1UB DAILY NKWH luesdny, June It i0,? a 0mm0t e ASK OTTAWA FOR MORE Z-OCC VctDS M)eS I DATA ON MACHINERY When Women Weak are Viotorin June It. W'liiln Women who feel weak, languid and depressed ! Ureal Clearance mK at 001,1)- awaiting farther details In re who look and dull-eyed, HLOQMH. ,141. gard to the. plans,. ami specinca. pale and have lost amw me a r inu 1 1 1 tonsil eiinmew auxiliary fi'fA anA frp-ch lnnlrcj nrwl a tnnic Vi- ,.:il 1 for the VV eae.wwa awwa. awrB m was aw UU1V TV llm Mr. Fred llllchle arrived from machinery ships contracted purify the blood, help the organs of digestion, the south yesterday. for. In Ilrlllih Columbia nxnilatct frw livrr arm vmr1j onrl efnmcrfliAti -i by the Imperial Munitions Hoard, the system. It long has been known that .Mr. (i. II. Jameson, of Toronto, the board's representatives on hat arrived in the city. this coast are negotiating dally with representatives of thn Ilrlllah Mr. II. II. Nelson, of Seattle, has Columbia metal trades firms, ami BeeepanfcPtns arrived In Prince Itupert.t although no definite statement lleautlftil atimmer dresses miml has so far been made, beyond that in all probability 12 seta would are a blessing to weak women, for they quickly correct he cleared at GOLDHLOOM'S be built in the province, assurance blood womanly and ailments,re-establish improve healthy the conditions.appetite, purify They are the Mr. 8. (1. Oilchrlst. of Fcrnie. has been given that all the Is in the city for a day or two. auxiliary machinery for the ves safe to take as they are purely vegetable and without harmful doses sels so far contracted for will be any drug. A few will bring better spirits, improved health and a feeling of fitness. Captain Andy Tyson arrived built in llritlsh Columbia. back again in the city yesterday. The Victoria. Vancouver. Prince Sunlight Worth a Guinea a Box Kvery article is reduced. Sum-mer plants Rupert have and appointed New Westminster a Joint clearing sale at Goldbloom's. committee to take the matter up with the Munitions Hoard, nf Mr. II. G. Crawford, of Vancou. which Mr. Ilushby, president of er, arrived from the south yes. Soap the llritlsh Columbia Metal tcruay morning. NOTICE Trades Association, is chairman; (ireat f!larnnra an la tnw t. . Mr. Norman Yarrow, of Yarrows, The inducements offered with . . . V VI "W coramoo TAKE- NOTICE that we, Albert weeks only. Everything must go. Limited, being the representative oapi cannot make up for the parity ol A McCafTery, Limited, of the city at OOLDIiLOOM, HI. for victoria. Sunliiht Soap. It com US more to make NOTARY PUBLIC ;oi! rnnce J -f-ituperi..a u.. u r-m mercnanis k .1 . With regard to the enclnea thn purcfoip. But it com YOU less to use 'have applied to the; Dominion Mr. A. A. Williams, of Alice attitude of Mr. Iluchart and Capt. it, lor bunlijtht paya for iudf ia the clothes Government for permission to Ann, has come Into the city for a Trout Is that the llritlsh Gnlum. it m vet. It doei not wear and rub the W'e write" Fire and Marine' build an addition to wharf now dar or two on a visit.. bia works will be given the fullest fiabncf at common toapa do. t rrtzi- m a opportunity to build " iDuuaicu uii mis mice ana .. aa.many as representing -- Insurance; i Four (i), Block "F", City of 'Mr 0orne, of AnytA, they are able and the helnful tt Cnm. only strong, liberal com. ,,ere on a v,sU a few da" Is Prince Itupert, said lots are owned!1 fSr. manner highly praUed by the paniea. by the Provincial Government and ifroIn the mfUer town, members of the Metal Tjades Association. We self Ileal Estate, and Just leased to us. J . 