0 The DAILY NEWS 0 - VOL. VIII. M. III. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, HATl niiAY, JUNK 16, 1VM7. PHICK FIVhToKPTO . ; it RR II fill 11 rtrfnJ i 1 1 GERMAN LIE If MR BLOW FURTHER ADVANCE MADE IN BELGIUM BRITISH TROOPS GAIN ALL OBJECTIVES HAIG SMASHES ALLIED NOTES HON. T. D. PATTULLO TALKS GERMAN LINE REJECTED BY eflBalLaLaLaLaVav WITH HIS CONSTITUDfTS ONCE AGAIN DELEGATES PUR. F, H. MOStLEY, M. F. F AIlD . A. Al. MANMN, M. P. ALSO CISCUS8 THE AFFA"W OF THE tFROVIfHNC LARGELY ATTERMEB MEETING LISTERS Another Smashing Blow on Qer Leaders of Soldiers and Workmen ATTENTIVELY T eFEEtHEl man Tranches Advances British In Russia Scorn Notes From efvjiH Line on a Long Front the Allies Proposals A large and enthusiastic galb. made by the Grand Trunk Pacific Ouns Captured. Denunclated. ering of the citizens took place j looking to the acquirement by At last night In the Kin press Theatre.them of government property on SprCUl le Tlx Ditty .. ' SpcUI to Tip IttUr Acwt.) wheu the iron. T. V. Pattu!Io,'the other side of market square In London, Junt 16, General Petrograd, June 16. The leaders minister of lands, Mr, F. II. Mob order that they may close out Haig a troops drove forward today j of the Soldiers and Workmens j?BBMMMMeBMMMMB9SjBAw-"JBBVaBBBHCTn ley, M. P P, for Atlin, and Iff. A. Cow Bay. Strong objection, have and struck another rapid blow at committee in Itussia have treated M, Manson, M. P. P. for Omineca, been made by the city. This i. the German lines,.between Ypres the .notes received from the British, told of what had been done during a question as to which i. the and Gomines. gaining all objec- j fcrYe French and American GoVv the last session of the Provincial greater public benefit. There are lives. One hundred and fifty! eminent scornfully. Tbe notes Parliament, and also spoke two sides to this question. It oc prisoners, a number of howiUers' ptocasTirccT have been definitely rejected by of many thing, of interest to tbe curred to me. I made tbe suggestion snd seven machine guns were' the delegates. Tbe revolutionary LleuL-General Sir H. C. O. Plumer people in general, and of northern in the city council in the jjdured. Tbe British now oc-' e ies seem bent upon undermining Commander of the second British British Columbia in particular. presence of the G. T. P. represen rspy tbe former front trenches; fF 1 I the alliance. Even the press are which won the big victory Mr. Fred Stork was chairman tative, with whom I had not dis J tbe Germans from tbe Illvrr J 'united and loud in their denuneia- army, ADVANCE TWO MILES DEEP un the Messines Ridge. of the meeting, and in his cussed the matter, that it might Lj to the Hiver Waraave, The map shows the former 1 isiwh I knn ttt- a Ilia iiiv riennnsnla s vLvvBiVf aa csnrl uu r aov, introductory remarks said that be a good thing for tbe city to Ground Captured. battle front and tbe British line i President Wilson is the worst' heretofore, when the member for gel some Grand Trunk waterfront As a result of last flight's op. offender. The pacifist, are ac- FISH COMPANY after the successes along a front the district came to town it has in transfer on that account. If the f.-stwns and the constant pres. of ten miles, which Included the live, ami say inai as me uovern-; been the recogniied procedure for Grand Trunk were willing to give re eierted, the Iirllisb have ad. capture cf important and rnent has failed, it is now- up to WILL OPERATE SOON him to talk to his own particular this waterfront, I would see that vanced tbeir lines front Ave bun. sis thousand prisoners.points, the people to take action. 