Friday. June 15, 1017. THE DAILT NEWS apples, oranges, : ::s s:::::: jggi Save the Food and THE 10ST Serve the For the East. Empire ! FIGS AND PRUNES I iH'ClJ.I,,, J 0 m "If we 1U1 not economise In food The Average Canadian Family Wastes Wednesday chance a. o:3o a m. jeluffii wo aland a grave of( ' Hnturdaya, 9 mo a. m. loaniff mo war. titir enemies arc) .. Enough to Feed a Soldier Are The Four Frvlts Used In From the Eaat. calculating that America will fail in Ihla, and thai our Allien will Maxinf "Fruit-a-Yives jn-MlayB, 5:30 p. fa. . havo lo give In." TTiitrdaye, &;30 p. m. Theae are not the wofds of a 1 'rilUIT.A.TIVE8" la the only fUiMliya. profeasloiiol alarmlsl. They represent 3:io mnllclne In the world'that la made p. m, the conviction of from the lule of freeh rtpa fruits. ... . For Vancouver, profound Hie Man who. In all probability, uofair to "I1 It la manifestly ear, Thu, 'neijays. p, ,n Is belter qualified lo speak on the on't Uko rrult-n-tlvea becauee I liar tried other remediee and they did ma Thursdays, to p. ,, . . food problem of the world than no rood". On the other hand, the fact hiimIu. i p. In any other man. We are quoting tliat "Fruit a-tlTM1 la entirety different I rem Vancouver. Ileiberl C. Hoover, who was chair f,grn any other pre pat ahon in the uvrld, man of the lielgian Belief Com u, t a h jr you should giro It a fair trial, Wednesdays, 10:30 a. in. mlMlou, and has been named "The Kitchen rmui help as well as is any trouble of the Htooiach, Urer, I l nltfB, 3 p. , American Pood Iiclalor by 1'res the twtU. KJdneys or Bkln. "Frult-a- Miiidaya, 7 p, in. Idenl Wilnon. They are word Workshop and the Trenches" tlvre", it computed of'the active principle Alternate Monday from Janu which ahould be taken lo heart by Lloyd George, 9)I uit and the treattlt nent tonie tier every Canadian. lal. ary iiutntrtd, Wc. aboi,Giort2.M), trial There are two ways In which tuc,5e. AtalldMlcreoreentpoatpald For Anyox, tin altualfou can be met. One I- i t ul-a-Urcs JJrnlted, OUaaa. Wedneadays, 10 p, m. la' by increased food production, INTELLIGENT economy in Fridays, 8 pf m. aud the aecoiifl la by economy in can do much Sundays, 8 pm. fotwl hIuITh. Kconomy, elfmina to prevent the threatened THE DANK OF FronvAnyoi. other lion of part waxtc.of war la aa work.vital n Kvery any world famine can counteract the effect of high price--and BRITISH NORTH AMERICA 'r!in:nyn Sundays) and Tues man cannot fight, every woman can replace growing debt with systematic saving. day. cannot work In munitions, but every man, woman or child can Carefal investigations show that before the war (be areragtj Statement to the Dominion MINERAL AOT economize and can save. British family wasted 25 f of their food and we Canadians were evea Government (Condensed) The proper uae of paving la lo more extravagant, 30th April, 1S17. invent them in War Saving Cer Certificate of Improvement. This is in few things,but in Kttle each, llflcate. Thee are Issued by Hie waste not a big many ones, LIABILITIES TO TMI PUBLIO NOTICE Oovernment of Canada and are we used to think, too small to bother about such as careless pealing Netee III Cletetatle "DoataUr "Douiall Fractional" and obtainable at any bank or at any of vegetables and fruit failure to make fjood use of dripping sm "left D.ttll Llabllltl fr4.7es.oaa a "Waterfront" Mineral Clalma. eilutte la post ofllce where money order S3vcr) aad such others as will occur to every thrifty housekeeper. Other 47,11 the !lM Mlalog Division of Casnar Dts-IrlrL are o!d. When one buys a War