190 said', J Plan, of construction of u'SJTi now have real i care of WJI- some arf,unn . hln THE NEW SMELTER SNAPS. Ask u s about Th: n. Sanson. 139. them. Dominion Government by the? Mr. II. H. McMpIne, of Toronto, At the council meetinir last ! DENTISTRY STEEN & LONGML evening, letter from the f.Cla ?.yf.r2m"!: a Hon. passengers ar- We have apartments, houses . ' stores and offices for i i, V.;11 irMn trom lhe ula yesterday Wm. Sloan, minister of mines. oaowN ao am mm vos nHBBaBMHHHB9aK7RXa y rent, Dated 22nd May, 1917. J21I ... was. read, which stated that in the! a pcouu.tv SANITARY AND HEATIIO and want more. D. J. Williams, of the rtocher locating and building of the pro.! OR. J. S. BROWN ENOINEERS H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD TIMBER SALE X 904. de Boule Mine, arrived in the city posed smelter and ore reftninir! DCMTier yesterday after a trip down the works, every consideration will be 0l l.ltt SMI, Tle AtM Aaanta for 9m-A tawtjM will Mut.c -. ' COa l. given to the facts as staled in the " a vvi w af : McCLARY FURNACES Vlnljtr of Land ootuur Uua noon 011 1 communication from the cllv. and i(wivwMaMana(aBaMNaBaK . IIM 4Ul 4ljr of June. 1117. far tho nnr. Mr A P. Iln-n-l.t f vi that the fact that Prince . , .. , I... . Vim(HIU,. . VI IUIII Itupert PLUMBINO of fcnice.1 uukc Bilun.,,1,nd n ai H.mlt m IH. 1 19 ,n lDe C,lJr or B dar or was the centre of a larire mlninir "Ik News" . ... . . , in n. nnn nrrivnH tmm ll -ni. area cannot be gainsaid. and Daily " jjiuiu loi in, lliaiUd 00 lot ..wu. mig ouuiii nit tttor or tnniie auonet. lunrt s.;yesterday. Prkice Rupert Dairy SHEET METAL WORKS SUN AND TIDE I'hone S, 831 Second Avenue. CLASSIFIED ADS. "v mi jw wiu m auovca lor r- : t .1 . .. umdcw ajgw MAMAacsttirr r..i .,B, nuss. inuiner 01 aira. li Night phones 376 '' ."ucr. ., ..... . . . . - ronfwr priicuur of it Chief romitr. anerson, arrived in the city Wednesday, June 13th. and Iltue 270 vittort. B. c. or Diimet rontitr. Print. from Nanaimo yesterday morning Sun rises 3:16 a. m. rUNE HOLSTIEN MILK The right work, at ths right WANTED. Rupert. B. C lor a Sun sets CREAM visit, , 9:30 p. m. lime, and at the right price. LAND ACT uign water ...7:59a.m. lit. 16.7 BUTTERMILK WASTED EtprrirDcrd dumbriDald for Good strong hull, suitable for Low water ...1:39a.m. lit. 8.9 Smltbera Hotel, B. a Apply Sitoy Ho- ! fishing boat. Is 18 feet over all, High water ..10:31p.m. lit. 19.2 pmomi tat r. o. box at LAMD DISTRICT DISTRICT OF COAST, raxci: nvt ill-feet beam, 4 feet, 10 in. depth Low water . . .1:42 p.m. ML 7.1 ail Ore are Prt4.lr atUMad T. 1STELUGEJTT, PERSO.t MAT EARJY Tk Dotlc Ihil . Oum MlUfrd Prk Of hold. City Weigh Scale J.L.HICKEY 1 1 SO montbly eorrcipoodlat fo new. inr Comptajr. Umltd. or VneonTtr, oe- ... Oreat Summer Sale at COLD. R. McKay, Proprietor. MPri: 110 to Slo moauity to preirvpUon cnnrjmn, towed 10 apply for Mr. Robert Mitchell, of the HLOOM'8 in CONTRACTOR A BUILDER Kitimaat Valley, Is in the city for Tuiior: subjecu surroitd. tend roriKrtbed Unds i ...1 . . . . MrUcolars. .t4tlocI FreiJ 8areu CommcDclnr tl 1 pott planted tt Ux a lew nays. He Is interested In That man Is best who Uvea In - rtaa 1S74, Buffalo. N. T. jroatbeaat corner of Lot H7i tbenc touta mining and lumber business day and let yesterday's memo. Store and office lliturei, 4 ...J l c&aiaa to. low wtler mark! thenea- nortii. there. riea be only living memories of PACIFIC Bath, Door and Moldingt. FOUND wetieny xz ciuina rollowuif low wte me CARTAGE, LTD, past. Oak and Hard Woodt of all marks toeoce aortli S cnaina to itn OHnd Trunk Padnc rUbt-of-wty; tnenc tout WE8THOLME THEATRE kinds. rtciD-Ldya Vanity af. Apply Daily