,nt -T lnp I 1017 T11E DAILY NEWS v Ill "1 WATER NOTICE APPLES, ORANGES, Divtasion and utt : ,: ' i f kR .10TICE lhl flrart- Melia . h. iddmi Is Hldaie, B. c U DnPricefs FIGS AfiBJKlMS i . " ippi it t tirenee, ta uk and it ttik rrvt per rninuUi of water out ol beift rreek, wblcb flow northerly tnl CREAM Im Altford ray, abon: it cnaint The Four Fruits Used In c i tie . t. ronwf ivf.T. t. tit. Tbe BiKiNG POWDEM Hre wan ii b diverted i'from tbe aiream at I P alio I ten chain west from n.W VMi "Friiil-a-lues enr r Lot 4, B. (S runrrle. and wtl i r.ir power purpoM ron tbe lam Saves Eggs i tiio only i rr-A'TiyivS" if i ailjuditnci.Tlmlier l.imll . in U.'wdrid that is ircdo in,n pi kmtfjpf ' Joof "flesh ripe fr nt. . tire w pole(16n IT- SnHJ!! In recipes for cake, muffins, corn bread, etc, ; , , fWnDrilfp'oWr U tu) , "J ' ".Hi fsr of Jamurx. HIT. - fewer eggs may be used and excellent results Xltl llti iMIr tnl an i-pil l VtMi4tfifrc . lvo4ue, I i,ave , ut' ' iberem and I' Ifce water A4 and heclthful, appetizing food obtained by using . NtS)l" and they did t. r i i be Bird III b Blif it fb- additional OdKrtttjtMN-htnd Un-fae' -i. b.c.frdrr it rrfiirp ftwrl. an quantity of Dr. Price's Cream l nit.4hraf"lffir.-'. tsffrrent , to lb ippllrlOon niv nin Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in place ' . ilfrffllJirtUieH t lut mvrtJ, !i said Water llrcril-r ..r wl of each egg omitted. H: mplroller Kf W'aler luh!. l'MU , M yomhiJ'lcivr fiiMnal, i .i1ifr, Vtctorl, P. ... wlihti EGG LESS MUTTINS i Mubto of tii" S'i iinirh, l.iief, Ibh i;ay after I be first appearanre . I nrmuT WKTOrtSi-lfI a.4 atH dry Kuliir) it SI. , fruit. Il l ' .; Ill local lwwpprr. 4 leroa D r-rlee Cream Inyredlml. A44 milk,Mlrrlac utll Hi in .r lb (lrl pubbration i.f the fUklnc Nh " are ! melted friitfiplt . if(L4 -.r t tablnroeas m(ar horteiila. Beat wrell aad bake la ' ; Otit rtf limit fvt i -l,ruri f 117. I tnioMs aalt created maffla llat la bot evea free GtOltiiE Vrlttr.. ApfrflonL 1 UUpom aberttalac 201a 25 minatrs. ' ' V The old method caned for 2 , At aJflT&iltr or rut ytrKuJ MINERAL ACT Makes is MulHaa -, UmitM, Ottawa. tseaklet of reripet which econamlta la' caja an Mhtr tirml., In(re4)eatt malte free. Certificate of Improvements. . Adrett St. Lawreaee Boalevaro. MmtreaL i THK BAVK OF i KOTIOI Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is mads 4ii "(xitrill Krattliieiil iJ from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes; BRITISH NOR Waterfront" Mineral CUIIn. MinatC In and makes wholesome food. Iri-t Made in Canada .No Alum Wti. re l.ited:-On Ibe west ltte uf Statement to the Dominion bead f Alice Ann. Government (Condensed! TAKE NOTICE thai I, ftlclurd D. Me 30th April, 1317. . '.inn.- rre Miner Certiorate .No. ItIO, artinf a arent for tbe,Dolly Varden Mine LIABILITIES TO THK PUBLIC epnr. rreeHnerf CertlOcate .No. lt-intend, NotM In Clrtaltllt tUM.447 TAK1I Vl It TIM . ii-.XTM-.Ml i nu iltty diy from tbe date hereof. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE to ipply to tbe Minlnr Recorder for a : DttIU S4.7S3.0tS Crrllficat of ImprovemenU, for I be purpose othf LUkiiniM ... 47,119 GARLH A MEDIUM LAKb REGISTRY ACT above of claim.obtalnlnt a Crown Grain of tbe FOR CANNERYMCN And further uie notice utt action, un We have added to our stock of valVes and pipes a 'complete HARVEST IN GERMANY (StCltOQ If tod III.) der section tt. must be Commenced before line of Hubber Helling at right prices. AlltTS M Auplic()uai Ko$. 