TIIK DAILY NEWS Saturday, June- fl ,0l i j Ilrltish characteristic, apparently, Have you and s Innocent chlldfwi and non. The Daily News kni civilians Iti flreat Mrlt. tllC LEADING NEWSPAPER IN fOrtTKtRN 'BKMIsIl COt HP ligesuon f !aln must still suffer, from German Published utl WiMit i frlBlitfulnrss. Guaranteed Larsjeel Irculatlon Year food will continue to djsv The laly Vew" delivered by and cause with you, auree II11AD .UrFllIK 50 cents per month. .arrirr. tress until you strengthen your iJHllywn HuildinK, 3rd Ave, PniW Hiipri, U.V. Tjr1epmn vH digestive organs, and tone and .-MSB asm sssaNsssD sweeten the stomach. You can Salvation Army. Hi VNrtKN I" tilHt'l.AY AllVKKTlr'lMi-iao .-nU ifr kii,?f4 limit rsct do this quickly and wrely by ml nn application. ? promptly taking few doeea of u..hii niie Unas. Tuesdays. ' ' - -r Ut'fS V .--- '- Tliuii'days and Saturdays at H p. . . DAILY EDITIOH tK5jl?u Saturday, Juno 10, 1017. BEHHMTS MA Hrprntdnc- is often regret for was introduced is only a part ,,ur failures. The one subject which is of .conscription bill. It Is not complete. PIUS the greatest interest In the It has been left for a OAL fionect member of the Opposition to Iiominlon today ia whether or call the attention of Parliament Their natural action relieves i(KEinA LAND RECORDINC DISTRICT the stomach of undigested food, IITRICT Or QUEEN GSWH1.dtt iaunue not compulsory military.ser to an equally important matter flow of the stimulates vice will be enforceJ by the to which this Government the gastric of Take twiiee Ibal Wiiiieni Diioii, of Vie tiovernment. There are very- would never apply conscrip juice, renews activity 'luria, B C occiipatiun acrvuntant. Intends and liver and bowels, the lU to prosci rot fur arpiy iH-rmlMka few people but will admit thai tion, unless they were com. strengthens the digestive system. and petroleum on fee wesl cuail the principle of conscription pel led to, much against their Take them with confi Crsbam Island, la vicinity of West river. a ml the placing of the whole will. That is, that the accumulated dence, for CO years' experience ; cumownruic al a poel planteu woe Bill country on a proper war basis wealth at present in that Beecham's Fills ! sooth of the euatbeeil comer of C L prove 1 north t chains, rhenre tail is the thin? lo do it n time -private " hands contribute towards IITj . feence ,lt chains fernce south It cbalns. feence like the present. In this con the cost of the war, In Are good for ttl It chslot to point of commencemenL nection, iU is ell lo remember like manner as so many brave WILUAM DIXO.1. that the principle of conscription men have contributed their Stomach Mtrch II, lilt, Ausun Bro-e, atenL Now THREE Flavour ihe does not mean the application lives. of compulsory military The Soldiers who have fallen Uerf SeleafAav MeeUM la m Wests). COAL.. NOTtCU service, only. It has a wider on the field of battle have given Ct SNA LAND MOOROIM DISTRICT significance than that, and in all thai they had for the welfare I STRICT OP QUUN CMARLOTTK ISUtSIBS Get a package of the new "Juicy Fruit M order to' place the country on Of.the' Empire-r-and "what fssed. Venizelos, the Cretan, will 1 Take aoUre that James Mctalty, of a proper war footing, as other will a man give for his life now be in a position to weld jrnnos Rupert, occupation merthant, la-I See what a joyous, lasting nations have been compelled to yea, all that he hath." It is a into kind of unity, lends to apply far permission to protpeci will to much' Greece some jfor coal and peirvteum oo the esl roast flavour has been crowded do, the principle require very lesser thing to ask and it be taken for granted vtesi may of Orabam island in fee vicinity ei be applied in other directions. that those who do not risk many that the Allies will obtain every river. in to give you a great, BIG their lives should give up a assistance from the people of Cummesflne at a tmet blasted one mile While the immediate object part of what that life is worth. Greece, in