aeoae.era Where Incsi.d, On the Savings Certificate one I not only For the Empire's sake as well as your own. bant p ami cut out I brad or Alice Arm. writ tide of providing fund to carry on the these leaks I You'll be helping to relieve the food shortage saving asset TAIE .10TICE ibt I, Richard B. Me- war, but also making an excellent your own money and putting yourself in a position to buy Canadian Hn4 end la Glrnut, Free Cat e Miner Certificate Wo, mot, Investment. aunkt (10340,110 tetlnr treat tor the Dolly Vardeo Mtnee War Savings Certificates and help win the war. with Oeteraaieat Ctenpeny, Free Miaert Ceruscate no. m-r. For 121.50 on of these certificates M a MX Cirtelelle 1,SS,e04 intend, ililr 447a rrora the diu hereof, can be purchased, and at the War Savings Certificates are issued in denorninatioa el $25, (timinMl, ejallaJ to arpiy to the Mining rvevrder tor a end of Ihree years the (Jovern $50 and $100, to be repaid in three years at hill face value. They aft r SMwrrllet 11.004,474 I Certificate or Improtemeota, tor the pur- me nt will pay out 125, that in, the all Order Post cost $21.50, and at Money $43 cii 4 seri Lmh r,7ie,4ee I p f obtaining a Crown Orant of the $86 respectively, Overeat Uwt en Dl- I above fUim. interest on the investment will Offices and Banks, thus yielding ovciT InttfMto Should you avaaa cee.te a4 other AU BS3SXS07 And rarUwr u boUc that actloa. vn have increased Us value to that Preaileee . . Z,Soe,S4 I or Uoa at. nail be comiMimd b amount. This means interest at k, you can get your money back at any time. p f'.r the l.ioinre of isth CeniDcate or Im nearly 5H per cent a much bet I S70,ae,iio prpvrnieBU. Dated (fate tub day of AprtL A. D. 1117. ter rate than the money would I'r RICHARD B. MeOt.VUS. earn if left lying Idle in the bank liesidea the 125 certificate which LAND REGISTRY AOT coat 421.50. there is a 150 certificate The National Service Board of Canada, , which can be bought for OTTAWA- Pint Auuna evert a. (ftertioa 1 aad 114.) 143, and the tlOO denomination ancurr no. i. I He Appltcaltoa 5a, 11.111. riUoc Mil which I purchasable for 86. TAkE NOTICE that apptatloo hat t0 Serve by savinR and invest In Bm 11 tin tt and Jrd Ave, laade lo rvrivter ioha Btrraiaa. or Print War Savings Certificates for Ba 1SMlh ft aod Ird Ave. your Rupert. B. C at oaeer la fee eader Bea 14 am L aod Ird Ave, country' sake and your own sake. 1 I Tai Sale Dee4 rrum the Collector of the Bi laJaaftloa or let. lad aod City of mere fUipert. beartoc date the Ird Avta. itia day of spitttr. IBIS, or ALL ad Salvation r.Prices Bee ie III Aw tetveea llh aad Army. iJI.xOfLAn that reruta parcel or tract ot till SU, (tool Hotel). land aad pretalte altoate, lytar. attd be Bei 17 HI Ave. aod 7th SI (Central llnr la lb Muuictpauty of Prlace Rapert. Public meetings, Tuesdays, Hotell. TIMBER SALE X896. Imut particularly kaova ai Lot Tea (IS) Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p Block me (t). Sectloa Seven (7. Mi ' ' otncuiT NO. L lan. m. Sundays at 7t30 p. m. Staled tender win be received by the POWDEet ) M Ird Ave and Ird St (Coat Von are required to coolest the claln Miuutcr or Lead not later than noon on omre). or the lat parchaarr Itala thlrty-Ott the tatb day of June. H17. for the par. t -Ird Ave. aad MrBrtde SL diya rrom the date of the tervlce of thu An Array of chase or Licence XIII. to cut t.ltt.000 Saves Eggs ei 14 tat Ave. aad MtBrtde SL aoUce hica atay he eSected by Rri- reel of Spruce, Cedar, Balsam and Hem-lurk Bei -.tod Ave, aad lad St. vrrd Mail or a Directed, aad yor at go an area allotted on the east shore Bei t tad Ave. aad eitt Si uatloa la called to tectloa II or toe Internal Bathers of Mathleaoa Channel. Range 1, Coast Dis In recipes for cake, muffins, corn bread, etc, XT O. T. f. 