0I-I aad 171, ite Issoinc of aocb Certificate of m. FOR FISH ERJEr Ch a Mae and I riuat 110. provementi. nu 110440,110 ' "Ih-iiIimk' ii. June I. The TAkt JtOT.CE 1 141 tppllctlOO b btru Dsfed Hit f lib day of April. A. D. 117. A eofnplele slock of the best goods that money can buy. for ptposll with armt rapid dfeimllitiK of Oermaiiy's Butte m rrniicr Birta Linda, of Princ fy. 9 RICHARD B. McGI.N.NIS. trolling Spring Iirats, Silver and Drome. n a M4 Otrolrtl 1,S.B4 (tram Mock under the ilraln im-Jm.mnI liMpoft. ii. i oor la fe under lo FOR THE WATERFRONT fttiKflmMl, Mlft)J ) li Dwli rrora Uie Collector of Lbe Um Mid landi vera aold for overdue 4 OOiae tacurltls 11.004,47 ) uvplHiicnlary bread The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special boat Ulf W I'niH-e Hnpert, betnoc diu U4 taiea: you ere tbe aaaeiaed onel Call Leant 7,71 M I allowance granted to rompen-;al f(ad iljy or BepiemUr, 1 1 If, tod ALL A.10 tbereof. paint "FLOG LAZE" A complete line of Ship Chandlery. Cvrraat Leaa 4 Di fr iiiMiriK volatile wan the I(1LLaH Umi ccruta ptrcel or trncl 61 FURTHER TAkE NOTICE tbat at ttu FOR EVERYONE aala a4 Assets 983(2307 eon of the reiil hastily sum. laid d preiruj utaite, Ijtor tad belof Mne lime I iball effect re filtration it . line stock of Oxford Stoves. Hardware. Gqrney's A fremisa Z.0.a4 oiimed rnferfiir of representative la is Municipality of Prince Rupert, more pun tore of iuca application and Hid parMcnUrly anown aod 6crUed it Lot Cerllflrate of Indefeasible Title to tbe laid We Sell Nothing But The Best. S7S.SSS.110 of thr Central Powers in gtoew Itii. Bkjrk Imrnlr.rlrtit lin land in Um mum of John Bert-man enleii Berlin, umelalu of Uie German SecUM su (, and Lot Ulrty-lnrt ! you Uk and proaerute tbe proper pro-reedier foo4 department, tiuporled by Mark Ywrt iu 4. Section Elrbl ill. to eitabllih your claim. If an rnerHetir repreaentattott from Nip to lb Mid land, or tt prevent lucb pro FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Vba are required to cunieit Um claim ovi acUcn on my part. An Array of Ihe Military and diplomatic au. I UwUi purcMier rnlttun II dtjt from DATED at tbe Land Retiitry ornca hMfu, wiiji the icrant of an Uir dale of tbe aervlce of tola nolle Hnce Rupert. B. C, tnl IU day e additional proportion for Ger-' irnkte) may be effected by pobllcaUoo) pecember, A. D. It It. Internal Bathers of tin- and yvur attcnuoo I called to aecUon Hi P. MACLEOD. many irrain teka captured of ttw -Land heriiry Act itb Apr. IT. DliUlet Reaiitrar or Tltlea.i Advertise In The Daily News tin IWwrnaiila. Davtivine, CaUfomia. ametiduenu. and to tbe folhiwint ettrael T Simon reteraoo, mii fciiikw britki, ittu. iip-i- i ii nerrnau autiinritiei are tnererruu: -and In default r a n4in. umi tawwtiu mm rmj rn,urt,ng B, Vjtorou i.ul.llrlly canal ut certtOcate f Ita peodena beioi led berr Um recutrauon is omner ol jsii Ii. fMi1nce the m fcrto, iMB tibiiil B.iiu. !jmw people Me perioa enrlUed tinder lucb tai aale, all mma uml ui or4ikuU iiHat all i Hi with the cum i nit perMiua K aemd allb DoUee, a ur rri nit diotrrat roopi UMlhaneL. and that the preftenl fiKn IboM rlaiuisf Umxirb or under Ibem. ana w' ill prroa claimlo any luterei! In Uw "'T f,"00'-Mmii-.illiP Jj T . .lioappear aa on land Hriue of by any unrefutered Initm .... Mtitrmit W " rn.p ifHaallHM: Bienl. and all perauoa clalmlnr any tl-lereil rflMrr4 in mm foiMMMnt muu A 4itnt of ninlial itilTi-reiit In tbe land by deicent bu UU i Ur iDtriUa. tbry otk iMiimiliilitieii I (men In a, para la but reuiered under the protuiona ol Jogging Lsaziness luta Art, abaa lw for ,err eilopped and : LmES.w XT.? J.Tfcp; Pnii ' .lipped int.. a glow. ftrbarred from aetuor IP any claim to.or i km, fciy. rkir kuld jjlHK ocfNjunl of crop pnUH"U in in reepert of Um land ao aoU for late, wui hw t4 mtM rr ttw duue the wei'kly Woe lie. Thin para-" lad Um ketlitrar iball rtfltler tba peraon into uraph ea': "If all conditions tntltled under utb tai il aa owner of Activity Um land ao acid for taiea." 