cbsrlet Pltnitt. at to Lot JJ: for Bunartclrv4 uai parpot. tj Sai S4 tit Aa. and McBrtd Si aotlre It febraary till. HIT II. F. Cltrk and H. O. Richer, out A. Trmit. M. t.. it bow txinr tod At, aad tnd SL OEORUE McftAE. Appl'eanL at to Lot It. i awa and ttpuinrd by Cjr II. Orm. tnirfiit( corttfr Srtl A. ao4 Ilk ltreL ai tnd Ata. and Sin It tT a. t. r. MINERAL ACT LAND REGISTRY ACT I Tbr alio mar k ofcuinml rrta on ra-ot, 'wtf xa or T4r Onljr (Sectlont IS and III.) BAKING POWDER Pr cm. irarirnt.- a moi lawrvtunf CIRCUIT NO. S. Certlflcata of Improvamenta. Re Application no. SI.Ill, Films Mil , kaUkt oa Um aukiott. It T prt'r. Bat ai tk At, and rulloa SL Nonca TAkE ROTICE that application tin been, n to Dr, Out. k, TyrrtU. Ml ColUr-turtt, ai I Borden and Taylor Sta. "Dovrtlli" "Doutall rrtcuonaL" and made lo rentier John Bersman. of Princa 1 TorMio, for um. t Bo, 4 7U At, ana rulton SL -Wilerrront" Mineral Claims, stluai In Rupert. B. C. as owner m fee under a 1 cTartsr.ilacMl Bat SB- Sin At, and Cunox At. tbe Skecaa Muilar Division of Ctatlar Dis Tax Sale Deed from the Collector or Um i soi aysta At, and DoJr riac trict City of Prince Rupert, bearinc date the j Made la Camsvdja Ho Bai xa- lb At, and Tbocnpioo SL Where loetledi On tbe welt aid of W IB U1J Ol Dlliruiwr, nil, vc nM. bead or Alice Ann. Sl.tOULAR that eerutn parcel or tract ot j CIRCUIT NO. a-ai TAkC .NOTICE that 1. Richard B. Mt- land and premises situate, lylnc. and belnr 41- 4tb At, and Eminron Ginnit, Free Miner CertlQfite Xo. IIIIS, In the Municipality or Prince Rupert, I'Ur. acuns at atenl Tor the Dolly Varden Mtnet more particularly known aa Lot Ten (10), Bai 4X Ilk At, and McBrtd SL Company, rre Miner Certificate 3a. 111- Block rive (I) Section Sevan (Tt. Ms Bi 4--klk At, and Oiren SL C. laleod. ttily days from lb CUM hereof. III. m 44-1 lk At, and Pant SL to apply to tb Minlnr Recorder for a You are required to contest the claUs TIMBER SALE X t5. 4-Jill At, and Eberti. Ceruacate of Improvements, for Um pur. of tbe tax purchaser within thiriy-nv Bi 141--llh At, and Tovat SL pot or obltlAlnc a Crown Ortnt of Um daya Trots Um date of Um service ot thU GREAT EXPECTATIONS feai4 Irndm will tw rclvt4 by tlx above claim. do tire (which may b effected by Rest. are in this batch, and they will be realized Xiaiitor or Lands not Uwr ttvan noon oa And ruflber tak noUca that telloo, on- tered Mall or t Directed, and your attention because 1 Um to in day or iuna. HIT, tor Um fur. der aecuoa II, mntt be commenced be- It called to section SI ot tb use rnus or lirtnca x ill, to cut t.llt.ios fur tb Issuanc of aucb Certifleat ot Im. -Land Rettstry Art" with amendments, tel or Sprue. Crdar, Balura and llrm Navigable Wators Protsoilon AcU protemenu. mm! to tbe follow lor extract therefrom:- kM m an area iltuttrd on Um tail abort R. S. O, CMAFTSM 11B. Dated this Ilia day of April. A. D. HIT. . .