1 flock, but in this instance, an in-vilation the transfer will be made at soon dred to a thousand yards on a Wants ftussla'a Views. i "In three months from now', was.extended to everyone as possible. Rather than give to front of Seven miles. Tbe front Vahinfrlrn f tl n. lit Th n.',,a'd Mr 'al "tent, "we In- in town to hear the minister. He tbe city 200 feet, I would prefer i.ne of tbe Uritish offensive ei. G.T.P. WILL GET tente powers, having expressed referred gracefully to the number that the G. T. P. loosen up on a lends from the village of Klein their willingness to reverse the nd la have our building erected of ladies present and of the mark, little of the waterfront they have. Z.lcbcke to Warnave. More than A NEW MANAGER terms of tbe entente alliance, as and to be handling fUh. Our ar- ed interest taken by the ladles So much will he reserved so that a hundred thousand prisoners I related to the war aims, are pre- rangements are so well In hand since tbe franchise had been the city will have some water bate been taken by the Uritish The following Is taken from pared to ask the Russian Provis- that I am leaving for the south granted them. front, but meantime, I am going during the war. Tbe territory it.. couer i-roYiuce;I. i liona Government for a definition tomorrow to see to the shipping The Hon. T. D. Pattullo, minister to loosen a little from the G. T. P. regained by the British O the! traffic Jof Russia's position, and a decla- up r-our planL which is pracli-iration of lands, who was the first In case at any lime any arrange, Western front since July 1st.' w' Mnton, manager of her intentions. cally ready for despatch. I ex- speaker, said that he had always menta are come to with the'G T. Ivlft. amounts to six hundred'of the Grand Trunk pacific-, will 1 tpeet to return within- a-week.1? 4 felt that artnember retfnfntrfrm P,y they-muat live up to their.con.' q are miles. -shortly be appointed general ISKFpNA I ANNKK KS ! Th, informational! th will be the Legislature should at once tract. Before I will give them French Front, 'manager of the road. Mr. Hinloii get in touch with his constituents anything, I want to know what l'aris. June tfi. Oermau re-r was in Montreal yesterday con NOW WANT, FISHERMEN P Pie of Prince Bupert, relate. and render to tbam an account of they are going to do, and when, aoiterlng partle were repuls. ferring with Chairman Smilhers I to another branch of the fishing what has been accomplished. Mr. and what position, they are in to i al night on the Verdun sec. 'and President Chamber!in. The , A f,m Industry which will locate. in. Pattullo entered quite exhaustively do it. lor at Hill 301 and also on the rr r a tli. Water'Power. into the legislation o the flatter will lake three months cent arrivals In town that a scar- .V.r ,. V heights of the Meuee. leave of absence shortly, a preclude fcily of fishermen exists on the fish by a patent new Government at Victoria, and "This is a question of long to his resignation. ISkeena. and the canneries are rlne Process, which by slenlua-' explained the provisions of the standing. I myself was .once on OEM ERA L NEWS ITEMS ' un- rve he fish fresh, Audit Act, the question of the a delegation which visited Victoria "In that event J. E. Dalrymple, having some difficulty in having UrafDc vice-president, will succeed their licence- taken up this year. and rUiin the full fresh flavor railrqads, the Civil Service Bill, and put up a hard fight, but tpnUi ta Tbs rur 9s.l him. Mr. Hinton, who Is regarded This is accounted for by the fact al ,eavst,lwo ,weeli' Vlt,,oul the Mineral Survey Act. the Kqual I am sorry to say that the question The strike situation In Van. M" Pcked Guardianship Act, and the Forest remains much a. it was. I ...... i . . as the 'coming man' of the Grand that there are over six hundred " Th preliminary arrangements Relief Amendment Act, and the have had communications with I u"cua7- Trunk, was at the Windsor Hotel, fishermen out trolling, and they Uruguay have n;turaly ,ay nolnlnff are getting very fair catches. At