: t The daily VH, Vllf.'NO. 139. IniNCB RUPERT, B. TIIIHHDAY, JUNK 11, 1917. PHIOF. HVK r.hltT LOiDoi Stic 1ED BY ION AEROPLANES A BOMB FALLING ON SCHOOL KILLS TEN CHILDREN, INJURING FIFTY OTHERS GERMAN AEROPLANES MAKE LETTERS FROM THE FIGHTING IN BOYS AT THE FRONT . DAYLIGHT RAID ON LONDON , " ft THE OPEN'! Word lias been received in town from Oeorge Hie, who used to be FIFTEEN EREMY MACHINES DROP BOMBS IN THE CITY THE ranching in the Lakelse Valley YPRES FRONT BRITISH AIRMEN ROSE TO ATTACK AND FOUGHT A and later look up a pre-emption GREAT AIR BATTLE. ENEMY AEROPLANES I up the line about ten miles from WERE DRIVEN OFF I'rinee nupert. lie leii here wun Another Drlva by AW4 ,10 :the iq2nd, and is still in the firing Expsotad London, June 1 Fifteen German Battle In the Air. i line, lie is now- in tne Hh com Front ArtHary aeroplanes made a raid ly Ilritish aviator Immediately ' w". jpaiiy of. the 8th Uattalion, Cfl.T. ttio of London. y"ejAj .scour JIthouwcwt .vv nere tie is at present, iney are city iwtylighl over rote, while the antUaircraft guns having lots of excitement, chiefly (Special to Tt DHr Nw.) Hombs (Ml In various part of the DWtPty. . . .clCMTtvttP fired it the enemy machined. A C .UMTtMMdt A .with Oerrna'hs city, but tt is In the F.at F.nd of the trying to knock London, June 11 Another Hie. eltr that the greatest number spectacular hattle In the air took out his battalion's observation drive by the Allies seems to be at of casualties are recorded. One place, when U19 Ilritish machines ' posts near the front line. He say band,' The lull following on the bomb dropped ujon a school got up. and the enemy squadron ' the farmers here are. going on Messines blast is not likely to last building. Ten of the children were driven off. with the Ilritish NEXT BRITISH MOVE THROUGH BELGIUM 'with their work right behind the long,. Fighting is going on In a w re killed outright, and other machines in hot- pursuit! Oue Thin map shows where the liritlsh, assisted by the naval forces firing line, quite unconcernedly the open on the Ypres sector. nfty were Injured when the mls-j! German machine was brought may launch another attack to force the Hermans out of France. and the little children play happily, British Official. This would call for a flanking movement, which, If successfully although within of the counter struck the building. The down. The result of the Hrilish ' range We repulsed a strong ntualty Hut ha grown to 97 pursuit has not yet been made carried out, would do much to weaken the morale of the Germans, !Herman big guns. attack pn our new positions cap. d and 431 Injured. known. A former constable of Prince lured yesterday on the left bank i. ISAYS BRITAIN IS THE STREET CAR STRIKE I Rupert, Mr. 8. V. Duff, w ho was of the Soucbet river. I also on the provincial police staff Frenoh Front. THE CONSCRIPTION BILL iTHE GERMAN NATION'S ! WEAKEST OF THE ALLIES! m in Vancouver;;-- ' g Paris, June tl There " wis IS NOW IN PAR1AMENT' SANCTION OF THE WAR News regularly and passes his great in the artillery region.of fighting Moulin last Laffaux,nlg-ki (Special to Tb Dally .) (Special to TIM DUj .lews.) copy along to several of the boys. and at severaf other points on tbe Special to Tb Dally ..V ! In several new books published Copenhagen, June 14 Ilerr Vancouver, June 11. Vancouver They are always most anxious to front. Elsewhere comparative Ottawa, June It. - According to recently. In connection with the)von lleydebrahd, speaking In the street car men have gone on know what s going on in their quiet prevills. A. German surprise figures, there war ana ine uerman people, onei Iteichstag, says that he regards strike and today not a car is home town, and what the folks attack was repulsed near the Government's of the noticeable points, which J left at home are doing. He says Haute Chevanche. Oreat Ilritain as being the weak-j moving in the streets. are '260,153 tingle men and 823,-OH seems to be emphasiied in Lhe that they have many discussions Itnaalan VmL est of all the Allies, and also thei The company's offer of a war married men In Canada be minds of lhe writers, Is the ab- J as to what they will all do when Pelrograd. June 1 1. Our bat-terlea seen the ages of twenty-five and solute solidarity of the Herman j most vulnerable. Two months bonus ha been refused by the jthey come back here again, and shelled the village of.Mer-iski f fly $ir Wilfrid Laurier has people w ith the-Gov eminent and now win nntsn ner. tne move. .men. who declare that 35c. an they all feel grateful for what is three miles north of Tverotch defer the thejvalstr In the conduct of the ment for reform dies In Germany.i bour is the minimum on which being done for the boys who have and caused a big fire. The usual sued the to Prcuijer ;war It Is said that perhaps one'Jvothing towards the modernize- they can live at present. The jil-tion got back already . The legislation fusilades are being exchanged on r nd reading of the bill. It