easterly tt rnaina rollowtar Mid rtrbt-rf-iy LAND REGISTRY ACT Jt office. tr. to Ute plice or beainnint and con-iaiDinr At the Westholme Theatre to Geieral Teaming We Specialize In Hardwood 11 acres. (Secttona tt and Mi l Boat Riot, Stth, night there will again be disnlar. MISCELLANEOUS oosse MiLutan packho compact R DOMESTIO Application So. tut-l. rum, ui. Doora, etc. UMITEO. j ed the delightful photoplay, 'The TAKE NOTICE Ifcal iDclieaUon haa bn BLACKSMITH COAL April tod. It IT. I. Fred Ritdue, arent. Ilight Direction." which received Plate and Sheet Olats and SflADL'ATE NURSE (CM B.London) Terma made to recttur Tbe Corporation of U sooderate, apply P. O. Box III, or uch approbation last evening. Of Qly of Prtnoa Ruorrl in Uta rmiDM Ar Careful Attention to Piano Glazing. W THE MATTER . 7.. . . Of A APPUCATIOJI nnutb Pdom 41. Columnla. aa In fee oncr aader for it Uiue or a freaa certificate, of uue . v er, wait mingiea pawios ia ai ueeaa rrota tna UMicctor of and Furnltura Removals. Comer Prater and Cth SU. for Lota On it) and Two (ti. Block ' anuKa'ety, this play ranks among ine aiy or Prtnoa Rupert, bearing dale tbe FARM LANDS Eleven (tl). Section One (ll. Cltr of the flneal that havn enmn In RHONE 93. RHONE OREEN 28 Sl.NOL'LAIt tbal certain parcel or tract of Ml P. O. BOX tana aou premiaet altuau lying, and beUt RA.tT LANDS. Title lo ime reretted m1 IntenUoo to Inu fur Uta expiration ? . ? " . . nrl,8,e u'tpiays in tbe Municipality of Print. un.r la tmted states by act of ContTeta'0' monta from the nnt publication ner talents to tne best advantage. artlmUrly known and deacrtbed aa jlorUt' Sated June 9. itit. Two nxi'too. three , lreof, a freiii CeniSeat of TIO for the and In this play k-nhances her al-kundred Weaterly Seventy (Tt, til ut LoU Eleven tnousand tm ooened above men t toned lota In too nam of the . , acrea to 1 ti. rr- n. ana twciv () Block EJfbUeo far bomeiteads and tale. TTrnd 'AllanUc Belty nd 1,700 Zin ' , 'T"- 1 IT" (II. tectioa One It), Map ttt. AT ROWE'S PLUMBING Sheet Metal Work avncuitarai uoas, inraotna 0r, Umited. bich Certincata of TlUa waa some Vou are required lo roc!.it ut n.im . AND Wat Unit l.fl In llnli.l (i.I.. l. ' lUed on lb JOlh Ockiber taia nn an. very latest events, in which Presi ttt tbe ui purcnaaer witbia tblrty-Bve tna opportune time. Larre map anow-1 pUeatloa received the tout October, if 10. dent Wilson figures. It Is right aaia rrom tne cate o' tbe urrU of tu SHEET METAL WORKS beam I have Having In the EUat, n1 ' numbered Mr landa by aectlona and deaciiptlon or ; t4-L up to date and is of an especially ooUca (wnicb may U effected by peronal aaiL climate, raUfall, elevatloa, etc H". acrvlca or aa directed . and vour iL.nii...I Tkey make Oeoellee Tea, ller become acquainted with all rood-erp Paatpald one dollar. Oram Landa Lo-f t0! Rertatry Office. interesting nature. ia called to aecuon tt of tbe -Und hef. rxpea, Sneke Suck a, OklM.tr Tare, methoile of outrlltini;gaaolinc eatina- Co Box I Prince Ropert, B. a " all III week that la eaually den I0. Portland, Oregon. wry aci- wiin amendmenu, and la Ui bokte, aa umh! 'rjr Eaatern abopa. II. r. MALLEUO, ANTICIPATED follvnlnv ti tract tliertfrora: ka Ibe OLD PSSMIOMO TIN NOF, Je. to. Dlatrlet RerUtrae. "and in default of a caveat mmuhi. VtriTM ALL TNI LATIST DOWN. of It pendena betor Bled before tbe rcf ro-OATI WORK SPfCIAUZtO, (ack Gnsolinc Tanks, F ipc-fitting LAKELSE HOT At the meeting of the city coun "" owner or tne peraon entitled ae SKVLMKTS, OOMNICia, ,11. and Plumbing, aucb irtkl k tk line fee Still, ! -SPRINGS under lai tale, all peraoua,to cu last night, Aid. Nelson crved HOTEL men. WIUl notice. .... and ihoa. rliimm. ae Peatery, ttevae put up end ae-eeetad and all lines of Sheet ,tioned that as an honor had been throurn or under tbem, end all U bailee. Neenafl la ell ottai to tmiTt on juwc btm Stuart J. Martin done to one who haa left this city rlalmln nay iniereil in tbe land by peraona lr-tue klea ef malar lei. RaaeJrlef ef all :: : Metal Work : Motor in the person of Lleut.