'Land Rciiitry Acr with emea&Deau, trict. al to the fotlowtac attract tbcrtfroco. Three (I) years will be allowed for re fewer eggs may be used and excellent results ciacuiT no. a. -aad la default of a caveat or certia Oier bait a mill loo brlrbt. keen, up-toll moval of Umber. and healthful, appetizing food obtained by using Bei 11 IU Aie. aad mitoa SL rate or lit peodeat belnf Bled before the te Canadian! and Americana have found Further parUculara of the Chief Fore iter. u Brda and Taylor Sta. rvrntratioa n onr of the peraon ea that Internal Bathlnr la mora essential to ictorta. at, C or Dlttrtct Foreater at an additional quantity of Dr. Price's Cream Be 14 via Are. aaa raltoa SL titled uader aech ut tale, aH peraooa ae their weil-belnt thaa External Batba. Prince Rupert. B. & J7. Baking Powder, about a tatiipoon, m pteee M la Ave, and Coomi Ave, aerved mite aotlce aad taoae claimlas Hive found thai taken occatioaaUy at of each omitted. Bet 17 au Ave. aad Dodr run throeih or voder them, aad all peraooa alfbt. they reel like different people the LAND REGISTRY AOT egg Bee M tin Ave. aad Thoa.poa SL claimiat any lotereal la the land by yirto net I morn inc. Mo more of that bilious, mOTrsaj itTVJiTOW f aay uorermcred laiirvmrat. aad an tired, nervous condition buL baviaf by (Sections ss and III. cincuit mo. 4. ptrc& cUialar asy taterett la the laod .inure't own cleanser, antiseptic warm Re Applications .toe. sott-l and S0I7-I. 4 t..Vooo. Dt.PtW.Cmn l-aejdl-.. Aad vaflb.attrrataf aeAfl ea 41 ita Ave. aad Eaiaieraoa by deacrat vhoae title la not rvftatered water, removed all the poitoaoua watte ruing ties. Ctaktac PftwdOT are exit I e.44 aaeited l-Ufe aadcr the provlilooa of tail Act. ahall tx from the Lower Intestine, they awake TAkE NOTICE that application baa been I niu eborteaiac. Beat wefl ut bake la I imiwM uh greaeaa orafla tiaa la he evea osb 41 lia Ave. aad H Bride SL for cvrr ettopped aad debarred from set ihoroutfaly refrethed by normal aleep. made to register Sarah Lando, or Prince I t.Meaaoeo. .bactealac SataU taiaataa. Bet 44 lib Ave. and Oreea SL Una up aay claim to or la retpect or the with all their functions actlnt In healthy Rupert. B. C, at owner la Tee under two The old method caBed for 2 eeasa. Bee 44- lib Ave. aod Saul IV lead ie avid fvr taiea. aad the Reetatrar arcord trlthL nappy, clear-headed and Tat Sale Deedt from the Collector of the Itakao) IS Muffin Bea Ave. aad Clrti. ahall 'rtaitr the peraoo eotltled uader confident, earer aad capable for the duUea City or Prtace Hupert, bearing date the Bookirt of tKfpM which Meaaaue la Bea 141 -th Ave. aad Yeoaf SL aecb ut tale aa owner of the land tc of the day. ttnd day of September, till, and ALL AXD nd eaber emrMmal. Inrrt4iat. malted ana area, aold for laita" Copper Cliff. Ont, March I. ISIS. SIAOLLAR that certain parcel or tract of Aadraa. a X Lawraac. Ittlaaie, Moalital. AMD WHEREAS application baa beea Dr. Chaa. A. Tyrrell. Toronto. Ont, land aad premises situate, lying aad being Dr. Price's Cream made for a Certiorate of ladefeaitble Title Dear Doctor. -I have been attnr your In the Munldpalitjrbf Prince Rupert, more Baking Powder is rnade 10 the aboveaeatlooed laadt, la the Dame 1. B. L. Cascade" for lb patl three particular! known and described aa Lot from Cream of Tartar derived from g rapes, of