Is of the least understood feature s j of the Diets is being done. Iney question is prominently in. for the returned soldiers is the Roumanian front. On the ijiely to cyme up In the. Ilpuse of of tli German nation is its al- The Continued failure of tbe vblved. The position taken by followed ceelr as can be. ami h Gaueaaian front east of Kasrish-irn, i mmnm on Monday n Several solute unity In itsntictlon of the.Russian aggression has made the the. II. (3. Electric Company is that says that about 70 per cent of the the Kurds attacked our transport member of the opposition war, the war's purposes, and the Government very cocky again.' they cannot afford to give the in-Even boys owr there will desire Some and were beaten off. were not present today methods by which the war is carried Scheidmann, the Socialist crease demanded by"the men, other occupation than their old Pershing Br tad. It is said her that Mr. O. P. on. Mr. Curtin's latest book, member, who is bitterly opposed, while the competition of the auto-lo one. ou their return. Paris, June 14 All Paris went i tiatn will recommend the con. "Land of Deepening Shadows," the Government, is not heard mobiles continues. The company In talking about the last scrap, frantic with enthusiasm on the scriplion of accumulated wealth, leaves no doubt of the. fact, and in bis usual vein. He abandons(did not attempt to takj out the he mentions bow- cheerful the arrival of General Pershing and" and thai Mr Choquette in the some of its chapters are devoted the committee while busy to de-'cars at ancouver, .North ancou wounded were, which were v:ry his staff. The streets were massed Bnate will move for a referendum ,to an exposition of how that unity j lach Itussia. ver nor New Westminster. few in his company, considering with throngs waving the American on the whole subject. has been brought about. It has Tha Real Autocrat. Although Jitneys are running, all things. The British artillery and French flags to greet the ibeen created by llje Government i Amsterdam, June II. The many thousands had to walk A Are is so concentrated during an American officers. General Parsh. SUBMARINE LOSSES With definite intention to achieve'German newspapers publish vio meeting of the men will be held attack that it is like walking behind ing will operate under General this very purpose. The schools lent denunciatory editorials re in Vancouver tonight. The sub. a moving wall of shells His Petain, the French Generalissimo, Srwelat is Ts DaCy Jews.) the pulpits, the newspapers, the garding the entry of the United Ject is said to be one for the city many friends here will be pleased Mid not under the llritlsh com London, June II -The losses professors' chairs are all so States into active participation in to discuss. to know- that he has come ttirough, mander. - suffered by the merchant marine many wheels in a macmnery the vwar. President Wilson is; ' scathless so far. in spite of the Austrian Recruits. were bijrger during the past week.'whose motive power is In Herlln, said to be a real autocrat. WOMEN TO VOTE IN enemy and the terrible weather Zurich, Switzerland, June U. The submarines sunk twenty-two whose purpose is to create blind, DOMINION ELECTION they had experienced.- He has got Information has been received veisel over sixteen hundred Ions, unquestioning, fanatic approval,, ADMINISTERING THE LAW many souvenirs of the various here that Austria has called to and the losses would have been and which never slips a cog. In' Ottawa, June 13, The Ottawa battles and hopes to get many the colors all boys of seventeen greater had not many other vessels the schools, the children are (Speclt! to TIM Duly .terns.) Eveninc Journal says that the more. He is now with the 32nd ears of age. hee able to fight off the trained In a creetl of state wor-j New York, June 11. A penitentiary Government is preparing a bill to battery C, F. A. Prisoners of War. I .boats. 'ship, hate of enemies, and adora-'tlon sentence o f eleven give the women the franchise Washington. June 14, Ger French Liner Sunk. of uillllarism, which poisons months and twenty-nine days, for from cast to coast and that it will PILINQ FOR RUPERT many lias notiiieu tne uniteu The French litter Sequanna, of tlwir minds from the start. Mr. not registering under the selec-' be introduced in the Commons States that she regards the 71 5 55? ton, was sunk in the south Curtln quotes the German words live draft law, was imposed by shortly. Mr. W. T. Muse, of the Prince sailors brought in by the Moewe Atlantic with five hundred and and the prose translation of ono United States Judge Chalfleld on Rupert Pile Driving Company, arrived as prisoners of war. To ensure , fifty passenger aboard, One hundred of the songs sung dally in Ger- II. P. Levine, a school teacher and COMPULSION IN JAMAICA In town yesterday morning adequate care being taken of and .ninety passengers are maiv schools as follows: college graduate. with thousands of feet of piling them, the American Government missing. Among the, other pas. Over there in the cowardly Kingston. Jamaica. June 13v from the Lagoon on Smith Island has, arranged to supply additional singers on board, Was a detach-ment trenches lies the enemy.. We attack FORECAST OF REVOLT The Legislature haa:pased a billaShi will be utilized in the build-providing fooji and other necessities of the Senegalese niftes. him. and only a dog will say for compulsory military Ing of the extension of the Albert through Switzerland, Layland Liner Sunk. that pardon should be given today. (SpreUl to TtM fullj .