-Colv ivrk of any unrrtuiered lDilrumcnt, tnd klne. PRICIS aidNT, SKftVICf ttentloa and Skilled Stage will connect riNsr-cuisa. Trompt all peraona c tannine anv im..i ih. a satispiio cua with trains it would be a gwod thing for the TOUIIt ia YVorkmanahfp at Terrace. ASSAYEm land by deacent wnoaa UUe la not rrU-lei-ed OUK AJSL council to communicate with him under lnfl provlalona of tkta Act, PHONK S40. P. O. BOX 497. Kacalleat Treut rianl la LakolM MAZELTON and to extend to him congratula. ball be for ever at topped and debarred rettery end OBtce MIX tad Avaae H. LETOURNEAU Lake. B. C. lions on his being awarded the from actual up any claim ta or in and Cnd awaet, aleee U Oew Bar rtioaa OoanectloM with Tarraai. at tna land ao told for utea. and tbe an e,rint Wharf 621 SIXTH AVENUK D. 8. 0. Lleut.Col. McMordie. eon Ram SS.M par day "eaieirar anaii rt ruler Ute pertoo entitled 0L RKROIN WILOIMO. I'hone lllaek S25 P.O. Boi 118 Ths oldeat tsUbllshsd Assay tinued the alderman, has received under aucb Ut aale aa owner or tbe for further parUcolart, apply to the same honor, and I would in land ao aold for Utea.1 0 Ve e aj Office In the attUCt JOHNSTON t, SUne.it. North. elude in the motion that he be AND WHEREAS aollratum h.. concrratiilnlil f think tlmt n ii made for Certlflcate of IndereaalbU Title to tbe abovemeuiicned luvii in ,. iter should be tent to each of them of Tbe Corporation of tllel Cit If At Bfl niaa .conveying the congratulations of Huperli ' A HOT BATH THE . AND WIIEftEAt on lnreailiii.. ti.i. : me council. II appears I bat prior la th. r,wi,i..nK a.. MINUTE YOU WANT IT I Other aldermen snoke in favor of teptember, I til, (tne dat om nnlcb Letterheads :,of this course, whereupon Mayor Ibe paid land were sold for overdue1 Yon are accustomed to Envelopea ..vicuaiiery infgrmed the council ..rai, you were morlrtta Ibereof. setting cold water In-Innlly, liriTIIEH . Statements I mat he had already written to TAKE NOTlr ikn tst-'Isfactlon Think of the ante lluie I iball effect rni. i Cardi, Etc. both of these gentlemen with con purtuance Hot PboatM at aucb application.and Uaue of getting gralulatlons in the name of the . Miiuicaie oi inoetailble Title lo tne Water In the same way In city, U was agreed that a formal" aald Und la tbe name or th. .i.... ... of abundance, regardlots poraiion unlets rou uk. resolution of congratulations be toe proper eroceedlnea ia ..i. ... how much has been uted The News M Press forward! to both of the officers ,1.1m I, ..w .I"-iu Km iaad, or lo' before. Dated .Ui.u(I in,irupoea Land tu,i..,.action on bit V.'. . HOT WATER LIKE MAOIC Pratiaf f All Deicripri Date Time Is the stage on which U'A Rupert, B, C, tnu ,b oaV o7"Dece,mb;r: act our lives with shifting scenes, Harry Hanson II. P. MACLEOn. P.O. Bi 89 Dlitrlct n. i... . Hot Water Service brlngt I k ! w. Minton. s.a. T r,...,. ....... . line. Progrsma w. f. wiiliami. ., uu i"uv t.witucr, q., you this convenience. qpHppjpjpjpjp Catalogs rare c. u freeman, a p. it. BUe. RRRRMMBMMMM1EMBB Dodgers I WILLIAMS A MANSON Luiwiuiuq, Ainertt. RHONE 4AS P. O. BOX 395 I Posters,etc, I Bsrrlstars, Solicitors, Elo. OMIT TO LOAN 8UBS0RIBC FOR lUirrrann bum SOI Ittl mart ruirt. a. c The Daily News Advertise In The Daily News