John Berimaat month, and am convinced that It It the eleven (II), Block twenty-eight (SI) and makes wholesome food. AMD WHEREAS on loveautatinr tat moat modern aad scieatiflc method of Section SU (S), and Lot thirty-three (si). title It appetra that prior to the lib day dealinr with constipation that hat ever Block rorty-att (II), Section Eight (S), Made in CLnada No Alum Prince Rupert Feed Co. of September, IS II, (the date oo whirl. been devised, and I wlU lot no opportunity Map 111. the aaid landa were aold for overdue to promote tit nse amour my You are required te contest the claim P. O. Bei BBS. eoe TMrd Ave. taiea) roe were the uietaed owner friends, at I can speak truthfully and en-thualasUcally the tat purchaser within II daya from thereof. at to lit menu. the date of the tervlce of thlt nolle RECEIVED OUR 1917 SEEDS FURTHER TAkE XOTICE that at the Your very truly, which may be Scted by publication). ...' tame tune I aatu effect rernraiion ta 1. a, Darrecb. tnd your attention la called to section pursuance ef euca applicaUoa and liioe a Wholesale and Retail Men s Wear. ! ot the 'Land He git try Act" with FRED STORK'S HARDWARE WK HANDLE CerUSraM of ladefeaiible Title to the aald Why not learn more about this rapidly- amendment, and to the following extract . Stoela A Brigga, Rennlea landa In the name of John Berrman unlet! irowlnr and natural practice? The "1. therefrom. ."and in default of a Ferry's and Wackenile'e you take and proaereie the proper pro L, Catcade", the original and beat ap caveat or certificate of lit pendent being FOR CAM4WRYSWM ceeding to etubuta your claim. If ani pliance for this purpose, manufactured by Died before the regitlration aa owner of Garden and Field Seeds. to the tiid Und. or ! prevent tuch pro Cbarlea A. Tyrrell. M.D, It now being the person enutled under tuch tax sal. aU We havo added to our stock of valves and pipes a complete Also Fertllliera. pofd actloa on my part shown and eipuined by Cyril H. Orme. persona so terved with notice.. .... .and line of Ilubber Helling at right prices. DATED tl the Land Reentry omct Druggist, corner Ird Ave. and lth StreeL those claiming through or under them, and MAY, GRAIN AND FEED e Roprn. B. C. tbli eta day e- There alto may be obtained free on re-quest. tU prrton claim tog any interest tn the FOR FISMCRSIEN Chicken Feed A Specialty. Decrniber, A. D. till. "Why Man of Today la Only 10 laod by virtu of any unregistered Instru A complete ock of the best goods that money can buy for H. F, MACLEOD, Per Cent. Efficient," a moat Interesting ment, and all persona claiming any la trolling Spring Urois, Silver and Bronze. Apr. IT. Dlttrtct Reilttrar or Tltlea. booklet on the tubjeeu If you prefer. tercat In the land by descent whose title We Take Order a for Noraery To Sinwo rit'rtoo. DavitvlUe, California. writ to Dr. Cbas. A. Tyrrell. Ill College not regittered tinder the provtaione cf FOR, THE WATERFR0HT Stock. street. Toronto, for tame. thlt Act. ahall b for ever estopped and The celebrated Maple Leaf Paints and Varnishes Special boat Navigable Water Pretavtlon Act. debarred from telling up any claim to or paint "FLOOLAZE" A complete line of Ship Chandlery. ll Oreera Premrtlf AtteMee To. WATER NOTICE lu respect or the land to aold for tatea, ' eHAPTEN 11B. R. S. O. FOR EVERYONC and l lie Itcglttrar ahall register the person 'lillJinjjijlJirtifffffffrrn, DIVERSION AND USB entltUd under tuch ux tale at owner of A ruie stock of Hardware. Ourney's Oxford Stoves. The Oraod Trunk ratine RaUway Com TAKE MOTICE thai 0 cor