the catnpaikn against south of southern corner of C U ttlTi 5 cent package of refreshment! theoce east It south It of the bill now introduced into Equality of sacrifice is demanded rtieoce chains, Turks and Austrians. tho liulgars, rktina. thane north rnalne. thence Parliament is the securing of of in time of everyone vest It chains to point of commencroMnL I 11 fveeaeeSecf-I MACK IN CANADA one hundred thousand men lo national peril. And it is but Hit tnr bit the German line is JAMES MtHLLTT. llP Ae mW SJtcxf TlgM- complete the half million ' reasonable that those who do crumbling before the constant March 11, ItlT. AnsUa Browo, aroL XP .promised as the quota from the not offer their lives should battering of the Allies' bombard Dominion it is apparent that contribute at least pari of what ment. The two retirals announced SatKMA ISTRICT LAND OF QUSUI RSOOerMM CHARLOTTE DISTRICT ISLANDS the powers given the Government life is worth to thenu Until in yesterday's dispatches may be by this bill make it such action is .made compulsory, taken lo be the presage of a further Tika n&tlre feat Turner" Rothvetl MaUea. for them to call it will ij tlrtoni a. C oecwetloa merchant. In- possible up never become general. and possibly greater strategic Ln annlr Cue 'Trnrc nllUun ie OTueDeCL even a greater number than retreat. A second strategic for cval and peiroteum on fee eel coasi that should the necessity arise. The logical 'supplement lo retreat will put Hindenburg in the of Graham IsUad. la vicinity of vsi rtter. .But the conscription of the! compulsory military service is class of the past masters in the UMnmeocinr si a post piasted one miie natn nf the eonfeessl corner Of C U jiian power of the country is! compulsory financial contribution. art and the greal leader of Ihe 111. tbtece sl It chains, thence north not .'sufficient. What about If the Government were German forces to victory will have aa cbalns. feence east It chains, feence ' food stuffs? The average man,I honest in their placing-the bur. another story to tell the Kaiser. HMilh It chains lo point of CMnsuenceoMnL -.THE FLAVOUR LASTS who is head of a family, and in , den of the war equally through, TURNER ROTinvtLL XlUt, Canada there are many jrountt; out the people, they would have Several of the children who March II. HIT. Austin Snr-n. atvnL Chew It after every meal J families, cannot regard with taken long ago, not as loans, were injured when the bomb fell SKEENA LAND RSOONDINcj D4 STRICT if n equanimity the idea Of his being but as a direct tax, that surplus upon the school building in London ISTNICT OT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS drafted to fight his coun. of riches from those who were so seriously hurt that try's battles, and his dear one possess it. they have since died. It will have Take notice that Arnea Brown, or Vic left lo face the ever-rising cost It is safe lo say that if such been noticed that of late the Ger apply tons. B.for C,permlaeioa occupation lo wldew,prospect intends for coal so of bare living on the allowance steps as would ensure the protection man aeroplanes are leaving the and petroleum on west coast of Orabam made by the Government. The of dependents from exploitation, open towns and cities of France Island, in vicinity or Weil river. Spring Schedule allowance, while generous compared and the placing of alone. They know that reprisals Comuenciar si a poet punted two ruil south or the southeast corner ef C with that of some European the burden of the war upon the will follow swift and sure from ItOlli feence west It chains, tbrnce 1. 1. rfHvtOC QCOItQC countries, does not Keep broader backs of those most the Ereneh aviators. Thus the aorta It chains, thence east It chains. TH4HM9AY 1t Hldnlght f.o r Vancouver very large, especially In the able to bare it, Ihere would French civilian population to a tbenee south M chains, to point or com Victoria and Soalllt. West, and it is grossly unfair never have been any necessity certain extent are protected, But tneoccaienL AOSES BR0W5, WKOMUDAY RllDNIQHT WOH ANYOX that the food barons .and manipulators for the.introduction of this bill returning evil for evil is not a Msrch II, HIT, Austin Brown. atenL 1. 