-and in default of a caveat or certio LafU a & kUUUeton Channel, Funca 1. CoaM Dl-Oct ly. I. RIUlARD B. MeOI.I.IIS. rate of lis pendent beinf riled before Ibe reststrtUoa si owner of Um parson entitled: Tbr () ytara will t allowad for r Tb Or tad Trunk PactSe Hallway under Cotn-pasy under tucb ut tale, all persons se ol or nrby sttn noUca Uul II lua, served with notice. and those, clalmtnt Furuwr lUntMr.particulars or ina caur roreiter, Section T at Um ald ACU depoallrd wim A ImI Lt SlBlsUa w ibrourb or under them, and all persons ROYAL STANDARD hu the Bavorl-;-Flour Victoria, B. c, or Duiiicl rorattar ai tb MinUttr or PubUC Work at Rttiitrtr Ottawa. IGOLD WAT6H FREE. cltUnliif any Interest In tb land by virtus made from the pick of Canada's tnJ in Um one or um Diitrici and as totlrumeni, rrinc tiuivrt, b. t il. Duutct of if any unrviittred golden wheat ROYAL STANDARD Omc. llcfUUy f tba Und land In persons datmlnr any Interest Um erine. Hupert. al rrlnea Rupert, deierip-llou la hat the texturel Flour ground wondrous f M m. .mi II il by descent whose till not rerttere4 or UM alia and plan of, lumber mill SL Stm VlkU t w v.l nil i under lb provuioni or thtt Act. shall W foe. ROYAL STANDARD has the iud otber worki proposed la tx butlt In PMSfaW "' for ever e i topped and debarred from tet unif ortnity Flour laboratory tetted that has Prince Rupert Feed Co. Irltlib jm lrinr Columbia.Rupert harbor In front at of Prtaca Waterfront Rupert, nmTe8W Unx land up an any aold claim fer utet,to or and In reipeci tb Retliutr or Um nude great big. snowy, springy loaves before ot it reached kiicheo. Use ill Make Block "I", aeeordtne to rftiterd plan iball retlster Um person enutled under my 1 lb townalt or tbe stld city or l'rlnro IM'n'n'n'n'n'n'B'n'n'n'KRl' m iw tuch Ux tale aa owner of the land to the mott ot your baking art I i Rupert reriitered In Um aroreuld land Lm. QmHl w old Tor taiet' RECEIVED OUR 1B17 SEEDS retiiiry .mc at No. Ill, Section T, s.m ai.M AMD WHEREAS application baa bees A1 TAkK NOTICE IUI aftar In Ml t m rrm made for a Certinctt or Indefeasible Till Mr! rttf WE HANDLE pitailon or ona month rroin ibe data of to Ibe abovemeutioned lands. In the nam Um nnt pablietUon or Ihla nuttca, tb of John Berrmant Steele Ran I as' A Brlaga, n On ud Trsnk Ptcinc RaUway Company i. W mi rtrmi- AXD WHEREAS on InvctUtltlnf the Parry's and Maokanxls's till, under lection T of tba Mid Act, apply .1.1 m 14 iIm I M Ml I-V..liaMa Utle It appears that prior to Um lib day Worka at hi a lint t Uih IkW mm to 4 M to Oardsn and Flald Saods. to tba Mtnliler of Public llu Mi MM, Hrt. )M or September, lilt. (Um dtt on which of Otuwa for approval .U to WMl-WIIXJIM. IJUTD, UmIm amr In tb City lb said lands wer sold for overdue MUMaM.ll,ia,Ofnlll Alao Fsrtllliors. if tb mU ! and plan and for leata MilM,l, taietl you were tt aaaeaasd owoet ia conatruct ih itid works. thereof. FEED HAY, GRAIN AND piled tt Wlnnlpef. Manttohl, this till FURTHER TAkE NOTICE thtt St the Chicken Faed A Speolalty, day of I'rbrutry, A. D HIT. tame time I shall effect reiittrkUoa la the dtu-iD mvx rACiria railway pursuance ot sued sppHcstloa and Us we t Wo Tako Ordsrs for Nurssry CDMPAXY. . H. HAM SARD, Bollcltor. FREE CertlQfite of Ittdefeatihl Till, to tb said Stock. lands In the name ot John Bersman ul you tike and peosecnt lb peeper pro reedlnts to esiabUta ttttta. If ta) "I OeSara Pfsll SlUMas T. your B; C. UNDERTAKERS to the said Ueda, or to prevent sti pre ; posed Hewn on toy prL DATED at the Laad Reiiatry Dffiei (UNfRAL pIRfOTORB IATISPAOTION ftURR. Prince Hupert. B. C. ta h day s ISLSIXSI SUBSCRIBE FOR SMTtSO OeSN OAT BNO NISMT t aMmi Deeewber, A. B. till. ;VaiK(HiverMllllnft&Graln C.L" H. F, MACLSOO, in iro strsit ewoaa ai lH-t III' Apr. IT, tMttrtet ResMrar of TtUas. I mV-ip snhmtaafl" eHaksSOUVCr eVI JriT SleaMlW The Daily News To aHflkoa rsvraoo. DsvUvtH. Catlfseaia.