re McRae, be land so told for tatea." The) Ws Sell Nothing But etosL pany brrrby Uvea notice that II bat, uader mhote address It Skldegate, B. C wtb A.ND WHEREAS application baa beea action T of the laid Act. deposited with apply for a licence to uke and ute III hiade for a Certificate of Indefeasible Till Bdyii Own Soap the Minister of Public Work at Ottawa, cubic fret per minute or water out of to the above-menUoued landa. In the nanx tnd in Hie omre of the Dtttrlct Reyistrar Detniter Creek, which Bowl northerly and of Sarah Lando. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE r the Land Reentry omre, District ol drama Into All ford Bay, about II cbatna AND WHEREAS on Investigating the title rtnc DuperL at Prince Rupert, a detcrtp. from the ft. E. corner of T, U 111. The It appeara that prior to the t lib day of lion of the tile and plan of lumber mill water will be diverted from the ttream al September, I til. (the date on which the tnd other works proposed to be built la point about ten chain! west from N,V said lands were told for overdue taxet), lit 1'rlnc Rupert harbor at Prinre. Rupert, comer or Lot 4, B. a fisheries, and will you were the registered and attested British Columbia, la front of Waterfront be used for power purpose upon the land owners thereof, Block T. accordlnr to reiutrrea pita oi described at adjoining Timber Limit 111 ri'KTHER TAKE NOTICE that al the lb uaaslie of Ibe taia my r rnoce la application to lease. iiue time I ahall effect regtttraUoo tn Ituprrr rtiltlered In lb aforesaid laod Thlt notice was potted on the grounf purauanoe ef tuch application and Ittue a naaiamaai wjetswewstewtw vaPMaraj trw wii a r reftttry .mca aa No. til. Section T. M the I lib day of January, ttlT. t Certificate of Indefeasible Title to the aald SHOULB KNOW THIS Jig TAKE JHJTICE that after tae ei copy of tale notice end an applicatiot Undt lo the name of Sarah Lando unlets pirition of on mouth from the date ef IHirautnt thereto aad to the Water Act ycMt take aad prosecvj te the proper pro-reedmga CAnAii.. rifiar - nrw it tae tvtsr pm the nrtl publication ei III wtu be Died in ibe office of the to establish your clam. If any. nljb Your Crocer. The Covernment Builctln Ortnd Trunk Pacine naiiway company Water Pccordtr at rrtnee rtuperL Objection I the said land, or to prevent such pro. No.3dS UUs tha atry-IT CG6TS TttK SAME. wUL under Sectioo T of the said Act. apply to the application may be Sled puscd action ou my part ataveva etecta reetaietaaaeua eeaaa to IIm Minister or mono woraa at Die with the aald Water Recorder or with DATED at the Land R.rtslrv OBtcc. ciatetaa aaaa raeoet-iataf ome la lb cuy f Ottawa for aieproval the Comptroller of Water Rlihta, Ptrlia-rnenl inure Rupert. B, C tbl tsta day of llrtal-'kirift,,EapaUd itwa whtv aa we ffsth teta. LeaveetheaVIn natter bovr if the aald alta and pita ana ror leave BuikUnga. Victoria, p. C. within April, A, D. ttlT. no tender aolY vrutli aromat to cunstrucl the aald work. thirty daya after the Itrat appearance of II. F. MACLEOD. TaaAYUIEReS)mtJtHBIHLKMLta. lied. I'ctlcct f-f Uifciy aud Dated at Wlnntpet. Natuiooe, tut list hit notice In a local aawiraper. District Registrar of Tltlea nW, avutea,Omtt tSaaaB toilet. dsy of February. A. n. I7, The data of lb nrtl publication ot inn To Charlee INtuiti. at to Lot 11) 14-U AlWt 5mm LWuJ, . MenUeek TUG 0KAND TRVrta rAuriu iiailwat aoilre la February till. HIT, II. P. Clark and H. O, Richer. COMPANY. H. It. HAnaARD Beneitor. OSORUK McRAE, Applicant. aa to Lot II, BBiBHBaiBylpfiiiijS1Bsi