ar sosff dvaneed that the com-Langara. creation of the Department of the city council, and f think they Soul ImpenLg and the Panr ahad Labor. pretty well satisfied with the s.Tn y.hnnUnC71.,in '7 Ze changes. He was around Queen !: of 05lI.i however. Noth- Charlotte Islands, also at Bundas w'lh fon'truction of their With regard to closed towns. iew- that I take and at a subse H,e,f w,u"" h"f and MWinss. The site Mr. Pattullo intimated that notice quent date you will have an opportunity most mr" i"" iuc can shake my faith In the Island, the trollera are nu- onuiuru cvaas, e-uiui u f mcrout selected is contiguous to that of had already been served upon the to say whether you approve Winnipeg,, Is likely. to be appoint A . This information will be very further south, it is learned that the Cold Storage Company's plant Granby Company that the Gov. of the course which the i i ll '.atlsfactory to the residents along there are as many fishermen as ""J31 ernment claimed one quarter in. Government pursues or not. A general amnesty for Irish j particularly there are licenses for. All prepa- .The new- concern will handle terest in their towusite at Anyox, The Drydock. rations are being made for the of fish, instead of in accordance with the regulations "I do not know of. anything. nounced in the House of Com- f ,Ilnlon , ,.rlnce coming aockeye season which JfIc"n he,r, Pu,,as" governing townsites. i more important 1 - S to tue IL town AS.man a"d "ad Ilk. W k...lln opens on the fOth curt. naUVu,1 Kia,(rn,on,1 fA Waterfront. The .orlh Oeruian Osteite f .nJ Mr. palrjmple On the Naas Iliver. the sprjng "JfJ,1, to ,bt !"nd,for "For a good many years." .aid speak temperately when, describing rM, utm.nr.?"?? U al one who believes in the salmon has not been very ,uc. the lion. Mr. Pattullo, "those of that situation. The mayor reUllullon. for the lhU fnd ces.ful this year, but hope, are Provinces and states and the grea you who were here at that time bad sent to me a copy of a letter es in shipping caused by. the the Ua entertained that If this weather hl?cod red will remember that there was from the assistant secretary of submarine campaign. ,of continues, thai the aockeye sea- and W d and.lh mr other considerable agitation that the the Munitions Board, the tenor of T,, 1 'U!f ua nl dec,dedl - ! THE COLTS GO WORTH son will be good (varieties for winch at present and city should hayp.water front. I which I did not like . I wrote him day that if American On enquiry. Inspector William. fa81 lh flhermen have myself took part in that agitation. and received a reply 'front Mr. 1 't I ruguyau fturtp, they will be Last evening the Colts baseball thai iiL u l.i.i.' Vint found or no demand, will I uever thought that the city wa. Flavelle, and answered Mr. Fla-velle treated as non-belligerent. Sympathy team left for Alice Arm and An-vox on for trolling will not be en fairly treated, I thought that the that he wa. only stalling. with the quantities of these nre taken by Uc ld that he understood that was expressed on the Princess May. A series forced this year. This is the llrst city should have more waterfront I niled States. 'of ball games have been arranged, season for which trolling regula-ju,e, ba,lb.uK hing boat, and and all they had was 200 feet in we had difficulty in getting Doug, u,,,,l'r co .u won., Section 2, The provincial las fir in Prince Rupert. I told TT Z the first of which will be played lions have been applied, and the gov. The greatest sacrifice of mer. aflernoyu at Alice Arm. strenuous opposition to the close ernment has some 1,500 feet. him very Plainly that the drydock !thrown away. The wharf in not in was built under contract for sub. government cjisi, hv wwa.s-sevw Thereafter the Colts will meet the seasou was backed by such good i t I A great economic waste of food as good condition as it ought to sidy from the Dominion Govern. . . 