'V T.TJLta Vi oMiimw favrable . liermany can AQ W II tnt AS application baa beel h Dr (kTU. i a brm in( jourj'M'lM' f"" bamy a iiMMliiiln liar aiade for a CerUBrat or Inde.'tanble Till 1 ' "'" f bm twit ur el imtiiK U lhi lark uf ferti-Mik la lb above-mentioned landa. In tbe name - i.WHiw I"'". artlelarly nitrale." Th ir garab Lando. V, AND U'lltnCAS oa inveauratinr tb title tui.f aim wotnptuea itai mi erfr''rul1 "CV?t. anxmlliiK to ex it appear tbat prior to um lita day or v. iwi Oiwd. a4 i hi iqm m error-' Prt, alo' will le only niediuio Heptember. Kit, (Um datr no blcA UM A tUll) I- ' , Mid landa aere aold for orerdu HWMt( HI aM MIHf lot r taiea), rrinut. t I jklruUirujr,i1 ta-1 REO CROSS NOTES )mi er tbe rerutered and wicaaed .LThe nitrcliant nrliosci business lags in.the summer uwnera tbereof. sffhua luiubolf to t&auk-; . T Ywrt trr iraty. I ll'HTIICR TAkE .NOTICE Uul at the i. ji. Dtmch, I The ynunir ladie whu had aiuo uiim I iball effect reriioaiion In ttbolrul tod lUlall Mta'a tr i!il.r'(fk m.f 1 i,v-aflw 1... ,.r I,,i'ni fwjruDfe of men appUcauoa and ulue a To slacken tlie selling pace in 'the hot season to wi irani muni idimii iaf rM'lu'l orimcate if lodcfeaaibie Till to Um Mid j lp an!vf the lU-dfllnx. in tlib landa la tba uow of Sarab Lando unlets lessen Advertising activity indicates a resignation Ttm orlrlMl tlx! bft tt.-U'iil un Ttnril Avenue lat week i lak and proaecule tbe proper pro- Vhich has in modem business. ' rr ilu purvm, marriar4 tjr .nalUi'd the huiii uf f 34 for the reedint to eatablub your fiaun. it any. no place A. Trrru. M.t aw tint Society ond k.l5 for the prion. lo the Mid land, or la prevent aucb pro- 1 Ml HpUIOta by Cjrtl II. Orm, r ,., hv lh. .nn,ILrrliif liumi acuoa on niy part If we Hunk we cannot keep our business booming ia rt.i. wr tnt . toJ iu airwi? DAI tli at tbe Land Hft omre. ll m at beTobUUvd frK M rt- I'rmco Raprrt, P. C. tbla i' ib day of : - summer time, we surely will not, Why Mn'of TwUy U Only MiBF April. A. D. Ill J. TiiA. khl iif limiiH.nmikiiitr 'mi H. r." MACLEOD, 1 i lh ubjt if rnu ptttr. Ji?ay will be held . Ill the ed Dutrict Rerutrar of Title What a jolt it must have been'to the fur trade,when i" fo Cbariea rtanlli, at to Lot II. or. Cko. . TyrrtH. ti Collr lorooiot for mom. llniii Iviii an UMint and will be II. V. Clark and R, O. Rlcner, the first mid-summer fur advertisement was run in Uiiiilr Kit direction of Mr. 12. a to Lot IU a daily paper! Now many fur stores are following fjatker atid Mr. Stanley t'arker. n inauy nuirw'article of home LAND REGISTRY ACT the example of that progressive- fur man who dared nVM.kinv an lie iliioid of each to believe that fur sales need not go down as the ut theni; tales. Tin? de. (Section 1 and 1)4. IFfUay mercury goes up. u always greater than the He Application .No. tl.ttl, FiUor Ml 4. upply, and greater coutrilmtin TAkE .NOTICE Uul application baa been lAiill uratefullv receivol by the nude to retottr John Berrmtn. of rrtnc Energy, linked witK. Advertising, has; turned the TIMBER SALE X 895. Society. With Ihe increasing hupert,HI Sal B,Deed C u