(.i service. Four members who op- & McCaffery wharf, between the Norway to FlghL The Leylhnd liner Anglla ha SJrlke dead everything which .New York, June l-U Ludwig posed it said that they were not Government wharf and Cow Day. London, June 14. It is be a io been sunk by a submarine. pTays for mercy. Shoot everything iMte, the secretary of the German opposed to the principle, but After this Job is finished, Mr lieved that Norway ison the brink Ameriean Liner Escapes. down like dogs. "More enemies, Federation of the Socialist party thought that the volunteer system Muse expects to go right ahead of war with Germany.. The heads v,w York, June 1 1. The Amer-' more enemies," be your in the United Slates, has announced was working well enough. Registration, with the building of tho marine of families are petitioning the liner Kroonland, which was prayer In this hour of retribution. that a revolution will be under the law, will soon ways across the harbor. Hy this Government that they be allowed attacked by n Herman submarine, Mr. de Deaufort In his book, started by many German citizens begin. No man between the ages means boats will be able to be to fight the German menace open-ly. managed to save herself by agile "Hehlnd the German Veil," bears on September 27th. of 18 and It who Is fir for military handled and fixed up at any state The entry of Scandinavia may manoeuvring, the same witness to the solidarity i service will be allowed to of the tide. be mut a matter of weeks. of the German nation. He says' This world is not for us alone, leave the Island except as a sol. NOTICE that (he people are absolutely at hue as well for those who follow. dier. VVE8TH0LME THEATRE Corporation of tho OUy of Prince Vila..... ..iii.. ih (invnrtuiiivnt. . and that'. Rupert, Application for the position of their confidence In the Kaiser and At the Westholme Theatre to. aisiaf Tsuystosn otRsjoTosiv "'email In th'e T,lly Flrc Department ,their admiration fpr him are un-1 night there will be shown a photo Tb Oly is about to publUo a nw will be received by.the city bounded and unshakable. He play entitled 'The Unknown.' Telephone Directory. Requests for alttr-tloni, '"''Mi up to 12 o'clock noon of the found the conviction universal PUBLIC MEETING The unknown has had a fascination be rrrelvcd addition up to or Friday cbaafes molar.to tams,Jum wttl tt. lth Instant-!). II. McDON'AI.D. that the enemies of Germany had for all mankind, since know, and mutt tw la wrttlnc. addrswed to the ire Chief. forced tho war upon her and that ledge began to Increase, and the SiriateodeM of I'tiHtifi, City Hall. Uernmny Is fighting only because ' qualities of Oils play will be Tha Hon. T. D. Pattullo, Minis 'she had to and ho came tii the Empress Theatre, Friday, 1 5th June equally fascinating to the patrons The greatest sacrifice of mer ' r of l.nndxf will address his conclusion that if Germnny wi-re i.AT g P.M1. of the Westholme tonight. The chandise at GOLDBLOOM'S. r ""UliUMits in the Empress beaten In the war, lhe people star lady is well known to the healre on Friday night nt H would only rally more firmly than THE HON. T. D. PATTULLO public, and her appearance, com Just arrlvod, SM tons of lump ' lock, All aro welcome,- ever around the Government. He blued with a play of this kind en ooal. Phono 11 Alsert A MINISTER OF LANDS 'quotes one of lllndenburgs stall sure a splendid production. Other Gsffsry. olnciTivtt" saying to him that they Mr. A. M. Manson, M.P.P. comedies will also be shown, and WESTHOLME wouM v'1 n-"' ul,lo'M,1 ope entitled "U. S. Customs In oould meet successfully so many ipection," It Just a ripple of LONDON C ATE TONIGHT ONLY enemies, adding, "If we re able Mr. F. H. Mobley, M.P.P. laughter from start to finish. to accomplish all this unprepared, A'ttfls) LsRl&sLs MARGUERITE CLAYTON then by Heaven, give a draw will address a Public Meeting on the Legislation, Public The favorite household Coal Is TMH Avenue In t Hires id l)rnj J now and sco what w e. can do ten Issues and Requirements of the Province Ladytmlth Wellington. Phono 11, Prompt Servloo of tho "THE UNKNOWN" years hence." Prlnco Rupert Coal Co. If there Is to oat si sH t ntl Com !. ! lumbar of all kind Everybody Weleomo Fred Stork, Esq., Chairman "U. . CUITOMt IHSMCTION" For dressed Inductions on every article" at MXH FM LABIM Albert A McCaffary. Phona 11S. OOLDW.OOM'8. 141