1. PftlNCC JOftN ahould, with the connivance of half measures now before 13th. SKEENA LAND RECOOIN DIITRSCT For KsUhlkan, Wranatll,Juneau and Ikagway, Junt of a friendly Government, Parliament. Ml SENA LANS eeSOOStOsIM DISTRICT ISTRICT OT QUEEN CMARLOTTK ISLANDS For Vancouver, Juno 1llh. bet permitted to (realize ISTRICT OT QUEEN OSiARLOTTK ISLANDS t. t. PRJNCI ALsstrtT fat profits at the expense of lUT ANO eeWKNTS Tske notice that Joseph Roust, of Prince or Take notice thai Edward Mckard. For Quosn CharlotU Islands, Junt lth. Rupert. . C occupation prospector, la the dependents of those who Lea ad teles, occupation enrmeer, intends lends so for permission to prospect FAMCNOC1I TRAIN'WrTVICC apply risking their lives!for these On account of the duplicity of lo apply Tor peraisstoa to prospect for are for coal and petroleum on fee steal coast Wedaeedet M Bale rear at 11 M a. . fee awNnee mee Aeeets. IS-weMeo, same people. The Government, King Consl&ntine. the Allies have of Graham Island. In vicinity of West coal and petroleum oo fee west coast ot Beeaateeei as WtMlsoa, SMtssfl eMeettee Weee fee sU relets Crabam Island, la vicinity or Wssi river, elected ;to pfeserve the been compelled to take strong river Commenciar it s poet planted owe mile eat see eowth. .SJIeed train oeeey TeeeSey at 4 sv aa. rigbls of the people .at large, measures to protect their rear in Cotnsnencinf from poet planted one soatb of the southeast corner of C L AajoNor All Ostan tUamshlp Llnsa. mile south of Use southwest corner of C U have for the three rear of the the IJalkan campaign. With an tttl. feence south St chains, feence east IlITi thence weel it chafes, thence north For Information and reservations apply to war permitted prices to rite active iloiienzollern as a partner, it chsina. tbrnce north It chains, thence 10 cbaina, thence east It chains, feence City Tlckot Oftloa, SsM Third Avanua. FHONE 2C0 touth It chains to pout of cotnmencemenL from height to height, without it is evident that the late king est It cbaina to polot or eommencemrnL taking any action., could not be trusted to maintain i JOSEPH ROWAT, March SI, HIT, Austin Brown, atenL March II, HIT. Austin Brown, stent, This, conscription bill as it that neutrality which he pro. SKEENA LAND SUtCOSMMSM DISTRSCT SKEENA LAND RECORD!NCJ DltTRSCT ISTRICT Of QUBKN CMARLOTTK ISLANDS ISTRICT OT QUEEN CMARLOTTK ISLANDS MIMCML Mr MrfHERAL ACT Tske notice that John William Ooaa, of nbbbbbbbbW 'CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Victoria, B. C occupation merchant, intends take notice:feat James Ray, of Victoria. to B, C oocspaUoo betel proprietor, lo leads to spply for permission prospect NOTICE TO DEU.IQl'ENT FARTHER Certificate of Improvements lo for lo fur Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Te C W. Calhoun: for coel'aod petroleum on fee weal coasl apply permission prospect ,BJSSJNSjBaPSK Tike notice. but as I tire done and of Graham Island. In vicinity of West river. coal and petroleum on Ihe west coasl or via Steamer to Vancouver and the caused to be done asset meat work on tbe 'NOTtOC Cunmendor al a post planted two miles Orabam Island, In vicinity ef Weel river. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY south of southeast comer f C L. Cotnmenclns at a pott planted al the tbe Midnliiit Fraction mineral claim, 'situated Carlton Mineral Claim situate In fee Meals end llerth Incltidsd on Steemee a the Uiiaaee river, aboat fourteen.miles Skeena Minlac Division of Casslar District. tlITi tbenee west It chains, thenre south sou fewest comer of C L. tltl; feence from the bud or Alice inn. la tbe Skeena Where located: Near bead or AUce It chains, feene east It chains, feence west 10 cbalns. feence south It cbalns. aalnlnr division of skeena district assess, Arm. B. C ' north It cbaina to point of commencement thence east 10 chains, thence north 10 Princess May for Granby Bay and Alloc Arm FHday 11 p.m. stent work for ttu. 1SU. and ttlf. and TAKE NOTICE that I. J. Fred Ritchie, JOIt-t WILLIAM GOIS, hams to point' or oummenrecnenL Vancouver via Ocean Falls, Sunday 6 p.m. Princess May for have paid for said work and recording Free Miner's Certiflcau .no. St t C, tetter March SI. ItlT, Austin Brown. syenL JAMES RAY. same the sum of 1107.14. Unless you par as a sent for W. A. Williams. Pre Miner's SKEENA LAND REOOaOUia DISTVWOT March II. ItlT, Austin Browa. atenL Princess Alloc for Vancouver, Saturday, June 16th. sm tne sum of HOMO, for your share Ceruncate Mo. tone, intend, titty dan f fee said assessment work, totetber with rrom tbe date hereof, lo apply to tbe ISTRICT OT QUERN CMARLOTTK ISLANDS BKKKNA LAND NECOfrOtlM DIITRtCT tbe cost or this advertisement, f shall, al Mininr Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, ISTRICT OT SJSJKKN OSiARLOTTK ISLANDS Gener! Airent Take notice feat Roslyn bake, of fori J. I. PETERS, re eiplrttlon ef ninety (to) days from for tbe purpose of obtaining hole I In Tske notice thai Frederick Moersch, or land. Ore, occupation proprietor. Crown Oraat of tbe claim. Third Avertue, Trlr.ce Rurert. 5.C Iks date hereof applr M the attaint recorder above Ce ner Fenjetr. Street mnJ tend I lo apply for permission to prospect Victoria, B. C, occupation talesman. In- at Prince Rupert. 1. C to bare And further take notice feat action, sn for coal and petroleum on the well coast irndt to ai-ply for permission to prospect reur Interests in tbe Mldnlcbt Fraction ider section tt must be commenced before of Orabam Island, In tbe vicinity of Weal fur coal and petroleum on the west coasl mineral claim vested in me. In pursuance lite Issuance of socn tertlfleale of Im river. nt Graham Island, la vicinity or West river. r the provisions of fee mineral act. provetnenta. Coninienclnc al post pleated one mile Commend nr al a pott planted two miles this lib Dated this tTtb of A. D a, Dated at Prince Rupert. Bs C I ; day March, south of tbe southeast corner of C L. south of tbe southeast comer or C L sc of April. (9 IT. Jy 11 lIT. Jt Safety 9Tlj tbenr south 10 chains, tbenee weal mi, thence east 10 cbalns, feence south II. C PHILLIPS. J. FRED RITCHIE, Atenl It chains, tbenee north It cbalns, thence 10 chains, thence west It chains, tbenee rati S cbaina to point er cunniaoeeiiienL north to chains to point or commeocemenL HO SLY DukE FREDERICK MOERSCH, Lrwriu-. . : March Si, hit. Ausun Brown. atenL March II. HIT, Austin Brown. atenL to nuo' h 1 te"-tfj-gl SKEENA LAND RAOOROINO DISTRICT SKEENA LAND RECORDIKS DISTRICT the W.t lauiickAliceB. ISTRICT OP QUEEN CMARLOTTK ISLANDS ISTRICT Or QUEKN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SwBsSJt BW wee e- rt" eatsi -m - Take notice tbal Oliver Brown, of Vic Take notice thai John Booth, or Los tar, Ika hl toria, B, C, occupation niacblntsi, Intends Antrles. occupation rootracter. luienrfa lo rOW"THE SALT UU to sit'ly lor permission to prospect for aiiply for pcnnitsion lo prospect for cosl IT.. I-. Ma MM - 'laaalaaaHaalaalaaalHaR very fine Day (rem oal and Htrolruiu on lbs west eoasi of ana peiroieum on ire west roail of Graham i10 a. in. Orsham slsnl In vicinity or Weil river, Island, In vteinily or Weil river. A. B. SHUBERT, I.e. SScVf.- tvrruRN fam ate. Cotumeurlnr St a post planted lo mUes ConiUM-nrlnt at a;tosl nlanted two iwllea south ef ihe southeail corner. l C L south or fee southeast comer or C. L Call It?It Uwnre south It cliama, iheore wes IITIt thenre eail 10 chains, feence north 10 cbalns. feenre north 10 chains, thenre 10 W. J. TMOSSAS, rswme, chains, tbenee west 10 chains, then east 10 chains to point ot eommrnrrtueni. south 10 chains to point of comtneneesnenL reesj M1. News OUVI.H for The Daily ; : BR0W.1, 1011.1 BOOTH, Subscribe Msrch tl, ItlT, Austin Brown, lasnt Msrch tl, ItlT, tuitin Brown, ttent