'Anyox team, after which the lat- reasons that its application win Tho h0C will Play Alice Arm. and the be deferred. will to a certain extent be stopped be. It will not .land the heavy;merit and condition, were such c.n,lth WelllngUin. Phone 15. J lb wn,wr , I by the operations of this new strain of handling coal traffic. Ithat long since we should have Prlnc Kupcrt Coal Co. final. All the team, are In first. MINERS WILLING. TO WORK company, which In times like took the matter up with the Pubwheea building .hips and maklug and good ball those existing at present. Is high. lie Works Department and an in-J munitions. lie sent that letter to da" -hape some ned.ictl.ms on every article at ; 'SMtitl to Ta DtUy i ly desirable. vestigatlon is being made as to Mr. Bueharl. who wrote me a noi.Bm.OQM'6. Itt. K ipecled. ! Ottawa, June 16 Mr. Crothers Mr. Lowry is highly - pleased why such conditions are and the letter, but bis letter was a stalling has received word from Green, with the businesslike wny in information will be got. I don't letter. I wrote him again and the oc rnnce ......... f-rr ii,....,jjin r j Corporation or me city i.i.i. i.i. i. i Rupert. representing the western coali 1 1 wren see why the government wharf last reply I, received wa. to the regarded by the 0. T. P. Company should effect that all the contrast, for WESTHOLME NEW TIlieMONI DIRBOTORV 'strike. The men are willing to not be the wharf of the, Tb cur i tuui tu pubiua t m accept his proposition and rcturn,anu people just as much as a city wooden .hip. had been given out, OPEKA MOUSE TrUrhuii plreclorr. Requl for tlltr-itlaot. to work, provided the inone own.,celvfd fr,om, lhe TV? wharf would be. . - but that seme orders for engines Ui rmlird xUiUuat up Is or rrlilty fhiatfi nlnr,is Junt me, will ft, ers accept. The attitude to con.ewn?' hU PrwJtc1, Th ' T I told the city council frankly mignt oe given, in v iion mey TONIGHT ONLY tod mull tx In rlUnt, Jlree4 to tlM Krri.,11.,.. u ..mmnici,! l,v Pmsi. P,anl employment a that I was not in favor of giving have let contracts to tbe Foundation lujwrlultJDl f UUIittn. CUT UtlL tic-iil Walters. Declares wealth permanent nature to a large num lota 1 and 2. I do nol like'lions Comnanv. which is a Mo it. JESSE L. LA8KY her of men, and will be a con- ofltreal have aeeured must go first. Labor wants some to Cut rlgnt into the middle firm. They a Presents further proof that the state is in siderable asset to the city 1,500 feet, because we never know piece of ground from the Provliu That the city will get actual danger Recall the pre. what demands may be made for (Conttou4 oa ret Tarts). Blanche Sweet waterfront I. now assured. vlous contrary nirfuranre given e s some greater development on a It was elated last night by by (he Premier, and says that Regarding closed town large seal, some day and right la in . the Hon. T. O. Pattullo, Labor was Jiot even consulted In the Province of B. ., th middle would be the city LONDON CAFE 99 Minister of Lands, that he over the matter. the Hen. Mr. Pattullo last wharf. There .are many application "TheEvilEye proposed to reserve, MO night declared that netlee for waterfrof, which I think 'eMeH 4LUftdsMi feet of Provincial waterfront Just arrived, SM tone of lump1 had already been served ,wm entitled to some eoosldera. FATHE GAZETTE on behalf of the city. eoal. Phone lit Albert A Mc upen the Granby Company Uua.' hut I propose at the at m1 Prompt tenrtee of the TRAVELOGUE Caffery, to hasp a quarter of Uheir of tbe !. ftt to res err 30 Mere) le te eat at aH townsKe conveyed to the fV n h uf the est?. Admlaalon 10 and oenta. For dressed lumber of all kinds l!irv arllnla ii rulurfil. Sum a)w Bay. albert A McOafTery. Phone 11S. mer clearing- Kale at Goldbloom's.J r e , t ' "RepresouUttlon it a v e been