frutn oviuer Uie Collector In fr under of Ibc i month of January into the biggest selling season i irr r'tr .m'""'1'1' i,r ,n"u oi,u,'B ronl-lUe JIT of lrlnre hupert. bearltif daw lb for wltite goods. Advertisements of a high stimulative uf U conse- 101b day of September, lilt, of ALL AND 1 u? ut uaj. nui uur itui iwa uajni"iler tkNGULAIt tba ceruin parcel or trad ot combined with disregard of "seasons," power, .a 'in a3 ut June, itn, rar lit iur. iuently ala .greater, and still land and prrinlaet illuate, Ijinr, and ba i fci.'nr kl. to ml t.ltt.ooo nrM,.r am the demand nmde nt In in Muulcipatity of Prince Hupert. have opened up automobile selling two months "prue. ceiur. BtlMia tJ lltru- ipillill c.IkIv. ri,- uiore articularly knon a Lot Ten i9) M M4 .llH.Ird oo the Mil bor "I"'" ,,),, earlier than was once thought possible. Advertising ttlrak rive (tl; SecUon Setea Mi M'lihiPkuq cimiuml hnr l. Omii du- uerwanly fi'r. .I.ncreed AiU ' i alillhere c Ml. " lias started Christmas shopping early in October nuco You are required to cooteit tbe clou '"' tt) Tf.n m U tllos for r-r in ine lai purcbater mitbin tbiny-avc 'instead of the middle of December. ' .i umber. riw n.l ii.iciety asknow- da) frun tbe date of tn service ft thU notli )il eh b licit may tOccted by rrfd Mail or a Directed, and your at , Advertising rises superior to seasons and thermom-' nuiwrj. b. 'a it. frOnithiY Qiieen , )lury t.hapter ..f,it tj3,Z7jt7r7r'tM' i 'Wtlliitt, lllub, for woill sylii them mUoii land Itrtuiry It called Art"to arctloa tub amendmenta.tt of inc etcrs. The right kind of Advertising strikes a ny mo ociriy. our w Um follow in r (Unci inererroai: - responsive cord in human nature and huraaa ."and la default of k cateat or cerun Prince Rupert Feed Co. file Inner of tho drawing cal of 1 1 penden belli Died before the f K nature is the same iu August as in DecemlnM'. rriutrillun a omner of lb peraon rn. helil lii"l I'riilay wero u fallow: o. mt iu. ' ot Tin" titled under lurb tai late, all periona ao ).illi to J, Miller knife mul fork aerted with notice and IboM claUnlof RECEIVED OUR 1017 SEEDS In Mr. V.. t)rnle; tea. from Mr. ihrburn or under tnem. and all pron Spurr. won by Mr. Urethour; rlaimln any Intereit In tba land by virtu of any unrriMtered instrument, and all WE HANDLE ly Mm. UDrulsh; I'oiTee pot won persona claimlnt any Interetl la lb Untf Steele & Brlogt, Rennlen' liijie won by Mr. W. A. MclMilald; by dciceul wnoa Kill Ii not reentered Ferry's and'Wackenile'e lulu of rgiiiljj wiiir by Mr. Hurrltl; uidr lb provuloo ol tbla Atl. anall U from Mr.. Onne for ever estopped ayd debarred from ! Garden rlertri0slovi and Field Seeds, mi up any culm to or la respect of tlx AUo Ferllllxere. won ! Mr. J. M.'t.yon. uad in sold (v. uie, and lb Rraiitrar HAY, GRAIN AND FEED ie'liuii I aeiivtred bj vliall uiu tan reenter aiie in a owner peraon of entitled the land under ' Advice recanaiu your aJrrrt-Wnj problem la aealWbaa tftroafti nay 1W woiroIid CanatUaa tulvrrliain affeney. or lb Secrelary of the Caa for Cliiolrtn Feed A Specialty. , ro .-eiil" per iiionth. AMD taiea SaImo I'rras AsMulton,Uutau iHS Lurasio UuAl.p'rwota. itJmfiiif . WHEREAS application nl, l Uvulve nu oUifstiua ou your urt -to writ, (IaUraaUd. We mad for, CerilDcai of lodefeasiblc Till Take Order for Nursery to um ebovruioniloued laud. In Um iuam Stock, SUBSCRIBE FOR of Jobn uemiani AMD WHEREAS on iHvesllnllo tb Mll Of4fl frnilf M44 T. The Dailvt News ilile II appeari Ibal prior to lb ttb dai Vt September, It 1 1, (lb dat oo whick